AKTU 1st Yr 2

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Revised Structure B.

Tech 1st Year (Common)





(All Branch except Agriculture (AG)

and Biotechnology (BT)

[Effective from the Session: 2020-21]

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year (Common)
UG Stream Vs Allied Branch Classification 2020-21 Code

Stream Branch Name

Civil Engineering CE
Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering EV

Chemical Engineering CH
Chemical Engineering
Food Technology FT

Computer Engineering (2019-20) CS

Computer Science CS

Computer Science and Engineering (CS) CSE

Computer Engineering And Information Technology CSA

Computer Science and Information Technology CSIT

Computer Science IT
Information Technology
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) 2020-21 CSAI
Computer Science and Engineering(Artificial Intelligence & Machine CSME
Learning) 2020-21
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) 2020-21 CSDS

Computer Science and Engineering (Internet Of Things) 2020-21 CSIOT

Electrical Engineering EE
Electrical Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering EN

Applied Electronics & Instrumentation AI

Bio Medical Engineering BM

Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering IC

Electronics Engineering EL
Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC

Electronics And Computer Engineering

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering EI

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ET

Aeronautical Engineering AE

Automobile Engineering AU

Industrial Production Engineering IP

Manufacturing Technology MT
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MI

Mechanical Engineering ME

Plastic Engineering PL

Production Engineering PE
Carpet & Textile Chemistry CT
Textile Chemistry TC
Textile Engineering
Textile Technology TT
Handloom & Textile Technology 2020-21 HTT

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year
B. Tech 1st Year
(All branches except Bio Technology and Agriculture Engg.)
Revised Structure in accordance with AICTE Model Curriculum
Effective w.e.f. Academic Session 2020-21
AICTE Guidelines in Model Curriculum: After successful completion of 160 credits, a student shall be
eligible to get Under Graduate degree in Engineering. A student will be eligible to get Under Graduate
degree with Honours only, if he/she completes additional university recommended courses only
(Equivalent to 20 credits; NPTEL Courses of 4 Weeks, 8 Weeks and 12 Weeks shall be of 2, 3 and 4
Credits respectively) through MOOCs. For registration to MOOCs Courses, the students shall follow
NPTEL Site http://nptel.ac.in/ as per the NPTEL policy and norms. The students can register for these
courses through NPTEL directly as per the course offering in Odd/Even Semesters at NPTEL. These
NPTEL courses (recommended by the University) may be cleared during the B. Tech degree program
(not necessary one course in each semester). After successful completion of these MooCs courses the
students, shall, provide their successful completion NPTEL status/certificates to the University (COE)
through their college of study only. The student shall be awarded Hons. Degree (on successful
completion of MOOCS based 20 credit) only if he/she secures 7.50 or above CGPA and passed each
subject of that Degree Programme in single attempt without any grace marks.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 3

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year
B.Tech. I Semester
(All branches except Bio Technology and Agriculture Engg.)

S. Course Course Title Periods Evaluation Scheme End Total Credits

No. Code Semester
1 KAS101T/ Engineering Physics/ 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
KAS102T Engineering Chemistry
2 Engineering Mathematics-I 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 Basic Electrical Engineering/
KEE101T/ 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
Emerging Domain in Electronics
KEC101T Engineering
4 KCS101T/ Programming for Problem Solving / 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
KME101T Fundamentals of Mechanical
Engineering & Mechatronics
5 Engineering Physics Lab/ 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
Engineering Chemistry Lab
6 KEE151P/ Basic Electrical Engineering Lab/ 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
KEC151P Electronics Engineering Lab
7 KCS151P/ Programming for Problem Solving / 0 1 2 25 25 50 1
KAS154P English Language Lab
8 KCE151P/ Engineering Graphics & Design Lab/
0 1 2 50 50 100 1
KWS151P Mechanical Workshop Lab
9 AI For Engineering/ 25
KMC101/ 2 0 0 15 10 25 50 2
Emerging Technology for
KMC102 Engineering
10 KNC101 Soft Skill I NC
2 0 0 15 10 25 25
11 MOOCs (For B.Tech. Hons. Degree)*

Total 900 20

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 4

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

B.Tech. II Semester
(All branches except Bio Technology and Agriculture Engg.)

S. Course Course Title Periods Evaluation Scheme End Total Credits

No. Code Semester
1 KAS201T/ Engineering Physics/
3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
KAS202T Engineering Chemistry

2 KAS203T Engineering Mathematics-II 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4

3 Basic Electrical Engineering/
KEE201T/ 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
Emerging Domain in
Electronics Engineering
4 KCS201T/ Programming for Problem 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
KME201T Solving / Fundamentals of
Mechanical Engineering &

5 Engineering Physics Lab/ 0 0 2 25 25 50 1

Engineering Chemistry Lab
6 KEE251P/ Basic Electrical Engineering Lab/ 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
KEC251P Electronics Engineering Lab
7 KCS251P/ Programming for Problem 0 1 2 25 25 50 1
KAS254P Solving / English Language Lab
8 KCE251P/ Engineering Graphics & Design
0 1 2 50 50 100 1
KWS251P Lab/ Mechanical Workshop Lab
9 AI For Engineering/ 25
KMC201/ 2 0 0 15 10 25 50 2
Emerging Technology for
KMC202 Engineering
10 KNC201 Soft Skill II NC
2 0 0 15 10 25 25
MOOCs (For B.Tech. Hons. Degree)*

Total 900 20

Mini Project or Internship (3-4 weeks) shall be conducted during summer break after II
semester and will be assessed during III semester

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 5

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

B.Tech 1st Year

I Semester

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 6

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

Unit Topics Lectures

I Relativistic Mechanics: Frame of reference, Inertial & non-inertial frames, 8
Galilean transformations, Michelson- Morley experiment, Postulates of
special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, Length contraction,
Time dilation, Velocity addition theorem, Variation of mass with velocity,
Einstein‟s mass energy relation, Relativistic relation between energy and
momentum, Massless particle.
II Electromagnetic Field Theory: Continuity equation for current density, 8
Displacement current, Modifying equation for the curl of magnetic field to
satisfy continuity equation, Maxwell‟s equations in vacuum and in non
conducting medium, Energy in an electromagnetic field, Poynting vector and
Poynting theorem, Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum and their transverse
nature. Relation between electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic
wave, Energy and momentum carried by electromagnetic waves, Resultant
pressure, Skin depth.
III Quantum Mechanics: Black body radiation, Stefan‟s law, Wien‟s law, 8
Rayleigh-Jeans law and Planck‟s law, Wave particle duality, Matter
waves, Time-dependent and time-independent Schrodinger wave equation,
Born interpretation of wave function, Solution to stationary state
Schrodinger wave equation for one-Dimensional particle in a box, Compton
IV Wave Optics: Coherent sources, Interference in uniform and wedge 8
shaped thin films, Necessity of extended sources, Newton’s Rings and
its applications. Fraunhoffer diffraction at single slit and at double slit,
absent spectra, Diffraction grating, Spectra with grating, Dispersive
power, Resolving power of grating, Rayleigh‟s criterion of resolution,
Resolving power of grating.
V Fibre Optics & Laser: Optics: Introduction to fibre optics, 8
Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Normalized frequency,
Classification of fibre, Attenuation and Dispersion in optical fibres. Laser:
Absorption of radiation, Spontaneous and stimulated emission of
radiation, Einstein‟s coefficients, Population inversion, Various levels of
Laser, Ruby Laser, He-Ne Laser, Laser applications.
Reference Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics – Aurthur Beiser (McGraw Hill)
2. Introduction to Special Theory of Relativity- Robert Resnick (Wiley)
3. Optics – Brijlal & Subramanian (S. Chand )
4. Engineering Physics: Theory and Practical- Katiyar and Pandey (Wiley India)
5. Applied Physics for Engineers- Neeraj Mehta (PHI Learning, New)
6. Engineering Physics-Malik HK and Singh AK (McGrawHill)
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. To solve the classical and wave mechanics problems
2. To develop the understanding of laws of thermodynamics and their application in various processes
3. To formulate and solve the engineering problems on Electromagnetism & Electromagnetic Field
4. To aware of limits of classical physics & to apply the ideas in solving the problems in their parent

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 7

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year



Unit Topics Lectures

I Atomic and Molecular Structure: Molecular orbital’s of diatomic 8
molecules. Band theory of solids. Liquid crystal and its applications.
Point defects in solids. Structure and applications of Graphite and
Fullerenes. Concepts of Nano-materials and its application.
II Spectroscopic techniques and Applications: Elementary idea and simple 8
applications of Rotational, Vibrational, Ultraviolet& Visible and
Raman spectroscopy.
III Electrochemistry: Nernst Equation and application, relation of EMF with 8
thermodynamic functions (∆H, ∆F and ∆ S). Lead storage battery.
Corrosion; causes, effects and its prevention.
Phase Rule and its application to water system.
IV Water Analysis; Hardness of water, Techniques for water softening (Lime- 8
soda, Zeolite, Ion exchange resin and Reverse osmosis method).
Fuels: classification of fuels, Analysis of coal, Determination of
calorific value (Bomb calorimeter and Dulong’s methods).
V Polymer; Basic concepts of polymer-Blend and composites, Conducting 8
and biodegradable polymers. Preparation and application of some
industrially important polymers (Buna-S, Buna-N, Neoprene, Nylon-6,
nylon-6,6 and Terylene). General methods of synthesis of organo metallic
compounds (Grignard reagent) and their applications.

Text Books:
1. University Chemistry By B.H. Mahan
2. University Chemistry By C.N.R. Rao
3. Organic Chemistry By I.L. Finar
4. Physical Chemistry By S. Glasstone
5. Engineering Chemistry By S.S. Dara
6. Polymer Chemistry By Fre W., Billmeyer
7. Engineering Chemistry By Satya Prakash

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Use of different analytical instruments.
2. Measure molecular/ system properties such as surface tension, viscosity, conductance of
solution, chloride and iron content in water.
3. Measure hardness of water.
4. Estimate the rate constant of reaction.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 8

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year


The objective of this course is to familiarize the graduate engineers with techniques in calculus,
multivariate analysis, vector calculus and linear algebra. It aims to equip the students with
standard concepts and tools from intermediate to advanced level that will enable them to tackle
more advanced level of mathematics and applications that they would find useful in their
The students will learn:
To apply the knowledge of differential calculus in the field of engineering.
To deal with functions of several variables that is essential in optimizing the results of real
life problems.
Multiple integral tools to deal with engineering problems involving centre of gravity,
volume etc.
To deal with vector calculus that is required in different branches of Engineering to
graduate engineers.
The essential tools of matrices and linear algebra, Eigen values and diagonalization in a
Comprehensive manner are required.

