Group 3 - Layon River - BSTM 2a - Final Paper 5

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A Proposed Development Plan for Layon River

In Partial Fulfillment for The Requirements in

Tourism Policy Planning and Development

Angco, Patrizha

De Jesus, John Paul

Filoteo, Andrea

Geronimo, Rane Micaella

Jimenez, Jhasmine

Khan, Rizwan

Verdera, Princess Marie

Submitted to:

Mr. Aj Rondolos

June 2024
The proponents ought to express wholehearted gratitude and appreciation to the following

who extended help in conducting and completing the study.

The researchers would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest sincere gratitude

to our research adviser, Mr. Aj Rondolos. His guidance and patience are the factors that helped us

to strive until the researchers finally finished our study. The researchers thank you for the time and

effort you have given us to share your knowledge. Your lessons will be carried throughout the

journey of reaching our goals.

The proponents are grateful to our panelists Mr. Melvin Salvador and Ms. Roselyn Andres

who exceedingly guided us to complete this study. For all the support, time, patience, faith,

encouragement, creative suggestions and oversee corrections.

To our family, friends, classmates, and professors who have given their support throughout

the execution of this study.

The proponents would like to express our gratitude to the 100 respondents of this research

study, for they have exerted so much effort to answer the survey form. The researchers want to

give thanks to the management of Layon River for their willingness to collaborate and provide

access to sites that have been instrumental in the success of our study.

Lastly, GOD ALMIGHTY, for giving the proponents wisdom, perseverance, and

determination to make this research possible.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ...........................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................2
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................... 4
List of Tables.................................................................................................................................... 5
List of Diagrams ............................................................................................................................... 6
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter I .................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background of the Study ...............................................................................................8
1.2 Significance of the Study .............................................................................................10
1.3 Statement of the Problem .............................................................................................11
1.4 Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................13
1.5 Hypothesis of the Study ...............................................................................................15
1.6 Definition of Terms......................................................................................................16
Chapter II ..............................................................................................................................17
2.1 Local Literature ...........................................................................................................17
2.2 Foreign Literature ........................................................................................................22
Chapter III ............................................................................................................................27
3.1 Methods and Techniques ............................................................................................27
3.2 Population and Sample of the Study ............................................................................28
3.3 Instruments of the Study ..............................................................................................28
3.4 Data Processing and Statistical Treatment ...................................................................29
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data ............................................................31
3.5 Demographic Profile of the Respondents ....................................................................31
3.6 Survey Questions .........................................................................................................34
Chapter IV ............................................................................................................................50
4.1 Marketing Aspect ........................................................................................................50
4.1.1 Product .....................................................................................................................50
4.1.2 Place ..........................................................................................................................54
4.1.3 Price ..........................................................................................................................58

4.1.4 Promotions ................................................................................................................64
4.1.5 People........................................................................................................................75
4.1.6 Processes ..................................................................................................................82
4.1.7 Physical Evidence ....................................................................................................89
4.2 Financial Aspect...........................................................................................................99
4.2.1 Utilities Expense ....................................................................................................102
4.2.2 Development Cost ...................................................................................................103
4.2.3 Projected Sales ........................................................................................................109
4.2.4 Projected Income Statement ...................................................................................110
4.2.5 Projected Expenses .................................................................................................111
4.2.6 Return on Investment ..............................................................................................112
Chapter V ............................................................................................................................113
5.1 Summary ....................................................................................................................113
5.2 Conclusion .................................................................................................................116
5.3 Recommendation .......................................................................................................116
References ...........................................................................................................................119
APPENDIX A......................................................................................................................124
APPENDIX B ......................................................................................................................125
APPENDIX C......................................................................................................................128

Table of Figures
Figure 1. Balagtas to Layon River .................................................................................................55
Figure 2. Malolos to Layon River .................................................................................................56
Figure 3. Pandi to Layon River ......................................................................................................56
Figure 4. Angat to Layon River ....................................................................................................57
Figure 5. Manila to Layon River....................................................................................................57
Figure 6. Layon River Logo ..........................................................................................................65
Figure 7. Marketing Tarpaulin .......................................................................................................67
Figure 8. Layon River Official Facebook Page ............................................................................68
Figure 9. Layon River Website ......................................................................................................69
Figure 10. Layon River YouTube Channel ...................................................................................70
Figure 11. Nipa Hut Cottages ........................................................................................................89
Figure 12. Cabin Cottage ..............................................................................................................90
Figure 13. Restroom.......................................................................................................................91
Figure 14. Front Desk Area ..........................................................................................................92
Figure 15. Tent Pitching Area ........................................................................................................93
Figure 16. Zipline ..........................................................................................................................94
Figure 17. Obstacle Course ............................................................................................................95
Figure 18. Rock Climbing .............................................................................................................96
Figure 19. Clinic ............................................................................................................................97
Figure 20. Platform Deck ...............................................................................................................98
Figure 21. Layon River Site Gallery ............................................................................................124
Figure 22. Management’s Approval Via Messenger ...................................................................125

List of Tables
Table 1. Likert Scale ......................................................................................................................30
Table 2. Distribution of the Respondents by Age ..........................................................................31
Table 3. Distribution of the Respondents by Municipality ............................................................32
Table 4. Distribution of the Respondents by Gender .....................................................................33
Table 5. Number of Respondents who know about “Layon River” in Brgy. Akle, San Ildefonso,
Bulacan .........................................................................................................................................34
Table 6. Ranking Of Respondents Who Agree and Disagree About Considering Developing This
Place to A More Accessible, Enhanced Cottages, And Add Activities. ........................................35
Table 7. Respondent’s number of visit in the Layon River ..........................................................36
Table 8. Breakdown of result for what type of tourism does the respondents want upon developing
this place .......................................................................................................................................37
Table 9. Reasons of respondents why they should visit this place ...............................................38
Table 10. Number of Respondents who noticed those in needs to develop .................................39
Table 11. Number of Respondents who agree that Layon River should limit the number of visitors
to preserve its natural environment ...............................................................................................40
Table 12. Ranking of the improvements they would like to see made in Layon River ................41
Table 13. Ranking of the activities they would like to see made in Layon River .......................42
Table 14. Breakdown of result for the main negative impacts once the development has start in
Layon River ...................................................................................................................................44
Table 15. Breakdown of result for the main positive impacts once the development has start in
Layon River ..................................................................................................................................45
Table 16. Number of Respondents who agree and disagree on the involvement of the local
community in developing and planning this tourist destination. ...................................................46
Table 17. Breakdown of result for the respondents who wants to be accompanied by ................47
Table 18. Respondents who suggested ways to preserve the naturalness of the area ...................48
Table 19. Proposed Facilities ........................................................................................................50
Table 20. Proposed Activities .......................................................................................................52
Table 21. Proposed Safety Concerns ............................................................................................53
Table 22. Guest’s capacity ............................................................................................................58
Table 23. Prices of facility ............................................................................................................58
Table 24. Prices of Activities ........................................................................................................60

Table 25. Direct and Indirect Competitor ......................................................................................61
Table 26. Marketing Schedule ......................................................................................................71
Table 27. Table for Roster Planning ..............................................................................................78
Table 28. Table for needed num of employees ..............................................................................82
Table 29. Employee Benefit .........................................................................................................99
Table 30. Office Supplies ..............................................................................................................99
Table 31. Cleaning Supplies .......................................................................................................100
Table 32. Clinic Supplies ............................................................................................................101
Table 33. Advertising ..................................................................................................................102
Table 34. Utilities Expense .........................................................................................................102
Table 35. Utilities Expense: Solar Generator and Solar Light Post .............................................103
Table 36. Cottages .......................................................................................................................103
Table 37. Comfort room ..............................................................................................................104
Table 38. Clinic............................................................................................................................105
Table 39. Front Desk ...................................................................................................................106
Table 40. Platform Deck .............................................................................................................106
Table 41. Proposed Activities: Zipline ........................................................................................107
Table 42. Proposed Activities: Obstacles Course ........................................................................107
Table 43. Proposed Activities: Rock Climbing ............................................................................108
Table 44. Proposed Activities: Camping ....................................................................................108
Table 45. Projected Sales (Sales Revenue) ..................................................................................107
Table 46. Projected Income Statement ........................................................................................110
Table 47. Projected Expenses .....................................................................................................111
Table 48. ROI Annually (2025-2029) ..........................................................................................112
Table 49. Return on Investment in the next 5 years ...................................................................112

Table of Diagrams
Diagram 1. Management Process Cycle ........................................................................................13


Layon River is in Brgy. Akle, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, at the boundary of Camachin, Dona

Remedios Trinidad. It is a well-known tourist destination that is composed of natural resources, including

rivers and trees. This destination consists of an overtaking view, which has the possibility of becoming

popular among travelers who prefer greenery and a crystal-clear river. The increase in tourism in this area

has a lot of opportunities that await, especially for society and the economy. It is beneficial to society since

it can generate more jobs and incomes, as well as to the economy. Nevertheless, it could affect the

environment because it has a tendency that these natural resources could lead to environmental destruction

due to the sudden influx of tourists. However, the proponents deliberate the best approach to appreciating

the beauty of this destination by making it popular and appreciated by travelers and, at the same time,

making them well-informed and aware about the conservation and preservation of its own beauty.

Consequentially, the proponents think that when it comes to the preservation of Layon River’s

natural elements, sustainable tourism is the best type of tourism that could be achieved in this kind of

destination. Where the researchers can make it profitable and beneficial to the local community while at

the same time controlling the number of visitors who can access this destination day by day. Therefore, the

carrying capacity of this destination should be monitored and properly observed to conserve its naturalness.



1.1. Background of the Study

Situated in the tourist-friendly town of San Ildefonso, Bulacan, the Layon River Resort

represents a bright future for the industry. Basking in the area's natural splendor, the resort has the

potential to emerge as a top leisure and relaxation hotspot. The researchers chose the “Layon River

Resort” as a developmental eco-friendly river and resort because they aimed to develop Layon

River Resort as a new tourist attraction, which is focused on being a eco-friendly resort. It is

important to know the rich natural resources where the river meets the attraction. For the

researchers to know the capacity of the underdeveloped Layon River Resort and needed resources

for the researchers to achieve the goal of eco-friendly resort.

With its ideal location beside the Layon River, the Layon River Resort offers a calm

atmosphere that is enhanced by verdant surroundings and breathtaking vistas. The resort has a

promising basis for future expansion with its current services and infrastructure, which include

lodging, dining options, and recreational spaces. Nevertheless, the Layon River Resort has a lot of

opportunities and obstacles in the way of reaching its full potential. To ensure the resort's long-

term profitability and a beneficial impact on the local economy, factors like marketing strategy,

community participation, environmental sustainability, and infrastructural development must be

carefully considered.

Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate and evaluate the variables affecting the

growth of the Layon River Resort, with an emphasis on devising plans to improve the resort's

allure, accessibility, and sustainability. Through a thorough investigation, our goal is to offer

significant perspectives and suggestions that can direct interested parties in realizing the resort's

full potential and advancing the general development and well-being of Doña Remedios Trinidad

and the province of Bulacan.

According to Manhas and Manrai (2016), “Several researchers have conducted studies on

the relationship between tourism planning and development, visitor satisfaction, host perception,

and the psychology of the tourist experience. Tourism is regarded as an important and consistent

growth industry in the service sector worldwide.” Therefore, tourist perceptions and satisfaction

about this place could spread through word-of-mouth or even social media. In these cases, tourism

is considered beneficial to economic growth since every sale in a destination helps the economy

grow by paying for taxes, adding more job opportunities, especially for the locals, and making the

place more popular with other people.

The concept of destination is at the heart of tourism activity, being one of the most

important and complex aspects of tourism. There is intense competition in the tourism sector to

establish tourist destinations as the greatest brands in the tourism industry and the fundamental

element of any tourism model. (Tripon,Cosma 2018)

Upon developing the destination, we should consider the instruments that we must have to

achieve the plan’s success. Based on the study of Vidal (2017), “Technological advances have

changed the way we travel, and these new developments promise an even more interactive and

exciting experience.” (BELÉN 2019)

1.2. Significance Of the Study

The purpose of this study is to further develop knowledge on the Layon River located in

Hulo, Akle, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. The researchers figured out the knowledge that this

information would provide may have a significant effect on any travelers to the country of the

Philippines. It is essential to consider how this location can be promoted and just how it could

benefit others. The following people and organizations, in the viewpoint of the researchers, might

gain from this study:

Tourists. The tourist can benefit from this study by learning additional information regarding the

destination ahead of arrival. Additionally, they allow the chance to discover and engage with

different societies, immigration, and beliefs.

Locals. The individuals living there stand to gain from a variety of advantages, such as better

economic prospects, higher income, cross-cultural interactions, history conservation,

enhancements to the infrastructure, and a higher level of exposure.

Researchers. Researchers can also gain from this since it provides about a variety of matters,

including the local way of life, the impact on the economy, environmentally sustainable practices,

the patterns of conduct of tourists, the establishment of facilities involvement in the community,

and tourism administration in general.

Future Researchers. It is also beneficial to future researchers because it can serve as an instrument

and a starting point for other scholars who are seeking ways to broaden the Layon River for their

further study. Along with providing students with a wealth of new insights into its historical

relevance, cultural legacy, environmental effects, industrial contributions, and social dynamics, it

can also act as a guide for them as they pursue their studies further.

1.3. Statement Of the Problem

This study will help to contribute an idea in developing the Layon River Resort to attract

more tourists. In this study, addressing the issues of the area is the key in formulating a

development plan for making the Layon River Resort a better place to visit. Furthermore, this

study’s focus is to provide a strong development plan that is feasible to help the area. Thus, the

questions formulated are crucial in collecting necessary information to have a strong development


Marketing Aspect

• How does the Layon River Resort is accessible for tourists? Why or why not?

• Who is/are the possible target market of Layon River Resort?

• What are the effective promotional strategies that could be used to promote the Layon River


Technical Aspect

• Does Layon River Resort need to be developed?

• What are the facilities or amenities that Layon River Resort should be added or developed?

• How the materials will be used for the development of Layon River Resort can be assured

of quality and can last for a long period of time?

Management Aspect

• What would be the management approach would be appropriate to the development of

Layon River Resort?

• Who are the people that are necessary and appropriate to manage the Layon River Resort?

• How many staff/people are needed to provide quality services for the tourists?

• What kind of contingency plan must be provided when the area is already experiencing

environmental issues?

Financial Aspect

• How much is the estimated needed budget for the development of Layon River Resort?

• How much is the net income of the Layon River Resort’s employee salary should be?

• How much is the estimated target gross income of Layon River Resort after 5 years?

• What are the other sources of budget for the development of Layon River Resort?

Social-Economic Aspect

• What are the possible positive impacts of Layon River Resort when it got developed to its

local government and community?

