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1…Definition and Concept of Deadlock describe resources allocated to a particular process in a

A set of processes is deadlocked, if each of them waits system.
for an event that can be caused only by a process (or • The graph is made up of:
processes) in the set. Thus, each process waits for an o A set of processes P = {P1, P2, …, Pn}. This set
event that cannot occur. contains all the processes in the system.
Concept of Deadlock: o A set of resources R = {R1, R2, …, Rn}. This
• Operating systems handle only deadlocks caused by contains all the resources present in the system.
sharing of resources in the system. Such deadlocks o A set of directed edges. o A directed edge from a
arise when some conditions concerning resource process Pi to a resource Rj. (Pi → Rj) is called request
requests and resource allocations hold simultaneously. edge.
• Deadlock handling approaches use these conditions o A directed edge from a resource Rj to a process Pi
as the basis for their actions. Deadlock detection (Rj → Pi) is called an allocation edge or an
detects a deadlock by checking whether all conditions assignment edge.
necessary for a deadlock hold simultaneously.
• This resource allocation graph shows two processes
as rectangles and two resources as ellipses.
• An arrow from a resource to a process indicates that
the resource belongs to or has been allocated to the
• An arrow from a process to resources indicates that
the process is requesting, but has not yet been
allocated, the resource.
• a deadlocked system with Process P1 holds
Resource R1 and needs Resource R2.
• The system is deadlocked because each process holds
a resource being requested by the other process and
neither process is willing to release the resource it
• Process P2 holds Resource R2 and needs Resource
R1 to continue. Each process is waiting for the other
to free a resource that it will not free until the other
process releases its resource that it will not do until the
first process frees its resource.


