Capitulo 39

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Beneficiation of Coal

39.1 Introduction�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������185
39.2 Coal genesis����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������185
39.3 Beneficiation of coal����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������187
39.3.1 Coal washing����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
39.3.2 Coal gravity separation as a spirals����������������������������������������������� 187
39.3.3 Heavy media separation�������������������������������������������������������������� 190
39.3.4 Oil agglomeration����������������������������������������������������������������������� 190
39.3.5 Coal flotation����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191 Reagents used in coal flotation�������������������������������������������� 191
39.3.6 Coal flotation flow sheets used for treatment of various coal ores���� 194

39.1 Introduction
Coal is considered one of the most important sources of energy in the world.
In the early days of the industry, coal was mined and delivered without any treat-
ment to its point of consumption. Coal as mined is considered a raw material, which
required treatment to remove impurities such as pyrite and ash.
Over the past several decades, a number of coal upgrades have been developed to
remove impurities such as ash and pyrite. Some of these methods include: washing,
gravity concentration, agglomeration flotation.
A large portion of the effort has been placed on sulfur reduction. The major prob-
lem in sulfur reduction represents the presence of organic sulfur, which is impossible
to remove. Selection of the coal treatment method largely depends on the coal forma-
tion (genesis) and the particle size. For example, fine coal can only be beneficiated
using the flotation method.

39.2 Coal genesis

Coal is a combustible mineral substance resulting from the degradation and altera-
tion of vegetable matter largely in the absence of air. Coal deposits in North America
can be of the Permian age or cretaceous and tertiary in age. The differences in genesis
[1] can result in rather different properties of coal seemingly of the same rank.
Handbook of Flotation Reagents: Chemistry, Theory and Practice.
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 39 Beneficiation of Coal
Table 39.1 Approximate Value of Some Coal Properties in Different Rank Ranges
High-Volatile Medium-Volatile Low-Volatile
ASTM Rank Lignite Subbituminous Bituminous Bituminous Bituminous Anthracite

Equilibrium moisture % 35 16–29 12 3 3 5.5

Volatile matter % 33–62 60 34–52 20–31 10–20 <10

Calorific value BTU/LC 7000 10,000 12,000 15,000 15,800 15,200

Calorific value kJ/kg 16,000 23,000 28,000 35,000 37,000 35,000
Average %C 73 76 80 89 91 95.35
Range %C 66–76 71–81 76–84 86–92 87–92 92–97
H% 4.5 5 5.5 4.5 3.5 2.5
O% 25–16 25–11 18–8 4–3 3 2
O as OH% 11–7 9–5 9–4 3–1 3–1 1–0
O as COOH% 10–6 9–4 Low 0 0 0
Aromatic C atoms of total 50 65 – 80–85 85–90 90–95
No. of benzene ring layer 1–2 – 2–3 2–3 18 4
Friability avgerage % 12 20–30 43 70 70 33
39.3  Beneficiation of coal 187

The chemical and physical properties of different coal origins are shown in
Table 39.1.
From Table 39.1 a regular progression in the various chemical and physical
properties of coal is seen to proceed from the rank classification. Thus, any one
of several rank parameters [2] will provide a general guide to many properties
of a particular coal. These properties are useful for the selection of the treatment
It is very important to understand coal flotation behavior. Coal flotation is a
complicated process and is subject to rational interpretation. To develop an effi-
cient coal treatment process, it is important to know (1) the coal rank and its chemi-
cal and physical properties, (2) the general geologic genesis, (3) oxidation pyrite
and ash distribution and properties, and (4) the flotation process for different prop-
erties of coal.

39.3 Beneficiation of coal

There are a number of methods by which coal is beneficiated and this largely depends
on (1) the type of coal, (2) the type of impurities (pyrite, clay ash), and (3) the size of
coal particles. The commonly used beneficiation method includes:
• Coal washing
• Gravity separation as a specific spirals
• Heavy media separation
• Oil agglomeration
• Flotation

39.3.1 Coal washing

A large number of operating plants use coal washing to remove impurities such as
clay ash and pyrite. There are several devices used in coal washing, which include
specific jigs, water cyclone, screens, and tables. The washing rejects range from 20
to 38% of the feed.
The flow sheet used for coal washing is presented in Figure 39.1.

