Exercise Guide ESU03GX-3

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Basic System Programming with the IBM
Course code ESU03G ERC 1.0
August 2019 edition
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Exercise 1. System Familiarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Section 1: Gathering information and accessing the lab image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Section 2: Exit ISPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Section 3: Logoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

Exercise 2. Submit a job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Section 1: Create a data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Section 2: JCL and viewing help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Section 3: Rename a data set member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

Exercise 3. JCL exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Section 1: Copy a selected member of a PDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Section 2: Copy an entire data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Section 3: Copy and replace a selected member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Section 4: Perform a secure compress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Section 5: Compress a data set in place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Section 6: Copy a PDS and a PDSE data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Section 7: Optional: Copy in-stream data to PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Section 8: Optional: Print a Sequential data set to SYSOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Section 9: Optional: Print a PDS member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Section 10: Optional: Create a PDS member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

Exercise 4. Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Section 1: Override DD-statements of an in-stream procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Section 2: Run cataloged procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Section 3: Create cataloged procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Section 4: Use of DFSORT (ICEMAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Section 5: Optional: Create PS from in-stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Section 6: Optional: Conditional processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Section 7: Optional: Route a job to INTRDR using IEBGENER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9

Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Section 1: Accessing the z/OS Management Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Section 2: z/OSMF interface layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Section 3: TSO interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Section 4: Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Section 5: Setting up a z/OS console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
Section 6: Using the z/OS console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Section 7: Entering z/OS commands and interpreting the output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Section 8: Identifying the system configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Section 9: The DEVSERV command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Section 1: ISHELL introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Section 2: Introduction to the file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Section 3: Customize ISHELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Section 4: UNIX directory list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Section 5: Optional: Create a hierarchical file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7

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TOC Section 6: Optional: Managing files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7

Section 7: Optional: Additional UNIX activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
Section 8: Optional: Introduction to the file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .X-17

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


Exercise 1. System Familiarization

Estimated time

The steps in this exercise are to guide you through accessing the Skytap environment to gain entry
into the IBM mainframe system and exit ISPF and logoff TSO. These action items are to be
performed on the actual live system.

• Access the Skytap environment
• Access the system image
• Log on to TSO
• Logoff TSO

SC34-4823 Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) User's Guide

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization

Exercise instructions



The Enter key on your keyboard may/may not be the Enter key.
On some keyboards, the Enter key for VM is the right CTRL key. Take care when entering your
password. If you enter the password incorrectly four times, your user ID will be revoked. Contact
the Help Desk for support.

Section 1: Gathering information and accessing the lab image

__ 1. Now that you are ready to perform the lab exercises, select the Launch Lab button to start.

__ 2. Select Course Lab Kit on the top left of the screen, by clicking the link (highlighted in red

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


This will provide you with all of the information you will need to progress through this course.
The following is just an example. Do not use the information below to record your information.
Ensure that you use the information in your Course Lab Kit.

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


__ 3. Record your information here for reference:

a. PC Image Login: _____________________________________
b. PC Image Password: _________________________________
c. System name: ______________________________
d. TSO user ID: _______________________________
e. TSO password: _____________________________
__ 4. If the lab image is “suspended” or “powered off”, then Click the session image to activate it.
(Click the Play button).

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


__ 5. Click the play button.

Wait patiently while your image is being created. This may take a while.
__ 6. Left click in the middle of the next screen:

The request for the password will now appear.

__ 7. Using the information you recorded in step 3, enter the assigned password on the following
screen and press the arrow to the right of the entry to continue.

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


__ 8. Once the icons appear on the desktop, using the information you recorded in step 3, double
click the system name.

__ 9. Using the information you recorded in step 3, enter the assigned TSO user ID and press the
Enter Key.

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


__ 10. Using the information you recorded in step 3, enter the assigned TSO password and press
the Enter Key.

__ 11. Once you have successfully logged on, the following screen will appear:

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


__ 12. When three asterisks (***) appear, press the Enter Key to continue.
You are now logged on to TSO.
When *** (three asterisks) appear on the screen, press the Enter Key to continue.

Section 2: Exit ISPF

__ 13. To leave ISPF's Program Development Facility:
__ a. You can enter an X on the command line or press the F3 Key.

You now have ended the ISPF session and returned to the TSO command line mode. Your
TSO session is still running.

Section 3: Logoff
__ 14. To terminate your TSO session, enter the TSO command logoff on your terminal.

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Exercise 1. System Familiarization


TSO then replies with a message like IKJ56470I userid LOGGED OFF TSO AT 14:40:51
on July 16, 2019 to indicate that your TSO session has been terminated.

End of exercise

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Exercise 2. Submit a job


Exercise 2. Submit a job

Estimated time

This exercise provides an opportunity to allocate a partitioned data set, edit a member and execute
an IEBCOPY program.

• Allocate a data set
• Copy a member
• Submit a job
• View the job output

GC35-0033 Device Support Facilities User’s Guide and Reference
GC28-1758 MVS JCL User’s Guide
z/OS Introduction and Workshop Unit Job Control Language (JCL)

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Exercise 2. Submit a job

Exercise instructions

• All action items followed by a * sign, include exercise hints, which are located at the end of this
• Example solutions for many of the following exercise parts can be found in data set
(D80WW.ES10V15.SOLUTION). DO NOT MODIFY this data set. Attempt to resolve any editing
and JCL errors using the course materials before referencing data set.

Section 1: Create a data set


Remember not to put single quotation marks around the data set name for batch JCL DD

__ 1. Access the ISPF Primary Option Menu.

__ 2. If needed, allocate a partitioned data set named userid.ES10.CNTL with the following
__ a. One cylinder primary and secondary space
__ b. 10 blocks directory space
__ c. Record format fixed blocked
__ d. Logical record size 80
__ e. Block size 0


Data set userid.ES10.CNTL may already exist, and can be used as it is with no modifications to its
allocation characteristics.

__ 3. Use option 3.3 to copy member LAB5#01 from data set D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL into data
set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 4. Edit member LAB5#01 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 5. Enter your JOB statement with the following specifications:
__ a. Job name is useridA (Yes, your user ID with an A at the end).
__ b. Account #: See member JOBCARD in D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL.*
__ c. Programmer's name is your name.
__ d. Message class is: See member JOBCARD in D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL.
__ e. Message level is: 1,1.
__ f. You are to be informed when the job has completed execution.

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Exercise 2. Submit a job

__ g. Run the job in Class A: See member JOBCARD in D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL.
__ h. Instead of typing your own job card, why not copy your sample jobcard member
userid.ES10.CNTL(JOBCARD) and modify it if needed.
__ 6. Complete the EXEC statement by calling the program IEBCOPY.
__ 7. Complete the DD statements as follows:
__ a. SYSUT1 is D80WW.ES10V15.PROC.
__ b. SYSUT2 is a new cataloged data set called userid.ES10.PROC to be allocated with the
same characteristics as D80WW.ES10V15.PROC.
__ 8. Submit the job.
__ 9. View its output with SDSF. Leave the output on the spool. *

Section 2: JCL and viewing help

These instructions are provided for those who might require additional assistance.
The following is the correct syntax of the JCL for job LAB5#01:
Note: Replace UUUUUUU with your TSO user ID and replace NNNNNNN with your name.

How to view the completion status for job LAB5#01:

__ 10. After submitting the job, record the Job number.

__ 11. From the ISPF Primary Option Menu, select S (SDSF), and press the Enter key.
__ 12. From the SDSF Primary Option Menu, select ST (Status of jobs), and press the Enter key.
__ 13. Locate the Job number.
Note: You might need to press the F8 (Forward) key to advance to the next screen.
__ 14. Enter the letter S to the left of the Job ID, press the Enter key.

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Exercise 2. Submit a job


__ 15. Using the F8 (Forward) key, ensure that the job completed without any errors.
A RC (Return Code) of 0 is a successful job completion status.
Note: The following output is three pages in length:

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Exercise 2. Submit a job


Section 3: Rename a data set member

In your data set userid.ES10.CNTL you should have a member called JOBCARD.
__ 16. Verify it with ISPF 3.4, then m(ember) list, or with ISPF 1 view, or ISPF 2 edit.
__ 17. You task is to rename this member to JOBC.

You have many ways to do that:

1. You can use ISPF
a. option 3.4, ‘m’ or ‘e’, then r(ename)
b. Or option 3.1
2. You can use TSO command ‘rename’
a. Goto ISPF option 6 and enter command:
__ 18. Once you have renamed the member, verify with ISPF 3.4 then ‘m’ or ‘e’, or with ISPF 1 or
with ISPF 2.

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Exercise 2. Submit a job

End of exercise

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Exercise 2. Submit a job

Exercise hints
Section 1: Create a data set
Step 5b:

Step 9:
The completion message will not be sent to the TSO/E session asynchronously; it will be sent with
the response to a command input (that is, pressing the Enter key), or, when you log off while the job
is running, you will receive the message when you log on again. This is such a small job that you
most likely will see the completion message when you press Enter in response to *** to clear the
submission message.

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises


Exercise 3. JCL exercises

Estimated time
Optional sections: 00:45

This exercise provides an opportunity to code an IEBCOPY job to copy a member from one data
set to another. Also, IEBCOPY is used to perform a secure compress of a PDS, which reclaims
unused spaces between members. There are optional exercises which include copying in-stream
data to a PS, print a sequential data set and a PDS member, and creating an additional PDS

• Copy a member of a PDS
• Copy PDS and PDSE
• Replace a member
• Perform a secure compress
• Compress a data set in place

GC35-0033 Device Support Facilities User’s Guide and Reference
GC28-1758 MVS JCL User’s Guide
z/OS Introduction and Workshop Unit Job Control Language (JCL)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2019 3-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 3. JCL exercises

Exercise instructions

• This exercise depends on the successful completion of the previous exercises.
• The answers to all questions are located at the end of this exercise.
• All action items followed by a * sign, include exercise hints, which are located at the end of this


Section 7: Optional: Copy in-stream data to PS is expected to be successfully completed prior to

advancing to the next exercise.

Section 1: Copy a selected member of a PDS

__ 1. Create member LAB5#11 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL, and code an IEBCOPY job to
copy member JOBCARD from data set D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL into data set
Here is a little help. Make sure you specify a disposition of ‘share’ (DISP=SHR) for the
output dataset. Your job should look like the following:
COPY ....=......,.....=......


Do not create a job card; TSO creates a default job card for you.

__ 2. Submit the job, by entering ‘sub’ or ‘submit’ on the command line

__ 3. You will be prompted to enter a one character that will be appended as a suffix character to
your TSO userid to form your job name (ex: TSOZA059 if you entered 9 and your TSO
userid is TSOZA05)

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises

__ 4. Check the results of your job using SDSF. *
In case of errors, remove the cause of error and rerun the job.

__ 5. Now tailor the copied JOBCARD member so that this job card can be copied into each new
JCL member.
Your JOBCARD should look something like the following:
//useridA JOB (ACCOUNT),'userid',MSGCLASS=Q,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),
The comment lines shown in the sample above are for documentation purposes so that you
will be able to trace from where the JCL was submitted.
__ 6. Save the changes to the member.

Section 2: Copy an entire data set

__ 7. Create member LAB5#12 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 8. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that copies the (input) data set
userid.ES10.CNTL into (output) data set userid.COPY.CNTL.
__ 9. Since the output data set does not exist, allocate it during the copy step. The characteristics
are the same as for userid.ES10.CNTL. *
(Use the LIKE parameter to allocate the new data set.)

__ 10. Submit the job.

__ 11. Check the results of your job. In case of errors, remove the cause of error and rerun the job.

Section 3: Copy and replace a selected member

__ 12. Create member LAB5#13 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 13. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that copies member JOBCARD
from D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL into data set userid.COPY.CNTL with the REPLACE option

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises

You may specify a disposition of ‘share’ (DISP=SHR) or DISP=OLD for the output dataset,
because userid.COPY.CNTL is not detained or used by any other process or TSO user
session. Your job should look like the following:

__ 14. Submit the job.

__ 15. Check the results of your job. In case of errors, remove the cause of error and rerun the job.
__ 16. Remember to replace the existing member. Check this thoroughly.

Section 4: Perform a secure compress

After a PDS has been subjected to a high volume of activity such as replacing members, adding
new member and deleting members there may be unusable gaps or spaces between members
stored within the PDS. A compress function using IEBCOPY is provided to compress the members
and consolidate all the gaps or spaces into a single area within the PDS.


Do not compress a partitioned data set currently being used by more than one user. If you do, the
other users will see the data set as damaged, even though it is not. If any of these other users
update the partitioned data set after you compress it, then their update will actually damage the
partitioned data set.

__ 17. Create member LAB5#14 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL. Copy the member JOBCARD
into it and create job steps that do the following: *
Use the first step to allocate a data set named userid.COMPRESS.DATA like data set
userid.COPY.CNTL. The second step should only run when the RC=0 in the previous
step. Use the IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF clause for this purpose.

__ 18. Copy the entire data set userid.COPY.CNTL into userid.COMPRESS.DATA, thus
creating a backup of userid.COPY.CNTL.
__ 19. Submit the job.
__ 20. Check that the above step was successful using the IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF clause, and
verify with ISPF 3.4 data set list utility, or ISPF 3.2 data set utility that dataset
userid.COMPRESS.DATA was actually created.

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises

__ 21. If the above steps were executed with RC=0, go on to LAB 5 #15, else delete
userid.COMPRESS.DATA, remove the cause of the error, and rerun the job. *

Section 5: Compress a data set in place

__ 22. Create member LAB5#15 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 23. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that compresses the data set
userid.COPY.CNTL in place.
__ 24. Submit the job.