Q.2.State necessary conditions for a deadlock
1.Mutual exclusion: At least one resource must be
held in a non-sharable mode, meaning only one
process can use it at a time.
2.Hold and wait: Processes already holding resources
may request new ones, without releasing the current
3.No preemption: Resources cannot be forcibly taken
from the processes that hold them. They must be
• The common methods for dealing with the deadlock
released voluntarily.
situation are as follows:
4.Circular wait: A set of processes must exist, each
1. Prevent the deadlock from occurring.
waiting for a resource held by the next process in the
2. Adopt methods for avoiding the deadlock.
3. Allow the deadlock to occur, detect it and recover
Q.3.. Resource Allocation Graph
from it.
• Deadlocks can be illustrated more precisely in terms
4. Ignore the deadlock.
of a resource allocation graph. Resource allocation
graph is nothing but a directed graph, which is used to
• The deadlock handling techniques are deadlock • The deadlock avoidance algorithm dynamically
prevention, deadlock avoidance, ignoring deadlock, examines the resource- allocation state from the
deadlock detection and recovery. available information to ensure that there is no
• Deadlock prevention (or deadlock avoidance) circular wait.
techniques can be used to ensure that deadlocks never
occur in a system. Q.1.3. Safe State ?
• If any of these two techniques is not used, a deadlock • The state of resource allocation can be either safe or
may occur. In this case, an algorithm can be provided unsafe. A state is safe if the system can allocate
for detecting the deadlock and then using the algorithm resources to each process in some order and still avoid
to recover the system from deadlock. a deadlock.
• Deadlock prevention algorithm disallows one of four • In other words, a state is said to be safe if allocation
necessary conditions for deadlock. of resources to processes does not lead to the deadlock.
• Deadlock avoidance algorithms do not grant resource • A system is in a safe state; if there exists a safe
requests if resource-allocation has potential have lead sequence. A safe sequence is a sequence of process
to deadlock. execution such that each and every process executes
• The other method must be provided either prevent till its completion.
the deadlock from occurring or detecting the deadlock • Safe sequence is a sequence of processes <P1, P2, …,
and takes an appropriate action if a deadlock occurs. Pn> is a safe sequence for current allocation state if,
for each process Pi, the resource requests that Pi can
Q.3..What is deadlock? Explain deadlock still make can be satisfied by the currently available
prevention strategies. resources plus the resources held by all Pj have
A deadlock occurs in a system when two or more finished with j < i.
processes are unable to proceed because each is o If resources that Pi needs are not available, then Pi
waiting for the other to release a resource, resulting in can wait until all Pj have finished. When Pj terminates,
a circular waiting condition. In other words, each Pi will obtain its resources and complete the
process holds a resource that another process needs, task.When Pi terminates, Pi+1 obtains its resources
and neither can proceed until it receives the resource and so on. If no such sequence exists, then the system
being held by the other. is in unsafe state. A system without safe sequence is
Deadlock prevention strategies are techniques used to unsafe.
avoid the occurrence of deadlocks in a system. Some
common strategies include: Q.1.4 DEADLOCK DETECTION
1.Mutual Exclusion: Ensure that resources cannot be • The systems that do not implement algorithms for
shared simultaneously. If a process holds a resource, it deadlock prevention or avoidance must implement an
cannot request another resource. algorithm for deadlock detection and recovery.
2.Hold and Wait: Require processes to request all • In other words, there is a possibility of deadlock if
resources at once and only allocate them if all neither the deadlock prevention nor deadlock
resources can be allocated at the same time. This avoidance method is applied in a system.
prevents a situation where a process holds one resource • In such a situation, an algorithm must be provided for
while waiting for another. detecting the occurrence of deadlock in a system. •
3.No Preemption: Do not allow resources to be Once the deadlock is detected, a methodology must be
forcibly taken away from a process. If a process cannot provided for the recovery of the system.
get a resource, it releases all currently held resources Q.1.3.Resource Allocation Graph Algorithm
and restarts. • Resource allocation graph algorithm uses a variant of
4.Circular Wait Avoidance: Impose a total ordering resource allocation graph for a single instance of
of all resource types and require that each process resource type. The resource allocation graph is the
requests resources in an increasing order of pictorial representation of the state of a system.
