Topics CIOM 2023

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Topics of Symposiums, Didactic and Workshop

CIOM 2023
No Speaker Topic
Day 1, Saturday, 20 May 2023
I Aesthetic and Dry Eye Care

1 Prof Clement Tan The Role of Neuropatic mechanism in dry eye

2 dr. Primawita O. Amiruddin, SpM(K), M.Kes (PO) Non Surgical Option for Strabismus Correction
3 dr. Patriotika Muslima, SpM ( EED_ Dry Eye) Intense Pulsed Light Therapy: Promising Additional Management for Dry Eye
4 dr. Susanti Natalya Sirait, SpM(K), M.Kes Contact Lens as Cosmetic Options: The Pros and Cons
5 Dr. M. Rinaldi Dahlan,dr., SpM(K) Diagnostic and Surgical Approach in Ptosis Correction
Moderator : Dr. dr. Shanti F Boesoirie, Sp.M(K), M.Kes
Co Moderator : dr. Angga Fajriansyah, Sp.M(K)
II Integrated Diabetic Retinopathy

1 dr. Grimaldi Ihsan, SpM(K) Current Diagnostic Investigation in Diabetic Retinopathy

2 dr. Erwin Iskandar, SpM(K), Mkes Advancements in Treating Diabetic Macular Edema: Latest on Anti-VEGF Therapies
3 Dr. Sirisha Senthil Neovascular Glaucoma
4 dr. Teguh Tri Wardana, SpPD Systemic Perspective Management of Diabetic Retinopathy
Moderator : dr. Rova Virgana, Sp.M(K)
Co Moderator : dr. Made Indra Widyanatha, Sp.M
III Shifting the Paradigm of Advanced Cataract and Refractive Surgery

1 Dr. dr. Budiman, Sp.M(K), M.Kes Tools for IOL Selection: Choosing the Right Patient for Premium IOLs
2 dr. Andrew M. H. Knoch, SpM(K), M.Kes Don't put high myopic eyes at risk: think about Phakic IOL
3 dr. Emmy Dwi Sugiarti, SpM(K), M.Kes Aphakic Iris Claw IOL with a New Constanta
4 dr. Ludwig M. Tjokrovonco, SpM Dealing with astigmatism in cataract surgery: treat patients with optimal care
5 Dr. Sergio Canabrava New era of SF IOL: shifting from suture to sutureless
Moderator : dr. Andrew M. H. Knoch, SpM(K), M.Kes
Co Moderator : dr. Ludwig M. Tjokrovonco, SpM
IV A to Z about Wies Procedure and Sie Boen Lian (SBL) Procedure for Entropion Repair

1 dr. Niluh Putu Ayu Dewi W., SpM

2 Dr. Shanti F Boesoirie, dr., SpM(K), M.Kes
3 Dr. R. Angga Kartiwa, dr., SpM(K), M.Kes
4 Dr. M. Rinaldi Dahlan,dr., SpM(K)
Moderator : Dr. dr. R. Angga Kartiwa, Sp.M(K), M.Kes
Co Moderator : dr. Niluh Putu Ayu Dewi, Sp.M
V Didactic course Glaucoma Glaucoma in Daily Practice: Diagnosis and Management

1 Dr. Sirisha Senthil Funduscopic Findings in Glaucoma

2 Dr. Elsa Gustianty, dr., SpM(K), M.Kes Updates in Management of Angle Closure Disease
3 Dr. Andika Prahasta, dr., SpM(K), M.Kes Combined Surgery for Angle Closure Glaucoma
4 dr. Sonie Umbara, Sp.M Trabeculectomy and How to Manage Intraoperative Complications
Moderator : dr. R Maula Rifada, SpM(K)

VI Children with Multiple Disorder and Visual Impairment (MDVI)

1 Rachel Bennett, M.Ed Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment: Identification and Early Intervention (via online)
2 dr.Lily Cahyani Tandililing, SpA Early Intervention for MDVI Children at a Glance
3 dr. Purboyo Solek, SpA(K) The Assessment of Neurodevelopmental Disorder in Multiple Disability with Visual Impairment (MDVI) Children
4 Dr. Karmelita Satari, dr., SpM(K) The Assessment of Visual Impairment in MDVI children
5 dr. Yulianti Iman Comprehensive Rehabilitation in Children with MDVI
Moderator : dr. Ine Renata Musa, Sp.M(K)
Co Moderator : dr. Lily Cahyani Tandililing, SpA
VII Mini Workshop of Movement Disorder in Neuro-Ophthalmology