• How important is it to involve the locals in the development of the area?

1.4. Theoretical Framework

Diagram 1. Management Process Cycle

The Cultural Landscape Management Framework is a systematic process that provides a

holistic and continuous mechanism for the identification of threats and opportunities, managing

and promoting the cultural landscapes and provides a future set of actions for the management of

the site. It also creates an agreement between stakeholders and the public before the

implementation of the courses of actions, and it contains cycle of activities revolving around all

the stakeholders to the said cultural landscape.

The researchers chose this framework for this aligns with their perspective of conserving

the natural beauty of Layon River while welcoming tourists in the destination in a minimum

capacity at a time. This focuses on the creation and implementation of an effective management

plan. The researchers plan to assess and evaluate present variables by evaluating the present

potential of the attraction, the issues that need to be resolved, opportunities in the area, and the

actions to be executed itself.

All key stakeholders engaged throughout the cycle

Key stakeholders will be the most affected ones with every decision made in the

development plan, so their opinion should be considered and be considered before executing the

management plan.

Assess cultural landscape values; agree on management strategy; and develop (or revise) a


By assessing the importance of the landscape, the researchers will be able to examine and

choose which management strategies effectively work for the area. And as they will implement the

development plan, mishaps will always be present, they must be able to foresee the possible

problems they may encounter to prevent it from occurring, and if it occurred, a revision should

always be an option to execute the development successfully.

Implement plan through a variety of management actions, policies, and legal framework

The implementation of the development plan should come in variety to know what works

best for the attraction, and to try other management plan that can potentially be of minor help for

the area. The management plan should follow the legal procedures, policies, and regulations of the

authority before execution to avoid legal lawsuits and compensations.

Monitor impact, document success, and continually assess changing circumstances affecting

the cultural landscape

Continuous observation of the success rate and impacts of the management plan while

continuously monitoring the situation in the area.

Adaptative management, make course corrections, based on feedback from monitoring and

assessing changing circumstances

Formulation of revisions and solutions to possible outcome of the circumstances to prevent

it from worsening.

1.5. Hypothesis Of the Study

The importance of the hypothesis was tested. This study assumes that the development of

the Layon River Resort will significantly impact both the local economy and the quality of the

tourist destination.

According to this report, the construction of Layon River Resort will boost local tax income

and possibly generate potential jobs. This also says that it would improve the region's

transportation and infrastructure generally, which might improve both the local community's and

tourists' experiences.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): Layon River Resort’s development is both viable and


Null Hypothesis (Ho): Layon River Resort’s development is not viable and possible

1.6. Definition of Terms

Allure. A trait that attracts others in a gentle or ambiguous way is called allure. It can be defined

as being beautiful, charming, or captivating.

Cross cultural. Within the realm of business, cross-cultural initiatives pertain to an organization's

initiatives to guarantee that its workforce engages productively with experts from diverse cultural


Natural Splendor. The term "natural splendor" describes the incredible magnificence and beauty

present in the Earth's pristine ecosystems, wildlife, and landscapes. It includes the breathtaking

sights, sounds, and sensations that inspire awe and an overwhelming love for the natural


Verdant. The word "verdant" is used to characterize anything that is rich, green, and thriving,

especially in reference to vegetation or natural environments. It depicts a thriving, muscular

appearance and enormous growth.

Word of mouth. Verbal communication, such as telling people the moment of day, is how

information is transferred from one person to another through word of mouth.



Local Literature

According to Jumalynne Doctolero (2024), The Filipino people can look forward to a

Pasig River bustling with chances for economic growth and leisure activities. A series of parks

and recreational facilities will be set up providing areas for families to unwind, stay active and

come together as a community. Improvements in river transportation will include the addition of

ferryboats and stops creating a convenient and picturesque public transit option. Development of

centers and commercial areas will stimulate job opportunities and encourage entrepreneurship

among Filipinos drawing inspiration from successful waterfront projects, in various cities.

According to Chito Chavez (2024), The leader of ULAP highlighted that beyond looking

good, enhancing rivers could serve transportation and tourism needs, as well as foster a greater

appreciation for nature within the public. Our rivers hold meaning in our Filipino heritage.

Restoring our rivers is like rediscovering our roots and history while also promoting the

importance of sustainable growth within our communities. This initiative aims to enhance water

resources and hygiene by implementing water system projects that have been selected through

community involvement, in budget planning.

Carl Milos R. Bulilan (2021) said as much. Tourism has been developed by governments in

underdeveloped nations as a tool for economic growth. The government plays a critical role in ensuring

that tourism benefits the local population. Traditionally, the roles of the government have included creating

laws and controlling tourism in the area. The travel and tourism sector usually outsources its operations and

marketing to the private sector. The tourism industry is seeing a rise in the active involvement of local

governments. Today, governments not only form partnerships with non-governmental organizations, host

communities, and private and public agencies, but they also oversee and sell tourism-related enterprises.

According to Felan C. Garcia, Alvin E. Retamar, Joven C. Javier (2018), The stations

provide useful near-real-time data for tracking large bodies of water, and their predictive flood

projections are helpful for early warning systems, particularly for communities nearby. The goal

of this study is to construct a predictive model that will enable local communities to make rational

choices by providing a method for forecasting water levels and flood hazards in advance.

According to Gaea Katreena Cabico (2023), These communities around rivers are highly

vulnerable to climate-related disasters, as seen by the typhoons that have destroyed crops,

evacuated people, and destroyed infrastructure in recent years. The project uses natural solutions,

like rehabilitating outdated river channels for natural drainage and strengthening riverbanks with

vegetation and mangrove plants. In addition, by supporting 150 barangays and 22 local

government units in updating their disaster and climate risk assessments and including them into

local development plans, it aims to improve community-based flood risk management.

According to Renelle L. Escuadro (2023), Masao River offers plenty of riches that could

be established into tourist attractions and possibly result in the creation of jobs for residents. As of

currently. 13 barangays have been set to directly benefit from this project, and in order for it to be

applied, the Butuan local government's full involvement, along with that from the partner

stakeholders, is strongly recommended. Asec. Abner Caga, deputy director-general for Unified

Messaging in Mindanao of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), noted the value of choosing

the level of commitment among those involved partner agencies as a visionary who views its

sustainability over the long run. Additionally, he recommended that the Caraga Regional

Development Council (RDC) be consulted regarding the proposed Masao River Eco-Cultural

Tourism Development Project. This is because he believes the project will greatly boost the

tourism sector and provide real opportunities for the locals to earn a living.

According to Joseph Paquit (2020), Floods is one of the deadliest natural disasters in the

Philippines, especially in Mindanao. Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, was used in this

work to gather records on flooding along the Gingoog River. The method modeled and showed

flood events inside a GIS setting using the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) and the

Hydrologic Engineering Center's HEC-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). Using data on rainfall

from December 15, 2015, such as a total of 20.8 mm and an average rate of 43.49 m3s-1, risk of

flooding has been created. The model performed correctly, showing that it could be used for

copying floods during periods with high rainfall, after it was calibrated, and truth confirmed. Using

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data, flood maps for the three return periods have been

created within HEC-RAS. The results showed that maximum flood depths for 5-year, 25-year, and

100-year return periods were 7.77 m, 8.12 m, and 8.49 m, respectively, and that floods could make

2.965 km2, 4.165 km2, and 5.040 km2. The hydrological behavior of the watershed, including the

number of floods, and the development and improvement of early warning systems in the affected

areas are both greatly helped by the model.

According to Ermissa Jane Tendero (2023), This study is on the Tumaga River, where

many buildings cross this river, and in a few, the city of Zamboanga, Philippines, the risk of

flooding is present. It is quite an exciting experience observing how people tend to avoid and

recover from water-related emergencies. Our study found that residents often use makeshift

barriers to keep the water from getting into their dwellings and thus lessen the damage. Family

adaptation improved with an excellent financial status, availability of early warning systems, and

a better education. It was confirmed at both sites where better-off families better adapted to floods,

facilitated through better access to resources and equipment. It is in this background that the study

emphasized the role played by the internet and social networks in rendering critical help during

the floods.

There are so many virtues in the lives of the families in the flood-prone areas, mainly

realized through preparedness and the feeling of support. Our findings emphasized the reason for

being familiar with the structural integrity of buildings in such areas to plan well for urban

development. In the case of facilitation to hinder such problems in the years to come and develop

further in flood-prone regions, the urge for the government and the citizens is to be well informed

about these influential leaders.

According to Melchor Dioso, Liberty R. Mendaña DPA and Arjel J.Quijano (2023),

The mining industry in the Philippines plays an important role in industrial development by

providing mineral resources crucial for manufacturing, construction, utilities, transportation, and

communications sectors. Among all mining activities is quarrying, which involves the extraction

of building and monumental stone, clay, sand and gravel, guano gathering, and salt evaporation.

Quarrying operations are primarily categorized into two types: mountain quarrying and river

quarrying. The key products from these activities are rock aggregates, commonly referred to as

sand and gravel.

More generally, the study has sought to find out which of the theses of political ecology

has an impact on the practice of CSR in river quarries in Rizal, Occidental Mindoro, for which the

following: the different practices of river quarrying concerning Robbins' Five Theses of Political

Ecology; CSR practices in river quarries; which among the theses of political ecology links the

implementation of corporate social responsibility in river quarries; what policy recommendations

may be proposed based on these results. It was revealed that practices of river quarrying are relative

to Robbins' Five Thesis of Political Ecology, high, which means the ecological and environmental

activity was highly practiced and politically, socially, economically, and culturally forced. The

extent of corporate social responsibility practices in river quarrying is low, which means the

activity has a low commitment to managing its social, environmental, and economic effects on its

operations. This will not show the significant relationship between the extent of quarrying

practices and corporate social responsibility, which means that the ecological, political, and social

causes and consequences of the river quarrying do not affect the implementation of corporate social

responsibility except the degradation and marginality and the building of human capital,

conservation and control of resources and environment sustainability, environmental conflict and

exclusion as well as environment sustainability, and the political objects and actors as well as

building of human capital.

According to Qing Li, Trevor B. Hoey, Richard D. Williams and Brian Barrett (2023),

Tributaries contribute water, sediment, nutrients, and organic materials to river mainstems. The

increased discharge, along with the potential rise in total stream power at confluences, affects river

morphology at these junctions and downstream. They estimate the stream power ratios of

tributaries to the mainstem, considering catchment area, averaged accumulated precipitation, and

the slopes of the tributary river and the mainstem just upstream of the confluence. Utilizing freely

available Sentinel-2 imagery and Geographical Object-based Image Analysis (GEOBIA), they

automatically classified river landforms from 2018 to 2021 in the tropical lowland Cagayan River,

Philippines, which has eight significant tributaries. Multi-year classification allows for the

assessment of annual dry-wet season and inter-annual variability.

The machine learning model identified three landform types within the active channel:

water, unvegetated bars, and vegetated bars. Accurate classification (overall accuracy of 0.939)

was achieved from data covering both wet and dry seasons. The Cagayan River is primarily

meandering with many stable reaches. Unstable reaches, often linked to tributary inputs, exhibit

seasonal changes in water and unvegetated bar areas each year. Longitudinal variations in channel

morphology and stability, along with temporal changes in landform frequency (using Simpson’s

diversity index and coefficients of variation), indicate widening associated with tributaries, driven

by water discharge and secondarily by sediment flux. Local widening and unstable bars are

typically found around confluences, while most other reaches show minimal bar development,

partly due to anthropogenic confinement. High landform diversity in confluence zones reflects

local sediment deposition, contributing to diverse riverine habitats.

Foreign Literature

According to S. Nazrul Islam (2020), Rivers' importance for the three key components of

sustainable development: environmental preservation, growth in society, and economic

development. The next section of the chapter briefly discusses the two competing perspectives on

rivers: ecological and commercial. The former emphasizes the preservation and abstraction of river

water for a range of commercial uses and is based on the idea that "Any river water that passes to

the sea is a waste."

According to Jacqueline M. King and Cate Brown (2021), Africa's population is

expected to reach 40 percent of the worldwide average by 2100 due to its rapid growth. It is

inevitable that its inland waters will be developed further to improve energy and water security.

They all benefit from the many services that rivers, living ecosystems, provide, including the

transportation of freshwater over large areas, the purification of used water, the storage of water

in floodplains to reduce the intensity of floods, the replenishment of groundwater that feeds river

flow during the dry season, the stabilization of banks and coastlines, the sequestration of carbon

in wetlands to slow down the rate of climate change, and the support of a wide variety of plant and

animal life stages.

An idea that can help with this process is called Development Space. Regarding a river or

basin, the Development Space is the difference between the river's current ecological and social

conditions and the maximum amount of development-related river degradation that has been

considered manageable.

According to Ömer Faruk Tekin (2017), An alternate form of travel is called river

tourism, which includes swimming, rafting, canoeing, and river kayaking in addition to hikes and

nature explorations. River tourism is the term for using rivers for entertainment purposes. The goal

of this research is to make recommendations for how Antalya's river tourism industry may grow

while maintaining sustainability and protecting natural resources. First, a general theoretical

framework for river tourism will be offered in this paper. They'll look at the overall state and future

prospects of river tourism in Turkey.

It will focus on the strategies and policies that must be done in order contribute to the

growth of the country, region, and also Antalya's river tourism. To determine the overall potential

of Antalya's rivers and to support the opening and development of the tourism industry, a SWOT

analysis will be completed. Opportunities, threats, and weak points will be determined.

According to Miroslava Omirzakova, Nurgul Ramazanova, Aigul Sergeyeva, Kuat

Saparov (2024), The aim of this research was to analyze river basins' recreational potential and

determine how accommodating the atmosphere is for the development of rural tourism in

Kazakhstan's Aktobe Region. They were two phases of the research. A summary of the data on

local hydrology, terrain (slope degrees), and climatic conditions was included in the first one. The

study revealed that the region's rivers and lakes are not being utilized to their full potential in the

development of rural tourism. This means that several factors, such as not enough road networks

and transportation connections, define the growth of this kind of tourism service, which has not

yet occurred.

Within the framework of the research, a unique tourist and recreational study was done to

examine the potential for rural tourism development in specific places. The dynamics of the

region's climatic favorability were identified using the climate index features, and the main

findings was that poor infrastructure development in the settlements of the Aktobe Region is what

limits rural tourism from expanding completely in the target river basins.

According to Tihana Cegur Radovic,Robert Svetlacic,Petra Pusic (2022), Badly

managed and unsustainable tourism entails a number of negative consequences such as

environmental devastation and pollution due to mass tourism, and the loss of competitiveness and

market position. The City of Zagreb has very attractive locations and is distinctive for its old urban

core and events that are held year-round. The aim of the online research was to determine the

attitudes of respondents towards the Sava Riverbank belt development and possible landscaping,

and the attitudes of respondents towards involvement in decision-making.

