P1172 - DR Reddys Access Bridge Scour & General Report Final

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5, Roehampton Drive, Derby, DE22 4EE

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Special Inspection Report 2021

Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge
19th October 2021

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021

P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

This report is confidential to the Client. We accept no responsibility whatsoever to third parties to whom this
report, or any part of which, is made known. Any such party relies upon the report at their own risk. This
report shall not be used for engineering or contractual purposes unless signed by the approved author and
the report state is final. This report relates to the elements or an area inspected or tested as described in
the following text and is used as a comparison with other areas at the readers own risk.

Cl i ent: D r Red d y ’s Lab o rat o ries

S tructure: Main A c c es s B rid g e

I nspecti on/ S urvey Date: 18 t h Oc t o b er 2021

Report Ref: P 1172/ Rep o rt / 001

Name Signature Date

P repared by: Neil E as o m 15/ 11/ 2021

Checked and reviewed by: Mik e E v ans 17/ 11/ 2021

Approved by (Client):

Issue Status: Final

Purpose of Issue: Fo r Client

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Structural Description .................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Condition Report........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Foundations............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Reinforced Concrete deck slab & longitudinal, transverse beams ................................................................ 6
3.3 Reinforced Concrete Abutments ............................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Reinforced Concrete Centre Pier ............................................................................................................... 7
3.5 Invert / Riverbed...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Parapets .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.7 Surfacing ................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.8 Drainage .................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.9 Waterproofing ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.0 Recommendations......................................................................................................................................10
Appendix A –Photographs ................................................................................................................................11
Appendix B – Defect Drawings ..........................................................................................................................30
Appendix C – BCI Forms....................................................................................................................................36
Appendix D – Bed Level ....................................................................................................................................39

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

1. Introduction
Inspection/Survey Details
Inspectors: Neil Easom & 5No man HSE dive team

Date Inspected: 19th October 2021

Weather: Calm & Raining – 10℃

Equipment Used: PPE, Dive van with full breathing apparatus, Light Hand
Tools, Ranging Rod & Camera

Method of Inspection: On foot visual & diving for submerged elements

Access Equipment: Dive equipment

Structural Investigation Services Limited were commissioned by Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, to

undertake a Special Inspection of their access bridge, as part of Dr Reddy’s annual
Inspection programme.

The structure is located off Steanard Lane, nearest postcode being WF14 8HZ, OS grid
reference 421457, 419460.

A structural and scour inspection was carried out to determine the current condition of the structure,
water depth levels were recorded, and any remedial works were identified to ensure long-term
durability of the structure; the results of the above are contained within this condition report.

Access to the structure was gained through a gate located to the North East end of the structure the
team then proceeded to climb down a ladder to the river embankment and into the water course to
commence the inspection.

Recommendations from the inspection are included in section 5 of this report.

General and defect referenced photos are included in Appendix A of this report.

All orientation within this report is referenced from upstream, looking downstream.

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

2. Structural Description
Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge is a twin span structure, of comprises of a reinforced concrete deck slab,
with underlying reinforced concrete longitudinal and transverse beams, bearing upon reinforced
concrete abutments and a central pier. The abutments and centre pier are considered to be piled
and driven below the river bed to a solid foundation of marl and sandstone.

The overall length of the structure is 36m (between abutments) & the overall width is 5.8m
with the distance between parapets being 3.11m.

Please see photos’ 1 – 9 in Appendix A below for general views and photos’ 10 – 14 in for
views of defects found to the structure.

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

3. Condition Report
3.1 Foundations
Where seen, the foundations of the structure were found to be in a good condition with no
indication of any settlement, movement, or subsidence present.

3.2 Reinforced Concrete deck slab & longitudinal, transverse beams

Were seen the deck elements are found to be in a good overall condition and have recently
within the last few years had a sprayed concrete coating.

Please see photo 7 in Appendix A below.

3.3 Reinforced Concrete Abutments

North Abutment

The North abutment is situated out of the watercourse when the river is at a normal height, although
due to the watercourse being subject to flooding the watercourse often reaches the top of the
abutment. During the inspection the following defects were observed.

• Moss and algae staining is evident along the base of the abutment
• The sprayed concrete coating to the deck has over sprayed onto the top of the abutment wall
• To the East end of the North abutment there is a small amount of leachate staining present
• Scour along the North abutment apron is visible from the East end to 2.3m (300 x 260 x

Please see photo’s 13 - 16 in Appendix A below

South Abutment

The South abutment is constantly situated within the watercourse and subject to various flow
velocities throughout different times of the year. During the inspection the following defects were

• Due to the velocity of the watercourse it at the time of the inspection it was not safe to
actually get a diver across the watercourse from the centre pier to the South abutment
(please see the dive video sent through separately to the report)
• Historic scour is apparent to the base of the South abutment, with the current velocity of the
watercourse we can determine that further deterioration will of occurred from the ROV
survey commenced August 2016
• It has been previously noted that 7No spalls are present to the face of the abutment,
although due to not being able to get over to the abutment safely the team was unable to
determine if they have been repaired or if any deterioration has occurred to them.

