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CIWS: The Last-ditch Defence

by Kelvin Fong
The last-ditch defence against the anti-ship
missile is the close-in weapon system (CIWS),
which takes the form of ultra-short range light-
calibre guns by putting a “wall of lead” in the
path of the oncoming missile. This is after the
missiles have “leaked” through the layers of
hardkill and softkill defences. Systems like the
American Phalanx, the Dutch Goalkeeper or the
new German Millennium Gun can be operated
automatically and will wait until the missile
reaches a predicted point before firing.
Nearly all classes of modern warship are
equipped with some kind of CIWS device.
Smaller CIWS-like defences are currently being
developed for main battle tanks and light ll
armoured vehicles in the USA, Israel, China and m
Russia (“Drozd” and “Arena” grenade launchers e
in the case of Russia, TROPHY in the case of
Israel). In some cases, the CIWS has taken the Based on the hit probability, Millennium can BK27 revolver cannon enables effective
role as the secondary guns for bigger vessels defeat anti-ship missiles at ranges three to engagement of fixed wing aircraft and
such as frigates and offshore patrol vessels. four times greater than those achieved by helicopters, speedboats and point targets on
The anti-ship missiles are by no means the conventional CIWS. The stealth-design gun land. The system is particularly suitable for
only threat but they are perhaps the most mount carries 252 rounds of 35mm ammunition defending against terrorist attacks involving
perilous to surface units. Today,
Today, surface combat in a magazine inside the cupola. This allows it high-speed craft. The MLG27 features an
is most likely to occur in near shore, littoral to engage ten anti-ship missiles or 20 surface integrated EO sensor package with TV camera,
environments. This situation places ships and targets without reloading. The gun can also thermal imager, laser range finder, tilt sensor,
their crews at risk to an increased number of fire conventional Oerlikon Contraves 35mm stabilised mirror system and video tracking
threats from small, fast gun boats, standard and ammunition (e.g. HEI, SAPHEI and TPT). As an system for automatic and manual target
guided artillery, helicopters, mines and a variety option, the unique “ISO mount installation” (The tracking. It can be easily integrated into or
of shore launched anti-ship missiles. ISO mount installation facilitates ammunition interfaced with existing ship systems including
This ever-increasing threat has increased the stowage and “cross decking” for warship different types of sensors and control
demand for new-generation close-in weapon mission module flexibility) can accommodate functions. The MLG27 design allows integration
systems to be fitted to new surface combatants all the equipment usually installed below deck. in all kinds of vessels without the need for
that are entering service with navies of the Asia- This makes the gun fully independent of the deck penetration. The 27mm FAPDS (Frangible
Pacific region. In recent years, a number o f CIWS ship’s compartments, and assures fast, easy Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) ammunition
have been developed or improved. The installation and interchangeability between was designed specifically for the MLG27. The
following are the more notable of the systems platforms. The Millennium Ahead 35mm gun FAPDS round achieves a similar target
being offered for today’s naval forces. mount is currently the subject of a US Navy penetration as a subcalibre kinetic energy
funded programme at NSWCDD, Dahlgren to round with fragmentation-based incendiary
Rheinmetall Millennium Gun and MLG27 qualify it for use on the US Navy warships. effects comparable to high explosive
Its high rate of fire makes the Millennium The Millennium entered into service in 2007 ammunition. It is currently in service with many
GDM008 Naval Gun System the perfect match with the Royal Danish Navy on their Flexible of the world’s air forces and navies.
for Rheinmetall’s 35mm Ahead airburst Support Ship, HMDS Absalon. The HMDS
ammunition, which stands for “Advanced Hit Absalon is equipped with two Millennium guns, Raytheon Phalanx
Efficiency and Destruction”. Fired at 1,000 one forward and one aft. The Royal Danish The most widely deployed CIWS today is the
rounds per minute, the Millennium gun delivers Navy is the launch customer for series Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS which is described as
a payload mass of 500kg per minute: every production of the Oerlikon Millennium naval gun an integrated, self-contained unit consisting
Ahead round dispenses 152 x tungsten alloy system, having ordered six guns in 2004 with of a gun system, ammunition and radar
sub-projectiles, weighing 3.3 grams each. The an option for a further four. Production for mounted in a single cylindrical elevating
sub-projectiles form a lethal cone-shaped cloud other customers is also underway. Absalon - platform. The system was developed in the
ahead of the oncoming target, destroying its class final SAT for the Millennium guns 1970s by General Dynamics Pomona
control surfaces, seeker and other vital commenced in April 2008 on the Danish ship Division—purchased by Hughes Missile
components. The Millennium gun is an Esben Snare . Systems Company in 1992 and now a part of
unmanned, remotely controlled gun mount, Another latest offering by Rheinmetall is the Raytheon Systems Company (RSC).
compatible with both state-of-the-art sensor and remote controlled MLG27 light naval gun Described as being affordable, the system
fire control systems. It can be mounted without system which is designed for protecting of can fit virtually any ship without major ship
penetrating the deck, and is especially well small surface combatants and other small craft; alteration, the Phalanx is currently installed
suited to smaller surface combatants and patrol it can also serve as secondary armament on on all US combatant ships and on those of
vessels. larger units. Based on the high rate of fire, the more than 20 other nations.