39.3.2 Coal gravity separation as a spirals

The use of spirals has become a standard practice in coal preparation plants world-
wide. To their credit, spirals typically show very low coal losses [3] in a tailing
stream under most operating conditions. However, spirals do tend to separate at cut
point in excess of 1.8 S.G. An attempted lower cut point may have typically resulted
in coal losses to middlings. To avoid such losses, middling retreatment is performed
in secondary spirals. Other forms of retreatment like, cyclone with water washing or
heavy media cyclone can be used. In a plant test, combining the two stages, spiral and
heavy media cyclone, significantly improved the organic efficiency but ash content
188 CHAPTER 39 Beneficiation of Coal

Raw coal
≤90 mm

Sizing screening
(8 mm)
+8 mm –8 mm
Coarse coal 1

Gangue Clean coal Gangue Clean coal

to disposal to dewatering to disposal to dewatering
and sizing
Note 1: Jig or table can also be used.

Flow sheet used in coal washing.

Table 39.2 Results of Combination of Spirals and Heavy Media Cyclone Obtained
on Raw Coal Feed
Primary and Secondary Primary and Secondary
Clean Coal HMC No. 1 Clean Coal and HMC No.
Clean Coal Stream Product 2 Product

Yield 70.24 71.17

Clean coal ash 10.77 12.49
Cut point 1.715 1.797
Organic efficiency 98.9 95.7
Refuse ash 71.38 69.09
Interim yield 17.94 18.87
Increment ash 7.73 14.36

HMC, Heavy Media Cyclone.

was somewhat increased. Table 39.2 shows the results of heavy media cyclone and
spirals on raw coal feed.
The flow sheet for combined two-stage spiral and heavy media cyclone circuit is
presented in Figure 39.2.
39.3  Beneficiation of coal 189


Primary spiraling

cleaner Midd lings Primary
concentrate t ailings

Secondary spiraling

cleaner Midd lings Secondary
concentrate t ailings


Clean To waste
coal Tailings

Flow sheet for combined two-stage spiral and heavy media cyclone circuit.

Table 39.3 Results Obtained on 4 mesh Bituminous Coal Using a Combination of

Spiral and Sizer
Product Assays % Ash % Weight Distribution

Feed 11.09 –
Coal 6.56 69.1
Middlings 14.74 5.7
Heavy 50.56 5.7

Another concentration method involving combination of spiral and sizer is used

in the plants to treat bituminous coal. The feed to the spiral is about −4 mesh nominal
Metallurgical results obtained are presented in Table 39.3.
The actual flow sheet employed in the plant is shown in Figure 39.3.
190 CHAPTER 39 Beneficiation of Coal

16.8% ash, –4 mesh


Spiral concentrate Midd lings Tailings

6.7% ash 48.4% ash


Oversize Undersize
7.8% ash tailings
58.4% ash


Under flow Over flow

Clean coal Slimes Total tailings

7.0% ash 36.9% ash 50.6% ash
74 wt% 9.0 wt% 17.0 wt%

Flow sheet used for cleaning of bituminous coal using spiral and sizer.

39.3.3 Heavy media separation

Heavy media separation dates back to several centuries. Initially, a fine magnetite
was used as a heavy media. In 1936, a plant was designed employing organic liquid
as a heavy media for treating anthracite coal containing ore.
The heavy media process is usually used for treatment of coarse coal
above 9.5 mm in size. Finer coal below 9.5 mm cannot be cleaned economically in
heavy medium. The settling velocities of the fine material are very low, and con-
sequently the time required to separate the lighter coal from the heavy becomes
Nowadays, magnetic field has been used as a heavy media at fineness of between
100 and 325 mesh. Separation using heavy media can be done in either conventional
heavy media, thanks or in heavy media cyclones.