1 dr. Rusti Hanindiya Sari, SpM(K) Movement Disorder in Neuro-Ophthalmology

2 dr. Dianita Veulina Ginting, SpM Blepharospasm and Hemifacial spasm
3 dr. Prettyla Yollamanda, SpM Blepharospasm and Hemifacial spasme Therapy
4 Video Based learing
Interactive Discussion with expert (Dr.dr.Bambang Setioadji, Sp.M(K), MH.Kes, Dr.dr.
5 all
Antonia Kartika I, Sp.M (K),M.Kes., Prof.Clement Tan)
Panelist :Prof Clement Tan; Dr.dr. Antonia Kartika I., SpM (K)
Dr.dr. Bambang Setioadji, Sp.M(K)., MH.Kes
VIIIPediatric Ophthalmology Cases- Make It Easier

1 dr. Sesy Caesarya, SpM(K) Comprehensive update on vernal conjunctivitis management

2 Dr. dr. Irawati Irfani, SpM(K) Pediatric Refraction and Spectacle Power Prescription
3 dr. Mayasari Wahyu Kuntorini, SpM(K), M.kes The Big 5 about ROP (How What When Where Why)
4 dr. Primawita O. Amiruddin, SpM(K), M.Kes Leukocoria: How to deal with this?
5 Dr. dr. Feti Karfiati, SpM(K), M.Kes Amblyopia: How to treat?
Moderator : Dr. dr. Feti Karfiati, SpM(K), M.Kes
Co Moderator : dr. Sesy Caesarya, SpM(K)
IX Workshop ARSAMI (PMN RS Mata Cicendo)

1 dr. Yuli Farianti, M. Epid (Pusat Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Desentralisasi Kesehatan) dan Pemahaman ICD 10 dan ICD 9 CM
2 dr. Yuli Farianti, M. Epid (Pusat Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Desentralisasi Kesehatan) dan Membedah Tarif Mata berdasarkan Permenkes No. 3 / 2023
3 Dr. dr. M. Rifqy Setyanto, SpM(K) (ARSAMI) Permasalahan Terkait Pending / Dispute Klaim; telaah kasus
4 Rizal Ferdian Sistem Digitalisasi Verifikasi Klaim BPJS
5 dr. Yuli Farianti, M. Epid (Pusat Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Desentralisasi Kesehatan) dan Kesepakatan Penyusunan daftar kodifikasi ICD-10 dan ICD-9-CM Pelayanan Mata
Moderator: Rizal Ferdian
Day 2, Sunday, 21 May 2023
Managing Ophthalmic Trauma

1 dr. Arief Akhdestira Mustaram, SpM(K) Challenges in management strategies for ocular chemical injury
2 Dr. Shanti Boesoirie, dr., SpM(K), M.Kes Eyelid Trauma Management : Tips and Tricks
3 dr. R. Maula Rifada, dr., SpM (K) Secondary Glaucoma in Daily Ocular Trauma Cases
4 Dr. Feti Karfiati Memed, dr., SpM (K), M.Kes Management of Traumatic Vertical Strabismus after Trauma- A Case Report
5 dr. Made Indra Widyanatha, SpM Intra Ocular foreign body (IOFB)
Moderator : Dr. M. Rinaldi Dahlan, dr., SpM(K)
Co Moderator :Sesy Caesarya, dr., SpM(K)
Collaborative Care in Ophthalmology

1 Assoc.Prof. Rupesh Agrawal, MD Ocular autoimmune systemic inflammatory infectious study ( OASIS)
2 Prof. dr. Arief S. Kartasasmita, Sp.M(K), M.Kes, PhD Retinal Vein Occlusion Management in Anti-VEGF Era
3 Dr. Antonia Kartika, dr., SpM (K) Recurrent Compressive Optic Neuropathy in Pseudotumor Orbita
4 dr. Irawati Irfani, SpM(K) Ocular Manifestations Related to Pediatric Dermatological Diseases
5 Prof. Clement Tan, MD Dysthyroid Optic Neuropathy
Moderator : Dr. dr. Feti Karfiati, SpM(K), M.Kes
Co Moderator : dr. Dianita Veulina Ginting, SpM
Phakic IOL, Let's Do It and Be the Expert

1 DR. dr. Budiman, SpM (K)

2 dr. Andrew M. H. Knoch, SpM(K), M.Kes
3 dr. Emmy Dwi Sugiarti, SpM(K), M.Kes
4 dr. Ludwig M. Tjokrovonco, SpM
Moderator : dr. Ludwig M. Tjokrovonco, SpM
Ophthalmic Anasthesia

1 dr. Rova Virgana, SpM(K).M.Kes Ophthalmic Anesthesia: Surgeons Point of View

2 dr. Dian Irawati, SpAn-TI Sedation in Cataract Surgery
3 dr. Rakhman Adiwinata, SpAn-TI Anesthesia in Retinal Surgery
4 dr. Muhamad Adli, SpAn-TI,M.Kes Anesthesia in ROP patients
5 Dr. Dedi F. Yadi, SpAn-TI, KAR, KMN.M.Kes Anesthesia Practice in Eye Clinic
Moderator : Dr. Toufik Hidayat, SpAn-TI, M.Kes
Co Moderator :
Retina Workshop ROP : Screening, treatment and Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscopy workshop