The data analysis process used both descriptive and multivariate statistics, that use IBM

SPSS Statistic Version 27 as the software package. The results show that the unrealized potential

of the Sava River in the City of Zagreb is a source of regret among residents. The respondents felt

that a Landscape Park should be built by utilizing the Sava River's potential.

As stated by Baloch et al. (2022) the study explores the relationship between tourism

development and environmental compatibility to develop a sustainable ecotourism framework. It

proposes a balance between commercial and environmental interests to preserve an ecological

system, with government support and policy interventions acting as moderators. The study found

that while tourism development offers socioeconomic benefits like job opportunities and

infrastructure development, the state of natural and environmental capital is deteriorating. Social

vulnerability is also observed due to land overuse, cultural intrusion, and pollution from traffic

congestion, solid waste accumulation, sewage, and carbon emissions.

Based on the study of Team, R. a. L. (2021), rivers provide chances for a variety of

recreational activities, including fishing, boating, kayaking and swimming. These activities not

only attract tourists, but also give leisure options for locals and help to expand the outdoor

recreation industry. The economic benefits of river-based tourism and recreation go beyond direct

spending. They indirectly benefit other areas of the economy, such as transportation, retail, and

entertainment, resulting in a multiplier effect that increases their impact.

As Stated by Saikim et al. (2023) understanding the views of local communities towards

tourism development provides policymakers and investors with information on how local

communities may benefit from tourism, the scale of tourism development that communities will

accept and what costs might be incurred in gaining community cooperation. River tourism is

growing globally, with increased interest in river kayaking, water sports, and river development

for tourism reasons such as lodging and dining places, emphasizing the relevance of community


As stated by Bittar-Rodriguez and Prideaux (2018), Strategies to maximize the

economic and social benefits of tourism must be shared by a range of local stakeholders, including

local communities bordering the river, other river users such as fishermen and farmers, and the

various government authorities that control the use of the river and adjacent riverbanks. The public,

defined as local communities with some level of involvement with the river, members of the

business community with an interest in the river's use, and farmers who use the river, should be

involved in the initial planning stage of tourism development, during implementation, and later

during monitoring.

Fluctuations Yadu PokhrelKhosro Morovati, Lidi Shi, Fuqiang Tian (2024), Natural

fluctuations in river flow are essential to the ecosystem productivity of basins. However,

significant alterations in daily flows threaten the integrity of hydrological, ecological, and

agricultural systems. In the dammed Mekong River, attributing these large daily flow changes to

upstream regions remains unexamined due to the challenges in estimating the time required for

these shifts to impact downstream regions. This study integrates a newly developed sub-basin

modeling framework incorporating 3D hydrodynamics, response time, and hydrological models

to address this. This integration allows for estimating the time between two hydrological stations

and distinguishing the contributions of sub-basins and upstream regions to large daily river flow

alterations. Findings revealed a power correlation between river discharge and the time needed to

reach downstream stations. Significant fluctuations in daily river flow were evident before the

advent of human activities (before 1992), and this phenomenon persisted through the growth

period (1992-2009) and the mega-dam period (2010-2020) with minimal variation in the frequency

of events. Sub-basins significantly contributed to mainstream discharge, leading to substantial

contributions to mainstream daily large river flow shifts. The outcomes and model derived from

the sub-basin approach hold significant potential for managing river fluctuations and have broader

applicability beyond the specific basin studied.



3.1. Methods and Technique

Prior to finalizing the plan, the advocates held a comprehensive debate over the

recommended studies. The Layon River San Ildefonso, Bulacan were the planning site that was

selected. Once this was approved, the researchers-built questionnaires to discover possible

activities and other elements that could impact how development would proceed at the selected

location. According to Margaret Rouse (2013), online surveys can be used in two basic ways: to

provide more data on customers, including everything from basic demographic information (age,

education level, and so on) to social data (causes, clubs, or activities the customer supports).

Numerous revisions and checks were conducted to confirm the accuracy of the instrument. The

researchers provided an in-depth description of the goal and importance of the research study to

those who answered the survey after the researchers had given it to others. The advocates selected

to ascertain the opinions and values of the one hundred respondents by employing a survey, one

of the primary forms of quantitative research methods.

According to Brydon-Miller, M. (2014), quantitative research gathers a range of numeric

data. Some of the numeric data is intrinsically quantitative (e.g., personal income), while in other

cases the numeric structure is imposed (e.g., ‘On a scale from 1 to 10, how depressed did you feel

last week?’). For the sake of the development of the Layon River, each piece of information

gathered will serve as a foundation.

3.2. Population and Sample of the Study

Every respondent who filled out the survey is regarded as a local. Any inferences drawn from

a sample have limited resources for the specific residents that were included in the appropriate

selection process for the sampling. Opponents of the survey refer to those who have already visited

the destination or experienced the specific area as the target group since they can provide

trustworthy information about the area based on their own exploration experiences. However,

some of the respondents have no idea regarding this place but still provide their perception about

this development plan. The study used a stratified random sample, which is a sampling technique

in which a population is divided into smaller subgroups known as strata. In a stratified sample,

race, gender identity, location, and other specific characteristics are used to divide a population

into homogeneous subpopulations known as strata (plural of stratum), according to Thomas,

Lauren (2023). In addition to visiting the locations that need to be surveyed, the researchers

provided the approved survey instruments or questionnaires by using various websites such as

Facebook and Messenger to accomplish their desired number of respondents, which was 100. The

allocation of the instruments by opponents resulted in 10% in Malolos, 10% in Balagtas, 10% in

Pandi, 10% in Angat, 10% in DRT, and 50% in San Ildefonso. The advocate will be assured that

100% will be reached and answered by the people included in the target market.

3.3. Instruments of the Study

Survey questionnaires were used by the researchers to acquire data from the respondents.

Before the surveys were distributed, Mr. Aj Rondolos, the technical adviser, evaluated and

authorized the questionnaires. Three categories were used to separate the questionnaire. The initial

section concentrated on the demographic profile of the participants, encompassing their age,

municipality, and name. Multiple-choice questions were asked in the second half, and survey

questions about the proposed development of the Layon River were rated in the third section.

When the survey questionnaires were being distributed, the researchers made sure to make clear

to the respondents the purpose and significance of the study.

3.4. Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

After completing the survey each questionnaire was carefully reviewed to ensure that

respondents answered the questions, in line with the study’s objectives. The collected data

underwent verification to ensure accuracy and precision. Subsequently the researchers tabulated

the results using Excel streamlining the process of tallying responses. Two methods were

employed to gather results: a questionnaire featuring choice and ranking questions. The gathered

data was then utilized to calculate percentages and averages enabling identification of respondents’

preferences for each option, within the questions.

The formula of getting the percentage is:

% = f/N x 100

Where: % = represents the percentage of the respondents

f = represents the frequency

N = Represents the total number of respondents

However, the proponents used a five-point Likert Scale - strongly agree, agree, neutral,

disagree, and strongly disagree - in the survey questionnaire that the researchers disseminated to

the different locals from San Ildefonso, Dona Remedios Trinidad, Angat, Pandi, Balagtas, and

Malolos for the researchers to be impartially extract the needed data through their response. Below

is the formula to get the weighted mean.

X = ∑f (x)

Where: X = weighted mean

∑ = sum or total

X = weight assigned

f = frequency of responses

n = total number of respondents

Table 1. Likert Scale



5 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree Very High

4 3.41 – 4.20 Agree High

3 2.61 – 3.40 Neutral Moderately High

2 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree Low

1 1 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree Very Low

The 9th and 10th questions used the usual method as it has been answered by the

respondents through ranking it, 1 as the highest and 5 as the lowest. Therefore, in interpretation of

data, the proponents rank the improvements and activities that are leading and have a highest

number 1 rank. The 15th question the researchers used open-ended questions to determine the

respondent's suggestions. The data provided a strict framework that guaranteed the legitimacy and

dependability of the results. The statistical accuracy and adaptability of the results to the larger

population under study were guaranteed by the techniques that were used.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

The results of the study will be analyzed, provided, and interpreted by in-depth explanation

in this section of the document. The data analysis process is divided into two stages: Method of

interpretation. The first component is a quantitative evaluation of demographic data gathered from

survey results. The second interpretation is qualitative and based on data from surveys and

concentrating on discussions and products.

3.5. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 2. Distribution of the Respondents by Age

Frequency Percentage

15 - 30 years old (Young 73 73%


31 - 45 years old (Middle- 13 13%

aged Adults)

46 - 67 years old (Old-aged 14 14%


Total 100% 100%

The table shows the different ages of those local communities that responded to this survey.

Ages “15 to 35” have the most number of participants and these ages are from Young Adults who

loves to explore new things and try a fun-filled and thrilled activities, followed by “36 to 55” years

old who belongs to Middle-Aged Adults who prefers a relaxation and away from stress type of

attraction, and lastly followed by the 56 to 67 years old who enjoys to travel for memories but did

not want to participate in various thrilled activities. Age can significantly influence the different

aspects of traveling, including motivation and physical capabilities.

Based on the study of Zacher (2018), “Studies also show that age impacts the type of

activities and destinations chosen. Older adults might prefer cultural and historical sites, while

younger travelers are drawn to destinations that offer nightlife and outdoor activities.” Therefore,

young adults are more interested in this type of tourist destination which offers variety of activities

such as swimming in the river, camping, obstacle course, zipline, and rock climbing

Table 3. Distribution of the Respondents by Municipality

Frequency Percentage

San Ildefonso 50 50%

Dona Remedios Trinidad 10 10%

Angat 10 10%

Pandi 10 10%

Balagtas 10 10%

Malolos 10 10%

Total 100 100%

The proponents conducted a survey at different municipalities to find out the different

perceptions and ideas of the local communities. Based on the table above, San Ildefonso has 50

(50%) respondents, because Layon River is in San Ildefonso and the proponents conducted a

survey for the local communities to be involved in this study as well as to gather data and

perceptions from them. Next is Dona Remedios Trinidad, which has 10 (10%) respondents, DRT

is the nearest municipality and Layon River is located at the boundary of DRT and San Ildefonso

that is why the proponents conducted a survey in this municipality. Next, Angat, Pandi, Balagtas,

and Malolos are all composed of 10 (10%) respondents, local communities from these

municipalities are all significant to this study because the proponents need to gather perception

beyond the vicinity of San Ildefonso.

Table 4. Distribution of the Respondents Gender

Frequency Percentage

Male 44 44%

Female 56 56%

Total 100 100%

The table shows the result of the respondent’s gender wherein there are 56 (56%) of the

respondents are “Female” while 44 (44%) of them are “Male”. The proponents asked for

permission to conduct a survey first during the dissemination of the questions and most of the

respondents who participated in this survey are female.

However, this data regarding age has a significance in developing the area. The proponents

could use this data to know what specific gender usually visits and know this place. This will be

significant because if the latter is lower than the other, the researchers use this as data to focus on

possible engagement promotion and marketing strategies towards that specific gender. It is for the

proponents to know what trends and certain gender’s interests should be focusing on to attract


3.6. Survey Questions

Table 5. Number of Respondents who know about “Layon River” in Brgy. Akle, San

Ildefonso, Bulacan

Frequency Percentage

Yes 44 44%

No 56 56%

Total 100 100%

The table shows that 44 (44%) out of 100 (100%) know the Layon River in San Ildefonso.

The leading percentage is 56 (56%) wherein 56 respondents answered “No” means they did not

know Layon River. Hence, since most of the people here have no idea about this destination, it is

best to study and develop to boost more tourists and attract visitors to come and visit this tourist


To attract more potential customers, the proponents planned to develop this place into more

accessible, enhanced cottages, and add more activities such as ziplines, obstacle courses, rock

climbing, and camping. In addition to that, the proponents created promotional advertisements to

reach its target market.

According to the study of Team, R. a. L. (2021), “Rivers provide chances for a variety of

recreational activities. Activities not only attract tourists, but also give leisure options for locals

and help to expand the outdoor recreation industry.” Therefore, rivers provide opportunities to

create and develop recreational activities to boost the destination as well as create various

socioeconomic benefits such as job employment.

Table 6. Ranking of respondents who agree and disagree about considering to develop this

place to a more accessible, enhanced cottages, and add activities.



Strongly Agree 50*5 = 250

Agree 42*4 = 168

Neutral 6*3 = 18

Disagree 1*2 = 2

Strongly Disagree 1*1 = 1

Total 439/100 = 3.38 MODERATELY HIGH

Based on this table, it shows that 50 (50%) of the respondents strongly agree about

considering this place to develop more accessible and enhanced facilities. While 42 (42%)

respondents agreed, 6 (6%) of them were neutral with it, and 1 (1%) both disagreed and strongly

disagreed. The computed mean of all 100 respondents for this question is 3.38 which falls under

the “Moderately High” in the five-point Likert Scale as presented on Table 1; meaning it is the

average answer for this item.

Based on the study of Omirzakova, Ramazanova, Sergeyeva, and Suparov in the year 2024,

“The dynamics of the region’s climate favorability were identified using the climate index features,

and the main findings was that poor infrastructure development in the settlements of the Aktobe

Region is what limits rural tourism from expanding completely in the target river basins.” Hence,

considering developing a tourist destination helps not just to boost the tourist activity in this

destination but it also has benefits to the community and economic growth.

Table 7. Respondent’s number of visit in the Layon River

Frequency Percentage

1-3 33 33%

4-6 7 7%

7-8 0 0%

Does not yet stayed in this 60 60%


Total 100 100%

This table shows the number of stay of the respondents. Nevertheless, based on the table

above, 60 (60%) of the respondents “have not yet stayed in this place” while 33 (33%) have visited

this place “1-3” times, and 7 (7%) already visited this place “4-6” times.

Since the result on table 5 said that 56 respondents have no idea about Layon River

therefore, the results in this table are accurate because almost 60 of the respondents have not yet

stayed in this place. Thus, to boost the tourist destination and make it popular, the proponents

created different social media platforms to promote their product and reach the potential customers

from different parts of the country as well as tarpaulin to advertise and inform the local

communities that there is a tourist destination which is close to them.

Table 8. Breakdown of result for what type of tourism does the respondents want upon

developing this place

Frequency Percentage

Eco-tourism 30 30%

Adventure Tourism 24 24%

Sustainable Tourism 36 36%

Modernization 10 10%

Total 100 100%

Out of 100 (100%), 36 (36%) of the respondents answered “Sustainable Tourism” is their

desired type of tourism upon developing this place wherein sustainable tourism focuses on the 3

dimensions of the tourism including society, environment, and economy. 30 (30%) selected “Eco-

Tourism” which is a type of tourism that conserves and sustains the natural resources and at the

same time making the destination a tourist facility. 24 (24%) chose “Adventure Tourism” which

is a type of tourism that involves thrilling and fun activities. And lastly, 10 (10%) of the

respondents selected “Modernization” which is a development that transforms from traditional to

modern. Therefore, since the total result and has the leading number of respondents is the

“Sustainable Tourism” most of the respondents prefer to make this place a tourism destination.