enumeration. • As its name suggests, the resource allocation graph
Q 1.3 Deadlock Avoidance? is the complete information about all the processes
• If detail information about the processes and which are holding some resources or waiting for some
resources is available, then it is possible to avoid resources.
deadlock. • It also contains the information about all the
• For example, which process will require which instances of all the resources whether they are
resources, possibly in what sequence etc. This available or being used by the processes.
information may help to decide the sequence in which
the processes can be executed to avoid deadlock.
• Each request can be analyzed on the basis of the
number of resources currently available, currently
allocated and future requests which may come from
other processes. From this information, the system can
decide whether or not a process wait.
• The resource allocation graph consists of two types Q.1.5.2 Resource Pre-emption
of edges namely, request edge and assignment edge. • • Another method to recover the system from the state
In the resource allocation graph the processes are of deadlock is to preempt the resources from the
depicted as circles and resources as squares. processes one by one and allocate them to other
processes until the circular wait condition is
Q.1.4.1 Single Instance Resource Type eliminated.
• In this method successively, some resources are
preempted and given to other processes unless a
deadlock is broken.
• This method requires following three major decisions
to be taken:
1. Selecting a Victim or Select a Process for
Preemption: The choice/selection of processes and
resources may be based on following criteria: (i)
Priority: Resources of low priority processes will be
preempted. (ii) Own cost: Process that has completed
very less of its execution will preempt its resources.
(iii) Cost affecting other processes: How many
maximum processes can restart their execution if
resources of a particular process P are pre-empted?
*️⃣*️⃣2. Rollback of the Process: The process, from
which resource or resources are preempted, will not be
able to continue execution, such process is roll backed
partially or completely, to some safe state.
*️⃣3. Prevent Starvation: A process may be held for a
long time waiting for its resources; then the process is
said to be starved. So care must be taken so that some
process is not selected again and again or repeatedly
(leading to the situation of starvation) as a victim. To
• If all resources have a single instance in a system, achieve this, the cost factor may contain the number of
then the deadlock detection algorithm uses a variant of rollbacks of the process. This count will also be
resource allocation graph, known as wait-for-graph. • considered while selecting the victim.
The wait-for-graph shows the dependency of a process Q.4. Give any two disk allocation methods.
on another process for the resource allocation. This Contiguous Allocation ,Linked Allocation
graph contains only processes, resources are removed. Indexed Allocation .
• An edge from process Pi to process Pj exists in wait- Q.1.Discuss the various techniques of free space
for-graph if and only if the corresponding resource management in file system [5 M]
allocation graph contains two edges Pi → Rq and Rq 1. Bitmap / Bit Vector:
→ Pj for some resource type Rq. If thewait -for-graph o A Bitmap or Bit Vector is a series or collection of
contains cycle, then a deadlock exists in the system. bits where each bit corresponds to a disk block. The bit
can take two values namely, 0 and 1. The 0 indicates
Q.1.5 RECOVERY FROM DEADLOCK ? that the block is allocated and 1 indicates a free block.
• When a deadlock detection algorithm detects a o This is a method of keeping track of allocated and
deadlock in a system, some recovery schemes/methods unallocated blocks. Each block is represented by one
must be used to recover the system from deadlock. bit. If the block is free, the bit is set to 1.
• Deadlock recovery methods are used to clear o If the block is allocated, the bit is set to 0.
deadlocks from a system so that it may proceed to 2. Linked List:
operate free of the deadlock, and so that the o In linked list free space management technique, the
deadlocked processes may complete their execution free disk blocks are linked together i.e. a free block
and free their resources. contains a pointer to the next free block.
• Once the system has detected a deadlock in the o The block number of the very first disk block is
system, some method is needed to recover the system stored at a separate location on disk and is also cached
from the deadlock and continue with the processing. in memory.
• The two different ways in which system can be o The linked list method creates a linked list of all the
recovered are: free blocks on the disk. A pointer to the first free block
1. Terminate one or more process to break the circular is kept in a special location on the disk and is cached in
wait condition and the memory.