IEBCOPY performs a compress when both the input and output are the same data set on the same

__ 25. Delete data set userid.COMPRESS.DATA, but only if previous step was executed with
__ 26. Check the results of your job and verify with ISPF 3.4 data set list utility, or ISPF 3.2 data set
utility that dataset userid.COMPRESS.DATA was actually deleted.In case of errors,
remove the cause of error and rerun the job.
__ 27. You should see the following message in the job output:

Section 6: Copy a PDS and a PDSE data set

__ 28. First, create data set userid.COPY.PDS using ISPF option 3.2 with the following
__ a. Space: One TRK primary and one TRK secondary allocation
__ b. DSORG: PDS
__ c. RECFM: FB
__ d. DIR: One directory block
__ e. LRECL: 80
__ f. BLKSIZE: 0
__ 29. Second, create data set userid.COPY.PDSE using ISPF option 3.2 with the following
__ a. Space: One TRK primary and one TRK secondary allocation
__ c. RECFM: FB
__ d. DIR: One directory block
__ e. LRECL: 80
__ f. BLKSIZE: 0

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises

__ 30. Create member LAB5#16 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 31. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that copies data set
userid.ES10.CNTL into data set userid.COPY.PDS.


Do not submit the job at this time.

__ 32. Create member LAB5#17 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.

__ 33. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that copies data set
userid.ES10.CNTL into data set userid.COPY.PDSE.
__ 34. Save the member and submit both jobs.


Q1: Does member LAB5#16 complete successfully? ___________

Q2: Does member LAB5#17 complete successfully? ___________

End of exercise (Optional exercises follow)

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises

Section 7: Optional: Copy in-stream data to PS


The successful completion of this section is required to perform exercise 4, section 3: Create
cataloged procedure.

__ 35. Create member LAB5#21 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.

__ 36. Code an IEBGENER job to copy data from in-stream data set to the newly allocated data
set userid.GENER.COPY#1.
__ 37. The characteristics for the new data set are as follows:
__ a. Space: 1 TRK primary and 1 TRK secondary allocation
__ b. DSORG: PS
__ c. RECFM: FB
__ d. DIR: 0 directory block
__ e. LRECL: 80
__ f. BLKSIZE: 0
__ 38. The in-stream data could be like the following:

__ 39. After submitting the job, check the results of the job. Using ISPF 3.4 or ISPF 2 verify that
dataset TSOZA05.GENER.COPY#1 has actually been created and that it contains the
above data records. In the case of an error, fix the error(s), and rerun the job.
__ 40. Create member LAB5#22 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 41. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that copies the (input) data set
userid.GENER.COPY#1 into data set userid.GENER.COPY#2.
__ 42. Since the output data set does not yet exist, allocate it during the COPY step. The
characteristics are the same as for userid.GENER.COPY#1. (Use the LIKE parameter to
copy it.)
__ 43. After submitting the job, check the results of the job. Using ISPF 3.4 or ISPF 2 verify that
dataset TSOZA05.GENER.COPY#2 has actually been created and that it is an exact copy
of the contents of TSOZA05.GENER.COPY#1. In the case of an error, fix the error(s) and
rerun the job.

Section 8: Optional: Print a Sequential data set to SYSOUT

__ 44. Create member LAB5#23 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises

__ 45. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that does the following:
__ a. Print data set userid.GENER.COPY#1 to a SYSOUT dataset.
__ b. After submitting the job, check the results of the job. Verify that dataset
TSOZA05.GENER.COPY#1 has actually been copied in the job’s sysprint, as a
SYSOUT dataset. In the case of an error, fix the error(s) and rerun the job.

Section 9: Optional: Print a PDS member

__ 46. Create member LAB5#24 in data set userid.ES20.CNTL.
__ 47. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that prints the member
JOBCARD from userid.ES10.CNTL to SYSOUT=*.
__ 48. After submitting the job, check the results of the job. In the case of an error, fix the error(s)
and rerun the job.

Section 10:Optional: Create a PDS member

__ 49. Create member LAB5#25 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 50. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that creates member TEST into
data set userid.COPY.CNTL.
The contents of the member TEST should look like:

__ 51. After submitting the job, check the results of the job. Using ISPF 3.4 or ISPF 2 verify that
member TEST has actually been created in data set userid.COPY.CNTL. In the case of an
error, fix the error(s) and rerun the job.
Command ===>
********************************* Top of Data *****************
******************************** Bottom of Data ***************

End of optional exercises

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Exercise 3. JCL exercises

Exercise answers
Section 6: Copy a PDS and a PDSE data set
Q1: Does member LAB5#16 complete successfully?
A1: No. Member LAB5#16 fails (or ABENDS) due to running out of directory space. This PDS was
allocated with only one directory block.
Q2: Does member LAB5#17 complete successfully?
A2: Yes. LAB5#17 completed successfully because the output data set is a PDSE, and a PDSE
dynamically creates more directory space as needed.

Exercise hints
Section 1: Copy a selected member of a PDS
Step 1: Make sure you specify a disposition of ‘share’ (DISP=SHR) for the output dataset.
Step 2: Ensure you complete the MSGCLASS in the example JOBCARD.

Section 2: Copy an entire data set

Step 7: Do not forget to code the LIKE and DISP parameters for the new data set name on the DD

Section 3: Copy and replace a select member

Step 11: Do not forget to use correct format and positional characters of the selected member key-

Section 4: Perform a secure compress

Step 15: The first step should execute the IEFBR14 program.
Step 18: The IF statement should include RC not equal to 0 for both the IEFBR14 and IEBCOPY
steps. To delete the userid.COMPRESS.DATA data set, execute the IEFBR14 program and include
a DD statement with DISP=(OLD,DELETE).

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Exercise 4. Procedures


Exercise 4. Procedures
Estimated time
Optional sections: 00:30

This exercise provides an opportunity modify JCL to override DD statements on an in-stream
procedure. You will create and run cataloged procedures in a PDS. Using both DFSORT and
IEBGENER, you will learn how to copy data sets. There are optional exercises, which provide the
ability to invoke conditional processing and using IEBGENER to route a job to INTRDR, which
defines a logical device for jobs entering the system through the internal reader facility.

• Override DD statements
• Create and run cataloged procedures

GC35-0033 Device Support Facilities User’s Guide and Reference
SC26-7527 DFSORT Getting Started
SG23-6878 DFSORT Application Programming Guide
GC28-1758 MVS JCL User’s Guide

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Exercise 4. Procedures

Exercise instructions

• This exercise depends on the successful completion of the previous exercises.
• All action items followed by a * sign, include exercise hints, which are located at the end of this

Section 1: Override DD-statements of an in-stream procedure

__ 1. Create member LAB5#31 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL and copy the same member
from data set D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL into it. It looks like:
//userid1 JOB (ACCOUNT),'userid',MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),
//* JOB SUBMITTED FROM userid.ES10.CNTL(LAB5#31) ***
//* DOC: Override DD-Statements on an Instream Procedure ***
//********* MAKE BACKUP
// LIKE=userid.ES10.CNTL

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Exercise 4. Procedures

As you can see, this job has an in-stream procedure that makes a secure compress of data
set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 2. Your task is now to execute the job so that the data set userid.COPY.CNTL will be
compressed during the job's execution. *


Do not change the in-stream procedure. Perform this task by overriding DD statements.

Section 2: Run cataloged procedure

Note: a cataloged procedure is a pre-written segment of code (which is stored as a member of
PDS), which can be used as many times as needed in any job in the system. IBM supplies many
utility programs to create catalog procedures in batch, one of them being IEBUPDTE to create
source data records in a PDS member. This program places cataloged procedures into partitioned
data sets. These procedures are typically placed inside a system library called SYS1.PROCLIB.
__ 3. Create member LAB5#32 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL, and copy member JOBCARD
into it.
__ 4. Create a job step that runs a cataloged procedure stored in D80WW.ES10V15.PROC(COMP).

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Exercise 4. Procedures

The procedure looks like:
***************************** Top of Data *****************************
//******** MAKE BACKUP
As you can see, there are two variables needed to run this procedure without problems.
Furthermore, you see that this is also a secure compress like the one you had as an
in-stream procedure.
__ 5. Run this procedure to compress data set userid.ES10.CNTL and define userid.ES10.BACK
as the backup of the secure compress.

Section 3: Create cataloged procedure


This section is dependent on the successful completion of exercise 3, section 7: Optional: Copy
in-stream data to PS.

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Exercise 4. Procedures

During this exercise, you will code a cataloged procedure in your own data set and test it. It allows
you to copy any kind of PDS or sequential data set to another PDS or PS data set.
__ 6. In exercise 2, Submit a job, Section 1 Create a data set, step 7, you should have allocated a
PDS named userid.ES10.PROC with the same attributes as data set D80WW.ES10V15.PROC
and you have copied some sample procedure members, including a PROC member named
__ 7. Verify and validate member COPY (browse, view, edit) in your own PDS named
userid.ES10.PROC, which holds the cataloged procedure. The procedure should do the
BROWSE TSOZA05.ES10.PROC(COPY) - 01.01 Line 0000000000 Col
Command ===> Scroll ==
********************************* Top of Data **************************
__ a. Depending on the input variable, it calls IEBCOPY or IEBGENER. Name the variable
PROG. The default for this variable is IEBCOPY.
__ b. The disposition of DD-statements SYSUT1 and SYSUT2 is defined as JCL symbols.
Name the symbols DISPI for input and DISPO for output.
__ c. The data set names should be variable so that they can vary from procedure call to
procedure call. Name their JCL symbols INDS and OUTDS.
__ d. The data set defined for SYSUT2 might be new. If this is the case, allocate it like the
input data set. Use the JCL symbol &LIKEDS to do this.
__ e. Do not specify any default values for the symbols except for PROG.
__ 8. Once you have validated your own cataloged procedure, test it.
__ a. Create member LAB5#33 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL and copy member JOBCARD
into it.
__ b. Create job steps that call the new cataloged procedure to copy:
i. PDS Data set userid.ES10.CNTL to the new data set userid.ES10.XXXX.
ii. Sequential Data set userid.GENER.COPY#1 to the new data set
__ c. Verify with SDSF that your job has executed successfully, and with ISPF 3.4 that both
PDS Data set userid.ES10.XXXX and sequential Data set userid.ES10.YYYY have
been created and populated from their respective input dataset.
__ d. If the job fails, remove the cause of error and rerun the job.

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Exercise 4. Procedures

Section 4: Use of DFSORT (ICEMAN)
ICEMAN is the program name for DFSORT. You can invoke DFSORT with PGM=ICEMAN.
DFSORT is also shipped with an alias of SORT, so you can use PGM=SORT.

__ 9. Create member LAB5#34 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.

__ 10. Copy member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that copies member SORTTEST from
data set D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL into your CNTL data set using the 'SELECT MEMBER=(xxx)'
function of IEBCOPY.
__ 11. Now create a job step that calls program ICEMAN which is the sort program DFSORT.
This program needs the following DD statements:
__ 12. There are many input control statements, but you will need only the following ones: *
SORT FIELDS=(.........)

__ 13. Now that you have enough familiarity to create this sort step, do the following:
Sort member SORTTEST that you have copied in the previous step into dataset
userid.ES10.CNTL and write the results to userid.ES10.CNTL(SORTOUT1).
__ 14. Skip the first record.
__ 15. Sort by the number of years in the company (columns 1-3).
__ a. Data type is character (CH)
__ b. Descending order (D)
As the second sort criteria:
__ 16. Sort the records by employee name, starting in column 4 until column 16.
__ a. Data type: character (CH)
__ b. Ascending order (A)
__ 17. Check the results of your job and edit member SORTOUT1 for the sorted output. *
__ 18. In case of errors, remove the cause of errors and rerun the job.

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Exercise 4. Procedures

End of exercise (Optional exercises follow)

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Exercise 4. Procedures

Section 5: Optional: Create PS from in-stream
__ 19. Create member LAB5#41 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 20. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that copies in-stream data to a
new Physical Sequential (PS) data set with name userid.ES10.INPUT and the following
__ a. Space: 1 track primary, no secondary allocation
__ b. RECFM: FB
__ c. LRECL: 80
__ d. BLKSIZE: 0
__ 21. Copy the in-stream data from member INSTREAM in data set D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL. The
in-stream data looks like this:

__ 22. Use the //SYSUT1 DD DATA,DLM=$$.... statement to define the input string.

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Exercise 4. Procedures

__ 23. Check the results of your job. Verify with ISPF 3.4 that dataset TSOZXXX.ES10.INPUT has
been created and populated with the above instream data records. In case of error, remove
the cause and rerun the job.

Section 6: Optional: Conditional processing

__ 24. Create member LAB5#42 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.
__ 25. Copy the member JOBCARD into it and create job steps that perform the following:
__ 26. Using IEBGENER, create a member named TEXT1 in the new data set
userid.ES10.DATA and copy in-stream data into it. The data should look like:

__ 27. The data set userid.ES10.DATA must have the same characteristics as
__ 28. If the first step returns RC=0, copy member TEXT1 to a new PS data set named
__ a. One track primary, one track secondary
__ b. Fixed blocked
__ c. Record length 80
__ d. Best block size
__ 29. If the second step returns with RC=0, then print data set userid.ES10.OUT to
__ 30. If the third step ends with RC=0, delete data set userid.ES10.OUT using IEFBR14.
__ 31. For all conditional JCL, use the IF/THEN/ELSE clause.
__ 32. Check the results of your job. In case of error, remove the cause of the error and rerun the

Section 7: Optional: Route a job to INTRDR using IEBGENER

__ 33. First, copy member LAB5#43 from data set D80WW.ES10V15.CNTL and tailor it to your
needs. It should look like:

__ 34. Second, create member LAB5#44 in data set userid.ES10.CNTL.

__ 35. Copy member JOBCARD into it and create a job step that performs the following:

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Exercise 4. Procedures

__ 36. With the in-stream procedure PROC32, execute IEBGENER to route a job from any input
data set to SYSOUT=.
__ 37. To define the input data set, use the symbol &DS, and for the SYSOUT= value, use &OUT.
__ 38. Run the in-stream procedure with the values:
DS= userid.ES10.CNTL(LAB5#43),OUT=(,INTRDR)
__ 39. Submit your LAB5#44 job, this will in turn submit another job LAB5#43.
__ 40. So you should see two jobs being submittted:
__ a. the one you just submited with your submit command in LAB5#44, and
__ b. the job submited to the internal reader LAB5#43.
__ 41. Check the results of your jobs. In case of errors, remove the cause of error and rerun the

End of optional exercises

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Exercise 4. Procedures

Exercise hints
Section 1: Override DD-statements of an in-stream procedure
Step 2:
Section 4: Use of DFSORT (ICEMAN)
Step 12: FIELDS=(start column,column count,data type,sort order,next field)
SKIPREC=(amount of records to be skipped)
Step 17: JCL:

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility


Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

Estimated time

The IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) is a z/OS component that simplifies, optimizes, and
modernizes the z/OS system programmer experience.
In this exercise, you will see how z/OSMF delivers solutions in a task-oriented, web browser-based
user interface with integrated user assistance. Its focus is to improve system programmer
productivity, and make the z/OS functions easier to understand and use.

