Course Outline 2024

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Diploma in Information Technology

(Software Development)
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Information Systems 2Meta Data

Course Title INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2 Abbreviated Title IS 2

Course Codes
NQF-Level NQF-5 Credits (Notional Hours) 30 (300 Hours)

Information Systems 2 is located within the Software Development elective group

Course Context
of modules in the Diploma in Information Technology.
Course Description
Systems analysis and design, systems development methodologies and database design techniques.

This course is focused on Systems Analysis and Design and provides the student with the knowledge
and skills required to undertake a systems analysis investigation via a recognized methodology. The
course includes intermediate database design and implementation using SQL Server and other
important concepts such as normalization principles, Entity Relationship diagrams (ERD) and other
systems development tools and techniques used in industry, are explored.

Lecturer Details

Lecturer K.M Mzobe Office D8-D

e-Mail [email protected] Telephone +27 (031) 907 7468

Department Details

Department of Information and Communication Technology

Telephone (Secretary) +27 (031) 907 7153 Telephone (Switch board) +27 (031) 907 7111

Postal Address Physical Address

Mangosuthu University of Technology 511 Mangosuthu Highway,
P. O. Box 12363 Umlazi,
JACOBS DURBAN 4026 KwaZulu-Natal,4031

General Logistics Details

Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure the correctness of information contained in this course
outline, no liability or responsibility may be claimed for any errors or omissions herein. The Department
reserves the right to make changes to the course without notice.

Updates to this course outline and supplementary material will be made available on the institution’s
Blackboard Learning Management System.

Learning Management System

MUT uses the Learning Management System called Blackboard. You may access Blackboard on
Campus using: https://mutelearn/ and off campus using:

Version control and copyright

Version 3.1
Revised: 17 February 2022
©2022, KM Mzobe, Department of Information and Communication Technology, MUT.

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1. Purpose of Internet Programming 2........................................................................................................ 1

2. Pre-requisites / Entry level assumptions................................................................................................. 1
3. Brief Contents......................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Contribution to Exit Level Outcomes / Specific Outcomes......................................................................1
5. Contribution to Critical Cross Field Outcomes........................................................................................ 2
6. Teaching and learning resources........................................................................................................... 2
7. Teaching and Learning Strategies.......................................................................................................... 2
8. Assessments.......................................................................................................................................... 4
9. Work Plan, Learning Outcomes and Syllabus Content...........................................................................5


Welcome to the exciting and challenging world of Information Systems. As you have had the pleasure of
being introduced to the fundamentals of information systems in your first year of study, that knowledge will
now come in handy in view of the fact that we are going to be using your existing knowledge as building
blocks so that it becomes easier for you to comprehend the content that will be covered, hence the
importance of you having passed Information Systems I before attempting this level of the subject.

It is vital to appreciate the complexity of the work being covered in this subject early in the year so that you
will not get left behind. The subject is segmented into two sections both with prescribed textbooks, that is,
Systems Analysis and design as well as Databases design and implementation, which will run parallel in
terms of content delivery. You will be introduced to the role of the systems analyst—the nature of the work,
the knowledge and skills that are important, and the types of systems and projects that analysts work on, the
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) iterative approaches.

The need for better skills in user interface design has perpetuated the addition of the chapter that focus on
this concept, for this reason, eleven chapters (from the Systems Analysis and Design book) will be done this
year. After discussing why databases, database design, and database administration are important, we will
focus on topics such as Normalization and its importance, the database section concludes with an
introduction to the Structured Query Language (SQL) and PL/SQL.

KM Mzobe

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This module aims to teach students how to analyze and design complex systems. The course covers
topics such as system modeling, requirements gathering, system design, implementation, testing, and
maintenance. Students will learn how to use various tools and techniques to analyze existing systems
and design new ones that meet the needs of stakeholders. The course covers topics such as
database architecture, data modeling, database normalization, database management systems, SQL
programming, and data manipulation. Students will learn how to design databases that are efficient,
scalable, and secure, and how to use SQL to manipulate data and extract meaningful insights. The
course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful systems
analysts and designers in various industries.


