The Sexually Sadistic Serial Killer

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Janet I. Warren, 1 D.S. W.; Robert R. Hazelwood, M.S.; and Park E. Dietz, 3 M.D., M.P.H., and Ph.D.

The Sexually Sadistic Serial Killer F


REFERENCE: Warren n. Hazelwood RR. Dietz PE. The sexually reported a history of cross-dressing, fetishism, and homosexual
sadistic serial killet: J fッュセsゥ」@ Sci 1996;41(6):97(}...974. activity but was "often impotent" in his heterosexual relationships. t.
He was described as being cruel to animals; interested in black F
ABSTRAcr: This article explores characteristics and crime scene magic, Nazism, and weapons; and "excited by cruelty in books d
behavior of 20 sexually sadistic serial munlems. The pairing of
character pathology with parapbilic arousal to the control and degra· and films." Brittain contended that the sadistic murderer was likely F
dation of others is examined as it manifests itself in their murders. to offend following a loss of self-esteem, experienced relief in L
Commonalities across munlcrs and acrosa munlems are bigh- response to his murder, and behaved "'notroally" after it. He killed
lighted. i.e.• the execution of munlcrs tha1 are well-planned. the by asphyxia or multiple stabbings. Prognostically, Brittain I•.
use of preselected locations. captivity. a variety of painful sexual (.
observed that this type of murderer was often a model prisoner or
acts, sexual bondage, intentional torture. and death hy means of
strangulation and stabbing. patient but "'given the opportunity he is likely to murder again and a
he knows it"
KEYWORDS: forensic science. forensic psychiatty, sexual MacCullough, Snowdert, Wood, and Mills discussed the interre- s
sadism, serial munler. paraphilia. crintinal profiling lationship between sadistic fantasy, sadistic behavior, and criminal t
offending (3). They argue that the wish to control lies at the heart I'
of sadism and defme sexual sadism as "'the repeated practice of c
behavior and fantasy which is characterized by a wish to control
"'I did and perpetrated them [the murders] following [the another person by domination, denigration or inflicting pain for
dictates] of my imagination and my thought, without the the purpose of producing mental pleasure and sexual arousal
advice of anyone, and according to my own judgment and (whether or not accompanied by orgasm) in the sadist."
entirely for my own pleasure and physical delight, and for Drawing from patients at Park Lane Hospital in Liverpool,
no other intention orend."'-Baron Gilles de Rais (1400's) (I) England. MacCullough et al. identified 16 individuals who bad
been diagnosed as psychopathic and who had been convicted of t
Throughout history, there have been isolated, but highly publi- a sexually motivated crime. Eighty-one percent of the offenders had
cized cases of serial murder. Jack the Ripper. a source of on-going been masturbating to fantasies of rape, buggery, kidnap, bondage, l
inquiry and speculation, became famous following a series of flagellatiort, torture, and killing for extended periods of time before
prostirute murders in London, England. in 1888. In the 1950s, Ed their offenses. The majority of the offenders reported nonaggres-
Gein provided the prototype for the movie, Silence of the lAmbs. sive sexual fantasies following puberty, but one to seven years
by using the skin of his murder victims to fashion face masks after the onset of puberty, sadistic content began to appear. accom-
and articles of clothing. Most recently, Jeffrey Daluner shocked panied by a "substantial" increase in masrurbatory activity. A
America when the body parts of multiple male victims were found significant number of the offenders described their sadistic fanta-
in his apartment in Milwaukee, and he confesaed not ouly to having sies as being progressive in narure with the fantasies continually
sex with the corpses but eating muscle tissue of his victims. being changed to maintain their efficacy as a source of arousal
In 1970, Brittain attempted to offer a "'clinical description of and pleasure. The authors comment; "'this increase in the power
the sadistic murderer," a significant number of who had murdered of fantasies was accomplished by increasing the sadistic context
multiple times (2). Drawing from case srudies, he suggested that and also by including fantasy based on previous behavioral 'try-
the sadistic murderer was an introspective, solitary, and prodish outs' of the main fantasy sequence." The offenders reported acting
person who rarely showed any signs of overt violence. His develop- out discrete components of the sexually sadistic fantasy over
mental history was characterized by an ambivalent relationship to extended periods of time before their patterns of violent offending
his mother, a punitive relationship with his father, and general coalesced. Offenses that did not appear overtly sadistic were con-
difficulty in relating socially to others. Brittain suggested that, sidered covertly sadistic "because they are part of an escalating
sexually, this type of offender experienced a rich fantasy life and sequence of sadistic behavior, which, if unchecked. can ultimately
lead to loss of life." These offenders were all characterized from
Janet I. Warren, Associate professor of Clinical Psycbiattic Medicine. an early age by difficulties in social relatedness that developed
Institute of Law. Psycbiatty and Public Policy. University of Virginia.
Cbarlottesville, Vuginia. after puberty into a problem of relating erotically. In describing this
'Robert R. Hazelwood, FBI (Retired). Vice-president, The Academy formative process, these authors comment: "'fantasy of successful
Group. Manassas. Vuginia. control and dominance of the world can be conceptualized as an
'Park E. Dietz, Clinical professor of Psycbiatty and Biobehavioral Sci- operant which increases the probability of its own recurrence by
ences. U.C.L.A. Scbool of Medicine. President, Threat Asaesament Group,
the relief which it gives from a pervasive sense of failure." In
Inc .. and President, Park Dietz & Associates. Newport Beach, California.
Received for publication 29 Jan. 1996; revised manuscript received 26 assessing this pairing offantasy with progressive behavioral enact-
March 1996; accepted for publication 28 March 1996. ment, MacCullough et al. caution that "'if a man presents with