• Logon and access z/OSMF
• Explore the layout of z/OSMF
• Access TSO
• Access web links
• Access z/OS consoles
• Enter and decipher z/OS commands
• Enter z/OS commands to decipher the system configuration

SA27-8419 IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide V2R3
SG24-7851 z/OS Management Facility V2R3 Redbook
SA38-0666 z/OS MVS System Commands V2R3
z/OSMF Knowledge Center:

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

Exercise instructions

• The answers to all questions are located at the end of this exercise.
• All action items followed by a * sign, include exercise hints, which are located at the end of this
• IMPORTANT: You MUST log-off TSO BEFORE starting this exercise!

Section 1: Accessing the z/OS Management Facility

Accessing z/OSMF is done through a Skytap session and through a browser URL.
__ 1. Ensure that you have a Skytap connection.
__ 2. Double click the FIREFOX icon.

__ 3. Access the following URL for z/OSMF:

https://mvsczxx.ilsvpn.ibm.com/zosmf where mvsczxx is the system name that has been
assigned to you in your course lab kit. (it can be MVSCZ01 MVSCZ02...refer to exercise 1
how to access your course lab kit).


If you receive a message indicating “Your connection is not secure”, select Advanced and add an
exception to allow access.

__ 4. On the IBM z/OS Management Facility window, enter your TSO user ID and password.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility


After logging in to IBM z/OS Management Facility, you will see the Welcome screen:

Section 2: z/OSMF interface layout

z/OSMF provides a visual framework surrounding a work area where various pages are displayed.
This framework provides the basis for a common look-and-feel and serves as the launch point for
the tasks that you can perform.
__ 5. Select Getting started with z/OSMF in the middle of the screen.
__ 6. Select and open the twistie for Getting started with z/OSMF in the navigation pane.
__ 7. Select and open the twistie for Understanding the z/OSMF interface layout in the
navigation pane.
__ 8. Select z/OSMF interface layout.
__ 9. Familiarize yourself with the layout.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility


__ 10. Scroll down to scan through the descriptions of each area.

__ 11. In the navigation pane, click Welcome to open its contents.
__ 12. Select z/OSMF tasks at a glance.


Q1: How can you determine if a task on the list is new for the current release?

__ 13. Scroll through the tasks which are shipped with z/OSMF.
__ 14. Collapse all expanded items in the navigation bar.

Section 3: TSO interface

The ISPF option in the navigation area starts a full-functional ISPF interface to z/OS that is almost
identical to that used via a 3270 terminal emulator. The user will have to log on with a user ID that
has access to TSO/E.
__ 15. Select the twistie to the left of z/OS Classic Interfaces.
__ 16. Select ISPF by clicking it.


To see the ISPF screen to allocate a new data set, you may have to click the ‘close all’ link to
suppress all messages and make space on the screen.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

__ 17. As you can see, this is the ISPF Primary Option Menu screen.
__ 18. You may need to use the slider bar to scroll up and down to view all of the options.

__ 19. Allocate a Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE) named userid.ES10.ZOSMF (where
userid is the user ID you used to log on to TSO with) according to the following
specifications: *
__ a. Ten blocks primary space (Primary quantity)
__ b. Five block secondary space (Secondary quantity)
__ c. Directory size five blocks (Directory blocks)
__ d. Fixed length records (Record format = F)
__ e. Record length 80 bytes (Record length)
__ 20. Press the Enter key to allocate the data set.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility


As you can see, z/OSMF can also be used to allocate data sets.
__ 21. To verify whether the data set has been allocated properly, use the Data Set information

Section 4: Links
The z/OSMF provides features to customize the screen by adding links to web sites and
other tailored external applications.
When you are performing system management tasks with z/OSMF, you might find it helpful
to refer to other tools and information on the web. The z/OSMF navigation area comes
supplied with several useful links in the Links category.
Installations can customize the z/OSMF navigation area with its own links, as needed. Links
can be added to the Links category or to any other category in the z/OSMF navigation area.
When a link is selected, the link launches in either a separate browser window or tab, or as
a tab in the z/OSMF work area. This launch behavior is specified when the link is defined to
__ 22. Select the twistie to the left of Links in the navigation pane.

__ 23. Take a few minutes to explore the various links that are configured for this z/OSMF.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility



Observe that when you select a link, it opens in another browser. *

__ 24. When you are finished, close all open browser sessions except the main z/OSMF screen.
__ 25. Collapse the twistie to the left of Links by selecting it.

Section 5: Setting up a z/OS console

The z/OSMF z/OS Operator Consoles task provides function to work with z/OS consoles. This
provides the ability to issue system commands and view system messages.
__ 26. Select the twistie to the left of Consoles in the navigation pane.
__ 27. Select z/OS Operator Consoles.
__ 28. Select the PLEX1 console. It should normally show ‘setup complete’, so you can skip to
Section 6.

__ 29. If you see ‘setup required’, click ‘actions’, then click ‘complete setup’

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility



__ a. In the EMCS Console Name field, enter IZTSOxxx (Where xxx is the last three
characters of your user ID, i.e IZTSOA05 for userid TSOZA05).
__ b. Select and click button Complete Setup.

Section 6: Using the z/OS console

__ 30. To start the console session, select the Actions pull-down. Ensure that your console has a
checkmark besides it.
__ 31. Select Start console.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility


__ 32. Select your console to open the session:

Section 7: Entering z/OS commands and interpreting the output

All z/OS commands are entered in the Command area at the bottom of the screen.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility



z/OS commands are not case sensitive. They are displayed in upper case for ease of reading.

Use the DISPLAY system command to display information about the operating system, the
jobs and application programs that are running, the processor, devices that are on-line and
off-line, central storage, workload management service policy status, and the time of day.
__ 33. On the command line, enter: D A
An example of the D A command is displayed below:

When entering z/OS commands, the output is displayed with a message number.
The IBM Z: Look@ Knowledge Center is a site used for Message Lookup Facility.
__ 34. Open a new browser and access the following website:

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility



Q2: What is the z/OS message ID? _______________________________________________

__ 35. Enter the message ID for the D A command in the IBM Z: Look@ Knowledge Center field
and select Go.
__ 36. Click the message ID to expand its contents:

__ 37. Review the information for the D A command and answer the following questions:


Q3: Which field in the command output identifies the number of address spaces running under
initiators? __________________________________________________________________
Q4: What is the correct syntax of the z/OS command to display a list of all active TSO/E users?
Q5: Which column field displays the status of the job? _______________________________ *

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

Every z/OS message ID contains message codes. The last letter at the end of the message
ID identifies the type of message.


Q6: What type of z/OS message is: IEE234I? _______________________________________ *

Even though the above z/OS message ID is a system failure, there is no action to be taken.
__ 38. Enter: D U,DASD,ONLINE
The UNIT is the Device Number.
A Device number is any 4 digit hexadecimal numbers assigned to a device for
communication purposes.


Q7: The STATUS field indicates the status of the device.

What does the following status’ indicate?
S: _____________________________________
A: _____________________________________
O: _____________________________________
Q8: Which device contains the IPL Bootstrap? _______________________________________

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

Section 8: Identifying the system configuration
__ 39. Select a device number from the output of the previous command.
__ 40. Enter: D M=DEV(xxxx)
The following command was entered for device number 0502:

There is a possibility that the system configuration could change. If this occurs, then the
output data from your command could differ from the one displayed above.
__ 41. If your output does not reflect the correct data as the one above, use the above example to
answer the following questions:


Q9: What CHPID numbers are defined to access device 0502? __________________________
Q10: What are the entry ports into a FICON switch for each CHPID? ______________________
Q11: What are exit ports from the FICON switch for each CHPID? ________________________

__ 42. Using the above information, complete the following diagram, filling in the CHPID number,
entry and exit ports. *

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility


This is a good example on how informative z/OS commands can be.

Notice that the range of DASD devices are device number 0500 up to device number 050F.
This range of device addresses indicates that there are 16 devices.
Hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a base of 16. It uses
sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0–9 to represent values zero to nine, and A–F to
represent values ten to fifteen.
So, 0500 through 050F is 16 DASD devices.
But, how did we figure out there were 16 DASD device addresses? Not from the D M=DEV(xxxx)
__ 43. Enter: D M=CHP(cc), where cc is any CHPID from the diagram.

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility


__ 44. If your output does not reflect the correct data as the one above, use the above example to
answer the following questions:


Q12: What devices numbers are defined to CHPID 96? _________________________________

Q13: Which devices are on-line? __________________________________________________
Q14: What type of CHPID is CHPID 96? ____________________________________________

Section 9: The DEVSERV command

The DEVSERV PATHS command can help you solve hardware or configuration problems. The
display includes the status of paths, the channel path ids, the logical mode of devices, the number
of data sets allocated on volumes, and volume serial labels. Because the DEVSERV command
causes the system to issue an I/O request on paths to a device or devices, the resulting display
reflects the current physical state of the path.
The DEVSERV PATHS command only supports DASD or Tape devices.
__ 45. From the previous command, select a DASD device number other than the SYSRES
device. ____________________________________________________________
__ 46. Enter: DS P,xxxx,1 (Where xxxx is the device number you selected).
The number 1 indicates that you only want to issue the DEVSERV command to one device.


Q15: What is the syntax of the DEVSERV command for eight devices? _____________________

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

__ 47. Issue the DEVSERV command to eight devices.
__ 48. Take some time to decipher the output.
__ 49. If you would like to experiment with other z/OS commands, please feel free to do so at this
__ 50. After experimenting with other commands, display the allocation attributes for data set
userid.ES10.ZOSMF using the ISPF Classic interface tab of z/OSMF.


Now first perform a logoff from the ISPF classic application, otherwise you will retain an ENQ on
ISPPROF, and you will no longer be able to logon to TSO in the next exercise!

__ 51. You can enter ‘=xall’ on all ISPF active screens, until all screens close, and the ISPF tab

__ 52. Now log-off of z/OSMF.

__ 53. Select the down arrow to the right of your logon user ID (on the top right corner).

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

__ 54. Select Log Out.


You must do a z/OSMF logoff, not just close the browser.

End of exercise

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

Exercise answers
Section 2: z/OSMF interface layout
Q1: How can you determine if a task on the list is new for the current release?
A1: Its name is followed by the new icon:

Section 7: Entering z/OS commands and interpreting the output

Q2: What is the z/OS message ID?
A2: CNZ4105I. The last letter is an I, for information.
Q3: Which field in the command output identifies the number of address spaces running under
Q4: What is the correct syntax of the z/OS command to display a list of all active TSO/E users?
Q5: Which column field displays the status of the job?
Q6: What type of z/OS message is: IEE234I?
A6: Information only.
Q7: The STATUS field indicates the status of the device.
What does the following status’ indicate?
A7: S: SYSRES. A: Allocated. O: Online.
Q8: Which device contains the IPL Bootstrap?
A8: The SYSRES device. SYSRES (System Resident).
Section 8: Identifying the system configuration
Q9: What CHPID numbers are defined to access device 0502?
A9: CHPIDs 96, B2, 84, and B0.
Q10: What are the entry ports into a FICON switch for each CHPID?
A10: Ports 5C, 5E, 5C, and 5E.
Q11: What are exit ports from the FICON switch for each CHPID?
A11: Ports 84, B4, 84, and B4.
Q12: What devices numbers are defined to CHPID 96?
A12: Device numbers: 0500 through 050F, 0BC0 through 0BCF, and 0BF0 through 0BFF.
Q13: Which devices are on-line?

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

A13: Device numbers: 0502 through 0503, 0BCD through 0BCF, and 0BFF.
Q14: What type of CHPID if CHPID 96?
A14: FICON switched.
Section 9: The DEVSERV command
Q15: What is the syntax of the DEVSERV command for eight devices?
A15: DS P,xxxx,8

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Exercise 5. z/OS Management Facility

Exercise hints
Section 3: TSO interface
Step 20. From the ISPF Primary Option Menu, Enter 3.2.
Do not forget to specify the word LIBRARY in the Data set name type to allocate a PDSE instead of
a PDS:

Section 4: Links
Note after step 24:

Section 7: Entering z/OS commands and interpreting the output

Section 8: Identifying the system configuration
Step 44. There is not a way to determine the addresses of the FICON switches from the output of
the D M=DEV(xxxx) command.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system


Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file

Estimated time
Optional sections: 00:45

In this exercise, you access ISHELL. ISHELL is a good starting point for users familiar with TSO
and ISPF who want to use z/OS UNIX. ISHELL will also be used to list the contents of, and create,
a file system and directories.