Unit Topics Lectures

I Matrices: Types of Matrices: Symmetric, Skew-symmetric and 8
Orthogonal Matrices; Complex Matrices, Inverse and Rank of matrix
using elementary transformations, Rank-Nullity theorem; System of linear
equations, Characteristic equation, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and its
application, Eigen values and eigenvectors; Diagonalisation of a Matrix
II Differential Calculus- I: Introduction to limits, continuity and 8
differentiability, Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange’s Mean value theorem and
Cauchy mean value theorem, Successive Differentiation (nth order
derivatives), Leibnitz theorem and its application, Envelope of family of
one and two parameter, Curve tracing: Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates
III Differential Calculus-II: Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Euler’s 8
Theorem for homogeneous functions, Taylor and Maclaurin’s theorems for
a function of two variables, Maxima and Minima of functions of several
variables, Lagrange Method of Multipliers, Jacobians, Approximation of
IV Multivariable Calculus-I: Multiple integration: Double integral, Triple 8
integral, Change of order of integration, Change of variables, Application:
Areas and volumes, Center of mass and center of gravity (Constant and
variable densities)
V Vector Calculus: Vector identities (without proof), Vector differentiation: 8
Gradient, Curl and Divergence and their Physical interpretation, Directional
Vector Integration: Line integral, Surface integral, Volume integral, Gauss’s
Divergence theorem, Green’s theorem and Stoke’s theorem (without proof)
and their applications

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 9

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

Text Books:
1. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publisher, 2005.
3. R K. Jain & S R K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House

Reference Books:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advance Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. Peter V. O’Neil, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Thomson (Cengage) Learning, 2007.
3. Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R. Giordano, Thomas, Calculus, Eleventh Edition,
4. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
5. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
6. Ray Wylie C and Louis C Barret, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill;
Sixth Edition.
7. P. Sivaramakrishna Das and C. Vijayakumari, Engineering Mathematics, 1st Edition,
Pearson Education.
8. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Chandrika Prasad, Reena Garg, 2018.
9. Engineering Mathemathics – I. Reena Garg, 2018.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s
Level (KL)
Remember the concept of matrices and apply for solving linear
CO 1 K1 & K3
simultaneous equations.
Understand the concept of limit , continuity and differentiability and
CO 2 apply in the study of Rolle,s , Lagrange,s and Cauchy mean value K2 & K3
theorem and Leibnitz theorems .
Identify the application of partial differentiation and apply for
CO 3 K3 &K5
evaluating maxima, minima, series and Jacobians.
Illustrate the working methods of multiple integral and apply for
CO 4 K2 & K3
finding area, volume, centre of mass and centre of gravity.
Remember the concept of vector and apply for directional derivatives,
CO 5 tangent and normal planes. Also evaluate line, surface and volume K2 & K5

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 10

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year


(Common to all B. Tech. Courses except B. Tech., Biotechnology and Agricultural Engineering)

The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in
sequences, multivariate integration, ordinary and partial differential equations and complex
variables. It aims to equip the students to deal with advanced level of mathematics and
applications that would be essential for their disciplines.
The students will learn:
• The effective mathematical tools for the solutions of differential equations that model
physical processes
• To apply integral calculus in various field of engineering. Apart from some other
applications students will have a basic understanding of Beta and Gamma functions.
• The tool of Fourier series for learning advanced Engineering Mathematics.
• The tools of differentiation of functions of complex variables that are used in various
techniques dealing with engineering problems.
• The tools of integration of functions of complex variables that are used in various
techniques dealing with engineering problems.

Unit Topic Lectures

I Ordinary Differential Equation of Higher Order: Linear differential
equation of nth order with constant coefficients, Simultaneous linear 8
differential equations, Second order linear differential equations with variable
coefficients, Solution by changing independent variable, Reduction of order,
Normal form, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation.
II Multivariable Calculus-II: Introduction of Improper integrals, Beta & Gama
function and their properties, Dirichlet’s integral and its applications, 8
Application of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volume of
III Sequences and Series: Definition of Sequence and series with examples,
Convergence of sequence and series, Tests for convergence of series, (Ratio 8
test, D’ Alembert’s test, Raabe’s test). Fourier series, Half range Fourier sine
and cosine series.
IV Complex Variable–Differentiation: Limit, Continuity and differentiability,
Functions of complex variable, Analytic functions, Cauchy- Riemann 8
equations (Cartesian and Polar form), Harmonic function, Method to find
Analytic functions, Conformal mapping, Mobius transformation and their
V Complex Variable –Integration: Complex integrals, Contour integrals,
Cauchy- Integral theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’s 8
series (without proof), Singularities, Classification of Singularities, zeros of
analytic functions, Residues, Methods of finding residues, Cauchy Residue
theorem, Evaluation of real integrals of the types ,
π π
f (cosθ , sin θ )dθ and ∫ π f (cosθ , sin θ )dθ


Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 11

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

Text Books:
1. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., 2008.
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publisher, 2005.
3. R. K. Jain & S. R. K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics , Narosa Publishing -
House, 2002
Reference Books:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advance Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. Peter V. O’Neil, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Thomson (Cengage) Learning, 2007.
3. Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R.Giordano, Thomas, Calculus, Eleventh Edition,
4. G.B Thomas, R L Finney, Calculus and Analytical Geometry, Ninth Edition Pearson, 2002.
5. James Ward Brown and Ruel V Churchill, Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems,
8th Edition-McGraw-Hill
6. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
7. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
8. Charles E Roberts Jr, Ordinary Diffrential Equations, Application, Model and Computing,
CRC Press T&F Group.
9. Ray Wylie C and Louis C Barret, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6thEdition,
10. James Ward Brown and Ruel V Churchill, Complex Variable and Applications, 8th Edition,
11. P. Sivaramakrishna Das and C. Vijayakumari, Engineering Mathematics, 1st Edition,
Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.
12. Advanced Engineering Mathematics By Chandrika Prasad, Reena Garg Khanna Publishing
House, Delhi.

COURSE OUTCOME: After completion of the course student will be able to

Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge

Level (KL)
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
Understand the concept of differentiation and apply for solving differential
CO 1 K2 & K3
Remember the concept of definite integral and apply for evaluating surface K1, K3 &
CO 2
areas and volumes. K5
Understand the concept of convergence of sequence and series. Also
CO 3 K2 &K5
evaluate Fourier series
Illustrate the working methods of complex functions and apply for finding
CO 4 K3
analytic functions.
Apply the concept of complex functions for finding Taylor’s series,
CO 5 K3 & K5
Laurent’s series and evaluation of definite integrals.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 12

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

KAS-151P PHYSICS LAB 0L:0T:2P 1 Credit

Group A

1. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton‟s ring experiment.

2. To determine the wavelength of different spectral lines of mercury light using plane
transmission grating.
3. To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using polarimeter.
4. To determine the focal length of the combination of two lenses separated by a
distance and verify the formula for the focal length of combination of lenses
5. To measure attenuation in an optical fiber.
6. To determine the wavelength of He-Ne laser light using single slit diffraction.
7. To study the polarization of light using He-Ne laser light.
8. To determine the wavelength of sodium light with the help of Fresnel‟s bi-prism.
9. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given liquid.
10. To determine the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) using compound pendulum.
Group B

1. To determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor material.

2. To study Hall Effect and determine Hall coefficient, carrier density and mobility of a
given semiconductor material using Hall effect setup.
3. To determine the variation of magnetic field with the distance along the axis of a
current carrying coil and estimate the radius of the coil.
4. To verify Stefan‟s law by electric method.
5. To determine resistance per unit length and specific resistance of a given
resistanceusing Carey Foster's Bridge.
6. To study the resonance condition of a series LCR circuit.
7. To determine the electrochemical equivalent (ECE) of copper.
8. To calibrate the given ammeter and voltmeter by potentiometer.
9. To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form of a transformer and to
determine its hysteresis loss.
10. To measure high resistance by leakage method.

List of Experiments: Any ten experiments (at least four from each group) with virtual link

Group A Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link

1 To determine the wavelength of http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
sodium light by Newton’s ring https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1 dev/labs/mit_bootcamp/engg_physics
experiment. &brch=189&sim=335&cnt=1 /labs/exp1/simulation/simulator4.htm
2 To determine the wavelength of different
spectral lines of mercury light using
plane transmission grating.
3 To determine the specific rotation of http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
cane sugar solution using polarimeter dev/labs/physics-basics/labs/cane-
4 To determine the focal length of the http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
combination of two lenses separated by a dev/labs/physics-basics/labs/focal-
distance and verify the formula for the length-measurement-
focal length of combination of lenses. iitk/simulation.html

