500 Vocabulary Words

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abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas

2. filigree

delicate and intricate ornamentation

3. rubric

category name

4. intemperance

excess in action and immoderate indulgence of appetites

5. narcissist

someone who is excessively self-centered

6. tautology

useless repetition

Well, one possible lesson would be that some Australian

young men are uncultured oafs but then that would be
a tautology

7. uxorious

foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife

Keynes never stopped desiring beautiful men, but he was

physically beguiled by Lopokova and settled into a
very uxorious husband.

8. quixotic

not sensible about practical matters

9. abhorrent

offensive to the mind

10. elixir

a substance believed to cure all ills

11. potpourri

a collection containing a variety of sorts of things

12. actuarial

relating to statistics to calculate insurance premiums

13. ciliated

having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections

14. raspy

unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound

15. acidulous

being sour to the taste

16. sesquipedalian

a very long word (a foot and a half long)

17. dolorous

showing sorrow

18. dogma

a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative

19. perpetual

continuing forever or indefinitely

20. trepidation

a feeling of alarm or dread

21. matrix

an enclosure within which something originates or


22. benevolent

showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding

23. benign

kind in disposition or manner

24. belligerent

characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

25. beacon

a fire that can be seen from a distance

26. impetuous

characterized by undue haste and lack of thought

27. ineluctable

impossible to avoid or evade

28. assemblage

several things grouped together or considered as a whole

29. xenophobia

a fear of foreigners or strangers

30. vexation

anger produced by some annoying irritation

31. peruse

examine or consider with attention and in detail

32. pernicious

exceedingly harmful

33. experiential

of or relating to direct observation or participation

34. skein

coils of worsted yarn

35. unfettered

not bound or restrained, as by shackles and chains

36. chaperone

one who accompanies and supervises young people

37. brazen

unrestrained by convention or propriety

38. affliction

a cause of great suffering and distress

39. doppelganger

a person who is almost identical to another

40. droll

comical in an odd or whimsical manner

41. beleaguer

annoy persistently

42. oversight

an unintentional omission from failure to notice


43. dotage

mental infirmity as a consequence of old age

44. nettle

plant having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation

45. levity

a manner lacking seriousness

46. buccaneer

someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the


47. vanity

feelings of excessive pride

48. acuity
sharpness of vision

49. parity

functional equality

50. equivalence

essential comparability and interchangeability

51. impasse

a situation in which no progress can be made

52. indiscrete

not divided or divisible into parts

53. exhume

dig up for reburial or for medical investigation

54. purvey

supply with provisions

55. cloister

residence that is a place of religious seclusion

56. preamble

a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution

57. axiom

a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof

58. aphasia
inability to use language because of a brain lesion

59. desuetude

a state of inactivity or disuse

60. insularity

lack of openness to new ideas; narrow-mindedness

61. ichthyology

the branch of zoology that studies fishes

62. conceit

the trait of being unduly vain

63. purgatory

a temporary state of the dead in Roman Catholic theology

64. dissemination

the act of dispersing or diffusing something

65. indemnification

compensation for loss or damage or for trouble and


66. megalomania

a psychological state characterized by delusions of


67. restitution

the act of restoring something to its original state

68. hearsay

gossip passed around by word of mouth

69. pusillanimous

lacking in courage, strength, and resolution

70. malevolence

wishing evil to others

71. ennui

the feeling of being bored by something tedious

72. prosaic

lacking wit or imagination

73. precocity

intelligence achieved far ahead of normal development

74. invidious

containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice

75. gregarious

temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of


76. effrontery

audacious behavior that you have no right to

77. torpor

a state of motor and mental inactivity

78. pummel

strike, usually with the fist

79. manumit