2. Preempt the resources from the processes involved 3. Grouping: o To resolve the problem in the linked
in the deadlock. free space list, the addresses of n free blocks in the first
free block. o The first n - 1 of these blocks is actually
free. o The last block contains the disk addresses of transactions or killing processes involved in the
other n free blocks and so on. o In this method, the deadlock.
addresses of a large number of free blocks can be 4.ignore the Problem: Some systems simply ignore
found quickly. the possibility of deadlock and rely on manual
4. Counting: intervention if it occurs.
o When many contiguous free blocks are present,
rather than keeping a list of n free disk addresses, we Q.1. List any four file attributes. [1 M]
can keep the address of the first free block and count • A file is named for the convenience of its human
of the next n free contiguous blocks. users, and is referred to by its name.
o Each entry in the free space list then consists of a • A file’s attributes vary from one operating system to
disk address and a count. another but typically consist of these:
5. Space Map: 1. Name: The symbolic file name, usually a string of
o A space map is a log of the free/allocated space for a characters.
disk region. The ZFS a file system recently developed 2. Identifier: It is a unique tag, usually a number that
by Sun Microsystems. ZFS (previously: Zettabyte File identifies the file within the file system.
System) tracks free space with space maps. Sun's ZFS 3. Type: This information is needed for systems that
file system was designed for HUGE numbers and support different types of files.
sizes of files, directories, and even file systems. 4. Location: It is a pointer to a device and location of
the file on that device.
Q1.Explain the different ways for deadlock 5. Size: The current size of the files (in bytes, word or
recovery. blocks).
1.Deadlock Detection and Recovery: Periodically
check for deadlocks in the system. Once a deadlock is Q.1. Define acyclic graph directory. [1 M
detected, recover by killing one or more processes We can provide sharing by making the directory an
involved in the deadlock, releasing their resources. acyclic graph. A graph without cycles is called an
2.Resource Preemption: If a deadlock is detected, acyclic graph.
preempt resources from one or more processes to break
the deadlock. This involves forcibly removing
resources from one process and allocating them to Q 2. Explain tree structured directories along with
another to allow progress. advantages and disadvantages.
3.Process Termination: Identify and terminate one or Tree structured directories, also known as hierarchical
more processes involved in the deadlock. This can be directories, are a way of organizing files and folders on
based on priority, age, or other criteria. a computer system. They follow a tree-like structure,
4.Rollback: Rollback one or more transactions to a where each folder can contain subfolders and files.
certain checkpoint and restart them to break the Here's an explanation along with their advantages and
deadlock. This is common in database systems. disadvantages:
5.Timeouts: Set timeouts for resource requests. If a Explanation:
process waits too long for a resource, it may assume In a tree structured directory system:
deadlock and take action such as killing itself or 1.Root Directory: At the top level is the root
releasing resources. directory, which contains all other directories and files.
6.Avoidance: Use algorithms like Banker's algorithm 2.Subdirectories: Each directory within the system
to ensure that resource requests are granted in a way can contain subdirectories, which can further contain
that avoids deadlock from the beginning. their own subdirectories, forming a hierarchical
Q.2.List the deadlock handling techniques. 3.Files: Files reside within directories and can be
1.Deadlock Prevention: Ensure that at least one of the organized into different folders based on their type,
necessary conditions for deadlock (mutual exclusion, purpose, or any other criteria.
hold and wait, no preemption, and circular wait) does Advantages:
not hold. This can be achieved by carefully designing 1. Users can create a directory as well as subdirectory.
the system. 2. Users can access the files of other users. 3. Very
2.Deadlock Avoidance: Dynamically check resource generalize, since full path names can be given.
allocation to ensure that deadlock will not occur. Disadvantages:
Techniques like Banker's Algorithm and Resource 1. The tree structure can create duplicate copies of the
Allocation Graphs fall into this category. files.
3.Deadlock Detection and Recovery: Allow 2. The users could not share files or directories.
deadlocks to occur, then detect and recover from them.
Techniques include periodically checking for
deadlocks using algorithms like the resource allocation
graph algorithm and recovering by rolling back
3. It is inefficient, because accessing a file may go Q.2. Explain different file access methods. [4 M]
under multiple directories. Ans. Refer to Section 2.2.