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 13

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

5 To measure attenuation in an optical http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-

fiber. dev/labs/physics-
6 To determine the wavelength of He-Ne http://vlab.amrita.edu/index.ph
https://youtu.be/0qIN2qHCvvs (Laser
laser light using single slit diffraction. p/index.php?sub=1&brch=189
diffraction grating)
7 To study the polarization of light using http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
He-Ne laser light. dev/labs/physics-basics/labs/he-ne-
8 To determine the wavelength of sodium http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
light with the help of Fresnel’s bi- dev/labs/physics-
prism basics/labs/fresnel-biprism-
9 To determine the coefficient of viscosity https://amrita.olabs.edu.in/?su
of a given liquid. b=1&brch=5&sim=225&cnt=
10 To determine the value of acceleration
due to gravity (g) using compound
Group B
1 To determine the energy band gap of a http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
given semiconductor material. dev/labs/physics-
2 To study Hall effect and determine Hall
coefficient, carrier density and mobility https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1 https://youtu.be/lUugrqMOY7E (Hall
of a given semiconductor material using &brch=282&sim=879&cnt=1 Effect)
Hall effect setup.
3 To determine the variation of magnetic https://youtu.be/v2B0QyW8XJ0
field with the distance along the axis of a http://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1 (Variation of Magnetic Field along
current carrying coil and estimate the &brch=192&sim=972&cnt=1 the axis of circular coil carrying
radius of the coil. current)
4 To verify Stefan’s law by electric http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
method.. dev/vlab_bootcamp/bootcamp https://youtu.be/qyFQ31s-bAw(
/vlabs_recbanda/labs/exp1/ind Stefans law verification)
5 To determine resistance per unit length
and specific resistance of a given https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1
resistance using Carey Foster's Bridge. &brch=192&sim=346&cnt=1
6 To study the resonance condition of a https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1
series LCR circuit. &brch=75&sim=330&cnt=1
7 To determine the electrochemical http://learnphysics-
equivalent (ECE) of copper. dhruv.blogspot.com/2015/03/c https://youtu.be/drV2nbDjR1k (ECE
opper-voltameter-to- of Copper experiment)
8 To calibrate the given ammeter and
voltmeter by potentiometer.
9 To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a
specimen in the form of a transformer
and to determine its hysteresis loss.
10 To measure high resistance by leakage http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-
method dev/labs/physics-

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 14

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

Reference Books
1. Practical Physics- K. K. Dey & B. N. Dutta (Kalyani Publishers New Delhi)
2. Engineering Physics-Theory and Practical- Katiyar & Pandey (Wiley India)
3. Engineering Physics Practical- S K Gupta ( KrishnaPrakashan Meerut)

Course Outcomes:
1. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton‟s ring
2. To determine the wavelength of sodium light with the help of Fresnel‟s
3. To determine the variation of magnetic field with the distance along the axis
of a current carrying coil and estimate the radius of the coil.
4. To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form of a transformer
and to determine its hysteresis loss.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 15

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

KAS-152P CHEMISTRY LAB 0L:0T:2P 1 Credit




1. Determination of alkalinity in the given water sample.

2. Determination of temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using EDTA.
3. Determination of iron content in the given solution by Mohr’s method.
4. Determination of viscosity of given liquid.
5. Determination of surface tension of given liquid.
6. Determination of chloride content in water sample.
7. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
8. Determination of pH by pH-metric titration.
9. Preparation of Phenol-formaldehyde and Urea-formaldehyde resin.
10. Determination of Cell constant and conductance of a solution.
11. Determination of rate constant of hydrolysis of esters.
12. Verification of Beer’s law.
List of Experiments: Any ten experiments with virtual link
SN Lab Practical Virtual Lab Link
Determination of alkalinity in the https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=2&brch=193&sim=15
1 given water sample. 48&cnt=1

Determination of temporary and http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-

2 permanent hardness in water sample dev/labs/nitk_labs/Environmental_Engineering_1/l
using EDTA. abs/determination-of-hardness-nitk/simulation.html
Determination of iron content in the https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=2&brch=193&sim=35
3 given solution by Mohr’s method. 2&cnt=1

Determination of viscosity of given http://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=190&sim=339

4 liquid. &cnt=1

Determination of surface tension of https://amrita.olabs.edu.in/?sub=1&brch=5&sim=2

5 given liquid. 24&cnt=7

Determination of chloride content in http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-

6 water sample. dev/labs/nitk_labs/Environmental_Engineering_1/l

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 16

Revised Structure B. Tech 1st Year

Determination of available chlorine E bootathon 04

7 in bleaching powder.

Determination of pH by pH-metric https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=2&brch=193&sim=35

8 titration. 2&cnt=1

Preparation of Phenol-formaldehyde E bootathon 01.

and Urea-formaldehyde resin.

Determination of Cell constant and http://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=193&sim=575

10 conductance of a solution. &cnt=1

Determination of rate constant of E bootathon 04

11 hydrolysis of esters.

Verification of Beer’s law. http://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=206&sim=569

12 &cnt=975

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:

1. Use of different analytical instruments.

2. Measure molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity,
3. Measure conductance of solution, chloride and iron content in water, hardness
of water.
4. Estimate the rate constant of reaction.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 17


Unit Topics Lectures

I DC Circuits : Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C), Concept of active 8
and passive elements, voltage and current sources, concept of linearity and
linear network, unilateral and bilateral elements, Kirchhoff‟s laws, Loop
and nodal methods of analysis, Star-delta transformation, Superposition
theorem, Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem.
II Steady- State Analysis of Single Phase AC Circuits: Representation of 8
Sinusoidal waveforms – Average and effective values, Form and peak
factors, Concept of phasors, phasor representation of sinusoidal varying
voltage and current.
Analysis of single phase AC Circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC
combinations (Series and Parallel), Apparent, active & reactive power,
Power factor, power factor improvement. Concept of Resonance in series &
parallel circuits, bandwidth and quality factor. Three phase balanced circuits,
voltage and current relations in star and delta connections.
III Transformers: Magnetic materials, BH characteristics, ideal and practical 8
transformer, equivalent circuit, losses in transformers, regulation and
efficiency. Auto-transformer and three-phase transformer connections.
IV Electrical machines: DC machines: Principle & Construction, Types, 8
EMF equation of generator and torque equation of motor, applications of
DC motors (simple numerical problems)
Three Phase Induction Motor: Principle & Construction, Types, Slip-
torque characteristics, Applications (Numerical problems related to slip only)
Single Phase Induction motor: Principle of operation and introduction to
methods of starting, applications.
Three Phase Synchronous Machines: Principle of operation of alternator
and synchronous motor and their applications.
V Electrical Installations: Components of LT Switchgear: Switch Fuse Unit 8
(SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, Types of Wires and Cables, Importance of
earthing. Types of Batteries, Important characteristics for Batteries.
Elementary calculations for energy consumption and savings, battery

Text Book:
1. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill.
2. D. C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill.
3. Ritu Sahdev, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Khanna Publishing House.
4. S. Singh, P.V. Prasad, “Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applications”
Reference Books:
1. E. Hughes, “Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Pearson, 2010.
2. L. S. Bobrow, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, Oxford University Press.
3. V. D. Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Pearson India.
Spoken Tutorial (MOOCs): Open Source Spice circuit Simulator Software
1. AC DC Circuit Analysis using NgSpice, Open Source Spice circuit Simulator Software
(http://spoken- tutorial.org)

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 18

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Apply the concepts of KVL/KCL and network theorems in solving DC circuits.
2. Analyze the steady state behavior of single phase and three phase AC electrical
3. Identify the application areas of a single phase two winding transformer as well as an
auto transformer and calculate their efficiency. Also identify the connections of a three
phase transformer.
4. Illustrate the working principles of induction motor, synchronous machine as well as DC
machine and employ them in different area of applications.
5. Describe the components of low voltage electrical installations and perform elementary
calculations for energy consumption.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 19


Unit Topics Lectures

I Semiconductor Diode: Depletion layer, V-I characteristics, ideal and practical
Diodes, Diode Equivalent Circuits, Zener Diodes breakdown mechanism (Zener and 3
Diode Application: Diode Configuration, Half and Full Wave rectification, Clippers,
Clampers, Zener diode as shunt regulator, Voltage-Multiplier Circuits
Special Purpose two terminal Devices: Light-Emitting Diodes, Photo Diodes, 2
Varactor Diodes, Tunnel Diodes, Liquid-Crystal Displays.
II Bipolar Junction Transistor: Transistor Construction, Operation, Amplification
action. Common Base, Common Emitter, Common Collector Configuration 4
Field Effect Transistor: Construction and Characteristic of JFETs. Transfer
Characteristic. MOSFET (MOS) (Depletion and Enhancement) Type, Transfer 4
III Operational Amplifiers: Introduction, Op-Amp Basic, Practical Op-Amp Circuits
(Inverting Amplifier, Non-inverting Amplifier, Unit Follower, Summing Amplifier, 4
Integrator, Differentiator).Differential and Common-Mode Operation, Comparators.
Introduction of IoT System, Components of IoT system: Microprocessor and
Microcontroller, Bluetooth Technology, Wi-Fi Technology, Concept of Networking, 4
Sensor Nodes, concept of cloud.
IV Digital Electronics: Number system & representation. Introduction of Basic and 6
Universal Gates, using Boolean algebra simplification of Boolean function. K Map
Minimization upto 6 Variable.
Introduction To IC Technology: SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI Integrated Circuits. 2
V Fundamentals of Communication Engineering: Basics of signal representation and
analysis, Electromagnetic spectrum Elements of a Communication System, Need of 4
modulation and typical applications, Fundamentals of amplitude modulation and
demodulation techniques.
Introduction to Data Communications: Goals and applications of Networks.
General Model of Wireless Communication: Evolution of mobile radio
communication fundamentals, GPRS, GSM, CDMA. Elements of Satellite & Radar
Text Books:
1. Robert L. Boylestand / Louis Nashelsky “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson
2. H S Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation”, McGraw Publication
3. George Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw Publication
4. David A. Bell, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Oxford University Press.
5. Jacob Millman, C.C. Halkias, Staya brataJit, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, McGraw Hill
6. David A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, Latest Edition, Oxford University
Press India
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the concept of PN Junction and devices.
2. Understand the concept of BJT, FET and MOFET.
3. Understand the concept of Operational amplifier
4. Understand the concept of measurement instrument.
5. Understand the working principle of different type of sensor and their uses.
6. Understand the concept of IoT system & Understand the component of IoT system

