Allegro PCB Design Solution Ds
Allegro PCB Design Solution Ds
Systems companies are impacted by new devices and design methodologies offered by the semiconductor
industry. New devices often bring more challenges, like increasing pin counts packaged in shrinking pin
pitch ball grid arrays (BGAs). Additionally, new devices use evolving standards-based interfaces, such as
DDR3, DDR4, PCI Express® (PCIe®) Gen3, USB 3.0, and others, that may require learning new ways to
implement them on the board. Coupled with these increasingly complex technologies is the desire by
companies to differentiate their offerings and get them to market faster, cheaper, with more functionality
and in reduced end product size. As a result, many companies now outsource to or partner with companies
in low-cost geographies. To manage such increasing complexities, PCB designers need a solution that
addresses their technological and methodological challenges.
Allegro PCB
Design Solution
Cadence ® Allegro ® PCB Designer
is a scalable, proven PCB design
environment that addresses
technological and method-
ological challenges while making
the design cycles shorter and
predictable. Available in base
plus options configuration, the
PCB design solution contains
everything needed to create
a PCB layout with a fully inte-
grated design flow. The base—
Allegro PCB Designer—includes
a common, consistent constraint
management solution, PCB
Editor, an auto-interactive
router, as well as interfaces for
manufacturing and mechani-
cal CAD. PCB Editor provides a Figure 1: Allegro PCB design solution brings together all the tools needed to design simple-to-
complete placement and rout- complex PCBs
ing environment—from basic
floorplanning, placement, and • Eliminates unnecessary iterations • Features a common, consistent
routing to placement replication and through constraint-driven PCB constraint-management system
advanced interconnect planning—for design flow for creation, management, and
simple to complex PCB designs. validation of constraints from front
• Supports a comprehensive rule
to back
set for physical, spacing, design
Benefits for fabrication (DFF), design for • Open environment for third-party
• Offers a proven, scalable, assembly (DFA), and design for test application improves productivity
cost-effective PCB editing and (DFT), high-density interconnect while providing access to best-of-
routing solution in on-demand base (HDI), and electrical (high-speed) breed integrated point tools
plus options configuration domains
Allegro PCB Design Solution 2
Allegro PCB Design Solution
Multi-Line Routing
Multi-line routing allows users to quickly
route multiple lines as a group on the
PCB. Coupled with “hug-contour” option,
this utility can help designers route
multiple lines on the flex portion of the
Figure 4: Multi-line routing with contour hug option accelerates through no-click routing on flex
rigid-flex design in minutes instead of section of the PCB designs 3
Allegro PCB Design Solution
successful interconnect solution far faster It offers an extensive range of electrical As the data rates increase and supply volt-
and more easily than ever before, reduc- rules to ensure that the PCB design imple- ages decrease in today’s advanced inter-
ing design cycle time through increased mentation is complaint with the specifica- faces like DDR3/DDR4, PCIe, SATA, etc.,
efficiency and productivity. (See Figure 5.) tion for advanced interfaces. Additionally, PCB designers must spend more time to
it allows users to extend the rules through ensure signals in an interface meet timing
Getting routes out of dense BGAs is requirements. With increasing density on
the use of formulas with existing rules
increasingly difficult for PCB designers. PCBs, the effort to get to timing closure—
or post-route data such as actual trace
With increasing pin counts and shrink- ensuring all signals meet timing require-
ing pin pitches, the time PCB designers ments—can increase significantly. PCB
spend on getting routes in and out of The High-Speed Option allows users to designers need new tools to meet this
BGAs has gone up significantly. The tradi- apply a topology to a set of signals. A increasingly complex challenge.
tional approach of performing breakouts topology can include a set of routing
first then routing the traces between two preferences as well as constraints such Timing Vision
BGAs is running out of steam because as putting the termination resistor closer
Timing Vision is an innovative and unique
resolving the resulting crossovers takes up to either the driver or a receiver on a
environment that allows users to graphi-
a lot of time and board real estate. signal. The constraint-driven PCB design
cally see real-time delay and phase infor-
Auto-interactive Breakout Technology
(AiBT) improves user efficiency by
allowing users to plan to break out on
both ends. AiBT can be used with the
new, Split View, and Bundle Sequence
commands to dramatically shorten the
time required to develop a high-quality
and properly ordered breakout solution
(see Figure 6).
