Texsteamdatasheet 5100
Texsteamdatasheet 5100
Texsteamdatasheet 5100
series 5100
Series 5100 LP
Wt. 45 pounds
The 5100 Series Texsteam Chemical Injectors are single The 5100 Series performs accurately because (1) the head
acting, positive displacement plunger-type pumps, powered is designed for high volumetric efficiency, (2) a positive trip
by gas via a diaphragm with a spring return. Speed control mechanism assures fine control of plunger stroke length,
is accomplished by regulating the exhaust gas discharge and (3) the speed is regulated by controlling the exhaust gas
flow. Reversal is accomplished by a direct spring- actuated discharge flow which creates a rapid fluid discharge with
switching mechanism (rotary three-way valve). Volume is slow suction.
controlled by the speed of the pump and by the stroke
length, either 1” or 1/3” lengths.
The 5100 Series is capable of pumping high pressures with
gas pressure as low as 8 psi and handling volume output up • The introduction of de-emulsifiers, solvents, corrosion
to 30 gallons per day. inhibitors, de-salting agents and flocculants in oil country
The pump is lightweight, compact and contains a minimum
of working parts for easy maintenance. Each fluid pump • High pressure bearing lubrication
head is equipped with a stainless steel plunger, ball checks, • Water treatment
ball check springs, top seat, top bushing, bottom bushing,
adjustable VEE type packing and a priming valve. The • Blending processes in refining and process plants
packing yoke is equipped with a drain to monitor for • Injection of methanol in gas pipelines
possible packing leaks. Because of the sealed bearings,
the unit is oil-less. • Hydrostatic testing
• Sampling
Sour Gas Trim - Pump models L Maximum GPD = gallons per day
and LP are furnished with sour gas Plunger Discharge For Operation Off Air or Gas Pressure to 33 PSI Constant
trim as standard. Models H and HP Size Pressure Power Unit1
are available for sour gas service 5100 Series (Standard Packing) Model Number Maximum Volume
specification. 3/16” 1500 PSI 5104 4.2 GPD
TB-40 Regulator - for inlet gas 1/4” 1500PSI 5101 7.5 GPD
pressure greater than 35 PSI and 3/8” 1500PSI 5103 16.8 GPD
1/2” 1500PSI 5105 32.0 GPD
up to 1500 PSI
(High Pressure Packing) Model Number Maximum Volume
Alternate Parts - Teflon, Viton, or 3/16” 6000PSI 5104 2.8 GPD
Fluorosilicone packing, hastelloy 1/4” 6000PSI 5101 5.0 GPD
balls. 3/8” 6000PSI 5103 12.0 GPD
1/2” 3500PSI 5105 22.0 GPD
1. Basic pump no tank, base, regulator, gauge (Shipping Weight: 45 lbs.)
2. Furnished with 5 gallon stainless steel tank mounted on heavy galvanized steel base and equipped
with level gauge and suction line but no regulator or gauge (Shipping Weight: 60 lbs.)
3. Furnished with regulator and gauge but no tank or base (Shipping Weight: 48 lbs.)
4. Furnished with 5 gallon stainless steel tank mounted on heavy galvanized steel base and equipped
with level gauge, suction line, regulator and gauge (Shipping Weight: 62 lbs.)
*Volumes shown for low pressure heads with standard packing are at zero PSIG discharge pressure.
**Volumes For high pressure head with hard packing are shown at 1500 PSIG discharge pressure.
3/8” 300/1
20 1/2” 180/1
Injection Press in PSI 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 3500 4000 5000 6000
1/2” Plunger 1” Stroke 5105 53 54 57 62 71 76 84 95
1/2” Plunger 1/3” Stroke 159 162 171 186 213 228 252 285
3/8” Plunger 1” Stroke 5103 120 126 148 164 177 185 243 278 314 355 374
3/8” Plunger 1/3” Stroke 360 378 444 492 531 555 729 834 942 1065 1122
1/4” Plunger 1” Stroke 5101 244 245 248 270 288 308 340 355 369 405 497
1/4” Plunger 1/3” Stroke 732 735 744 810 864 924 1020 1065 1107 1215 1491
3/16” Plunger 1” Stroke 5104 457 458 462 469 476 530 545 555 560 575 589
3/16” Plunger 1/3” Stroke 1371 1374 1386 1407 1428 1590 1635 1665 1680 1725 1776
8. Close gas exhaust valve. The gas exhaust is a 1/4”
IMPORTANT female pipe connection.
