Matrix Model

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Matrix Model

Continuing to Prove It To Yourself (3 Manifesting Experiments)

In the previous chapter, you began the work of building a manifesting

mind: a work that includes not only an intellectual understanding of the
way reality works, but also lived personal habits that of themselves produce
the experience of nearly effortless manifestations. Because manifesting is
not an ability, but a property of reality itself, it is always acting in response
to you.

Your habitual thoughts and feelings create your ongoing experiences and
so also the relationships that you have with yourself, others, and the world.
This chapter is about intentionally creating these relationships such that
the manifestations you seek are natural reflections of your thoughts and

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Beginning manifestors almost invariably reach for specific manifestation
goals, though they are generally unprepared and often create little to no
results. And this isn’t their fault, as teachers themselves have never before
made the process of manifesting explicitly clear and simple.

Nonetheless, techniques for (in essence) c​ hoosing​ a manifestation, result in

the perception of effort or force in regards to their desire, which is the
polar opposite of the emotions wanted. Accordingly, they meet struggle
and backfiring circumstances, unaware of their fearful motivation, trying to
‘make’ it happen actually creates the opposite. Hence, this is why a
foundation of positive mental habits is necessary before moving to more
advanced techniques. There are additional reasons explored later, but as
you begin, though you are intending to get a specific manifestation,
remember that this is an ongoing relationship (you and your manifestation),
and, like any good relationship, requires intentional care and positive

To that end, the 3 experiments provided for you and starting this chapter
begin to explore becoming aware of how you think and feel about your
desires and lay the experiential groundwork to receive specific
manifestations as quickly as possible.

1. Isn’t It Wonderful?

A classic example of a simple, general, yet effective technique is “Isn’t It

Wonderful?” For our manifesting experiment, choose a simple broad topic
(e.g. Money, Love, Health, Friendships, Career). In a relaxed state of mind
(though not necessarily meditation), bring the topic to mind and allow any
positive images, sounds, or any other sensations related to it to emerge.
For instance, if we were to dwell on money, we might feel the sturdy paper
or the heavy coins, or perhaps the distinctive smell and colors. Maybe what
would follow are the things we like to buy with money, the pleasure of
spending, the gratitude of receiving it as a gift. Allow these associations
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and memories to flow through your mind effortlessly. While they do so,
repeat in your mind “Isn’t It Wonderful?”, going for the feeling of relaxed
joy, basking in happiness (rather than excitement per se). Do this for 3-5
minutes, or longer if you like. Do it every day for a week.

1. Choose a broad, simple topic you want to generally manifest more in

your life.
2. In a relaxed state of mind, dwell on the topic and allow positive
associations and memories to effortlessly come up and move through
3. While Step 2 is happening, repeat “Isn’t It Wonderful?” continually,
focusing on feeling a basking joy and peace (easy smiling is a good
4. Every day this week, spend 3-5 minutes doing this exercise.
5. When the week is done, you’re done! Or you can start over on a
different topic.
6. When manifestations arrive related to your topic, write it down in
your manifesting journal to record and acknowledge your powerful

This experiment is a great non-specific technique to begin improving the

relationship you have with a topic by focusing on the positive aspects of it
and further accentuating the positive feelings in a relaxed and controlled
way. Much like the Neville’s Ladder experiment, you’ll likely see results
and be surprised when they jog your memory about your ‘tiny’ experiment.

2. 55x5

55x5 is a scripting exercise where a specific desire is written as an

affirmation 55 times for 5 days. For instance, “I am receiving a gift of
money.” or “I received a gift of money.” For our experiment, let’s keep it
simple for now with a less specific desire, examples such as “I received a
text from SP.”, “I am meeting new friends.”, or “I am drinking a free cup of
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coffee.” As long as it feels simple and possible, you’re good! The 55
repetitions are to be written out at one time during the day, and written
while staying relaxed and calm, not trying to rush the process. Overall, it
should take about 10 minutes.

1. Choose a simple specific manifestation that seems plausible and not

critically important.
2. Create a simple affirmation in the form of it happening presently (I
am…) or in the past tense (I ….-ed …..).
3. Write this out 55 times per day while maintaining a calm yet focused
mindstate, for 5 days.
4. Afterwards, simply forget about it!
5. Should you notice your manifestation arrives, write it down in your
manifesting journal to record and acknowledge your powerful

You’ll find with this experiment, it can seem hit or miss. Sometimes, the
manifestation is so simple it doesn’t strike you as it is happening, and for
others it may not show up in the 5 day window (which is fine). However, it
will definitely bring manifestations at least related to the specific desire
and as you become more experienced with manifesting, this technique
becomes even more effective..

3. Massive Gratitude

From your prior completion of Mirror Model, you now have daily lists of
gratitude statements. Statements based upon real things in your life, real
things that you are grateful for. On a page in your manifesting journal,
copy down as many of these as you can to have them all in one place.
Regardless of their topics or magnitude of gratitude, put them all together.