.. ·r

sadistic sexual fanlaSies, admits to previous tryouts (which may the hedonistic type; and the power-<:ontrol-oriented type. They
have resulted in recordable offenses), and demonstrates a pattern apparently attempt to differentiate the psychotic serial killer from
of progression of offending and fanlaSy, then progression to killing the sexually motivated, characterologically-<listurbed serial killer.
would appear to be a strong possibility." but the basis on which they attribute particular motives to cerlain
In 1985, Levin and Fox undenook to study mass murder, a weU-known offenders is unclear.
phenomenon they defined as involving either a simullaneous mass In 1989, Prentky, Burgess, Rokous, and Austiin attempted to
slaying or a series of killing with at least four victims (4). Drawing explore further the role of fanlaSy in serial sexual murder. Using
from a sannple of 42 offenders, they concluded that the mass part of the sannple interviewed by Ressler et al., as well as cases
murderer is typically a white male in his late twenties or early from the Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons in
thirties; in cases of serial murder, be kills by beating or strangula- Massachusetts, they セッュー。イ・、@ 25 sexual murderers who had killed
tion. According to Levin and Fox, the sexually motivated offender at least three times with I7 sexual murderers who had killed only
is ''more evil than crazy"; be is described as traveling from state once (9). They found that the serial sexual murderers reponed
al to state, "searching for victims whom be can rape and sodeinize, more compulsive masturbation, indecent exposure. and voyeuristic
IS. torture and dismember, stab and strangle." Emphasizing that this activity and had a significantly higher incidence of fetishism and
:k particular type of offender is seldom driven by hallucinations or cross-<lressing. The serial killers were also characterized by more
ks delusions, Levin and Fox assert that be is most often a sociopathic consuntiing violent fantasies and a consistently better planned and
ly personality devoid of guilt or conscience and intent upon control- more organized crime scene. Highlightiing the imparlance of inter-
in ling and dominating others. nal drives to an underslllnding of repetitive sexual murder, Prentky
od In I 986, Dietz drew from case exannples and resean:b in progress et al. emphasized the need to undersland further why "some indi-
.in to develop a typology of serial, mass, and sensational homicides viduals move from fanlaSy to behavior and others do not ..." .
or (5). The term "serial murder" was used to refer to cases in which Langevin, most recently. has sought to describe the behavior
nd a single perpetrator killed others in five or more separate incidents. of "sex killers" (10). Observing that they are, in many respects,
According to Dietz, the serial killer is often a psychopathic sexual demographically similar to killers in general, be notes that they
..,. sadist who kills strangers by means of strangulation, stabbing, or are characterized by two unique aspects of their modus operandi;
lal beating, because these means of death allow greater intimacy than i.e., they more often choose strangers as victims and tend to use
lrt projectile weapons. Dietz aigUed against the diagnostic labeling strangulation as their preferred method of murder. Drawing on an
of of these men as borderline personality disorders, emphasizing that earlier study of 13 sex killers, be observed that 31% appeared to
col "these men enjoy killing people." Dietz recognized additional cate- be driven by pure sexual release, whereas an additional 69% fused
セッイ@ gories of serial killers: crime spree killers; functionaries of orga- a sexual motive with anger. Diagnostically, most of the murderer.;
;al nized crime; custodial poisoners and asphyxiators; and the were suffering from some type of character disorder, and 75% met