As stated by Baloch et al. (2022), “The relationship between tourism development and

environmental compatibility to develop a sustainable ecotourism framework. It proposes a balance

between commercial and environmental interests to preserve an ecological system.” This study

shows that tourism development offers opportunities that are beneficial to the society and


Table 9. Reasons of respondents why they should visit this place

Frequency Percentage

For fun 17 17%

Relaxation 45 45%

Bonding with 37 37%


Others: All of the above 1 1%

Total 100 100%

The table shows the 100 (100%) respondents who answered the questions regarding who

their companion will be when visiting this place. There are 45 (45%) respondents who selected

“Relaxation” as their reasons why they should visit this place, upon conducting a survey most of

them prefer relaxation because this destination offers greenery landscape and relaxing vibes due

to its natural appearance. While 37 (37%) chose “Bonding with family/friends” It is fun to go to a

place with your loved ones or friends because here they can do whatever they want and at the same

time having a time with each other and create memories, 17 (17%) of the respondents visited this

place for fun, since Layon River could offer fun and thrilled activities, the respondents will surely

enjoy to explore these kind of activities, and 1 (1%) answered all of the above. Having a reason to

visit a certain place helps the people to be motivated to go to a particular destination.

As stated by Lehto et. al. (2017), “the need for relaxation is intrinsic to child development,

providing crucial downtime that supports emotional and cognitive growth.” Therefore, relaxation

helps the traveler to be stimulated to go there.

Table 10. Number of Respondents who noticed those in needs to develop

Frequency Percentage

Amenities 43 43%

Local Community 6 6%

Activities Offered 7 7%

Trail 7 7%

Does not yet stayed in this 37 37%


Total 100 100%

This table shows that 43 (43%) out of 100 (100%) of the respondents answered

“Amenities” which they noticed that need to be developed. Amenities usually include cottages,

comfort rooms, and other services that could make the guest satisfied with their stay. The

proponents include this selection in amenities because of their observation through its appearance

and stability. The proponents think that the amenities they provide do not fit in with the latest trend

and interest in the market. 37 (37%) answered they “have not yet stayed in this place” that is why

they cannot give a suggestion yet. Both selection “Activities offered” and “Trail” have 7 (7%)

respondents. Activities offered in this area are only swimming and a rope in the middle of the river

that serves as a challenging activity. Upon visiting this place, activities offered are highly agreed

to enhance and add more to make the guest enjoy their stay and challenge in such activities and

when it comes to trail or the pathway, the guest will be less-hassle to walk towards their designated

cottage or cabin because of the smooth pathway. And, “Local Community” has 6 (6%) votes. Local

communities are those local people living in the area.

Hence, the table regarding the number of respondents said that most of them did not know

this place, but since the proponents provided the latest photos of Layon River, the respondents

gathered ideas about the latest situation of the destination. However, since Amenities have a higher

number of participants that answered, it means that amenities are the most important to develop

immediately. Enhanced amenities can stimulate economic growth in a destination and can satisfy

the overall experience of the guest.

Table 11. Number of Respondents who agree that Layon River should limit the number of

visitors to preserve its natural environment.



Strongly Agree 35*5 = 175

Agree 39*4 = 156

Neutral 18*3 = 54

Disagree 8*2 = 16

Strongly Disagree 0*1 = 0

Total 401/100 = 4.01 HIGH

Based on this table, it shows that 39 (39%) of the respondents agree about the limit and

observe the carrying capacity of this place to preserve its natural environment. While 35 (35%)

respondents strongly agreed, 18 (18%) of them were neutral with it, and 8 (8%) disagreed. The

computed mean of all 100 respondents for this question is 4.01 which falls under the “High” in the

five-point Likert Scale as presented on Table 1.; meaning it is the average answer for this item.

Based on the study of IvyPanda (2019), “Carrying Capacity of a destination is the

maximum number of tourists that can stay in a tourism destination.” Subsequently, this destination

needs to maintain and observe it carrying capacity to preserve and conserve its natural resources.

The destination should propose a limited number of guests that could access and stay in this place

per day, to control and prevent the sudden influx of guests coming each day.

Table 12. Ranking of the improvements they would like to see made in Layon River.

Ranking Percentage

Clinic 1st 49%

Installing Directions and 2nd 48%

Safety Signs

Amenities (cottage, comfort 3rd 46%

rooms, and campsites)

Providing life jackets and 4th 43%


Activities offered 5th 37%

More food stalls and 6th 33%

souvenir shop

The table shows, by percentage of respondents supporting each alternative, preferences for

different improvements or facilities. Supported by 49 (49%) of the respondents, the most desired

improvement is the opening of a clinic. This shows that among the participants, medical facilities

have a great priority. Close behind, 48 (48) % of respondents give the placement of safety signs

and directions top importance. This implies that most people depend critically on well-defined

rules and safety precautions. Ranked third are facilities like cottages, comfort rooms, and

campsites; 46 (46) % of respondents said these were very important. This captures a great need for

improved convenience and comfort. Ranked fourth with 43 (43%) support is providing life jackets

and a lifeguard. This suggests a major safety issue for water-based sports and to prevent risk and

emergencies. Supported by 37 (37) % of respondents, the range of activities presented ranks as the

seventh best improvement. This emphasizes the demand for having a variety of interesting events

accessible. Finally, 33 (33) % of respondents support more food booths and souvenir stores,

ranking sixth among all the improvements. This implies that although vital, eating and shopping

choices are less significant than other facilities. With a heavy focus on health, safety, and comfort

facilities, the data shows overall a clear hierarchy of preferences for different changes.

Based on the study about the title of Why Medical Tourism is on the Rise: The Benefits

and Advantages (2023), “Advantage of medical tourism is the quality of care. Many destinations

have world-class medical facilities and highly trained medical professionals. Healthcare specialists

can provide patients with high-quality care and individualized care.” Which means having

facilities, especially the clinic, for this tourist destination is a must to prevent the high risk of

incidents and accidents. Well-trained staffs and nurse are responsible to a guest who’s in need to

assist for a first aid and an emergency when there is a life and death situation.

Table 13. Ranking of the activities they would like to see made in Layon River.

Ranking Percentage

Camping 1st 52%

Obstacle course 2nd 36%

Zipline 3rd 33%

Rock Climbing 4th 28%

Ranked by choice and proportion of respondents who favored each activity, the table shows

the popularity of different activities. With 52 (52%) of respondents saying it was their first option,

camping ranks as the most favored pastime. This emphasizes camping as the most often engaged

in activity among the attendees. The obstacle course, which 36 (36%) of respondents preferred,

ranks second most often used activity. This implies that a good number of the sample enjoys

completing obstacle courses. The third ranked activity is ziplining; 33 (33%) of respondents chose

it. This shows among the participants a reasonable level of ziplining interest. Of the respondents,

28 (28%) favor rock climbing—ranked fourth. Though it is the least popular among the four, it

nevertheless boasts a sizable fan base. The results reveal an obvious preference hierarchy among

the activities; camping is the most often used followed by obstacle courses, ziplining, and rock

climbing. The percentages fairly represent the distribution of preferences, therefore guaranteeing

the completeness and dependability of the data.

As stated by Syed Ali (2020), “Camping outdoors in a natural night shifts the release of

melatonin earlier and consequently shifts our body’s internal clock. People who camp outdoors

end up sleeping earlier and waking up earlier as well.” Therefore, camping is an enjoyment and at

the same time has an advantage especially in our body and minds that switch on a normal body

clock and tend to sleep and wake up earlier. Basically, it is therapeutic for someone who has

insomnia or difficulty sleeping.

Table 14. Breakdown of result for the main negative impacts once the development has start

in Layon River

Frequency Percentage

Increased Pollution 30 30%

Overcrowding 33 33%

Environmental Destruction 31 31%

Dependence on tourism 6 6%

Total 100 100%

The table shown above indicates that 33 (33%) of the respondents think that overcrowding

could be one of the negative effects or impacts upon developing this place. Which means that when

this destination is already developed, there is a possible chance of a sudden influx of guests. With

31 (31%) of the respondents mentioning environmental damage, the second most often expressed

issue suggests that developing this place could be an environmental destruction because instead of

maintaining its naturalness, there will be a destination site composed of different man-made

structures. 30 (30%) mentioning increased pollution raises serious issues as well. This close

percentage to the previous category indicates that pollution is also seen as a main negative

influence. With just 6% of respondents stating this, dependence on tourism is the least highlighted

issue. This implies that, although some members are cautious of depending too much on tourism,

it is not as urgent as the other problems.

Based on the study of Goodwin (2017), “Overtourism describes a destination where hosts

or guests, locals or visitors, feel that there are too many visitors and that the quality of life in the

area, or the quality of the experience has deteriorated unacceptably.” Hence, this study implies that

overtourism and overcrowding gives both the locals and visitors a worse problem such as

congested amount of tourist inside the destination and gentrification. It is the exact opposite of

Responsible Tourism, which helps society to make it a better place to live in and visit.

Table 15. Breakdown of result for the main positive impacts once the development has start

in Layon River

Frequency Percentage

Generate more jobs and 44 44%


Comfortable Stay 29 29%

Improved infrastructure 15 15%

Better Interactive Activities 12 12%

Total 100 100%

The data indicates that generating more jobs and income is the most preferred outcome

among respondents, with 44 (44%) individuals selecting this option. This suggests that economic

benefits are highly valued by a significant portion of the sample. Following this, 29 (29%)

respondents prioritized a comfortable stay, indicating that a considerable number of respondents

place importance on living conditions and overall comfort. Improved infrastructure was chosen by

15 (15%) respondents, showing that while infrastructure improvements are important, they are less

of a priority compared to job creation and income generation. Lastly, better interactive activities

were selected by 12 (12%) respondents. This indicates that while interactive activities are valued,

they are considered the least important outcome among the options provided. Overall, the data
demonstrates a clear preference for outcomes that directly impact economic stability and living

conditions, with a total of 100 respondents ensuring the completeness and consistency of the data.

As stated by Doctolero (2024), “The Filipino people can look forward to a Pasig River

bustling with chances for economic growth and leisure activities. A series of parks and recreational

facilities will be set up providing areas for families to unwind, stay active and come together as a

community. Development of centers and commercial areas will stimulate job opportunities and

encourage entrepreneurship among Filipinos drawing inspiration from successful waterfront

projects in various cities.” Therefore, tourism provides job opportunities and generates more

income because people prefer to enjoy and travel in a tourist destination, and that tourist destination

needs a staff that is responsible to accommodate travelers.

Table 16. Number of Respondents who agree and disagree on the involvement of the local

community in developing and planning this tourist destination.



Strongly Agree 56*5 = 280

Agree 32*4 = 128

Neutral 9*3 = 27

Disagree 2*2 = 4

Strongly Disagree 1*1 = 1

Total 440/100 = 4.4 HIGH

Based on this table, it shows that 56 (56%) of the respondents strongly agree on the

involvement of the local community in developing and planning this tourist destination. While 32

(32%) respondents agreed, 9 (9%) of them were neutral with it, 2 (2%) disagreed, and only 1 (1%)

strongly disagreed. The computed mean of all 100 respondents for this question is 44 which falls

under the “High” in the five-point Likert Scale as presented on the Table 1; meaning it is the

average answer for this item.

According to Salisu Aliyu Abubakar (2017), This article provides an understanding of what

community relations is all about. From the numerous literatures consulted, it observes that the

relationship between companies, and their various host communities was characterized by conflict,

destruction and misunderstanding. Which generally means that local communities have a right and

responsibility to participate and give perceptions regarding a tourist destination that will be built

inside their municipality.

Table 17. Breakdown of result for the respondents who wants to be accompanied by

Frequency Percentage

Family 49 49%

Friends 38 38%

Cousins 4 4%

Partner 9 9%

Total 100 100%

The table shows that 49 (49%) of the respondents said that family is the most important

group. Friends are the second most important group, according to 38 (38%) respondents, who said

they were important. This shows that family and friends play the most important parts, as 87(87%)

of the respondents said they did. On the other hand, cousins and partners aren't listed as much.

Only 4 (4%) respondents named cousins as an important category, and 9 (9%) respondents named

their partner as an important category. Overall, the data shows that family and friends are very

important to most of the people who answered, while peers and partners are not as important.

Family is often regarded as the primary source of support for many individuals. Studies

have demonstrated that family members provide emotional support, financial assistance, and

practical help, which are essential during times of stress and crisis. For instance, Taylor et al.

(2017) found that individuals who reported strong family ties experienced lower levels of stress

and better overall health. Similarly, family support is crucial for coping with life’s challenges,

reinforcing the importance of familial bonds. The information gathered for this study gives the

researchers useful details about how the respondents felt about certain important groups.

Table 18. Respondents who suggested ways to preserve the naturalness of the area.

Clean and green program – 56 56%
Maintain the cleanliness and
hire locals to preserve it
Avoid Overbuild construction 6 6%
Limit the people inside the 9 9%
Others: The rest of the 29 29%
answers of respondents have
no connection nor related to
the question such as “more
safe amenities”, “convenient
and efficient way to reach

river”, “should improve”, and
the rest are “N/A”.
TOTAL 100 100%

The table indicates that 56 (56%) out of 100 (100%) respondents suggested that

maintaining its cleanliness and hiring locals to protect it is one way to preserve its naturalness.

Hence, by maintaining its cleanliness, the researchers can say that it can preserve and conserve the

natural resources that this destination offers because pollution is one of the major problems of a

tourist destination. However, 9 (9%) answered that the people inside the area were limited. It

means that this destination should control it carrying capacity to avoid overcrowding. Next, 6 (6%)

answered, “Avoid overbuilding constructions, which means that having a lot of structures and

establishments built in this area could affect and destroy its natural greenery landscape due to the

man-made structures. Lastly, 29 (29%) respondents have no connection to or are related to the

question, such as “more safe amenities,",“ a convenient and efficient way to reach the river, should

improve and the rest are “N/A.”.

According to Tihana Cegur Radovic, Robert Svetlacic, and Petra Pusic (2022), “The aim

of the online research was to determine the attitudes of respondents towards development and

possible landscaping and the attitudes of respondents towards involvement in decision-making.”

Subsequently, the perceptions and suggestions of the respondents are important since the

proponents should gather ideas coming from the local communities because locals are more

affected once the negative impacts begin to happen.



4.1. Marketing Aspects

This chapter covers the marketing and promotion of the product. This also includes the

aspects that should be improved which have a high rank in survey, and the activities offered. This

section will identify and determine the 7P’s which are the Product, Place, Price, Promotion, People,

Processes, and Physical Evidence that are included in this feasibility study. In addition, as the title

indicates, this chapter also contains the financial aspects of our proposed development.