3. The content and presentation of this subject assumes that the learner has passed Information
Systems and Development software 1, if this is not the case, you will be required to de-register from this
course. In addition, all work covered in information Systems 1 form the basis for what is covered in this
course. The pace of the course is intensive and requires a lot of effort – so, student must be prepared for
some interesting and time-consuming tasks.


 Systems analysis and design - Iterative approaches

 System Requirements Gathering and Analysis
 System design and System development
 System Implementation and Deployment
 Data Modeling
 Relational Database Design
 Structured Query Language (SQL)
 Big Data and NoSQL databases


This subject contributes wholly or partially to the following Exit Level Outcomes of the Diploma in Information
Technology as registered with SAQA:
After completing this qualification, the qualifying learner will be able to:
 Analyse and design software solutions to industry related Information Technology problems.
 Utilise the required technical skills to effectively implement the designed solutions in a distributed
Information Technology (IT) environment.
 Utilise the required technical skill to design and implement solutions in data communications,
networks and the internet environment.
 Demonstrate the effective utilisation of business and management skills to bridge the gap between
the IT discipline and the business functional areas in industry.

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This subject is designed, presented, and assessed in a way that facilitates the promotion and development of
the following skills of the learner:
The ability to:
 take decisions and accept responsibility;
 work effectively in a team;
 collect, organise and critically evaluate information, in order to assess the situation correctly;
 demonstrate an understanding that the problem solving contexts do not exist in isolation and
therefore look at the system as a whole.

In addition to the above, the following graduate attributes identified by the department will be covered in this

 GA1: Creativity, critical thinking and problem solving

 GA2: Intercultural and Ethical competency
 GA3: Professionalism and leadership readiness
 GA3: Innovation and digital capabilities
 GA4: Communication and Social capabilities
 GA5: Driven, commitment and accountability
 GA6: Confidence

The following entrepreneurial skills will be covered in this course:

 Ability to Identify community and societal problems, and convert them into business opportunities
 Ability to pitch their ideas to relevant stakeholders


Prescribed Textbook:
Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: 7th edition.
Satzinger, JW, Jackson, RB, & Burd, SD. 2012. Toronto. Cengage. ISBN: 9781111972264

Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management, 13th Edition

Carlos Coronel | Steven Morris|
ISBN-10: 1-337-62790-9 | ISBN-13: 978-1-337-62790-9

It is absolutely essential (and non-negotiable) that you have access to the prescribed text book.

Recommended Textbooks:
Analysis and Design for systems, 10th Edition
Gary B Shelley | Harry J Rosenblatt ISBN – 13:978-0-538-48162-5 | ISBN – 10: 0-538-48162-5

Oracle 11G: SQL, International Edition, 2nd Edition

Joan Casteel
ISBN-10: 1439081247 | ISBN-13: 9781439081242

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Oracle® 11g: PL/SQL Programming, International Edition (with CD-ROM), 2nd Edition
Joan Casteel
ISBN-10: 1-285-08501-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-285-08501-2
Learning Management System:

Lesson Plans

Most teaching and learning resources will be posted to the Blackboard Learning Management System in a
weekly and/or topics format. Weekly lesson plans will include specified outcomes (that which the student will
be able to do after studying the section), learning resources (useful links, tools and technologies), tutorials
(selected tutorial solutions will have to be submitted for grading purposes) and assessments (mainly quizzes
which will be used both for formative [evaluating the extend to student learning – in practice mode] and
summative [grades obtained count towards the final mark for the subject] purposes. Supplementary materials
for students to work through will also be provided and all work covered will be assessed in some form of the
other. Students are reminded that access to computing resources and the Internet are important
requirements for this course.

