Study Guide Exam

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Study Guide Exam 2

March 21, 2024 9-11am

3.301 ALTC
55 questions

Public Health EBP

1. List the steps of the EBP model and give examples of each.
2. How does EBP and critical thinking compare?
3. Forming questions using the PICOT format.
4. Identify a qualitative and quantitative study from the research question being posed.

Public Health Ethics

1. Define moral evaluations and give examples.
2. Define all of the ethical principles and their application to public health situations.
3. Understand self determination as a value and when it can be restricted.

Public Health Genomics

1. Be able to discuss why nurses need to understand genomics for their nursing practice.
2. Know levels of prevention that can in designing interventions that focus on the use of
public health genomics.
3. Know what the BRCA genes are, its use as a screening tool, and how this can be used to
inform people of their risks.

Public Health Informatics

1. Know actions to take to be able to assess the validity of a website.
2. Know what Big Data is and how it can be used to improve health inequities.

Global Health
1. What does the global burden of disease mean? What does it say about the risk
experienced by people that live in a country with high and low GBD?
2. Regarding the global health of children:
a. What is the leading cause of death globally? Be able to choose the level of
prevention for the morbidity and mortality for this.
b. Levels of prevention in interventions that target diarrhea.
3. Family planning is a primary level of prevention, how would a nurse in another country
design and use information about family planning?
4. Be able to define control, elimination, and eradication of communicable disease

1. Define maximum family liability to people.
2. Define and explain payer of last resort.
3. Define and explain the medication assistance program.
Environmental Health
1. Who is most at risk from intense heat waves?
2. Identify sources of greenhouse gases.
3. Define endocrine disrupting chemicals and the health risks of these.
4. What are the risks to health of carbon monoxide and radon? Who is most at risk?
5. What are the three ways that chemicals can enter a person’s body? What are children
more at risk given these three?
6. Select an environmental health upstream issue that aims to reduce climate change,
chemical or other biohazard toxic levels?
7. Regarding policy development and environmental health, give some examples of nursing
8. Know I PREPARE and the content of questions that each letter represents.

Health Policy
1. What are ways that nurses can advocate for a particular policy?
2. What are ways that nurses can advocate for social justice in policy development?
3. What is the purpose of public policy?
4. Define the SCHIP program and who is eligible.
5. Know the different parts of Medicare and Medicaid, especially Part A,B,C,D.
6. Explain the difference between power and empowerment.

Health Economics
1. Define both macroeconomics and microeconomics and how they are used in health care
of populations.
2. Know the Shattuck Report and why this report was critical to the formation of the public
health system.
3. Explain why current health care delivery system disincentives primary and secondary

1. What were the original goals of the ACA?
2. What are the essential health benefits of the ACA?

Disaster Preparedness
1. Know the different class of biological agents and what are their health risks.
2. What are the stages of disaster preparedness and how would the nurse intervene in each
3. Know the purpose of triage during emergencies and how to classify by color. What level
of prevention is triaging during disasters?

Epi/Communicable Diseases
1. Know the different epi models: epi, vector and web of causation.
2. Know what the chain of causation is, be able to name each link from left to right and be
able to apply to a situation that is descriptive of each chain link.
3. In the chain of causation, what levels of prevention can be used to break the chain?
4. What is hepatitis and how is Hep A, B, C transmitted?
5. TB, how it is screened for, and who is most at risk based on the size of the induration.
6. Be able to calculate incidence, prevalence.
7. Be able to identify all of the different types of immunity and how to apply them in
8. Know the stages of the natural history of diseases, particularly subclinical and what are
some of the symptoms that may be observed at each stage.

CAP: Diagnosis, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation

1. What are the 3 parts of a community nursing diagnosis? What may be missing from a
given diagnosis?
2. Know the 3 types of evaluation and when, during a program, each one should be used?

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