4.1.1. Product

Table 19. Proposed Facilities

Proposed Facilities Description Figures

Nipa Hut Cottages are one of the important

facilities in a travel destination. This
is where the tourists will be staying.
Nipa huts were the native houses of
the indigenous people of the
Philippines before the Spaniard

Cabin This is a recreational activity that
involves riding a steel cable with a
protective belt. The activity will start
at the higher level of the area and
will end at the other side of the river.

Restroom A restroom is one of the essential

and necessary facilities that a travel
destination should have. The
proposed restrooms are divided into
4 cubicles which will have 2 separate
cubicles for both male and female,
and another 2 cubicles for showers.
Hence, 2 restrooms are built in this
destination, 1 restroom with 4
cubicles on the right side of the river
and the same on the left side.

Front Desk Area This area is for walk-in tourists, and

reservation. This is where the
payments and transactions will
occur. This is also where tools and
equipment will be stored. It is
located beside the parking area.

Platform Deck This is an isolated area on the other
side of the river, elevated with wood
to prevent mud when the river is
damp. It is designed for tourists who
love adventure and camping. The
tourist will tie their tent to the
platform deck to secure it.

Table 20. Proposed Activities

Proposed Activities Description Figures

Zipline This is a recreational activity that

involves riding a steel cable with a
protective belt. The activity will start
at the higher level of the area and
will end at the other side of the river.

Obstacle Course This is an activity where there are a

series of challenging physical

Rock Climbing Wall climbing is a miniaturized form

of rock climbing, where the
participant climbs a surface. Tourist
are increasingly seeking activity that
offer more than simple activity, they

want active engagement and unique
challenges, such as rock climbing
near the river, which gives beautiful
views of the destination while

Camping It is an outdoor activity that involves

staying the night/more than one
night in a tent out in nature. This is a
perfect activity for tourist who loves
nature wherein they will experience
life away from urbanization.

Bonfire This is an activity that requires

wood, and a small amount of fuel to
prolong the fire. The tourist can
make s’mores (roasted
marshmallows) while enjoying a
drink or while stargazing.

Table 21. Proposed Safety Concerns

Proposed Safety Description Figures


Clinic A designated facility for

emergencies to be given medical
treatment or advice.

River Level Gauge It is used for measuring the level
of fluids in a river. It is for safety
purposes and a warning for the
staffs and visitors if the water
level is rising.

Life Jacket and It is a protective equipment to

Lifeguard’s Spot ensure the safety of the tourist. It
will keep them afloat in case they
happen to venture into a steep or
deep level of water. The lifeguard
will observe the tourist to prevent
any incidents from happening.

4.1.2. Place

The Layon River and its surroundings are a significant part of the outdoor tourism appeal

of San Ildefonso and DRT, Bulacan, attracting visitors who are looking to enjoy the natural scenery

and engage in various outdoor activities. It is located at Hulo, Akle, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, the

boundary of Camachin, DRT, Bulacan. Layon River is a destination for adventure seekers and

nature lovers. It is surrounded by lush greenery and offers scenic views, making it an ideal spot

for activities like swimming, picnicking, and camping. Visitors also tend to make it a usual spot

for celebrations such as family gatherings, birthdays, casual outings, or team buildings. Many

visitors are attracted to its relaxing environment, which provides a refreshing escape from urban

life. The local community, especially the resort’s staff, are very hospitable and accommodating,

which adds to a unique and memorable experience for the visitors. The resort also has its own

Facebook Page, making it easier for visitors to inquire, reserve, and book the facilities and

activities along with the prices and other fees such as parking fees and entrance fees.

Layon River is easily accessible to all vehicles, including four-wheelers and motorcyclists. If

the tourists are coming from Balagtas, Bulacan, the travel distance is 46 kilometers, with a trip

duration of approximately 1 hour and 9 minutes by vehicle and 1 hour and 2 minutes by

motorcycle. If traveling from Malolos, Bulacan, the travel distance is 48 kilometers, with a trip

duration of approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes by vehicle and 1 hour and 20 minutes by

motorcycle. If traveling from Pandi, Bulacan, the travel distance is 33 kilometers with a trip

duration of 1 hour and 8 minutes by vehicle and 57 minutes by motorcycle. If traveling from Angat,

Bulacan, the travel distance is 22 kilometers with a trip duration of 39 minutes by vehicle and 36

minutes by motorcycle. If traveling from Metro Manila, the travel distance is 69 kilometers, with

a trip duration of 1 hour and 44 minutes by vehicle and 2 hours and 3 minutes on a motorcycle.

Figure 1 Balagtas to Layon River

Figure 2 Malolos to Layon River

Figure 3. Pandi to Layon River

Figure 4. Angat to Layon River

Figure 5. Manila to Layon River

Table 22. Guest’s Capacity

Layon River’s Guest Capacity

Facilities No. of No. of Guest in each facility Total no. of Guest


Nipa Hut 3 10 30

Cabin 4 2 8

Restroom 12 cubicles 12 12

Tent Pitching 5 tents 3 15

Front desk Area 1 10 10

TOTAL NO. OF GUEST 65 (except the no. of

front desk area)

4.1.3. Price

This section discusses the company's pricing strategy for products and services, including

its impact on customers. It should identify how much clients are willing to pay, as well as the

amount of mark-up needed to meet overheads, profit margins, payment methods, and other


Table 23. Prices of facility

Facility Description Price

Nipa Hut Cottages are one of the Day Tour (8 AM - 5 PM) - ₱300
important facilities in a travel
destination. This is where the

tourists will be staying. Nipa
huts were the native houses of
the indigenous people of the
Philippines before the Spaniard

Cabin This is a recreational activity Day Tour (8 AM - 5 PM) -

that involves riding a steel cable ₱2,000
with a protective belt. The
activity will start at the higher
level of the area and will end at Overnight Tour (5 PM - 7 AM) -
the other side of the river. ₱3,000

22 Hours Package A (8 AM - 6
AM) - ₱4,500

22 Hours Package B (7 PM - 5
PM) - ₱5,500

Platform Deck This is an isolated area on the ₱100 per tent and per day
other side of the river, elevated
with wood to prevent mud when
the river is damp. It is designed
for tourists who love adventure
and camping. The tourist will tie
their tent to the platform deck to
secure it.

Table 24. Prices of Activities

Activity Description Price

Zipline This is a recreational activity ₱150

that involves riding a steel
cable with a protective belt.
The activity will start at the
higher level of the area and
will end at the other side of the

Obstacle Course This is an activity where there ₱150

are a series of challenging
physical obstacles.

Rock Climbing Wall climbing is a ₱150

miniaturized form of rock
climbing, where the
participant climbs artificial
surfaces constructed from

Bonfire This is an activity that requires ₱ 150

wood, and a small amount of
fuel to prolong the fire. The
tourist can make s’mores
(roasted marshmallows) while
enjoying a drink or while

Table 25. Direct and Indirect Competitor


Bulusukan Cave Angel’s Dream Resort

Facilities Price Facilities Price

Cottages ₱300 - 850 Villa 1 (20-25 pax)

Picnic Grounds Free of Charge Day Tour

Picnic Materials ₱40 - ₱500 Weekdays ₱14,000

Parking Area ₱15 - ₱50 Weekends ₱16,000

Campground ₱50 Holidays ₱18,000

Camping Materials ₱50 Additional per pax ₱300

Platform Deck ₱200 - 350 Overnight Tour

Weekdays ₱24,000

Weekends ₱26,000

Holidays ₱28,000

Additional per pax ₱500

Villa 2 (12-15 pax)

Day Tour

Weekdays ₱8,500

Weekends ₱10,000

Holiday ₱11,500

Additional per pax ₱300

Overnight Tour

Weekdays ₱14,500

Weekends ₱16,000

Holidays ₱17,500

Additional per pax ₱500

Kubo Cottage with

Bed (3-5 pax)

Overnight Tour

Additional per pax

Kubo Cottage (Day

Tour Only minimum
of 8 pax)


Activities Price Activities Price

Cave exploration/ ₱50 - 100 Bonfire ₱300


Night Cave ₱50 - 150 Fishing Rod (3 ₱50

Adventure hours)

Tilapia per kilo

Eco-Tour/Hiking ₱50 - 100 Boating

30 mins (maximum ₱150

of 2 adults & 2 kids
per ride)

1 hour (maximum of
2 adults & 2 kids per ₱250


Picnic and ₱50 - 100 Hot Kawa Bath (30- ₱400

Swimming 40 minutes)

Obstacle Course ₱250 - 500 E-Bike 1 seater

30 mins ₱150

1 hour ₱250


30 mins ₱200

1 hour ₱350

Airsoft Gun

100 Rounds ₱400

300 Rounds ₱900

500 Rounds ₱1,400


3 hours ₱400

6 hours ₱650

Entertainment Room

2 hours ₱1,200

Charge per ₱400

additional hour

4.1.4. Promotion

Promotion is communication between the seller and the potential guest, wherein the seller

tries to persuade the potential guest to buy their product. Just like in this development plan, the

proponents should conduct a promotion for the researchers to boost and make it popular among

tourists. There are different types of promotion, and one of these is word-of-mouth and advertising.

Word-of-mouth is basically encouraging fellow people to try a certain tourist activity just because

they enjoy and have an experience at that place. It is simply a free promotion that comes from the

guest experience and positive feedback. And advertising, which is what every company should do

to promote their own business, means advertising a certain product that offers to entice the future

buyer to consume your product.

However, to promote this tourist destination, the researchers are prioritizing the safety and

satisfaction of our guests so they will return or spread their good experience to their relatives,

colleagues, and many more. Also, to advertise this destination, the researchers created (a)

company logo as our identity in social media, (b) tagline to know what our goals and priorities are

for the sake of our guests, and (c) Tarpaulin to inform the people that there is an existing River

Resort in the community of Brgy. Akle, San Ildefonso (d) Facebook page and (e) website, to reach

the potential guest through social media or the internet, and (f) YouTube channel, for uploading

travel content or vlogs.

Company Logo

Our group decided to have two (2) color palettes in creating our business logo because it

depicts a meaning through a color. Just like in this logo, the researchers use green and dark gray

as our color palette since green symbolizes the environment where sustainability usually comes

forward. Besides, our business is more focused on sustainable tourism, where the researchers are

concerned with the natural resources while at the same time promoting the destination as a tourist


Nevertheless, the researchers are still limiting the number of people who can access this

destination. Another one is dark gray. The elements that have a color of dark gray play a vital role

in this tourist destination because they highlight its main attractions, such as the surroundings,

activities, facilities, and, of course, the crystal-clear river flows.

Figure 6. Layon River Logo


Our tagline, “Comfort and creating unforgettable memories are our top priorities,"

indicates that one of our prime concerns is overall guest satisfaction because they operate in a way

that mirrors the guest experience. If the guest is satisfied during his or her stay, our business will

be remarked on and promoted as a worthwhile travel destination due to the positive feedback they

receive from our guests. Hence, our primary goal is to make the guest feel welcome,

accommodated, safe, and comfortable, and, lastly, exceed their expectations throughout their stay.

Since this tourist destination offers different amenities and activities, they can encourage the guests

to create unforgettable memories here in Layon River.


Businesses could invest in high-quality promotional advertisements and place printed

tarpaulins in strategic locations across the community to market their brand. They can entice future

customers or the target market to make reservations and stay at our establishment by using these

tactics. They make sure to include all the information about our business, such as our phone

number, Facebook page, and email address, on our tarpaulin so that potential guests may reach out

and contact the management right away. To give people an idea of what they may offer, this

promotional advertisement also features the activities and the crystal-clear river, which are the

centerpieces of the tourist destination. They make sure that the activities and other photos included

in the tarpaulin are what the guest can see when they arrive at this destination and reach beyond

their expectations. In addition to that, they came up with the idea of offering the lowest price, Php.

150 only as an entrance fee to entice potential customers to try this tourist activity. However, they

guarantee that the clients will be made aware of all other information and payments, including the

cost of any amenities they will be made aware of all other information and payments, including

the cost of any amenities they may use.

Figure 7. Marketing Tarpaulin

Facebook Page

In this modern time, most individuals are immersed in browsing through their social media

feeds. Social media platforms feature media, direct messaging, and free advertisements. Thus, our

business decided to create a Facebook page where they can upload images of the Layon River and

boost them on social media platforms to reach potential customers. Additionally, since this

platform features direct messaging, those who wish to ask for inquiries or information can message

the management directly on this Facebook page, and they can respond immediately. Online

reservations can also be made via direct message because the client is directly communicating with

the front desk officer, and the transaction will be processed right away after the payment. As a

result of this platform, our transactions and promotional strategy will be less hectic and more


Figure 8. Layon River Official Facebook Page


Having a website is very common especially in companies because it can help your own

business to be accessible to people or potential guests via the internet. Here, on the website, it

consists of the important details of what our business could offer to the guest. Potential guests can

gain an insight about this tourist attraction by clicking the “about us” button. This website also

consists of price lists of the amenities and activities that they could offer to guests. And of course,

the researchers placed a space for inquiries if a potential guest wants to ask some question. Lastly,

a button for FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions contains the answers to those questions that are

usually asked of the management.

Figure 9. Layon River Website

YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel is an online platform that is usually used for videos such as vlogs, music,

and dance videos. However, this platform helps our business to boost its popularity to other people

because they can record the appearance and beauty of this destination and upload it on YouTube.

In addition to that, they can create a travel content vlog about Layon River. With this strategy, they

can attract more potential guests who want to try those activities that they offer.

Figure 10. Layon River YouTube Channel

Marketing Schedule

Layon River has a lot of competitors around Bulacan, therefore, to increase sales, the

proponents should have a marketing schedule to attract more guests. However, to make this

marketing successful and reach its target market. The proponents should observe first if the tourist

destination is worth visiting. Hence, our team should ensure first that the facilities are more

enhanced to have a comfortable stay and the activities that they offer should be safe to prevent risk

or accident. Furthermore, they would like to satisfy the guests and exceed their expectations for

them to have a worth-wile vacation and for this business to be successful. Our goal is to attract the

guests and make sure that they will return to this tourist destination.

This Marketing Schedule made by the proponents will show the different steps that they

should take to attract more tourists.

Table 26. Marketing Schedule


February - March 8:00 am – 1:00 pm • Marketing Personnel will

gather and establish a
Marketing Plan.
3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
• The team will research
more on the trends and the
interests of our target

• Studying about adding up

more activities for the
guest to enjoy their stay.

• Creating promotional
advertisements, social
media accounts, and
websites for the guest to
reach the management
right away and gather
insights and information
regarding this tourist

• Making sure that the

facilities are well-built.