39.3.4 Oil agglomeration

Agglomeration is a process in which a liquid immersible in water is used to “bridge”
hydrophobic (oleophilic) coal particle while leaving gangue particles (pyrite, ash,
etc.) dispersed in the aqua medium.
39.3  Beneficiation of coal 191

High-sheer agitation is needed to displace the water on the surface of the coal
with the agglomerating liquid. Agglomerating liquid is typically a heavy oil like die-
sel fuel or No. 6 fuel oil or a light hydrocarbon like heptane or pentane.
During the high-shear agitation step the organic matter is separated from the
pyritic sulfur and other mineral matter components, hence it is often referred to as
the cleaning step.
Agglomeration and flotation are the only processes that presently deal with recov-
ery of fine coal. Oil agglomeration has two entirely separable functions. First is its
ability to selectively separate coal from mineral matter to produce high-grade coal.
Second is the elimination of conventional dewatering of coal.
There are several recent operating plants that use different approaches during oil
agglomeration. These differences are smaller than similarities.
Spherical agglomeration process was developed in the early 1960s. Like other
processes, spherical agglomeration depends on the preferential wetting of coal par-
ticles by a hydrocarbon. The most significant advance of the spherical agglomeration
is the degree of compaction. When coal agglomerates are compacted the dewatering
is simplified. Figure 39.4 shows the flow sheet used in spherical agglomeration.
Shell pelletizing separator consists of special mixing device for contact oil shoot
suspension that resulted in the formation of 305 mm pellets from the diluted suspen-
sion. Using this process, a coal recovery of 95% is achieved with 85–95% ash rejec-
tion using 9–15% heavy oil in coal slurry.
Olifloc process is aimed at optimizing mineral matter removal and maximizing
selectivity. It also maximizes the recovery of coal. The olifloc process is also designed
for fine coal product. The flow sheet used in the olifloc process is shown in Figure 39.5.
SFRI process is being used in India for the beneficiation of difficult-to-wash and
noncoking coal. The technique conditions fine coal slurry (smaller than 100 μm) with
diesel oil (2% by weight of coal) in the colloid mill for 2 min. The conditioned slurry
is subsequently agitated with an 8–12% addition of heavy oil followed by washing
and screening.

39.3.5 Coal flotation

Coal flotation is practiced in many operating plants around the world. Flotation is
applied to fine coal, i.e., 600 μm (30 mesh). In conventional practice the frother and
collector are stirred in a water solution before being introduced to the slurry. It should
be noted that an excess of reagents is invariably deleterious to the flotation process
in terms of the selectivity between the coal and the gangue minerals. However, to
achieve high coal recovery an excess of frother and collector will be required which
in turn, results in reduced selectivity. Furthermore, an excess of gangue depressants
will likely depress the coal. Reagents used in coal flotation

Frothers: The most commonly used coal frothers have been the short, branched-
chain alcohols and the creosotes, pine oil, and polypropylene glycol ethers.
192 CHAPTER 39 Beneficiation of Coal










Spherical agglomeration flow sheet.

The short chain branched alcohols (MIBC) are usually considered to be a main
frother in the flotation of the higher rank coals but an excess has been demonstrated
to promote pyrite flotation [4]. Creosotes and pine oils are essentially absolute and
have collecting properties not only for coal but also for gangue minerals.
The newer glycol frothers offer an advantage in floating coarse coal particles.
Frothers must be added before collectors as prior additions of oil, which mitigates
the problem by blocking coal surface to frother adsorption.
39.3  Beneficiation of coal 193

Coal slurry
–0.5 mm


Under flow Over flow



(0.25 mm)

Under size Over size



Concentrate Tailings Clean coal

to filtration to thickening to dewatering

Olifloc process flow sheet.

Collectors: In coal flotation, the principal function of collectors is to improve

hydrophobicity and hence the flotability of coal particles, and at the same time, to be
selective toward gangue minerals. The most commonly used collectors for coal flota-
tion is No. 2 fuel oil, for the reason of its effectiveness and cost.
Kerosene is used to the lesser extent, with other collectors. Collector use
is required for the flotation of low-rank and oxidized bituminous coal. Based on
research studies [3], the advantages and disadvantages of using fuel oil as a collector
are shown in Table 39.4.
Depressants: In some instances, it may be desirable to float a pyrite and/or ash
mineral and depress coal. A large number of depressants have been examined in vari-
ous studies. It has been concluded that a dextrin (corn, wheat, tapioca) is an effective
194 CHAPTER 39 Beneficiation of Coal

Table 39.4 Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Fuel Oil as

Collector during Coal Flotation
Advantages Disadvantages

Increases flotation rate of coal Promotes flotation of pyrite and ash minerals
Increases flotation of low-rank Encourages the flotation of all fines
and oxidized coal (−100 mesh) particles
Floats less hydrophobic particles Floats fusinite and carbonaceous shells
(e.g., fusinite)
Floats coarse particles Floats locked particles
Serves as a frother extender
Blocks coal surface against frother

coal depressant. Some polysaturates were also used as coal depressants during pyrite
flotation. Concerning pyrite depression during coal flotation, the use of ferric chlorite
is practiced in some operating plants.