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 20


Unit Topics Lectures

I Introduction to Programming: Introduction to components of a 8
computer system: Memory, processor, I/O Devices, storage,
operating system, Concept of assembler, compiler, interpreter, loader
and linker.
Idea of Algorithm: Representation of Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo
code with examples, From algorithms to programs, source code.
Programming Basics: Structure of C program: writing and executing the
first C program, Syntax and logical errors in compilation, object and
executable code. Components of C language: Standard I/O in C,
Fundamental data types, Variables and memory locations, Storage
II Arithmetic expressions & Conditional Branching: Arithmetic 8
expressions and precedence: Operators and expression using numeric
and relational operators, mixed operands, type conversion, logical
operators, bit operations, assignment operator, operator precedence
and associatively.
Conditional Branching: Applying if and switch statements, nesting if
and else, use of break and default with switch.
III Loops & Functions: Iteration and loops: use of while, do while and 8
for loops, multiple loop variables, use of break and continue
Functions: Introduction, types of functions, functions with array, passing
parameters to functions, call by value, call by reference, recursive
IV Arrays & Basic Algorithms: Arrays: Array notation and 8
representation, manipulating array elements, using multi dimensional
arrays. Character arrays and strings, Structure, union, enumerated
data types, Array of structures, Passing arrays to functions.
Basic Algorithms: Searching &Basic Sorting Algorithms (Bubble,
Insertion and Selection), Finding roots of equations, Notion of order of
V Pointer& File Handling: Pointers: Introduction, declaration, 8
applications, Introduction to dynamic memory allocation (malloc,
calloc, realloc, free), Use of pointers in self-referential structures,
notion of linked list (no implementation)
File handling: File I/O functions, Standard C preprocessors,
defining and calling macros, command-line arguments.
Text Books:
1. Schum‟s Outline of Programming with C by Byron Gottfried, McGraw-Hill
2. The C programming by Kernighan Brain W. and Ritchie Dennis M., Pearson Education.
3. Computer Basics and C Programming by V.Rajaraman , PHI Learning Pvt. Limited, 2015.
4. Computer Concepts and Programming in C, R.S. Salaria, Khanna Publishing House
5. Computer Concepts and Programming in C, E Balaguruswami, McGraw Hill
6. Computer Science- A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Behrouz A. Forouzan,
Richard F. Gilberg, Thomson, Third Edition , Cengage Learning - 2007.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 21

7. Let Us C By Yashwant P. Kanetkar.
8. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, Pearson
Addison-Wesley, 2006.
9. Programming in C by Kochan Stephen G. Pearson Education – 2015.
10. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by D.S. Yadav and Rajeev Khanna, New Age
International Publication.
11. Computer Concepts and Programming by Anami, Angadi and Manvi, PHI Publication.
12. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by Vikas Gupta, Wiley India Publication
13. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C. Reema Thareja, Oxford Publication
14. Problem Solving and Programming in C, R.S. Salaria, Khanna Publishing House.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will be able to:

1. To develop simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems.

2. To translate the algorithms to programs & execution (in C language).
3. To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
4. To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using
divide and conquer approach.
5. To use arrays, pointers and structures to develop algorithms and programs.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 22




Unit Topics Lectures

I Unit I: Introduction to Mechanics of Solid: 8
Normal and shear Stress, strain, Hookes’ law, Poisson’s ratio, elastic
constants and their relationship, stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle
materials, factor of safety. Basic Numerical problems.
Types of beams under various loads, Statically Determinate Beams, Shear
force and bending moment in beams, Shear force and bending moment
diagrams, Relationships between load, shear and bending moment. Basic
Numerical problems.
II Introduction to IC Engines and RAC: 10
IC Engine: Basic Components, Construction and Working of Two stroke
and four stroke SI & CI engine, merits and demerits, scavenging process;
Introduction to electric, and hybrid electric vehicles.
Refrigeration: Its meaning and application, unit of refrigeration;
Coefficient of performance, methods of refrigeration, construction and
working of domestic refrigerator, concept of heat pump. Formula based
numerical problems on cooling load.
Air-Conditioning: Its meaning and application, humidity, dry bulb, wet
bulb, and dew point temperatures, comfort conditions, construction and
working of window air conditioner.
III Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Applications: 7
Introduction: Introduction: Fluids properties, pressure, density, dynamic
and kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian
fluid, Pascal’s Law, Continuity Equation, Bernaulli’s Equation and its
applications, Basic Numerical problems.
Working principles of hydraulic turbines & pumps and their classifications,
hydraulic accumulators, hydraulic lift and their applications.
IV Measurements and Control System: Concept of Measurement, Error in 8
measurements, Calibration, measurements of pressure, temperature, mass
flow rate, strain, force and torques; Concept of accuracy, precision and
resolution, Basic Numerical problems.
System of Geometric Limit, Fit, Tolerance and gauges, Basic Numerical
Control System Concepts: Introduction to Control Systems, Elements of
control system, Basic of open and closed loop control with example.
V Introduction to Mechatronics: Evolution, Scope, Advantages and 10
disadvantages of Mechatronics, Industrial applications of Mechatronics,
Introduction to autotronics, bionics, and avionics and their applications.
Sensors and Transducers: Types of sensors, types of transducers and their
Overview of Mechanical Actuation System – Kinematic Chains, Cam,
Train Ratchet Mechanism, Gears and its type, Belt, Bearing,
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Actuation Systems: Overview: Pressure
Control Valves, Cylinders, Direction Control Valves, Rotary Actuators,
Accumulators, Amplifiers, and Pneumatic Sequencing Problems.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 23

Reference Books:
1. Basic Mechanical Engineering, G Shanmugam, S Ravindran, McGraw Hill
2. Basic Mechanical Engineering, M P Poonia and S C Sharma, Khanna Publishers
3. Mechatronics : Principles, Concepts and Applications, Nitaigour Mahalik, McGraw Hill
4. Mechatronics, As per AICTE: Integrated Mechanical Electronic Systems, K.P.
Ramachandran, G.K. Vijayaraghavan, M.S.Balasundaram, Wiley India
5. Mechanical Measurements & Control, Dr. D. S. Kumar. Metropolitan Book Company
6. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Mahesh Kumar, Pearson India

The students will be able to

CO1 Understand the concept of stress and strain, factor of safety, beams K2
Understand the basic component and working of internal combustion
CO2 engines, electric and hybrid vehicles, refrigerator and heat pump, air- K2
Understand fluid properties, conservation laws, hydraulic machinery used
CO3 K2
in real life.
Understand the working principle of different measuring instrument with
CO4 the knowledge of accuracy, error and calibration, limit, fit, tolerance and K2
control system.
Understand concept of mechatronics with their advantages, scope and
CO5 Industrial application, the different types of mechanical actuation system, K2
the different types of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Apply concepts of strength of material for safe design, refrigeration for
CO6 calculation of COP, concepts of fluid mechanics in real life, concepts of K3
measurements in production systems.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 24




Unit Topics Lectures

I Introduction to Engineering Drawing, Orthographic Projections: Principles of Engineering 8
Graphics and their significance, usage of Drawing instruments, lettering, Scales –Plain and
Diagonal Scales. Principles of Orthographic Projections – Conventions – Projections of Points
and Lines inclined to both planes; Projections of planes inclined Planes – Auxiliary Planes

Projections and Sections of Regular Solids: Sections in lined to both the Planes – Auxiliary 8
II Views; Simple annotation, dimensioning and scale. Floor plans the include: windows, doors and
fixtures such as WC, Both, sink, shower, etc. Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone–Auxiliary Vies:
Development of surfaces of Right Regular Solids – Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder and Cone.

III Isometric Projections: Principles of Isometric projection – Isometric Scale, Isometric Views, 8
Conventions; Isometric Views of lines, Planes Simple and compound Solids; Conversion of
Isometric Views to Orthographic Views and Vice- versa, Conversions.
IV Computer Graphics: Listing the computer technologies the impact on graphical 8
communication, Demonstration knowledge of the theory of CAD software [such as: The
Menu System, Tollbars (Standard, Object Properties, Draw, Modify and Dimension),
Drawing Area (Background, Crosshairs, Coordinate System), Dialog boxes and windows,
Shortcut menus (Button Bars), The Command Line (where applicable), The Status Bar,
Different methods of zoom as used in CAD, Select and erase objects: Isometric Views of lines,
Planes, Simple and compound Solids];
Set up of the drawing page and the printer, including scale settings, Setting up of units and
drawing limits; ISO and ANSI standards for coordinate dimensioning and tolerancing;
Orthographic constraints, Snap to objects manually and automatically; Producing drawings by
using various coordinate input entry methods to draw straight lines, Applying various ways of
drawing circles:
Applying dimensions to objects, applying annotations to drawings; Setting up and use of Layers,
layers to create drawings, Create, edit and use customized layers; Changing line lengths through
modifying existing lines (extend/lengthen); Printing documents to pater using the print
command: orthographic projection techniques; Drawing sectional views of composite right
regular geometric solids and project the true shape of the sectioned surface; Drawing annotation,
Computer-aided design (CAD) software modelling of parts and assemblies. Parametric and non-
parametric solid, surface, and wireframe models. Part editing and two- dimensional
documentation of models. Planar projection theory, including sketching of perspective,
isometric, Multiview, auxiliary, and section views. Spatial visualization exercises Dimensioning
guidelines, tolerancing techniques; dimensioning and scale multi views of dwelling.
V Demonstration of a simple team design project: Geometry and topology of engineered 8
components: creation of engineering models and their presentation in standard 2D blueprint
form and as 3D wire-frame and shaded solids; meshed topologies for engineering analysis and
tool-path generation for component manufacture; geometric dimensioning and tolerancing;
Use of solid-modelling software for creating associative models at the component and
assembly levels; floor plans that include: windows, doors, and fixtures such as WC, bath, sink,
shower, etc. Applying colour coding according to building drawing practice; Drawing sectional
elevation showing foundation to ceiling; Introduction to Building Information Modelling (BIM).
Text Books:
1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R. (2014), Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House.
2. Shah, M.B. & Rana B.C. (2008), Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics, Pearson
3. Agrawal B. & Agrawal C.M. (2012), Engineering Graphics, McGraw Publication
4. Engineering Graphics & Design, A.P. Gautam & Pradeep Jain, Khanna Publishing House
5. Narayana, K.L. & P Kannaiah (2008), Text book on Engineering Drawing, Scitech Publishers.
(Corresponding set of) CAD Software Theory and User Manuals.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 25

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:

