Corrosion Inhibition and Rust Conversion of Catechin On Archaeological Iron of Nanhai I

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Corrosion Inhibition and Rust Conversion of Catechin on
Archaeological Iron of Nanhai I
Minghao Jia 1 , Pei Hu 1 , Zisang Gong 1 , Jian Sun 2 , Yong Cui 3 , Dongbo Hu 1 and Gang Hu 1, *

1 School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; [email protected] (M.J.);
[email protected] (P.H.); [email protected] (Z.G.); [email protected] (D.H.)
2 National Centre for Archaeology, Beijing 100013, China; [email protected]
3 Guangdong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Guangzhou 510075, China;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: This work took the iron objects from the Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck in the Southern Song
Dynasty of China as the sample to test and analyze the application potential of catechin, an environ-
mentally friendly corrosion inhibitor and rust converter. The article used metallographic microscopy
to clarify that the structure of the iron artifact was hypereutectic white iron. By means of micro-
Raman, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron
microscope (SEM), potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cate-
chin had the ability to react with iron oxyhydroxides such as goethite, akaganeite and lepidocrocite
in the rust, forming an amorphous substance with a marked signal about 1380 cm−1 as phenolic-Fe
in infrared properties. The new products could make the original rust layer form a laminated dense
structure. After the archaeological iron was soaked in 3.0 g/L catechin, the corrosion current density
decreased by 37.13% and the corrosion potential shifted positively by 32.67 mV. The anode reaction
was more inhibited than the cathode in the polarization curve. The rust resistance in electrochemical
impedance increased to 3.75 times and the ion diffusion resistance increased to 6.33 times. The
Citation: Jia, M.; Hu, P.; Gong, Z.; corrosion inhibition efficiency was 21.75% and the rust conversion efficiency was 73.26%. After 36 h
Sun, J.; Cui, Y.; Hu, D.; Hu, G. of accelerated corrosion, the protection effect of the newly transformed rust layer was still better
Corrosion Inhibition and Rust than that of the original state. Catechin was a mild protection material which showed satisfactory
Conversion of Catechin on performance for archaeological iron and has a good application prospect.
Archaeological Iron of Nanhai I.
Metals 2022, 12, 714. Keywords: catechin; archaeological iron; corrosion inhibition; heritage conservation

Academic Editor: Elena Gordo

Received: 24 March 2022

1. Introduction
Accepted: 20 April 2022
Published: 22 April 2022
Archaeological iron artifacts are an important carrier of the development of human
civilization, as well as a physical witness of the evolution of ancient industries, so the
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
protection of iron cultural heritage has attracted more and more attention [1–3]. Due to
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
metal activity, archaeological iron is often generally more fragile and corroded than other
published maps and institutional affil-
metal artifacts unearthed in the same environment [4,5]. To slow down the continuous
corrosion and deterioration, it is necessary to reasonably select a corrosion inhibitor based
on the common protection process, which is one of the effective means that can be achieved
at present.
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Nanhai I is a wooden merchant ship of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279 A.D.)
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. that was excavated in Guangdong Province and is now displayed in the Maritime Silk
This article is an open access article Road Museum of Guangdong [6]. Judging from the hull structure, it could be called as “Fu
distributed under the terms and Ship (Fujian-style Freighter)” which belonged to a typical type in ancient China. It is the
conditions of the Creative Commons oldest, largest, and best-preserved one among the sunken ships which have been found so
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// far. The wreck may be defined in the era of the mid-13th century due to the overloaded goods on board [7]. It provides numerous historical information about the Maritime Silk
4.0/). Road and extremely rare materials for the study on ancient overseas trade.

Metals 2022, 12, 714.

Metals 2022, 12, 714 2 of 16

In ancient trade, metal raw materials and products dominated the international market,
which could be used to make weapons and labor tools. A huge number of daily necessities
and commercial products which made of iron or steel, such as pots, nails, and long slabs,
were excavated from the Nanhai I. How to stabilize them under favorable conditions
against further corrosion has been a serious problem. Further corrosion of the iron objects
often occurs after extraction from marine condition that tended to transform the metal core
into corrosion products [8,9].
The concept of conservation is to preserve the authenticity of information as much
as possible. The protection of metal cultural heritage cannot be compared to an operation
such as industrial cleaning. It is more inclined to preserve the metal core and rust together,
because the rust layer is still a trace that can reflect historical changes. Therefore, metal
artifacts required careful treatments and mild reagents for corrosion inhibition. That is, the
more active rust should be treated with inhibition reagents and converted into harmless
components [10,11].
Several articles have focused on the structure and composition of the rust layers of
iron or steel [12–14]. In the marine environment, the long-term immersion of iron is prone
to form thick rust with many different phases: oxides, oxyhydroxides, sulphides, sulphates,
chlorides, etc. Furthermore, the prior phases of rusts are usually a complex mixed with
goethite (α-FeOOH), akaganeite (β-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), and magnetite
(Fe3 O4 ) [15]. The rust composition and distribution of archaeological irons are always more
complicated than the simulated in the laboratory, especially under natural marine corrosion
for more than 800 years. The rust layer is usually not protective because the metal corrosion
can be accelerated by a galvanic coupling effect between the iron substrate and the rust [16].
Green corrosion inhibitors have the advantages of being biodegradable, inexpen-
sive and non-toxic. These advantages have fascinated numerous and intensive studies
on the application of natural plants or their extracts for the corrosion inhibition of the
metals [17,18]. Natural reagents are abundant organic compounds obtained from our life
which have electronegative functional groups and π-electrons in triple or conjugated double
bonds [19]. The aromatic rings and heteroatoms can donate electrons to vacant d-orbitals
of iron atoms, to form covalent bonds and promote the adsorption of organic molecules
at the iron interface [20]. The key components with good corrosion inhibition on metals
are primarily flavonoids, glycosides, phenolic acids, terpenoids, alkaloids, volatile oils,
etc. Most of these molecules have centers for π-electrons and functional groups (such as
–C=C–, –OH, –COOH, and –NH2 ) [17,21]. The adsorption can lead natural reagents to get
a mixed-type behavior of forming a protective layer to inhibit corrosion simultaneously,
which can be regarded as anodic reaction of iron oxidation and cathodic reaction of oxygen
reduction [22]. Besides, the anti-corrosion behavior of green inhibitors is also carried out
by the rust conversion, which is able to effectively convert the iron rust into a more stable
layer, serving as a barrier to block corrosive media [10].
In many studies on plant extracts, tea leaves contain various components which have
high application affinity to metals and satisfied behavior of corrosion inhibition, such as
polysaccharides, alkaloids (e.g., caffeine) and polyphenols (catechins and flavonoids) [23–25].
Catechin derivatives are a series of phenolic active compounds which are the major sub-
stances of green tea, constituting approximately 70% of total polyphenols in green tea
and 12–25% dried weight [26,27]. In recent years, more emphasis has been focused on the
corrosion inhibition effect of plant extracts rich in catechins [28–31]. Considering that the
catechin inhibitors mentioned above still have a long way to go before they are put into use
in industry, we can positively test pure catechin in practice in a conservation study. The
application to metal cultural heritage is a potential field, which fits well with the concept of
mild and eco-friendly treatment.
Therefore, this work aimed to investigate the protective behavior of catechin as a
corrosion inhibitor by using real iron artifacts, for preventing further degradation and
ensuring their preservation. The sample was collected from Nanhai No. 1 in the Southern
Song Dynasty of China which is about 800 years old. The iron core composition and
Metals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 16