free from slavery or servitude

80. detonation

the act of setting off an explosive

81. profundity

the quality of being physically deep

82. presage

a foreboding about what is about to happen

83. fleece

outer coat of especially sheep and yaks

84. diurnal

having a daily cycle or occurring every day

85. stentorian

very loud or booming

86. dainty

something considered choice to eat

87. extol

praise, glorify, or honor

88. hurtle

move with or as if with a rushing sound

89. obviate

do away with

90. fete

an elaborate party, often outdoors

91. euphoria

a feeling of great elation

92. guru

a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher

93. contemporaneous

occurring in the same period of time

94. concierge

a caretaker in an apartment complex or hotel

95. concatenation

the act of linking together as in a series or chain

96. nepotism

favoritism shown to relatives or friends by those in power

97. zealot

a fervent and even militant proponent of something

98. zany

ludicrous or foolish

99. Zeitgeist

the spirit of the time

100. zephyr

a slight wind

101. zero in

direct onto a point or target

102. yoke

a wooden frame across the shoulders for carrying buckets

103. waif

a homeless child especially one forsaken or orphaned

104. probity

complete and confirmed integrity

105. cupidity

extreme greed for material wealth

106. melee

a noisy riotous fight

107. sophist

someone whose reasoning is subtle and often specious

108. milieu

the environmental condition

109. dulcet

pleasing to the ear

110. odoriferous

emitting a smell, especially an unpleasant smell

111. maelstrom

a powerful circular current of water

112. fracas

a noisy quarrel

113. carrion

the dead and rotting body of an animal; unfit for human


114. carcass

the dead body of an animal

115. cabal

a clique that seeks power usually through intrigue

116. cachet

an indication of approved or superior status

117. vortex

a powerful circular current of water

118. peroration

the concluding section of a rhetorical address

119. glib

artfully persuasive in speech

120. plausible

apparently reasonable, valid, or truthful

121. puissant


122. gruel

a thin porridge

123. bombastic

ostentatiously lofty in style

124. tithe

a levy of one tenth of something

125. denouement

the outcome of a complex sequence of events

126. fortitude

strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity

127. gist

the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work

128. malaise

a feeling of mild sickness or depression

129. agog

highly excited

130. agape

with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe

131. nebula

an immense cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space

132. rancid

having an offensive smell or taste

133. euthanasia

the act of killing someone painlessly

134. censorious

harshly critical or expressing censure

135. recondite

difficult to understand

136. abstruse

difficult to understand

137. sashay

walk with a lofty proud gait, often to impress others

138. bellicose

having or showing a ready disposition to fight

139. cathartic

emotionally purging

140. clique

an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

141. guileless

innocent and free of deceit

142. sinuous

curved or curving in and out

143. regatta

a series of boat races

144. countermand

cancel officially

145. salubrious

promoting health

146. frenetic

fast and energetic in an uncontrolled or wild way

147. importune

beg persistently and urgently

148. imbroglio

an intricate and confusing interpersonal situation

149. imp

one who is playfully mischievous

150. slake

satisfy, as thirst

151. apposite

being of striking appropriateness and pertinence

152. precinct

an administrative district of a city or town

153. tourniquet

a bandage that stops the flow of blood by applying


154. convivial

occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company

155. truculent

defiantly aggressive

156. mendicant

a pauper who lives by begging

157. slick

made smooth, as by ice, grease, or water

158. factitious

not produced by natural forces; artificial or fake

159. fictitious

formed or conceived by the imagination

160. limn

make a portrait of

161. commensurate

corresponding in size or degree or extent

162. nuance

a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude

163. nostalgia

a longing for something past

164. naive

marked by or showing unaffected simplicity

165. naivete

lack of sophistication or worldliness

166. disparity

inequality or difference in some respect

167. equanimity

steadiness of mind under stress

168. atavistic

characteristic of a throwback

For all of Hollywood’s supposed political correctness,

some of the bigger awards went to movies with an
oddly atavistic way of righting social wrongs.New York
Times (Feb 27, 2012)

