Schmitt (2019) - Research Agenda For Vocabulary

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Language Teaching (2019), 52, 261–274



Understanding vocabulary acquisition, instruction, and

assessment: A research agenda
Norbert Schmitt
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
E-mail: [email protected]

This paper suggests six areas of vocabulary research which the author believes would be fruitful for future
research. They include (1) developing a practical model of vocabulary acquisition, (2) understanding how
vocabulary knowledge develops from receptive to productive mastery, (3) getting lexical teaching/learning
principles into vocabulary and language textbooks, (4) exploring extramural language exposure and how it
can best facilitate vocabulary acquisition, (5) developing more informative measures of vocabulary knowledge,
and (6) measuring fluency as part of vocabulary competence. Nine tasks are suggested for how to research
these six research directions, with advice on research design and how to set about carrying out the tasks.

Vocabulary is currently one of the most popular topics in applied linguistics research, with Rod Ellis
(2009, p. 335) noting that ‘It is probably true that to say that during my editorship of Language
Teaching Research there have been more articles published on vocabulary teaching than on any other
topic.’ In a recent FIRST PERSON SINGULAR feature in this journal, Nation (2018) states that over 30% of
the research on first language (L1) and second language (L2) vocabulary learning in the last 120
years has occurred in the last 12 years. As a result of this research, we have a much better understanding
of the nature of vocabulary, how much and which vocabulary is required to do things in an L2 (especially
English), and how to most effectively teach and learn the required vocabulary. Nevertheless, there are still
large gaps in our knowledge of key aspects of vocabulary. In this article, I will discuss six issues which I
feel deserve attention, and are worth addressing as a priority. If these points were taken up, I believe the
resulting research would provide tangible improvements in vocabulary pedagogy and assessment, and so
I suggest them as part of a vocabulary research agenda for the next ten years.

1. Developing a practical model of vocabulary acquisition

Paul Meara first noted the lack of an overall theory of vocabulary acquisition in 1983, and this is still
true today. Of course, there have been numerous theories which cover limited aspects of vocabulary
learning. For example, the Revised Hierarchical Model (Kroll & Stewart, 1994) posited that the psy-
cholinguistic pathway to L2 meaning is initially through L1 translation equivalents. Ellis (2002)
reviews how frequency partially drives language acquisition, including individual words and formulaic
language. Brown and Payne (1994, cited in Hatch & Brown, 1995) proposed a five-step model of
vocabulary learning, although it only dealt with form and meaning. In fact, the very few theories/mod-
els available have tried to explain how basic form-meaning connections are created (sometimes in rela-
tion to L1 lexicon entries), but there are still none that explain how the many different components of
lexical mastery are developed. This is partly because vocabulary knowledge remains an extremely com-
plex construct, which resists any single explanation. This consists of (ideally) very large numbers of
both individual words with their inflections and derivatives, and of formulaic sequences. Every lexical
item has its own characteristics which may make it relatively easier or more difficult for any particular
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learner to acquire, with L1 being a major factor (Laufer, 1997). It is probably impossible to devise any
explanation of acquisition which can reliably describe how every intrinsically different lexical item is
acquired by learners of various L1s.
The best-known and most widely used framework is Nation’s (2013) division of vocabulary knowl-
edge into nine components of ‘word knowledge’ (e.g. spelling, word parts, meaning, grammatical func-
tions, collocation). The framework has been extremely useful in describing the totality of WHAT
learners need to know, but says nothing about any HIERARCHICAL ORDERING (i.e. which components
are typically learned before others, or should be taught before others). This limits its pedagogical
value, because it is unclear how the various components relate to each other, and how to best prioritize
the various components when teaching.
A limited number of studies have measured knowledge of multiple components from the frame-
work for various research purposes (e.g. Schmitt, 1998; Webb, 2005; Chen & Truscott, 2010), and gen-
erally found that the various measured components were interrelated, but that some appeared to be
acquired before others. The most comprehensive of these multicomponent studies was carried out
by González-Fernández and Schmitt (2019). They found that all of the components they measured
(form-meaning, derivatives, collocation, polysemy) were known to a recognition level before any of
those aspects were known to a recall level. This suggests the key descriptor of vocabulary knowledge
may not be the word knowledge components themselves (as implied by Nation’s framework), but
rather recognition vs recall mastery of those components. They also found knowledge of the compo-
nents conformed to an implicational scale, i.e. that some components were learned before others.
If their acquisition order is shown to be generalizable, this would give teachers and testers a
blueprint for how (at least a portion of) vocabulary knowledge is acquired. But the research first
needs extending to other word knowledge components and other L1s. This leads to my first two
research suggestions:

Research task 1
Carry out cross-sectional multicomponent test batteries of vocabulary knowledge, measuring both
receptive and productive mastery, to better understand the relationships between (1) receptive and
productive mastery, and (2) the various word knowledge components.