"supposed psychotics." diagnostic criteria for sexual sadism. Although both sex killer.;
ol, Leyton wrote that the serial killer uses murder to provide both and a group of sexual aggressors tended to suffer from multiple
ad ''revenge and a life-long celebrity career" in a social context that paraphilias (including voyeurism, exhibitionism. and frollage), sex
of highlights worldly annbition, success and failure, and "manly killers were engaged in transvestism more often than nonsex killer.;
ad avenging violence" (6). Drawing from detailed narratives of and nonhomicidal sexual aggressors. Eighty percent of the sex
Kemper, Bundy, de Salvo, and Berkowitz, be argued against killers reported running away from home as children, 83% had
>re "clumsy" psychiatric attempts to fmd these men insane, asserting temper lantrums, and 60% had alcoholic fathers. Langevin reponed
!S· that their motivations ''transcend mere catharsis and temporary no difference in intelligence between the three groups, but indicated
ars gratification: their aim (being ... ) a more annbitious one. a kind that 40% of the sex killers showed some abnormality in the right
m· of sustained subpolitical campaign directed towards 'the time- temporal horn area of the brain and a trend toward an elevated
A lessness of oppression and the order of power'." level of testosterone.
Ia- In I 988, Ressler, Burgess, and Douglas published the results of Interspersed throughout these various attempts to undersland
lly interviews with 36 sexual murderers, most of whom murdered serial murder, is an implicit or explicit recognition of the sexual
sal multiple times (7). The authors exannined the developmental his- component of some types of repetitious homicide. Although the
ver toty, motivational dynamics, and crime scene behavior that charac- terms vary depending on the author's discipline, descriptors such as
ext terized certain notorious killers and determined that the men in "sexual honticide," "sadism," and ''paraphilic murder" repeatedly
ry- their sannple were not only aware of their Jong-slanding preoccupa- occur in accounts of many of the most virulent serial murderers.
ing tion with murder, but also "devoted to violent, sexualized thoughts Dietz has been perhaps the most definitive in assertiing that the
ver and fantasies." Examining the progressive development of these blending of sexual sadism with psychopathic character pathology
ing fanlaSies from childhood through adolescence into adulthood, the results in the phenomenon of men who "enjoy killing."
>D- authors conclude that these men murdered ''because of the way To explore one subgroup of serial killers more fully, we compiled
ing they think," and that the motivation for sexual murder lay in their data on 20 sexually sadistic serial murderers. Some of these dala
ely internally driven and pervasively active fanlaSy life. The authors (16 subjects) were compiled as part of the Dietz, Hazelwood, and
om suggested that childhood sexual trauma may be a predisposing Warren study of sexually sadistic criminals ( 11 ). The 20 men
Jed factor to murder and that deviant fanlaSies precede the sexually selected for the present study were responsible for 149 murder.;
his violent crimes of these men. throughout the United Slates and Canada.
;ful Holmes and DeBurger, using the FBI's classification scheme,
an asserted that the serial murderer was the most heinous and per- Method
by plexing of violent offenders (8). Highlightiing four classifactOty
In thennes (the background of the offender, his victims, the methods The dala were compiled from case files obtained by the FBI's
lCt- Used, and the location of the victims), they suggest four subcategor- National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime tlu:ough their
,jth ies of serial murder: the visionary type; the ntission-oriented type; case consultations or research effons. Cases were included in the