18  ADJ July/August 2008

The Phalanx is armed with a fast-reaction In April 2006, Raytheon Company was minute in one integrated mounting. The system
General Electric M61A1 Vulcan six-barrelled awarded a $57 million contract to produce 16 features automatic target indication and track
Gatling-ty pe gun that has a high rate of fire at Phalanx Block 1B upgrade kits for the United initiation. Threat priority is determined
3,000 rounds per minute—or 4,500 rounds- Kingdom’s Royal Navy. Today, more than 895 automatically and is directly followed by
per-minute for later models—and Ku-band Phalanx systems have been built and deployed direction of the track antenna to the “priority
radar featuring closed-loop spotting in the navies of 22 nations. one” target. The Goalkeeper can be integrated
technology capable of autonomously with the ship’s IRST system to provide a
performing its own search, detect, evaluation, Raytheon’s Phalanx and RAM Marriage passive mode, while radar data is used to
track, engage and kill assessment functions. Ev o l v e d f r o m t h e C I WS c o m p r i s i n g k e y complete the engagement, and as a second
Ammunition consists of 20mm Armour Piercing attributes of both the Phalanx CIWS and the source of tracking data that can reduce the
Discarding Sabot (APDS) using heavy-metal Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Guided Weapon risk of false targets.
(either tungsten or depleted uranium) 15mm System, Raytheon’s SEA RAM Missile Defence In 2004, the Republic of Korea Navy signed
penetrator surrounded by a plastic sabot and System provides a high level of ship self- contracts for the delivery of five Goalkeeper
a lightweight metal pusher. protection with extended keep-out range systems worth about EUR51 million. The first
The initial Phalanx configuration for US Navy capability and the ability to engage multiple system was delivered in 2005. Two
ships is the Block 0 that provides basic anti- targets. The SEA RAM is designed to extend G o a l k e e p e r s w a s i n s t a l l e d o n t h e L PX
ship missile defence against today’s low- the inner layer battlespace and enable the ship (Landing Platform) Dokdo that was launched
altitude, subsonic, non-manoeuvring anti-ship to effectively engage future high-performance, in March 2005 and in operation in June 2007.
missiles (ASM). The Block 1A incorporated a supersonic, and subsonic threats. Leveraged The other three Goalkeepers are destined for
new computer to provide more processing technology from Phalanx CIWS and RAM the three KDX-II Batch 2 destroyers. Three
power over the obsolete earlier computer, integrates elements of each system into the Goalkeepers were also installed onboard the
improved fire control algorithms to counter self-contained SEA RAM system . An 11-missile ROKN KDX III Destroyers. The delivery took
manoeuvring targets, search multiple weapons round RAM launcher assembly, loaded with place between end 2006 and early 2008. The
coordination to better manage engagements, RAM Block 1 guided missiles, replaces KDX III will be equipped with the AEGIS
and an end-to-end testing function to better Phalanx’s 20mm gun. Combat System. This is the first time that a
determine system functionality. The Block 1B Combining the RAM’s high accuracy, Goalkeeper will be installed on an AEGIS
Surface Mode Upgrade builds on the existing extended range, and high manoeuvrability with destroyer. The Goalkeeper will be integrated
capabilities of Block 1A with the addition of the Phalanx Block 1B’s high resolution search- i n t h e AEG I S C o m b a t Sy s t e m a s a n
new “Optimised Gun Barrels” (OGB) which and-track sensor systems, the SEA RAM autonomous CIWS.
provide improved barrel life, improved round system therefore will be a complete and For the initial CIWS procurement for the KDX
dispersion pattern and increased engagement autonomous weapon system with its own Programme in the early 1990s, the ROKN
ranges. Both Block 1A and 1B upgrades also sensor suite, combat system and weapon. And evaluated Goalkeeper with its 30mm Gatling
provide increased elevation coverage, larger based on the Phalanx Block 1B system, the Gun versus alternative CIWS based on 20mm
magazine space for increased magazine SEA RAM will include the latest version Ku- Gatling Guns and or modular CIWS
capacity from 989 rounds to 1,550 rounds, Band search and track radar, a new forward configurations. Goalkeeper fully complied with
and increased the firing rate to 4,500 rounds looking infrared (FLIR) imaging system and an the ROKN requirement for CIWS and after
per minute. The Phalanx can also be interfaced electronic surveillance measure (ESM) intensive competition was selected for
with virtually any ship combat system to receiver.
provide additional sensor and fire-control
capability, and can provide target designation Thales
for other shipboard weapons such as Goalkeeper
Raytheon’s Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM). The 30mm
Goalkeeper CIWS
Phalanx developed by Thales
Signaal—is an
autonomous and fully
integrated weapon
system for short-
range defence
systems against
missiles and aircraft. e
a Goalkeeper
The system can h