169. hypocrite

a person who professes beliefs that he or she does not


170. hypothesis

a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested

171. hypochondriac

a patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments

172. hypodermic

a piston syringe that is fitted with a needle for injections

173. gestate

be pregnant with

174. resplendent

having great beauty

175. voluble

marked by a ready flow of speech

176. ersatz
an artificial or inferior substitute or imitation

177. obsolescent

becoming disused or outdated

178. surly

unfriendly and inclined toward anger or irritation

179. arid

lacking sufficient water or rainfall

180. polyglot

a person who speaks more than one language

181. homespun

made of cloth woven in one’s household

182. alliteration

use of the same consonant at the beginning of each word

183. arbitrary

based on or subject to individual discretion or preference

184. pedantic

marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning

185. virulent

extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom

186. reprobate
a person without moral scruples

187. traduce

speak unfavorably about

188. goad

stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick

189. jostle

make one’s way by pushing or shoving

190. sanctimonious

excessively or hypocritically pious

191. bemused

perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements

192. unabashed

not embarrassed

193. pliant

capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out

194. billowing

characterized by great swelling waves or surges

195. bedizen

decorate tastelessly

196. delineate
represented accurately or precisely

197. evolutionist

a person who believes in Darwinian theory

198. ornery

having a difficult and contrary disposition

199. quandary

state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable


200. inimitable


201. promulgate

state or announce

202. contusion

an injury in which the skin is not broken

203. psychosis

severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is


204. stalemate

a situation in which no progress can be made

205. effeminate

lacking traits typically associated with men or

206. expiate

make amends for

207. beatific

resembling or befitting an angel or saint

208. awl

a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching holes

209. tureen

large deep serving dish with a cover

210. careen

move at high speed and in an uncontrolled way

211. sociopath

a person with an antisocial personality disorder

212. alimony

support paid by one spouse to another after separation

213. motley

consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds

214. insensate

devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation

215. pandemic

existing everywhere
216. simper

smile in an insincere, unnatural, or coy way

217. mortician

one whose business is the management of funerals

218. masochist

someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment

219. philistine

a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits

220. renegade

someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw

221. plumb

exactly vertical

222. abattoir

a building where animals are butchered

223. plethora

extreme excess

224. pastiche

a work of art that imitates the style of some previous


225. cenotaph
monument to honor those whose remains are interred

226. mezzanine

intermediate floor just above the ground floor

227. privation

the act of stripping someone of food, money, or rights

228. bacchanalian

used of riotously drunken merrymaking

229. congeal

solidify, thicken, or come together

230. execrable

unequivocally detestable

231. cornucopia

a horn filled with fruit and grain symbolizing prosperity

232. discombobulated

having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion

233. protuberance

something that bulges out or projects from its


234. palimpsest

a manuscript on which more than one text has been

235. verisimilitude

the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true

236. gaudy

tastelessly showy

237. extemporaneous

with little or no preparation or forethought

238. beseech

ask for or request earnestly

239. ominous

threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

240. incredulous

not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving

241. halcyon

a mythical bird said to breed at the winter solstice

242. palliative

moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear

243. placid

calm and free from disturbance

244. furor

an interest followed with exaggerated zeal

245. pantomime

a performance using gestures and movements without


246. motif

a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work

247. quatrain

a stanza of four lines

248. dreary

lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise

249. recant

formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief

250. camouflage

an outward semblance misrepresenting the nature of


251. verdant

characterized by abundance of vegetation and green


252. parley

a negotiation between enemies

253. palaver

loud and confused and empty talk

254. essay
an analytic or interpretive literary composition

255. empirical

derived from experiment and observation rather than


256. stratify

form, arrange, or deposit in layers

257. bemoan

regret strongly

258. aggrandize

embellish; increase the scope, power, or importance of

259. aperture

a natural opening in something

260. diagnostic

concerned with identifying the nature or cause of


261. ambrosia

the food and drink of the gods

262. wilderness

a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition

263. hubris

overbearing pride or presumption

264. haughty

having or showing arrogant superiority

265. hauteur

overbearing pride with a superior manner toward inferiors

266. sundry

consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds

267. miscellaneous

having many aspects

268. provender

food for domestic livestock

269. verve

an energetic style

270. theology

the rational and systematic study of religion

271. temperate

not extreme

272. disparate

fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind

273. lexicon

a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words

274. deify

exalt to the position of a God