Max. Gas Diaphragm Chamber Pressure 35 P.S.I. 9. Hook up the fluid suction piping to the bottom
Oil thrust rod occasionally. bushing on the pump head. This is a 1/4” female
pipe connection. Care should be exercised in that
1. Remove pump from carton and inspect for possible a suitable strainer should be installed in the suction line
damage in transit from factory. The cardboard carton to trap foreign matter that might injure the plunger,
was designed especially for this pump and offers ample plunger packing or interfere with the check valve
protection for normal handling. If the pump has been operation.
damaged in transit, file claim with the carrier. 10. On hooking up the fluid discharge line, the top
2. Loosen and remove the four thumb screws that hold connection on the pump head is the outlet and it is a
the cover. 1/4” FNPT. The discharge line should be at least 5/16”
3. Oil the thrust rod. tubing and a TA-676 line check should be installed at
4. Select the stroke length desired, either full or short the point of injection in case the fluid discharge line
according to your requirements. See the data chart, full ruptures or is broken. Careful observation of the flow
stroke is 1“, and short stroke is equal to 1/3”. direction during installation will eliminate the possibility
5. Check plunger packing gland to make sure packing is 1/4 of a ruptured fluid discharge line.
turn past finger tight. 11. Turn the gas on and slowly open the gas exhaust valve.
6. Install the priming valve TA-1497 in its position on the The pump will start automatically. Make certain the
pump head. suction line is filled with fluid by opening the priming
7. Blow or clean line before hooking up air or gas line to valve to check for fluid. After the pump discharges clear
inlet. On models 5100 LP and 5100 L the air or gas line (if fluid without bubbles, close the priming valve for
it does not exceed 35 psi) is piped directly into the inlet normal pumping operations. At this point make a visual
TA-906. The inlet is a 1/4” female connection. Do not check of the plunger drip and using the TA-315 gland
hook up the gas supply to the small valve. This is the gas wrench, slowly tighten the gland nut until leakage
exhaust, Gas supply should be constant pressure to just stops. It may be necessary to readjust the packing
assure even stroke speed. the next day. A slight leak during break-in is beneficial.
Sufficient time should be allowed to let the packing
If the gas supply pressure exceeds 35 psi or is erratic, some
“seat in”. Packing should only be adjusted after pres
means of reducing the gas pressure to below 35 psi must
sure has been removed from the pump head. Never
be used. Model 5100 HP and 5100 H are equipped with a
adjust packing against pressure.
pressure regulator and pressure gauge for reducing the gas
pressure. The regulator supplied with the 5100 HP and 5100 H 12. After the pump is in operation, replace the cover and
can be used up 400 psi. thumb screws.
If the gas supply pressure exceeds 400 psi, the customer
should equip the pump with a Texsteam TB-40 regulator which
has a maximum inlet pressure of 1500 psi.
Should the pump run but fail to pump chemical, remove Disconnect power supply into TA-906 disc retainer. Remove
TB-736 bottom bushing and TA-1496 top bushing - inspect TA-906 Disc retainer from TA-441 body - caution: care
and clean balls and seats. Inspect for damage and replace if should be taken not to lose TA-77 valve spring and TA-579
necessary. Should pump still not pump chemical, remove washer located directly under TA-906 disc retainer.
TB-548 cover and check to see if TA-290 Cotter Pin and
Before removing, note the position of the TA-4056 valve
TA-1828 Stroke Adjusting Pin are in place.
disc, so that the disc is replaced to the same position as it
Check to see if chemical is getting to pump, unscrew was removed (see page 8). Lap the TA-4056 disc with a
TA-1497 priming valve stem. When chemical flows from good valve grinding compound before replacing.
bleed hole, shut TA-1497 priming valve.