Therefore, this work aimed to investigate the protective behavior of catechin as a

Metals 2022, 12, 714 corrosion inhibitor by using real iron artifacts, for preventing further degradation 3 ofand
ensuring their preservation. The sample was collected from Nanhai No. 1 in the Southern
Song Dynasty of China which is about 800 years old. The iron core composition and
original rustofofthe
judgedby bymetallographic
spectroscopy. The morphology and phase transformation of the catechin-modified
spectroscopy. The morphology and phase transformation of the catechin-modified rust rust
were confirmed by SEM and XRD. Different iron oxyhydroxides modified
were confirmed by SEM and XRD. Different iron oxyhydroxides modified by catechin by catechin
were comparedwith withthe
electrochemical impedancespectroscopy
spectroscopy were
were used
used together
together withwith
thethe above
above techniques
techniques to
to analyze
analyze the the mechanism
mechanism of corrosion
of corrosion inhibition
inhibition of catechin
of catechin on iron
on iron cultural
cultural heritage.

2.1. Archaeological Iron
2.1. Archaeological Iron
collectedfrom fromthetheNanhai
NanhaiI Iship.
archaeological iron were multiple stacked and completely covered by rustsand
iron were multiple stacked and completely covered by rusts andmuds.
corrodedand andshattered.
water to remove the
to remove thesilt
and mud,mud, thethe
rustrust layers
layers werewere gradually
gradually exposed.
exposed. They
werewere placed
placed in ainpHa pH
= 9= 9sodium
solution inin archaeological
archaeological laboratory
laboratoryfor for
dechlorination. The concentration of Cl − , NO − , SO 2− was about 26.93, 4.17, 4.45 mg/L by
− 3 − 4
dechlorination. The concentration of Cl , NO3 , SO4 was about 26.93, 4.17, 4.45 mg/L by
chromatography, respectively. The surface
respectively. appearance
The surface and the approximate
appearance dimension
and the approximate
are shown in Figure 1.
dimension are shown in Figure 1.

Figure Archaeologicaliron
NanhaiI (Guangdong,
I (Guangdong,China).

archaeologicaliron ironsamples
sampleswere wereimmersed
spraying for accelerated corrosion for 3 cycles. One cycle of spraying treatment
spraying for accelerated corrosion for 3 cycles. One cycle of spraying treatment included included
humidityofof40% 40%
ininthe drying stage for 6 h. After those process, samples were set at room
the drying stage for 6 h. After those process, samples were set at room condition condition forfor
24 h24
toh complete
to complete thethe
experimental pretreatment.
pretreatment. Catechin
Catechinwas obtained
was obtained from MREDA,
from MREDA, USA.
Rust powder:Powder
Rustpowder: Powdersamples
includedthe theoriginal
1 original rust: The rust powder was scraped from the iron object with a razor and a
① original rust: The rust powder was scraped from the iron object with a razor and
a brush, andand
then thethe
then rustrust
milledin an agate
in an mortar
agate mortarfor for
a uniform
a uniform andand
2 pure FeOOH: The α-FeOOH was prepared by solution containing 5 g of FeSO4 and
② pure FeOOH: The α-FeOOH was prepared by solution containing 5 g of FeSO4
g of1NaOH per 100
g of NaOH permL100ofmLdeionized water.water.
of deionized The temperature
The temperaturewas adjusted to 60 ◦to
was adjusted C 60
pH to 13. The solution was fluxed with oxygen for 12 h. The precipitates
and pH to 13. The solution was fluxed with oxygen for 12◦h. The precipitates were washed were washed with
DI water
with DI until
waterthe pH the
until waspH neutral
was before
neutral being dried
before at 85
being C. The
dried β-FeOOH
at 85 was prepared
°C. The β-FeOOH was

using a 5 g of FeCl3 solution in 60 C for 12 h. 0.5 g of EDTA and 5 mL of ammonia were
prepared using a 5 g of FeCl3 solution in 60 °C for 12 h. 0.5 g of EDTA and 5 mL of
added to form precipitates. The mixture was washed and dried at 85 ◦ C. The γ-FeOOH
was prepared by solution made of 5 g of FeCl2 ·4H2 O, 5 g of urotropine and 2 g of NaNO2
per 100 mL of deionized water. The mixture was heated to 60 ◦ C under constant stir for
12 h. The precipitates were washed and dried at 85 ◦ C.
Metals 2022, 12, 714 4 of 16