Research task 2
Carry out the task 1 test batteries in longitudinal studies to better understand how receptive/
productive mastery and word knowledge components develop over time in individuals.

In an ideal world, it would be best to measure all of the word knowledge components (both recep-
tively and productively) in the same test battery. However, this seems virtually impossible in practical
terms, as González-Fernández and Schmitt’s battery of only four components took between 2.5 and 3.5
hours for most learners. Their study could be usefully replicated (Porte, 2012), but it should also be
extended by measuring word knowledge components they did not measure (spelling, pronunciation,
word parts, associations, grammatical functions, constraints of use). By also including one or two of
the components they did measure as a comparison, it should be possible to relate any new study’s
results to the existing implicational scale. For example, González-Fernández and Schmitt found that
recognition of the form-meaning link was typically mastered before recognition of derivatives. If a
new study found that recognition of correct spelling was mastered before recognition of the
form-meaning link, it could be inferred that recognition of correct spelling is also typically mastered
before recognition of derivatives. The comparison would be further enhanced if González-Fernández
and Schmitt’s target words were used in the new studies. Another approach would be to measure all
components, but with different target words, carefully controlling the target items to be similar across
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components. Although this has the limitation of not measuring the same words across the different
components, the value of more components being measured concurrently may be worth the trade-off.
It also eliminates any possibility of TEST CONTAMINATION (where exposure to a target word on one test in
the battery may give hints to answering a subsequent test).
While cross-sectional studies can be informative, longitudinal studies are usually better at describ-
ing acquisition. This would require re-administering the test battery again after a semester or year, to
see how the various components were enhanced and to what degree. If this proved difficult to arrange
for groups of students, such a longitudinal study might be well suited to a case study approach, if sev-
eral very cooperative learners could be found.
González-Fernández (2018) found the same results with Spanish learners of English (cognate lan-
guage) and Chinese learners (noncognate language). But it would also be useful to extend the research
to other L1s, as previous research (e.g. Otwinowska & Szewczyk, 2017) shows that L1 is an important
factor in L2 vocabulary acquisition.
Eventually it should be possible to model which word knowledge components were typically
learned before others (for most words and most learners), or alternatively, whether some components
are inherently idiosyncratic regarding their learning burden (i.e. whether they are learned earlier or
later depends mainly on the particular word or learner). It should also become clear whether recog-
nition mastery always precedes recall mastery for all components, or just for the four that
González-Fernández and Schmitt measured. The results would inform pedagogy in showing where
most teaching effort needs to be applied: in moving vocabulary knowledge from Ø → RECEPTIVE, or
from RECEPTIVE → PRODUCTIVE. It would also inform testing, because if an implicational scale could
be identified for all/most components, it would only be necessary to test a few components to infer
what other components were known.

2. Understanding how vocabulary knowledge develops from receptive to productive mastery

Point 1 is about understanding the various aspects of vocabulary knowledge (e.g. spelling, meaning,
word parts, collocations) and how they relate to each other. This point focuses more on acquisition,
especially how to move learner knowledge to the more advanced productive level. There is plenty of
research, along with teacher experience, to show that receptive mastery of a lexical item (ability to
understand it when listening or reading) is generally stronger than productive mastery (ability to pro-
duce it in one’s own speech or writing). Virtually all research which includes both receptive and pro-
ductive measures show higher receptive scores (e.g. Melka, 1997; Laufer & Goldstein, 2004; Webb,
2005). (See Point 5 below for more discussion on receptive/productive and recognition/recall measure-
ments.) But research generally just reports the receptive and productive scores, without considering the
relationship between the two. In simple terms with a continuum-based illustration, the relationship
might be exemplified like this (although note that a ‘states’-based conceptualization is also possible
(e.g. Meara, 1997).

Figure 1.

Many might think that the intervals (i.e. learning burden) is about equal between Ø → R and R → P
for most words, as illustrated in Figure 1. Others might think the major learning is in learning the
word in the first instance to receptive mastery, and after that productive mastery follows on without
too much trouble (Figure 2).
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Figure 2.