When replacing TA-4056 valve disc be sure to also replace
If the pump fails to operate after hooking up gas or air to the TA-4062 drive pin that was supplied when you ordered
TA-906 (inlet bushing); make sure the inlet pressure does the disc assembly.
not exceed 35 psi - excessive pressure could tend to lock
the pump; make sure the speed control valve (gas exhaust)
is open; and make sure the plunger packing is not too tight.
Use gland wrench TA-315 to adjust packing gland nut Should it be necessary to remove TB-1631 flipper arm
TA-6353, if necessary. assembly from the pump housing, disconnect TB-1193 SS
tubing, the power inlet from TA-906 disc retainer and the
If pump stops and a constant flow of gas comes from gas exhaust line. Remove the four P01-031100-3900
TA-1835 air vent, this means that the TC-2128 diaphragm machine screws and four P52-031000-3900 lock washers.
has ruptured. The TB-446 valve assembly can then be withdrawn from
Remove TC-252 diaphragm cover. Remove lock nut and The flipper arm bearing is an integral part of the TB-1631
washer on end of TB-444. Do not allow TB-444 thrust rod flipper arm assembly and is press fit into the TB-441 body.
to turn when removing lock nut and washer. To prevent the A punch must be used to remove the flipper arm from the
rod from turning, remove TB-548 cover and hold the rod in valve body. To do this the procedure under the heading,
position by inserting punch or drift pin into the “large” hole “Replacing TA-4147 Valve Disc Assembly.” must be
forward of the TA-6564 Stirrup assembly. Replace burst performed. When these parts are removed the TB-1631
diaphragm and reassemble. flipper arm assembly may be punched from the body.
TO REPLACE RETURN SPRING Upon reassembling the lower shaft of the TB-1627 flipper
Remove TC-252 diaphragm cover - remove lock nut and arm must fit into the TA-6563 flipper spring adapter.
washer on end of TB-444 thrust rod. It is important that you TO REPLACE THE FLIPPER SPRING
do not allow TB-444 thrust rod to return when moving lock
Follow the procedure as outlined under “Removing TB-446
nut and washer. To prevent the rod from turning remove
Valve Assembly from Pump Housing.”
TB-548 cover and hold the rod in position by inserting
punch or drift pin into the “large” hole forward of the After removing the valve assembly, remove TB-548 cover. At
TA-6564 stirrup assembly. this point TA-6564 stirrup assembly may be turned upside
down on the thrust rod - unscrew TA-1820 flipper spring. To
Pull TC-2128 diaphragm – TB-438 diaphragm plate - return
reassemble follow the above procedure in reverse.
spring TA-1821 can then be removed. Reassemble in
reverse of above.
If the pump has a heavy continuous leaking of gas –
TA-4147 valve disc assembly probably needs replacing.
8 1/4” 8”
20 Furnished
1/4” on H&HP
21 models
22 only
9 1/2”
43 44
3 9 2 6 8 29 10 28 14 11 15 36 1/4” FNPT 34
4 33 27 13 32
19 24
18 26
1 12
4 7/8
1/4” FNPT 31
2 13/16”
4 13/16” 37
3 1/16” 2”
16 17 30
No. No.
Item Part No. Reqd. Name Material Item Part No. Reqd. Name Material
1 TC-0252 1 Diaphragm Cover Cast Iron 24 P52-037000-3900 1 Light Lockwasher SS
2 TD-0531 1 Housing Cast Iron 25 TA-0075 1 Street El. C.S. Galv.
3** TC-2128 1 Molded Diaphragm Buna-N, Nylon 26 P26-037000-0200 1 Hex. Nut Semifinish Stl. Zinc Pl.