3 catechin-modified FeOOH: For test the interaction between FeOOH and catechin,
2 g of α, β, γ-FeOOH was added into 3.0 g/L of catechin solution in plastic tubes, respec-
tively. The tubes were sealed and shaken to ensure complete reaction. At the end, the
products were washed with DI water and dried at 85 ◦ C for forming powder samples.
Cross-section of iron core: The sample was cut from the edge of the archaeological
iron and then dried with a dryer at room temperature to remove free water on the surface.
The object was embedded in epoxy resin, and then mechanically grinding using SiC paper
(grade 80–2000) under absolute ethanol. Finally, this sample was polished with diamond
paste to obtain a smooth cross-section.
Working electrode: Cutting along the above cutting edge to ensure the continuity
and similarity of the rust layers and the iron core. Samples were cut into a small piece of
10 mm × 10 mm. It was carefully embedded in epoxy resin to mask and protect the cut
edges for potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance test.

2.3. Characterization
Observation of the original sample: optical stereomicroscope (Eclipse LV100ND,
Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) with digital camera (DS-Ri2, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) was used to
observe the metallographic structure of the iron core and the appearance of the original
rust layers of the cross-section.
Original rust component: Different rust components were defined by micro-Raman
spectroscopy performed on the cross-section sample using micro-Raman spectroscope
(Thermo Scientific DXRxi, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) with a microscope
(OLYMPUS BX51, Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Raman excitation was provided
by a frequency doubled Nd: YAG laser operating at 532 nm with a power of about 0.2 mW
and with a probe diameter of about 1 mm. All spectra were calibrated using the 519.5 cm−1
line of a silicon wafer.
Micro-morphological comparison: scanning electron microscope (Quanta 200F, FEI
Company, Hillsboro, OR, USA) was used to show the morphology of the original and
modified sample surface in detail under an accelerating voltage of 10 kV.
Crystalline-amorphous transition: To determine the crystalline structure of the origi-
nal and modified rust, X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded by a diffractometer (X’pert-3
Power, PANalytical, Almelo, Netherlands) with Cu anode. The generator voltage was
40 kV and tube current was 40 mA. Angular scanning was performed from 5◦ to 80◦ with a
scan step size of 0.013◦ . The rust was previously powdered and screened to a particle size
of less than 125 µm.
Chemical bonding comparison: KBr-matrix pellets were prepared to define chemical
structures of original and modified rust using FTIR transmittance analysis (Tensor 27,
Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany) in the ranges from 400 to 4000 cm−1 at 4 cm−1 resolution. A
total of 0.2 mg of powder sample was mixed with 200 mg of dry KBr (>99% FTIR grade,
Sigma-Aldrich, Burlington, MA, USA), then milled in an agate mortar and pressed to
be pellets.
Electrochemical state of corrosion: The polarization and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy were conducted with an electrochemical workstation (CS-350, CorrTestTM,
Wuhan, China). Measurements were carried out in a three-electrode cell with 1.5 wt.% NaCl
and 1.5 wt.% Na2 SO4 mixture as an electrolyte. The three-electrode cell included a saturated
calomel reference electrode filled with saturated KCl solution which served as a reference
electrode, a platinum auxiliary electrode with an exposure surface of 10 mm × 10 mm as
a counter electrode, and the iron objects with an exposure surface of 1 cm2 as working
electrode as described above. Prior to impedance tests, the electrodes were kept in the
solution for 30 min to stabilize the free corrosion potential. Potentiodynamic polarization
curves were obtained with a scan rate of 0.5 mV s−1 in the potential range from −150 to
+150 mV relative to the corrosion potential. Impedance test was performed at open circuit
potential in an applied frequency ranged from 100 kHz to 10 mHz, and the sinusoidal
perturbation signal with 10 mV amplitude was used. The obtained data were interpreted
from −150 to +150 mV relative to the corrosion potential. Impedance test was performed
at open circuit potential in an applied frequency ranged from 100 kHz to 10 mHz, and the
sinusoidal perturbation signal with 10 mV amplitude was used. The obtained data were
interpreted based on equivalent circuit using Cview and Zview (Cview2/ Zview2,
Scribner Associates Inc., Southern Pines, NC, USA) to obtain the fitting parameters.
Metals 2022, 12, 714 5 of 16

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Metallographic Structure
based on equivalent circuit using Cview and Zview (Cview2/ Zview2, Scribner Associates
The cross-section
Inc., Southern of the
Pines, NC, USA) iron
to was silvery
obtain white parameters.
the fitting in Figure 2. The white and long strips
were primary cementite, and the matrix was eutectic ledeburite. The archaeological
3. was
Results anda typical hypereutectic white cast iron with high carbon content in the range
of 4.3–6.69%.
3.1. When
Metallographic the hypereutectic molten iron was cooled, the wide and coarse
primary cementite was
The cross-section of produced
the iron first.
was Just because
silvery whiteit in
could grow
Figure 2. freely in theand
The white liquid,
was shaped as strips or flakes. Then, the temperature of the metal liquid
strips were primary cementite, and the matrix was eutectic ledeburite. The archaeological continued to
drop, and
sample wasthe eutectic
a typical phase occurred
hypereutectic tocast
white be eutectic
iron withledeburite.
high carbonDue to theinlocal
content cooling,
the range of
primary cementite
4.3–6.69%. When the and eutectic ledeburite
hypereutectic molten ironwere also arranged
was cooled, the wideinanddifferent cooling
coarse primary
cementite [32].produced first. Just because it could grow freely in the liquid, it was shaped
The elemental
as strips or flakes. analysis wastemperature
Then, the further testedof by
metaland the composition
liquid continued to was 5.31%
drop, C,
0.11% Si, 0.15% Mn, 0.08% P, 0.05% S and 94.3% Fe, which agreed with the
the eutectic phase occurred to be eutectic ledeburite. Due to the local cooling, primarymetallographic
cementite and eutectic ledeburite were also arranged in different cooling directions [32].