At a later time, particularly after a session of meditation, think of a specific

area of your life that needs serious addressing, something that truly worries
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you. Don’t become paralyzed by the pain of the situation, but still
acknowledge it and feel it as strongly as you can. Try to remain as calm as
possible, and, when your balance returns, let go of the problem and read
through the list of these true gratitude statements, saying “Thank you,
thank you, thank you,” and relive the experience of deep and profound
thankfulness for the blessings in your life. You may even tear up and choke
on the happiness of just how blessed you are. Dwell in this space as long as
you like. Once you feel calm again, the experiment is finished.

1. Compile in your manifesting journal a page full of your gratitudes

from Mirror Model.
2. In a relaxed state, especially after meditation, bring to mind some
worrisome area of your life. Concentrate on feeling the pain without
being overwhelmed by it.
3. Let the problem go and begin reading the gratitude statements,
saying “Thank you” after each one.
4. As you feel the strong surges of sadness, love, thankfulness, and
gratitude surge in your being, bask in it as long as you desire.
5. Once you return to calm, you have completed the experiment.
6. As you see improvements in this area of life, write it down in your
manifesting journal to record and acknowledge your powerful

This final experiment is one of my most powerful techniques, that has

literally manifested miracles overnight (and subsequent weeks). That said,
it can provoke very strong emotions, and when applied properly, will bring
one to mixed tears of joy, sadness, regret, love, and thankfulness. It is not
something recommended as an everyday technique, but reserved for very
stressful emotions and ‘difficult’ desires. Doing it once is sufficient and it
is not necessary to repeat it for consecutive days.

Regardless of results you experience by the end of the week, simply move
on and forget about your intentions. Ironically, this is often when results
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happen. This is another area of practice called ‘letting go,’ that is,
non-preoccupation with manifestations (explored later).

Maintaining a Manifesting Journal

Hopefully on the heels of completing Mirror Model, you now have a

manifesting journal complete with hard evidence (for yourself) that
manifesting is real and inarguable. Additionally, as we’ll see later, the
‘farther out’ one goes in living out a manifesting lifestyle, a manifesting
journal will serve as an anchor to prepare the way for intentions as well as
regaining clarity in times of fear and forgetfulness. Finally, it can be
helpful to take photos of interesting manifestations or keep mementos
close at hand to be able to recharge the manifesting belief as needed.

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Matrix Model

In the previous chapter, we began to understand the universe in a simple,

intuitive way. Namely, that life is mirroring our thoughts and feelings.
Nonetheless, two questions naturally arise, “How?” and “Why?” The goal
of this chapter, M​ atrix Model​, is to provide a more nuanced understanding
that, while still intuitive, lays the intellectual framework to understand and
justify belief. Moreover, it relies only on simplicity, and requires no faith in
and of itself.

If you recall from Mirror Model, we pointed out that the entire Universe is
made of energy. So, at least on some level, everything is fundamentally
connected, yes? Further, we can take from this that everything can have an
effect on each other, even thoughts and feelings. Now, I want to take this
model and expand it a bit more so it can be more useful to us in a specific

You may or may not be familiar with higher level maths, but I promise this
explanation will remain simple. If you are familiar with higher level maths,
particularly Linear Algebra, you may remember a thing called a ​matrix​. A
matrix is square filled with numbers that models a complex environment or
system and helps mathematicians find hidden relationships between parts
of it. Once again, we won’t be doing any math ourselves, but we shall soon
see how this idea can help us as manifestors.

A simple 2D matrix

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Now, let us imagine we took a simple picture and turned it into a matrix
like so:

This looks almost like a Paint-By-Numbers picture. Naturally, we could

continue making the matrix bigger, adding more and more boxes to get
finer and finer detail on the same picture. Shortly, we will see exactly how,
in fact, ​reality actually does this​.

But, first, let’s take another look at our example. Obviously, in the physical
world, things are in 3D, rather than the flat 2D of our example. As it turns
out, there are actually 3D matrices as well (though in math they are called
multidimensional arrays or tensors). Now, we could fully render a 3D scene
into a 3D matrix.

Simple 3D matrix with one information element highlighted

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Once again, don’t worry. We are only going after the ​idea​ of this to help
our manifesting. But for arguments sake, we c​ ould​ represent this scene, or
a snapshot of the entire Universe itself, down to the very last atom with a
sufficiently large 3D matrix with a sufficiently large number of boxes to
represent each point in space. Each box, with a numerical value, could
represent the relative level of energy within that particular point in space,
or what we could simply call ​information.​ Therefore, we could say that each
box contains information about that particular point in space.

Go back and read that again until it makes sense.

Now, once that feels like it makes sense, there’s one last twist to put on this
and everything will fall into place effortlessly.

