Ttl1-Chapter 1 Reviewer

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4 Use ICT tools to develop 21st century

1 skills: information media and technology
CHAPTER 1: skills, learning and innovation skills, career
skills and effective communication skills.
TECHNOLOGY Domain 3: Pedagogy

Educational Technology Goals:

- Is the study and ethical practice of 3.1 Apply relevant technology tools for
facilitating learning and improving classroom activities.
performance by creating, using and
3.2 Use ICT knowledge to solve complex
managing appropriate technological
problems and support student collaborative
processes and resources.
Expectations to you, Pre-service Teachers:
3.3 Model collaborative knowledge
- Every future teacher “demonstrate construction in face to face and virtual
proficiency in the development and environments.
utilization of ICT resources in
promoting quality teaching-learning Domain 4: Technology Tools
4.1Demonstrate competence in the technical
operations of technology tools and systems as
they apply to teaching and learning.
Domain 1: Understanding ICT in
Education 4.2 Use technology tools to create new
learning opportunities to support community
Goals: of learners.
1.1Demonstrate awareness of policies
4.3Demonstrate proficiency in the use of
affecting ICT in education.
technology tools to support teaching and
1.2 Comply with ICT policies as they affect
Domain 5: Organization & Administration
1.3 Contextualize ICT policies to the learning
Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment
Goals: 5.1 Manage technology-assisted instruction in
2.1Demonstrate understanding of concepts, an inclusive classroom environment.
principles and theories of ICT systems as they
apply to teaching-learning. 5.2 Exhibit leadership in shared decision-
making using technology tools.
2.2 Evaluate digital and non-digital learning
resources in response to student’s diverse Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning
2.3Develop digital learning resources to
enhance teaching-learning.
6.1 Explore existing and emerging technology
to acquire additional content and pedagogical 5. Computational thinker
knowledge. -Students must be able to create and employ
strategies for solving problems that use
6.2 Utilize technology tools in creating technology.
communities of practice.
6. Creative communicator
6.3 Collaborate with peers, colleagues and -A creative communicator expresses
stakeholders to access information in support themselves clearly and concisely
of professional learning. through digital media.

Domain 7: Teacher Disposition 7. Global collaborator

-Students have to understand how their
Goals perspectives are different from others and
work together to achieve a common goal.
7.1Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal Students have to know how to do this on two
responsibility in the use of technology tools levels, either locally or globally.
and resources.

7.2 Show positive attitude towards the use of ISTE NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL
+ISTE NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL The ISTE standards for teachers
TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS FOR are broken into seven roles that a
STUDENTS teacher must fulfill. These
standards are:
ISTE student standards are:
1. Empowered learner 1. Learner
a. Achieve competency -To be effective educators, each teacher must
in learning goals also know how to
be a learner.
b. Demonstrate
competency in learning 2. Leader
goals -Teachers share a vision for the class with
their students, and they
2. Digital citizen actively shape that vision as the class
- Students should understand the rights and continues.
responsibilities that go along with using
modern technology. 3. Citizen
-This means teachers regularly inspire
3 Knowledge constructor students to act responsibly as they
-Students should understand and participate in the world— especially the
contextualize information online. digital world.

4. Innovative designer 4. Collaborator

It requires students to learn solution design, -Collaboration is important so teachers should
meaning they have To diagnose problems, swap ideas with
solutions, and one another and apply those ideas to their
even make those solutions with digital students to enhance the learning experience.
5. Designer Professional development.
Teachers need to know what learning
activities work with their students to Technology for Learners and Learning
maximize active and deep learning.
1.Support learners to learn how
6. Facilitator To learn on their own categories
-Teachers must consistently nurture, Of knowledge according to
encourage, and promote creativity to Egbert 2009:
promote individuality in the classroom.
 Declarative knowledge
7. Analyst  Structural knowledge
-Teachers use data gathered  Procedural knowledge
from the learning activities to find
alternative ways for students to 2.Technology enhances
succeed. Learner’s communication skills
Through social interactions.
ROLES OF TECNOLOGY FOR 3.Technologyupgrades
TEACHING AND LEARNING learners’ higher-order-thinking
skills, critical thinking skills,
Educational Technology problem solving and creativity.

1. Technology as a tutor

2. Technology as a teaching tool

3. Technology as a learning tool

Technology for Teacher and Teaching

1.Technology provides enormous

Support to the teacher as the
Facilitator of learning.

the teaching-learning

teaching-learning process and
ways of teaching.

In educational researches.

5.Technology adds to the

Competence of teachers and
inculcates scientific outlook.


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