Figure 2. Metallographic
Figure 2. Metallographic diagrams
diagrams of
cast ironiron
the cast (A) and primary
(A) and cementite
primary and and
cementite eutectic ledeburite
eutectic (B). (B).

The elemental
3.2. Original analysis was further tested by EDS, and the composition was 5.31% C,
Rust Composition
0.11% Si, 0.15% Mn, 0.08% P, 0.05% S and 94.3% Fe, which agreed with the metallographic data.
Figure 3 showed the rust on the surface of the archaeological iron was mainly divided
into two major
3.2. Original rust
Rust layers: the outer layer was yellow and presented a loose and porous
appearance, while the inner one close to the iron core was black and dense. Many micro-
Figure 3 showed the rust on the surface of the archaeological iron was mainly divided
cracks penetrated the whole rust layer, even breaking into the iron core and cutting the
into two major rust layers: the outer layer was yellow and presented a loose and porous
dense black layer to be peeled off easily. The oxides and hydroxides of iron compounds
appearance, while the inner one close to the iron core was black and dense. Many micro-
were identified by micro-Raman according to the literature values [15,33]. The
cracks penetrated the whole rust layer, even breaking into the iron core and cutting the
components obtained in yellow rust were mixed and diverse, and there was no clear
dense black layer to be peeled off easily. The oxides and hydroxides of iron compounds
boundary. So the data were shown in the Figure 3 just because the signals at these points
were identified by micro-Raman according to the literature values [15,33]. The components
were intense, which did not mean that there was only one kind of rust near these point.
obtained in yellow rust were mixed and diverse, and there was no clear boundary. So the
data were spectra
shown showed
in the Figurethat the
3 just outermost
because rust was
the signals mainly
at these formed
points wereby hematite
intense, (α-
Fe 2O3) and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), with characteristic peaks at 215, 278 and 390 cm−1 to α-
did not mean that there was only one kind of rust near these point.
3 and the relatively weak peak at 1591 cm−1 to γ-Fe2O3. The dots in the middle showed
spectra showed that the outermost rust was mainly formed by hematite (α-
a strong
Fe O ) peak
and at 393 cm−1(γ-Fe
maghemite with O
less intense peaks at 299, 683 and 1306 cm−1 were attributed −1 to
2 3 2 3 ), with characteristic peaks at 215, 278 and 390 cm
to theOexistence of goethite (α-FeOOH). A strongest −1peak closed to 251 cm and a second
α-Fe 2 3 and the relatively weak peak at 1591 cm to γ-Fe 2 O3 . The dots in the middle
peak in the Raman shift of 382 cm −1 was related to the lepidocrocite phase (γ-FeOOH)
showed a strong peak at 393 cm with less intense peaks at 299, 683 and 1306 cm−1 were
− 1

attributed to the existence of goethite (α-FeOOH). A strongest peak closed to 251 cm−1
and a second peak in the Raman shift of 382 cm−1 was related to the lepidocrocite phase
(γ-FeOOH) which coexisted in the middle part of the yellow rust layer with α-FeOOH
phase. Akaganeite (β-FeOOH) was often regarded as the most dangerous compound in
rust due to its hygroscopicity in post-excavation corrosion and easy transformation into
other oxides, especially the magnetite (Fe3 O4 ) [34]. In this object, akaganeite had the bands
at 140, 305 and 392 cm−1 , while magnetite was assigned the Raman band at 349, 461, 677
and 1413 cm−1 near the black dense layer. Therefore, maghemite, goethite, lepidocrocite
which coexisted in the middle part of the yellow rust layer with α-FeOOH phase.
Akaganeite (β-FeOOH) was often regarded as the most dangerous compound in rust due
to its hygroscopicity in post-excavation corrosion and easy transformation into other
Metals 2022, 12, 714 6 of 16
oxides, especially the magnetite (Fe3O4) [34]. In this object, akaganeite had the bands at
140, 305 and 392 cm−1, while magnetite was assigned the Raman band at 349, 461, 677 and
1413 cm−1 near the black dense layer. Therefore, maghemite, goethite, lepidocrocite and
and akaganeite
akaganeite werewere the dominant
the dominant phasesphases
in the in the yellow
yellow loose
loose rust rustwhile
layer, layer,the
blackthe black
dense layermainly
layer was was mainly composed
composed of akaganeite
of akaganeite and magnetite.
and magnetite. The looseThe loose rust
yellow yellow
had a tendency
tendency of exfoliation
of exfoliation and the and
dense the dense
black rustblack
had arust had
lot of a lot so
cracks, of that
cracks, so that
the inner ironthe
inner iron had
core still core channels
still had channels in contact
in contact with the with the external
external environment
environment whichwhich was hard
was hard to
to stabilize.