• Access and customize ISHELL
• List the contents of the file system
• Create a hierarchical file system
• Create files and directories using ISHELL

GA32-0884 UNIX System Services Planning
SA22-7801 UNIX System Services User's Guide
SC26-7410 z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets
REDP-4193 z/OS UNIX Security Fundamentals

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

Exercise instructions

• The answers to all questions are located at the end of this exercise.
• All action items followed by a * sign, include exercise hints, which are located at the end of this

Section 1: ISHELL introduction

__ 1. Log on to TSO.
__ 2. From the ISPF menu, choose the TSO option 6 to invoke the ISHELL command use the
TSO ISHELL command directly to invoke the ISHELL.
There is also a panel option for the ISHELL on the ISPF menu, through option E.7 (panel
__ 3. Use the pull-down menus from the action bar to see what actions can be performed.
The ISHELL screen is Common User Access (CUA) based. It has an action bar at the top of
the screen.
Placing the cursor under any of the actions listed on the action bar and pressing the Enter
key will result in a pop-up window (also called pop-up menu or pull-down menu) for that
action being displayed. The window shows a list of actions that can be chosen.
Use the help key (PF1) on any field if you do not know what to do.
There are three actions, which can be done for a file system:
- Work with file systems in the mount table
- Create a new file system
- Mount a file system


Q1: What character on the File System and Setup actions indicates certain options require
superuser or the special attribute for full function? _______________________________

Section 2: Introduction to the file system


Do not do the next step before saving the path name displayed on the UNIX System Services ISPF
Shell. This path name is both your home directory and your current working directory. Write it down
or copy it to the clipboard for pasting later.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

List the contents of the root file system.
__ 4. The name of the root directory is / *
__ 5. If a / is not already specified on the UNIX System Services ISPF Shell, enter it like it is
shown on the following panel:

There are different methods for displaying the contents of a directory. See whether you can
find one way of doing it.
__ 6. List the contents of the directory /bin in the root file system.
__ a. Find the directory /bin on the root directory list and choose the option to list its contents.
(you can also use action code L in front of the /bin entry)
__ 7. Choose a file in this directory to browse.
The procedure is similar to the previous one, but the action is different.
Take notice that the short form of Browse is B. If you remember this you can use B directly
when you want to browse a file instead of prompting the pop-up menu to choose actions
__ 8. List the contents of the directory /dev in the root file system.
You can use the same way as you did to list the /bin directory.
Suggestion: Try the action code for list instead of using the pop-up menu.
__ 9. Find out from the panels, which type of files are in the /dev directory.
__ a. Try listing the attributes of a file.
__ 10. List the actions that can be done for the files in this directory.
The pop-up menu contains a list of actions.
The only actions available for a character special file are:
- Attributes (A)
- Delete (D)
- Rename (R) done for the files in this directory.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

__ 11. Create a new file called NEWFILE in your home directory.
To create a new file, you have to go back to the main ISHELL panel. As an alternative you
can also enter 'n' in front of __DIR when you are in your home directory (n stands for new)
__ a. Use the default permission bits for this file.
__ 12. Display the contents of your home directory now to see the new file there.
Do this the same way as you listed the ROOT directory.
__ 13. Edit that new file and add a few lines of text in the file.
__ a. The editor is the ISPF editor.
F3 saves the file and return from editing the file.

Section 3: Customize ISHELL

__ 14. Modify the display of the directory contents to include information about permission bits,
modification time, owner, and file size.
__ 15. Display a directory with the additional information.
__ 16. Check the default actions for files. *


Q2: What is the default action for character special files? ___________________________

__ 17. Specify that you want the command line to be on top of the ISHELL screen.
__ 18. Change it back to be at the bottom.

Section 4: UNIX directory list

__ 19. Enter start on the Option command field to start a new ISPF screen; you can now switch
from one session screen to the other using PF9, or using command SWAP LIST and select
the option screen you want to switch to.
__ 20. Now on this new screen, use the ISPF/PDF option UNIX Directory List (option 3.17) to
perform the following tasks:


ISPF 3.17 UDLIST is the preferred and strategic way to work with the Unix filesystem under ISPF.
ISHELL has been deprecated and is no longer enhanced.

Display a list of all entries in the path name /u/es10/students

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

Check column labeled TYPE using F8 to scroll the list.
Notice that the Size of the file is not displayed.
__ 21. Select the Options pull down and select option: 2 - Directory List Column Arrangement.

On the next screen, you can change the width of the fields. Make the fields smaller or
remove them completely from the display.

__ 22. Change the width of the fields so the Size column appears.
__ 23. Display the entries in your directory tsoz###.
__ 24. Create a new regular UNIX file in your directory: Name it date1 with permission bits 755.
__ 25. Once created, edit the file, add one line containing the word date, and save it.Now try to
execute this UNIX file, by entering X in front of it, and specify a run method of Option 2:
Login Shell.
__ 26. Execute the UNIX date command under the shell:
__ a. Return to the TSO option 6 Command prompt. (you can use ‘start’ to initialize a new
ISPF screen session).
__ b. Enter OMVS to invoke the shell.
__ c. Enter unix command 'date', then enter command 'date1' or '. date1' (with a dot)
__ d. Enter unix command ‘ls -al’
__ e. What are the permission bits of date1 ? ____________________
__ f. Change the permission bits to 444: ‘chmod 444 date1’
__ g. and try to execute date1 again.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system



Q3: Was it successful? __________

It should fail with 'file1: cannot execute', because the file no longer has the execute bit on:
TSOZA05@CZ01:/u/es10/students/tsoza05-(TSOZA05): $date1
date1: cannot execute

__ h. to exit from OMVS, enter ‘exit’

End of exercise (Optional exercises follow)

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

Section 5: Optional: Create a hierarchical file system
__ 27. Go into the ISHELL.
__ 28. List file systems that are already mounted.
Look under the action File_systems on the action bar. Select mount table
__ 29. List the mount point of a mounted file system.
__ a. Choose a file system to display from the list of mounted file systems.
__ b. Look for an action that will display information about the file system.
The mount point of the root file system / is determined by displaying the Attributes (A) of the system


the root filesystem is the File system name:

Mount point: /

__ 30. Use the ISHELL to allocate a new file system called userid.OMVS.HFS. Allocate one
cylinder for primary and one cylinder for secondary space.
__ a. Use the action File_systems on the action bar. Select 2. New HFS.
__ 31. List the contents of your home directory.
__ 32. Create a directory called dir1 with perm bits 666

Section 6: Optional: Managing files

__ 33. Copy members FILE1, FILE2, FILE3 from the z/OS PDS called
D80WW.ES10V15.OMVS.LABS, to your home directory. The name of the PDS has to be
between quotes. Specify these file permissions when copying the files: enter ‘?’ in front of
entry ‘DIR .’ then use option 7. Copy from PDS’
__ a. Owner: All permissions
__ b. Group: Read
__ c. Other: None
__ d. Specify the copy options to select members from a member list, and to make names
__ e. Edit the field Permissions to specify the file permission bits.
__ 34. Rename file file1 to file9.
__ a. On the panel where you must specify the new path name of the file, change only the last
part of the path name (which is the file name).

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

__ 35. Delete file file3.
__ a. When the panel to confirm the deletion is displayed, press the Enter key to confirm that
you want to delete the file and the file will be deleted.
__ 36. Find the string Test in the file file9, and call the output file FINDSTR1 in your home
A panel is displayed where you can specify a path name for the output file.
Another panel will be displayed where you can enter the text strings to be searched for.
__ 37. Enter ? in front of current (dot) dir ‘,’ , then use option 10. Find (F)
__ 38. Find the string test in your home directory and call the output file FINDSTR2 in the same
The action for this is similar to the previous task, except that this is for a directory.


When searching a file, only the selected file is searched, and the output contains the lines of the file
that match the search criteria. When searching a directory, all files in this and lower directories are
searched, and the output contains the directories and files searched as well as the lines of each file
that matched the criteria.

__ 39. Set your working directory to your home directory.

__ a. Look under the action Directory on the action bar.
__ 40. Browse the contents of file file2 in your home directory using a relative path name on the
ISHELL main panel.
The working directory can be referred to by a dot (.).
The relative path name is specified as: ./file2


A good tip: Since file names can be up to 255 characters, referencing files relative to a working
directory can potentially save a lot of typing.

__ 41. Create a new directory in your home directory called LABS. Use these permissions:
__ a. Owner: Read and write
__ b. Group: Read and search
__ c. Other: Read
__ d. Creating a new directory is similar to creating a new file.
__ e. Check the permission bits and set them according to the exercise instructions. Use the
Help key to find out what the numbers mean.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

__ 42. Try to create a new file called LAB2A (Upper case) in the LABS directory.
Creating a new file was done in a previous step.
__ 43. Change the permission bits for the LABS directory to allow the owner to list the directory and
add new files in it.
__ a. Edit the mode fields to change the permission bits.


Q4: What is the permission expressed in octal value that allows this? _____________________

__ 44. Try again to create a new file called lab2a (Lower Case) in the LABS directory. It is a
different file, as unix is case sensitive (not like MVS dataset names which must always be
treated as upper case).
See previous instructions if you don't remember how to create a new file, or use F1 to get
__ 45. Write a few lines of text in the new file.
__ a. Choose the Edit action to edit a file.
__ 46. Copy members PROG1, PROG2, PROG3 from the z/OS PDS called
D80WW.ES10V15.OMVS.LABS into your home directory and add the suffix c to the files.
On the panel where you specify the name of the PDS (between single quotes !) and some
copy options, you can also specify a suffix for the files that will be copied.
__ 47. Create a new directory called NEWDIR in your home directory.
__ a. Set the permissions value to 755.
__ 48. Compare the contents of directories LABS and NEWDIR.
If you have time, try any other action that you would like to try, or some actions you would like to
practice more.
Below are some additional optional exercises to get you more familiar with the ISPF UNIX shell

Section 7: Optional: Additional UNIX activities

__ 49. Use the pull-down menus from the action bar to see what actions can be performed.
The ISHELL screen is CUA (Common User Interface) based. It has an action bar at the top
of the screen. Note the use of PF10 and tab. (Make sure you have enabled PFKEYS display
with command PFSHOW ON.)

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

Placing the cursor under any of the actions listed on the action bar and pressing the Enter
key, results in a pop-up window (also called pop-up menu or pull-down menu) for that action
being displayed. The window shows a list of actions that can be chosen.
Use the help key (PF1) on any field if you do not know what to do.
__ 50. Locate the actions, which can be done for the File pull down.
__ 51. The attributes for a file or directory can be displayed:
__ a. In Menu File, select 2 to display attributes of current file or directory. Note the use of F8
and F7 to scroll display.
__ b. In Command Line, use command A to display attributes of current file or directory. Note
the use of F11 to go to command line.

Section 8: Optional: Introduction to the file system

__ 52. List the contents of the root file system.
The name of the root file system is / (forward slash).
If / (forward slash) is not already specified on the ISH main panel, enter it as shown on the
following panel.

There are different methods for displaying the contents of a directory.


Q5: What are the ways to display the contents of a directory?


__ 53. Display (list) the contents of the directory bin in the root file system.
__ 54. Find the directory bin on the root directory list and choose the option to list its contents.
__ 55. Sort the directory list just displayed. Sort items by size, then sort by last change date. For
better viewing, make sure you enabled fields display in the directory list, by going back to
primary menu, then options, then dir list, and enable the fields to display permission bits
(octal display only), change time, owner, and size.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

__ 56. Go back to root directory list (/); enter the command sort in the command line, and select
Sort by size (or tab to Commands) then option 2. Sort...
__ 57. Sort can be done in two levels on:
▪ Default, File name mixed case, File name, File type, Permissions, Size, Owner, and Change
▪ You can also put the cursor on any of the column titles to sort on the wanted criteria, and
press Enter; try it for the Changed-GMT, Size, and file name.
Default sort sequence is file name mixed case. The default can be changed by selecting
F10, then select Options, then select 1 for Directory List, then select View/Change sort

__ 58. Choose a file in /bin/ directory to browse.

Take note that the short form of Browse is B. If you remember this, you can use B directly
when you want to browse a file instead of prompting the pop-up menu to choose actions
__ 59. Look at dev in the root file system. (/dev)


Q6: Is it a file or directory? Or something else? ______________________________________

__ 60. If you want to display the content of /dev as a directory and not the content of the symlink
(it points to $SYSNAME/dev), you must append / (forward slash) after /dev, and specify
/dev/; try it now; it should display some special files like null, random, console.

__ 61. Create some new files called NEWFILE1, NEWFILE2.... in the /u/es10/students/tsozxxx
directory, where tsozxxx is your TSO user ID.
__ 62. To create a new file, go back to the main ISHELL panel, input the file name on the path
name (example: /u/es10/students/tsozxxx/newfile2), then press Enter (or select option
File, then 1 (New)).
__ a. Use file type regular file, and set the permission bits to 755.
__ b. Select file source for regular file as edit.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

__ 63. There is also another easier way to create a new file or directory using the ISHELL, by
entering n in front of the . special directory (see example below).

You are then prompted to create either a file (2) or directory (1) or else.
__ 64. Display the contents of your /u/es10/students/tsozxxx directory now to see the new files
there. Do this the same way as you listed the root directory.


Q7: Can you browse an empty file this way? ________________

__ 65. Edit one of the new files and add a few lines of text in the file.
The editor is the ISPF editor
PF3 saves the file and returns from editing the file.


The following items create three new files. Each create uses a different set of panels. This
demonstrates that there are frequently several ways to accomplish a task in the ISHELL.

__ 66. Create a new file called: /u/es10/students/tsozxxx/test1 using any method you want,
for instance:
▪ Enter the absolute path name on the path name line:
▪ On the Action bar, select File.
▪ On the pull-down menu, select New.
▪ Set permission bits to: 755.
__ 67. Create a new file called: /u/es10/students/tsozxxx/test2
__ 68. Enter the absolute path name on the path name line: /u/es10/students/tsozxxx/test2
__ 69. Press the Enter key.
__ 70. Set permission bits to 755 and select option to create a regular file.

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

__ 71. Create a new file called: /u/es10/students/tsozxxx/test3
__ 72. Enter the absolute path name on the path name line: /u/es10/students/tsozxxx/test3
__ 73. On the command line, enter: n (the action code for creating a new file).
__ 74. Set permission bits to 755 and select option to create a regular file.
__ 75. Try to find in which file system all your UNIX files have been created:
__ a. In your /u/es10/students/tsozxxx, select any file, and enter U file system, or tab to
File, then select opt15 (U).
__ 76. Enable directory list reference.
__ 77. Go back to Options on primary menu, then option 5 Advanced, then select / Enable
directory reference list.
__ 78. Now go to Tools, then select option 4. Reference list (REF).
You have a direct shortcut to any of the previously used directories, which you can select
using S or / (forward slash).
You can now use the ref command on any panel to display the reference list.
Note: the list is initially empty since it was just enabled.
ISPF provides a direct interface to edit/view/browse UNIX files and directories. This
interface is called UDLIST. In the VIEW (opt1) and EDIT (opt2) panels of ISPF, you can now
enter UNIX files and directory paths directly in the Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM
Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file, instead of specifying an MVS classical non-UNIX data set.
__ 79. Go to ISPF primary option 2 (EDIT), and enter /u/es10/students as the path name.