But I think the research indicates that the opposite is true: that learning most words to receptive
mastery is relatively easy; it is enhancing that knowledge to productive mastery which is the real chal-
lenge (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

It is not difficult to understand why this might be so, as I explain in Schmitt (2014). In reading, to
comprehend a word, it might be enough to be able to recognize the spelling of a word and remember
its meaning. All or most of the other word knowledge components are already in the text (e.g. its col-
location and derivative form), which may or may not be utilized to aid comprehension. But when writ-
ing, one must know and produce all of the various components independently without prompts. The
same holds true for listening/speaking.
I think it is safe to assume that most learners want to be able to employ their vocabulary in their
speaking and writing. So for me, an under-researched area of particular interest is how to push lear-
ners’ knowledge from receptive mastery to the point where they can independently use lexical items
fluently and appropriately in their own output. This leads to my next research suggestion:

Research task 3
Investigate various vocabulary learning exercises and activities to determine which best improve
vocabulary knowledge from receptive to productive mastery.

Note that this task is not about determining which vocabulary activities are best to BEGIN the learn-
ing process, but which are best to enhance partially known vocabulary. These questions will probably
require a pretest-treatment-posttest design, with target lexical items being tested both receptively and
productively. The targets will need to be known receptively (but not productively) at the beginning of
the study. Because it is difficult to know how well individual lexical items are known, a range of items
will probably have to be given in the pretest, and only those known receptively selected for inclusion in
the study.
Most studies have used multiple-choice items as their receptive format, but these are probably not
the best choice, because guessing will almost certainly inflate the scores to some unknowable extent
(Gyllstad, Vilkaite, & Schmitt, 2015). I suggest using MEANING RECALL formats for the receptive tests
and FORM RECALL formats for the productive tests (see Point 5). This virtually eliminates guessing,
and also better matches the lexical knowledge necessary for the receptive and productive skills (read-
ing/listening; writing/speaking) (Schmitt, 2010, 2014). Using L1 translations is a good way to oper-
ationalize these recall measures if one is testing a homogenous L1 group. With heterogeneous
groups, it will be necessary to use alternative meaning-based prompts, such as L2 definitions or
higher-frequency L2 synonyms.
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Research suggests that it takes some time to build up to productive mastery, which prompts Read
(2000, p. 154) to pose the very interesting question: ‘Is there a certain minimum amount of word
knowledge that is required before productive use is possible?’ Answers to receptive-productive ques-
tions like this will probably require longer-term longitudinal studies. Just how long is probably a
research question in itself, but studies with too short a treatment period (I speculate less than six
months) will likely show little change from receptive to productive knowledge. (There is also the
issue of APPROPRIACY of use, which I do not have space to address in this piece.)
Any one iteration of a learning activity will be unlikely to result in truly productive knowledge, so
research should also enquire how many repetitions it takes to move knowledge to the productive level.
The most effective methodology might entail a combination of activities, and so this should also be
explored. Research suggests learners must practice vocabulary productively to reach productive mas-
tery (e.g. Laufer, 2005), so the activities investigated will almost certainly require learners to produce
output, rather than just practice receptively. It will only be possible to study limited numbers of activ-
ities in any one study, so I foresee this strand requiring a number of studies, and only by eventually
synthesizing them will we get the bigger picture of the kind of vocabulary activities we should promote
after initial (receptive) learning is in place.

3. Getting lexical teaching/learning principles into vocabulary and language textbooks

There has been enough research on vocabulary to suggest a number of principles of good vocabulary
instruction. Hunt and Beglar (1998) proposed seven, including:

• diagnose which of the 3,000 most common words learners need to study
• provide opportunities for elaborating word knowledge
• provide opportunities for developing fluency with known vocabulary
• experiment with guessing from context

In Schmitt (2008), I added another six points, including:

• Learners need large vocabularies to successfully use a second language, and so high vocabulary
targets need to be set and pursued.
• Vocabulary learning is a complex and gradual process, and different approaches may be appro-
priate at different points along the incremental learning process.
• Once this initial meaning-form link is established, it is crucial to consolidate it with repeated
• It is also important to begin enhancing knowledge of different aspects of word knowledge. Some
of these may be usefully learned explicitly (e.g. knowledge of derivative forms), but the more
‘contextualized’ word knowledge aspects (e.g. collocation) are probably best learned by being
exposed to the lexical item numerous times in many different contexts.