Figure 3.
Figure 3. Micro-Raman
Micro-Raman diagram
diagram of
of original

3.3. Rust Conversion

XRD was also also used
used to to analyze
analyze the the composition
compositionofofrust rustpowder
powderand andthe thedata
compared respectively
respectivelyby byJade
software(Jade (Jade9.0,9.0,MDI,
Livermore, CA,CA,USA)USA)and PDF-card
and PDF-
references (α-FeOOH:
card references (α-FeOOH: #00–029–0713;
#00–029–0713; β-FeOOH:
β-FeOOH: #00–042–1315;
γ-FeOOH: #00–008–0098;
0098;2 O
γ-Fe 3 : #00–039–1346).
γ-Fe 2O3: #00–039–1346). ThereThere was wasa agood
correspondence between
between the the peaks
original rust
rustand andthethestandard
spectrum of of
β-FeOOH, which
which could be regarded
could be regarded as the
as main
phase of rustofinrust
main phase Figure 4a. Meanwhile,
in Figure 4a. Meanwhile,a significant signal of
a significant pureofiron
signal pure appeared, proving
iron appeared,
that there
proving thatwere some
there weretiny
some irontinyparticles that peeled
iron particles off with
that peeled rust rust
off with due dueto corrosion. The
to corrosion.
peaks intensity of other rust components were weak, but a small
The peaks intensity of other rust components were weak, but a small amount of α-FeOOH amount of α-FeOOH and
and γ-FeOOH couldcouldbe confirmed
be confirmedaccording to the PDF
according reference.
to the Most iron-based
PDF reference. compounds
Most iron-based
compounds in corrosion
involved in reactions
corrosion were prone to
reactions weretransform
prone tointo β-FeOOH
transform intoand γ-FeOOH
β-FeOOH andin
γ-FeOOH resulting in the little
in marine, amount
resulting in ofthe
α-FeOOH in rust. Ferric
little amount oxyhydroxides
of α-FeOOH has various
in rust. Ferric
types, where goethite
oxyhydroxides was antypes,
has various electrochemically
where goethite stable
wasphase, whereas others stable
an electrochemically were all active
whereas[35]. Therefore,
others were all theactive
phase [35]. in the rust powder
Therefore, preliminarily
the composition in indicated that the
the rust powder
rust phase of these
preliminarily archaeological
indicated that the rust ironsphase
had not yet reached
of these stability, irons
archaeological and the hadsubsequent
not yet
stabilization treatment was necessarily required.
reached stability, and the subsequent stabilization treatment was necessarily required.
After catechin
catechin treatment,
treatment,the theXRD XRD signals
signals of archaeological
of archaeologicalrustrust
werewerebasically trans-
formed into γ-Fe
transformed O3 , 2while
into 2γ-Fe O3, while the signals
the signalsof β-FeOOH
of β-FeOOH andand
γ-FeOOH were extremely
were extremelylow
low almost
and almostundetected in Figure
undetected 4b. In order
in Figure 4b. Intoorder
explainto this phenomenon,
explain the diffraction
this phenomenon, the
patterns of three types of iron oxyhydroxides before and after catechin treatment were
compared in Figure 4c–e, respectively. It was proved that FeOOH would chemically react
with catechin, and the new products basically transformed the original crystalline state into
amorphous compounds without obvious diffraction peaks. Therefore, the reactive α, β and
γ-FeOOH in the original rust could be consumed by the catechin reaction to transform into
an amorphous solid substance and deposited in the rust layer, while the relatively stable
Metals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 16

Metals 2022, 12, 714 7 of 16

crystalline state into amorphous compounds without obvious diffraction peaks.
Therefore, the reactive α, β and γ-FeOOH in the original rust could be consumed by the
catechin reaction to transform into an amorphous solid substance and deposited in the
rust product Fe2 Othe
layer, while 3 did not undergo
relatively significant
stable conversion
rust product and not
Fe2O3 did still undergo
in the rust
layer whichand
conversion could
rust layer which could be detected by XRD.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 4. XRD of original rust and three types of FeOOH before and after the catechin treatment.
Original rust (a); catechin-modified rust (b); catechin-modified α-FeOOH (c); catechin-modified
β-FeOOH (d); catechin-modified γ-FeOOH (e).
Metals 2022, 12, 714 8 of 16

All infrared peaks and corresponding chemical bonds were listed in Table 1. The
infrared spectrum of catechin was shown in Figure 5a. The peak of 3385 cm−1 was the
stretching vibration of −OH, indicating that there were a lot of hydroxyl groups on this
molecule. Multiple groups of peaks within the wavenumber of 1000~2000 cm−1 indi-
cated that the structure has obvious aromatic properties: 1456, 1519 and 1693 cm−1 were
characteristic of aromatic ring C=C bond structure; 1320 cm−1 could be assigned to the
bending vibration of the C−O bond connected to the hydroxyl group on phenolic sub-
stances; 1236 cm−1 was the bending vibration of the C−O bond; 1141 cm−1 and 1033 cm−1
was the stretching vibration of the phenolic C−O−C bond. Further, 823 cm−1 was the
bending vibration of =C−H bond on the out-of-plane benzene ring [36]. The above func-
tional groups were the basic parameters for identifying the presence of phenolic material.
The phenolic hydroxyl groups were easy to coordinate with metal cations to form a stable
deposited structure. The interaction between Fe3+ and the phenolic hydroxyl group has
effect on the O−C bond stretching vibration, in which the band shifted from 1320 cm−1
in the spectra of the catechin to about 1380 cm−1 in the pure catechin-Fe composite in
Figure 5b. This phenomenon can be explained by the chelation and redox reaction of Fe3+
with phenolic hydroxyl [37].

Table 1. FTIR peaks and corresponding chemical bonds.

Chemical Bonding IR Peaks (cm−1 )

stretching vibration of the −OH bond 3385
C=C bond of aromatic ring 1456, 1519 and 1693
stretching vibration of the C−O−Fe bond
(in the pure catechin−Fe composite)
stretching vibration of the C−O−Fe bond
(in the catechin−FeOOH composite)
bending vibration of the C−O bond
(connected to the −OH on phenolic substances)
bending vibration of the C−O bond 1236
stretching vibration of the phenolic C−O−C bond 1141 and 1033
bending vibration of the =C−H bond
(on the out-of-plane benzene ring)
vibration of the Fe−O bond in β-FeOOH 1627
bending vibration of the −OH bond in γ-FeOOH 1026
bending vibration of the −OH bond in β-FeOOH 833
vibration of iron oxides 553