Obviously, the Universe isn’t a static snapshot, however; it’s moving and
changing, in particular, e​ xpanding​. As the Universe expands, the energy is
continually spreading out both creating and filling the new space between

Without bending our minds too much, we can take away from this that
while things may seem stationary and static physically, there is continually
more actual space and​ more information​ being added to the Universe. And
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so, between you and every other object, person, what-have-you, there is
continually a space of undetermined information being created that must
be determined, or, in other words, i​ nformed​.

A simple analogy would be a bowl of water, with a red drop of food coloring
and a blue drop of food coloring being placed on either side. As the drops
disperse into the water, which way do they go? What determines that?
When and how and where do the colors begin to mix?

If we think of ourselves and another person, and the relationship of the

energies dispersing between us, we might normally believe that these
things don’t affect one another, but I assume if you have completed Mirror
Model, then you already know and have experienced that these energies
(our habitual thoughts and feelings) very much do, or what we could say is
they ​inform​ reality about what is true.

Information, in its roots “in”+”form”, means to inwardly shape something,

particularly mentally. Thus, to inform reality is actually to shape it as it
unfolds, which is the nature of the manifesting mind. It is taking
unrealized space and real-izing it into physical form, through our habits of
thought and feeling.

Putting all of this together, we can now understand that the Universe is
constantly expanding itself, creating new informational space to be
informed, which you are an active component of. And since things are, for
you, personally expanding with a certain pattern (your habitual thoughts
and feelings), it recreates the same conditions of those habitual thoughts
and feelings (ie the appearance of it mirroring you). Therefore, an
intentional and habitual ​change​ of those thoughts and feelings will create a
new form or pattern, informing the ever-expanding Universe, and, because
of this, you will create new, intentional, and desirable manifestations.

This is the M
​ atrix Model​.
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Revisiting the Mirror

Hopefully now, it has begun to become clear why we started our Mirror
Model journey by creating a daily practice of self-acknowledgement and
gratitude, as well as starting a Mental Diet to improve our daily thoughts
and feelings and shift the pattern of our being towards a happier
experience. The core of a manifesting mindset could be taken to be
optimism, which is true, but more than a general sunny disposition, we
want to intentionally craft the thoughts and feelings we have so that we can
enjoy the thrill of specific manifestations.

Temptations of Technique

Before we dive into the specific techniques and goals for this chapter, it’s
important we discuss the most common obstacle in intentional
manifesting, especially for beginners, though it can strike anyone of any

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experience level. Let this section be a reminder and a way out when you
inevitably run into this problem.

As mentioned in the end of Mirror Model, the most common obstacle in

manifesting is desire for results and focusing solely on ‘using’ techniques.
The motivation to get the results can often be what stands in the way of
actually getting them. Often people are trying to ‘get’ the result for an
ulterior motive (consciously or not), perhaps to impress others, themselves,
or because they think the manifestation will ‘make’ (force) them happy.

The underlying problem is the same in any case and is two-fold. First,
there is a belief that external circumstances, in essence, force feelings onto
you, as if one has no power over their own emotions. Secondly, there is a
deep discomfort with self that is motivating a person to ‘get’ the
manifestation, reinforcing the belief that there is an inherent separation in
the Universe between them and the thing, person, state of mind they desire.

Naturally, this is cleared up first by accepting total responsibility for one’s

own emotional state and not allowing circumstances to dictate how one
should feel. Of course, this will take conscious effort and practice, but is
absolutely indispensable to becoming proficient at manifesting. Second,
returning to our Mirror and Matrix Models, it is only an illusion of limited
awareness that makes anything seem totally separate, when on a
fundamental level, all things are connected.

This is why the beginning practices and routine of Mirror Model are so
important. As you begin to shift your habitual thoughts and feelings, and
ultimately beliefs, about self and the world into a positive state,
manifesting becomes much easier as there is no desperation in the mind to
‘get’ which causes subsequent desperate experiences as reflections.

We’ll go into this more deeply in subsequent chapters, but, for now, despite
appearances, remember that what the Universe delivers to you on a
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moment to moment basis is a reflection of your habitual thoughts and
feelings. Meaning, you are fundamentally connected to the Universe and
by habitually thinking and feeling positively, positive manifestations will
then show up effortlessly, just like a mirror’s reflection.

The Importance of Self-Acknowledgement and Gratitude

Self-acknowledgement is the term I prefer for what is typically called

self-worth, self-love, or self-esteem. I prefer this term because at its heart,
the identity or ‘self-concept,’ that is all of the supposed facts (but usually
opinions) about who ‘you‘ are, are all things you acknowledge or treat as

So, instead of dismissing self-love or self-worth as wishful thinking or

narcissism, we embrace the practices as self-acknowledgement by
recognizing positive facts about ourselves. In that way, this is merely
re-informing ourselves, and the Universe, of the facts.

The importance of this cannot be overstated. As mentioned earlier, the

Universe is constantly expanding and recreating itself in line with the
information (thoughts and feelings) it is given. By consciously, habitually
informing the Universe about who ‘you’ are in desirable ways, a new

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self-concept is born, crafted, and made steady. The once blurry image in
the mirror now comes into focus, though everything around it is changing.