sample if: a. the perpetrator demonstrated an enduring pattern of aggressive sex offenders whose criminal histories are often charac-
sexual arousal to images of suffering or humiliation and b. the terized by a lengthy constellation of property and personal crimes.
offender killed at least three victims in at least three incidents This pattern supports either the specificity of these offenders'
separated by time, place, or both. For each case, information was criminal intent or their skill at avoiding deteCtion, and highlights
available from a variety of sources, including police investigation the difficulty of law enforcement in identifying them early in their
reports, crime scene photographs, victim statements, reports of criminal careers.
interviews with families, confessions, psychiatric reports, trial tran- Still, not all of the crimes of sexual sadists are designed to fulfill
scripts, presentencing reports, descriptions generated by the offend- their sexual desires. For example. some of the subjects in this
ers (i.e., manuscripts, diaries, sketches, audiotapes, and video- study had engaged in armed robbery, illegal arms deals, drug
tapes), interviews with the offender, and/or published book-length trafficking, counterfeiting, and other crimes for profiL One of the
biographies of the offender. All data reported represent minimum subjects committed three known murders, none of whicb can be
estimates of the actual frequency of the variables studied; the proven to have been committed in the course of sexually sadistic
data were collected frum sources of information not designed acts. One victim was a wife whom be had tortured sexually for
specifically for research. years, but asphyxiated merely because be got tired of her and
wanted a new wife. A second victim was an adolescent female
Results and Discussion whose body was skeletonized; be remained silent about stabbing
her. A third victim was the female relative of a woman be intended
Nineteen of the 20 offenders were white males (see Table I). to kill.
This over-representation of Caucasians in sexually motivated serial Abel, Becker, Cunningbam-Rathner, Mittelnum, and Rouleau's
crimes is a panern observed in other research (Warren J, Reboussin study of paraphilic behavior bas indicated that individuals plagued
R, Hazelwood R, Gibbs N, Trumberta S, Escalation in violence by one paraphilia generally suffer either simultaneously or sequen-
in serial rape, unpublished). Although blacks are known to commit tially from three or four additional paraphilias over the course of
serial rape and murder in an instrumental fashion, for example, in their lives (12). Not unexpectedly, in this sample. a significant
the context of burglaries or robberies, the fantasy-driven crimes proportion of the men demonstrated an interest in paraphilic activi-
of the sexual sadist do not appear to be represented proportionally ties in addition to those reflecting sexual sadism. These included
in this population. This pattern may reflect a different process of voyeurism, obscene phone calls, exhibitionism, fetishism, and/or
development of sexual identity among the two groups, a different cross-dressing. Over half of the men also reported homosexual
potential for developing paraphilic preferences, or both. experiences as adults. The multifaceted nature of the sample's
Anthropological studies of serial murder highlight the lower sexual behavior is consistent with the clinical hypothesis that per-
class origins and the oppressive inequality of the early life of this versions may be polymorphous and reflective of some underlying
panicuiar group of offenders. This study found that 65% of the disorganization or lack of unification in the development of the
sample came from middle- or upper-middle class families. The sexual libido. Recent research, by Hucker, Langevin, Dickey,
available information indicates, however, that at least 50% also Handy, Chambers, and Wright, associates sexual aggression and
came from families characterized by infidelity and divorce. These
sexual sadism with neurological abnormalities in the right temporal
findings suggest that sexually sadistic serial murder is not related
hom of the brain (13). Prentky and Burgess discuss the role of
to lower class origins, but may be associated with a chaotic or
the limbic system, serotonin, and sex hormones in the manifestation
unstable early life experience.
of sexually aggressive behavior (14). These preliminary findings
Interestingly, 65% of the sample had no arrest record before
or propositions invite further inquiry as to whether the well-docu-
being arrested for murder. This panern is unlike other types of
mented clustering ·of paraphilic behaviors might emanate from
subtle yet significant neurological or biochemical dysfunctions.
Many writers have emphasized the role that violent fantasies
TABLE I -Characteristics of 20 sexually sadistic serial murrle,.rs. play in the occurrence of sexually sadistic behavior. Drawing from
the sketches, videos, and pornography that were accumulated by
n %
these men, at least 85% of the sample had violent fantasies that
Male 20 100 seemed to remain consistent over significant periods of lime. These
White 19 95 fantasies contain a ritualized, repetitious core that is highly arous-
Middle class background 13 65 ing to the sexual sadisL The assimilation of this core fantasy into
Parental illfidelity and/or divorce 10 so ritualized, repetitious behavior across successive murders suggests
Stable employment IS 75
Homosexual experience in adulthood II 55 that this internal representation is the script followed by the
Paraphilic interest in peeping, obscene phone offender during his crimes. Evidence of such scripted behaviors
calls, or indecent exposure 9 45 can be instrumental in linking offenses perpettated by the same
Paraphilic interest in fetishism, bondage, offender.
or transvestism s 25
A previous study by Hazelwood. Warren, and Dietz suggests
Evidence of violent fantasies 16 80
Shared sexual panners 7 35 that sexual sadists are particularly apt at seducing women into
Indoctrination of compliant victims 7 35 becoming compliant accessories to their violent fantasies or crimi-
Married at time of offense 10 so ual acts (15). Within the cmrent sample, 35% of the men enacted
Posthigh school education 6 30
Drug/alcohol abuse 8 40 their core fantasies with women with whom they were having on-
Violent theme collections IS 75 going relationships; two of the 20 men eventually introduced their
Interest in security/law enforcement 7 35 spouses into their murders. As discussed by Wilson and Seaman,
Psychotic symptoms I s Charlene Williams, a competent boutique owner became an acces-
Arrest history 7 35
sory to murder for her husband. Gerald Gallego (16). Hazelwood.
' I


:- WIIITell, and Dietz described the process by which such indoctrina- TABLE 2-C/raracteristics of the offenses of 20 sexually sadistic
tion occurs and suggested that the sexually sadistic offender often ウセイゥ。ャ@ murders.