The composition of the original rust was also identified by FTIR. The absorption peaks
at 833 cm−1 and 1627 cm−1 were corresponded to the bending of O−H bonds and the
vibration of Fe−O bonds in β-FeOOH, respectively [38]. The peak at 1026 cm−1 was due to
the O−H bending as a characteristic point in γ-FeOOH [39]. In addition, the characteristic
peak of γ-Fe2 O3 and β-FeOOH could be overlapped at 648 cm−1 . As for the peak of
3377 cm−1 , it was a broad adsorption of −OH group [40]. Therefore, Figure 5c showed the
main component of the powdered rust were mainly akaganeite (β-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (γ-
FeOOH) with a small amount of maghemite (γ-Fe2 O3 ), which was basically consistent with
the results obtained from the XRD above. After soaking with catechin, the characteristic
positions of β-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH were significantly weakened, the signal of effective
binding of catechin−Fe appeared at position 1380 cm−1 , and the absorption of iron oxides
appeared at position 553 cm−1 . Combined with the results of XRD, this phenomenon
could be explained that iron oxyhydroxides have successfully reacted with catechin to form
Metals 2022, 12, 714 9 of 16

Metals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 16

catechin−FeOOH, and the iron oxides did not undergo obvious transformation, so that the
infrared signal could be displayed.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure FTIR ofof original
original rust
rust and
FeOOH before and
before after
and thethe
after catechin treatment.
catechin treatment.
catechin (a); catechin-Fe (b); catechin-rust (c); catechin-α-FeOOH (d); catechin-β-FeOOH (e);
catechin (a); catechin-Fe (b); catechin-rust (c); catechin-α-FeOOH (d); catechin-β-FeOOH (e); catechin-
γ-FeOOH (f). (f).
Chemical Bonding IR Peaks (cm−1)
stretching vibration of the −OH bond 3385
C=C bond of aromatic ring 1456, 1519 and 1693
stretching vibration of the C−O−Fe bond
Metals 2022, 12, 714 (in the pure catechin−Fe composite) 10 of 16
stretching vibration of the C−O−Fe bond
(in the catechin−FeOOH composite)
The three mainvibration of the C−O bond
iron oxyhydroxides provided infrared images1320 of the pure mate-
rial before and after catechinphenolic
(connected to the −OH on substances)
treatment in Figure 5d–f. At the absorption positions
of 1365–1372 cm−1vibration
bending of the
, the reliable C−O bond
evidence 1236 molecules ap-
of effective binding to catechin
peared, and the
stretching aromatic
vibration peaks
of the of catechin
phenolic C−O−Calsobondshowed a new1141signal
andon the original
FeOOH structure.
bending vibration of the =C−H bond
Therefore, through the combined 823
(on the out-of-plane benzeneanalysis
ring) of XRD and FTIR, it can basically be con-
that catechin was
of the chemically
Fe−O bond inreacted
β-FeOOHwith the oxyhydroxides on the surface of the
archaeological iron, and the active α, β, γ-FeOOH could be consumed and transformed into
bending vibration of the −OH bond in γ-FeOOH 1026
an amorphous solid substance as catechin−FeOOH and deposited in the rust layer, while
bending vibration of the −OH bond in β-FeOOH 833
the original relatively stable iron oxide did not undergo obvious phase transformation and
still remained. vibration of iron oxides 553

3.4. Surface Modification

Scanning electron microscopy was used to compare the morphology of the rusted
surface of archaeological iron before and after catechin treatment, and the results were
shown in Figure 6. The
The original
original rust
rust layer
layer in
in Figure
Figure 6a has a loose and rough surface
forming many pores that could not obstruct external corrosive media. The particle sizes
varied greatly and a variety
variety of
of rust
rust products
products agglomerated
agglomerated irregularly.

(a) (b)

Figure 6. SEM of original (a) and catechin-treated surface (b) of archaeological

archaeological iron
iron of
of Nanhai
Nanhai I.I.

The catechin
catechin treatment
treatment could
could successfully convert the
successfully convert the active
active rust
rust into
into new
new products
and remained on the surface of archaeological iron. It gradually transformed the
remained on the surface of archaeological iron. It gradually transformed the rust with
rust with
different sizes and shapes into a multi-layer laminated structure, which made
different sizes and shapes into a multi-layer laminated structure, which made the rust the rust layer
more compact
layer more and denser
compact in Figure
and denser 6b. Therefore,
in Figure 6b. Therefore,surface of the
surface ironiron
of the objects could
objects be
covered more uniformly, which was beneficial to delay the further corrosion
be covered more uniformly, which was beneficial to delay the further corrosion of the of the internal
iron coreiron
internal fromcore
corrosive factors. factors.
the corrosive
3.5. Potentiodynamic Polarization
3.5. Potentiodynamic Polarization
The polarization curves of archaeological iron in mixed electrolyte (1.5 wt.% NaCl
and 1.5 wt.% Na2 SO4 ) at room temperature were shown in Figure 7. Table 2 presented the
corrosion potential (Ecorr ), corrosion current density (Icorr ), Tafel slope (βa , βc ), corrosion
rate (vcorr ) and chi-square (χ2 ) according to the data fitted by Cview. The shape of all
curves was similar, indicating that the catechin pretreatment could delay the reaction by
modifing rusted surface and obstructing the corrosion over metal, without causing marked
changes in the electrochemical corrosion mechanism [41]. The curves shifted to lower
current density with increasing concentration of catechin. The Icorr of the 3.0 g/L sample
was about 98.64 µA·cm−2 which was almost half than that of the blank one. Indeed, it
had the largest positive shift of Ecorr for catechin was 32.67 mV. A corrosion inhibitor was
rate (vcorr) and chi-square (χ2) according to the data fitted by Cview. The shape of all curves
was similar, indicating that the catechin pretreatment could delay the reaction by
modifing rusted surface and obstructing the corrosion over metal, without causing
marked changes in the electrochemical corrosion mechanism [41]. The curves shifted to
lower current density with increasing concentration of catechin. The Icorr of the 3.0 g/L
Metals 2022, 12, 714 11 of 16
sample was about 98.64 µA·cm−2 which was almost half than that of the blank one. Indeed,
it had the largest positive shift of Ecorr for catechin was 32.67 mV. A corrosion inhibitor
was clearly judged to be a cathode or anode inhibitor when the shift of the corrosion
clearly judged
potential was to>85bemVa cathode or anodecatechin
[25]. Therefore, inhibitor when
could bethe shift ofas
regarded the corrosion potential
a mixed-type inhibitor
was >85 mV [25]. Therefore, catechin could be regarded as a mixed-type
in this study. The slopes of both anodic and cathodic curves were not changed inhibitor in this
significantly with the catechin, although the anodic curve parallelly shifted with
The slopes of both anodic and cathodic curves were not changed significantly more
the catechin,than
obviously although
that ofthethe
anodic curve
cathode. Theparallelly shifted
corrosion more
rate of obviously than
archaeological ironthat of the
graduallyThe corrosion
after rate of archaeological
pretreatment with catechin. iron
Underdecreased gradually
the addition of 3.0after
the corrosion
with catechin. Under the addition of 3.0 g/L, the corrosion rate dropped
rate dropped to about 39% of the original state. Therefore, the behavior of catechinto about 39% of the
focusedstate. Therefore,
on inhibiting the
the behavior of
dissolution catechin
and wasoffocused
diffusion metals on inhibiting
through themodification
surface dissolution
and diffusion of metals through surface modification of rusted cast iron. It could act as a
of rusted cast iron. It could act as a qualified and mild green inhibitor to protect
qualified and mild green inhibitor to protect archaeological iron heritage.
archaeological iron heritage.