Guest lectures:

As part of the formal curriculum, you will receive guest lectures from staff members in the department of ICT
as well as from industry members. The following guest lectures will take place:

Term 2: Ms X Zincume – lecturer – DUT

Term 3: Mr – Ms Mthombeni


Notional Hours
Notional hours is the term given to the amount of time it will take an average student to achieve the
outcomes of the course. In general, the notional hours are further divided (and hence assigned) to various
teaching and learning activities, some of which is undertaken in the presence of the lecturer, while others are
deemed to be either lecturer-directed self-study or are reserved for independent self-study by the student.
The credit assigned to Information Systems 2is 30 credits at NQF level-6. This means that the average
student should comfortably achieve the outcomes of the course in 300 hours (1 credit = 10 notional hours).
The 300 notional hours for IP2 is divided and assigned as follows:

% of
Hrs total
Activity Explanation / Comments
(tot) (300
26 weeks x 5.333 hr per week = 4 Double periods time table
Contact time - Lectures (Time Table) 139 46
Major mid-term Assignment (expected time spent by
Assignment/Projects 10 3
average student)

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Summative Assessments 11 4 4 major tests (2hrs each) + 1 Final exam paper (3 hrs)

Formative Assessments 26 9 Assessmentas to guage student learning - 1hr x 26 weeks

Lecturer directed tutorials, programming ex, and quizzes -
Practicals/Tutorials [self directed] 26 9
2hr per week x 26 weeks
Total - lecturer directed 212 71 Total time for lecturer-directed activities

Self Study - student directed 88 29 Student self-directed learning

Total Time 300 100 Total Time - 30 credits = 300hr

Contact Time
8 lectures (4 double periods) per week
1 lecture – consultation

Course Presentation
The Lecturer is a facilitator of the learning process – this implies that lecturers are meant to guide and assist
you to achieve the outcomes of this subject. In this context, you are expected to present yourself at lectures
fully prepared. Attendance and punctuality are non-negotiable concepts.

A hybrid system of teaching and learning will take place. You will receive online lessons as well as face to
face meetings for one week in a term.

You will make use on the e-learning system (Blackboard), which will be scheduled in the lab.

Absenteeism from assessments

Should you be absent from any assessment, you are required to furnish the subject lecturer with written
reasons, with supporting documents within 7 days of the scheduled assessment or immediately upon your
return to class

Monitoring of Academic performance

The subject lecturer and HOD will constantly be monitoring your academic performance. If you are not
performing according to standards set by the Department, meetings to discuss intervention strategies will be

Consultation Times
A period has been allocated each week for consultation and you will be notified about the time. Any student
query can be dealt with during this time.

The subject lecturer will also be available (by appointment) for consultations with students (individuals, but
preferably in small groups) if the situation requires it. The availability of the lecturer will be advertised once
the time tables have been finalized.

Library Resources
The Institution’s library has a good selection of IT books that may be used during your spare time. Please
see the general student handbook for rules and regulations governing the use of the Library Resource

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Internet Facilities and LMS

Off site access to a suitable computing device and access to the Internet are required. The Institution makes
Internet facilities available for student use. You are encouraged to make use of these facilities for your
assignments and other academic work. Please see the general student handbook for rules and regulations
governing the use of the Internet facility. You will be required to access the Blackboard portal on a regular
basis, for purposes of accessing learning materials, submitting assignments, etc.

Study Groups
Learners are encouraged to form peer groups – work through past year papers and tutorials. It is always
advisable to consult with your lecturer in small groups.

Keep track of your own learning and make your own notes – these will assist you in your preparations for the
tests and examination.

Copying / Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a situation in which you use someone else’s work and pass it off as your own. If you are found
guilty of such an offence, you could be expelled from the Institution. In addition, this is a serious offence
which is punishable by law. One of the graduate attributes that the department is wanting to cultivate is
Ethical practice, hence, strong action is taken to students who copy or plagiarize.

Assignments / Project Work

You are encouraged to engage your peers in discussion and debate with regards to assignments and other
work which you are required to submit for grading purposes. However, all work submitted by you must be
your own – read previous point above again!
Cloud Storage <remove additional requirements>
Students are also required to save work making use of cloud services such as One Drive.


NO Final Exam | NO Supplementary | NO Aegrotat | NO Special Examination

Assessment Mark (CAM) – aka Course Mark (CM)

This is a mark allocated for various assessments during the course of the year, including formal tests written
during the 4 test weeks (see below), class tests, spot tests, assignments, and attendance at lectures.
Note that the assignments must reach your lecturer before or on the due date before 16h00 - STRICTLY NO
LATE submissions will be accepted.