perform the entire process from surveillance installation on the KDX Destroyer Programme.
and detection to destruction, including Taking into account the medium to long range
selection of the next priority target. When the capabilities of the S-Band AEGIS Combat
target is detected, threat evaluation and priority System, the Goalkeeper was a good match
are determined, the target is designated and for the KDX III last-ditch defence.
defence. In the past,
tracked by the I- and K-band radars. Thales-NL concluded contracts for 16
The Goalkeeper combines a search radar Goalkeeper systems for installation onboard
(high power, I-band), a tracking radar (I/K- KDX I, KDX II Destroyers and the LPX. Nine
band), a weapon control system and General Goalkeeper systems are already fully
Electric GAU-8/A 30mm seven-barrelled gun operational onboard KDX Destroyers to the full
with a high rate of fire at 4,200 rounds per satisfaction of the ROK Navy.

ADJ July/August 2008  19



Model Raytheon Phalanx Block 1B Rheinmetall GDM008 Thales Goalkeeper Tulamashzavod AK-630 Type 730

Country US A Germany The Netherlands Russia PR China

Type M61A1 Gatling Single Barrelled GAU-8/A Gatling AO-1 8 Gatl ing Gatling

Calibre 20mm x 6 35mm 30mm x 7 30mm x 6 30mm x 7

Rate of Fire Dual fire rate, 3,000 or single-shot, rapid burst 4,200rds/min 5,000rds/min 4,600~5,800rds/min
4,500rds/min up to 1,000rds/min

Engagement 3km 3.5-5km 1.5-2km 4km 3km


Ammunitions Arm our pie rci ng tun gst en Ahe ad air bur st inc . HEI , HEI, API, TP, MPDS, Fixed (HE-FRAG, FRAG) Ar mo ur pi erc in g
penetrator rounds with SAPHEI and TPT FMPDS discarding sabots
discarding sabots and HE