While principles like these are sound, and would surely lead to better vocabulary pedagogy, the prob-
lem is that most teachers do not have the time, expertise, or resources to consistently put them into
practice. Take the idea of recycling (repeated exposures). For example, if a teacher taught ten new
words a class, it might be possible for her to conscientiously recycle all those words for a while.
But eventually, it will become unmanageable to recycle 100–200+ words in a systematic manner.
This task needs to be done by someone with the time and resources to carefully consider (1) which
vocabulary is most beneficial for learners (largely high-frequency vocabulary); (2) which activities
most effectively teach these lexical items (some activities may be better suited to certain lexical
items than others); and (3) how to systematically build recycling and enhancement into a course
longer-term. Syllabus designers, and particularly textbook writers (who typically take a year or
more to write their books), are best positioned to organize this thoughtful development of vocabulary.
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Unfortunately, most textbooks lack any obvious systematic approach to vocabulary. Many (most?)
textbooks are built around some kind of reading passage, and the vocabulary highlighted largely
depends on the topic of that passage. This vocabulary is seldom repeated later as the topics for the
next chapters change. This can lead to quite haphazard vocabulary selection (Schmitt & Schmitt,
2014). For example, Hsu (2009) examined 20 international General English textbooks, ranging from
low intermediate to advanced levels. She found little uniformity between the level of the textbook
and the vocabulary required both within and across textbook series. For example, the advanced
Reading for real required 4,000–4,500 word families to reach 95% coverage, while the low intermediate
Reading for success 2 required 7,000–7,500 families. Another ramification of unsystematic vocabulary
selection is a lack of recycling. In one example of this, Matsuoka and Hirsh (2010) analysed the
vocabulary from the best-selling New Headway Upper Intermediate English textbook and found
that of the 1,005 beyond-high-frequency word families, 66.4% occurred only once, and only 12.1%
occurred five times or more. Finally, the vocabulary activities in textbooks are often quite limited in
what they teach. Brown (2010) found that the nine General English textbooks he analysed focused
mainly on meaning and form, with some attention to grammatical function and spoken form, but
did little to enhance knowledge of other types of word knowledge like collocation, derivative form,
or constraints on use. I think it would be useful to find out why vocabulary teaching principles are
generally not making it into textbooks:

Research task 4
Interview publishers, commissioning editors, and textbook writers to determine why established
vocabulary teaching principles are not generally incorporated into textbooks. What are the constraints
writers face, and what can be done to make textbooks more pedagogically sound from a vocabulary

I am not aware of any research which looks at how publishers and textbooks writers go about selecting
the vocabulary for their books, and how they develop the activities for that vocabulary. Therefore, a
logical first step is to interview them, to determine how much they take account of vocabulary research
in their textbook development. Some obvious lines of questioning include the following:

• Are textbook writers aware of the vocabulary research in the first place?
• Is vocabulary development an essential component as they conceptualize their books?
• If so, how do they attempt to operationalize it in their textbooks?
• What are the constraints which keep them from more fully applying the principles in their
• If they do not believe it is important to highlight vocabulary, is this because they do not believe
the end consumer wants it? Or is vocabulary simply too difficult to organize over time? Or are
there other reasons?
• What guidance/guidelines, if any, do writers get from publishers concerning vocabulary content?
What guidelines would they like to get that would make a more principled and systematic
approach to vocabulary inclusion in textbooks possible?