April - May 8:00 am – 1:00 pm • Ensuring the stability of

the facilities and activities
such as the obstacle

3:00 pm – 8:00 pm course, zipline, and area
for rock climbing to assure
the safety of the guest who
wished to stay and try the

• Cleaning the entire place

in preparation for the
incoming peak season.

• Proceeds to promotional
campaign and advertising:

o Creating a layout for

tarpaulin and
displaying it around
San Ildefonso and

o Post different photos

of Layon River in
Facebook Page and
boost it on social
media to reach the
target market even
outside Bulacan.

o Monitor the website,

Facebook page, and
email account for
incoming inquiries.

o Upload a “Layon
River Tour” vlog on

YouTube channel to
show to the public
what’s inside this
tourist destination.

June - July 8:00 am – 5:00 pm • Be ready for the peak

season and make sure that
each personnel passed
8:00 am – 6:00 am through the briefing
process and have an idea
regarding their different
task inside the Layon

• 5% Discount for a client

who makes a reservation
for the month of April to
June. Hence, the social
media manager is tasked to
upload it to different social
media platforms to inform
the target market.

• 5% discount for the first 10

walk-in customers of the

• Will allot every first

Sunday of the month to
conduct a challenge games.
All guests are allowed to
join the challenge but

limited to only for 5

August - September 8:00 am – 5:00 pm • Will invite travel vloggers

and conduct a Layon River
Tour Vlog to reach more
8:00 am – 6:00 am potential customers who
are subscribers of the

• Php. 300 for unlimited

access to the three
activities such as obstacle
course, rock climbing, and
zipline. It is to attract more
guests during the low or off

September - December 8:00 am – 1:00 pm • Conduct a general cleaning

every Monday on the
Layon River’s vicinity
3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
• Mandatory cleaning every
after check-out of guest to
maintain the cleanliness of
the amenities and area.

• Uploading more photos of

Layon River and feedback
coming from guest to boost
the destination and still
attract the potential


4.1.5. People

People have an essential role in a development plan because they actively contribute to the

accomplishment of the plan's goals and objectives. They are responsible for implementing the

actions and strategies outlined in the development plan. People need to actively work towards

reaching the goals set in the plan. It is important that everyone remains involved in the

development plan and knows its aims and purposes. By recognizing and connecting with the

objectives, people may work together to accomplish them. People are essential to a development

plan because they offer a variety of capabilities, help achieve goals and objectives, constantly hone

their skills, foster creativity, and support a healthy work environment. Their dedication and active

engagement are vital for the development plan's success.

In summary, people involved in a development plan have the responsibility to actively

engage in the strategies' implementation, stay committed to the goals, and take the initiative to

make progress.

● Tourism Developers, researchers, coordinators- Tourism developers create strategies

and plans to boost tourism, generate revenue, and support the economy, ensuring alignment

with sustainable tourism goals. Researchers provide insights and data to inform these

strategies, identifying trends, understanding visitor behavior, and assessing tourism's

impact on the environment and communities. Coordinators manage tourism activities at

various levels, ensuring effective decision-making and execution. They facilitate

collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies, tourism businesses, and

local communities, to achieve responsible and sustainable tourism development. To sum

up, the planning of tourism as well as the general growth of the tourism industry heavily

depends on the work of tourism developers, researchers, and coordinators. They aid in

formulating plans, maximizing tourism's potential impact, overseeing tourism-related

operations, and guaranteeing sustainable and ethical growth.

● Manager- Managers lead tourism management and development, ensuring effective

governance and stakeholder coordination. They oversee strategies to enhance the

destination's appeal and competitiveness while promoting sustainable growth through

efficient resource management. By considering various factors and fostering cooperation

among stakeholders, including governments, they ensure the success of development plans

and achieve the destination's goals.

● Marketing officers- They are the ones advertising the goods, services, or brand of a

company. They assist in the creation and implementation of strategic marketing programs

meant to accomplish objectives, such as raising brand awareness, generating leads, or

boosting sales. They play a crucial role in boosting sales and income by effectively

communicating the value and benefits of the organization's offerings. They oversee

developing a company's brand image, maintaining it, identifying market trends, and

formulating promotional plans.

● Accountant- Accountants ensure financial accountability and provide expertise by

organizing and evaluating financial data, and creating financial statements, estimations,

and budgets. They contribute to the formulation of financial plans and policies to support

an organization's goals, monitor progress toward development objectives, and promote

sustainable development. Accountants ensure efficient use of financial resources, reduce

the risk of fraud and mismanagement, and provide financial analysis and reporting to help

stakeholders make informed decisions about the progress and impact of development plans.

● Company Staff- They are the ones who are responsible for providing outstanding

customer service, upholding the company's brand and ideals, and cultivating enduring

bonds with clients. Their commitment and active participation boost client happiness,

brand loyalty, and the organization's overall performance.

● Maintenance- The maintenance process ensures the upkeep of a destination's facilities,

attractions, and infrastructure, which enhances visitor experience and satisfaction by

preserving the destination's quality and appeal. It prevents negative impacts like economic

disruptions and adverse effects on local communities. Additionally, maintenance aligns

planning and development with the needs of residents, visitors, businesses, and the

government, maximizing the benefits of tourism while minimizing its downsides.

Table 27. Table for Roster Planning

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Front desk day off 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am

officer 1
3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

Front desk 3:00 pm day off 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

officer 2
12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am

Front desk 6:00 am 6:00 am day off 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am

officer 3
3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

Front desk 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm day off 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

officer 4
12:00 am 12:00 12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am


Crew 1 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am day off

3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

Crew 2 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm day off 3:00 pm

12:00 am 12:00 12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am 12:00 am


Crew 3 12:00 am 12:00 12:00 am 12:00 am day off 12:00 am 12:00 am

9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

9:00 am

Crew 4 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am day off 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm

Housekeeper 6:00 am 6:00 am day off 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am

4:00 pm 8:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm

Housekeeper 11:00 am day off 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm

8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 pm

Lifeguard 1 5:00am day off 5:00am 5:00am 5:00am 5:00am 5:00am

11:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm

Lifeguard 2 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 am day off 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm

11:00 pm 11:00 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm


Lifeguard 3 5:00am 5:00am day off 5:00am 5:00am 5:00am 5:00am

2:00pm 11:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm

Lifeguard 4 day off 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 am 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm

11:00 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm


Security 1 5:00 am 5:00 am day off 5:00 am 5:00 am 5:00 am 5:00 am

11:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm

Security 2 day off 2:00 pm 5:00 am 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm

11:00 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm 11:00 pm


Nurse day off 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am

5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Social Media 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off

5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Marketing 1 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off

5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Marketing 2 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off 8:00 am

5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Accountant 1 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off 8:00 am

5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Accountant 2 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off

5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Maintenance 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off

Staff 1
5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Maintenance 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off 8:00 am

Staff 2
5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Maintenance 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am day off 8:00 am 8:00 am

Staff 3
5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Activity 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am day off 6:00 am 6:00 am

Operation 1
3:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

Activity 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 6:00 pm day off 6:00 am 1:00 pm 1:00 pm

Operation 2
10:00 pm 10:00 6:00 am 6:00 pm 10:00 pm 10:00 pm


Activity 9:00 pm 9:00 pm day off 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:00 pm

Operation 3
6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am

Table 28. Table for needed num of employees

Facility Employee No. of Employee/s

Office Marketing 2

Accountant 2

Security Guard 2

Social Media Manager 1

On Site Front desk 4

Crew 4

Lifeguard 4

Maintenance 3

Cottages Housekeeper 2

Activities Operation 3

Clinic Nurse 1

4.1.6. Processes

Layon River's development as a sustainable destination would improve its appeal to

tourists. Understanding the five stages of the visitor cycle, which include pre-arrival, arrival, stay,

departure, and post-stay, is critical for ensuring an enjoyable and memorable visit. By

understanding and managing each stage of the guest cycle, the Layon River can increase its appeal,

ensuring guests have a memorable time and building a lasting connection to the destination.



Pre-Arrival, Reservation, Reconfirmation, Pickup Request, and Pre-Arrival Letter for

Tourists. The visitors must make their reservation by messaging the Layon River Facebook page

to be guided accordingly and to answer their inquiries properly. They must call the office one hour

ahead of time to confirm their attendance and constantly reach the tour guide to keep on track

while on the way to Layon River. For walk-ins, simply go to the assigned staff to be approached

for the process.


Upon arrival make sure to make the necessary payments for the entrance fee, activities,

cottage rentals, tour guide and parking fee in the office. After paying, they will be accompanied

by the tour guide for the trek down to the river and register their names in a logbook in the reception

area. After the registration process, they will be given life vests and helmets for the activities. They

will then proceed to the cottage they have rented and enjoy the activities.


During the tourists’ stay they can wander around, sign up for any of the activities inside

that they want to experience. They will be accompanied by the tour guide to the assigned cottage

they have rented where they can put their things and rest for a while before trying on the activities.

There are a lot of water activities to try on so they must wear the provided life vests and helmets

for protection, especially when they go caving due to the slippery rock formations. During the

overnight stay when it is already past 6 pm, some of the activities like going to the cave and cliff

diving will not be available because it might be very risky for the guests.


Typical guests or tourist’s departure are applied and no hidden charges. They will have to

trek again back to the parking area where they left their vehicles. They can of course take a rest on

the waiting sheds before heading back home after the exhausting walk. The staff will express their

gratitude to the tourists and one of the staff members will encourage them to take a group photo of

the visitors for the Facebook page and remind them to leave their feedback and comments on the



The tourists may now post or share their unforgettable experience at their social media

accounts where they can tag Layon River’s Facebook page so that they can also share it in the

page. It will be beneficial to increase the popularity of the destination and a lot of vloggers got

interested in visiting and making videos about the place where they post it in their YouTube

channels. Of course, these are great ways to promote the place and boost tourist’s arrival to increase

the average revenue per guest and drive more rebooking.

Rules and Regulations

❖ For reservations, booking transactions must be processed prior to the travel date.

❖ Upon booking a reservation, the client should make a downpayment of 50% for Entrance

fee and Reserved amenities (Nipa hut or cottage).

❖ For walk-ins, entrance fee per head is

❖ Payment for activities will be processed once the client is already inside the area.

Therefore, reservations for activities are not allowed.

❖ Amenities, especially the Nipa hut and Cabin have a limited capacity of guests. 10 pax

for Nipa Hut and 2 pax for Cabin. Every price of amenities has a maximum number of

pax. Therefore, an exceeded person must pay Php. 300 for Nipa Hut and Php. 2,000 for


❖ While staying at the resort/tourist destination, always guard your children and be

attentive to your personal belongings to avoid incidents.

❖ Monitor the level of water. There is a river level gauge located on every side of the river.

❖ Beware of the big rocks at the bottom of the river

❖ Swimming around the river at 10:00 pm – 5:00 am is prohibited for safety purposes.

Lifeguards are assigned to watch over those guests who will disobey the rules.

❖ At exactly 5:00 pm, there will be a rope from both sides of the river that will serve as a

barrier and indicate that swimmers are not allowed to go beyond it because that area is

not visible to lifeguards.

❖ No cliff diving – it can result to head injury

❖ In regard to challenge games that are conducted once every month is limited for 5 persons

only, but all guests are allowed to join. The fee is still the same but there will be prizes

for the Champion and a consolation prize for those who failed to win the game.

SWOT Analysis


Layon River is located near a community where locals can visit this place whenever they

want because distance is not a hindrance to going to this place. Therefore, the Layon River is

accessible to everyone because it is not located in a secluded area. Upon visiting this place, the

proponents did not struggle to find this location because it is just along the road and near the town

of Akle. Besides, this resort is an eco-friendly tourist destination because it focuses on

sustainability, which prioritizes society, economy, and environment. They said that this is eco-

friendly because, despite creating these natural resources as a tourist destination, the organization

still controls it carrying capacity, wherein there should be a limit to the number of guests who visit

this place day by day. By controlling it carrying capacity, it could prevent the possible risk of

environmental destruction. And lastly, this place has a lot of activities and amenities to offer. When

it comes to facilities, the cottages or cabins for the staycation of guests are well-built, stable, and

go along with the latest trends and interests of most travelers. The same goes for the activities.

Activities offered here are fun and thrilling activities that could satisfy and fulfil the enjoyment of



Layon River is composed of bodies of water, which is a river, unfortunately, most of the

rivers encountered high and low tides. When the proponents visited the site, the level of water in

this river is high but some parts of the river are low which is very accident prone because

tourist/swimmers will have no idea how high or low is the level of water in every part of the river.

However, the proponents believed that high tides are a weakness of this destination since the water

level decreases or increases anytime soon, which is possible risk or accident could happen,

especially if the water level is suddenly high. Although some of the rivers experience high tides,

Layon is still affected because the Layon River is connected to the river system of the country and

once high tide occurs in another part of the river, Layon will also be affected. In addition to that,

is a landslide, since layon river is surrounded by high and slope soils and small mountains, there

is a huge chance of landslide since this river is on a low-lying area. So, when landslide occurs,

there is a tendency that the soil going downward will go directly to the guest.


Layon River is a wide-space area with natural resources that serve as the main attraction

due to its greenery landscape and crystal-clear bodies of water. Hence, this area can become

popular and well-known by enhancing its beauty and adding more facilities. It could be a good

investment because they can generate income from it once it becomes famous and people start to

visit the destination, which will surely satisfy the overall guest experience. There is also a wide

and open space that is good for parking. It will be located at the front of the reception area. Lastly,

this destination could offer better interactive activities that could make the guest more engaged

and excited about the variety it offers, such as ziplining, rock climbing, obstacles, camping with a

bonfire, and swimming activities. Since it has a wide space area, it is feasible to plan and develop

these kinds of activities in this destination


Layon River is not a very famous tourist attraction in Brgy. Akle, San Ildefonso, because

only local communities know this place. The proponents observed that there are many guests only

on weekends, but during the weekdays, there are only a small number of tourists who visit this

place. Nevertheless, once this area is developed, there is a tendency for a lot of visitors who live

outside the community to come here, and there is a possibility that many establishments will be

invested in this community since investors will be informed that there are opportunities in this

area. Although Layon River is not just the area that could build establishments such as stores or

shops, it still could affect Layon River and the locals because there are possible negative impacts

that could happen soon. The threat that they could possibly encounter in the future is gentrification,

which is the transformation of a neighborhood from low value to high value. It is seen as an urban

development process where a city or neighborhood grows quickly in a short amount of time,

frequently because of real estate investment and urban rehabilitation initiatives.

4.1.7. Physical Evidence

Nipa Hut

Lot Area: 15 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 10 Pax

Limit of Stay: Day Tour (9 hours), Overnight (9 hours)

Materials: Bamboo, Wood, Nipa grass, Palm Thatch Roll

These cottages are designed to provide comfort to tourists throughout the duration of their

trip, reflecting inspiration from the traditional Filipino homes known as Nipa Huts. With enough

for ten people, these cabins are ideal for big gatherings or family vacations. Tourists profit from

this cottage since it offers the best view of the river and a sense of fresh air.

