Moonlight CrochetSakura Red Dress
Moonlight CrochetSakura Red Dress
Moonlight CrochetSakura Red Dress
Ch: Chain stitch
Slst: slip stitch
sc: single crochet stitch
hdc: half double crochet stitch
dc: double crochet stitch
tr: treble crochet stitch
inc: 2 single crochet stitches in a same stitch
inc3: 3 single crochet stitches in a same stitch
inc4: 4 single crochet stitches in a same stitch
inc-hdc: 2 half double crochet stitches in a same stitch
inc-dc: 2 double crochet stitches in a same stitch
inc3-dc: 3 double crochet stitches in a same stitch
inc4-dc: 4 double crochet stitches in a same stitch
dec: 2 single crochet stitches together
dec3: 3 single crochet stitches together
dec-dc: 2 double crochet stitches together
FLO: crochet through front loop only
BLO: crochet through back loop only
Product is about ~28 cm (11 inches)
1. Yarn: I used Schachenmayr Catania and Scheepjes
Skin color: Catona Color 255
Camel color: Catania Color 179
Red: Catania Color 424 (Kirsche)
Black: Catania Color 110
White: Catania Color 106
2. Crochet hook suitable with your yarns ( I used 2mm
crochet hook).
3. Safety eyes size 7mm.
4. Embroidery thread, sewing needle, scissors, some pins,
buttons, fabric glue.
5. Pink blush make up powder.
Contact information 6. Soft wires size 2mm (optional).
Ravelry: Crochet the doll with tight stitches. Crochet the costume loosely or use 0,3mm
Email: bigger hook.
[email protected]
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 2
Arms (make two)
Crochet in spiral rounds, begin with red color
Round 1: 6sc in the magic ring (6)
Round 2: 6inc (12)
Round 3: 12sc (12)
Round 4: (5sc, 1inc) * repeat 2 times (14)
Round 5: 3sc, inc3-dc, 10sc (16)
Round 6: 3sc, dec3, 10sc (14)
Round 7: (5sc, 1dec) * repeat 2 times (12)
Round 8: (4sc, 1dec) * repeat 2 times (10)
Round 9: 10sc (10)
Change to black color yarn.
Round 10: BLO 10sc (10)
Round 11 - Round 26: 10sc (10) {16 rounds}
Fasten off.
Continue to crochet in the front loops of round 9 with red yarn.
FLO (dc, inc-dc) * repeat 5 times (15) Fasten off.
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 3
Round 14: 13sc (13)
Round 15: 2sc, inc, 10sc (14)
Round 16 - Round 19: 14sc (14) {4 rounds}
Round 20: 2sc, dec, 10sc (13)
Round 21: 13sc (13)
Round 22: 2sc, dec, 9sc (12)
Round 23: sc, dec, 9sc (11)
Right leg
Do the same as the left leg from Round 1 to Round 39.
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 4
Round 40: Ch3, 17sc on the left leg, 3sc (on 3 chains), 17sc
on the right leg, 3sc (on 3 chains) (40)
Round 41 - Round 45: 40sc (40) {5 rounds}
Round 46: (3sc, dec) * repeat 8 times (32)
Round 47: 32sc (32)
Round 48: (6sc, dec) * repeat 4 times (28)
Round 49 - Round 57: 28sc (28) {9 rounds}
Round 58: (3sc, inc, 3sc) * repeat 4 times (32)
Round 59: 32sc (32)
Join arms with body:
Round 60: 8sc on the body; 10sc (arm); 3sc, inc, 8sc, inc,
3sc (on the body); 10sc (arm); 8sc on the body (54)
Round 61: (7sc, dec) * repeat 6 times (48)
Take a piece of wire (~17cm), bend the end of the wire
and insert the wire in the arm (don’t stuff the arm)
Round 62: (2sc, dec, 2sc) * repeat 8 times (40)
Round 63: (3sc, dec) * repeat 8 times (32)
Round 64: 32sc (32)
Round 65: (2sc, dec) * repeat 8 times (24)
Round 66: (sc, dec) * repeat 8 times (16)
Round 67: 8dec (8)
Change to skin color yarn.
Round 68: BLO 8sc (8)
Round 69 - Round 76: 8sc (8) {8 rounds}
Fasten off.