Gratitude, then, is the most positive relationship one can have with a
desired topic. Having steadied the self, now a steady relationship with the
things desired can be formed. In essence, a stable pier can harbor many

Gratitude is the state of feeling thankful for having something. It is at once

both acknowledging the thing as valuable and possessed by the thanker.
Something cannot be valuable to you if it harms you and something cannot
be possessed by you if you do not have it.

Self-acknowledgement and gratitude are the two most important states to

master for a manifestor, yet almost no one prioritizes them, focusing on
instead ‘using’ specific and advanced techniques to ‘get’ something they are
in want of. However, this is like wanting to see yourself smile and drawing
one on the mirror, instead of just smiling. Using a technique to get
something specific generally comes from a lackful mindset and is not
nearly as fruitful, because the Universe can only show a reflection of what
is already there.

On the other hand, as we have experienced, intentionally cultivating an

improved self-concept and relationships with various topics creates
passive, natural manifestations and a powerful belief system based on
experience. Then, later on, consciously creating specific and larger
manifestations is much easier.

For Matrix Model, we will be harnessing the powerful statements we

gathered in Mirror Model by compiling these statements in our
manifesting journal.

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1. On a page in your manifesting journal, compile all of your
self-acknowledgement statements from your Mirror Model entries.
2. On a page in your manifesting journal, compile all of your gratitude
statements from your Mirror Model entries.

Note, in case you may have used the same 10 statements everyday for your
Mirror Model entries. That’s ok, but do try to fill at least one page face
with self-acknowledgement statements and one page face with gratitude
statements. If you have more than one page face worth, even better, but at
least one page face amount is needed for each section. If you’ve already
completed the Massive Gratitude experiment, there is no need to make a
second entry.

Proof is Truth

Notably, the most important parts of your manifesting journey are the
results. The results, the manifestations, are the proof to yourself that
indeed this is all real. Naturally, your results will have the most meaning to
yourself, and will not likely sway anyone else, though it will grab attention.

I mention this because the proof that manifestation is not mere

coincidence only comes with its repetition in your experience. Additionally,
this is a warning that while you will be excited and wish to share the good
news with others, they themselves will not be convinced unless they have
their own personal experiences. So, with that said, it’s generally better to
not mention your results unless the other person is also a manifestor and
won’t try to dissuade you from your truth.

However, even with the best experiences, we can lapse into periods of
forgetfulness, entranced by the world’s appearances and forget the power of
our awareness. It’s extremely helpful to have a reminder on hand and that
is the precise point of a manifesting journal.

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To that end, we will compile all of our manifestations from our Mirror
Model work into one page (more if needed) in our manifesting journal for a
handy reminder of our power.

1. Compile onto one page in your manifesting journal all of the

manifestations you experienced from the Mirror Model.
2. Phrase it in such a way that you can instantly recall the time, but you
don’t need to go into deep detail. (​“Asked for $20 and found it outside.”)

Goals for Matrix Model

Within this chapter, we will build on our beginning practices of Mirror

Model, incorporating the use of our intentional thought and feeling
practices to begin creating both large scale general improvements and
specific manifestations in areas of our life.

When people come into manifesting, they generally have a desperate desire
in hand as well. These areas typically include:

● Romance with a Specific Person

● Money or Material Items
● Dream Job/Education
● Physical Changes or Healing
● Healing Family Relationships

For the purposes of this chapter, please choose 1-2 ‘big’ specific
manifestations (or general areas) you would like to improve. If your desire
doesn’t fall on this list, that’s ok. As long as you feel motivated to improve
your life by working on it, any manifestation is possible. A ​ NY.

However, as exciting as the possibilities of manifesting are, we will only

begin with 1-2 desires so as not to spread ourselves too thin. We want to
get a ‘feel’ for how this works first and overwhelming ourselves with too
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many goals will more likely backfire. That said, once you start to see some
bigger and bigger manifestations externally as you make the internal shifts,
it will all click into place how to actually go about transforming any area of
your life and you’ll already be armed with good habits, experiences, and
beliefs to do so.

1. In your manifesting journal, write down your 1-2 specific ‘big’ goal
manifestations for Matrix Model. Goals can be as general (“Improve
Finances”) or as specific (“Get My Specific Person, X
​ ​”) as desired.

One last note before we leave this section. While we have specific
manifestation goals for this chapter, it is important to keep our aim at
improving towards the goal, rather than obtaining the goal. An important
part of manifesting often never mentioned is that things begin to appear in
small, subtle ways and then grow larger, like walking towards a mountain
in the distance. On the horizon, it is small at first and grows larger with
every step closer. So too with manifestations. However, should we stay
fixated on the peak of the mountain instead, we may inadvertently
continually remind ourselves that we ‘aren’t there yet’ because, naturally,
we are still walking towards it. Instead, if our focus is on ‘I am closer to the
mountain,’ then we can continually get closer and closer, satisfied that
progress is happening. Eventually we will arrive and then be able to go
even farther upon or within our mountain.