Please see photo’s 3 - 4 in Appendix A below

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

3.4 Reinforced Concrete Centre Pier

The reinforced concrete centre pier is supported by 8No beams that are believed to be piled
into the river bed although for the purpose of the report we have separated them into the
East & West trestles.

East Trestle

• All 4No legs of the East trestle are subject to scour with certain legs having more
severe areas the 2No South legs have scour to such a capacity that the
reinforcement is visible with the diver being able to physically wrap his hand around
the bar
• To the connection between the bottom crosshead and the trestle legs there is scour
found around the connection the sizes of these vary from 80 x 40 x 30mm upto 170 x
60 x 50mm
• Marine and algae growth is apparent to the trestle legs below water level

Please see photo’s 17 - 22 in Appendix A below

West Trestle

• Fronting the West trestle there is an area of debris of which is trapped beneath the
• To the connection between the bottom crosshead and the trestle legs there is scour
found around the connection the sizes of these vary from 50 x 70 x 30mm upto 190 x
70 x 50mm
• Marine and algae growth is apparent to the trestle legs below water level

Please see photo’s 23 - 26 in Appendix A below

3.5 Invert / Riverbed

No fixed invert was found within the footprint of the structure, although whilst the inspection was
being carried out a sample of the river bed and it can be confirmed that the river bed consists of
small stones and sand.

Please see photo 27 in Appendix A below.

3.6 Parapets
The East & West parapets are found to be in a generally good condition, although the
following minor defects and observations were found.

• The handrails are adequately fixed and have no defects noted.

• Signage to the ends of the parapets is visible and of good condition.
• There is lighting fixed to the parapet faces at the time of the inspection the lighting
wasn’t on at the time of the inspection
• The collision protection that is situated at the base of the parapets is in a good
condition, although there are isolated missing fixing rivets

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

• To the South end of the structure there is a spall apparent to the South East kerbing
stone (180 x 220 x 50mm)

Please see photo’s 28 - 34 in Appendix A below

3.7 Surfacing
The Surfacing across the top of the structure is of fair condition with only minor defects found during
the course of the inspection.

• The epoxy anti slip surfacing that has been applied to the steel plates is worn in areas with
isolated missing areas exposing the steel plate.

3.8 Drainage
All drainage inlets were found to be free of obstruction.

• Drainage outlet to the North span free from obstruction, although not flowing at the time of
the inspection

3.9 Waterproofing
It is unsure if a waterproofing system is in place to the structure, although with little evidence
signifying seepage it can be assumed that if a waterproofing system is in place it is in good

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

4. Conclusion
The structure was found to be in an overall fair condition at the time of inspection.

Minor to moderate areas of scour was noted to the centre pier trestle legs with the worst area
exposing the steel reinforcement to such a depth the diver was able to wrap his hand around the

Minor superficial defects were noted to other elements, although they are not affecting the integrity
of the structure.

Due to the fast velocity of the watercourse and the heavy under current the team was unable to gain
access to the South abutment, although it is believed that further deterioration will of occurred from
the ROV inspection that was conducted in August 2016.

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

5.0 Recommendations

Element Maintenance Action Cost Priority

(£) (L/M/H)
Foundations No maintenance required - -
RC slab & No maintenance required - -
transverse beams
RC abutments Concrete bag work or piled sheeting to be placed 10000 H
in front of both abutments to aid against further
deterioration of the South abutment and North
abutment apron.

RC centre pier Due to the scour that has occurred to the base of 30000 H
the pier trestles it is advised that implementation
of scour protection is installed to aid against
further scour further design and installation of
Invert / River Bed No maintenance required - -
Parapets Replace missing rivets to the collision protection 500 L
Drainage No maintenance required - -
Carriageway Replace areas of defective epoxy non slip coating 1000 L
Waterproofing No maintenance required - -

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Appendix A –Photographs

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

01. General view of the downstream elevation (East)

02. General view of the upstream elevation (West)

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

03. General view of the South abutment (Photo from 2016 P.I)

04. General view of the South abutment from G.I

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

05. General view of the North abutment

06. General view of the centre pier

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

07. General view of the deck arrangement

08. General view looking upstream

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

09. General view looking downstream

10. General view looking over the structure from North looking South
Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