39.3.6 Coal flotation flow sheets used for treatment of various coal
There are many variations of coal flotation circuits as there are coal types to be
upgraded. In actual fact the flotation circuit design is a function of the type of impu-
rities in a coal-containing ore. The following ore flow sheet is designed for various
ore types [5].
Flow sheet for treatment of low pyrite and/or oxidized coal.
The flow sheet used in the treatment of low pyrite and oxidized coal (Figure 39.6)
is designed to separately float coarse and fine coal. The important operating factor
is that the pulp density in a coarse coal circuit be maintained at about 15% solids
while, during fine coal flotation, the pulp density should be maintained at 6% solids.
The low pulp density flotation improves rejection of clay particles. Pulp conditioning
with reagents prior to the flotation stage improves flotation rate and reduces the level
of reagent consumption.
Flow sheet for treatment of high pyrite ore.
The flow sheet used for the treatment of high pyrite ore is similar to that used for
the treatment of low pyrite ore except that the cleaning circuit for both coarse and
39.3  Beneficiation of coal 195

–6 mm


To heavy media
Underflow Overflow
conditioning conditioning

Coarse coal Fine coal

flotation flotation

Concentrate Tailings
to filtration to thickening

Flotation circuit design for treatment of low pyrite and/or oxidized coal.

fine coal flotation is added. An extra conditioning stage is also added to the circuit.
A first conditioner is used to add pyrite depressant, usually ferric chloride, and the
second conditioner to add coal flotation reagents. This flow sheet is shown in Figure
39.7. It should be noted that ferric chloride is an effective pyrite and does not affect
flotability of coal.
Flow sheet design for processing of strip coal with high pyrite and high clay.
The flow sheet incorporated attrition scrubbing which was found to be advanta-
geous. The attrition scrubber removes clay from the surface of the coal particles
followed by clay removal by cycloning. The flow sheet does not require split circuit
flotation of coarse and fines. Again, ferric chloride is used for pyrite depression dur-
ing coal flotation. This flow sheet is presented in Figure 39.8.
196 CHAPTER 39 Beneficiation of Coal



To heavy media
Underflow Overflow
conditioning 1 conditioning 1
Underflow Overflow
conditioning 2 conditioning 2

Coarse coal Fine coal

rougher flotation rougher flotation

Coarse coal Fine coal

cleaner flotation cleaner flotation

Thickening Thickening

Coarse coal product Tailings Fine coal product To recycle

to filtration to filtration to filtration

Flow sheet used in treatment of high pyrite coal.
39.3  Beneficiation of coal 197

–6 mm


To heavy media

Scrubbing 1

Scrubbing 2


Conditioning 1
Clay To recycle

Conditioning 2

Rougher flotation

Cleaner flotation

Coal concentrate Pyrite Tailings

to filtration tailings to dewatering

Flow sheet design for processing strip coal with high pyrite and high clay.
198 CHAPTER 39 Beneficiation of Coal

[1] Aplan FF. Coal Flotation. A. M. Gaudin memorial volume, C. Fuestenau additions, AIME,
New York, pp. 1235–64.
[2] Aplan FF. Coal properties dictate coal flotation strategies. Gaudin Lect 1992; 14 pages.
[3] Aplan FF. Estimating the flotability of western coal. Coal Geology Mining Extraction.
AIME, New York. pp. 380–98.
[4] Bonner CM, Aplan FF. The influence of reagent dosages on the flotability of pyrite during
coal flotation. Sep Sci Technol 1992;28.
[5] Toney TA, Fish LR, Bethell PJ. Increase your plant recovery: more efficient spiral circuit.
Orlando, Florida: SME Annual Meeting; March 9–11, 1998.

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