In addition to this publisher-based research, it would be very useful to explore teachers’ beliefs, atti-
tudes, and usage of textbooks, to consider (1) how these might affect publishers’ attitudes, and (2) how
the presently available vocabulary textbook activities are being utilized.
Most schools and teachers rely heavily on textbooks for language content, so I believe it is essential
that these books incorporate sound vocabulary principles in a way that the average teacher would
never have the time to do properly, i.e. textbooks are the essential conduit for research to influence
practice. It is time to find out why this influence has been so meagre to date, and to think of ways
of redressing the problem.
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4. Exploring extramural language exposure and how it can best facilitate vocabulary acquisition
While many learners around the world struggle to learn 2,000 English words after schooling of hun-
dreds, or even a thousand, hours (Laufer, 2000), children in other countries come into school knowing
substantial amounts of English vocabulary. This is especially true in northern Europe. What makes
these countries different? It probably has something to do with the social attitude that English is useful
and worth knowing (e.g. de Wilde & Eyckmans, 2017). But the more important factor is likely to do
with the exposure to English these children enjoy. Recent research has shown that children in some
countries are exposed to English for several hours per week (e.g. Lindgren & Muñoz, 2013; Jensen
2016; de Wilde & Eyckmans, 2017). This has led to young learners having impressive English vocabu-
lary sizes for their age. For example, in Belgium, learners scored a mean of 66.20 out of 108 on the
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, despite not having had any formal English instruction when they
took the test (de Wilde & Eyckmans, 2017). In Iceland, Lefever (2010) found that most children before
the start of formal education could already understand basic spoken English, many could participate in
simple conversations in English, and most were in the first stages of understanding written English.
Clearly, these learners are acquiring considerable vocabulary and language outside the classroom,
and some must come from media exposure (Kuppens, 2010). There is even some evidence that
out-of-class exposure has a larger effect than length of instruction (Peters, 2018).
Three types of extracurricular exposure (sometimes referred to as EXTRAMURAL EXPOSURE) usually
found to be important include: watching English-language television (with subtitles or captions)
(e.g. Kuppens, 2010; Lindgren & Muñoz, 2013), playing computer/internet English games (e.g.
Kuppens, 2010; Sylvén & Sundqvist, 2012; Jensen, 2016), and particularly for older learners, consum-
ing English-language reading material, whether on paper or on the internet (e.g. González-Fernández
& Schmitt, 2015; Garnier & Schmitt, 2016; Macis & Schmitt, 2017). However, these studies do not
typically indicate the relative importance of these various kinds of extramural exposure, nor examine
in much detail the precise nature of the exposure (e.g. the prominent English features in the computer
games being used). Having finer-grained detail about the nature of extramural exposure, and studying
how this directly leads to L2 acquisition, would allow more concrete suggestions about how to promote
the most effective use of extramural exposure in a range of contexts, and how to best integrate it with
classroom instruction.

Research task 5
Determine how to maximize the benefits of extramural exposure for vocabulary acquisition.

Research task 6
Analyse computer games for the type of vocabulary they contain.

Most research into extramural exposure has used surveys or interviews to determine the category
(e.g. watching TV or playing computer games in the L2) and the extent of exposure, and then matched
the answers with learner scores on vocabulary and other language tests. As shown above, this meth-
odology has demonstrated that extramural exposure of various types is related to better L2 proficiency.
What is less clear is how maximize the benefits of this exposure for vocabulary acquisition. Research
on several approaches could be useful. The first involves marrying supplementary explicit instruction
to the extramural exposure. Two small studies (Miller & Hegelheimer, 2006; Ranalli, 2008) have shown
that supplementary materials (e.g. word lists of the vocabulary in SIM games and vocabulary exercises)
lead to better vocabulary learning when playing the games. Potential research studies could match
extramural exposure with a variety of supplementary materials provided in language classrooms to
determine which types of material are the most effective in promoting vocabulary growth. Some
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obvious candidates include: lists of words from the extramural exposure, a variety of explicit exercises
focusing on those words, and strategy training exercises to help learners manage and learn new words
(e.g. exercises which train learners to concurrently focus on both L2 audio and L1 subtitles when
watching subtitled media (Kuppens, 2010)). This approach could be informative about which supple-
mentary materials are most effective with particular types of extramural exposure, or whether some
combination is best. It would be useful to include three conditions: one in which learning gains
from the extramural exposure alone were measured, one where the learning from just the explicit
materials was measured, and a combined condition. This would illustrate how much learning accrues
from the interaction of exposure and materials, and how much simply comes from the explicit mate-
rials themselves.
Another approach would involve using multiple vocabulary tests to determine what vocabulary
knowledge comes from different types of extramural exposure. By using both recognition/receptive
and recall/productive tests, it should be possible to better describe the degree of mastery that extra-
mural exposure typically leads to.
Gaming is an important type of extramural exposure for many learners, and it would be useful to
better understand what kinds of games are most beneficial. Jensen (2016) is a model of how finer-
grained analyses can prove informative. She classified the games into the following categories:
games with both oral and written English input, with oral but no written English input, with written
but no oral English input, with oral English input and written Danish input, and Danish oral input
and written English input. She found that gaming with ‘both spoken and written English input’
was significantly related to scores on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and to a much lesser extent,
gaming with ‘only written English input’. Likewise, different games might be better for boys vs girls.
Sylvén and Sundqvist (2012) found that not only did boys engage in gaming more than girls, but they
tended to play different types of games; they preferred first-person shooter or multiplayer games, while
girls tended towards single-player simulation games. This makes a difference because Sylvén and
Sundqvist consider multiplayer games (particularly Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing
games, such as EverQuest 2 and World of Warcraft) ‘highly beneficial for L2 acquisition because
they provide learners with opportunities for engagement with rich target language input [and output]
as well as for scaffolded interaction’ (2012, p. 315).
Further finer-grained research into games could explore whether different types of game promote
different types of vocabulary (e.g. Do shooter games highlight ‘action’ verbs? Do multi-player games
promote the vocabulary of commanding or negotiating?). An analysis of the vocabulary in games
could show what words are being presented, e.g. the percentage of high-/mid-/low-frequency words
through a Lextutor analysis (, vocabulary that realizes language functions through
referral to references such as Nattinger and DeCarrico (1992), and specialist vocabulary. A lexical ana-
lysis could also show whether words are being repeated enough to make incidental learning viable
(Cobb 2007), although this would also require the additional step of determining the number of repe-
titions required for this kind of input, as it might differ from reading, on which most incidental learn-
ing research has been carried out. Other research directions include exploring the role of gaming visual
input in vocabulary learning (e.g. in what ways does the visual input support the acquisition of
vocabulary?), and the nature of gaming interaction (e.g. what kinds of interaction are most facilitative
for vocabulary learning?).