__ 80. Now select your own directory, by entering L in front of tsozxxx as the path name.

The same UDLIST interface is available in ISPF option 3.17; go to ISPF 3.17; you can use
the REFLIST panel option to retrieve and work with one of the last used UNIX directories, or

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

specify a starting directory name in the path name; try it with your home directory

Note that in the Options you can change the column arrangement, as well as the width of

__ 81. You can also run USS commands from TSO option 6 with the OSHELL and execute TSO
command OSHELL to run various shell commands with the OSHELL. Try the following
under TSO command option 6:
__ a. OSHELL ps -ef
__ b. OSHELL ls -al
__ c. OSHELL id
__ d. OSHELL df

End of optional exercises

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

Exercise answers
Section 1: ISHELL introduction
Q1: What character on the File System and Setup actions indicates certain options require
superuser or the special attribute for full function?
A1: An asterisk.
Section 3: Customize ISHELL
Q2: What is the default action for character special files?
A2: Attributes or A.
Section 4: UNIX directory list
Q3: Was it successful?
A3: No, because it is no longer executable (does not have the execute bit on).

Optional sections:
Section 5: Optional: Managing files
You also need search permission to add a new file to a directory.
Q4: What is the permission expressed in octal value that allows this?
A4: Octal 7 allows Read + Write + Search or Execute. The new permissions should be 754.
Section 7: Optional: Introduction to the file system
You also need search permission to add a new file to a directory.
Q5: What are the ways to display the contents of a directory?
A5: Here are some of the ways:
▪ Press b. Listing the directory is the default action, if a directory is displayed.
▪ Use PF10 tab twice, and then 1.
▪ Use PF11, and l (for list).
Q6: Is it a file or directory? Or something else?
A6: No, it is something else. It is a symbolic link.
Q7: Can you browse an empty file this way?
A7: No.

Exercise hints
Section 2: Introduction to the file system
Step 4: Forgot your home directory path name? Issue the following ISHELL command: Sh echo

Section 3: Customize ISHELL

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Exercise 6. ISHELL and hierarchical file system

Step 16: On the Action Bar, select Options, then select Command line on...

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Synonym for: This indicates that the term has
the same meaning as a preferred term, which is
This glossary includes terms and definitions defined in its proper place in the glossary.
Synonymous with: This is a backward
• The American National Standard Dictionary reference from a defined term to all other terms
for Information Systems, ANSI that have the same meaning.
X3.172-1990, copyright 1990 by the
American National Standards Institute See: This refers the reader to multiple-word
(ANSI). Copies can be purchased from the terms that have the same last word.
American National Standards Institute, 11 See also: This refers the reader to terms that
West 42nd Street, New York, New York have a related, but not synonymous, meaning.
10036. Definitions are identified by the
symbol (A) after the definition. Deprecated term for: This indicates that the
term should not be used. It refers to a preferred
• The ANSI/EIA Standard— 440-A, Fiber term, which is defined in its proper place in the
Optic Terminology. Copies can be glossary.
purchased from the Electronic Industries
Association, 2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, Numerics
N.W., Washington, DC 20006. Definitions
are identified by the symbol (E) after the
• The Information Technology Vocabulary,
developed by Subcommittee 1, Joint AC:
Technical Committee 1, of the International See Alternating Current.
Organization for Standardization and the Access:
International Electrotechnical Commission
1) To obtain computing services or data.
(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC1). Definitions of
2) In computer security, a specific type of
published parts of this vocabulary are
interaction between a subject and an object that
identified by the symbol (I) after the
results in flow of information from one to the
definition; definitions taken from draft
international standards, committee drafts,
and working papers being developed by Access-any mode:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC1 are identified by the One of the two access modes that can be set
symbol (T) after the definition, indicating for the storage system during initial
that final agreement has not yet been configuration. It enables all Fibre
reached among the participating National Channel-attached host systems with no defined
Bodies of SC1. access profile to access all logical volumes on
• The Network Working Group Request for the storage system. With a profile defined in
Comments: 1208. DS8000 Storage Management GUI for a
particular host, that host has access only to
The following cross-references are used in this volumes that are assigned to the WWPN for
glossary: that host. See also pseudo host and worldwide
Contrast with: This refers to a term that has an port name.
opposed or substantively different meaning.

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Access Control Lists (ACLs): Aliases:

Are used to control access to files and The number of parallel access volumes (PAVs)
directories by individual user (UID) and group defined to be used by a particular volume, or,
(GID). ACLs are used in conjunction with when HyperPAV is enabled, any volume within
permission bits. the LSS.
ACK: All-Flash configuration:
See request for acknowledgment and A high-performance storage configuration that
acknowledgment. supports only high-performance flash
Adaptive Multi-stream Prefetching (AMP):
An autonomic, workload-responsive, Allegiance:
self-optimizing prefetching technology that For IBM Z products, a relationship that is
adapts the amount of prefetch and the timing of created between a device and one or more
prefetch on a per-application basis to maximize channel paths during the processing of certain
the performance of the system. conditions. See also implicit allegiance, and
Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC): reserved allegiance.
A page replacement algorithm with better ALLOCATE command (In UNIX):
performance than LRU (Least Recently Used).
Use the ALLOCATE command to dynamically
This is accomplished by keeping track of both
frequently used and recently used pages plus a allocate VSAM, non-VSAM, and Hierarchical
recent eviction history for both. File System (HFS) data sets.

Address space: Allocated storage:

Is the amount of memory allocated for all The space that is allocated to volumes but not
possible addresses for a computational entity, yet assigned. Contrast with assigned storage.
such as a device, a file, a server, or a Allocation method:
networked computer.
The means by which capacity is allocated for
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): volumes from within a pool. Possible values
Is a symmetric block cipher used by the US include rotate capacity, rotate volumes, and
government to protect classified information managed.
and is implemented in software and hardware
throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. Alternating Current (AC):
A block cipher is a method of encrypting text (to A type of electrical current, in which the
produce ciphertext) in which a cryptographic direction of the flow of electrons switches back
key and algorithm are applied to a block of data and forth at regular intervals or cycles. Current
(for example, 63 contiguous bits) at once as a flowing in power lines and normal household
group rather than to 1 bit at a time. electricity that comes from a wall outlet is
Agent: alternating current. The standard current used
A program that automatically initiates some in the US is 60 cycles per second (that is, a
service without user intervention or on a regular frequency of 60 Hz); in Europe and most other
schedule. See also subagent. parts of the world it is 50 cycles per second
(that is, a frequency of 50 Hz.).
American National Standards Institute
A message or log that a storage system
generates as the result of error event collection
and analysis. An alert indicates that a service A private, nonprofit organization whose
action is required. membership includes private companies, US
government agencies, and professional,
technical, trade, labor, and consumer

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organizations. ANSI coordinates the Application Specific Integrated Circuit

development of voluntary consensus standards (ASIC):
in the US Is a microchip designed for a special
American Standard Code for Information application, such as a particular kind of
Interchange (ASCII): transmission protocol or a hand-held computer.
Is the most common format for text files in Arbitrated loop:
computers and on the Internet. In an ASCII file, For Fibre Channel connections, a topology that
each alphabetic, numeric, or special character enables the interconnection of a set of nodes.
is represented with a 7-bit binary number (a See also point-to-point connection and
string of seven 0s or 1s). 128 possible switched fabric.
characters are defined.
See Adaptive Replacement Cache.
See Adaptive Multi-stream Prefetching.
Another Network Block Device (ANBD):
A structure that contains an ordered collection
Is a compatible NBD (Network Block Device) of elements of the same data type in which
extension from 2003. It supports multithreading each element can be referenced by its index
and promises better error messages than its value or ordinal position in the collection. In the
predecessor. storage system, an array is a group of disks
Anonymous: that the user designates to be managed by the
In the DS8000 Storage Management GUI, the RAID technique. See also Redundant Array of
label on an icon that represents all connections Independent Disk (RAID).
that are using Fibre Channel adapters between Array site:
the storage system and hosts but are not
completely defined to the storage system. See A group of identical drives (same capacity,
also anonymous host, pseudo host, and speed, and drive class). Which drives from an
access-any mode. array site is predetermined automatically by the
DS8000. There is no predetermined processor
Anonymous host: node affinity for array sites. Array sites are the
Synonym for pseudo host. Contrast with building blocks that are used to define arrays.
anonymous and pseudo host. ASCII:
ANSI: See American Standard Code for Information
See American National Standards Institute. Interchange.

See Assist On Site. See Application Specific Integrated Circuit.
APAR (Authorized Program Analysis Assigned storage:
Report): The space that is allocated to a volume and that
A request for correction of a problem caused by is assigned to a port.
a defect in a current release of a program
unaltered by the user. Assist On Site (AOS):
Application programming interface (API): The components of Assist On-site (AOS)
interact together to start and maintain a support
Is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for
session between the support engineer and the
building software applications. An API specifies
how software components should interact and
APIs are used when programming graphical
user interface (GUI) components.

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Asymmetric encryption: Base addressing space:

Also known as public-key encryption, On an extended address volume, this term
symmetric versus asymmetric encryption refers to cylinders with addresses below
utilizes a pair of keys; a public key and a private 65,536. These cylinder addresses are
key. If you encrypt data with the public key, only represented by 16-bit cylinder numbers or by
the holder of the corresponding private key can 28-bit cylinder numbers with high order 12 bits
decrypt the data, hence ensuring confidentiality. of zero (0).
Many ‘secure’ online transaction systems rely
Batch processing:
on asymmetric encryption to establish a secure
Batch Processing is used for programs that can
channel. SSL, for example, is a protocol that
be executed with minimal human interaction
utilizes asymmetric encryption to provide
and at a scheduled time or on an as-needed
communication security on the Internet. An
asymmetric encryption algorithm typically
involve exponential operations. They are not Battery Service Module (BSM) set:
lightweight in terms of performance. For that The DC-UPS contains integrated battery sets
reason, asymmetric algorithms are often used known as Battery Service Modules (BSM) sets.
to secure key exchanges rather than used for The BSM set is composed of four BSM
bulk data encryption. modules. The BSM sets help protect data if
Availability: there is a loss of external power to the frame. If
there is a complete loss of AC input power to
The degree to which a system or resource is
the frame, the batteries are used to maintain
capable of performing its normal function. See
power to the processor complexes and I/O
data availability.
enclosures for sufficient time to allow the
B contents of NVS memory (modified data that is
not yet destaged from cache) to be written to
Bandwidth: the hard disk drives internal to the processor
Defined as the amount of data that can be complexes (not the storage enclosure drives).
transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital Bay:
devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in A physical space into which a device can be
bits per second (bps) or bytes per second. physically mounted and connected to power
Bare-metal hypervisor: and data. For example, a power supply or a
disk drive might be inserted into a bay. See also
Type-1, native or bare-metal hypervisors:
service boundary.
These hypervisors run directly on the host's
hardware to control the hardware and to Block:
manage guest operating systems. For this A string of data elements recorded, processed,
reason, they are sometimes called bare metal or transmitted as a unit. The elements can be
hypervisors. characters, words, or physical records. A group
Type-2 or hosted hypervisors: of contiguous sectors on a disk that contains a
These hypervisors run on a conventional block header and some integral number of
operating system just as other computer records. All blocks on the storage device are
programs do. A guest operating system runs as the same size (fixed size). See also fixed-block
a process on the host. Type-2 hypervisors architecture and data record.
abstract guest operating systems from the host Break Point Value (BPV):
operating system. When a disk space request is this size or more,
the system prefers to use the cylinder-managed
space for that extent. This applies to each

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request for primary or secondary space for data typically smaller and faster than the primary
sets that are eligible for the cylinder-managed memory or storage medium. In addition to
space. If not enough cylinder-managed space residing in cache memory, the same data also
is available, then the system uses the resides on the storage devices in the storage
track-managed space or will use both areas. system.
The breakpoint value is expressed in cylinders.
Cache miss:
When the size of a disk space request is less
An event that occurs when a read operation is
than the breakpoint value, the system prefers to
sent to the cluster, but the data is not found in
use the track-managed area. If not enough
cache. Contrast with cache hit.
space is available there, then the system will
use the cylinder-managed space, or will use Call home:
both areas. A communication link established between the
storage product and a service provider. The
storage product can use this link to place a call
See Battery Service Module (BSM) set. to IBM or to another service provider when it
Business Class configuration: requires service. With access to the machine,
service personnel can process service tasks,
A high-density, high-performance storage
such as viewing error logs and problem logs or
configuration that includes standard disk
initiating trace and dump retrievals. See also
enclosures and high-performance flash heartbeat and Remote Technical Assistance
enclosures and is optimized and configured for Information Network (RETAIN).
cost, by minimizing the number of device
adapters and maximizing the number of storage Capacity Backup (CBU):
enclosures that are attached to each storage Provides the ability to replace model capacity or
system. specialty engines to a backup server in the
event of an unforeseen loss of server capacity
C because of an emergency.
Cache: Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD):
Memory used to improve access times to Activates additional processors and memory
instructions, data, or both. Data that resides in units on selected servers by purchasing a
cache memory is normally a copy of data that permanent processor or memory unit activation
resides elsewhere in slower, less expensive feature. CUoD adds capacity for new
storage, such as on a disk or on another workloads, which enables the server to adapt to
network node. unexpected performance demands.
Cache fast write: Cascading:
A form of the fast-write operation in which the 1) Connecting network controllers to each other
storage server writes the data directly to cache, in a succession of levels to concentrate many
where it is available for later destaging. more lines than a single level permits.
Cache hit: 2) In high-availability cluster system
MultiProcessing (HACMP), pertaining to a
An event that occurs when a read operation is
system configuration in which the system node
sent to the cluster, and the requested data is
with the highest priority for a particular resource
found in cache. Contrast with cache miss.
acquires the resource if the primary node fails.
Cache memory: The cluster system node relinquishes the
Memory, typically volatile memory, that a resource to the primary node upon reintegration
storage server uses to improve access times to of the primary node into the system.
instructions or data. The cache memory is
Cataloged procedure:

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A procedure that is stored as a member of a In UNIX-like operating systems, chmod is the

PDS or PDSE is a cataloged procedure. The system and system call, which may change the
data set containing the procedure can either be access permissions to file system objects (files
a private or system data set. and directories).
CBU: Channel:
See Capacity Backup. The part of a channel subsystem that manages
a single I/O interface between a channel
CDS: subsystem and a set of control units.
See Couple Data Set. Channel Path Identifier (CHPID):
Central Electronic Complex (CEC): The channel, represented by a channel path ID
The set of hardware that defines a mainframe, or CHPID, represents the actual communication
which includes the CPU(s), memory, channels, path. A CHPID is the handle by which
controllers, and power supplies included in the communication between the CPC and an
system. A physical collection of hardware that external device is facilitated. A CHPID must be
consists of main storage, one or more Central unique, since it denotes a unique path of
Processors (CPs), timers, and channels. communication for the CPC. The maximum
number of allowable CHPIDs within a channel
subsystem is 256. Channels can be shared
See Coupling facility. between LPARs. A CHPID is associated with
CFCC: either a physical port or with an internal
connection defined inside the mainframe. Valid
See Coupling Facility Control Code. CHPIDs are in the hexadecimal range from
Central Processing Unit (CPU): X'00' through X'FF'.
Is the primary component of a computer that Channel Command Word (CCW):
processes instructions. It runs the operating An instruction to a specialized I/O channel
system and applications, constantly receiving processor, which is, in fact, a finite state
input from the user or active software programs. machine. It is used to initiate an I/O operation,
It processes the data and produces output, such as ‘read’, ‘write’ or ‘sense’, on a
which may stored by an application or channel-attached device. On system
displayed on the screen. architectures, which implement channel I/O,
typically all devices are connected by channels,
Central Processor (CP): and so all I/O requires the use of CCWs.
The part of the computer that contains the
sequencing and processing facilities for
instruction execution, initial program load, and See Customer Information Control System.
other machine operations. CPs execute CIM:
instructions. See Common Information Model.
Central Processor Complex (CPC): Ciphertext:
Refers to the physical collection of hardware Data that has been encrypted. Ciphertext is
that includes main storage, one or more central unreadable until it has been converted into
processors, timers, and channels. plaintext (decrypted) with a key.
CGI: Citrix XenServer:
See Common Interface Gateway. Is a server virtualization platform based on the
Xen hypervisor that allows IT administrators to
Change Mode (CMOD): host, deploy, and manage virtual machines.