1. Understanding of the visual aspects of engineering design

2. Understanding of engineering graphics standards and solid modelling
3. Effective communication through graphics
4. Applying modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
5. Appling computer-aided geometric design
6. Analysis of Isometric views
7. Creating working drawings

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 26





The students will be able to
Use various engineering materials, tools, machines and measuring
CO1 K3
CO2 Perform machine operations in lathe and CNC machine. K3
Perform manufacturing operations on components in fitting and carpentry
CO3 K3
CO4 Perform operations in welding, moulding, casting and gas cutting. K3
CO5 Fabricate a job by 3D printing manufacturing technique K3

S. No. Mechanical Workshop Duration

1 Introduction to Mechanical workshop material, tools and machines
To study layout, safety measures and different engineering materials (mild
steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, high speed steel and cast iron
etc) used in workshop.
To study and use of different types of tools, equipments, devices & machines
3 Hours
used in fitting, sheet metal and welding section.
To determine the least count of vernier caliper, vernier height gauge,
micrometer (Screw gauge) and take different reading over given metallic
pieces using these instruments.
2 Machine shop
Demonstration of working, construction and accessories for Lathe machine
Perform operations on Lathe - Facing, Plane Turning, step turning, taper 3 Hours
turning, threading, knurling and parting.
3 Fitting shop
1. Practice marking operations.
2. Preparation of U or V -Shape Male Female Work piece which contains: 3 Hours
Filing, Sawing, Drilling, Grinding.
4 Carpentry Shop
Study of Carpentry Tools, Equipment and different joints.
Making of Cross Half lap joint, Half lap Dovetail joint and Mortise Tenon
3 Hours
5 Welding Shop
Introduction to BI standards and reading of welding drawings.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 27

Practice of Making following operations
Butt Joint
Lap Joint 6 Hours
TIG Welding
MIG Welding
6 Moulding and Casting Shop
Introduction to Patterns, pattern allowances, ingredients of moulding sand and
melting furnaces.
Foundry tools and their purposes 6 Hours
Demo of mould preparation and Aluminum casting
Practice – Study and Preparation of Plastic mould
7 CNC Shop
Study of main features and working parts of CNC machine and accessories
that can be used. 6 Hours
Perform different operations on metal components using any CNC machines
8 To prepare a product using 3D printing 3 Hours

Reference Books:
1. Workshop Practice, H S Bawa, McGraw Hill
2. Mechanical Workshop Practice, K C John, PHI
3. Workshop Practice Vol 1, and Vol 2, by HazraChoudhary , Media promoters and Publications
4. CNC Fundamentals and Programming, By P. M. Agrawal, V. J. Patel, Charotar Publication.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 28


KAS- 154P ENGLISH LAB 0L:1T:2P 1 Credit


Course Objectives:
1. To facilitate software based learning to provide the required English Language proficiency
to students.
2. To acquaint students with specific dimensions of communication skills i.e. Reading,
Writing, Listening, Thinking and Speaking.
3. To train students to use the correct and error-free writing by being well versed in rules of
English grammar.
4. To cultivate relevant technical style of communication and presentation at their work place
and also for academic uses.
5. To enable students to apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed up
in presentation skills and voice-dynamics.


Interactive and Communicative Practical with emphasis on Oral Presentation/Spoken Communication

based on International Phonetic Alphabets (LP.A.)


1. Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Current Grammatical Patterns.

2. Conversational Skills for Interviews under suitable Professional Communication Lab conditions
with emphasis on Kinesics.
3. Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on Paralinguistic
4. Presentation Skills for Technical Paper/Project Reports/ Professional Reports based on proper
Stress and Intonation Mechanics
5. Official/Public Speaking based on suitable Rhythmic Patterns.
6. Theme Presentation/ Keynote Presentation based on correct methodologies argumentation
7. Individual Speech Delivery/Conferencing with skills to defend Interjections/Quizzes.
8. Argumentative Skills/Role Play Presentation with Stress and Intonation.
9. Comprehension Skills based on Reading and Listening Practical’s on a model Audio

1. Computer assisted software based Language Learning: Software based self-guided

learning to provide the required English language proficiency to students from an
employability and career readiness standpoint. The software should align to Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and deliver a CEFR level – B2
upon completion.
2. Interactive Communication Skills: Students should practice the language with variety of
activities and exercises based on employability skills as startup presentations, GD, Mock
interview, Video portfolio, Extempore, Role play, Just A Minute (JAM) etc.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 29

Suggested software:
• Oxford Achiever by Oxford University Press.
• Cambridge English Empower by Cambridge University Press.
• MePro. by Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.
• New Interactions by McGraw-Hill India.

Reference Books:

1. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, W.R. Goyal Pub. & Distributors, 2009, Delhi.
2. Manual of Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India Ltd.;
Krishan Nagar, 2013, Delhi.
3. A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English, Sethi & Dhamija:, Prentice Hall
4. English Pronouncing Dictionary, Joans Daniel, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
5. English Grammar and Usage by R. P. Sinha, Oxford University Press, 2005, New Delhi.
6. English Grammar, Composition and Usage by N.K. Agrawal & F.T. Wood, Macmillan India
Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Effective Communication Skill, Kulbhusan Kumar, RS Salaria, Khanna Publishing House
8. English Grammar & Composition by Wren & Martin, S.Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
9. Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma et.al. PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd, 2011, New Delhi.
10. Personality Development, Harold R. Wallace & L. Ann Masters, Cengage Learning, New
11. Personality Development & Soft Skills, Barun K. Mitra, Oxford University Press, 2012 New
12. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan,
McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd., 2001, New Delhi.
13. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan, Meera Bannerji- Macmillan India
Ltd. 1990, Delhi.
14. Spoken English- A Manual of Speech and Phonetics by R. K. Bansal & J.B.Harrison, Orient
Blackswan, 2013, New Delhi.
15. Business English by Ken Taylor, Orient Blackswan, 2011, New Delhi.

Course outcome: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability:
1. Students will be enabled to understand the basic objective of the course by being acquainted
with specific dimensions of communication skills i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening, Thinking
and Speaking.
2. Students would be able to create substantial base by the formation of strong professional
vocabulary for its application at different platforms and through numerous modes as
Comprehension, reading, writing and speaking etc.
3. Students will apply it at their work place for writing purposes such as Presentation/official
drafting/administrative communication and use it for document/project/report/research paper
4. Students will be made to evaluate the correct and error-free writing by being well-versed in
rules of English grammar and cultivate relevant technical style of communication
&presentation at their work place and also for academic uses.
5. Students will apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed up in
presentation skills and voice-dynamics. They will apply techniques for developing
interpersonal communication skills and positive attitude leading to their professional

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 30


KCS151P- Programming for Problem Solving Lab

Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level
At the end of course , the student will be able to:
Able to implement the algorithms and draw flowcharts for solving K3, K4
CO 1
Mathematical and Engineering problems.
Demonstrate an understanding of computer programming language K3, K2
CO 2
Ability to design and develop Computer programs, analyzes, and K6, K4
CO 3 interprets the concept of pointers, declarations, initialization, operations
on pointers and their usage.
Able to define data types and use them in simple data K1, K5
CO 4 processing applications also he/she must be able to use the
concept of array of structures.
Develop confidence for self education and ability for life-long K3, K4
CO 5
learning needed for Computer language.

Lab Expt. Program

LAB 1 1 Write a program to calculate the area of triangle using formula at=√s(s-
2 Basic salary of an employee is input through the keyboard. The DA is 25%
of the basic salary while the HRA is 15% of the basic salary. Provident
Fund is deducted at the rate of 10% of the gross salary (BS+DA+HRA).
Program to calculate the Net Salary.
3 Write a program to determine the roots of quadratic equation.
4 Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using nested if else.
5 Write a program to receive marks of physics, chemistry & maths from user
& check its eligibility for course if
a) Marks of physics > 40
b) Marks of chemistry > 50
c) Marks of math’s > 60
d) Total of physics & math’s marks > 150
e) Total of three subjects marks > 200
LAB 2 6 Write a program to find the value of y for a particular value of n. The a, x,
b, n is input by user
if n=1 y=ax%b
if n=2 y=ax2+b2
if n=3 y=a-bx
if n=4 y=a+x/b

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 31

7 Write a program to construct a Fibonacci series upto n terms.
8 Write a program to find whether the number is Armstrong number.
9 Write a program to generate sum of series 1!+2!+3!+--------------n!
10 Write a program to find the sum of following series 1-X1/1!+X2/2!-
LAB 3 11 Write a program to print the entire prime no between 1 and 300.
12 Write a program to print out all the Armstrong number between 100 and
13 Write a program to draw the following figure:

14 Write a program to receive a five-digit no and display as like 24689:
LAB 4 15 Write a function that return sum of all the odd digits of a given positive no
entered through keyboard.
16 Write a program to print area of rectangle using function & return its value
to main function.
17 Write a program to calculate the factorial for given number using function.
18 Write a program to find sum of Fibonacci series using function.
19 Write factorial function & use the function to find the sum of series
LAB 5 20 Write a program to find the factorial of given number using recursion.
21 Write a program to find the sum of digits of a 5 digit number using
22 Write a program to calculate the GCD of given numbers using recursion.
23 Write a program to convert decimal number in to binary number.
24 Write a program to convert binary number in to decimal number.
LAB 6 25 Write a program to delete duplicate element in a list of 10 elements &
display it on screen.
26 Write a program to merge two sorted array & no element is repeated during
27 Write a program to evaluate the addition of diagonal elements of two
square matrixes.
28 Write a program to find the transpose of a given matrix & check whether it
is symmetric or not.
29 Write a program to print the multiplication of two N*N (Square) matrix.