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Belief Inversion

To begin this chapter’s practices, we’ll first talk about beliefs. What are
beliefs? Beliefs are simply our habitual thoughts and feelings. Another
way to say this is that beliefs are the thoughts and feelings we persistently
treat as true. Thus, we can’t say we believe something if it is not the default
assumption of our being, the habitual mental abode we easily return to.

As mentioned earlier, as the Universe expands, energy continues to go in

the directions it is already going, recreating the same patterns of
manifestation. We could say that beliefs, then, are these momentums of the
energy of our being. Further, we know that as we shift our thoughts,
feelings, and thus beliefs, so too do the patterns of manifestation.

However, consider for a moment the nature of the Universe as described in

Mirror Model. If the external conditions of life are merely the mirror of our
mind, and the same patterns have been in effect for 10, 20, even 30+ years,
how can one stop, let alone reverse, negative patterns when the reactions to
life have become so automatic and engrained?

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Belief Inversion is a technique that brings to surface all these negative
beliefs and begin to directly change them by sowing their opposite. It’s a
simple technique as well, that even done once, pays dividends long into the

For this exercise, set aside 3 pages per goal in your manifesting journal.
Take a goal you set earlier in this chapter and really focus on the general
topic (be it Love, Money, Health, etc) and how it makes you feel, especially
negatively. Make sure to allow your mind to comb through the strong
memories and experiences you have with the topic, again, generally. That
means, for example, if your goal is a Specific Person, make sure to recall
your thoughts and feelings about love, past relationships, hopes, fears,
everything related to the topic. Taking a few moments to minutes to soak
it all in, take your first page and write down all the fears, worries, and
negative beliefs you have about the topic.

For an example, let’s take the topic of money. A list of negative beliefs
might include:

The rich get richer. The poor get poorer.

A few easily have a lot, and most struggle to have a little.
Money is hard to get.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Money is the root of all evil.
Money corrupts people.
Working is boring.
I’m no good with money.
I’ve always been poor.

Whatever you write down, each line should feel like it strikes a chord with
you or maybe jumps out of you onto the page, filling the page (front and
back) if you can. If you don’t feel much at all, you can still feel free to write

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down any ideas you have about the topic that you think or feel are
handicaps to your life.

Now, focus on your specific goal and add any specific beliefs that hinder
believing your goal is possible. For example:

There’s no way $10,000 could just drop in my lap.

$10,000 is a large amount of money.
I’d have to work hard for $10,000.

Now, on the next page, write out the opposite beliefs, even if you don’t feel
they are true or make sense at the moment. If some statements sound too
implausible or need to be conditional, using “can be” is perfectly
acceptable. After writing each positive belief, go back and draw a single
line through its corresponding negative belief.

The poor today live better than the royalty 1000 years ago.
A few have a lot, yes, but working is becoming even easier nowadays.
Money is easy to get.
Money literally grows on trees.
The greed of money is the root of all evil.
Money can be used to help others.
Working can be fun.
It’s possible for me to be good with money.
I’m richer today than I used to be.
It’s possible $10,000 could come to me.
$10,000 is a small amount of money in the world.
$10,000 can show up in ways that are easy.

Reading through these statements should provide some sense of relief. If

not, it’s ok not to feel anything either, but just reading them is enough to
help move your beliefs in a positive direction.

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Finally, leave the last page blank with the words “Manifestation Successes”
at the top. If at this time, you can recall previous manifestations related to
your topic or your specific goal, feel free to add them. Phrase it in such a
way that you can instantly recall the experience, but you don’t need to go
into deep detail.

I found $20 in the street.

That time my grandma gave me money by “coincidence” when I needed it.
My bill was completely forgiven by the collection company.
I really wanted a specific camera then found it on sale the next day.
I manifested a $14,000 raise overnight.
I manifested successful investments in specific amounts.

They can be as small or big as you like, as long as they are meaningful to
you. Oftentimes, as we begin to manifest, only “small” or seemingly
“coincidental” things happen at first that can be easy to dismiss, but all
positive occurrences are real manifestations truly.

Finally, you may want to bookmark these pages in your manifesting journal
as we’ll be using them in the future. Feel free to add more negative beliefs
or positive beliefs to the list in the future if desired. And, of course, add
your positive manifestations as they occur!

If you have a second goal set for the chapter, repeat the exercise as separate
pages for that topic as well.