Round 60
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Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 6
Round 1: 6sc in the magic ring (6)
Round 2: 6inc (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) * repeat 6 times (18)
Round 4: (sc, inc, sc) * repeat 6 times (24)
Round 5: (3sc, inc) * repeat 6 times (30)
Round 6: (2sc, inc, 2sc) * repeat 6 times (36)
Round 7: (5sc, inc) * repeat 6 times (42)
Round 8: (3sc, inc, 3sc) * repeat 6 times (48)
Round 9: (7sc, inc) * repeat 6 times (54)
Round 10 - Round 14: 54sc (54) {5 rounds}
Round 15: dec, (7sc, dec)*2, 14sc (the middle of the face),
dec, (7sc, dec)*2 (48)
Round 16 – Round 22: 48sc (48) {7 rounds}
Stuff the head and place safety eyes between Round 17 and
Round 18, the space between 2 eyes is 8 stitches.
(I used safety eyes that can insert later)
Round 23: (3sc, dec, 3sc) * repeat 6 times (42)
6sc 8sc Round 24: (5sc, dec) * repeat 6 times (36)
Round 25: (2sc, dec, 2sc) * repeat 6 times (30)
Round 26: (sc, dec) * repeat 10 times (20)
Round 27: 10dec (10)
Round 28: BLO 10sc (10)
Round 29 – Round 31: 10sc (10) {3 rounds}
Fasten off.
Use tweezers to push the neck (from round 29 to round 31)
inside the head. Put the head onto the body.
Ear (make two)
Use skin color yarn
6hdc in the magic ring (6)
Fasten off and leave a long tail. Sew the ear
between Round 16 and Round 18 of the head. The
space between eye and ear is 6 stitches.
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 7
Hair Second layer (8 strands)
Use Camel color yarn. Crochet loosely. The second layer is crocheted in the BLO of Round 3.
Round 1: 6sc in the magic ring (6) At the end of each strand, slst in the next stitch
Round 3: (sc, inc) * repeat 6 times (18) S1: Ch26, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
Round 4: FLO (2sc, inc) * repeat 2 times, from the hook, 2sc, 23hdc, slst (25)
(2sc, inc) * repeat 4 times (24) S2: Ch32, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
Start to crochet the hair strands (S). from the hook, 10sc, 21hdc, slst (31)
The first layer is crocheted on the stitches of Round 4. S3.1: Ch18, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
At the end of each strand, slst in the next stitch from the hook, 2sc, 15hdc, slst (17)
S1: Ch21, start to crochet on the 2nd chain from the hook, 2sc, 9hdc, slst (11)
from the hook, 2sc, 18hdc, slst (20) S4 (2 strands in a same stitch of Round 3):
S2: Ch22, start to crochet on the 2nd chain S4.1: Ch12, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook, 2sc, 19hdc, slst (21) from the hook, 2sc, 9hdc, slst (11)
S3: Ch13, start to crochet on the 2nd chain S4.2: Ch18, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook, 2sc, 10hdc, slst (12) from the hook, 2sc, 15hdc, slst (17)
S4 – S5: Ch11, start to crochet on the 2nd chain S5: Ch32, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook, 2sc, 8hdc, slst (10) {2 strands} from the hook, 10sc, 21hdc, slst (31)
S6: Ch13, start to crochet on the 2nd chain S6: Ch26, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook, 2sc, 10hdc, slst (12) from the hook, 2sc, 23hdc, slst (25)
from the hook, 2sc, 19hdc, slst (21) Use some pins to secure the strands of hair
S8: Ch21, start to crochet on the 2nd chain on the head and glue them carefully.
from the hook, 2sc, 18hdc, slst (20) The wrong side of the hair is up, the right side is
S9 – S24: Ch24, start to crochet on the 2nd chain glued to the head.
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 8
BLO of round 3
First layer
3 5 4 3 2
2 7
1 8 1
4.1 3.1
3.2 21
6 5 4.2
Second layer
Third layer
Third layer (2 strands)
Ch8, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook, 7slst, Ch7, start to crochet on the
2nd chain from the hook, 6slst. Fasten off and leave
a long tail.
Use the needle to sew directly on the top of the
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 9
Crochet loosely or use 0,3mm bigger hook.
Begin with red color yarn. Work in rows.
Ch1 and turn at the end of each row (the turning chain
is not counted as a stitch).
Row 1: Ch31, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook: 30sc (30)
Row 2: ([FLO inc4-dc, BLO inc-dc], 2dc) * repeat 10
times (80)
Note [….]: Crochet in the same stitch.
Continue to crochet in rounds, slst and ch2 at the end
of each round.
Round 3: (2dc, 2inc-dc, 2dc, dec-dc) * repeat
10 times (90)
Round 4: (dec-dc, dc, 2inc-dc, dc, dec-dc, dc) * repeat
10 times (90)
Round 5: (3dc, 2inc-dc, 3dc, sc) * repeat
10 times (110)
Round 6: 110dc (110) Starting at the 7th
stitch of row 1.
