MCQ Yoga

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The word “yoga” is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning

A. Spirit
B. Union
C. Posture

2. What is not one principle taught in yoga?

A. Proper exercise
B. Relaxation
C. Strength

3. Which country does yoga originate from?

A. Bangladesh
B. Thailand
C. India

4. There are eight stages of training for a yogi. What is the final
stage (apart from ‘moksha’)?
A. Samadhi
B. Niyama
C. Pratyahara

5. What does ‘hatha’ mean?

A. Sun and Moon
B. Fire and Water
C. Light and Dark

6. What is chakra?
A. Energy center
B. Prayer point
C. Karma

7. How many chakras are in the human body?

A. Seven
B. Three
C. Twenty-five

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8. What does ‘namaste’ mean?
A. “Salutations to you”
B. “Have a good day”
C. “Thank you”

9. What is a yogi?
A. A yoga instructor
B. A yoga learner
C. The highest title given to a performer of yoga

10. There are twenty-six postures that make up Bikram Yoga.

Which of these is not one of those postures?
A. Cobra Pose
B. Tree Pose
C. Sun Salutation Pose
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11. Where is Kundalini located?

A. the base of the spine
B. the brain
C. the whole body
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12. What is not one way to awaken Kundalini, according to

hatha yoga?
A. Kumbhaka
B. Mula Bandha
C. Samaveda
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13. What is the system of nerves that connects chakras and is
where energy flows through?
A. Nadi
B. Ramayana
C. Upanishad
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14. Kundalini comes from the term “Kunda” which is a cavity

for what particular animal?
A. Snake
B. Bear
C. Eagle
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15. Which chakra signifies the process of enlightenment?

A. 3rd
B. 5th
C. 7th
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16. What is the true meaning of yoga?

A. Spiritual union
B. Attaining freedom
C. Physical health
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17. Which of the following terms means freedom?
A. Mukti
B. Dharma
C. Vedas
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18. Which word refers to the duty of a person to maintain

harmony in the world?
A. Dharma
B. Vedas
C. Karma
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19. The repetition of a holy mantra or phrase is known as what?

A. Japa
B. Jeyn
C. Jati
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20. What is the term used for ignorance?

A. Maya
B. Samadhi
C. Daetin
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21. What are the Yamas?
A. Moral and ethical rules or goals
B. The holy scriptures of Hinduism
C. Occult or psychic powers
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22. Where is the fourth chakra located?

A. Heart
B. Brain
C. Spine
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23. Which type of yoga focuses primarily on exercise and

physical techniques?
A. Hatha yoga
B. Jnana yoga
C. Raja yoga
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24. Which of these is not the name of one of the seven chakras?
A. Muladhara
B. Rudra
C. Ajna
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25. What would not be helpful to do when meditating?
A. Think of problems
B. Picture a peaceful place
C. Concentrate on a color
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26. What are the three things you need for a session of Bikram
A. Mat / Book / Music
B. Mat / Towel / Water
C. Mat / Incense / Coffee
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27. What is one of the most important objectives during yoga?

A. Correct breathing
B. Physical strength
C. Flexibility
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28. Bikram yoga is a form of what type of yoga?

A. Hot yoga
B. Forrest yoga
C. Hatha yoga
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29. In what state of what country was the founder of Bikram
yoga born?
A. West Bengal, India
B. Jharkhand, India
C. Andhra Pradesh, India
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30. What is not one of the four main types of yoga?

A. Forrest yoga
B. Bhakti yoga
C. Karma yoga
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31. Which of the following is the ‘guna’ of passion?

A. Sattva
B. Rajas
C. Tamas
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32. Which of these, according to Yoga philosophy, is a state of

consciousness of neither wake nor sleep?
A. Turiya
B. Atman
C. Pranee
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33. Based upon Yoga philosophy, which of these are the two
entities that make up the universe?
A. Prakrti & Purusa
B. Shiva & Dharma
C. Veda & Virne
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34. What are Granthi knots?

A. The first 3 composite chakras
B. The eye of Brahma
C. The knots of Nadi
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35. What is the practice in Kundalini where the meditator exits

his physical form and enters some sort of astral state called?
A. Siva’s breathing
B. Brahman’s gate
C. Death’s sleep
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36. Who is credited with advancing the practice of yoga in the

United States in the 1960s?
A. Swami Satchidananda

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B. Bikram Choudhury

C. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
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37. What is the other name for the Matsyasana?

A. Dog Pose

B. Fish Pose

C. Snake Pose
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38. Yoga is most connected to which religion?

A. Islam

B. Hinduism

C. Judaism
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39. The word “yoga” comes from which language?

A. Sanskrit

B. Persian

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C. Arabic
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40. Which of the following is a type of yoga for pets?

A. Catga

B. Hamsterga

C. Doga
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41. Which country banned yoga for muslims in 2008?

A. Indonesia

B. Brunei

C. Malaysia
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