1. In your manifesting journal, set aside 3 pages per goal for Matrix
2. On the first page, write down a list of all your negative beliefs related
to the general topic of a specific manifestation goal you set for Matrix
Model. Take the time to dig up as many negative beliefs as possible.
3. Continue on the same page with the negative beliefs you hold in
regards to your specific goal.
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4. On the next page, write out the empowering positive version of each
belief. If the belief feels too implausible, feel free to use “can be” or
“may” or “is possible” in writing it out.
5. After each positive belief you write, draw a single line through the
negative version.
6. On the final page, write “Manifestation Successes” at the top and
write down any successes you have previously had for the general
topic or goal, keeping them short and simple.
7. Come back and update these lists as beliefs occur to you and as
manifestations appear.
8. Repeat this if you have another manifesting goal for Matrix Model.


In Mirror Model, meditation was introduced as a straight-forward process

without the need to put much expectation on the results of it or ‘doing’
anything in particular. In fact, the point of the meditation was simply as a
‘mental shower’ or refresher, allowing the activity of the mind to wind
down and giving the body a chance to relax itself.

In Matrix Model, we continue this approach with meditation, but we will

also extend our goal to 15 minutes or more. Longer periods of time will
allow the mind and body to relax more, helping the subsequent intention
process. Once again, the goal of this time is simply to relax the mind and
the body, not incorporating any kind of visualization or breathwork. It is
merely a way of preparing for the following work.

However, let’s talk further about meditation within the context of our new
Matrix Model understanding. Namely, that we exist in relationship to
other things (be they people, ideas, circumstances) in an ever-expanding
universe, one in which we are continually redefining that relationship
through our thoughts and feelings.

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Meditation, then, with its aspects of relaxing the mind and body, helps to
interrupt the normal patterns of thoughts and feelings in these
relationships and provides an opportunity to more consciously reengage
with reality afterwards. By meditating in this simple way prior to carefully
using our attention, we reengage with life in a desired way and more
powerfully influence the subsequent manifestations as the Universe
continues to expand.

Continuing a Manifesting Routine

In Mirror Model, we began a simple daily routine of meditation, belief

work, journaling observations of self-acknowledgement and gratitude, and
keeping track of our manifestations. You were likely surprised by some of
the pleasant and unique ways life begins to unfold differently with even
simple intentional work to create a manifesting mind.

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With Matrix Model, we expanded upon our understanding of how the
Universe mirrors our minds, and prepared our minds to transform our
beliefs through recognizing our relationships, setting intentions, and
keeping track of our results. We can first summarize our new beliefs as so:

1. I believe the Universe, everything in it, and I are connected.

2. I believe the Universe is constantly expanding and recreating itself.
3. I believe I inform the Universe through my thoughts and feelings.

Additionally, we can recall our statements from Mirror Model to remember

the key takeaways for our everyday life:

1. I proved manifesting is real to myself.

2. I understand my world mirrors my thoughts and feelings.
3. I am aware of and recording good manifestations in my life.
4. I feel happy and grateful for the many blessings in my life.
5. I feel happy and grateful for who I am and what I do.
6. I take care of myself and value staying happy and upbeat.
7. I give myself a break, allowing my mind and body rest everyday.

We’ll be carrying on this routine now, using our experiences and our
manifesting results to further improve this routine and make it more
specific to our goals of the chapter.

1. Meditate for at least 15-minutes with a no-goal mental shower

meditation, allowing your mind and body to simply relax.
2. Read through the 3 Matrix Model beliefs.
3. Read through the 7 Matrix Model statements.
4. Read over the manifested results from Mirror Model, feeling the
confidence that manifesting is real.
5. Read through your self-acknowledgements list from MIrror Model,
feeling love and pride for yourself.

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6. Read through your gratitude list, feeling happy and thankful that you
are already blessed.
7. Scan over your goal’s negative belief list, feeling doubt, constraint
and negativity.
8. Read through your goal’s positive belief list, feeling hope, expansion,
and positivity.
9. Read through your goal’s manifestation list, feeling faith, excitement
and gratitude.
10.Repeat for your second goal if you have one.
11.(Optional)​ C
​ omplete your “Isn’t It Wonderful?” or 55x5 experiment
for a small specific manifestation not related to your goals for this

A Better Mental Diet

One half of manifesting is removing rocks and planting the seeds. The
other half is keeping animals and weeds from undermining your work. In
Mirror Model, we talked about the Mental Diet. That is, becoming mindful
of our daily activities, what we choose to mentally consume, and taking
extra care to nourish our mind with positivity and self-care.

However, especially in the beginning, there may still be areas we cannot

avoid, where there are stressful relationships or environments in general
that may require our attention and will ultimately need more mindfulness
to fully resolve in the future. For these situations, a Better Mental Diet is
needed to help neutralize their effect.

It’s said that people, whether we love or hate them, are our source of most
stress, especially those in our immediate family and friend group. And
because we care about these people the most, there is also the most
potential for ongoing resentment and frustration.

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But, as we are beginning to understand, the relationships we have with
those in reality (be they people, ideas, or otherwise) are moldable,
changeable, if only we use our perception to continually shape that
relationship intentionally. Easier said than done, of course, but once
mastered, the skills can be brought to bear on any topic we choose.