;' manifests an unusual degree of insight into ways by which others n 0::.
:s can be influenced and controlled. The psychopathic underpinning
ir of such exploitive behavior is highlighted. Careful planning of offenses 19 95
The cummt study found that 75% of the sexually sadistic serial Impersonation of a police officer in the com-
murderers kept collections of a violent theme of one type or another. mission of the offense 3 15
II Use of a con or ruse in approaching victim 16 80
is These included audiotapes, videntapes, pictures or sketches of the Victim taken to preseloced location 16 80
g individual's sadistic acts, or crimes with others, bondage material Victims kept in captivity for 24 h or more 13 65
that was used in the various killings, sexually sadistic pornography, Victim bound, blindfolded, or gagged 20 100

detective magazines, and various types of weapons. The nature of
these collections and the sexual interests of these murderers cannot
Use of a torture kit
Sexual bondage of victim
Anal intercourse with victim
>r help but bring to mind Freud's assertions regarding the dynamic Foreign object penetration 13 65
od association between anal eroticism, sadistic behavior, and obses- Vatiety of sexual acts (i.e., vaginal inten:oune,
sive patterns of behavior. On a more practical level, the importance fellatio, anal inten:ourse, foreign object
le penetration) 18 90
og of these materials in the investigation and eventual prosecution of
Penile penetration 19 95
:d these offenders cannot be overemphasized. Hazelwood and Warren Postmortem sexual assault 0 0
recommend that these collections be sought セィ・ョ@ applying for Verballbebaviotal scripting during offense 14 70
's search warrants and conducting investigations, as their discovery Sexual ritual 19 95
can constitute irrefutable proof of the perpettator's guilt (17). IDtended torture 20 100
:d Asphyxiation as primary means of killing 12 60
As indicated in Tallie I, only one serial munlerer exhibited
any type of psychotic behavior (i.e., ballueinations, delusions, or
thought disorder). This clearly contradicts some of the earlier
Stabbing as primary means of killing
Guosbot as primary means of killing
Postmortem mutilation
nt liophies (belonging to victim) 13
writing which associated these bizarre types of murder with insan- 65
·i- Partner assisted in crime 4 20
ity (18). As discussed in the earlier study of sexually sadistic
:d Concealed victim's cotpse 13 65
criminals, the majority of these men engaged in extensive patterns Reconled the offenses 9 45
of antisocial behavior in adult life, suggesting that their willingness Single state or province murdets 15 75
to commit crimes for sexual gratification stems from character Multiple state or province nwnlen 5 25
pathology rather than psychosis.
Perhaps, the most unsettling aspect of the murders committed
lg by these men is the meticulous and precise nature of their execution.
he As indicated in Table 2, the majority of the murders were carefully asphyxiation, and burning (II). The process of seeing the victim
planned (95%) and involved a preselected location (80%), the use suffer, of having the experience of pain, terror, and humiliation
od of a torture kit (70%), prolonged captivity of at least some victinJS reflected back to the sadist, is central to the intent and arousal of
'Bl (65%), and recording of the offense by various means (45%). this particular type of murderer.
of These activities clearly reflect a preferred mode of murder for Levin and Fox asserted that certain types of serial murderers
on these offenders that has been carefully thought out and choreo- move from state to state trying to fmd victinos to rape, sodomize,
gs graphed over time. The obsessional and highly ritualized nature and torture (4 ). In the current sample, only 25% murdered in more
:u- of these offenses seems to require the establishment of a preselected than one state or province; 75% contained their offenses to a single
>m location and prolonged interaction with the victim. city, state, or province. This fmding contradicts the vagabond image
'· As summarized in Table 2, the sexual acts that accompany the of the serial munlerer and suggests that the majority of men are
oes murders include a multiplicity of assaultive activities including able to murder repeatedly in a relatively restricted area, and through
>m rape, fellatio, sodomy, and foreign object penetration. Certain of the well-planned nature of these murders, avoid detection for long
by the sexual acts apparently derive from a desire to humiliate and periods of time.
lat cause pain to the victim (65% perform anal intercourse, 65% insert The victinos of these murders seem to fall into consistent catego-
•se foreign objects into the victim anally or vaginally). Sexual bondage ries (see Table 3). Seventy percent of the men killed only female
lS- also occurs in the murders of 95% of the offenders. This interest victinJS; 15% killed only male victinJS. A minority killed both
lto in sexual bondage is of parapbilic significance to these men and. male and female victinos and/or adult and child victims. ID 80%
sts by their account, represents the subjugation and control of the of the cases, the abduction of victinos involved fairly complex
:be セ」エゥュ@ that is central to their sexual arousal. There was only one scenarios to gain access to the victim. These cons or tricks involved
>rs mstance of posunortem mutilation and no instances of necrophilic
me sexual activity, distinguishing these offenders from necrophilic
serial killers such as Ted Bundy, Arthur Shawcross, or Joel Rifkin. TABLE 3-Charocteristics of the victims of 20 suually sadistic
serial mKtdertrs.
sts . Tbe セ@ of death used by these murderers are personal and
lto mtJmate. SIXty percent of the sample used strangulation or other n %
ni- types of asphyxiation as their ptinlary means of killing, while 30%
ted stabbed their victinJS to death. Only one individual in the sanlp)e Female victims only 14 70
Male victims only 3 IS
ln- used projectile weapons in murdering his boy victinJS. In 100% Female and male victims 3 15
leir of the cases, intentional torture was inflicted on the victim before Any child victims (IS years and under) 10 50
an, death. Tbe types of torture, as noted in the earlier study by Dietz. Sttanger victims only 16 80
es- !Jazelwood. and WIIITell, included beating, biting, whipping, the Similarities among victims (age, appearance,
intelligence. or circumstances) 10 50
od, IDSertion of foreign objects, painful bondage, electrical shock,