5. Developing more informative measures of vocabulary knowledge

Any research into vocabulary acquisition is only as good as the tests used to measure the learning, and
most vocabulary tests are not validated to any great degree (Schmitt, Nation, & Kremmel, 2019).
Most studies have used only a single measure, so in Points 1 and 2, I suggested the value of using
test batteries, including measures of multiple types of word knowledge, and at receptive and productive
masteries (see also Webb, 2005). Furthermore, most studies to date have measured only some aspect of
the form-meaning link, often with a multiple-choice format (i.e. at the ‘recognition’ level of mastery),
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so I have also argued that it is better to measure form-meaning knowledge at the levels of meaning
recall and form recall (Point 2).
Until now, I have used the terms RECEPTIVE and PRODUCTIVE quite loosely when speaking about test-
ing, as have most commentators. What we really want in vocabulary measurement is the ability to infer
what learners can DO with the target words. (Nobody interprets test scores as simply words that lear-
ners can answer on a vocabulary test!) Receptive knowledge entails knowing a lexical item well enough
to extract communicative value from speech or writing. Productive knowledge involves knowing a lex-
ical item well enough to produce it when it is needed to encode communicative content in speech or
writing. That is, receptive/productive knowledge of vocabulary is usage-based, and should presumably
be measured with skill-based instruments. However, it is hardly ever measured this way.
This is because it is very difficult to measure vocabulary knowledge in context. All skills require
more than just vocabulary knowledge. A target word interacts with the other words in a text in
semantic, grammatical, morphological, and phraseological ways, and thus it is difficult to measure
understanding or production of a single lexical item in context without the context becoming part
of what is being measured. This is why vocabulary is often measured in isolation, and usually at
just the form-meaning link level. Typical tests involve measuring target words with either a multiple-
choice or matching test format in which learners RECOGNIZE the correct form or meaning, or with the
meaning given and the L2 word form needing to be RECALLED (form recall). Alternatively, the form can
be given, with the meaning needing to be RECALLED (meaning recall).
Receptive tests are easier to develop because test writers are in control. They can select the target
items and embed them in contexts which are not too informative so that the meaning cannot be
inferred from the context. But just because a learner can understand a lexical item in one non-defining
test context, does that mean they will be able to understand it in a variety of real-world contexts? Then
there is the issue of oral/written language. Does the ability to comprehend a lexical item on a written
test imply the ability to understand it when listening? Or vice versa? These issues suggest the need to
better understand how receptive test formats work:

Research task 7
Determine what receptive test formats show about the ability of learners to comprehend target words
in reading and listening.