11. General view of the East parapet

12. General view of the West parapet

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

13. Moss and algae staining to the base of the North abutment and leachate staining to top

14. Overview of scour to the North abutment apron (300 x 260 x 610mm)
Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

15. Close up view of the scour to the North abutment apron

16. View showing depth of scour to the North abutment apron to 610mm
Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

17. Area of scour to the base of the pier East trestle South East Leg exposing reinforcement

18. Area of scour to the base of the pier East trestle South East Leg exposing reinforcement
Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

19. Minor areas of scour to the connection of the cross head to the East trestle legs

20. Minor areas of scour to the connection of the cross head to the East trestle legs

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

21. Minor areas of scour to the connection of the cross head to the East trestle legs

22. View of East pier trestle beneath the water

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

23. Debris at and below water level at the upstream end

24. Minor scour along the connection of the West trestle legs and the crosshead beam
Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

25. Minor scour along the connection between the cross head and ethe West trestle legs

26. Marine and algae growth to the pier trestle legs below water level
Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

27. General view of the River Bed material (Sand & gravel)

28. Adequately fixed handrails to the parapets

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

29. Signage fixed to the structure is in good condition and clearly visible

30. Lighting fixed to parapet unable to check if working as daylight hours

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

31. The collision protection is missing isolated fixing rivets

32. The collision protection is missing isolated fixing rivets

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

33. Spall found to the kerbing stone at the South East end of the parapet

34. Areas of degraded Epoxy Resin surfacing

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

35. Areas of degraded Epoxy Resin surfacing

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Appendix B – Defect Drawings

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
North Abutment


16 15 14


North Abutment
14. Overview of scour to the North abutment apron (300 x 260 x 610mm)
15. Close up view of the scour to the North abutment apron
16. View showing depth of scour to the North abutment apron to 610mm

Dr Reddy's Laboratories
R:\IT & Computing\AutoCAD\Borders\RSI CAD Logo (new).jpg
P1034 - ST6346 North Valley
North Abutment
South Abutment



South Abutment
03. General view of the South abutment (Photo from 2016 P.I)
04. General view of the South abutment from G.I

Dr Reddy's Laboratories
R:\IT & Computing\AutoCAD\Borders\RSI CAD Logo (new).jpg
P1034 - ST6346 North Valley
South Abutment
North Pier Face

19 20 Water Level 23


North Pier Face

19. Minor areas of scour to the connection of the cross head to the East trestle legs
20. Minor areas of scour to the connection of the cross head to the East trestle legs
22. View of East pier trestle beneath the water
23. Debris at and below water level at the upstream end
27. General view of the River Bed material (Sand & gravel)

Dr Reddy's Laboratories
R:\IT & Computing\AutoCAD\Borders\RSI CAD Logo (new).jpg
P1034 - ST6346 North Valley
North Pier Face
South Pier Face

25 24 Water Level 21


South Pier Face

17. Area of scour to the base of the pier East trestle South East Leg exposing reinforcement
18. Area of scour to the base of the pier East trestle South East Leg exposing reinforcement
21. Minor areas of scour to the connection of the cross head to the East trestle legs
24. Minor scour along the connection of the West trestle legs and the crosshead beam
25. Minor scour along the connection between the cross head and ethe West trestle legs
26. Marine and algae growth to the pier trestle legs below water level

Dr Reddy's Laboratories
R:\IT & Computing\AutoCAD\Borders\RSI CAD Logo (new).jpg
P1034 - ST6346 North Valley
South Pier Face
31 32 28

South North

33 30 29


Deck Slab / Surfacing

28. Adequately fixed handrails to the parapets
29. Signage fixed to the structure is in good condition and clearly visible
30. Lighting fixed to parapet unable to check if working as daylight hours
31. The collision protection is missing isolated fixing rivets
32. The collision protection is missing isolated fixing rivets
33. Spall found to the kerbing stone at the South East end of the parapet
34. Areas of degraded Epoxy Resin surfacing
35. Areas of degraded Epoxy Resin surfacing

Dr Reddy's Laboratories
R:\IT & Computing\AutoCAD\Borders\RSI CAD Logo (new).jpg
P1034 - ST6346 North Valley
Deck Slab / Surfacing
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Appendix C – BCI Forms

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Principal Bridge Inspection Form 1 of 1 for this bridge

Bridge Name: Dr Reddy's Access Bridge Bridge No. N/A

Span 1 of 2 Road No: Private Bridge Type Code:

Ow ner: Dr Reddys Laboratories Length 6.3 m Primary deck element form Table 2
Below deck beam
Easting 421457 Northing 419460 Width 18 m Primary deck element material Table 4 A
Reinforced concrete
Date October 18, 2021 Area 113 m2 Secondary deck element form Table 3
No elem ent (no transverse beam s)
Inspector N. Easom Secondary deck element material Table 4
bics reg No. N/A
bci av e% 89.22 bci crit % 58.00 No m aterial

Set No Elem ent Description S .Ex. Def W P Cost Com m ents / rem arks
1 Primary deck element (Table 2) 1 A N £ - Recently had sprayed concrete coating
2 Secondary Transverse beams
Deck elements

3 deck element/s Element from Table 3

4 Half joints
5 Tie beam/rod
6 Parapet beam or cantilever
7 Deck bracing
8 Foundations 1 A N £ - No Settlement noted

Scour noted to bothe the North & South

9 Abutments (incl arch springing) 3 B 7.1 Y H £ 10,000

10 Spandrel w all / head w all

Scour noted at and below w ater level of tehg

11 Pier / Column 3 B 7.1 Y H £ 30,000
pier trestle legs exposing reinforcement

12 Cross head / capping beam

13 Bearings
14 Bearing shelf / plinth
15 Superstructure drainage
Durability elements

16 Substructure drainage 1 A N £ - No Defects Observed

17 Waterproofing 1 A N £ - No Defects Observed
18 Movement / expansion joints
19 Finishes: deck elements
20 Finishes: substructure elements
21 Finishes: parapets/safety fences 1 A N £ - Protective paint coating in good condition
22 Access / w alkw ays / gantries

23 Handrail / parapets / safety fences 2 B Y L £ 500 Isolated missing rivets from base of parapet
24 Carriagew ay surfacing 2 B Y L £ 1,000 Degradiation to the epoxy non slip coating
25 Footw ay / verge / footbridge surfacing
26 Invert / river bed 1 A N £ - No Defects Observed
27 Aprons
Other bridge elements

28 Fenders / cutw aters / collision prot'n

29 River training w orks
30 Revetment / batter paving
31 Wing w alls
32 Retaining w alls
33 Embankments
34 Machinery
35 Approach rails / barriers / w alls

36 Signs 1 A N £ - in good condition


Unable to check if w orking as daylight at time of

37 Lighting 1 A N £ -

38 Services

S - severity, Ex - extent, Def - defect, W - w ork required, P - w ork priority

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Elem ent Defect 1 Defect 2 Defect 3
Com m ents
No. S .Ex. Def S .Ex. Def S .Ex. Def

The structure was found to be in an overall fair condition at the time of inspection.

Minor to moderate areas of scour was noted to the centre pier trestle legs with the worst area exposing the steel
reinforcement to such a depth the diver was able to wrap his hand around the reinforcement.

Minor superficial defects were noted to other elements, although they are not affecting the integrity of the

Due to the fast velocity of the watercourse and the heavy under current the team was unable to gain access to
the South abutment, although it is believed that further deterioration will of occurred from the ROV inspection that
was conducted in August 2016.
The South span was unable to inspected safely due to teh flow of teh watercourse at the time of the inspection.

Name N. Easom Signed Date

It is advised that the areas of scour are actione dto ensure that further deterioration occurs to the abutments and
pier trestle legs these should be prioritised. Following the repairs to the pier trestles and the abutments other
maintenance should be carried out on the lower graded defects. It is advised that the works are commenced to
ensure that the integrity and durability of the structure is upkept.

Name M. Evans Signed Date

Estimated Action/Work
Ref. No Suggested Remedial Work Priority
Cost ordered
9 implement adequate scour protection around the base of the abutments H £10,000
11 implement adequate scour protection around the base of the pier trestles H £30,000
23 Replace missing rivets to the base of the parapets L £500
24 Replace areas of the epoxy non slip servicing L £1,000

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Appendix D – Bed Level

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021
P1172 – Dr Reddy’s Access Bridge Special Inspection 2021

Client: Dr Reddy's Laboratories Date: 18/10/2021

Structure Name: Access Bridge Inspectors: N.E & HSE Dive Team
Structure Ref: N/A Weather: Wet, calm 8 degrees

Water velocity Moderate to Fast

W/L to Deck 2.8m W/L to Crown 2.8m

UpStream Down Stream

3m 3m
Elevation 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 13m 14m 15m 16m 17m 18m
Water 3450 300 950 1300 1500 2100 2300 2300 2250 2680 3100 3200 3250 3100 3175 3200 3300 3300 3500 3510 3510
Silt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Structural Investigation Services Limited October 2021

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