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For Chapter 2 knowledge assessment, please complete

the following trial exam.
1 Rubbing two surfaces together produces an electric
charge. This electric charge is:
a electron electricity
b current electricity
c static electricity FIGURE 2.147 Circuit symbol – 2
d dynamic electricity
8 The symbol of Figure 2.147 represents:
2 Which of the following electricity production a switch
methods is an example of a non-renewable energy b lamp
source? c battery
a wind powered turbine that rotates a generator to d circuit breaker
produce electricity
9 A battery provides:
b coal fired boiler that converts water into steam,
a a source of electrical pressure
which drives a turbine that rotates a generator to
b opposition to an electric current
produce electricity
c constant resistance in a circuit
c solar radiation on photovoltaic panels to produce
d kinetic energy
10 An open circuit is a condition where:
d dammed water being gravity fed to a turbine that
a an avalanche current occurs
rotates a generator to produce electricity
b electrical conduction occurs
3 The sector of the electrical power delivery system
c no current flows
responsible for delivering electrical power to
d internal short circuiting happens
domestic residences is:
11 Mega is the prefix used when a unit is multiplied by:
a transmission
a 10 6
b generation
b 103
c distribution
c 10 -3
d feeding
d 10 -6
4 Which of the following electrical loads utilises motive
12 Milli is the prefix used when a unit is multiplied by:
a 10 6
a water heater
b 103
b radiant heater
c 10 -3
c lamp
d 10 -6
d electric motor
5 The coulomb is:
a the SI unit for voltage
b the SI unit for inductance
c the SI unit for charge
d the SI unit for capacitance
6 A current of 15 A flows through a conductor for 90
seconds. What quantity of electricity is transferred?
a 6C
b 22.5 C
c 135 C FIGURE 2.148 Circuit
d 1350 C 13 What is the reading on the ammeter for the circuit
shown in Figure 2.148?
a 2A
b 5A
c 0.5 A
d 50 A
FIGURE 2.146 Circuit symbol – 1
14 What is the reading on the voltmeter for the circuit
7 The symbol of Figure 2.146 represents: shown in Figure 2.148?
a switch a 60 V
b lamp b 120 V
c battery c 30 V
d circuit breaker d 2V
15 Calculate the current drawn by a 1 kΩ load when 22 Calculate how much force pushes a 60 kg
connected to a 50 V d.c. supply. switchboard with an acceleration of 0.03 m/s2.
a 200 A a 2000 N
b 5 MA b 1.8 N
c 1000 A c 0.0005 N
d 50 mA d 0.054 N
16 Calculate the potential across a 150 Ω resistor 23 What is the maximum torque that an electrician can
drawing a current of 100 mA d.c. apply to a conduit threader of 0.5 m in length while
a 150 mV applying a force of 50 N?
b 1.5 V a 25 Nm
c 15 V b 100 Nm
d 150 V c 0.005 Nm
17 Calculate the resistance of a load drawing a current d 250 Nm
of 200 mA when connected across a 200 V d.c. 24 An electrician raises a consumer’s switchboard to
supply. a height of 2 m while applying a force of 20 N. How
a 1 kΩ much work occurs?
b 1Ω a 0.2 J
c 200 Ω b 10 J
d 100 Ω c 40 J
d 0.1 J
25 Calculate the potential energy of a 60 kg air-
conditioning unit that is lifted using a lifting trolley
through a distance of 0.75 m.
a 441 J
b 106.67 J
c 150 J
d 300 J
26 Calculate the kinetic energy of a rawhide hammer
of 2 kg mass moving at a velocity of 3 m/s when
installing a bearing onto an electric motor shaft.
a 18 J
b 6J
c 9J
d 3J
FIGURE 2.149 Graph
27 A scissor lift can raise a 150 kg three-phase motor
18 The graph shown in Figure 2.149 shows the current to a height of 2 m against the force of gravity in ten
that will flow through a resistive load for varying seconds. What is the power developed?