One approach to this task is to investigate current item formats in terms of the information they give
about the ability to understand words when reading or listening. A recent study showed that different
existing formats do have explanatory power in predicting receptive skills, in this case, OVERALL
VOCABULARY SIZE in predicting general reading proficiency. Laufer and Aviad-Levitzky (2017) found
that both meaning recognition and meaning recall vocabulary measures correlated with reading scores
at .91–.92. But it would be even more interesting to discover what the test formats showed about the
ability to understand the PARTICULAR TARGET WORDS when reading. Target words could be placed in
existing test formats, and then also embedded in multiple authentic reading and listening contexts.
Comprehension questions would then test understanding that was directly reliant on knowledge of
the target words. It would also be important to control and limit the surrounding context so answers
could be not arrived at through lexical inferencing strategies. The ability of learners to comprehend the
target words in a variety of reading/listening texts would be the benchmark of what learners can do
with the target words. This benchmark could then be compared to the scores from the various
item formats to see how well each format reflects the reading/listening comprehension of the target
words. This type of CONCURRENT VALIDATION would be very useful in knowing how to interpret the
scores from the various test formats. If a quick and simple item format was shown to reliably predict
the ability to comprehend a word, this would be a very good result, as large numbers of words could be
tested, and practitioners and researchers could be confident whether learners actually knew the words
well enough to understand them in real-world language.
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However, it may turn out that existing formats are unable to adequately describe comprehension. A
second approach would be to develop new formats. Space limitations prohibit discussion of the many
possible formats, but good places to look for inspiration are Tools for Researching Vocabulary (Meara
& Miralpeix, 2017) and Paul Meara’s lognostics website (, which illustrate a num-
ber of interesting experimental formats. But whether Meara’s formats or completely original ones are
explored, they will need the same kind of concurrent usage-based validation evidence as discussed
Turning to productive tests, things get trickier. Most measures are post-hoc computerized analyses
of learner output (e.g. type-token ratios, lexical sophistication, lexical density – see Coh-Metrix (www. and TAALES ( But these merely describe the
lexical items produced, not a learner’s complete productive vocabulary. Just because a learner produces
one word in speaking or writing (e.g. difficult), it does not mean that they do not know other possi-
bilities, like onerous or hard; they just happened to select difficult in that instance. Any output a learner
produces will inevitably contain only a small percentage of the words they are capable of producing.
This makes it almost impossible to DIRECTLY measure the complete range of a learner’s productive
vocabulary. However, there are ways in which it might be INDIRECTLY measured, and I think these
are worth pursuing.

Research task 8
Develop a test of productive vocabulary knowledge through establishing the ratio of receptive to
productive knowledge.

One indirect approach which I think holds promise (and is relatively doable) entails potentially estab-
lishing the ratio between receptive and productive knowledge. There have been many studies which
compared ‘receptive’ and ‘productive’ knowledge, but they have mainly looked at only the
form-meaning link (e.g. Fan, 2000; Laufer & Goldstein, 2004). My suggestion involves sampling a
large, representative number of words, either from frequency lists or from a forthcoming list of the
best-known lemmas in English (Schmitt et al., forthcoming).1 The researcher would then have learners
say/write sentences for each of these words. From my experience, participants often produce sentences
which do not really show the meaning/usage of the target word (including one very naughty example
‘I like the word raspy’), so it might be necessary to do the task one-on-one to probe further and ask for
new sentences if necessary. Developing a set of criteria for acceptable answers would also be important.
This approach would be very time-consuming and would probably have to be carried out as case stud-
ies. But the end result should be a good estimate of the learners’ productive vocabulary. This estimate
could then be compared to scores from one or more receptive tests. If the productive/receptive ratio
was relatively constant across learners, then only a receptive test need be given, and a learner’s pro-
ductive vocabulary size could be calculated using the established ratio. Even if the ratio proves not
to be stable across learners, the results of this study would still be a valuable contribution towards
understanding the relationship between productive and receptive vocabulary.

6. Measuring fluency as part of vocabulary competence

Being able to employ vocabulary in the four skills involves more than just knowledge of lexical items.
It is also necessary to be able to listen and speak in real time, or interlocutors will soon tire of the
halting, disfluent communication. Likewise, if learners are unable to read at a sufficient rate, the
slow word-by-word decoding makes it difficult to understand the constantly developing meaning
structure of an extended text. For fluent reading, words need to be recognized quickly, automatically,
The Knowledge-based Vocabulary List (KVL) will provide a list of the best-known 5,000 lemmas in English, based on test
results of thousands of Spanish, German, and Chinese learners of English. It is a British Council project.