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CIU: CLIST is a procedural programming language

for TSO in z/OS systems.
See Customer Initiated Upgrade.
Command Line Interface (CLI):
An interface that defines a set of commands
See Count Key Data.
and enables a user to issue these commands
Cloud: by entering text in response to the command
A cloud is a vast array of computers that are prompt (for example, DOS commands or UNIX
hooked together and meant to operate as a shell commands). See also IBM DS CLI.
single ecosystem. Clouds are configured to
Command parameter:
offer one or more services (for example, data
Defines a parameter of a command being
storage, content delivery, or applications) and
users can access these services remotely.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI):
Cloud Management Platform (CMP):
Was introduced to enable and standardize the
A Cloud Management Platform is software, interface between Web servers and external
which combines a set of features or modules, programs. The CGI is a relatively simple,
which enable the management of different platform and language independent,
cloud environments. Public, private, and hybrid industry-standard interface for Web application
cloud cannot be all handled with a simple development. Programs that implement the
virtualization management console. CGI standard are commonly called CGI
Complementary Metal–Oxide–
A partition capable of processing all DS8000
Semiconductor (CMOS):
series functions. With two clusters in the
CMOS is a technology for constructing
storage system, any operational cluster can
integrated circuits. CMOS technology is used in
take over the processing of a failing cluster.
microprocessors, micro controllers, static RAM,
Cluster Structure Storage System (CSS): and other digital logic circuits.
CSS is a novel, high-performance disk storage
Compression Coprocessor (CMPSC):
system. CSS divides its disk space into large,
fix-sized clusters, which are the basic units for Is a high-performance coprocessor that uses
disk reads and writes. compression algorithms to help reduce disk
space and memory usage. Each processor unit
CMOS: See Complementary Metal–Oxide–
has a dedicated CMPSC that connects to the
main cache-structure for better throughput of
CMPSC: See Compression Coprocessor. the compression dictionaries.
Cold demotion: Computer program:
An operation of IBM Easy Tier automatic mode. A computer program is a list of instructions that
The movement of an extent of inactive data to a tell a computer what to do.
lower tier to make its tier available for new data.
Concurrent copy:
Common Information Model (CIM): A facility on a storage server that enables a
Is an open standard that defines how managed program to make a backup of a data set while
elements in an IT environment are represented the logical volume remains available for
as a common set of objects and relationships subsequent processing. The data in the backup
between them. copy is frozen at the point in time that the server
responds to the request.
Command List (CLIST):

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Concurrent installation of licensed machine and synchronizes the operation of such devices
code: with the operation of the system as a whole.
Process of installing Licensed Internal Code on 2) For IBM Z, a storage server with FICON or
a DS8000 series while applications continue to OEMI interfaces. The control unit adapts a
run. native device interface to an I/O interface that
an IBM Z Systems host system supports.
3) The portion of the storage system that
In storage, to define the logical and physical supports the attachment of emulated count key
devices, optional features, and program data devices over ESCON, FICON, or OEMI
products of the input/output subsystem through interfaces. See also cluster.
the user interface that the storage system
provides for this function. Control-unit image:
In mainframe computing, a logical subsystem
Configuration task commands:
that is accessed through an ESCON I/O
Used for creating, modifying, and deleting interface. One or more control-unit images exist
in each control unit. Each image appears as an
Consistency group: independent control unit, but all control-unit
A group of volumes participating in FlashCopy images share a common set of hardware
relationships in a logical subsystem, across facilities. The DS8000 series can emulate
logical subsystems, or across multiple storage 3990-3, TPF, 3990-6, or 2105 control units.
systems that must be kept in a consistent state
to ensure data integrity. Control-Unit-Initiated Reconfiguration
Consistency group interval time:
A software mechanism that the DS8000 series
The value in seconds that indicates the length uses to request that an operating system of IBM
of time between the formation of consistency Z host verify that one or more subsystem
groups. resources can be taken offline for service. The
Consistent copy: DS8000 series can use this process to
A copy of a data entity (a logical volume, for automatically vary channel paths offline and
example) that contains the contents of the online to facilitate bay service or concurrent
entire data entity at a single instant in time. code installation. Depending on the operating
system, support for this process might be
Console: model-dependent, might depend on the IBM
A user interface to a server, for example, the Enterprise Storage Server Subsystem Device
interface provided on a personal computer. See Driver, or might not exist.
also Hardware Management Console.
Copy Services:
Control path: A collection of optional software features, with a
The route that is established from the master web-browser interface, that is used for
storage system to the subordinate storage configuring, managing, and monitoring
system when more than one storage system data-copy functions.
participates in a Global Mirror session. If there
is only one storage system (the master) in the Core:
Global Mirror session, no control path is See processor.
required. Count field:
Control unit: The first field of a Count Key Data (CKD)
1) A device that coordinates and controls the record. This 8-byte field contains a 4-byte track
operation of one or more input/output devices, address (CCHH). It defines the cylinder and
head that are associated with the track, and a

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1-byte record number (R) that identifies the Allows you to define how z/OS is to manage
record on the track. It defines a 1-byte key coupling facility resources.
length that specifies the length of the record's
key field (0 means no key field). It defines a
See Central Processor.
2-byte data length that specifies the length of
the record's data field (0 means no data field). CP Assist for Cryptographic Function
Only the end-of-file record has a data length of (CPACF):
Is a set of cryptographic instructions providing
Count Key Data (CKD): improved performance.
In mainframe computing, a data-record format CPC:
employing self-defining record formats in which
See Central Processing Complex.
each record is represented by up to three fields:
a count field that identifies the record and CPU:
specifies its format, an optional key field that See Central Processing Unit.
identifies the data area contents, and an
optional data field that typically contains the
See Cyclic Redundancy Check.
user data. For CKD records on the storage
system, the logical volume size is defined in Cross-cluster communication:
terms of the device emulation mode (3390 or DS8880 uses PCIe paths between the I/O
3380 track format). The count field is always 8 enclosures to provide the cross-cluster (XC)
bytes long and contains the lengths of the key communication between CPCs. This
and data fields, the key field has a length of 0 to configuration means that no separate path is
255 bytes, and the data field has a length of 0 between the XC communications and I/O traffic,
to 65 535 or the maximum that will fit on the which simplifies the topology. During normal
track. See also data record. operations, the XC communication traffic uses
Couple Data Set (CDS): a small portion of the overall available PCIe
bandwidth (less than 1.7%) so that the XC
Couple data sets provides a central shared
communication traffic has a negligible effect on
repository of data that needs to be visible to
I/O performance.
every system in the sysplex. The CDS and all
accesses to the data therein are managed by
XCF. Cross-System Coupling Facility (XCF):
Is a component of z/OS that manages
Coupling Facility (CF):
communications between applications in a
Is a piece of computer hardware which allows sysplex. Applications may be on the same
multiple processors to access the same data. A system or different systems.
Parallel Sysplex relies on one or more Coupling Systems communicate using messages
Facilities (CFs). transported by one of two mechanisms:
Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC): Dedicated channel-to-channel links (CTC links)
and Structures in a Coupling Facility, only
Is an IBM licensed Internal Code that always
available in Parallel Sysplex, not in standard
runs under an LPAR, regardless of whether the
CF is in a standalone CPC or in a general
purpose CPC. Cross-System Extended Services (XES):

Coupling Facility Resource Management A component of z/OS, enables applications and

(CFRM): subsystems to take advantage of the coupling

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Cryptography: A unit of storage on a CKD device with a fixed

(1) The transformation of data to conceal its number of tracks.
information content and to prevent its Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
unauthorized use or undetected modification. (CWDM):
(2) Protecting information by transforming it Is a method of combining multiple signals on
(encrypting it) into an unreadable format, called laser beams at various wavelengths for
ciphertext. Only those who possess a secret transmission along fiber optic cables, such that
key can decipher (or decrypt) the message into the number of channels is fewer than in Dense
plaintext. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) but
more than in standard Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (WDM).
Create, Read, Update, and Delete as an
acronym CRUD, are the four basic functions of D
persistent storage.[
See Device Adapter.
See Control Unit.
Daisy chain:
See serial connection.
See Capacity Upgrade on Demand.
CUIR: See Direct Access Storage Device.
See Control-Unit Initiated Reconfiguration.
DASD fast write (DFW):
Customer Information Control System A function in which data is written concurrently
(CICS): to cache and nonvolatile storage, and
Is an online transaction processing monitor automatically scheduled for destaging to DASD.
from IBM that acts as an interface between the Both copies are retained in the storage control
operating system and application programs to until the data is completely written to the DASD,
provide rapid high-volume online transaction providing data integrity equivalent to writing
processing. directly to the DASD. Use of DASD fast write for
system-managed data sets is controlled by
Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU):
storage class attributes to improve
Is an IBM on-line system through which you can performance.
order, download, and install temporary and
permanent upgrades for IBM Z servers.
See Dynamic Address Translation.
Cylinder-managed space:
This term refers to the space on the volume that Data availability:
is managed only in multicylinder units. The degree to which data is available when
Cylinder-managed space begins at cylinder needed, typically measured as a percentage of
address 65520. Each data set occupies an time that the system would be capable of
integral multiple of multicylinder units. Space responding to any data request (for example,
requests targeted for the cylinder-managed 99.999% available).
space will be rounded up to the next
Data Base 2 (DB2):
multicylinder unit. The cylinder-managed space
DB2 provides an open database environment
exists only on EAVs.
that runs on a wide variety of computing
Cylinder: platforms.
Data compression:

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The process of eliminating gaps, empty fields, any, or all, attached host systems. To use this
redundancies, and unnecessary data to shorten capability, the host program must be designed
the length of records or blocks. to support data that it is sharing.
Data Facility Storage Management DC:
Subsystem data set services (DFSMSdss) See Direct Current.
DFSMSdss is a component of DFSMS (Data DC-UPS (Direct Current-Uninterruptible
Facility Storage Management Subsystem). It is Power Supply:
used to move and replicate data, manage Converts incoming AC line voltage to rectified
storage space efficiently, backup and recover AC, and contains an integrated battery
data, and convert data sets and volumes. subsystem.
Data field: Decrypt:
The optional third field of a Count Key Data In Cryptographic Support, to convert ciphertext
(CKD) record. The count field specifies the into plaintext. See also encrypt.
length of the data field. The data field contains
data that the program writes.
In computer security, the process of
Data record: transforming encoded text or ciphertext into
The basic unit of IBM Z storage on a DS8000, plaintext. The process of decoding data that
also known as a Count Key Data (CKD) record. has been encrypted into a secret format.
Data records are stored on a track. The records Decryption requires a secret key or password.
are sequentially numbered starting with 0. The
DELETE command (In UNIX):
first record, R0, is typically called the track
descriptor record and contains data that the Use the DELETE command to delete one or
operating system normally uses to manage the more data set entries or one or more members
track. See also count-key-data and fixed-block of a partitioned data set.
architecture. Demote:
Data set FlashCopy: To remove a logical data unit from cache
For IBM Z hosts, a feature of FlashCopy that memory. A storage server demotes a data unit
indicates how many partial volume FlashCopy to create room for other logical data units in the
relationships are active on a volume. cache or because the logical data unit is not
valid. The storage system must destage logical
Data space / Hiperspace: data units with active write units before they can
A data space or hiperspace contains only user be demoted. See also destage.
data or user programs stored as data.
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Data Set Command Line Interface (DS CLI): (DWDM):
A software package that allows open systems Is a technology that puts data from different
hosts to invoke and manage Copy Services sources together on an optical fiber, with each
functions as well as to configure and manage signal carried at the same time on its own
all storage units in a storage complex. The DS separate light wavelength. Using DWDM, up to
CLI is a full-function command set. 80 (and theoretically more) separate
wavelengths or channels of data can be
Data sharing: multiplexed into a lightstream transmitted on a
The ability of multiple host systems to single optical fiber. Each channel carries a Time
concurrently utilize data that they store on one Division Multiplexed (TDM) signal. In a system
or more storage devices. The storage system with each channel carrying 2.5 Gbps (billion bits
enables configured storage to be accessible to per second), up to 200 billion bits can be
delivered a second by the optical fiber. DWDM