275. leeway

a permissible difference

276. antecedent

a preceding occurrence or cause or event

277. precarious

not secure; beset with difficulties

278. prevaricate

be deliberately ambiguous or unclear

279. tergiversate

be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead

280. fulminate

cause to explode violently and with loud noise

281. syndrome

a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease

282. acquiesce

agree or express agreement

283. menagerie

a collection of live animals for study or display

284. diadem

an ornamental jeweled headdress signifying sovereignty

285. astringent

tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue

286. elysian

relating to the abode of the blessed after death

287. brocade

thick expensive material with a raised pattern

288. incinerate

become reduced to ashes

289. addle

mix up or confuse

290. effete

excessively self-indulgent, affected, or decadent

291. clangor

a loud resonant repeating noise

292. parry

impede the movement of

293. plague

any large-scale calamity

294. dissident

a person who objects to some established policy

295. antebellum

belonging to a period before a war

296. viand

a choice or delicious dish

297. prophylactic

preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease

298. sere

having lost all moisture

299. adventitious

associated by chance and not an integral part

300. commiserate

feel or express sympathy or compassion

301. creed

any system of principles or beliefs

302. churlish

having a bad disposition; surly

303. apocryphal

being of questionable authenticity

304. philology

the humanistic study of language and literature

305. flourish

grow vigorously

306. phalanx

any closely ranked crowd of people

307. accord

concurrence of opinion

308. fulsome

unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating

309. anarchist

an advocate of the abolition of governments

310. denigrate

attack the good name and reputation of someone

311. fulcrum

the pivot about which a lever turns

312. certitude

complete assurance or confidence

313. saucy

improperly forward or bold

314. passe

out of fashion

315. disingenuous

not straightforward or candid

316. tenet

a basic principle or belief that is accepted as true

317. rampart

an embankment built around a space for defensive


318. anterior

of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a


319. sycophantic

attempting to win favor by flattery

320. languor

inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy

321. moiety

one of two approximately equal parts

322. frisson

an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

323. scurrilous
expressing offensive, insulting, or scandalous criticism

324. febrile

of or relating to or characterized by fever

325. kosher

conforming to dietary laws

326. slack

not tense or taut

327. caravan

a procession traveling together in single file

328. eleemosynary

generous in assistance to the poor

329. boondoggle

work of little or no value done merely to look busy

330. embryonic

of an organism prior to birth or hatching

331. manifestation

a clear appearance

332. brace

a support that steadies or strengthens something else

333. autochthonous
originating where it is found

334. vindictive

disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge

335. vindicate

show to be right by providing justification or proof

336. renege

fail to fulfill a promise or obligation

337. tintinnabulation

the sound of a bell ringing

338. prestidigitation

manual dexterity in the execution of tricks

339. montage

the technique of splicing together different sections of

film to convey an idea

340. cohort

a band of warriors

341. calumny

a false accusation of an offense

342. vestige

an indication that something has been present

343. thesis
an unproved statement advanced as a premise in an

344. acerbity

a sharp bitterness

345. rotundity

the roundness of a 3-dimensional object

346. coeval

of the same period

347. cant

a slope in the turn of a road or track

348. abnegate

deny or renounce

349. dearth

an insufficient quantity or number

350. demographic

a statistic characterizing human populations

351. litotes

understatement for rhetorical effect

352. malapropism

misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds

353. expatriate

a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country

354. ligament

a band of fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages

355. mote

a tiny piece of anything

356. lien

the right to take and hold the property of a debtor

357. moratorium

suspension of an ongoing activity

358. kudos

an expression of approval and commendation

359. hiatus

an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

360. sybaritic

displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the


361. wangle

accomplishing something by scheming or trickery

362. modality

the manner or style in which something is done

363. absquatulate

run away, taking something or somebody along

364. tantamount

being essentially equal to something

365. adroit

quick or skillful or adept in action or thought

366. polarize

cause to concentrate about two conflicting positions

367. wiggle

move to and fro

368. neophyte

a participant with no experience with an activity

369. ember

a hot, smoldering fragment of wood left from a fire

370. inveterate


371. consul

a diplomat appointed to protect a government’s interests

372. urbane

showing a high degree of refinement

373. threadbare

thin and tattered with age

374. gnaw

bite or chew on with the teeth

375. tardy

after the expected or usual time

376. tawdry

tastelessly showy

377. pejorative

expressing disapproval

378. theocracy

a political unit governed by a deity

379. inscrutable

difficult or impossible to understand

380. indubitable

too obvious to be doubted

381. rejuvenate

make younger or more youthful

382. prodigal

recklessly wasteful
383. prodigy

an unusually gifted or intelligent person

384. unctuous

unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating

385. gawk

look with amazement

386. squalid

foul and run-down and repulsive

387. squall

a loud and harsh cry

388. squalor

sordid dirtiness

389. sordid

foul and run-down and repulsive

