Write A Short Note On The FTTH Network

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1. Write a short note on the FTTH network?

FTTH stands for “Fiber To The Home” is a broadband service which provides the
internet to the home or business units with the optical fiber cables. This FTTH network
provides very high speed internet services to home directly.
FTTH network has many advantages than the conventional broadband technologies. This
provides high speed , reliability and scalability features effectively.
2. Explain the Difference Between Analog and Digital Signals.
An analog signal is a continuous signal that represents the physical quantities like sound,
temperature, pressure, etc. In continuous signal amplitude and frequency varies
continuously over time.
A digital signal is signal in which amplitude and frequency are vary at discrete time
A digital signal is obtained from continuous signal after sampling the continuous signal at
particular sampling rate. A digital signal is represented as 0 or 1 called as binary data.
Digital signals mainly used in digital devices like computers, digital watches , calculators
and etc.
An analog signals have infinite resolution where as digital signals are have finite
resolution. The tabulated information represents more difference between them.

Analog signal Digital signal

Data is in the form of continuous values. Data is in the form of discrete values.
It can carry complex data effectively. It can carry less complex data.
It requires more power to transmit. It requires less power for transmission.
Noise effect is high. Less noise effect.
3. How to convert analog signal into digital signal?
An analog to digital converter converts the analog signal into digital signal. The basic diagram of
ADC is shown below.

An analog signal is a continuous signal is applied to a sampler. A sampler is a circuit or device

which converts the continuous signal into discrete signal at particular sampling rate . The
discrete samples are applied to a Quantizer , this Quantizer round off the samples to nearest
Quantization level . The encoder encodes the quantization levels into either 0 or 1. So analog
signal is converted into digital signal.
4. What is the sampling theorem?
The sampling theorem states that, if a continuous time signal is sampled at regular
intervals, then the sequence of samples can be reconstructed to recreate the original
signal. The sampling theorem is associated with Nyquist rate and aliasing. To recover the
original signal, the sampling rate must be greater than the Nyquist rate. Nyquist rate is the
two times the highest frequency present in the original signal. This specification avoids
aliasing effect in the signal reconstruction.
To avoid aliasing,
Sampling rate ≥ Nyquist rate.
5. What is CDMA and state its advantages.
CDMA stands for “Coded Division Multiple Access”, it is a digital cellular technology . In this
technology multiple users uses same frequency band simultaneously. In this technology the
same frequency band is allocated to multiple users with unique spreading codes.
Advantages of CDMA:
1) Higher spectral efficiency,
2) It provides higher security,
3) Improves enhanced call quality,
4) Highly flexible than other technologies.
6. What Are the Different Types of Antennas Used in Telecommunications?
In communication system antennas play a key role in transmitting the data from one point to
There are several types Antennas are used in Telecommunications. They are,
1) Dipole Antenna,
2) Yagi uda Antenna,
3) Horn Antenna,
4) Helical Antenna,
5) Parabolic reflector Antenna,
6) Mono-pole Antenna.
7. . A man is traveling with a fox and two chickens, if he leaves the fox alone with the chickens the
fox will eat the chickens. He comes to a river and needs to cross it, he finds a small boat that can
carry only him and one animal, how does he get himself, the fox and two chickens across the
river safely?

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