4 P54-062000-0200 1 Washer Stl. Zinc Pl. 27 TA-1827 1 Bumper Plate Screw Steel
5 TA-3320 1 Locknut Stl. Zinc Pl. 28* TA-1828 1 Adjusting Pin Steel
6** TA-1821 1 Return Spring C.S. Zinc Pl. 29* TA-1546 1 Gasket Buna-N
7 TB-1193 1 Pilot Valve Line Assy. 303 S.S. Tubing 30 TA-1835 1 Air Vent Brass
8 P86-025075-0200 4 Wing Screws Stl. Zinc Pl. 31** TA-1820 1 Flipper Spring Steel
9 TB-0438 1 Diaphragm Plate Steel 32** TA-0746 3 Washer C.S. Zinc Pl.
10 TB-0548 1 Cover Cast Iron 33 TA-6564 1 Stirrup Assembly Cast Iron & Steel
11 TB-0444 1 Thrust Rod Steel 34 1 Injector Head Head Assemblies
12 TB-0446 1 Pilot Valve See Page 7 (See page 8 for part list)
13 TA-1823 1 Bumper Plate Steel 36** TA-0315 1 Gland Wrench Steel
14 TB-0447 1 Rod Adapter Steel 37** TA-6563 1 Spring Adapter (Bottom) Steel
15 TA-0290 1 Pin Steel 38** TA-0058 1 Gasket-Pilot Valve Fiber
16 P01-037125-3900 8 Hex Hd. Cap Screw SS 39 TA-2489 1 Gas Exhaust Valve Ni. Plated Brass
17 P25-037000-3900 8 Hex Nut SS 40 TA-1829 1 Hex. Hd. Screw Steel
18 P01-031100-3900 4 Hex Hd. Mach. Screw SS 41 P51-037000-0200 1 Internal Tooth Lockwasher Carbon Stl. Zinc Pl.
19 P52-031000-3900 4 Lockwasher SS 42 TB-0471 1 Trip Stirrup Cast Iron
20* TA-1854 1 Pressure Gauge Range Brass Element 43** TA-6563 1 Spring Adapter (Top) Steel
0-35 psig 44** TA-2355 1 Rollpin Steel
21* TA-1718 1 Regulator Aluminum/Brass 45 TA-4015 1 Male Con. & Comp. Nut C.S. Cad. Pl.
22* TA-3324 1 Nipple Stl. Zinc Pl. 46 TA-4016 1 Elbow Con. & Comp. Nut C.S. Cad. Pl.
NOTES: * Furnished on H & HP models only
** Recommended spare part
*** Parts not mounted - packaged with unit
14 1 7-1/2” (5 gallon)
8-3/4”(10 gallon)
1/4” FNPT
16” (5 gal.)
24” (10 gal.)
9 1/2”
3 13 15 12, 11 6 7 4
Bolt Hole c: 8-3/4” x 15-5/8” (5 gal.)
12-1/4” x 22-1/8” (10 gal.)
8 1/4” 8”
Diaphragm Vent
No. 10 Assembly
Item Part No. Reqd. Name Material (TA-1835)
1 TA-0529 1 Gauge Stick 5 Gallon Stainless Steel
1 TA-1742 1 Gauge Stick 10 Gallon Stainless Steel 18
2 TA-0664 1 5 Gallon Tank 430 Stainless Steel
2 TA-1539 1 10 Gallon Tank 304 Stainless Steel Optional Sight Feed 3
3 TA-3118 1 Connector Polypropylene Assembly (TB-38)
4 TA-3116 1 Elbow Connector & Polypropylene Furnished in lieu of Item 25 when 19
specified mounted on tank
1 Compression Nut Assy.
5* TB-0038 1 Sight Feed Assembly Optional and in lieu 20
of Item 25 *5
6 TA-0950 1 Base, 5 Gal. Steel 21
25 2
TB-0758 1 Base, 10 Gal. Steel
7 TA-3123 1 Suction Line 5/16”x22” Polypropylene
9** TA-2459 1 Screen Stainless Steel
10 TA-0792 1 Bushing Brass
11 P53-031000-0200 4 Cut Washer C.S. Zinc Pl.
12 P52-031000-3900 2 Lockwasher SS
13 P25-037000-3900 2 Hex Nut SS
15 P01-031100-3900 2 Hex Head Cap Screw SS
16** P10-031125-0200 1 Pan Hd. Slotted Steel Zinc Pl.