Stored information in the file must be accessed and

Q.3. Explain file operations in detail. [4 M] read into the computer’s memory.
Ans. Refer to Section 2.1.4. 2.35 1.Sequential Access • It is the simplest access method.
2.1.4 File Operations [Oct. 16]• A file is an abstract In sequential access the information in the file is
data type. To define the file properly, we need to processed in order, one record after the other. • In
consider the operation that can be performed on files. • sequential access a fixed format is used for records and
Each OS uses its own operation to retrieve the data the key field uniquely identifies the record.
stored in a file. A file is a collection of logically related 2.Direct Access • Another method is direct access (or
data that is recorded on the secondary storage in the relative access). Random access file organization
form of sequence of operations. provides, accessing the records directly. • A file is
• Creating a File (Create Operation): Create made up of fixed length logical records that allow the
operation is used to create a new file in the file system. program to read and write records rapidly in any order.
Following is the two steps are necessary to create a • This method is based on a disk model of a file, since
file: disks allow random access to any file block.
1. Find space for a new file in the file system. 3.Indexed Access • The basic form of index includes a
2. Make an entry for the new file in the directory. record key and storage addresses for a record. To find
• Writing a File (Write Operation): Write operation a record when the storage address is unknown, it is
is used to write the information into a file. To write a necessary to scan the records. • An index is a separate
file follow following steps: file from the master file. To find a specific record, the
1. To write a file, the name of the file and the index is first searched to find the key of the record
information to be written to the file should be provided required.
to the system call. There are two types of indexed access files:
2. Search the file name in the directory to find the 1. Indexed Non-Sequential Access: In this method,
file’s location. the master file is not in any specific order.
• Reading a File (Read Operation): Read operation 2. Indexed Sequential Access: In this access method,
reads the contents from a file. To read from a file, the master file is sorted according to key values and
1. Specify the name of the file and where (in memory) the index table contains only some keys of the records.
the next block of the file should be put is given to
system call. Q 2.Dynamic Storage Allocation Problem in
2. Search the file name in the directory. Contiguous Allocation: [April 16]
• Deleting a File (Delete Operation): To delete a file, • Disk space is nothing but a large array of disk blocks.
1. Search the directory for the named file. At any instance of time, few blocks are assigned to the
2. Release all the file space, so that it can be refused by file and some blocks are freed by the file.
the other files. • At any moment, we may find that allocated as well as
free blocks are spread all over the disk. The
unallocated (free) blocks are also called holes. There
may be a number of consecutive holes.
• Now whenever a user has a request of size n, either
of the following methods is used to search a hole big Q.1. What is bit vector? [1 M]
enough to satisfy the requirement of n units from the A Bitmap or Bit Vector is a series or collection of bits
list of free holes. where each bit corresponds to a disk block. The bit can
1. First fit: In this case, as soon as the first hole (that take two values namely, 0 and 1. The 0 indicates that
is big enough) is encountered, searching is stopped and the block is allocated and 1 indicates a free block
memory is allocated for creating a file.
• Most simple and less time consuming method to
search a hole. Q.2 Write a short note on cloud computing system.?
• Poor memory utilization. Cloud computing has revolutionized the way
• It creates internal fragmentation. businesses and individuals use computing resources. It
2. Best fit: In this case, the entire list is searched for refers to the delivery of computing services—such as
and the smallest hole that satisfies the request is servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and
selected and is allocated for creating a file. more—over the internet. Here’s a brief overview of its
• Memory utilization is the best. key components and benefits:
• Internal fragmentation is less. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides
• As compared to the first and worst fit, this algorithm virtualized computing resources over the internet.
is more complex. Users can rent servers, storage, and networking
• It is a time consuming process. hardware on a pay-as-you-go basis.
3. Worst fit: Again the entire list is scanned, and the Platform as a Service (PaaS): Offers a platform
biggest hole/block satisfying the requirement (i.e. allowing customers to develop, run, and manage
biggest > n) is selected. applications without dealing with the underlying
• Time consuming. infrastructure.
• Memory utilization is very poor. Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers software
• Internal fragmentation is a big problem. applications over the internet on a subscription basis.
Users can access these applications through a web
Q.1.Write the difference between SCAN & LOOk browser without needing to install or maintain them
disk scheduling algorithms.? locally..
1.Movement Pattern:
SCAN: The SCAN algorithm moves the disk arm from Q.2.Explain the design goals of distributed
one end of the disk to the other, serving requests along systems?.
the way, and reverses direction when reaching the end. Scalability: The system should be able to handle
LOOK: LOOK algorithm also moves the disk arm in increasing amounts of work by adding more resources
one direction, but it only goes as far as necessary to without compromising performance.