LAB 7 30 Write a program in C to check whether the given string is a palindrome or

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 32

31 Write program to sort the array of character (String) in alphabetical order
32 Write a program to remove all the blank space from the string & print it,
also count the no of characters.
33 Write a program to store the following string “zero”, “one” -------“five”.
Print the no in words, given in figure as 3205.
LAB 8 34 Write a program to compare two given dates. To store a date uses a
structure that contains three members namely day, month and year. If the
dates are equal then display message equal otherwise unequal.
35 Define a structure that can describe a hotel. It should have the member that
includes the name, address, grade, room charge and number of rooms.
Write a function to print out hotel of given grade in order of room charges.
36 Define a structure called cricket with player name, team name, batting
average, for 50 players & 5 teams. Print team wise list contains names of
player with their batting average.
LAB 9 37 Write a c program to copy & count the character content of one file says
a.txt to another file b.txt.
38 Write a program to take 10 integers from file and write square of these
integer in other file.
39 Write a program to read number from file and then write all ‘odd’ number
to file ODD.txt & all even to file EVEN.txt.
40 Write a program to print all the prime number, between 1 to 100 in file
41 Write the following C program using pointer:
a) To sort the list of numbers through pointer
b) To reverse the string through pointer.
LAB 10 42 Write a program to find the largest no among 20 integers array using
dynamic memory allocation.
43 Using Dynamic Memory Allocation, Write a program to find the transpose
of given matrix.
44 Write a program to find the factorial of given number using command line
45 Write a program to find the sum of digits of a 5 digit number using
command line argument.
a) The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a
justified manner
b) It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab.
Some open source online compiler to conduct the C lab are as follows:


Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 33

KCS151P- Programming for Problem Solving Lab: Mapping with Virtual Lab

Name of the Lab Name of the Experiment

Numerical Representation
Beauty of Numbers
More on Numbers
String Operations
Problem Solving Lab
Advanced Arithmatic
Searching and Sorting

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 34





(A) Hardware based experiments

1. Verification of Kirchhoff‟s laws.

2. Verification of Superposition and Thevenin Theorem.
3. Measurement of power and power factor in a single phase ac series inductive circuit and study
improvement of power factor using capacitor
4. Study of phenomenon of resonance in RLC series circuit and obtain resonant frequency.
5. Connection and measurement of power consumption of a fluorescent lamp (tube light).
6. Measurement of power in 3- phase circuit by two wattmeter method and determination of its
power factor for star as well as delta connected load.
7. Determination of parameters of ac single phase series RLC circuit.
8. To observe the B-H loop of a ferromagnetic material in CRO.
9. Determination of (i) Voltage ratio (ii) polarity and (iii) efficiency by load test of a single phase
10. Determination of efficiency of a dc shunt motor by load test.
11. To study running and speed reversal of a three phase induction motor and record speed in both
12. Demonstration of cut-out sections of machines: dc machine, three phase induction machine,
single phase induction machine and synchronous machine.

(B) Experiments available on virtual lab

1. Kirchhoff‟s laws.
Virtual lab link: http://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=75&sim=217&cnt=2
2. Thevenin Theorem.
Virtual lab link: https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=75&sim=313&cnt=1
3. RLC series resonance.
Virtual lab link: https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=75&sim=330&cnt=1
4. Measurement of power in 3- phase circuit by two wattmeter method and determination of its
power factor for star as well as delta connected load.
Virtual lab link: http://vp-dei.vlabs.ac.in/Dreamweaver/measurement.html
5. Determination of parameters of ac single phase series RLC circuit.
Virtual lab link: https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=75&sim=332&cnt=1
6. To observe the B-H loop of a ferromagnetic material in CRO.
Virtual lab link: https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=282&sim=1507&cnt=2
7. Determination of the efficiency of a dc motor by loss summation method(Swinburne's test).
Virtual lab link: http://em-iitr.vlabs.ac.in/exp5/index.php?section=Theory

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 35

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:

1. Conduct experiments illustrating the application of KVL/KCL and network theorems to DC

electrical circuits.
2. Demonstrate the behavior of AC circuits connected to single phase AC supply and measure power
in single phase as well as three phase electrical circuits.
3. Perform experiment illustrating BH curve of magnetic materials.
4. Calculate efficiency of a single phase transformer and DC machine.
5. Perform experiments on speed measurement and reversal of direction of three phase induction
motor and Identify the type of DC and AC machines based on their construction.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 36



Part A

1. Study of various types of Active & Passive Components based on their ratings.
2. Identification of various types of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and soldering Techniques.
3. PCB Lab: a. Artwork & printing of a simple PCB. b. Etching & drilling of PCB
4. Winding shop: Step down transformer winding of less than 5VA.
5. Soldering shop: Soldering and disordering of Resistor in PCB. Soldering and disordering
of IC in PCB. Soldering and disordering of Capacitor in PCB
Part B

1. Study of Lab Equipments and Components: CRO, Multimeter, and Function Generator,
Power supply- Active, Passive Components and Bread Board.
2. P-N Junction diode: Characteristics of PN Junction diode - Static and dynamic resistance
measurement from graph.
3. Applications of PN Junction diode: Half & Full wave rectifier- Measurement of Vrms,
Vdc, and ripple factor.
4. Characteristics of Zener diode: V-I characteristics of zener diode, Graphical measurement
of forward and reverse resistance.
5. Characteristic of BJT: BJT in CE configuration.
6. To study Operational Amplifier as Adder and Subtractor
7. Verification of Truth Table of Various Logic Gate.
8. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS

Part PCB Lab: a. Artwork & printing of a This practical is not possible by virtual lab.
A simple PCB. b. Etching & drilling of PCB It will be conducted only in physical mode

Part Study of Lab Equipment’s and NA, These test equipment can be
B Components: CRO, Demonstrated on line from any lab of ECE
Multimeter, department or physical mode is only
Function Generator, option.
Power supply-
Active, Passive Components
and Bread Board.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 37

(D) Experiments available on virtual lab

P-N Junction on diode: Characteristics of PN http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/exp5/index.html

Junction diode - Static and dynamic resistance
measurement from graph.
Applications of PN Junction diode: Half & Full http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/exp6/index.html
wave rectifier- Measurement of Vrms, Vdc, http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/exp7/index.html
and ripple factor.
Characteristics of Zener diode: V-I http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/exp10/index.html
characteristics of Zener diode, Graphical
measurement of forward and reverse resistance.
Characteristic of BJT: BJT in CE http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/exp11/index.html
To study Operational Amplifier as Adder and http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/exp17/index.html
Subtractor http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/be/exp18/index.html
Verification of Truth Table of Various Logic https://de-iitr.vlabs.ac.in/digital-electronics-
Gate iitr/exp/truth-table-gates/
Implementation of the given Boolean function https://de-iitr.vlabs.ac.in/digital-electronics-
using logic gates in both SOP and POS forms. iitr/exp/realization-of-logic-functions/

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 38


The students will be able to Blooms Taxonomy

CO1 Understand the evolution and various approaches of AI K2
CO2 Understand data storage, processing, visualization, and its use K2
in regression, clustering etc.
CO3 Understand natural language processing and chatbots K2
CO4 Understand the concepts of neural networks K2
CO5 Understand the concepts of face, object, speech recognition and K2

Course Topics
Unit 1 An overview to AI
1.1 The evolution of AI to the present
1.2 Various approaches to AI
1.3 What should all engineers know about AI?
1.4 Other emerging technologies
1.5 AI and ethical concerns
Unit 2 Data & Algorithms
2.1 History Of Data
2.2 Data Storage And Importance of Data and its Acquisition
2.3 The Stages of data processing
2.4 Data Visualization
2.5 Regression, Prediction & Classification
2.6 Clustering & Recommender Systems
Unit 3 Natural Language Processing
3.1 Speech recognition
3.2 Natural language understanding
3.3 Natural language generation
3.4 Chatbots
3.5 Machine Translation
Unit 4 Artificial Neural Networks
4.1 Deep Learning
4.2 Recurrent Neural Networks
4.3 Convolutional Neural Networks
4.4 The Universal Approximation Theorem
4.5 Generative Adversarial Networks
Unit 5 Applications
5.1 Image and face recognition
5.2 Object recognition
5.3 Speech Recognition besides Computer Vision
5.4 Robots
5.5 Applications
Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 39


Reference Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall
2. Artificial Intelligence by Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich, Shivashankar B. Nair, Publisher : McGraw
3. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei,
Publisher: Elsevier Science.
4. Speech & Language Processing by Dan Jurafsky, Publisher : Pearson Education
5. Neural Networks and Deep Learning A Textbook by Charu C. Aggarwal, Publisher: Springer
International Publishing
6. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence By Rajendra Akerkar, Publisher : PHI Learning

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 40


Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of IoT, followed by major components, its layer
architecture and how IoT is impacting the Industry in the various forms along with major
2. To make students aware about basic concepts of cloud computing, its benefits and different
applications along with insights of major service providers.
3. To understand the basic concepts of Blockchain and its underlying technologies with its
implementation as cryptocurrencies.
4. To understand the concept of Additive Manufacturing, its applications in various fields and
the basic concepts of drones, their assembly and government regulations involved.
5. To introduce students to the upcoming technology and to develop the required skills for
practical applications.
The students will be able to Blooms
CO1 Understand the concepts of internet of things, smart cities and K2
industrial internet of things
CO2 Understand the concepts of cloud computing K2
CO3 Understand the concepts of block chain, cryptocurrencies, smart K2
CO4 Understand design principles, tools, trends in 3 D printing and drones K2
CO5 Understand augmented reality ( AR), virtual reality (VR), 5G K2
technology, brain computer interface and human brain


Unit 1 Internet of Things
1.1 What is the Internet of Things?
1.2 Sensors, their types and features
1.3 IoT components: layers
1.4 Smart Cities
1.5 Industrial Internet of Things
Unit 2 Cloud Computing
2.1 Cloud Computing : it’s nature and benefits
2.2 AWS
2.3 Google
2.4 Microsoft
2.5 Vendor Offering - IBM
Unit 3 Blockchain
3.1 What is Blockchain? Fundamentals
3.2 Principles and Technologies
3.3 Cryptocurrencies
3.4 Smart Contracts
3.5 Blockchain Applications and use cases