Round 7: (10dc, sc) * repeat 10 times (110)
Fasten off.
Front part
Work in rows.
Ch1 and turn at the end of each row (the turning
chain is not counted as a stitch).
Starting at the 7th stitch of row 1.
Row 1: 18sc (18)
Row 2: dec, 14sc, dec (16)
Row 3: 16sc (16)
Row 4: dec, 12sc, dec (14) sc
6s 9
Row 5: 14sc (14)
Row 6: dec, 10sc, dec (12)
Row 7: 12sc (12)
Row 8: dec, 8sc, dec (10)
Row 9: 10sc (10)
Continue 9sc, 6sc, ch6, slst. Fasten off.
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 10
Around Front part: 6sc, 9sc, ch26, start to crochet on
the 7th chain from the hook: 20 slst, slst.
Fasten off.
Sew buttons to the front and back of the dress.
Dress bow
Begin with white color yarn. Work in rounds.
Slst and ch1 at the end of each round.
Round 1: Chain 26, 1 sc into the first chain stitch,
26sc (26)
Round 2 - Round 4: 26sc (26) {3 rounds}
Fasten off.
Use red yarn, crochet 3 rows of slip stitches as shown
Sew or glue to the dress for decorating.
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 11
The under layer of the dress
Crochet loosely or use 0,3mm bigger hook.
Begin with white color yarn. Work in rows.
Ch2 and turn at the end of each row (the turning chain
is not counted as a stitch).
Row 1: Ch34 , start to crochet on the 7th chain
from the hook: 28dc (28)
Row 2: (dc, inc-dc, dc) * repeat 9 times, dc (37)
Continue to crochet in rounds, slst and ch2
at the end of each round.
Round 3: (2dc, inc-dc) * repeat 12 times, dc (49)
Round 4: BLO 49dc (49)
Round 5: BLO (3dc, inc-dc) * repeat 12 times, dc (61)
Round 6: BLO (ch3, slst) * repeat 61 times (244)
FLO (sc, ch2) * repeat 61 times (183) FLO of round 4
Fasten off.
With white color yarn, crochet in the front loops of
round 4:
FLO (ch3, slst) * repeat 49 times (196). Fasten off.
With white color yarn, crochet in the front loops of
round 3:
FLO (ch3, slst) * repeat 49 times (196). Fasten off. FLO of round 3
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 12
Collar detachable
Use black yarn. Crochet loosely.
Ch2 and turn at the end of each row (the turning chain
is not counted as a stitch).
Row 1: Ch11, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook: 10sc (10)
Row 2: [FLO inc3-dc, BLO inc-dc] * repeat 10 times (50)
Note [….]: Crochet in the same stitch.
Fasten off.
A long tail then connect to the Collar by 10 slst, leave
a long tail. Fasten off.
Begin with black color yarn.
Ch72, start to crochet on the 6th chain
from the hook: 67sc. Fasten off.
Sew the button on the ribbon.
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 13
Shoes (make two)
The first shoe
Crochet in spiral rounds, work around
the foundation chain, begin with red yarn.
Round 1: Ch6, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook: 4sc, inc4, 3sc, inc (13)
Round 2: inc, 3sc, 4inc, 3sc, 2inc (20)
Round 3: sc, inc, 3sc, (sc, inc) * repeat 4 times, 3sc,
(sc, inc) * repeat 2 times (27)
Round 4: BLO 27sc (27)
Round 5 - Round 6: 27sc (27)
Round 7: 6sc, 7dec, 7sc (20)
Round 8: 4sc, ch12, start to crochet on the 6th chain
from the hook: 7slst, 9slst, 7sc.
Fasten off.
The second shoe
Do the same as the first shoe from Round 1 to
Round 7.
Round 8: 4sc, 9slst, ch12, start to crochet on the 6th
chain from the hook: 7slst, 7sc.
Fasten off.
Sew buttons on shoes
Copyright © moonlighcrochet89 14
Shoes bow (make two)
Use white yarn. Work in rows.
Ch1 and turn at the end of each row.
Row 1: Ch6, start to crochet on the 2nd chain
from the hook: 5sc (5)
Row 2 - row 3: 5sc (5) {2 rows}
Use red yarn, crochet 2 rows of slip stitches as
shown below. Fasten off.
Sew or glue to the shoes for decorating.
Socks detail
Use black yarn to sew the line as picture.
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