serve pending requests before reversing direction. Reliability: The system should continue to operate
2.Performance: correctly even in the face of failures, whether it's
SCAN: May result in longer wait times for requests hardware failures, network partitions, or software
located far from the current arm position due to the bugs.
arm sweeping across the entire disk. Availability: The system should remain accessible and
LOOK: Tends to have shorter wait times because it operational to users despite failures or maintenance
only travels as far as needed to service pending activities.
requests. Performance: The system should provide acceptable
3.Direction Change: response times and throughput for various types of
SCAN: Always changes direction at both ends of the operations, even under high load.
disk. Consistency: The data across different parts of the
LOOK: Changes direction when there are no more system should be consistent, either immediately or
pending requests in the current direction. eventually, depending on the system's requirements.
4.Simplicity: Fault tolerance: The system should be resilient to
SCAN: Relatively simpler to implement compared to faults and failures, with mechanisms in place to detect,
LOOK. isolate, and recover from failures automatically.
LOOK: Requires more complex logic to determine
when to change direction. Q 3.Write a short note on centralized organization
5.Efficiency: of system architecture.
SCAN: May result in better overall throughput in A centralized organization of system architecture
scenarios with a balanced distribution of requests refers to a design where all computing resources and
across the disk. decision-making authority are concentrated in a single
LOOK: More efficient for systems with mostly location or entity. In this setup, a central server or
localized requests or a skewed distribution of requests mainframe manages and controls data storage,
toward one end of the disk. processing, and access. This architecture offers several
advantages, including simplified management, easier
coordination, and enhanced security. However, it can typically connected through a network and coordinate
also be a single point of failure and may limit their actions to achieve a common goal.
scalability. Overall, centralized architectures are Advantages of cluster operating systems:
suitable for smaller-scale operations or when strict High Availability: If one node fails, others can
control and security are paramount. continue to operate, ensuring continuous availability of
Q.5.1 Network File System (NFS) Scalability: Clusters can easily scale by adding more
• Numbers of distributed files systems are organized nodes, allowing for increased computing power and
along with client/server architectures, with Sun storage capacity as needed.
Microsystems’s Network File System (NFS) being Load Balancing: Workloads can be distributed across
one of the most widely-deployed ones for Unix nodes, ensuring optimal resource utilization and
systems. performance.
• NFS is a distributed file system protocol originally Fault Tolerance: Redundancy and failover mechanisms
developed by Sun Microsystems in 1984, allowing a in cluster operating systems help in maintaining
user on a client computer to access files over a system stability even in the event of node failures.
computer network much like local storage is accessed. Disadvantages of cluster operating systems:
• Here, we concentrate on NFSv3, the widely-used Complexity: Setting up and managing a cluster can be
third version of NFS and NFSv4, the most recent, complex and requires expertise in networking, system
fourth version. administration, and software configuration.
• The NFS is architecture of the client/server, which Cost: Building and maintaining a cluster can be
contains a client program, server program, and a expensive due to the need for multiple hardware
protocol that helps for communication between the components, networking equipment, and specialized
client and server. software.
• The basic idea behind NFS is that each file server Synchronization Overhead: Coordinating tasks and
provides a standardized view of its local file system. data between nodes can introduce overhead, affecting
Q.3.Write a brief note on Distributed Operating Single Point of Failure: Despite redundancy, certain
System.? components like the network or shared storage can
A Distributed Operating System (DOS) is a software become single points of failure, impacting the entire
system that manages multiple computers and their cluster if they fail.
resources as if they were a single computing entity. It Q.3.List down the architectural styles in distributed
enables processes to run concurrently across different operating system & explain any one in detail
machines in a network, providing features like Client-Server Architecture
transparency, scalability, and fault tolerance. DOS Peer-to-Peer Architecture
facilitates distributed computing by coordinating Hybrid Architecture
communication, resource sharing, and synchronization Client-Server Architecture:
among networked computers. In this architecture, there are two types of nodes:
• As a result, various computer networks and clients and servers. Clients request services or
distributed systems have been developed and put into resources from servers, and servers provide those
practical use. services or resources. The clients are usually end-users
• A distributed system is a collection of loosely or applications requesting services, while servers are
coupled processors interconnected by a specialized computers that store data or perform
communication network. computations.
In a client-server architecture, let's take the example of
a web application. The clients, which can be web
browsers on users' devices, send requests to a central
server. The server, which hosts the web application,
processes these requests and sends back responses,
such as web pages, data, or other resources.