values of potential difference. What is the value of a 294 W
the resistance? b 2943 W
a 10 Ω c 900 W
b 20 Ω d 8829 W
c 50 Ω
28 Whenever a machine transforms energy from one
d 100 Ω
form to another, there is always:
19 Calculate the power dissipated by a load drawing a an energy gain
100 mA when connected across a 20 V d.c. supply. b power stability
a 10 W c an energy loss
b 24 W d mechanical power developed
c 4W
29 Calculate the output power of an electric motor that
d 2W
has a constant speed of 1450 rpm when the load
20 What is the power rating of a 230 V, 48 Ω industrial torque is 20 Nm.
heating element? a 3037 W
a 4.8 W b 182.2 kW
b 1100 W c 71.5 W
c 2.3 W d 29 kW
d 11 kW
30 If the voltage in a circuit is held constant while
21 A load dissipates 30 W when drawing 1.5 A from a the circuit resistance is halved then the power
d.c. supply. As the supply voltage is increased, what consumption will:
power develops when the current doubles? a stay the same
a 60 W b double
b 300 W c halve
c 120 W d increase by four times
d 150 W
31 The instrument used to measure power in an 40 Which of the following effects of electric current does
electrical circuit is the: an electric motor utilise?
a ammeter a heating
b ohmmeter b magnetic
c voltmeter c physiological
d wattmeter d chemical
32 Typical physiological effects of an electric current 41 An electric motor rated at 300 kW has energy losses
include: of 5 kW. What is the efficiency of the motor?
a magnetism, pressure and radiation a 100.1%
b electrolysis and corrosion b 1.6%
c ventricular fibrillation, asphyxia and muscle c 67.2%
spasms d 98.36%
d illumination and arcing 42 A practical example of electric current generated by
33 What is the mA range for the term ‘grip current’? chemical means is a:
a 250–1000 mA a welding machine
b 75–100 mA b thermocouple
c 15–17 mA c battery
d 5–8 mA d transformer
34 Name the device used to protect a person from an 43 A practical example of a device that generates
earth fault current. electric current by thermal means is:
a main switch a electroplating
b fuse b a solar panel
c residual current device c a thermocouple
d circuit breaker d an electric motor
35 What may occur to an electrical connection because 44 A practical example of a device that generates
of electrolysis between a copper busbar and an electric current from a conductor moving through a
aluminium busbar? magnetic field is a:
a ionisation a solar panel
b an electrostatic charge b generator
c high-resistance joint c fuel cell
d corrosion d solenoid
36 What type of electrical effect develops when a 45 A practical example of a device that generates
current flows through a copper conductor? electric current from solar radiation is a:
a piezoelectric effect a solar panel
b ionic effect b generator
c magnetic effect c fuel cell
d photovoltaic effect d solenoid
37 Which of the following effects of electric current does 46 Which of the following resistor types is most suitable
an Automatic External Defibrillator utilise? for high power applications?
a heating a carbon film
b magnetic b metal film
c physiological c carbon composite
d chemical d wire wound
38 Which of the following effects of electric current does 47 The most suitable application for a rheostat is:
the electroplating process utilise? a field current control in a d.c. motor
a heating b volume control in an audio amplifier
b magnetic c light intensity controller
c physiological d variable voltage control
d chemical 48 Which of the following resistors is most suitable for
39 Which of the following effects of electric current does use as a surge protection device?
an electric kettle utilise? a LDR
a heating b VDR
b magnetic c PTC thermistor
c physiological d potentiometer
d chemical
49 Which of the following resistors is most suitable for 55 If the voltage supplied to a series-connected load
use in controlling outdoor lighting? decreased by 50% and the circuit resistance remains
a LDR the same, the total circuit current will:
b VDR a increase
c PTC thermistor b decrease in the same proportion as the voltage
d potentiometer c it would remain the same
50 Which of the following resistors is most suitable for d burn out the series-connected load
use as an over-temperature sensor in electric motors? 56 The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to the:
a LDR a product of the circuit resistances
b VDR b sum of the circuit resistances
c PTC thermistor c square of the current times the voltage
d potentiometer d largest load resistance
51 When a light dependent resistor is exposed to 57 A series circuit contains three loads each having
increasing illumination, its resistance: the same resistance. What would the equivalent
a increases resistance of the circuit be if one load is shorted?
b decreases a twice the resistance of one load
c does not change b infinity resistance
d drops to zero c zero resistance
52 A resistor has the coloured bands orange–orange– d remain the same resistance
red–gold. What is its value? 58 Three lamps are connected in series across a
a 330 Ω ± 10% 50 V d.c. supply. If the circuit current is 5 A and the
b 33 kΩ ± 5% resistance of two of the lamps totals 5 Ω, calculate
c 3.3 kΩ ± 5% the resistance of the third lamp.
d 3.3 kΩ ± 10% a 25 Ω
53 Power loss in a cable is due to: b 245 Ω
a failure of cable insulation c 10 Ω
b conductor resistance d 5Ω
c reduced supply voltage
d reduced current demand
54 A series circuit has:
a large power consumption
b no voltage drop
c only one component connected
d one path for current

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