High-Speed Option
Increasing use of standards-based
advanced interfaces such as DDR3,
DDR4, PCIe, USB 3.0 are bringing a set of
constraints that must be adhered to while
implementing a PCB. 4
Allegro PCB Design Solution
The High-Speed Option allows users to
specify which vias on critical high-speed
signals should be back drilled to avoid
reflections. An output report—Backdrill
NC and Legend Files from Bottom, Top, or
Any Layer if backdrilling the inner core(s)
of the PCB—allows users to send back-
drilling instructions to their PCB manufac-
Manufacturing Option
The Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing
Option provides a comprehensive, power-
ful, easy-to-use suite of tools that makes
it efficient and cost effective for PCB
designers to streamline the development
of release-to-manufacturing packages for
their products. It includes three modules:
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Checker,
Documentation Editor, and Panel Editor. 5
Allegro PCB Design Solution
the panel specification and instructions inner layers. The Miniaturization Option Routing Option
for successful fabrication, assembly, and offers constraint-driven embedded compo-
The Allegro PCB Designer Routing Option
inspection of their designs. nent placement and routing. It supports
is tightly integrated with the PCB Editor.
direct- and indirect-attach techniques, and
Design Data Transfer to Through the Routing Option interface, all
supports embedding components with
Manufacturing design information and constraints are
dual-sided contacts, vertical components,
automatically passed from the PCB Editor.
A full suite of phototooling, bare-board and embedding in dielectric on a two-layer Once the route is completed, all route infor-
fabrication, and test outputs, including PCB. Additionally it offers the ability to mation is automatically passed back to the
Gerber 274x, NC drill, and bare-board test create and manage cavities on layers speci- PCB Editor.
in a variety of formats, can be generated. fied for embedding components.
Increased design complexity, density,
More importantly, Cadence supports
Analog/RF Option and high-speed routing constraints make
the industry initiative toward Gerber-less
manual routing of PCBs difficult and
manufacturing through export and import The Allegro PCB Designer Analog/RF time-consuming. The challenges inher-
of design data in IPC-2581 format. The Option offers a mixed-signal design envi- ent in complex interconnect routing are
IPC-2581 data is passed in a single file ronment, from schematic to layout with best addressed with powerful, automated
that creates accurate and reliable manu- back annotation, proven to increase RF technology. The robust, production-
facturing data for high-quality manufac- design productivity up to 50%. It allows proven autorouter includes a batch rout-
turing. Users have a choice to export a engineers to create, integrate, and update ing mode with extensive user-defined
subset of the design data for protecting analog/RF/microwave circuits with digi- routing strategy control as well as built-in
their IP. Import of IPC-2581 is intended for tal/analog circuits in the Allegro PCB automatic strategy capabilities.
overlaying artwork data on the design for Design environment. With its rich layout
viewing purposes only. capability and powerful interfaces with DFM Rules-Driven Autorouting
RF simulation tools, it allows engineers The design for manufacturing capabil-
Miniaturization Option to start RF design from Allegro Design ity within the Routing Option signifi-
Authoring, Allegro PCB Designer, or cantly improves manufacturing yields.
Constraint-Driven HDI Design Flow Keysight Technologies Advanced Design Manufacturing algorithms provide a
System (ADS). spreading capability that automatically
With BGA pin pitches decreasing to below
1mm, (0.8mm or lower with 0.65mm increases conductor clearances on a
or 0.5mm pin pitches), users are forced
Team Design Option space-available basis. Automatic conduc-
to implement a buildup PCB technology Globally dispersed design teams are on tor spreading helps improve manufactu-
using HDI. the rise, which compounds the challenge ability by repositioning conductors to
of shortening design cycle times. Manual create extra space between conductors
While miniaturization is not necessar- and pins, conductors and SMD pads, and
workarounds that address multi-user
ily the primary objective in many market adjacent conductor segments. Users gain
issues are time-consuming, slow, and
segments, the move to buildup technol- prone to error. the flexibility to define a range of spacing
ogy is necessary for fanning out a BGA— values or to use the default values.
particularly if it has three or four rows of The Allegro PCB Designer Team Design
Option provides a multi-user, concurrent Mitered corners and test points can be
pins on each side.
design methodology for faster time to added throughout the routing process.