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is also sometimes called Wave Division response is a display of basic status information
Multiplexing (WDM). about a device, a group of devices, or storage
Destage: control units. Because the DEVSERV command
causes the system to issue an I/O request on
The storage system stages incoming data into
paths to a device or devices, the resulting
cache and then destages it to disk.
display reflects the current physical state of the
Device: path.
For IBM Z, a disk drive.
Device Adapter (DA): See Data Facility Storage Management
A physical component of DS8000 series that Subsystem data set services utilities.
provides communication between the clusters
and the storage devices. DS8000 series has
DFSORT is IBM’s high-performance sort,
eight device adapters that it deploys in pairs,
merge, copy, analysis, and reporting product for
one from each cluster. Device adapter pairing
enables DS8000 series to access any disk
drive from either of two paths, providing fault DIMM:
tolerance and enhanced availability. See Dual In-line Memory Module.
Device address: Direct Access Device Space Management
For IBM Z, the field of an ESCON device-level (DADSM):
frame that selects a specific device on a Performs the functions required to allocate or
control-unit image. free space on a Direct Access Storage Device
(DASD). The DADSM routines control
Device ID:
allocation of space on DASD volumes, and
The unique two-digit hexadecimal number that provide information on volume contents on
identifies the logical device. request. The information is kept by DADSM in
its own data set which it maintains for each
device interface card: volume: the Volume Table Of Contents (VTOC).
A physical subunit of a storage cluster that
Direct Access Storage Device (DASD):
provides the communication with the attached
1) A mass storage medium on which a
device drive modules.
computer stores data.
Device number: 2) A disk device.
For IBM Z, a four-hexadecimal-character Direct Current (DC):
identifier, for example 13A0, that the systems Is an electrical current, which flows consistently
administrator associates with a device to in one direction.
facilitate communication between the program
and the host operator. The device number is Disk Drive Module (DDM):
associated with a subchannel. A Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) that consists of
a single disk drive and its associated
Device Support Facility (ICKDSF):
Is the utility used to install, initialize, and
maintain IBM DASD. It can be run as a Disk enclosure:
standalone job or under a system such as The DS8000 data disks are installed in
z/OS. ‘ICK’ is not an acronym for anything. enclosures called disk enclosures or storage
enclosures. These disk enclosures are installed
DEVSER command:
in pairs.
A z/OS command used to request a display of
the status of DASD and tape devices. The Disk group:

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A collection of 4 disk drives that are connected See Domain Name System.
to the same pair of IBM Serial Storage adapters
and can be used to create a RAID array. A disk
1) That part of a computer network in which the
group can be formatted as count key data or
data processing resources are under common
fixed block, and as RAID or non-RAID, or it can
be left unformatted. A disk group is a logical
2) In TCP/IP, the naming system used in
assemblage of disk drives.
hierarchical networks.
Disk Operating System (DOS):
Domain Name System (DNS):
Is an operating system that runs from a hard In TCP/IP, the server program that supplies
disk drive. name-to-address translation by mapping
Disk scrubbing: domain names to Internet addresses. The
The DS8000 periodically reads all sectors on a address of a DNS server is the Internet address
disk. This reading is designed to occur without of the server that hosts the DNS software for
any interference with application performance. the network.
If Error Correction Code (ECC) detects DOS:
correctable bad bits, the bits are corrected
See Disk Operating system.
immediately. This ability reduces the possibility
of multiple bad bits accumulating in a sector Dotted decimal notation:
beyond the ability of ECC to correct them. If a A convention used to identify IP addresses. The
sector contains data that is beyond ECC's notation consists of four 8-bit numbers written in
ability to correct, RAID is used to regenerate base 10. For example, is an IP
the data and write a new copy onto a spare address that contains the octets 9, 113, 76, and
sector of the drive. This scrubbing process 250.
applies to drives that are array members and
See Dynamic Random Access Memory.
Disk Storage Feature Activation (DSFA):
The Data Storage Feature Activation (DSFA)
application provides feature activation codes A unit that contains multiple drive modules and
and license keys to technically activate provides power, cooling, and related
functions acquired for IBM storage products. interconnection logic to make the drive modules
accessible to attached host systems.
Distributed Network Block Device (DNBD):
Uses UDP as its transport protocol, and thus
supports multicasting, client-side caching, and A drive can be either a magnetic drive or a Solid
server redundancy. It only supports RO exports. State Drive (SSD).
A field replaceable unit that consists of a single
Distributed ledger technology (DLT): drive and its associated packaging.
Allow their users to store and access
information relating to a given set of assets and
their holders in a shared database of either See Data Set Command Line Interface.
transactions or account balances. This DS Network Interface (DSNI):
information is distributed among users who See Enterprise Storage Server Network
could then use it to settle their transfers of, for Interface.
example, securities and cash, without needing
to rely on a trusted central validation system. DS8000 series:
See IBM DS8000.

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DS8000 Storage Management GUI: directly rather than having to proceed

See IBM DS Storage Manager. sequentially from a starting place. RAM is
located close to a computer’s processor and
Dual In-line Memory Module (DIMM):
enables faster access to data than storage
Is a double SIMM (Single In-Line Memory media such as hard disk drives and solid-state
Module). It's a module containing one or drives.
several Random Access Memory (RAM) chips
on a small circuit board with pins that connect it Dynamic volume expansion:
to the computer motherboard. A DIMM has a The capability of the storage system to increase
168-pin connector and supports 64-bit data the capacity of host volumes up to a maximum
transfer. size while online.

Duplex: E
1) Regarding Copy Services, the state of a
volume pair after Remote Mirror and Copy has EAM:
completed the copy operation and the volume See Extent Allocation Method.
pair is synchronized. EAV:
2) In general, pertaining to a communication See Extended Address Volume.
mode in which data can be sent and received at
the same time. Easy Tier:
Is a built-in dynamic data relocation feature that
Dynamic Address Translation (DAT): allows the host-transparent movement of data
When a virtual address is used by a CPU to among the storage system resources. This
access main storage, it is first converted by feature significantly improves configuration
Dynamic Address Translation (DAT) to a real flexibility and performance tuning and planning.
address and then by prefixing, to an absolute EC:
address. See Engineering Change.
Dynamic CHPID Management (DCM): ECC:
Provides the ability to have the system See Error Correction Code.
dynamically manage ESCON and FICON
Bridge (FICON converter, or FCV) connected to See Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
DASD subsystems, based on the current work ECKD:
load and its service goals.
See Extended Count Key Data.
Dynamic Partition Manager (DPM):
Is a guided management interface in the HMC
See Embedded DRAM.
that can be used to define the IBM Z hardware
and virtual infrastructure, including integrated ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD):
dynamic I/O management that runs a KVM for An undesirable discharge of static electricity
IBM Z Systems environment. that can damage equipment and degrade
Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM): electrical circuitry.
A type of memory that is typically used for data Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC):
or program code that a computer processor Cryptographic capabilities that are designed to
needs to function. DRAM is a common type of provide public key support for constrained
Random Access Memory (RAM) used in digital environments.
Personal Computers (PCs), workstations and Embedded DRAM (eDRAM):
servers. Random access allows the PC Is Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)
processor to access any part of the memory integrated on the same die or Multi-Chip

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Module (MCM) of an Application-Specific This term refers to a volume with more than
Integrated Circuit (ASIC) or microprocessor. 65520 cylinders. Only 3390 Model A devices
eDRAM's cost-per-bit is higher when compared can be an EAV.
to equivalent standalone DRAM chips used as
Engineering change:
external memory, but the performance
An update to a machine, part, or program.
advantages of placing eDRAM onto the same
chip as the processor outweigh the cost Enterprise Service Bus (ESB):
disadvantages in many applications.
It implements a communication system
Emergency Power Off (EPO): between mutually interacting software
A means of turning off power during an applications in a service-oriented architecture
emergency, usually a switch. (SOA)
EMIF: Enterprise Systems Architecture/390
See ESCON Multiple Image Facility. (ESA/390):
An IBM architecture for mainframe computers
and peripherals. Processor systems that follow
A unit that houses the components of a storage the ESA/390 architecture include the ES/9000
subsystem, such as a control unit, disk drives, family. See also z/Architecture.
and power source.
Enterprise Class configuration:
A high-density, high-performance storage
In Cryptographic Support, to systematically configuration that includes standard disk
scramble information so that it cannot be read enclosures and high-performance flash
without knowing the coding key. See also enclosures and is optimized and configured for
decrypt. performance and throughput, by maximizing
Encryption: the number of device adapters and paths to the
In computer security, the process of storage enclosures.
transforming data into an unintelligible form in Enterprise Storage Server Network Interface
such a way that the original data either cannot (ESSNI):
be obtained or can be obtained only by using a Is the logical server that communicates with the
decryption process. DS GUI server and interacts with the two
Encryption algorithm: processor nodes of the DS8880. Also referred
to as DS Network Interface (DSNI).
An algorithm that scrambles the data so that it
becomes unreadable to someone who Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON):
intercepts it. 1) An IBM Z computer peripheral interface. The
Encryption group: I/O interface uses IBM Z logical protocols over
a serial interface that configures attached units
Indicates whether encryption is enabled (select
to a communication fabric.
1) or disabled (select None) for ranks.
2) A set of IBM products and services that
Enhanced Network Block Device (ENBD): provide a dynamically connected environment
Is being pushed along by one active developer; within an enterprise.
there is a mailing list that sees a couple of Entropy Encoding:
messages a month. ENBD extends NBD
adding an automatic restart if the connection is Is a lossless data compression scheme that is
lost, authentication, and support for removable independent of the specific characteristics of
media. the medium.

Extended Address Volume (EAV): EPS:

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See Emergency Power Off. each LPAR with its own channel-subsystem
See Error-Recording Data Set. EsconNet:
In the DS8000 Storage Management GUI, the
Error Correction Code (ECC):
label on a pseudo host icon that represents a
Checks read or transmitted data for errors and
host connection that uses the ESCON protocol
corrects them as soon as they are found. ECC
and that is not completely defined onDS8000
is similar to parity checking except that it
series. See also pseudo host and access-any
corrects errors immediately upon detection.
Error-Recording Data Set (ERDS):
On IBM Z hosts, a data set that records
See ElectroStatic Discharge.
data-storage and data-retrieval errors. A
Service Information Message (SIM) provides ESE:
the error information for the ERDS. See Extent Space-Efficient.
Error recovery procedure: ESSNet:
Procedures designed to help isolate and, where See IBM Enterprise Storage Server Network.
possible, to recover from errors in equipment.
The procedures are often used in conjunction
See Enterprise Storage Server Network
with programs that record information on
machine malfunctions.
Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL):
The Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL1 through
See Enterprise Service Bus. EAL7) of an IT product or system is a numerical
ESCD: grade assigned following the completion of a
See ESCON Director. Common Criteria security evaluation, an
international standard in effect since 1999. The
ESCON: increasing assurance levels reflect added
See Enterprise System Connection. assurance requirements that must be met to
ESCON channel: achieve Common Criteria certification. The
intent of the higher levels is to provide higher
An IBM Z channel that supports ESCON
confidence that the system's principal security
features are reliably implemented. The EAL
ESCON Director (ESCD): level does not measure the security of the
An I/O interface switch that allows the system itself, it simply states at what level the
interconnection of multiple ESCON interfaces in system was tested.
a distributed-star topology. Extended Count Key Data (ECKD):
ESCON host systems: An extension of the Count Key Data (CKD)
IBM Z hosts that attach to the DS8000 series architecture.
with an ESCON adapter. Such host systems Extended Addressing Space (EAS):
run on operating systems that include z/OS,
On an extended address volume, this term
VSE, TPF, or versions of VM.
refers to cylinders with addresses that are
ESCON Multiple Image Facility (EMIF): equal to or greater than 65,536. These cylinder
For IBM Z, a function that enables LPARs to addresses are represented by 28-bit cylinder
share an ESCON channel path by providing numbers.
Extended Address Volume (EAV):

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A volume with more than 65,520 cylinders. An in the storage system fails. See also cluster and
extended address volume increases the failback.
amount of addressable DASD storage per
volume beyond 65,520 cylinders by changing Fast File System (FFS):
how tracks on ECKD (Extended Count Key FFS invented cylinder groups, which break the
Data) volumes are addressed. disk up into smaller chunks, with each group
having its own inodes and data blocks.
A continuous space on a disk that is occupied Fast write:
by or reserved for a particular data set, data A write operation at cache speed that does not
space, or file. The unit of increment is a track. require immediate transfer of data to a disk
See also multiple allegiance and parallel drive. The subsystem writes the data directly to
access volumes. cache, to nonvolatile storage, or to both. The
data is then available for destaging. A fast-write
Extent Allocation Method (EAM):
operation reduces the time an application must
Defines how volumes extents are allocated on
wait for the I/O operation to complete.
the ranks in the Extent Pool.
Extent pool:
See Fixed-Block Architecture.
A group of extents. See also extent.
Extent Space-Efficient:
See feature code.
A thin-provisioning method in which capacity is
Note: FC is a common abbreviation for Fibre
allocated in a performance efficient manner on
Channel in the industry, but the DS8000
a per extent basis in pool or ESE repository if
customer documentation library reserves FC for
one is created on an as-needed basis.
feature code.
Extent Space Efficient (ESE) volumes:
Are the actual thin provisioned volumes that
See Fibre Channel.
can be used by host applications.The dynamic
allocation increments for ESE logical volumes FC-AL:
is based on the same existing 1 GB extents See Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop.
used for standard volumes.
F See Fibre Channel Protocol.
See Fibre Channel standard.
In Fibre Channel technology, a routing
structure, such as a switch, receives addressed Feature Code (FC):
information and routes to the appropriate A code that identifies a particular orderable
destination. A fabric can consist of more than option and that is used by service personnel to
one switch. When multiple Fibre Channel process hardware and software orders.
switches are interconnected, they are said to be Individual optional features are each identified
cascaded. by a unique feature code.
Failback: Fibre Channel (FC):
Pertaining to a cluster recovery from failover A data-transmission architecture based on the
following repair. See also failover. ANSI Fibre Channel standard, which supports
full-duplex communication. DS8000 series
supports data transmission over fiber-optic
Pertaining to the process of transferring all
cable through its Fibre Channel adapters. See
control to a single cluster when the other cluster