A Better Mental Diet isn’t merely avoiding negativity (though we shouldn’t

go seeking it or “putting up” with it more than we have to). It is also
consciously choosing how we find meaning in the negative state. As
strange as it may sound, when we selectively decide in an uncomfortable
moment that it is changing, slowing down, improving b​ ecause we are
choosing to change the relationship with the person​, we are taking the power
back in the experience.

Often, it is because this other person, to our perception, has free will or is
otherwise somehow separate, outside of our influence, these thoughts and
feelings create the pattern within the relationship to continue justifying
that perception. However, as we begin to selectively reinterpret the
meaning and direction of this relationship, it begins to change the physical
manifestation of it.

To whatever degree possible, we should limit the negative exposures we

willfully give our attention to, and maximize the positive exposures we even
passively experience. For all those times where we are still in transition
regarding the habitual patterns of the relationship, we practice mindfulness
to selectively reinterpret the experience, remembering the power we always

One more area to touch upon in a Better Mental Diet is the topic of passive
beliefs. If we think of a tv sitcom or movie, for instance, the narrative of
the story, without words, presents something as silently true. For instance,
the stereotype of the nagging wife and the fat oafish husband is so often
presented, that it now seems expected and normal. How many times have
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we seen that in our own lives? Is it art imitating life, or life imitating art?
Similarly, a rap video may portray a certain lifestyle as desirable and then
how many young people seek to emulate it?

The point is that books, media, conversations even, all have certain
unspoken assumptions about what is/is not true and what is/is not possible,
and that willingly giving attention over to it influences what we consider
true about various things passively. So, in addition to becoming mindful in
our relationships and experiences, we become more aware of what silent
beliefs we expose ourselves to, in order to preserve the cultivation of our
positive beliefs.

Birds Before Land

What you will begin to notice, and likely already have from the Mirror
Model practices, are weird ‘coincidences’ related to your intentional
thoughts and feelings. What is often misleading or confusing is that these
first manifestations (which seem like very mild coincidences) given their
incomplete or light nature are what could be considered “half-baked” or in
some way less than hoped for. For many, this sort of manifestation is
unconvincing or, worse, discouraging, because they expect the whole
manifestation they want, when this is actually the best kind of sign.

Thus, it is important to understand what is called Birds Before Land or

Driftwood. These come from sailing terminology; in particular from
explorers sailing unfamiliar routes in search of new lands. If they see birds
flying or pieces of driftwood in the water, they know they must be close to
land somewhere, though they might not see it yet on the horizon.

In a similar way, as we begin to change our relationships with topics via

our beliefs and habitual thoughts and feelings, the evidence of this new
relationship at first manifests in small innocuous ways that may seem
unimportant or ‘coincidental,’ but is, in fact, evidence we are getting closer
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and closer to where we want to go, as long as we keep going mentally and
emotionally in that direction.

In the beginning this may feel like a slow process, but, overall, as
manifesting becomes a practiced lifestyle, the rapidity and size of the new
manifestations becomes faster and larger as our whole outlook on life
changes. So understand that, even if small, any desirable manifestations are
evidence of success and to keep going.

Delay and Failure

This chapter would not be complete without the discussion of delay and
failure in the manifestation process. Experience has shown there is no
failure ever, only delay which is decided to be failure. Delay, or the time
interval between intention and resulting physical manifestation of the
desire is determined wholly by the beliefs of the individual. Thus, delay can
be taken as evidence of the beliefs in how quickly or easily something can
happen, and whose composite beliefs are those about the individual, about
the desire, and about the nature of manifestation itself.

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Intentions which are time-bound, if they do not happen within the desired
interval of time, often have a way of manifesting conditionally or are
represented in another way after the ‘failure.’ That is to say, the actual
motivation behind the intention itself can be manifested, or the
manifestation can be shown in a way which is not directly related to ‘where’
it was intended. These ‘failures’ point to where awareness was most
pointed in the intention. In other words, a manifestation that solves the
problem not through the expected solution indicates the emphasis on the
problem being solved, rather than the specific solution, and a manifestation
which matches the specific solution, but doesn’t solve the problem,
indicates the emphasis on the experience of the solution. Accordingly, they
also indicate the relative beliefs about what is possible, plausible, and

Delay itself is a trickier subject to inspect, as the web of beliefs

surrounding the self-concept, the topic of desire, and their larger perceived
rules of interaction and possibility with all other things we can broadly call
‘the world’ creates the appearance of events that is perceived as the time
necessary for the realization of the desire. Delay which seems excessive, of
course, points at the impatience for it which indicates the perception of
need (ie lack) within the relationship to the topic, but more sinister is the
temptation to declare failure prematurely.

