Assignment CH 3

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Dynamics of Machinery (BTME13502)

Ch. 3 Free Vibration

1) Define the following terms with suitable examples;

a) Damped vibration d) Natural frequency
b) Torsional vibration e) Undamped vibration
c) Degree of freedom
2) What is the difference between single and double degree of freedom?
3) What do you mean by whirling of shaft? Why and where it is necessary to check the
whirling speeds of the shaft?
4) What is damping coefficient?
5) Explain modeling of system with suitable example.
6) Determination of the natural frequency by energy method.
7) Define damping. Explain different ways of providing the damping for reducing vibrations.
8) List different types of dampings. Explain any one in detail.
9) Find the natural frequency of the torsional oscillations for the system shown in figure. Take G
= 0.83 x 1011 N/m2 and J = 14.7 kg.m2. Neglect the inertia effect of the shaft.

10) A vibrating system consists of a mass of 50 kg, a spring of stiffness 30 kN/m and a damper.
The damping provided is only 20% of the critical value. Determine :
a) The damping factor
b) The critical damping coefficient
c) The natural frequency of damped vibrations
d) The logarithmic decrement
e) The ratio of two consecutive amplitudes.
11) In a single degree damped vibrating system, a suspended mass of 8 kg makes 30 oscillations
in 18 seconds. The amplitude decreases to 0.25 of the initial value after 5 oscillations.
Determine :
a) The stiffness of the spring
b) The logarithmic decrement
c) The damping factor
d) The damping coefficient

12) A gun is so designed that, on firing, the barrel recoils against a spring. A dashpot, at the
end of the recoil, allows the barrel to come back to its initial position within the minimum
time without any oscillation. A gun barrel has a mass of 500 kg and a recoil spring of 300
N/mm. The barrel recoils 1m on firing. Determine;
a) The initial recoil velocity of the gun barrel, and
b) The critical damping coefficient of the dashpot engaged at the end of the recoil
13) Determine the frequency of torsional vibrations of the disc shown in
figure. Both the ends of the shaft are fixed and diameter of the shaft is
40 mm. The disc has a mass of 96 kg and a radius of gyration of 0.4 m.
Take modulus of rigidity for the shaft material as 85 GN/m2. l1 = 1 m
and l2 = 0.8 m.

14) A dashpot is used in a vibrating system to damp out the vibrations. The diameter of cylinder
is 85 mm and is filled completely with an oil having viscosity of 40 CP. The length and
diameter of piston are 60 mm and 80 mm respectively. Calculate the damping coefficient
of a dashpot. If the damping resistance is 250 N, Determine the velocity of piston.
15) The following data refers to a fluid dashpot damper; diameter of piston = 60 mm; length
of piston = 50 mm; radial clearance between piston and cylinder = 2 mm. If a vibrating
system exerts a force of 400 N on dash pot at the relative velocity of 2.6 m/s; determine
the absolute viscosity of the fluid to be used in dash pot.
16) The following data relate to a shaft held in long bearings. Length of shaft = 1.2 m; diameter
of shaft = 14 mm; mass of rotor at midpoint = 16 kg; eccentricity of center of mass of rotar
from centre of rotor = 0.4 mm; modulus of elasticity of shaft material= 200 GN/m2;
permissible stress in shaft material= 70 x 106 N/m2.
Determine the critical speed of the shaft and the range of speed over which it is unsafe to
run the shaft. Assume the shaft to be massless.
17) The shaft shown in figure carries two masses. The mass A is 300 kg with a radius of
gyration of 0.75 m and the mass B is 500 Kg with a radius of gyration of 0.9 m. Determine
the frequency of the torsional vibrations. It is desired to have the node at the mid-section
of the shaft of 120 mm diameter by changing the diameter of the section having a 90 mm
diameter. What will be the new diameter?

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