CM Determination
The contribution of the assessments during the year to the CM is determined as follows:

Assessment 1: 15% - Test 1 + (Term 1)

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Assessment 2: 30% - Test 2 + Assignment 1 (Term 2)

Assessment 3: 25% - Test 3 + Quizzes (Term 3)

Assessment 4: 30% - Intergrated systems development Project + In class activities End of Term 3)

Final Examinations
In order to qualify for entrance into the final examination, a student must obtain a CM of 40% (or more). See
the General Regulations for Students, 2019 handbook for further information regarding examinations.
The final assessment for this module is as follows:
3-hour practical examination scheduled in the October Final Examination period.
NOTE: Based on the Covid situation the Department may offer this subject on a continuous assessment
basis whereby no exams will be given. Your lecturer will provide further clarity on this matter.

Final Mark Determination



Supplementary Examinations
A student who fails the final examination will only qualify for a supplementary examination provided that the
final mark obtained is between: 40 - 49% (inclusive).
No supplementary exams are offered when the course is offered as continuous assessment.

Aegrotat Examinations
An aegrotat will only be granted due to exceptional circumstances provided satisfactory and relevant
documentation is submitted. Students who are absent from the final examination must make an application
to write these examinations.
Supplementary and Aegrotat examinations are written in November (see below)
No Aegrotat exams are offered when the course is offered as continuous assessment.

Exclusion Rule
Students are affected by the G20 rule as follows:
General rule: No student may register for the same subject more than twice.
Annual programmes: A student who fails to obtain all the credits
a) For the first year curriculum at the end of the second year of registration
b) For the second year curriculum at the end of the fourth year of registration
c) For the third year curriculum at the end of the sixth year of registration
will be regarded as a student whose academic performance is unsatisfactory and will therefore be
refused admission to further studies in the particular programme.

Test Weeks
The Department scheduled its tests centrally. There are 4 periods during the year set aside for this purpose.
No lectures are undertaken during the test periods. The 2022 test periods are scheduled as follows:

Assessment 1: Test 1
Assessment 2: Test 2 + Assignment 1 (Term 2)
Assessment 3: Test 3 + Quizzes (Term 3)
Assessment 4: Test 4
Assessment 4: Integrated systems development Project + In class activities

Test/Exam Results

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During the academic year, students are required to verify test results on the student portal and advise the
lecturer within a week from the date of publication should there be any errors. Students can access
progress / academic reports from the student portal. Final results are published on the exam notice boards
and / or online platforms. It is the responsibility of the student to access this information.


Learning Content Assessment Dates

In class activities (continuous) Continuous

Chapter quizes

Systems analysis Test 1 (Theory) 12 April 2023

Test 2 (Theory) 23 May 2023

Project Analysis documentation 22 June 2023

In class activities (continuous) Continuous

Chapter quizes
Test 2 (Theory) 05 August 2023

System Design
Project design documentation 15 August 2023

Test 3 (Database SQL prac) 04 September


Final System Documentation 15 September

System Implementation


TOPIC Learning Outcomes: Syllabus Content LAB

Introduction At the end of this section, the Learning Objectives: Introduction to

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to Systems learner will have the ability to:  Describe the purpose of systems BlackBoard Learn
analysis and design in the for INFS020/
 Describe the systems development of information INFS128
development life cycle (SDLC) systems.
and the various models  -Describe the characteristics of Group
iterative systems development.
Chapter 1 Assessment –
- Explain the six core processes of the
methodologies of
Systems Development Life Cycle.
 -Identify key documents that are SDLC
used in planning a project.
 -Identify key diagrams used in
systems analysis and systems
 -Explain the utility of identifying use
cases in systems development.
 -Explain the utility of identifying
object classes in systems