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and accurately (Grabe, 2009). This leads Daller, Milton, and Treffers-Daller (2007) to propose FLUENCY
as one of the three basic components of vocabulary knowledge (in addition to size and depth).
However, while there has been considerable research into vocabulary size and some into depth (see
Schmitt, 2014 for an overview), there has been very little into measuring the fluency with which
vocabulary can be employed, or how it can be acquired. But if fluency is seen as an essential require-
ment for using vocabulary, we should begin measuring it in our vocabulary research.

Research task 9
Explore the degree to which vocabulary activities develop fluency in use.

This task could be seen as an extension of Point 5’s encouragement to develop and use more
informative measures of vocabulary. But how can we measure fluency in vocabulary use? The trick
is measuring the fluency of the individual lexical items of interest, rather than just overall reading/lis-
tening/speaking/writing speed. I think there are a number of methodologies that might prove useful
for this. For reading, eye-tracking can show the fluency in which individual words and phrases are
read, in terms of the number and duration of the eye fixations on the target items (e.g.
Pellicer-Sánchez, 2016). Timed lexical decision tasks have also been widely used for the measuring flu-
ency at the individual word level. In writing, keystroke-logging software can show how fluently the
target items are typed, in terms of duration and corrections (e.g. Miller, Lindgren, & Sullivan,
2008). For listening, measuring comprehension of ideas realized by target vocabulary in real-speed
speech may be workable. In speaking, psycholinguistic/technical measurement options are available
(e.g. the use of PRAAT ( for the analysis of speech), but for the purposes
of measuring how well vocabulary is produced orally, using a panel of judges may well be just as good
and far more practical.
Once a suitable technique for measuring fluency has been selected for a particular skill, a fluency
test could be added to the more typical vocabulary measures. A number of vocabulary learning activ-
ities and exercise types could be explored in a pretest-treatment-posttest design with a battery of tests:
minimally recognition/recall tests, better yet measures of vocabulary in use (Point 5), and best of all
also including a measure of fluency. This would give a much more comprehensive view of the type and
amount of learning that accrues from different task types. I would guess that some activities/exercises
are good at promoting some aspects of lexical proficiency, but less useful for other aspects. To give you
some ideas, the following studies have looked at the effect of vocabulary activities on the development
of written fluency: Snellings, van Gelderen, and de Glopper (2002), Fukkink, Hulstijn, and Simis
(2005), Elgort (2011), and Pellicer-Sánchez (2015). Note that there has been relatively little fluency
research into auditory recognition or spoken lexical production.
Fluency would probably be most useful for charting the incremental improvement of both receptive
and productive levels of mastery, i.e. from the slow, halting ability to comprehend/produce lexical
items to quick and automatic ability. It would also allow us to reconceptualize the vocabulary learning
timelines in Point 2 to something more nuanced, which might be key to understanding the movement
from receptive to productive mastery (Figure 4):

Figure 4.

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272 Norbert Schmitt

7. Conclusion
I believe the six research directions outlined above could provide real benefits to vocabulary pedagogy
and assessment. But I would not want to leave the reader with the impression that these are the only
topics worth investigating. Before writing this article, I surveyed 23 vocabulary scholars about what
they would like to see researched and received a varied list of over 36 research topics! (The most
repeated (by four people) was the need for more longitudinal studies.) Also, I regret not having the
space to include the very important issue of formulaic language. I see my six topics as ‘bigger
issue’ priorities but hope to see vocabulary research advancing on many other fronts as well in the
upcoming decade.
Acknowledgement. I would like to thank Ana Pellicer-Sánchez and Paul Meara for very helpful comments on an earlier
draft of this paper.

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Norbert Schmitt is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Nottingham. He is interested in all aspects of L2
vocabulary acquisition, use, pedagogy, and assessment, and has published widely in these areas. He has written a manual
to guide vocabulary research (Researching vocabulary), and is currently revising his 2000 volume Vocabulary in language
teaching (Cambridge University Press), with Diane Schmitt. His current interests include a British Council project describing
the acquisition order of the first 5,000 lemmas of English (with Barry O’Sullivan, Laurence Anthony, Karen Dunn, and
Benjamin Kremmel) and developing the next-generation internet-based vocabulary size test (with Benjamin Kremmel).

Cite this article: Schmitt, N. (2019). Understanding vocabulary acquisition, instruction, and assessment: A research agenda.
Language Teaching, 52(2), 261–274.

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