390. opera

a drama set to music

391. plausible

apparently reasonable, valid, or truthful

392. jingoism

fanatical patriotism
393. egoism

concern for your own interests and welfare

394. aneurysm

an abnormal bulge caused by weakening of an artery wall

395. bedlam

a state of extreme confusion and disorder

396. vignette

a brief literary description

397. feckless

generally incompetent and ineffectual

398. liturgy

a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship

399. attrition

the act of rubbing together

400. regalia

paraphernalia indicative of royalty or other high office

401. paraphernalia

equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles

402. fortuitous

lucky; occurring by happy chance

403. pogrom

organized persecution of an ethnic group, especially Jews

404. intransigence

stubborn refusal to compromise or change

405. dilettante

an amateur engaging in an activity without serious


406. loquacious

full of trivial conversation

407. spate

a sudden forceful flow

408. hiatus

an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

409. comity

a state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility

410. utopia

ideally perfect state

411. dystopia

state in which the conditions of life are extremely bad

412. litany
a prayer led by clergy with responses from the

413. decrepitude

a state of deterioration due to old age or long use

414. hubris

overbearing pride or presumption

415. ramshackle

in poor or broken-down condition

416. pecuniary

relating to or involving money

417. harangue

a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong


418. promulgation

a public statement containing information about an event

419. acrid

strong and sharp, as a taste or smell

420. pique

call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

421. aegis

armor plate that protects the chest

422. cask

a cylindrical container that holds liquids

423. interloper

someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of


424. pestilence

any epidemic disease with a high death rate

425. conformist

someone who follows established standards of conduct

426. eddy

a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind

427. punitive

inflicting punishment

428. caper

a playful leap or hop

429. antiquated

so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

430. recrimination

mutual accusations

431. aficionado

a serious devotee of some activity, genre, or performer

432. aural

of or pertaining to hearing or the ear

433. avuncular

being or relating to an uncle

434. testy

easily irritated or annoyed

435. zany

ludicrous or foolish

436. zeugma

rhetorical use of a word to govern two or more words

437. zilch

a quantity of no importance

438. unconscionable

greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

439. conscientious

characterized by extreme care and great effort

440. mausoleum

a large burial chamber, usually above ground

441. maudlin

very sentimental or emotional

442. macabre

shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

443. stodgy

excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence


444. a priori

reasoned from a general principle to a necessary effect

445. vapid

lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest

446. fetid

offensively malodorous

447. polemic

a verbal or written attack, especially of a belief or dogma

448. finicky

fussy, especially about details

449. timorous

shy and fearful by nature

450. premiere

the first public performance of a play or movie

451. cohere

cause to form a united, orderly, and consistent whole

452. recumbent

lying down; in a position of comfort or rest

453. engender

call forth

454. expiate

make amends for

455. declaim

recite in a skilled and formal way

456. insurrection

organized opposition to authority

457. emend

make corrections to

458. emeritus

a professor or minister who is retired from assigned


459. gruff

blunt and unfriendly or stern

460. scourge

something causing misery or death

461. reverie

an abstracted state of absorption

462. repercussion

a remote or indirect consequence of some action

463. soliloquy

speech you make to yourself

464. mea culpa

an acknowledgment of your error or guilt

465. machete

a large knife used as a weapon or for cutting vegetation

466. temerity

fearless daring

467. distrait

having the attention diverted especially because of


468. distraught

deeply agitated especially from emotion

469. protean

taking on different forms

470. languid

lacking spirit or liveliness

471. modality

the manner or style in which something is done

472. rapine

the act of despoiling a country in warfare

473. pablum

worthless or oversimplified ideas

474. credible

capable of being believed

475. credit

an estimate of ability to fulfill financial commitments

476. felicity

pleasing and appropriate manner or style

477. efficacy

capacity or power to produce a desired result

478. imperturbable

marked by extreme calm and composure

479. antipathy

a feeling of intense dislike

480. assuage

provide physical relief, as from pain

481. laconic

brief and to the point

482. aver

declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

483. decorum

propriety in manners and conduct

484. irascible

quickly aroused to anger

485. parochial

relating to or supported by or located in a parish

486. tread

put down, place, or press the foot

487. nonpareil

model of excellence or perfection of a kind

488. confrere

a person who is member of one’s class or profession

489. tempestuous

characterized by violent emotions or behavior

490. philology

the humanistic study of language and literature

491. modality

the manner or style in which something is done

492. verdure

green foliage

493. sidereal

of or relating to the stars or constellations

494. salubrious

promoting health

495. invective

abusive language used to express blame or censure

496. condone

excuse, overlook, or make allowances for

497. egregious

conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

498. eclectic

selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas

499. affidavit

written declaration made under oath

500. pleonasm
using more words than necessary

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