Systems At the end of this section, the Learning Objectives: Group

Analysis learner will have the ability to:  Describe the activities of Assessment
systems analysis.
 Identify object-oriented  Explain the difference between Task 2 – Case
principles for system functional and non-functional Study
Chapter 2,3,4,5 development requirements.
 -Describe the role of models in Use of MS Visio
systems analysis. to draw USE
 -Identify and understand
CASE diagrams
different kinds of stakeholders
and their contributions to
requirements definition.
 -Describe information-gathering
techniques and determine when diagrams,
each is best applied. activity diagrams
 -Develop activity diagrams to , UML
model workflows of activities.
 -Describe the two techniques for
identifying use cases.
 -Apply the user goal technique to
identify use cases.
 -Apply the event decomposition
technique to identify use cases.
 -Apply the CRUD technique to
validate and refine the list of use
 -Describe the notation and
purpose for the use case diagram.
 -Draw use case diagrams by actor
and by subsystem.
 -Explain how the concept of
‘things’ in the problem domain also
defines requirements.
 -Identify and analyse data
entities and domain classes
needed in the system.
 -Read, interpret, and create an

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entity-relationship diagram.
 -Read, interpret, and create a
domain model class diagram.
 -Write fully developed use case
 -Develop system sequence
 -Develop state machine diagrams
to model object behaviour.
 -Explain how use case
descriptions and UML diagrams
work together to define
functional requirements.

At the end of this section, the  Learning Objectives:

learner will have the ability to:  Describe systems design and
Systems Design contrast it with systems analysis
 Explain the major  List the documents and models
components and levels of used as inputs to or output from
design systems design
Chapter 6, 7 ,8  Explain each major design activity
and 9  Describe security methods and
 Describe a system’s environment
by drawing architectural diagrams
and answering key questions
 Design larger application
components based on use cases
and other analysis models
 Explain the concepts of user
experience, user interface, and
 Describe the metaphors that can
be used to assist in user-
interface design
 Describe important
characteristics of human
interface objects that affect
 Discuss the important principles
of navigation through a software
 Explain how a storyboard can be
used to help with user-interface
 Explain the responsibilities of the
data administrator and database
 Design a relational database
schema based on a class diagram
 Evaluate and improve the quality
of a database schema
 Describe the different methods
for configuring distributed
 Explain the importance of and

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methods for protecting the


 Describe important guidelines in
user-interface design for desktop
 Describe important guidelines in
user-interface design for mobile
 Design printed and on-screen
reports appropriate to users’

Advanced At the end of this section, the Learning Objectives:
design and learner will have the ability to:  Explain the purpose and
Deployment objectives of object-oriented
 Develop design class diagrams
 Identify the building blocks of  Use CRC cards to define class
UML responsibilities and collaborations
Chapter 12 and  Define and create various  Explain important fundamental
UML Diagrams principles of object-oriented
 Explain the different types of
objects and layers in a design
 Develop communication diagrams
for use case realization
 Develop sequence diagrams for
use case realization
 Develop updated design class
 Develop multilayer subsystem
 Explain design patterns and
recognize various specific

Approaches to Learning obkjectives:
development  Compare the underlying
assumptions and uses of a
Chapter 10 predictive and an adaptive system
development life cycle (SDLC)
 Explain what makes up a system
development methodology—the
SDLC as well as models, tools, and
 Describe the key features of
Agile development
 Understand and describe the key
features of the Unified Process,
Extreme Programming, and Scrum
Agile system development

Project planning Learning objectives:

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and Project  Describe the factors that cause a

management software development project to
succeed or fail
 Describe the responsibilities of a
project manager
Chapter 11  Describe the knowledge areas in
the project management body of
knowledge (PMBOK)
 Describe the Agile approach to
the project management
knowledge areas
 Explain the activities required to
get a project approved (Core
Process 1)
 Explain the activities required to
plan and monitor a project (Core
Process 2)

Deploying a new Learning objectives:

system  Describe implementation and
deployment activities
 Describe four types of software
tests and explain how and why
each is used
 Describe several approaches to
data conversion
 List various approaches to system
deployment and describe the
advantages and disadvantages
 Explain the importance of
configuration management,
change management, and source
code control to the
implementation, testing, and
deployment of a system

TOPIC Learning Outcomes Syllabus Content LAB ( SQL)

Database At the end of this section, the Learning Objectives Introduction to

Systems learner will have the ability to: SQL Server
 Differentiate between data, management studio
information and knowledge; (SSMS) interface
 Explain why good database design
 Differentiate between Data is important; Data types,
vs. Information;  Discuss the main functions of the constraints
 Identify the Database database management system
systems; Database (DBMS); https://
Management System  To identify the different types of www.techonthenet.
(DBMS); databases and why they are com/sql_server/
 Determine the Historical important for decision making. index.php
roots of files and file