Figure 11. Nipa Hut Cottage


Lot Area: 10 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 2 Pax

Limit of Stay: 9 Hours and 22 Hours

Materials: Subfloor, Wood Joints, Plywood Floor, Wall Stud, Main Ridge, Double Rafters,

Lumber, Plywood, Wood Roof Decking, Metal Decking, T&G Decking

A cabin cottage is a type of traditional lodging found in natural settings, usually found in

popular vacation spots. Travelers looking for a quiet and interesting experience in nature can find

a comfortable haven here. These are small, typically with simple design and structure, perfect for

couples, and capable of accommodating up to two people. They also make visitors feel more

relaxed and value their visit.

Figure 12. Cabin Cottage


Lot Area: 7.2 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 6 Pax

Materials: Roof, Ridge roll, CHB, Cement, S1, Grava, Steel Bar, PVC Door, Bowl, Paint, Shower

Set, Sink and Faucet, LED Downlight with Switch, Wall Mirror

One of the most important and required amenities at a tourist destination is a restroom. The

four cubicles that make up the proposed restrooms are designed with two distinct areas for men

and women and an additional two areas for showers. Because there is only one restroom in Layon

River as if men and women only share it and as humans, they have made sure the restroom they

will use is scented, clean, and well-kept, visitors will feel secure changing into new clothes in that

section of the area. This is particularly important for women.

Figure 13. Restroom

Front Desk Area

Lot Area: 5 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 10 Pax

Materials: Plywood, Stone tiles, Plaster, Roof, Metal screw

It is the person that welcomes guests, assists them in finding their way to an office, and

provides refreshments while they wait. Furthermore, they arrange travel, sort mail, create copies,

and keep appointment calendars. Reservations and walk-in visitors are welcome in this section.

This is where the transactions and payments will take place. Additionally, this is where equipment

and tools like life jackets will be kept. It is situated next to the parking lot.

Figure 14. Front Desk Area

Tent Pitching Area

Lot Area: 15 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 3 Pax

Materials: Tent, Bonfire Wood, Rope, Platform Deck

Designed for adventure-seeking and camping-loving tourists, this remote region is situated

across the river. Visitors learn the appropriate way to set up a tent, protect it against different

weather situations, and choose a good spot. Future outdoor activities, such as camping, may benefit

from these abilities. Travelers may engage more authentically with places by camping there.

Campers can experience the images, sounds, and feelings of nature directly by sleeping in nature's

beauty as opposed to artificial tourist places.

Figure 15. Tent Pitching Area


Lot Area: 20 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 1

Materials: Galvanized Rope, Zipline Cable, Zipline Harness, Carabiner, Lanyard, Helmet

Tourists will gain from this activity because they will appreciate the Layon River more

when there are things to do. Adventure seekers and thrill-seekers are drawn to zip lining because

it is an exhilarating experience. Travelers are enticed to the thrill of speeding through the air while

suspended over breathtaking scenery. Everyone may enjoy ziplining, regardless of age or physical

ability, making it a great sport for individuals, families, and groups. Because ziplining is an

accessible outdoor sport that everyone may participate in, regardless of their physical ability,

tourists find it to be quite enjoyable.

Figure 16. Zipline

Obstacle Course

Lot Area: 20 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 1

Materials: Rope, Wood Plank, Helmet, Life Vest

Tourists can push their physical and mental boundaries in an exciting and demanding

setting by participating in obstacle courses. Using obstacle courses for team building can help

participants bond with friends, family, or coworkers as they cooperate to complete the course,

which promotes cooperation, communication, and camaraderie.

Figure 17. Obstacle Course

Rock Climbing

Lot Area: 20 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 1

Limit of use: 15 minutes

Materials: Rope, Climbing Harness, Helmet

Travelers can uncover off-the-beaten-path hidden gems and explore new places by going

rock climbing. Traveling with a sense of adventure and discovery, climbers look for special and

picturesque places to climb, be it a nearby crag or a distant wilderness location. It also gives visitors

an intense, fulfilling, and demanding outdoor experience that enhances mental and physical health,

strengthens relationships to the natural world, and opens doors to adventure and personal


Figure 18. Rock Climbing


Lot Area: 10 sqm

Materials: First Aid Kit, Medical equipment, Bed, Pillow, Chairs

Traveling can bring up unanticipated medical crises or accidents for visitors. The

availability of a clinic or other healthcare facility close by guarantees quick access to medical care,

including care for any diseases, injuries, or other health problems that may develop while they are

traveling. Furthermore, providing access to emergency care, preventive wellness services,

substances, and treatment for minor disorders makes medical clinics and healthcare facilities in

tourist locations crucial for safeguarding the health and well-being of visitors. This creates a safe

and comfortable travel environment for tourists and improves the whole experience as travelers.

Figure 19. Clinic

Platform Deck

Lot Area: 15 sqm

Tourist Capacity: 3 Pax

Materials: Plywood, Nail, Rope

This is an isolated area on the other side of the river, elevated with wood to prevent mud

when the river is damp. It is designed for tourists who love adventure and camping. The tourist

will tie their tent to the platform deck to secure it.

Figure 20. Platform Deck

4.2. Financial Aspect

Table 29. Employee Benefit

Employee Benefit

Particular Quantity Unit Cost (Php) Total Cost (PHP)

Polo Shirt with Logo 40 ₱300 ₱12,000


ID Lace 40 ₱40 ₱1,600

ID pvc type 25 ₱120 ₱3,000

Cap Unisex 40 ₱165 ₱6,600

TOTAL 145 ₱625 ₱23,200

Table 30. Office Supplies

Office Supplies

Particular Quantity Unit Cost (Php) Total Cost (PHP)

Ballpen 10 ₱6 ₱60

Logbook 5 ₱65 ₱325

Calculator 3 ₱70 ₱210

Tape 5 ₱35 ₱175

Whiteboard 1 ₱1,371 ₱1,371

Whiteboard marker 10 ₱54 ₱540

Receipt 2 ₱79 ₱158

Correction Tape 4 ₱62 ₱248

Highlighter 5 ₱39 ₱195

Desktop Computer 4 ₱25,000 ₱100,000


TOTAL 49 ₱26,781 ₱103,282

Table 31. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Supplies.

Particular Quantity Unit Cost (Php) Total Cost (PHP)

Trash Can 14 ₱145 ₱2,030

Broom and Dustpan 2 ₱110 ₱220

Pail and Dipper 12 ₱135 ₱1,620

Garbage Bag (roll) 5 ₱90 ₱450

Mop 2 ₱330 ₱660

Grass cutter 1 ₱468 ₱468

Toilet brush 2 ₱140 ₱280

Toilet rubber 2 ₱150 ₱300

Albatross 4 ₱29 ₱116

Alcohol (gallon) 2 ₱145 ₱290

Alcohol spray bottle 7 ₱99 ₱693

Domex (1L) 2 ₱214 ₱428

Hand soap (225 ml) 4 ₱93 ₱372

Tissue 18 ₱25 ₱450

TOTAL 77 ₱2,173 ₱8,377

Table 32. Clinic Supplies

Clinic Supplies

Particular Quantity Unit Cost (Php) Total Cost (PHP)

Blood Pressure 1 ₱295 ₱295

Machine (manual)

Stethoscope 1 ₱5,054 ₱5,054

Crank Bed 1 ₱7,500 ₱7,500

Height and Weight 1 ₱3,054 ₱3,054

Weighing Scale

Pen Torch 2 ₱217 ₱434

First Aid Kit 4 ₱3,220 ₱12,880

Resuscitation 3 ₱1,355 ₱4,065

Kit/Ambu Bag

Thermometer 2 ₱232 ₱464

Floor Disinfectant 4 ₱361 ₱1,444

Liquid (1L)

Brooms and Dustpan 1 ₱110 ₱110

Mops 1 ₱330 ₱330

Alcohol 3 ₱145 ₱435

Medical Disinfectant 5 ₱338 ₱1,690


Cleaning Wipes 5 ₱338 ₱1,690

(35 pulls)

Cleaning Gloves 2 ₱38 ₱76

Dustbin Bags (roll) 5 ₱90 ₱450

Trash Can 2 ₱145 ₱290

Tissue Papers 10 ₱25 ₱250

TOTAL 53 ₱22,847 ₱40,511

Table 33. Advertising

Advertising Expense

Particular Quantity Unit Cost (Php) Total Cost (PHP)

Tarpaulin (2x4) 10 ₱145 ₱1,450

Social Media ₱ 20,000 ₱20,000


TOTAL 10 ₱20,145 ₱21,450

4.2.1. Utilities Expense

Table 34. Utilities Expense

Utilities Expense

Particular Quantity Monthly Annually

Electricity 1 ₱15,000 ₱180,000

Internet 2 ₱4,000 ₱48,000

Water 1 ₱5,000 ₱60,000

TOTAL 4 ₱24,000 ₱ 288,000

Table 35. Utilities Expense: Solar Generator and Solar Light Post

Utilities Expense (One Time Buy Only)

Particular Quantity Unit Cost (Php) Total Cost (PHP)

Solar Light Post 11 ₱ 651 ₱7,161


Solar Generator 1 ₱157,407.58 ₱157,407.58


TOTAL 12 ₱158,058.58 ₱164,568.58

4.2.2. Development Cost

Table 36. Cottages


Particular Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Annual depreciation

(₱) (₱) Life

Nipa Hut 3 ₱21,000 ₱63,000 20 ₱9,445.28

Cabin 4 ₱10,000 ₱40,000 20 ₱8,000

TOTAL 7 ₱31,000 ₱103,000 40 ₱17,445.28

Table 37. Comfort room

Comfort room

Particular Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Annual depreciation

(₱) (₱) Life

Roof 6 ₱1,800 ₱10,800 25 ₱2,589.92

Ridge roll 4 ₱450 ₱1,800 25 ₱288

CHB #5 180 sacks ₱12 ₱2,160 50 ₱7,714.29

Cement 50 ₱210 ₱ 10,500 50 ₱10,500

S1 100 sacks ₱200 ₱20,000 50 ₱40,000

Grava 100 sacks ₱500 ₱50,000 50 ₱100,000

Steel Bar 70 ₱130 ₱9,100 60 ₱10,581.40


Steel Bar 50 ₱85 ₱4,250 60 ₱3,541.67


PVC Door 12 ₱1,950 ₱23,400 10 ₱28,192.77

Bowl 12 ₱3,859 ₱46,308 10 ₱55,792.77

Paint (16 L) 4 ₱2,944 ₱11,776 25 ₱1,884.16

Shower Set 12 ₱1,980 ₱23,760 20 ₱14,227.54

Sink and 2 ₱2,250 ₱4,500 10 ₱900


LED 12 ₱160 ₱1,920 5 ₱4,571.43

with Switch

Wall Mirror 2 ₱208 ₱416 10 ₱83.2

TOTAL 616 ₱16,738 ₱ 220,690 460 ₱280,867.15

Table 38. Clinic


Particular Quantity Unit Cost (₱) Total Cost Useful Annual

(₱) Life depreciation

CHB #5 180 sacks ₱12 ₱2,160 50 ₱7,714.29

Cement 30 ₱210 ₱6,300 50 ₱3,772.45

S1 60 sacks ₱200 ₱12,000 50 ₱14,457.83

Grava 60 sacks ₱500 ₱30,000 50 ₱36,144.58

Steel Bar 50 ₱130 ₱6,500 60 ₱5,146.67


Steel Bar 40 ₱85 ₱3,400 60 ₱2,266.67


Roof 4 ₱1,800 ₱7,200 25 ₱1,152

Ridge roll 2 ₱450 ₱900 25 ₱72

LED 8 ₱160 ₱1,280 5 ₱2,031.75

with Switch

Paint (16 L) 4 ₱2,944 ₱11,776 25 ₱1,884.16

Wooden 1 ₱3,498 ₱3,498 20 ₱174.9


TOTAL 439 ₱9,989 ₱85,014 420 ₱75,087.3

Table 39. Front Desk

Front Desk

Particular Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Life Annual

(₱) (₱) depreciation

Reception 1 ₱46,813.20 ₱46,813.20 20 ₱2,340.66


TOTAL 1 ₱46,813.20 ₱46,813.20 20 2,340.66

Table 40. Platform Deck

Platform Deck (5 tents max)

Particular Quantity Unit Cost (₱) Total Cost Useful Annual

(₱) Life depreciation

Plywood 10 ₱1,500 ₱15,000 30 ₱5,000

Nails 10KG ₱120 ₱1,200 10 ₱1,200

(#2, #3, #4)

Wood 30 ₱277 ₱8,310 20 ₱12,402.99


TOTAL 50 ₱1,897 ₱24,510 60 ₱18,602.99

Table 41. Proposed Activities: Zipline


Particular Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Annual depreciation

(₱) (₱) Life

Galvanized 1 ₱5,280 ₱5,280 50 ₱105.6


Zipline 1 ₱1,161 ₱1,161 12 ₱96.75


Zipline 1 ₱1,082 ₱1,082 5 ₱216.4


Carabiner 1 ₱542 ₱542 20 ₱27.1

Lanyard 1 ₱705 ₱705 5 ₱141

Helmet 2 ₱345 ₱690 5 ₱276

TOTAL 7 ₱9,115 ₱9,460 97 ₱862.85

Table 42. Proposed Activities: Obstacles Course

Obstacle Course

Particular Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Annual depreciation

(₱) (₱) Life

Rope 1 ₱2,367 ₱2,367 10 ₱236.7



Wood 10 ₱1,350 ₱ 13,500 30 ₱4,500
Plank (12
inches, 5

Helmet 2 ₱345 ₱690 5 ₱276

Life Vest 2 ₱290 ₱580 2 ₱580

TOTAL 15 ₱4,352 ₱17,137 47 ₱5,592.7

Table 43. Proposed Activities: Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing

Particular Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Life Annual depreciation
(₱) (₱)

Rope 2 ₱2,367 ₱4,734 10 ₱946.8


Climbing 2 ₱622 ₱1,244 5 ₱497.6


Helmet 2 ₱290 ₱580 5 ₱232

TOTAL 6 ₱3,279 ₱6,558 20 ₱1,676.4

Table 44. Proposed Activities: Camping


Particular Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Life Annual

(₱) (₱) depreciation

Tent 5 ₱440 ₱2,200 15 ₱733.33

Bonfire 20 ₱299 ₱5,980 20 ₱5,980
Wood (1KG)

Rope (8mm) 5 ₱89 ₱445 10 ₱222.5

TOTAL 30 ₱828 ₱8,625 45 ₱6,935.83

4.2.3. Projected Sales

Table 45. Projected Sales (Sales Revenue)

Projected Sales (Sales Revenue)

