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Date ; 2/9/2024 8:45:51 AM. From : "Nicole Care [email protected] To: "Abby Haydin" [email protected], "Melissa Stoner" [email protected] Subject : RE: Email for South Eisenmann NA Attachment : image001.jp; Thank you! This has been shared with the NA. From: Abby Haydin Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 4:24 PM To: Nicole Carr ; Melissa Stoner Subject: Email for South Eisenmann NA Hi Nicole! Here is the language to email to South Eisenmann NA: To send Friday morning 2/9: We're excited to announce an important step forward in Boise's recycled water program with the selection of a site for its future facility. Recycling water will help us meet future challenges like drought, climate change, and population growth and keeps our water local. The city is planning to purchase and annex land near you for a recycled water facility. As. a good neighbor, we want to keep you fully informed during this process and invite you to join us at a neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, February 21 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to review the proposal to annex a 7é-acre parcel into city limits. This project is located near S. Eisenman Road (Section 13, Township 2N, Range 2E), Parcel Number $1513210000. You can view the location by searching the parcel number here. Neighborhood Meeting Purpose: To review the City of Boise's proposal to annex/rezone subject parcel ($1513210000) into Boise city limits. When: Wednesday, February 21 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Where: Liprary! at Bown Crossing Martie Brennan Room 2153 E Riverwalk Dr, Boise, ID 83706 Please also look for a formal notice of this neighborhood meeting for more information, mailed to Blue Valley Mobile Home Park residents on February 9h, 2024. If you have questions about the meeting or the proposed annexation/rezone application, please contact Marika Panagiotou, of J-U-B Engineers, Inc., at [email protected] or 208-376-7330. You can also review the pre-application meeting notes online here using the case number PLN23-001 47. Reminder Email to send Thursday 2/15 (Sending on Thursday will give us time on Friday to plan any transportation needs on Friday): | look forward to seeing you at the neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, February 21 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. to review the proposal to annex a 76-acre parcel into city limits for the future Recycled Water Facility. If you need additional support for transportation to this meeting, please let me know by the end of the day today. Recycling water will help us meet future challenges like drought, climate change, and population growth and keeps our water local The site for the future Recycled Water Facility is located near S Eisenman Road (Section 13, Township 2N, Range 2€), Parcel Number 1513210000. You can view the location by searching the parcel number here. Neighborhood Meeting Purpose: To review the City of Boise's proposal to annex/rezone subject parcel ($1513210000) into Boise city limits. When: Wednesday, February 21 6:00 p.m. Where: Library! at Bown Crossing Martie Brennan Room 2153 E Riverwalk Dr, Boise, ID 83706 00 p.m. Please also look for a formal notice of this neighborhood meeting for more information, mailed to Blue Valley Mobile Home Park residents on February 9h, 2024. Ifyou have questions about the meeting or the proposed annexation/rezone application, please contact Marika Panagiotou, of L-U-B Engineers, Inc., at [email protected] or 208-376-7330. You can also review the pre-application meeting notes online here using the case number PLN23-001 47 Abby Haydin (she/her) munication Coordinator Creating a city for everyone.

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