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Creating and
viewing tables

Modifying and
deleting tables

Enabling and
disabling of

Data Models – Learning objectives Data definition

Data model basic building  Discuss why data models are
blocks; Business rules; important; insert, update and
 Discuss the basic data-modeling delete records
The evolution of data models; building blocks;
Explain how data models can be  Explain what business rules are
classified by level of and how they influence database
abstraction. design;
 Discuss how the major data
models evolved;
 Create search conditions in SQL
 create and use sequences to Inserting data into
generate surrogate key values tables
 grant and revoke database object Modifying and
privileges. deleting existing
 write SQL queries to retrieve records
data from a single table and from
multiple tables. Creating search
 Create SQL queries to perform conditions for
calculations on retrieved data. queries
 Use SQL group functions to
summarise retrieved data. Sequences
 Create nested SQL queries.
 Create and use database views. Calculations

Group Functions

Formatting output

Joining multiple

Nested queries


The Relational Keys; Data dictionary; Data .Learning objectives: Basic and
Database Model – redundancy; Relationships Advanced Data
within the relational databases;  That the relational database manipulation
Integrity rules model takes a logical view of data; Commands

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Department of Information and Communication Technology

 The relational model’s basic

components are relations
implemented through tables in a
relational DBMS;
 How relations are organized in
tables composed of rows (tuples)
and columns (attributes);
 About relational database
operators, the data dictionary,
and the system catalog
 How data redundancy is handled in
the relational database model
 Why indexing is important

Entity The entity relationship (ER) learner will understand: Basic and
Relationship (ER) model; Developing an ER- Advanced Select
Model diagram; Database design  The main characteristics of entity Queries.
challenges: conflicting goals. relationship components
 How relationships between
entities are defined and refined
and how those relationships are
 incorporated into the database
design process
 How ERD components affect
database design and
 That real-world database design
often requires the reconciliation
of conflicting goals

Advanced Data  EER model learner will understand:

Modelling –  Entity clustering
 Entity integrity  Describe the main extended
 Design cases entity relationship (EER) model
constructs and how they are Create views and

represented in ERDs and EERDs joining database

 Use entity clusters to represent tables.

multiple entities and relationships

in an entity relationship diagram
 Describe the characteristics of
good primary keys and how to
select them
 Apply flexible solutions for
special data-modeling cases

Normalization Database tables and Learning objectives: Use of PL/SQL

and Database

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design – normalization • Explain normalization and its

role in the database design
Normalization process process
• Identify and describe each of
the normal forms: 1NF, 2NF,
3NF, BCNF, and 4NF
• Explain how normal forms can
be transformed from lower
normal forms to higher normal
• Apply normalization rules to
evaluate and correct table
• Identify situations that require
denormalization to generate
information efficiently
• Use a data-modeling checklist
to check that the ERD meets a
set of minimum requirements

Advanced Design Intro to SQL Learning objectives:

Implementation: Advance SQL • Explain the role of Big Data in
modern business
Database design • Describe the primary
characteristics of Big Data and
how these go beyond the
traditional “3 Vs”
• Explain how the core
components of the Hadoop
framework operate
• Identify the major components
of the Hadoop ecosystem
• Summarize the four major
approaches of the NoSQL data
model and how they differ
from the relational model
• Describe the characteristics of
New SQL databases
• Understand how to work with
document databases using
• Understand how to work with
graph databases using Neo4j

Advanced Big Data and NoSQL Learning objectives:

concepts: • Explain the role of Big Data in
modern business
• Describe the primary
characteristics of Big Data and
how these go beyond the
traditional “3 Vs”
• Explain how the core
components of the Hadoop

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framework operate
• Identify the major components
of the Hadoop ecosystem
• Summarize the four major
approaches of the NoSQL data
model and how they differ
from the relational model
• Describe the characteristics of
NewSQL databases
• Understand how to work with
document databases using
• Understand how to work with
graph databases using Neo4j

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