such ploys as impersonating a police officer, enticing children into The careful planning and execution of the murder occurs both
playful activities, and arranging for models through photographic in voluntary imaginings (fantasy) and in practical preparations for
studies. As in other studies of serial offenders, the majority of each crime. Whether mastulbating to the fantasy or conunitting
these sexually sadistic murderers killed only strangers (19). This the crime, they hope for and sometimes achieve climax at the time
element of their modus operandi is of ァュセエ@ imponance in their of the victim's death. This type of reinforcement is obviously
continued success at avoiding apprehension. The fact that four of powerful, and no doubt, contributes to the offender's interest in
the offenders also murdered individuals known to them, however, reoffending. These men report that the actual murders become the
also suggests, as does their involvement with "compliant victims," fantasy material for subsequent masturbation, which reinforces the
that they are not always careful to avoid detection. sadistic arousal pattern and the desire to murder and causes them
The nature of the data did not allow for an examination of the to remain at risk for future violence.
first murder conunitted by each man, which would seem to be a This research suggests that the sexually sadistic killer セエウ@
pivotal point. The research of MacCullough et al. suggests that one distinctive type of serial murderer whose expertise and thor-
the sadistic fantasy has been in existence for years and that the oughness makes him a particularly dangerous threat to society.
first murder represents the culmination of many prior imaginaiy
reenactments (3). One of the murderers in the current sample, References
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murders were consistent over time and reflect sexual arousal to
ed. New York: Elsevier, 1995. In press.
the pain. fear, and panic of their victims. They choreographed (18) Revitcb E. Sex, murder and the potential sex murderer. Diseases
assaults that allowed them to intrude upon and control their victim's of the nervous system 1985;26:640-ll.
deaths. One of the men, who murdered victims by manual strangu- (19) Warren J, Hazelwood RR, Rehoussin R. Serial rape: The offeoder
lation, told of breathing air into his dying victim so that he could and his rape cmea: In Burgess A. editor. Rape and sexual assault
volume IlL New York: Garland, 1991.
watch more closely her dawning realization that he was, in fact,
going to kill her. This sense of being Godlike and in control of Address n:quests for reprints or additional information to
the life and death of another human being is reponed by some of Janet Warren, D.S.W.
Institute of Law
the men as one of the most exhilarating aspects of their sexual Psycbialry and Public Policy
experiences and of their crimes. There was little postmortem muti- Box 100, Blue Ridge Hospital
lation and no necrophilic sexual activity. Charlottesville, VA 22908

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