Russian CIWS The modular system is developed as a Chinese Type 730

The current Russian gun-based CIWS is modular structure comprising of a command The Type 730 is an indigenous CIWS designed
Tulamashzavod’s AK-630M six-barrelled gun, module and combat modules—from one to six, to provide surface combatants with terminal
whose AO-18 cannons can fire 5,000 rounds depending on vessel displacement. The defences against incoming anti-ship missiles
per minute with a muzzle velocity of 900m/s command module provides autonomous that have penetrated other fleet defences, as
to shoot down incoming missiles out to 5km. operation by detecting the threats, distributing well as being used against other airborne
The CIWS is fed from a 2,000 round capacity the threat data, designating the targets to the targets such as aircraft.
magazine, with additional 1,000 rounds in the combat modules and ensuring IFF The Type 730 consists of a seven-barrel
reserve feed bin. Fire control guidance comes procedures. The combat module automaticall
automatically y 30mm cannon, gun control and ammunition
from the MR-123 Turel tracking radar. The gun tracks the target with radar and television, feeding mechanism, and fire-control system.
fires HE-FRAG incendiaries or fragmentation calculates firing data and engages the target A surface combatant should be equipped with
tracer projectiles. with missiles and guns. The combat module two of such system to provide a full 360 0
The effective range is up to 4,000 metres comprises a combined gun/missile mount, a coverage. The fully automatic seven-barrel
for sea-skimming anti-ship missiles and 5,000 radar and optical control system which has a 30mm cannon is fed by two ammunition boxes
metres for light surface targets. Systems are range of 4.4NM; a computing system, and a each holding 500 rounds of ready-use
currently operational on the Indian Navy’s power supply system. The integrated multi- ammunition. One magazine would typically hold
D e l h i -class, Khukri -class, Kora -class, channel control system provides simultaneous armour piercing discarding sabot and the other
Godavari - c l a s s , Tarantul-1 - c l a s s a n d multi-target tracking in the radar and TV-optical high explosives. The cannon is driven by
Brahmaputra -class; People’s Republic of modes. external power, with a maximum cyclic rate of
China’s two Project 956E destroyers; and The firing turret mounts two blocks of liquid- fire of 4,600~5,800 rounds/min. The cannon
Vietnam’s Tarantul-I missile-corvettes. cooled, gas-operated 30mm GSh-30k six- has a maximum range of 3,000m, but targets
Russia is also offering the CADS-N-1 barrel automatic guns with a link-less feeding are typically engaged at a distance of
Kashtan Air Defence hybrid Gun/Missile system and autonomous evaporation-type 1,000~1,500m. The fire-control includes a
System, first seen in 1988. The Kashtan cooling system (with 1,000 rounds capacity). TR47C fire-control radar and an electro-optic
provides self-defence for surface ships Launchers for 57E6 SAM missiles are fitted to director, both of which are mounted on the
against fixed and rotary wing aircraft, high the Kashtan. The system also includes a turret roof. The electro-opti
c director consists
precision weapons including anti-ship and anti- storing and reloading system to keep 32 SAMs of a TV tracking camera, infrared tracking
radar missiles, as well as to engage small sea in container-launchers in the ship’s under- camera and laser rangefinder, which provide
and coastal targets. deck spaces. Smaller naval vessels are fitted a maximum tracking range of 5~6km. The
with a single Kashtan system; the combined TR47C radar has a maximum detection range
AK-630M missile and gun firepower can reliably of 8km against an airborne target of RCS 0.1
engage an incoming formation of three or square metre.
four missiles. On larger vessels, a mount The Type 730 CIWS is installed on the Type
can be fitted on either side of the ship. A 052B Luyang-class DDG, Type 052C Luyang-
single command module can control up to II -class DDG, Type 051C Luzhou-class DDG,
six Kashtan mountings, providing enough and Type 054A Jiangkai-II-class FFG. A land-
firepower for the largest naval vessels. The based air defence system known as LD-2000
Kashtan is supplied by the Instrument Design has been developed based on the Type 730.
Bureau and Tulamashzavod JSC in Tula. The Type 730 development reportedly
Modular design makes the Kashtan CIWS commenced in the early 1990s. The system
adaptable to various types of ships from bears some resemblance to the Thales
missile boats (of more than 500 tonnes Nederland Goalkeeper. The Type 730 has
displacement) to aircraft carriers. The replaced the Type 76A dual-37mm automatic
Indian Navy’s three Project 1135.6 Improved AAA guns to become a standard air defence
Krivak III -class frigates were the first weapon on some PRC-built surface
warships in the Asia-Pacific to be equipped combatants, while other combatants are fitted
with the Kashtan CIWS. with the Russian-b
uilt AK-630 CIWS. 

20  ADJ July/August 2008

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