The Allegro PCB Designer Miniaturization market and reduced layout time. Multiple The manufacturing algorithms auto-
Option offers a proven constraint-driven designers working concurrently on a matically use the optimal setback range,
HDI design flow with a comprehensive layout share access to a single database, starting from the largest to the smallest
set of design rules for all different styles regardless of team proximity. Designers value. Test point insertion automatically
of HDI designs, from a hybrid buildup/ can partition designs into multiple adds testable vias or pads as test points.
sections or areas for layout and editing Testable vias can be probed on the front,
core combination to a complete buildup
by several design team members. back, or both sides of the PCB, support-
process like ALIVH.
Designs can be partitioned vertically ing both single side and clamshell testers.
In addition, it includes automation for (sections) with soft boundaries or hori- Designers have the flexibility to select the
adding HDI to shorten the time to create zontally (layers). As a result, each designer test point insertion methodology that
designs that are correct by construction. can see all partitioned sections and conforms to their manufacturing require-
update the design view for monitoring ments. Test points can be “fixed” to avoid
Embedded Components costly test fixture modifications. Test point
the status and progress of other users’
sections. Such partitioning can dramati- constraints include test probe surfaces, via
Reducing end product size can be accom-
cally reduce overall design cycles and sizes, via grids, and minimum center-to-
plished in many different ways. One of
accelerate the design process. center distance.
the approaches PCB designers are taking
is to embed packaged components on 6
Allegro PCB Design Solution
• Windows Design planning - plan spatial feasibility analysis and feedback Design Planning Option
Design planning - generate topological plan Design Planning Option
OrCAD Technology: Design planning - Convert topological plan to traces (CLINES) Design Planning Option
• Windows Auto-interactive Delay Tuning High-Speed Option
Constraint Manager: Electrical rule set (relection, timing, crosstalk) High-Speed Option
Constraint-driven flow using electrical rules High-Speed Option
Electrical constraint rule set (ECSets) / topology apply High-Speed Option
Formula and relationship-based (advanced) constraints High-Speed Option
Backdrilling High-Speed Option
Die2Die pin delay, dynamic phase control, Z-axis delay High-Speed Option
Return path management for critical signals High-Speed Option
Constraint Manager: HDI rule set Miniaturization Option
Micro-via and associated spacing, stacking, and via-in-pad rules Miniaturization Option
Constraint-driven HDI design flow Miniaturization Option
Manufacturing rule support for embedding components Miniaturization Option
Embedd components on inner layers Miniaturization Option
HDI micro-via stack editing Miniaturization Option
Dynamic shape-based filleting, line fattening, and trace filleting Miniaturization Option
Hug contour routing (Flex) Miniaturization Option
Support for cavities on inner layers Miniaturization Option
Concurrent team design - layer-by-layer partitioning Team Design Option
Concurrent team design - functional block partitioning Team Design Option
Concurrent team design - team design dashboard Team Design Option
Concurrent team design - soft nets Team Design Option
Edit constraints in a partition Team Design Option
Manage netclasses in a partition Team Design Option
Parameterized RF etch elements editing Analog/RF Option
Asymmetrical clearances Analog/RF Option
Bi-directional interface with Keysight ADS Analog/RF Option 7
Allegro PCB Design Solution
• Cadence application engineers can Import Keysight ADS schematics into DE-HDL Analog/RF Option
answer your technical questions by Layout-driven RF design creation Analog/RF Option
telephone, email, or Internet—they can Flexible Shape Editor Analog/RF Option
also provide technical assistance and 256-layer autorouting Routing Option
custom training
DFM rules-based autorouting Routing Option
• Cadence certified instructors teach Automatic trace spreadiing Routing Option
more than 70 courses and bring their ATP generation Routing Option
real-world experience into the classroom Layer-specific rules-based autorouting Routing Option
• More than 25 Internet Learning
Series (iLS) online courses allow you
the flexibility of training at your own
computer via the Internet
Cadence Design Systems enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the
creation of today’s electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP, and expertise to design
and verify today’s mobile, cloud, and connectivity applications.
©2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence, the Cadence logo, and Allegro are registered trademarks of Cadence
Design Systems, Inc. PCI-SIG, PCI Express, and PCIe are registered trademarks and/or service marks of PCI-SIG. All other trademarks are the property
of their respective owners and are not affiliated with Cadence. 4601 04/15 SA/DM/PDF