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 41


Unit 4 Digital Manufacturing : 3D Printing & Drones

4.1 The history and survey of 3D Printing
4.2 Design Principles and Tools
4.3 Emerging Trends & Use Cases in 3D Printing
4.4 Introduction of Drones, Engineering Disciplines
Multirotor Drone Assembly Course /Regulations and procedures for
4.5 becoming a drone pilot
Unit 5 Future Trends
5.1 Augmented Reality ( AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
5.2 History, objective & global scenario of 5G Telecom
5.3 5G in India, Application and Use Cases
5.4 Brain Computer Interface, Application, Modal and Global Market
5.5 Brain Computer Interface and Human Brain
References Books:

1. Internet of Things(IoT): Systems and Applications: Mehmet R. Yuce, Jamil Y.
2. IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for the
Internet of Things: David Hanes, Patrick Grossetete, Gonzalo Salgueiro.
3. Designing the Internet of Things: McEwen, Adrian, Cassimally, Hakim.
Cloud Computing:
1. Mastering Cloud Computing: Foundations and Applications Programming Book
by Christian Vecchiola, Rajkumar Buyya, and S. Thamarai Selvi
2. Cloud Computing – Concepts, Technology and Architecture Pearson Thomas Erl
3. Cloud Computing Master the Concepts, Architecture and Applications with Real-
world examples and Case studies By Ruchi Doshi, Temitayo Fagbola, Mehul
1. Block Chain: Blueprint for a New Economy, O’Reilly, Melanie Swan
2. Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by: Daniel
Digital Manufacturing:
1. Designing Reality: How to Survive and Thrive in the Third Digital Revolution by
Prof. Niel Gershenfeld.
2. Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and
Direct Digital Manufacturing by Ian Gibson.
3. Build a Drone: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing, Constructing, and Flying
Your Very Own Drone by Barry Davies.
Future Trends:
1. Alan B Craig, William R Sherman and Jeffrey D Will, “Developing Virtual
Reality Applications: Foundations of Effective Design”, Morgan Kaufmann,
2. Doug A Bowman, Ernest Kuijff, Joseph J La Viola, Jr and Ivan Poupyrev, “3D
User Interfaces, Theory and Practice”, Addison Wesley, USA, 2005.
3. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, 4th Edition, Wiley India

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 42

UNIT I- Basics of Applied Grammar and usage
Tenses: Part of Speech, Active & Passive Voice, Articles, Subject-verb agreement, Antonyms, Synonyms, Prefix
and Suffix, Narration, Conditional sentences, Concord, Tag questions, punctuation marks.

UNIT II- Presentation and Interaction Skills

Speech Delivery, Interjecting: Objectives& Methodology; Group Discussion: Objectives & Methods; Theme
Presentation: Methods; Argumentative skills: Pattern and Ingredients; Debate & Discussion: Unity, Coherence &
Emphasis. Public Speaking: Audience Analysis: Approach and Style. Interviews: Types; Focus & Objectives.

UNIT III- Interpersonal Communication Skills

Features: Methods; Principles; Requisites; Team- work; Skills: Empathy, Emotional Intelligence, empathy and
listening skills. Time Management; Attitude; Responsibility. Leadership qualities: Integrity; Values; Trust; Self-
Confidence & Courage; Communication and Networking; Speed reading; Problem Solving & Trouble- Shooting

UNIT IV- Persuasion and Negotiation Skills

Definition; Understanding Attitude, Beliefs, Values and Behavior; The process of Persuasion: Analysis of
Audience; Classification of Audience; Egoistic and Non-Egoistic; Specific Techniques for Specific Audience;
Skills of Persuasion, Steps to Persuasion/Influence, Negotiation: Definition; Process of Negotiation:
Characteristics; Qualities of good negotiator; Approaches to Negotiation.

UNIT V- Communication Skills

Introduction to oral communication, Nuances & Modes of Speech Delivery, Public speaking: confidence, clarity,
and fluency, Non verbal Communication: Kinesics, Paralinguistic features of Voice-Dynamics, Proxemics,
Chronemics, and Presentation Strategies: planning, preparation, organization, delivery.

Course Outcome:
Unit 1- Students will be enabled to understand the correct usage of grammar.
Unit 2- Students will apply the fundamental inputs of communication skills in making speech delivery, individual
conference, and group communication.
Unit 3-Students will evaluate the impact of interpersonal communication on their performance as a professional
and in obtaining professional excellence at the workplace.
Unit 4-Skills and techniques of persuasion and negotiation would enhance the level of students at multifarious
administrative and managerial platforms.
Unit 5-Student will be able to equip with basics of communication skills and will apply it for practical and
oral purposes by being honed up in presentation skills and voice-dynamics.

Prescribed Books:

1. Technical Communication, (Second Ed.); O.U.P., Meenakshi Raman & S.Sharma New Delhi, 2011
2. Business Communication for Managers, Payal Mehra, Pearson, Delhi, 2012.
3. Personality Development, Harold R. Wallace et. al, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi 2006
4. Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India Ltd.; Krishan Nagar, 2013,
5. Personality Development & Soft Skills, Barun K.Mitra, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012.
6. Public Speaking, William S. Pfeiffer, Pearson, Delhi, 2012.
7. Human Values, A.N. Tripathi, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers New Delhi ,2005

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 43

Active Listening: Meaning and Art of Listening, Pronunciation, Tongue-Twisters, Stress in English Language,
Reading style: Skimming; Scanning; Churning & Assimilation, Effective writing tools, Writing: Methods:
Inductive; Deductive; Exposition; Linear; Interrupted; Spatial & Chronological etc
UNIT II- Conversational& Social Skills
Definition of Conversation; Speech and Conversation: Distinction; Listening and Conversation; Sustaining
Interest; Rules of Conversation; Conversation and Personality; Importance of Conversation: Competence
Relationships; Social Skills: Role of Communication; Purposeful Socializing; Attributes: Effective
Communication; Conflict Resolution;; Relationship Management; Respect; Improvement Techniques: Feedback;
Goal Setting; Affording Resources; Adopting Interpersonal Skills; Importance.

UNIT III- Motivation Skills

Motivation: Definition; Sources of Motivation: Initiative; Willingness To Work; Eagerness to take on Work;
Initiative; Learning Ability; Going Extra Miles; Learning And Analysis; Motivating Others: Techniques; One To
One Correspondence; Understanding; Individual Motivation; Mobilizing Optimal Performance; Praise and
Compliment; Goal Setting for Individual Employee; Individual Cultivation of Skills; Facilitating Active
Involvement; Trust in the Working Hands.

UNIT IV- Work-Place Skills

Managing Stress; Techniques: Application of 4 A’s; Avoid; Alter; Access; Adapt; Resilience: Flexibility in
Thought and Behavior; Tolerance and Self-Belief; Team-Work and Communication; Compassion in Leadership;
Communication Skills; Listening and Responding; Speaking Skills; Positive Thinking: Controlling Mind.

UNIT V- Creativity and Critical Thinking

Creativity: Definition; Characteristics of Creative Person: Fluency; Originality; Curiosity; Critical Thinking: Definition;
Abilities: Discerning Facts and Claims; Credibility Analysis; Identifying Valid Reasons; Distinguishing Relevant from
Irrelevant Fact/Claims; Detecting Bias; Knowing the Hidden Motives; Creative Methods; Features.

Course Outcome:
Unit 1- Students will be a ble to converse well with effective LSRW skills in English.
Unit 2- Students will evaluate the importance of conversation in their personal and professional domain and apply it for
extending their professional frontiers.
Unit 3- Students will learn to apply motivation skills for their individual and professional excellence.
Unit 4- Students will utilize their teamwork and their interpersonal communication skills to survive and excel at their
Unit 5-Students will learn to evaluate creativity for their professional innovation and critical thinking for their

Prescribed Books:

1. Technical Communication, (Second Ed.); O.U.P., Meenakshi Raman &S.Sharma New Delhi, 2011
2. Personality Development, Harold R. Wallace et. al, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi 2006
3. Personality Development & Soft Skills, Barun K. Mitra, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012.
4. Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India Ltd.; Krishan Nagar, 2013,
5. Developing Communication Skills: by Krishna Mohan, Meera Banerji; McMillan India Ltd,
6. Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists: Sangeeta Sharma et. al., THI Learning Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi, 2011.
7. Public Speaking, William S. Pfeiffer, Pearson, Delhi, 2012.
8. Human Values, A.N. Tripathi, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers New Delhi ,2005.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 44


A Guide to Induction Program

1 Introduction
(Induction Program was discussed and approved for all colleges by AICTE in March
2017. It was discussed and accepted by the Council of IITs for all IITs in August 2016. It was originally proposed by a
Committee of IIT Directors and accepted at the meeting of all IIT Directors in March 2016.1 This guide has been
prepared based on the Report of the Committee of IIT Directors and the experience gained through its pilot
implementation in July 2016 as accepted by the Council of IITs. Purpose of this document is to help institutions in
understanding the spirit of the accepted Induction Program and implementing it.)
Engineering colleges were established to train graduates well in the branch/department of admission, have a holistic
outlook, and have a desire to work for national needs and beyond. The graduating student must have knowledge and
skills in the area of his study. However, he must also have broad understanding of society and relationships. Character
needs to be nurtured as an essential quality by which he would understand and fulfill his responsibility as an engineer,
a citizen and a human being. Besides the above, several meta-skills and underlying values are needed.