1 dr. Erwin Iskandar, SpM(K), M.Kes Laser treatment on ROP

2 dr. Rova Virgana, SpM(K) ROP examination : technique and timing
3 dr. Grimaldi Ihsan Sp.M(K) ROP current prespective
4 dr. Muhamad Adli, SpAn-TI,M.Kes Anasthesia consideration on ROP treatment
5 Moderator : Prof. dr. Arief S. Kartasasmita, Sp.M(K), M.Kes, PhD
Co Moderator : dr. Made Indra Widyanatha, Sp.M
Economy Community Eye Health

1 Phuc Huynh, MD Peran NGO dalam mengatasi gangguan penglihatan di Indonesia

2 Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, MSc, PhD Public Health Ophthalmology dari sisi eye health regulation
3 Kementerian Kesehatan: Direktur Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular Pembiayaan Kesehatan Mata
4 CEDS Unpad : Dr. Adiatma Yudistira Manogar Siregar, S.E., ME. conSt. Best practice dari Centre Economics & Development Studies
5 Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat Pengalaman Membuat Peta Jalan Gangguan Penglihatan di Jawa Barat
Moderator : dr. Mayang Rini, SpM(K), MSc

Interdisciplinary Oncology Approach

1 dr. Primawita O. Amiruddin, SpM(K), M.Kes Retinoblastoma Center Setting: Our Experience Journey
2 dr. Mayasari Wahyu Kuntorini, SpM(K), M.Kes How to diagnose dan treatment in RB
3 Dr. Angga Kartiwa, dr.SpM(K), M.Kes Tips dan tricks enucleation in RB
4 dr. Friska Mardianty, SpPA Determine staging pathology in RB
5 dr. Anne Susanty, SpA(K), M.kes Chemotherapy approach in RB
Moderator : dr. Primawita O. Amiruddin, SpM(K), M.Kes

Contact Lens Workshop Build Your Ortho-K Practice

1 Ngoc T.H. Hoang, PhD Introduction of a Made-in-Japan advanced Orthokeratology lens

2 dr. Joan S. Hutabarat, SpM Wear and Care Advice for Ortho-K
3 Dr. Karmelita Satari, dr., SpM(K) Hands on
4 dr. Irayanti, SpM(K), MARS
5 dr. Susanti Natalya Sirait, SpM(K), M.Kes
6 dr. Ine Renata Musa, Sp.M(K)
Moderator : Dr. Karmelita Satari, dr., SpM(K)

VIIIA New Spectrum in Managing Dry Eye Disease

1 dr. Angga Fajriansyah, SpM(K) Basic Principle of Dry Eye Disease

2 dr. Arief Akhdestira Mustaram, SpM(K) Existing and New Treatments for DED
3 dr. Elfa Ali Idrus, SpM All in one diagnostic platform for dry eye diagnosis
4 dr. Patriotika Muslima, SpM Understand the expanding role of IPL in DED
Moderator : dr. Elfa Ali Idrus, SpM
Co Moderator : dr Angga Fajriansyah SpM(K)
VIIIARSAMI-Sesi 1 Smart Hospital 4.0 with digitalization

1 Ir. Setiaji (Chief Digital Transformation Office) How to prepare and transform to be smart hospital 4.0 : health ministry overview
2 Anis Fuad, DEA Overview Maturity Levels of The Hospital Digitalization
3 dr. Rova Virgna, SpM(K) Cicendo Eye Hospital Digitalization Transformation : a journey
4 Dr. Johan Hutauruk, SpM JEC Eye Hospitals & Clinics Best Practice hospital digitalization in eye care
Moderator: Dr. dr. Halida Wibawati, SpM(K)
ARSAMI-Sesi 2 Peningkatan Kemampuan Manajer Non-keuangan dalam memahami Indikator Keuangan

1 Widiyas Hidhayanto, SE., MBA Budgeting RS berbasis kinerja

2 Widiyas Hidhayanto, SE., MBA Mengatur Cashflow RS
3 Widiyas Hidhayanto, SE., MBA Bagaimana Memahami Laporan Keuangan
4 Ir. Rudy Setyopurnomo MM; MPA; MSM Kiat Meningkatkan EBITDA RS

Moderator: Diah Vitaloka Adam, SE. Ak,. M.Ak., CA

ARSAMI-Sesi 3 Akreditasi Klinik Mata

1 dr. Yanti Herman, MH.Kes - Direktur Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer Akreditasi Klinik Mata
2 dr. Eddi Junaidi, SpOG., SH., M.Kes Asosiasi Klinik Indonesia Persiapan Akreditasi Klinik Mata
Moderator: Radiah Sunarti, dr. SpM

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