Q .4.Write a short note on kernel architecture of

mobile OS.
The kernel architecture of a mobile operating system
(OS) is like the brain of the device, managing its
Q.4.Define cluster computing. State the advantages resources and enabling communication between
and disadvantages of cluster operating system.? software and hardware. It’s responsible for tasks like
Cluster computing is a type of computing in which memory management, process scheduling, and device
multiple computers, often called nodes, work together drivers. In Android, for instance, the Linux kernel
to perform a task or solve a problem. These nodes are serves as the foundation, providing core
functionalities. iOS, on the other hand, uses a Unix-
based kernel called XNU. Regardless of the specific Q4.What is a safety algorithm?
OS, the kernel plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth A safety algorithm is used in deadlock detection
operation and efficient resource utilization of mobile to determine if a system is in a safe state, where
devices. no deadlock can occur.

Q.5.Explain in brief sensor network Q5.What is the purpose of a safety resource

A sensor network is a group of spatially distributed algorithm?
sensors that monitor physical or environmental The purpose of a safety resource algorithm is to
conditions. These sensors communicate with each ensure that the system can allocate resources in
other wirelessly to collect and transmit data to a central such a way that no deadlock will ever occur.
location for processing and analysis. They are used in
various applications such as environmental monitoring, Q6.Define system model.
surveillance, healthcare, and industrial automation. System model is an abstraction of a computer
system that describes its components,
Q.6.Compare ARM and Intel architecture for interactions, and behavior.
power management.
ARM and Intel architectures have different Q7.What is deadlock detection?
approaches to power management: Deadlock detection is the process of determining
ARM: ARM processors are known for their whether a system is in a deadlock state and
efficiency in power management. They typically identifying the processes involved in the
use a combination of techniques such as dynamic deadlock.
voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), where the
voltage and frequency of the processor are Q8.Define deadlock avoidance.
adjusted based on workload demands, allowing Deadlock avoidance is a method of preventing
for efficient power consumption. ARM processors deadlocks by carefully allocating resources in
also often feature multiple power-saving states, such a way that the system will never enter a
allowing them to quickly switch between high- deadlock state.
performance and low-power modes. Q8.What is killing process in deadlocks?
__Intel: Intel processors also employ various Killing processes in deadlocks involves
power management techniques, but historically terminating one or more processes to resolve the
they have been associated with higher power deadlock and free up resources.
consumption compared to ARM. However, recent
Intel processors have made significant strides in Q10.Wait for graph is used for deadlock
power efficiency with features like Speed Shift, avoidance in the system True/False? Justify.
which dynamically adjusts the processor's True. Wait-for graph is used for deadlock
performance and power consumption in real-time avoidance. It helps in identifying the potential
based on workload requirements. Intel's power deadlocks and allows the system to take actions
management may rely more heavily on software- to avoid them.
based optimizations compared to ARM's
hardware-centric approach. Q11.How is the Banker's algorithm used in
Q9.List methods for deadlock recovery. The Banker's algorithm is used to ensure that the
Process termination, resource preemption, and system never enters an unsafe state by
rollback. considering resource allocation requests from
Q1.Define deadlock.
Deadlock is a situation in a computer system Q12.Give the sequence of operations in which
where two or more processes are unable to a process can utilize a resource under the
proceed because each is waiting for the other to normal mode of operations.
release a resource. Request, allocation, use, release.

Q2.When does deadlock occur? Q14.What is a wait-for graph?