Figure Potentiodynamicpolarization

Table 2. 2.Fitted
parametersofof polarization
polarization curves
curves ofof archaeological
archaeological iron
iron inin mixed
mixed solution.

Samples Ecorr (mV vs.Sample

SCE) EIcorr
corr (mV vs
(µA·cm−2 ) βaI(mV
·dec−1 ) βaβc (mV·dec−1β )c vcorr
vcorr (mmPY) χχ22
−656.25 s SCE) (μA·cm ) (mV·dec 148.95 ) (mV·dec ) 1.8435 (mmPY)
−2 −1 −1
blank 156.89 257.87 0.2043
1.0 g/L −639.81 blank −656.25
135.14 156.89
272.51 257.87 135.29 148.95 1.8435
1.5758 0.2043
3.0 g/L −623.58 98.64 289.47 146.71 1.1229 0.4110
1.0 g/L −639.81 135.14 272.51 135.29 1.5758 0.4098
3.0 g/L −623.58 98.64 289.47 146.71 1.1229 0.4110
3.6. Electrochemical Impedance
3.6. Electrochemical
Electrochemical Impedance
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is an effective tool to support potentio-
dynamic polarization for
Electrochemical obtaining valuable
impedance information
spectroscopy (EIS) isabout
an the corrosion
effective toolinhibition
to supportof
catechin on the archaeological iron.
potentiodynamic polarization for obtaining valuable information about the corrosion
inhibition and 9 showed on the the Nyquist and
archaeological Bode plots of rusted and catechin-treated
samples. To extract the electrochemical
Figures 8 and 9 showed the Nyquist and Bode plotsparameters, experimental
of rusted data were fitted by
and catechin-treated
the electrical
samples. To equivalent circuits shown in
extract the electrochemical Figure 10. experimental
parameters, In Figure 9a,b, Rs were
data represented
fitted bythe
electrical resistance,
equivalent Ccircuits
r the rust capacitance,
shown in FigureRr the
10.rust resistance,
In Figure 9a,b, CdlRthe double-layer
s represented the
electrolyte R ct the charge
resistance, Cr transfer
the rust resistance,
capacitance,W the
Rr theWarburg resistance C
rust resistance, ordlbarrier diffusion
the double-layer
impedance which was associated with the diffusion of corrosive electrolyte into the iron
surface through pores in the rust layer that acted as a barrier. Due to the surface roughness
and inhomogeneity, a constant phase angle element (CPE) was introduced to describe the
Cdl and Cr in the fitting circuits [42,43].
For the rusted surface, the Nyquist plot was composed of a depressed capacitive
semi-arc which was assigned to the resistance of rust and electrolyte in the high frequency,
and a long tail in the low frequency region representing typical Warburg impedance. At
medium frequency, there was a semicircular transition region representing the charge
transfer resistance [44]. After the archaeological iron soaked with catechin, the radius of
the semi-arc in the high-frequency region become significantly larger, which indicated that
catechin effectively increased the resistance value of the rust layer. 1.0 g/L of catechin
Metals 2022, 12, 714 12 of 16

could increase the Rr of the original rust by 3 times, while 3.0 g/L of catechin could increase
the Rr by 3.75 times. It was also proved that the modified rust by catechin was more inert
and less conductive in corrosive media. The capacitance value Cr of the rust rose with the
increase of the concentration of catechin in the high frequency, which could be considered
as due to the weakly acidic catechin having reacted with the original rust to generate new
compounds. Meanwhile, the tough surface of the original rust has turned out to be even
and uniform, which was closer to the state of flat capacitors [45]. Then, the radius of the
capacitive arc in the medium frequency was also broadened due to the catechin. This was
because the catechin pretreatment could increase the charge transfer resistance of rust,
indicating that catechin could modify rust to be denser than the original. The modified rust
layer had the ability to effectively block the charge and ion transfer between the rusted
cast iron and the corrosive solution, for improving the protection of the internal metal. The
Warburg impedance in the low frequency region was also significantly improved, which
also showed that the new layer could effectively block the diffusion of the external corrosive
medium into the iron core compared with the original rust layer. After 36 h of accelerated
corrosion, all three groups of samples showed a decreasing trend of impedance value, but
the samples soaked with catechin could still guarantee the improvement of charge transfer
Metals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Metals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
13 of 16
13 of 16
resistance and rust resistance of archaeological iron.