Machine Screw
17** TA-0098 1 Bowl Glass
18 TA-0206 1 Strainer Monel
19** TA-0104 1 Bowl Gasket Fiber
20 TB-0039 1 Sight Feed Body Aluminum
21 TA-0101 1 Shut off Assembly Brass
25 TB-0871 1 Tank Gauge, 5 Gal. Assembly
TB-1285 1 Tank Gauge, 10 Gal. Assembly
Item Part No. Reqd. Name Material
8 4 2
1 TB-0441 1 Body Cast Iron
Pin Only Valve Disc and 17-4 Ph SS
(TA-4062) 2 TA-4147
1 Drive- Pin Assy.
Pin Only
Steel Hardened
15 14 13 12 11 16 12 13 14 18 17
Item Part No. Name
1** TA-0200 Upper Valve Seat
20 P25-025000-0200 Nut
26 21 P55-025000-3900 Washer
22 TA-3106 U-Bolt
Tank Gauge 27 23 TA-3112 Handle Valve
For 5 Gal. Tank 24* TA-3199 O-Ring, Viton
25 TC-0393 Frame, Alum.
26* TA-3100 Spring, 303 SS
27* TA-3101 Flat Washer
28* TA-3102 Gauge Glass
29* TA-2184 O-Ring, Viton
30 TA-3103 Strainer, 303 SS
31 TA-3104 Retainer Nut, 303 SS
29 32 TA-3115 Valve Body, 303 SS
25 33 TA-3144 Stem Valve, 303 SS
36 34 TA-3113 Spring, 316 SS
20 35 TA-3328 Washer, 303 SS
35 36 TA-3107 O-Ring, Viton
21 37 TA-2163 O-Ring, Buna-N
22 23 20 30 31 24 32 33 34 *TB-874 Repair Kit parts
9 7 6 8 5 10 4
6 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”
A 7 Heads 11
2 12 18
5 11
13 10
15 1
3 4 1 14 Section A-A
A 5
1/4” FNPT 13 18 12 2
1. If pump is installed in the field, shutoff gas flow to 3. Remove the four P01-031-3900 machine screws and
the pump. four P52-031000-3900 lock washers and remove the
2. Disconnect the gas supply pipe from the TA-0906 disc switching valve assembly, TB 0446, from the pump
retainer gas inlet to the pump. Disconnect and remove housing.
the TB-1193 pilot valve line assembly as shown below.
4. Remove the TB-0548 cover.
5. Remove adjusting pin, TA-1828.
6. Remove TC-0252 diaphragm cover.
7. Pull diaphragm TC-2128 and thrust rod TB-0444 out.
8. Remove stirrup assembly TA-6564.
Steps 10 through 12
Port 1
Bumper Plate Port 3
15. Attach the speed control valve, TA-2489 to the exhaust, 20. Control the speed of the pump using the gas supply
Port 3 (left port). pressure and the speed control valve to achieve the
desired stroke rate.
Min. gas pressure: 18 psi
Max. gas pressure: 35 psi
Microswitch Valve Replacement
1. Shutoff gas flow to the pump.
2. Disconnect the gas supply pipe from Port 1 on the
microswitch valve.
3. Disconnect and remove TA-7092 tubing assembly.
4. Remove two bushings, TA-7095, from Ports 2 and
3 on the microswitch valve.
5. Remove the TB-0548 cover.
6. Remove the four P01-031-3900 machine screws and
four P52-031000-3900 lock washers. Remove the
microswitch valve assembly from the pump housing.
Speed Control Valve Installation 7. Remove the old microswitch from the mounting
plate and replace with the new microswitch.
16. Attach the 1/4 MNPT X 3/8 tubing 90° elbow, 8. Reinstall the mounting plate with microswitch
TA-7096, to Port 2 (center port). valve and gasket using the four machine screws
17. Assemble the tubing using the ferrule, TA-7097, and lock washers. Ensure the microswitch valve
and flareless nut, TA-7098, then attach the extended shaft is between the forks of the
tubing assembly, TA-7092, to the elbow and to TA-7090-1 assembly.
the pump head. 9. Reinstall the TB-0548 cover.
10. Replace the TA-7095 bushings back into ports 2 and 3
as shown.
Port 1
Port 3
Port 2
Steps 16 through 19
Texsteam Pumps
Series 5100
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