Deadlock occurs when each process in a set of A wait-for graph is a directed graph used for
processes is holding a resource and waiting for a deadlock detection, where nodes represent
resource held by another process in the set. processes and edges represent resource
Q3.List necessary conditions for deadlocks.
Mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption, Q15.Justify: “The system must avoid
and circular wait. deadlock”.
Deadlocks can lead to system instability and CPU frequency dynamically, and optimizing
resource wastage, so it's crucial for the system to application behavior.
avoid them to ensure efficient and reliable
operation. Q.7.What is the main difference between RISC
and CISC?
Q16. Define safe and unsafe states. The main difference between RISC (Reduced
A safe state is a state in which the system can Instruction Set Computing) and CISC (Complex
allocate resources to each process in some order Instruction Set Computing) architectures lies in
and still avoid deadlock. An unsafe state is a state their instruction set design. RISC processors use
that may lead to a deadlock. a simplified instruction set with a smaller set of
instructions, while CISC processors have a more
Q17 What is a safe sequence? complex instruction set with a larger variety of
A safe sequence is a sequence of processes in instructions.
which each process can obtain all its requested
resources, ensuring that the system remains in a Q8.Which CPU architecture is mostly used in
safe state. mobile OS?
ARM architecture is predominantly used in mobile
Q18. Define starvation in deadlocks. operating systems due to its energy efficiency
Starvation in deadlocks occurs when a process is and performance.
unable to proceed because it is continually denied
the resources it needs, often due to resource
allocation policies favoring other processes.
Q.9.What are the main components of the
Q.1.What is the definition of a mobile OS? Android architecture?
A mobile operating system is software that The main components of Android architecture
controls mobile devices, managing hardware include the Linux kernel, libraries, runtime,
resources and providing essential services to application framework, and applications.
enable the operation of mobile applications.
Q.10.What are the features of the iOS mobile
Q.2 What are the special constraints of mobile OS?
operating systems? Features of the iOS mobile OS include a polished
Mobile operating systems need to manage limited user interface, seamless integration with Apple
resources such as battery power, memory, and services, a curated App Store, strong security
processing capability efficiently while providing a measures, and regular updates across
user-friendly interface and supporting diverse compatible devices.
Q.11.What is power management?
Q.3.What are the requirements of a mobile Power management involves techniques and
operating system? strategies to efficiently utilize and conserve
The requirements of a mobile operating system energy in electronic devices, such as mobile
include efficient resource management, support phones, to extend battery life and improve overall
for various hardware configurations, compatibility performance.
with mobile applications, security features, and a
user-friendly interface. Q.12.What is native level programming?
Native level programming involves writing
Q.5.What does ARM stand for? software directly for a specific hardware platform
ARM stands for Advanced RISC Machine. or operating system, using programming
Q.4.What are the important features of the languages and tools provided by the platform.
Android mobile OS?
Key features of the Android mobile OS include Q.13.What are the important features of the
customizable user interface, multitasking support, Palm mobile OS?
extensive app ecosystem through Google Play Important features of the Palm mobile OS include
Store, seamless integration with Google services, a simple and intuitive user interface, multitasking
and regular updates. capabilities, synchronization with desktop
applications, and support for third-party
Q.6.What are the approaches for power applications.
Approaches for power management include Q1.Define distributed system.
optimizing hardware and software for power
efficiency, implementing sleep modes, managing
A distributed system is a collection of A cluster is a group of interconnected computers
independent computers that appear to its users that work together to perform as a single,
as a single coherent system. integrated computing resource.

Q2.Define distributed operating system. Q.12.Define sensor network.

A distributed operating system is an extension of A sensor network is a network of spatially
the traditional operating system that manages distributed autonomous sensors that monitor
resources across a distributed network. physical or environmental conditions.

Q.3.What is meant by system architecture? Q.13.Define object-based architectures.

System architecture refers to the structure of Object-based architectures organize software
components, their relationships, and the components into objects, which encapsulate data
principles and guidelines governing their design and behavior, and communicate through method
and evolution. calls.

Q.4.Define grid. Q.14.What is meant by resource-centered

Grid refers to a distributed computing architecture style?
infrastructure that integrates various resources Resource-centered architecture style focuses on
across multiple administrative domains to provide the availability and management of distributed
users with seamless access to computing resources, often providing mechanisms for
capabilities. resource discovery, access, and utilization.

Q.5.List design goals for distributed system. Q.15.Define cloud.

Scalability, transparency, openness, reliability, Cloud refers to a distributed computing model that
and maintainability. provides on-demand access to shared computing
resources over the internet.
Q.6.What are the types of distributed
systems? Q.16.Give an example of hybrid cloud.
Client-server, peer-to-peer (P2P), and hybrid An example of a hybrid cloud is a setup where an
distributed systems. organization uses a combination of private and
public cloud services for their computing needs.
Q.7.Define P2P architecture.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture is a distributed Q.17Define mobile computing.
system architecture where each participant (peer) Mobile computing refers to the ability to use
has the same capabilities and can initiate computing devices while being mobile, typically
communication with any other peer in the through wireless networks.

Q.8. What is NFS?

NFS (Network File System) is a distributed file
system protocol allowing a user on a client
computer to access files over a network as if the
files were local.

Q.9.Define SOA.
SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) is an
architectural style that organizes software
applications as collections of loosely coupled

Q.10.Define Web-based distributed systems.

Web-based distributed systems are distributed
systems built on top of the Internet using web-
based technologies like HTTP, HTML, and XML
for communication and data exchange.

Q.11.Define cluster.

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