Figure 8.
Figure 8. Nyquist
8. Nyquist plots
plots of
of original and catechin-treated
original and
and catechin-treated archaeological
catechin-treated archaeological iron
archaeological ironin
iron inmixed
in mixedsolution.
mixed solution.

(a) (b)
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Bode
9. Bode diagrams
diagrams of
diagrams of original
of original and
original andcatechin-treated
and catechin-treatedarchaeological
catechin-treated archaeologicaliron
archaeological ironinin
iron inmixed
mixed solution.|Z|
|Z| value
value (a)
(a) and
|Z| value and phase
(a) phase shift
shift shift
and phase (b) against
(b) against frequency
(b) against frequency
(a) (b)

Metals 2022, 12, 714 Figure 9. Bode diagrams of original and catechin-treated archaeological 13iron
of 16in mixe
|Z| value (a) and phase shift (b) against frequency

Figure 10. Equivalent circuits of EIS curves of archaeological iron in mixed solution.
Figure 10. Equivalent circuits of EIS curves of archaeological iron in mixed solution.
The inhibition efficiency of the catechin was calculated from the charge transfer re-
sistance (Rct ) values according to the following Equation (1) [46]. Then, another equation
Table 3. Fitted parameters of EIS curves of archaeological iron in mixed solution.
could be constructed by the rust resistance (Rr ) to analyze the efficiency of rust conversion
Rs Rr using Equation (2). Rct(inh) and Rct(blank) were the charge transfer resistance values with
Rct Rw CPEr CPEdl
and without inhibitor. Rr(inh) and Rr(blank) were the rust resistance values with and
Samples nr without
ndl χ2
(Ω·cm2) (Ω·cmthe
2) (Ω·cm2) (Ω·cm2) (sn·Ω−1·cm−2 × 106) (sn·Ω−1·cm−2 × 106)
inhibitor, respectively. The corrosion inhibition efficiency of 3.0 g/L of catechin was
blank 17.54 28.1121.75%78.52
and the rust conversion efficiency
81.92 1.677was 73.26%. All fitted data are listed
17.637 in Table
0.59 0.343.0.013
1.0 g/L 23.49 76.87 85.59 417.52 22.063 Rct(inh) − Rct8.867
(blank) 0.53 0.48 0.021 8
ηct = Inhibition efficiency (%) = ×100% (1)
Rct(inh) 2
3.0 g/L 16.70 105.12 100.35 518.41 20.212 6.005 0.50 0.51 0.019
Rr(inh) − Rr(blank)
ηr = Conversion efficiency (%) = ×100% (2)
blank+ corr. 18.52 21.76 61.14 78.96 1.451 Rr(inh19.271
) 0.60 0.31 0.014

Table 3. Fitted parameters of EIS curves of archaeological iron in mixed solution.

Rs Rr Rct Rw CPEr CPEdl

Samples nr ndl χ2 ηct ηr
(Ω·cm2 ) (Ω·cm2 ) (Ω·cm2 ) (Ω·cm2 ) (sn ·Ω−1 ·cm−2 × 106 ) (sn ·Ω−1 ·cm−2 × 106 )

blank 17.54 28.11 78.52 81.92 1.677 17.637 0.59 0.34 0.013 / /
1.0 g/L 23.49 76.87 85.59 417.52 22.063 8.867 0.53 0.48 0.021 8.26% 63.43%
3.0 g/L 16.70 105.12 100.35 518.41 20.212 6.005 0.50 0.51 0.019 21.75% 73.26%

blank + corr. 18.52 21.76 61.14 78.96 1.451 19.271 0.60 0.31 0.014 / /
1.0 g/L+ corr. 21.90 70.44 70.12 391.60 28.854 9.514 0.51 0.49 0.015 12.81% 69.11%
3.0 g/L+ corr. 18.84 97.39 94.08 410.45 20.023 6.665 0.51 0.49 0.018 35.01% 77.66%

4. Conclusions
The surface rust of Nanhai No. 1 archaeological iron was mainly akaganeite, lepi-
docrocite and goethite with a small amount of maghemite by Raman spectroscopy and
XRD analysis. After the archaeological iron soaked in 3.0 g/L of catechin for 12 h, there
was only a strong signal of maghemite in XRD, while the signal of iron oxyhydroxides
almost completely disappeared. The reaction between pure FeOOH and catechin could
prove that the catechin has the ability to react with goethite, akaganeite and lepidocrocite in
the rust, forming catechin−FeOOH with a marked signal about 1380 cm−1 as phenolic-Fe
in infrared properties. The original crystalline state of FeOOH was converted into an
amorphous form by catechin, so that the significant signal was lost in XRD. The relatively
stable iron oxide did not undergo transformation reaction and could remain. The modified
rust could transform the rough and porous rust layer into a laminated dense structure.
After the archaeological iron soaked in 3.0 g/L catechin, the corrosion current density
decreased by 37.13% and the corrosion potential shifted positively by 32.67 mV. The
anode reaction was more inhibited than the cathode in the polarization curve. The rust
resistance in electrochemical impedance increased to 3.75 times and the ion diffusion
resistance increased to 6.33 times. The corrosion inhibition efficiency was 21.75% and the
rust conversion efficiency was 73.26%. After 36 h of accelerated corrosion, the protection
effect of the newly transformed rust layer was still better than that of the original state.
Metals 2022, 12, 714 14 of 16

Catechin could promote the stabilization and transformation of the rust layer, and
effectively inhibit the further corrosion of the iron core. It has a good application prospect
as an environment-friendly protection material for ancient iron cultural heritage.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.J. and G.H.; methodology, P.H.; validation, M.J. and
P.H.; investigation, Z.G.; resources, J.S. and Y.C.; writing—original draft preparation, M.J.; supervision,
M.J. and G.H.; project administration, D.H., J.S. and Y.C.; funding acquisition, G.H. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of
China (State assignment No. 2020YFC1522100).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available in the article.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Li Chen in School of Physics, Peking University, for her support of
SEM and EDS in this work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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