As with the case for time-bound desires, at the point of perceived ‘failure’
or ‘letting go’ where attention is turned from the topic and it no longer
negatively impacts the emotional state, there is likely to be some sudden
manifestation in relation to it. However, at this point, given the previously
tense, impatient conscious relationship with it, it is likely to manifest in an
unsatisfying way. These results are generally taken as ‘being tested’, or,
worse, ‘a sign I’m not supposed to have it,’ whereas manifestations are
always mere reflections of the relationships, emotionally and intellectually,
one has between the self-concept and the topic.

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The solution is always the same, in any case, namely to improve the
self-concept and improve the beliefs about the topic, and, of course,
manifesting in general. This, in and of itself, is an ongoing process,
mediated by time and experience. Intentions create manifestations that are
‘evidence’ to justify the belief, and, so, becoming better is a continual cycle
of intentions, experiences, and improvement of beliefs.

Measuring One’s Own Progress and Power

In this chapter, we’ve talked about getting more specific with the
manifesting we’re doing, by narrowing in on topics and becoming more
skilled with our thoughts and feelings to achieve more desirable outcomes.
However, we’ve also said that in the beginning we’re likely to see smaller
results as we are recreating our beliefs in regards to topics.

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It can be discouraging, only because we want fast and flashy results to
impress ourselves and others. When they don’t come (the big desires), that
can be frustrating and cause doubt, beginning to undo the work we’ve done.
So, how do we become confident that we’re on the right path?

The answer lies first in how we feel day to day. Are we feeling happy,
motivated, upbeat? Or are we feeling stressed, like we have to ‘use’
techniques to fight against the world?

Our success is first evidenced by the feeling of a relaxed happiness and

gratitude, a certain sort of ‘vacation-mind,’ infinitely patient and easygoing.
Now, this isn’t to say we are unfocused, but rather focused in a way of
having infinite time and resources to accomplish our tasks.

The second indication of success is when we begin to have many general

nonspecific positive manifestations. Things like free coffees, the best
parking spots, always catching the elevator or the green light. Reality
starts working out for us in very small but nice ways. Additionally, we’ll
see very fast manifestations from a mere thought to the appearance of it in
our reality, or the striking repetition of a certain topic throughout multiple
conversations, web browsing, and chance experiences. None of these are
really make it or break it manifestations, but they are evidence of our
fundamental orientation to reality synchronizing with the positive beliefs
we have been planting in our mind. When we begin to have a steady stream
of these synchronicities, we can be sure we are in a very powerful state to
manifest. Maintaining this state is as simple as continuing to meditate and
set positive beliefs, as well as practicing gratitude and optimism
throughout the day.

In these ways, having a near constant positive mood and a playful attitude,
we know we are making a speedy headway to our desires and we need only
set cruise control through our habitual thoughts, feelings, and practices.

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FInal Thoughts

In Matrix Model, we have deepened our understanding of reality, coming to

understand exactly how and why the Universe appears to mirror our mind
through our thoughts and feelings, and how we can change these patterns
of manifestation intentionally and quickly. Further, we’ve collected our
manifestations and performed manifesting experiments to solidify our
beliefs through personal experiences. Finally, we’ve set and realized
progress towards our specific manifestation goals, showing definitely that
formerly “impossible” topics are well within our ability to manifest.

The Mirror and Matrix Models represent a complete system of

manifestation technique, with a proper foundation on modifying the
thoughts and feelings, and thus beliefs, about self first and then changing
the relationship of that self to the various desired topics and specific
manifestations. This system is enough to manifest anything wanted and no
further study is needed.

However, it is possible to still go deeper into manifestation, seeking a

larger awareness of life and more experiential connection with other
things. The next chapter, Magellan Model, will specifically address
broadening awareness and creating a more personal journey through life, as
well as explore the more nuanced characteristics of a manifesting mindset
and experience.

How will we know when we are ready for the next chapter? To complete
Matrix Model, we will have made at least significant improvements in areas
of our lives, in particular progress towards or obtained the goals we set out
for. It is recommended to spend at least 2 months working on a set of goals
in the Matrix Model, and, should they be completed in less than that
timeframe, the process repeated until the 2 months is completed.

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In particular, the most important thing to master as a manifestor is a daily
habit of meditation, as well as positive self-concept and gratitude work, as a
core practice. The topic specific work is helpful, but ultimately less
necessary as the self-concept and gratitude work naturally progresses.

Finally, before moving to Magellan Model, it is ultimately important that

manifesting has become no longer a curious experiment, but a lived
inarguable truth. Magellan Model will be departing down the road of
deeply thinking about and understanding reality in order to progress into
greater ability. However, it will not be of much use without a rich
experience of personal manifestation and conviction provided through the
practices so far.

Next Chapter
Magellan Model includes:
● More Guided Manifesting Experiments
● An Even Deeper Model of Reality
● How To Manifest the How
● An Even Better Mental Diet
● Bending Reality
● Instant Power

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​ eddit's r/ManiModels​ for more updates and a community of
practitioners to connect and grow with in your manifesting journey.

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