There is a mad rush for engineering today, without the student determining for himself his interests and his goals. This
is a major factor in the current state of demotivation towards studies that exists among UG students. The success of
gaining admission into a desired institution but failure in getting the desired branch, with peer pressure generating its
own problems, leads to a peer environment that is demotivating and corrosive. Start of hostel life without close
parental supervision at the same time, further worsens it with also a poor daily routine.
To come out of this situation, a multi-pronged approach is needed. One will have to work closely with the newly
joined students in making them feel comfortable, allow them to explore their academic interests and activities, reduce
competition and make them
A Committee of IIT Directors was setup in the 152nd Meeting of IIT Directors on 6th September 2015 at IIT Patna,
on how to motivate undergraduate students at IITs towards studies, and to develop verbal ability. The Committee
submitted its report on 19th January 2016. It was considered at the 153rd Meeting of all IIT Directors at IIT Mandi
on 26 March 2016, and the accepted report came out on 31
March 2016. The Induction Program was an important recommendation, and its pilot was implemented by three IITs,
namely, IIT(BHU), IIT Mandi and IIT Patna in July 2016. At the 50th meeting of the Council of IITs on 23
August 2016, recommendation on the Induction Program and the report of its pilot implementation were discussed
and the program was accepted for all IITs, work for excellence, promote bonding within them, build relations
between teachers and students, give a broader view of life, and build character.
2. Induction Program
When new students enter an institution, they come with diverse thoughts, backgrounds and preparations. It is
important to help them adjust to the new environment and inculcate in them the ethos of the institution with a sense of
larger purpose. Precious little is done by most of the institutions, except for an orientation program lasting a couple of
We propose a 3-week long induction program for the UG students entering the institution, right at the start. Normal
classes start only after the induction program is over. Its purpose is to make the students feel comfortable in their new
environment, open them up, set a healthy daily routine, create bonding in the batch as well as between faculty
and students, develop awareness, sensitivity and understanding of the self, people around them, society at large, and
The time during the Induction Program is also used to rectify some critical lacunas, for example, English
background, for those students who have deficiency in it. The following are the activities under the induction program
in which the student would be fully engaged throughout the day for the entire duration of the program.
2Induction Program as described here borrows from three programs running earlier at different institutions: (1)
Foundation Program running at IIT Gandhinagar since July 2011, (2) Human Values course running at IIIT Hyderabad
since July 2005, and (3) Counselling Service or mentorship running at several IITs for many decades. Contribution of
each one is described next.
Counselling at some of the IITs involves setting up mentor-mentee network under which 1st year students would
be divided into small groups, each assigned a senior student as a student guide, and a faculty member as a
mentor. Thus, a new student gets connected to a faculty member as well as a senior student, to whom he/she could go
to in case of any difficulty whether psychological, financial, academic, or otherwise.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 45

The Induction Program defined here amalgamates all the three into an integrated whole, which leads to its high
effectiveness in terms of building physical activity, creativity, bonding, and character. It develops sensitivity
towards self and on e‟s relationships, builds awareness about others and societ y beyond the individual, and
also in bonding with their own batch-mates and a senior student besides a faculty member.
Scaling up the above amalgamation to an intake batch of 1000 plus students was done at IIT (BHU), Varanasi starting
from July 2016.
2.1 Physical Activity
This would involve a daily routine of physical activity with games and sports. It would start with all students coming
to the field at 6 am for light physical exercise or yoga. There would also be games in the evening or at other suitable
times according to the local climate. These would help develop team work. Each student should pick one game and
learn it for three weeks. There could also be gardening or other suitably designed activity where labour yields fruits
from nature.
2.2 Creative Arts
Every student would choose one skill related to the arts whether visual arts or performing arts. Examples are painting,
sculpture, pottery, music, dance etc. The student would pursue it every day for the duration of the program.
These would allow for creative expression. It would develop a sense of aesthetics and also enhance creativity which
would, hopefully, flow into engineering design later.
2.3 Universal Human Values
It gets the student to explore oneself and allows one to experience the joy of learning, stand up to peer pressure,
take decisions with courage, be aware of relationships with colleagues and supporting staff in the hostel and
department, be sensitive to others, etc. Need for character building has been underlined earlier. A module in Universal
Human Values provides the base.
Methodology of teaching this content is extremely important. It must not be through do‟s and dont‟s, but get
students to explore and think by engaging them in a dialogue. It is best taught through group discussions and
real life activities rather than lecturing. The role of group discussions, however, with clarity of thought of the
teachers cannot be over emphasized. It is essential for giving exposure, guiding thoughts, and realizing values.

The teachers must come from all the departments rather than only one department like HSS or from outside of
the Institute. Experiments in this direction at IIT (BHU) are noteworthy and one can learn from them.3
Discussions would be conducted in small groups of about 20 students with a faculty mentor each. It is to open
thinking towards the self. Universal Human Values discussions could even continue for rest of the semester as
a normal course, and not stop with the induction program.
Besides drawing the attention of the student to larger issues of life, it would build relationships between teachers and
students which last for their entire 4-year stay and possibly beyond.
The Universal Human Values Course is a result of a long series of experiments at educational institutes starting from
IIT-Delhi and IIT Kanpur in the 1980s and 1990s as an elective course, NIT Raipur in late 1990s as a compulsory
one-week off campus program. The courses at IIT(BHU) which started from July 2014, are taken and developed from
two compulsory courses at IIIT Hyderabad first introduced in July 2005.
2.4 Literary
Literary activity would encompass reading, writing and possibly, debating, enacting a play etc.
2.5 Proficiency Modules
This period can be used to overcome some critical lacunas that students might have, for example, English, computer
familiarity etc. These should run like crash courses, so that when normal courses start after the induction
program, the student has overcome the lacunas substantially. We hope that problems arising due to lack of
English skills, wherein students start lagging behind or failing in several subjects, for no fault of theirs, would,
hopefully, become a thing of the past.
2.6 Lectures by Eminent People
This period can be utilized for lectures by eminent people, say, once a week. It would give the students exposure to
people who are socially active or in public life.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 46

2.7 Visits to Local Area
A couple of visits to the landmarks of the city, or a hospital or orphanage could be organized. This would familiarize
them with the area as well as expose them to the under privileged.
2.8 Familiarization to Dept./Branch & Innovations
The students should be told about different method of study compared to coaching that is needed at IITs. They
should be told about what getting into a branch or department means what role it plays in society, through its
technology. They should also be shown the laboratories, workshops & other facilities.
3 Schedule
The activities during the Induction Program would have an Initial Phase, a Regular Phase and a Closing Phase.
The Initial and Closing Phases would be two days each.
3.1 Initial Phase
Time Activity
Day 0
Whole day Students arrive - Hostel allotment. (Preferably do pre allotment)
Day 1
09:00 am - 03:00 pm Academic registration
04:30 pm - 06:00 pm Orientation
Day 2
09:00 am - 10:00 am Diagnostic test (for English etc.)
10:15 am - 12:25 pm Visit to respective Depts.
12:30 pm - 01:55 pm Lunch
02:00 pm - 02:55 pm Director‟s Address
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm Interaction with Parents
03:30 pm - 05:00 pm Mentor-Mentee groups - Introduction within group.
(Same as Universal Human Values groups)
3.2 Regular Phase
After two days is the start of the Regular Phase of induction. With this phase there would be regular program to be
followed every day.
3.2.1 Daily Schedule
Some of the activities are on a daily basis, while some others are at specified periods within the Induction
Program. We first show a typical daily timetable.
Day 3 onwards 06:00 am Activity Wake up call Rema
1. 06:30 am - 07:10 am Physical activity (mild exercise/ yoga) rks
2. 07:15 am - 08:55 am Bath, Breakfast, etc.
3. 09:00 am - 10:55 am Creative Arts / Universal Human Values Half the groups
4. 11:00 am - 12:55 pm Universal Human Values/ Creative Arts do Creative Arts
5. 01:00 pm - 02:25 pm Lunch
6. 02:30 pm - 03:55 pm Afternoon Session See below.
7. 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm Afternoon Session See below.
8. 05:00 pm - 05:25 pm Break / light tea
9. 05:30 pm - 06:45 pm Games / Special Lectures
10. 06:50 pm - 08:25 pm Rest and Dinner
11. 08:30 pm - 09:25 pm Informal interactions (in hostels)
Sundays are off. Saturdays have the same schedule as above or have outings.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 47

3.4 Follow Up after Closure: A question comes up as to what would be the follow up program after the formal
3-week Induction Program is over? The groups which are formed should function
as mentor mentee network. A student should feel free to approach his faculty mentor or the student guide, when
facing any kind of problem, whether academic or financial or psychological etc. (For every 10 undergraduate first year
students, there would be a senior student as a student guide, and for every 20 students, there would be a faculty
mentor.) Such a group should remain for the entire 4-5 year duration of the stay of the student. Therefore, it
would be good to have groups with the students as well as teachers from the same department/discipline.
Here we list some important suggestions which have come up and which have been experimented with.
3.4.1 Follow Up after Closure – Same Semester
It is suggested that the groups meet with their faculty mentors once a month, within the semester after the 3-week
Induction Program is over. This should be a scheduled meeting shown in the timetable. (The groups are of course free
to meet together on their own more often, for the student groups to be invited to their faculty mentor‟s home for
dinner or tea, nature walk, etc.)
3.4.2 Follow Up – Subsequent Semesters
It is extremely important that continuity be maintained in subsequent semesters.
It is suggested that at the start of the subsequent semesters (upto fourth semester), three days be set aside for three full
days of activities related to follow up to Induction Program. The students be shown inspiring films, do collective art
work, and group discussions be conducted. Subsequently, the groups should meet at least once a month.
4 Summaries
Engineering institutions were set up to generate well trained manpower in engineering with a feeling of
responsibility towards oneself, one’s family, and society. The incoming undergraduate students are driven by
their parents and society to join engineering without understanding their own interests and talents. As a result, most
students fail to link up with the goals of their own institution.

The graduating student must have values as a human being, and knowledge and meta skills related to his/her
profession as an engineer and as a citizen. Most students who get demotivated to study engineering or their branch,
also lose interest in learning.
The Induction Program is designed to make the newly joined students feel comfortable, sensitize them
towards exploring their academic interests and activities, reducing competition and making them work for excellence,
promote bonding within them, build relations between teachers and students, give a broader view of life, and building
of character.
The Universal Human Values component, which acts as an anchor, develops awareness and sensitivity, feeling of
equality, compassion and oneness, draw attention to society and we are aware that there are advantages in mixing
the students from different depts. However, in mixing, it is our experience that the continuity of the group together
with the faculty mentor breaks down soon after. Therefore, the groups be from the same dept. but hostel wings have
the mixed students from different depts. For example, the hostel room allotment should be in alphabetical order
irrespective of dept. nature, and character to follow through. It also makes them reflect on their relationship with their
families and extended family in the college (with hostel staff and others). It also connects students with each other and
with teachers so that they can share any difficulty they might be facing and seek help.

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme (I & II semester) Page 48


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