Qty Sold per day Price per Daily Income Monthly Annual
Unit Income Income

Nipa Hut 3 ₱300 ₱900 ₱27,000 ₱324,000

Cabin 4 ₱2,000 ₱8,000 ₱240,000 ₱2,880,000

Platform Deck 1 ₱100 ₱100 ₱3,000 ₱36,000

Zipline 1 ₱150 ₱150 ₱4,500 ₱54,000

Obstacle Course 1 ₱150 ₱150 ₱4,500 ₱54,000

Rock Climbing 1 ₱150 ₱150 ₱4,500 ₱54,000

Tent 5 ₱150 ₱750 ₱22,500 ₱270,000

Bonfire 1 ₱150 ₱150 ₱4,500 ₱54,000

TOTAL 17 ₱3,150 ₱10.350 ₱310,500 ₱3,726,000

4.2.4. Projected Income Statement

Table 46. Projected Income Statement

Projected Income Statement

2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Sales & ₱3,726,000 ₱4,098,600 ₱4,508,460 ₱4,959,306 ₱5,455,236.6






Employee ₱23,200 ₱25,520 ₱28,072 ₱30,879.2 ₱33,967.12

Benefit expenses

Utilities ₱452,568.58 ₱316,800 ₱348,480 ₱383,328 ₱421,660.8


Cleaning ₱8,377 ₱ 9,214.7 ₱10,136.17 ₱11,149.79 ₱12,264.77


Clinic Supplies ₱40,511 ₱44,562.1 ₱49,018.31 ₱53,920.14 ₱59,312.15

Office Supplies ₱103,282 ₱113,610.2 ₱124,971.22 ₱137,468.34 ₱151,215.17

Advertising ₱21,450 ₱23,595 ₱25,954.5 ₱28,549.95 ₱31,404.95

Depreciation ₱409,411.16 ₱450,352.28 ₱495,387.51 ₱544,926,.26 ₱599,418.89

Total ₱1,058,799.74 ₱983,654.28 ₱1,082,019.71 ₱1,190,221.68 ₱1,309,243.85



Net Profit Before ₱4,784,799.74 ₱5,082,254.28 ₱5,590,479.71 ₱6,149,527.68 ₱6,764,480.45


Tax Expense ₱1,196,199.94 ₱1,270,563.57 ₱1,397,619.93 ₱1,537,381.92 ₱1,691,120.11

Net Profit After ₱2,667,200.26 ₱3,114,945.72 ₱3,426,440.83 ₱3,796,084.32 ₱4,145,332.75


4.2.5. Projected expenses

Table 47. Projected Expenses

Projected Expenses

Development Cost ₱521,807.2

Employee Benefit ₱23,200

Utilities ₱452,568.58

Office, Cleaning, & Clinic Supplies ₱152,170

Advertising Expense ₱21,450

Depreciation Expense ₱409,411.16

TOTAL ₱1,580,606.94

4.2.6 return on investment

Table 48. ROI Annually (2025-2029)

ROI Annually (2025-2029)

2025 2,667,200.26 x 100% 1.68%


2026 3,114,945.72 x 100% 1.97%


2027 3,426,440.83x 100% 2.16%


2028 3,796,084.32x 100% 2.40%


2029 4,145,332.75 x 100% 2.62%


Table 49. Return on Investment in the next 5 years

Return on Investment in the next 5 years

17,150,003.9 x 100% = 10.85%




This chapter summarizes the results, conclusions, and recommendations based on the

data studied in the preceding chapters.

5.1. Summary

● This study of researchers is for the development of the Layon River, San Ildefonso,


● To improve the facilities and activities, to promote and increase the tourism potential of

the place.

● To meet the needs of tourists visiting the Layon River and to foster awareness of

maintaining and preserving the natural components of the Layon River.

● The data was gathered from two hundred (100) respondents to help this feasibility study

visualize and know the status of the place about their facilities and activities.

● The survey questionnaire is composed of 15 questions only.

● This survey questionnaire was approved and validated by Mr. Aj Rondolos before the

distribution of the survey.

● The survey questionnaires were divided into two parts which are the demographic profile,

and the questions are answerable in multiple choices and ranking and the last part has an

open-ended question.

● There are one hundred (100) respondents, 56 or 56% of these are females of the respondents

and 44 or 44% of these are males of the respondents.

● Most of the age of respondents who answered the survey were 21-23 years old with 17

responses or 17% of the respondents.

● For the places, most of the respondents are from San Ildefonso with 50 or 50% respondents

while Balagtas, Malolos, Pandi, Angat, and DRT with 10 or 10% of the respondents each.

● Table 5 shows that 56 or 56% of the respondents do not know about the Layon River and

44 or 44% of the respondents are familiar with the Layon River.

● Table 6 shows that 50 or 50% of the respondents Strongly Agree to develop the place.

● Table 7 shows that 60 or 60% of the respondents are the people who have not yet visited

the place, and 33 or 33% of the respondents are the people who said that they have visited

the place.

● Table 8 shows that 36 or 36% of the respondents want Sustainable tourism while 30 or

30% of the respondents want Ecotourism.

● Table 9 shows that 45 or 45% of the respondents chose relaxation as their main reason for

visiting the Layon River.

● Table 10 shows that 43 or 43% of the respondents prefer to improve Amenities.

● Table 11 shows that 39 or 39% of the respondents agree with the limitation of visitors in

Layon River.

● In table 12 for the proposed improvements, 49 or 49% of the respondents chose to have a

clinic with the rank of 1st as their rate that they want to be added to the Layon River.

● In table 13 shows that 52 or 52% of the respondents chose to have camping with the rank

of 1st as their rate they want to be added to the Layon River.

● Table 14 shows that 33% of the respondents chose overcrowding to be the negative impact

once development starts at Layon River.

● Table 15 shows that 44 or 44% of the respondents chose Generating more jobs and Income

to Layon River.

● Table 16 shows that 56 or 56% of the respondents Strongly Agree that the local community

should be involved in developing and planning Layon River.

● Table 17 shows that 49 or 49% of the respondents will be accompanied by their families

once they visit the Layon River.

● The Layon River offers new and improved facilities and activities to increase tourists.

● The researchers chose to use Tarpaulins, a Facebook page, and a website to promote the

Layon River.

● Chapter 1 consists of the problem and its background is all about the study of the Layon


● Chapter 2 is all about reviewing related literature that consists of local and foreign literature

which is also helpful to the study and to the development of the Layon River.

● Chapter 3 is all about the methodology of the study that consists of methods and techniques

for strategies, and data processing in accordance with the purpose of the study. To check

and ensure that the data gathered was exact and correct.

● Chapter 4 contains the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. The researchers

interpret the results of the survey.

● Chapter 5 contains the summarization of the study, conclusion, and recommendations to

the local community, and business owners.

5.2. Conclusion

The research body was able to investigate the development of the idea in detail. The goal

of this project is to promote local tourism and tourist destinations to increase awareness and

popularity of the area. The researchers had the opportunity to add to and have a longer conversation

about how they might raise the caliber of the destination's activities, which include rock climbing,

zip line, bonfires, camping, and obstacle courses. to guarantee visitors' happiness and their favorite

activities to provide more thrilling and happy times. After a protracted process of carrying out this

feasibility study, the researchers have reached the following findings:

● One of the main goals of our research is to determine how local communities and visitors

engage in the various activities and practices that the area has adopted to develop the


● The researchers found that visitors make significant contributions to the local government,

particularly to the local communities and residences of San Ildefonso, Bulacan, as tourism

is one of the main sources of income for the local population.

● The proposed feasibility study for the development of the Layon River in San Ildefonso,

Bulacan, aims to create inclusive and accessible tourism opportunities while building a

positive relationship between local communities and tourists.

5.3. Recommendation

In the last part of this paper, the feasibility study needs a calculation analysis to list the

following processes and procedures. This comes after the quantitative analysis is done. The

researchers collected data as a group, with each person taking notes and going over the locations

so that the researchers could add any extra information they needed to make sure the data was

complete. Based on what the researchers found, the researchers made suggestions that will help

the San Ildefonso Bulacan Local Government run better.

To The Local Community and Government of San Ildefonso Bulacan:

The researchers want the San Ildefonso Bulacan local government to use its platform to

encourage people to go to one of the town's tourist spots. Not only will this affect the government,

but it will also affect the people who live in San Ildefonso Bulacan. The reason for this is that it

could help their economy and bring in more tourists. Also, government workers and officials can

set up a large-scale campaign to promote tourism in their area. This will help everyone in the area,

from the people who live there to the guests who come to see the sights, understand each other and

work together better.

To The Management of San Ildefonso Bulacan:

The research team would like to ask them to consider protecting natural resources and

support sustainable development, especially the beauty of places like the Layon River, and making

sure that tourists are safe when they visit. They also want to encourage tourists to come back to

the place.

To The Local Communities and Residencies of San Ildefonso Bulacan:

Improving the economy, creating jobs, and making money for businesses are some of the

best things about making a location better. There's also a good chance that more tourists will

become interested in that place. This is a great chance for the people who live in San Ildefonso

Bulacan and the local government to make extra money to meet their needs. Researchers would

tell the people in charge of San Ildefonso Bulacan, as well as tour guides and tourists, that

ecotourism is an important way to protect the beautiful places along the Layon River so that they

will be around for future generations.

Future Recommendations for The Development:

● Obstacle Course

● Zip lining

● Camping

● Bonfire

● Eco-friendly wooden trashcans

● Signages

● Clinic

● Nipa hut

● cottages

● Tent

● Platform Deck


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Layon River Site Images

Figure 21. Layon River Site Gallery


This study will help to contribute an idea in developing the Layon River Resort to attract

more tourists. In this study, addressing the issues of the area is the key in formulating a

development plan for making the Layon River Resort a better place to visit. Furthermore, this

study’s focus is to provide a strong development plan that is feasible to help the area. Thus, the

questions formulated are crucial in collecting necessary information to have a strong development


Marketing Aspect

• How does the Layon River Resort is accessible for tourists? Why or why not?

• Who is/are the possible target market of Layon River Resort?

• What are the effective promotional strategies that could be used to promote the Layon River


Technical Aspect

• Does Layon River Resort need to be developed?

• What are the facilities or amenities that Layon River Resort should be added or developed?

• How the materials will be used for the development of Layon River Resort can be assured

of quality and can last for a long period of time?

Management Aspect

• What would be the management approach would be appropriate to the development of

Layon River Resort?

• Who are the people that are necessary and appropriate to manage the Layon River Resort?

• How many staff/people are needed to provide quality services for the tourists?

• What kind of contingency plan must be provided when the area is already experiencing

environmental issues?

Financial Aspect

• How much is the estimated needed budget for the development of Layon River Resort?

• How much is the net income of the Layon River Resort’s employee salary should be?

• How much is the estimated target gross income of Layon River Resort after 5 years?

• What are the other sources of budget for the development of Layon River Resort?

Social-Economic Aspect

• What are the possible positive impacts of Layon River Resort when it got developed to its

local government and community?

• How important is it to involve the locals in the development of the area?

Figure 22. Management’s Approval Via Messenger

Dear Respondent(s):
Good day! The researchers are working on a feasibility study for Layon River development right
now. The information acquired will only be utilized to evaluate the issues facing the region and
choose which facilities and events to create to increase not only Layon River's tourism business
but also visitors' understanding of the need to preserve the place. The researchers sincerely hope
for your patience and best cooperation and this study is for ACADEMIC PURPOSES ONLY.
The researchers guarantee that any information you provide will be treated with the strictest
The researchers appreciate your cooperation.

Angco, Patrizha G.
De Jesus, John Paul
Filoteo, Andrea
Geronimo, Rane Micaella M.
Jimenez, Jhasmine
Khan, Rizwan Jr. A
Verdera, Princess

I. Demographic Profile

Name (Optional):

II. Survey Questions

Directions: Choose the letter of your preferred answer.

1. Do you have any idea or information about Layon River?
A. Yes
B. No

1.1 If not, Layon River is located at Brgy. Akle San Ildefonso Bulacan, Boundary of Camachin
DRT Bulacan. Layon River became a location to unwind, as well as a venue for events like
birthday parties and reunions, as well as a typical family weekend destination for couples and
barkada camping. Additionally, it provides a scenic environment where guests can take in
views of the river and surrounding scenery. This river gives the tourist a wide view of the river
and crystal-clear water that everyone can swim in. However, this destination serves a vital
role, especially in the economy, due to the fact that the staff here are mostly locals, who have
job opportunities as well as generate income from tourists. Second, it has an impact on society
due to the fact that people with different cultures and traditions have a chance to interact with
each other. And lastly, it affects the environment because this resort is rich in natural resources
where the river meets the attraction.

3. Once you read the short description of Layon River, do you consider to develop this place to a
more accessible, have more comfortable cottages, and add some activities?
A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

4. If you know Layon River, how many times have you visited Layon River?
A. 1-3 times
B. 4-6 times
C. 7-8 times
D. I have not yet stayed in this place.
- Others: please specify

5. What type of tourism do you want upon developing this place?

A. Ecotourism (market as responsible travel to natural resources)
B. Adventure tourism (Focus more on adventures and thrills)
C. Sustainable tourism (Wishes to maintain the naturalness of the area)
D. Modernization (Make the destination a modern-type of resort)

6. What are the main reasons for you to visit this place?
A. For fun
B. Relaxation
C. Bonding with family/friends
D. Others.

7. During your stay, what did you notice that needs to be developed in Layon River?
A Amenities (Cottages, Comfort Rooms and Campsites)
B. Local Community
C. Activities Offered
D. Trail
E. I have not yet stayed in this place.

8. Do you agree that the Layon River should limit the number of visitors to preserve its natural
A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

9. Rank the improvements you would like to see made in Layon River. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being
the highest and 5 being the lowest)
_____ Amenities (cottages, comfort room, and campsites)

_____ Activities offered
_____ Installing directions and safety signs (important during hightide)
_____ Providing Life jackets and life guard
_____ More food stalls and souvenir shop
_____ Clinic

10. Rank the activities you would like to see made in Layon River. (On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the
highest and 5 being the lowest)
_____ zipline
_____ obstacle course (good for team building)
_____ wall climbing
_____ camping

11. What could be the main negative impacts once the development has start at Layon River?
A. Increased Pollution
B. Overcrowding
C. Environmental Destruction
D. Dependence on tourism

12. What could be the main positive impacts once the development has start at Layon River?
A. Generate more jobs and income
B. Comfortable stay
C. Improved Infrastructure
D. Better Interactive Activities (This involves active participation and engagement from

13. Do you agree that the local community should be involved in developing and planning this
tourist destination?
A. Strongly Agree

B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

14. If ever you want to visit that place, who is accompanying you?
- Family
- Friends
- Cousins
- Partner

15. What is your suggestion to preserve the naturalness of the Layon River?


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