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also Fibre Channel Protocol and Fibre Channel hosts that run LINUX on a Fibre Channel
standard. Protocol z/OS channel.
Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL): FICON:
An implementation of the Fibre Channel See Fibre Channel CONnection.
Standard that uses a ring topology for the
communication fabric. Refer to American
In the DS8000 Storage Management GUI, the
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
label on a pseudo host icon that represents a
X3T11/93-275. In this topology, two or more
host connection that uses the FICON protocol
Fibre Channel end points are interconnected
and that is not completely defined on DS8000
through a looped interface. This topology
series. See also pseudo host and access-any
directly connects the storage system to an open
systems host without going through a fabric
switch. Field Replaceable Unit (FRU):
Fibre Channel Connection (FICON): An assembly that is replaced in its entirety
when any one of its components fails. In some
A Fibre Channel communications protocol that
cases, a field replaceable unit might contain
is designed for IBM mainframe computers and
other field replaceable units.
peripherals. It connects the storage system to
one or more IBM Z hosts using a FICON z/OS File Transfer Protocol (FTP):
channel either directly or through a FICON In TCP/IP, an application protocol used to
switch. transfer files to and from host computers. See
Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP): also Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
A protocol used in Fibre Channel
communications with five layers that define how Firewall:
Fibre Channel ports interact through their A protection against unauthorized connection to
physical links to communicate with other ports. a computer or a data storage system. The
FCP (Fibre Channel Protocol) supports access protection is usually in the form of software on a
to Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) gateway server that grants access to users who
peripheral devices. meet authorization criteria.
Fibre Channel Standard (FCS): Fixed Block Architecture:
An ANSI standard for a computer peripheral An architecture for logical devices that specifies
interface. The I/O interface defines a protocol the format of and access mechanisms for the
for communication over a serial interface that logical data units on the device. The logical data
configures attached units to a communication unit is a block. All blocks on the device are the
fabric. The protocol has two layers. The IP layer same size (fixed size). The subsystem can
defines basic interconnection protocols. The access them independently.
upper layer supports one or more logical
protocols (for example, FCP for SCSI command
protocols and SBCON for IBM Z command Flag parameter:
protocols). Refer to American National An integer flag that indicates whether the match
Standards Institute (ANSI) X3.230-199x. needs to be performed on the supplied project
Fibre Channel Switched Fabric (FC-SF): name or number.
An implementation of the Fibre Channel Flash cards:
Standard that connects the storage system to Are high2-IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per
one or more open systems hosts through a Second) class enterprise storage devices that
fabric switch or connects one or more z/OS are targeted at Tier 0, I/O-intensive workload

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applications that can use a high level of microcode takes this idea one step further. It
fast-access storage. might choose to allow the hot spare to remain
where it has been moved, but it can instead
choose to migrate the spare to a more optimum
FlashCopy is an IBM feature supported on
position. This will be done to better balance the
various IBM storage devices that made it
spares across the DA pairs, the loops, and the
possible to create, nearly instantaneously,
disk enclosures.
point-in-time snapshot copies of entire logical
volumes or data sets. The copies are FMID:
immediately available for both read and write See Function Modification Identifier.
FlashCopy relationship:
The hardware support structure, covers, and all
A mapping of a FlashCopy source volume and electrical parts mounted therein that are
a FlashCopy target volume that allows a packaged as one entity for shipping.
point-in-time copy of the source volume to be
copied to the target volume. FlashCopy FREE command (In UNIX):
relationships exist from the time that you initiate Use the FREE command to release (deallocate)
a FlashCopy operation until the storage system previously allocated data sets or Hierarchical
copies all data from the source volume to the File System (HFS) files that you no longer
target volume or until you delete the FlashCopy need. You can also use this command to
relationship, if it is persistent. change the output class of SYSOUT data sets
to delete attribute lists, and to change the data
FlashCopy SE:
set disposition specified with the ALLOCATE
An optional feature of DS8880 series that command. There is a maximum number of data
allocates storage space on an ‘as-needed’ sets that can be allocated to you at any one
basis and uses only the required number of time.
tracks to write changed data during the lifetime
of the FlashCopy relationship. FRU:
See Field Replaceable Unit.
Flash Raid Adapter:
An adapter that manages external I/O FSP:
interfaces that use Fibre Channel protocols for See Flexible Service Processor.
host-system attachment. It is also used for FTP:
replicating data between storage systems.
See File Transfer Protocol.
Flexible Service Processor (FSP):
Full duplex:
Firmware that provides diagnostics,
See duplex.
initialization, configuration, run-time error
detection, and correction. FSP is what connects Full Disk Encryption (FDE):
the managed system to the Hardware Is the encryption of all data on a disk drive,
Management Console (HMC). including the program that encrypts the
bootable operating system partition. It is
Floating spare:
performed by disk encryption software or
When a DDM fails and the data it contained is
hardware that is installed on the drive during
rebuilt onto a spare, then when the disk is
manufacturing or from an additional software
replaced, the replacement disk becomes the
driver. FDE converts all device data into a form
spare. The data is not migrated to another
that can be only understood by the one who
DDM, such as the DDM in the original position
has the key to decrypt the encrypted data. An
the failed DDM occupied. The DS8000
authentication key is used to reverse

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conversion and render the data readable. FDE A base-10 unit of measurement equal to
prevents unauthorized drive and data access. 1,000,000,000 bytes (10^9). A decimal gigabyte
(GB) is used as a measure of capacity. A binary
Fully provisioned:
gigabyte (or gibibyte [GiB]) is used as a
The volume capacity is entirely allocated at the
measure of memory.
time the volume is created. In this case, the
host to which the fully provisioned volume is Gibibyte (GiB):
attached owns the full capacity, therefore A base-2 unit of measurement equal to
consuming unused storage in the back-end 1,073,741,824 bytes (2^30).
system. Note: A GiB is used as a measure of memory
and is also known as a binary gigabyte.
Function Modification Identifier (FMID):
An identifier that is used to identify a separate
Connects to the drive adapter (in DS8000)
product or function of a product.
through Fibre Channel protocol and converts to
Fuzzy copy: SAS protocol through the control card switch in
A function of the Global Copy feature wherein the RAID adapter.
modifications to the primary logical volume are
Global Copy:
performed on the secondary logical volume at a
An optional capability of the DS8000 remote
later time. The original order of update is not
mirror and copy feature that maintains a fuzzy
strictly maintained. See also Global Copy.
copy of a logical volume on the same DS8000
G storage system or on another DS8000 storage
system. In other words, all modifications that
GB: any attached host performs on the primary
See gigabyte. logical volume are also performed on the
secondary logical volume at a later point in
GiB: time. The original order of update is not strictly
See gibibyte. maintained. See also Remote Mirror and Copy
GDPS: and Metro Mirror.
See Geographically Dispersed Parallel Global Mirror:
Sysplex. An optional capability of the remote mirror and
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex copy feature that provides a 2-site extended
(GDPS): distance remote copy. Data that is written by the
host to the storage system at the local site is
Is a multi-site or single-site end to end
automatically maintained at the remote site.
application availability solution that provides the
See also Metro Mirror and Remote Mirror and
capability to manage remote copy configuration
and storage subsystems (including IBM
TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server) to Global Network Block Device (GNBD):
automate Parallel Sysplex operation tasks and Is the basis for GFS (the Global file system).
perform failure recovery from a single point of
Global Resource Serialization (GRS):
control. GDPS helps automate recovery
procedures for planned and unplanned outages Is the component within the IBM z/OS operating
to provide near-continuous availability and system responsible for enabling fair access to
disaster recovery capability. serially reusable computing resources, such as
datasets and tape drives or virtual resources,
Gigabyte (GB):
such as lists, queues, and control blocks.

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In DS8000 documentation, a nickname for two Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD):

different kinds of groups, depending on the
Defines the I/O configurations to both the
context. See also disk pack or Copy Services
software and hardware from a single,
server group.
interactive interface. HCD is used to create an
GRUB: Input/Output Definition File (IODF).
GNU GRUB (short for GNU GRand Unified Hardware Management Console (HMC):
Bootloader) is a boot loader package from the
A system that controls managed systems,
GNU Project. GRUB is the reference
including the management of logical partitions
implementation of the Free Software
and use of capacity Upgrade on Demand.
Foundation's Multiboot Specification, which
Using service applications, the HMC
provides a user the choice to boot one of
communicates with managed systems to detect
multiple operating systems installed on a
and consolidate information, which is then sent
computer or select a specific kernel
to IBM for analysis.
configuration available on a particular operating
system's partitions. Hardware service manager:
An option on a IBM i host that enables the user
Guests (VM):
to display and work with system hardware
A guest virtual machine (guest VM) is the
resources and to debug input-output
software component of a virtual machine (VM),
processors (IOP), input-output adapters (IOA),
an independent instance of an operating
and devices.
system (called a guest operating system) and
its associated software and information. A VM HCD:
guest can be a Linux, z/OS, z/VSE, or another See Hardware Configuration Definition.
z/VM operating system.
GUI (graphical user interface): An AIX term for storage space.
A way of communicating with a computer by
manipulating icons (pictures) and windows with
a mouse. A device that makes a program more A status report sent at regular intervals from the
user friendly. DS8000 storage system. The service provider
uses this report to monitor the health of the call
H home process. See also call home, and remote
technical assistance information network.
HELP command (In UNIX):
See High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing.
Use the HELP command to obtain information
Hard disk drive: about the function, syntax, and operands of
1) A storage medium within a storage server commands and subcommands, as well as
used to maintain information that the storage information about certain messages.
server requires.
Hierarchical storage management:
2) A mass storage medium for computers that
A function in storage management software,
is typically available as a fixed disk (such as the
such as IBM Spectrum Control or Data Facility
disks used in system units of personal
Storage Management Subsystem/MVS
computers or in drives that are external to a
(DFSMS/MVS), that automatically manages
personal computer) or a removable cartridge.
free space based on the policy that the storage
Hardware: administrator sets.
Is the collection of physical parts of a computer
Hierarchical File System (HFS):

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HFS is a proprietary file system developed by Host name:

Apple Inc. for use in computer systems running The Internet address of a machine in the
Mac OS. network. The host name can be entered in the
High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing host definition as the fully qualified domain
(HACMP): name of the attached host system, such as
mycomputer.city.company.com, or as the
Is an older term for PowerHA (High Availability).
subname of the fully qualified domain name, for
PowerHA is a special piece of software, which
example, mycomputer. See also host system.
can provide redundancy and high availability to
meet the needs in case of a system failure by Host processor:
having another system immediately take over. A processor that controls all or part of a user
High Performance FICON for IBM Z (zHPF): application network. In a network, the
processing unit in which the data
Is an enhancement of the FICON channel
communication access method resides. See
architecture. You can reduce the FICON
also host system.
channel I/O traffic impact by using zHPF with
the FICON channel, the z/OS operating system, Host system:
and the control unit. zHPF allows the control A computer, either of the mainframe (for
unit to stream the data for multiple commands example, IBM Z) or of the open-systems type,
back in a single data transfer section for I/Os that is connected to DS8000 series. Hosts are
that are initiated by various access methods, connected through ESCON, FICON, or Fibre
which improves the channel throughput on Channel interfaces.
small block transfers.
High-Performance Flash Enclosure (HPFE): See Hardware Management Console.
Contains flash cards, which are
PCIe-connected to the I/O enclosures.
See Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Huffman Coding:
Mainframe HiperSockets is a technology that
is a lossless data compression algorithm. The
provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity within
idea is to assign variable-length codes to input
a central processor complex. It eliminates the
characters, lengths of the assigned codes are
need for any physical cabling or external
based on the frequencies of corresponding
networking connection between servers
running in different LPARs.
An optional licensed function that you can use
Interswitch connection. A hop count is the
in conjunction with the Parallel Access Volumes
number of connections that a particular block of
(PAV) function. IBM HyperPAV associates the
data traverses between source and destination.
volumes with either an alias address or a
For example, data traveling from one hub over
specified base logical volume number. When a
a wire to another hub traverses one hop.
host system requests IBM HyperPAV
Host: processing and the processing is enabled,
See host system. aliases on the logical subsystem are placed in
an IBM HyperPAV alias access state on all
Host Adapter (HA):
logical paths with a given path group ID. IBM
A physical subunit of a storage server that
HyperPAV is only supported on FICON channel
provides the ability to attach to one or more
host I/O interfaces.

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The HyperSwap technology enables the host to The brand name used to identify storage
transparently switch an application's I/O products from IBM, including DS8000 series.
operations to the secondary Metro Mirror See also DS8000 and DS Storage Manager.
volumes, provided physical connectivity exists
IBM DS8000:
between the host and the secondary storage
A member of the IBM Resiliency Family of
subsystem. This affords the ability to provide
storage servers and attached storage devices
continuous operations from a single site or from
(drive modules). The DS8000 series storage
multiple locations within metro distances. By
product delivers high-performance,
implementing HyperSwap, disk failures and
fault-tolerant storage and management of
maintenance functions can be endured without
enterprise data, affording access through
incurring any interruption to the application
multiple concurrent operating systems and
communication protocols. High performance is
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): provided by multiple symmetrical
Is an application protocol for distributed, multiprocessors, integrated caching, RAID
collaborative, and hypermedia information support for the drive modules, and disk access
systems. HTTP is the foundation of data through a high-speed serial storage
communication for the World Wide Web. architecture interface.
Hypervisor: IBM DS8880 Series (DS8884, DS8886,
Is a piece of computer software, firmware, or DS8888):
hardware that creates and runs virtual New IBM DS8880 family of data systems
machines. A computer on which a hypervisor architected and built for the cognitive business.
runs one or more virtual machines is called a IBM DS8884: Business class system. Enables
host machine, and each virtual machine is organizations to overcome storage challenges
with advanced, easy-to-use operations and
called a guest machine. The hypervisor
24x7 availability for running critical workloads,
presents the guest operating systems with a
either as a dedicated platform for consolidated
virtual operating platform and manages the systems or for multiple platforms. Delivered
execution of the guest operating systems. within an affordable, flexible, and space-saving
package. Up to 256 GB cache, 64 x 16 GB
I Fibre Channel/FICON ports and up to 768
HDD/SSD drives, plus 120 flash cards.
IaaS: IBM DS8886: Enterprise class system. Helps
See Infrastructure as a Service. accelerate mission-critical applications, backed
by 24x7 availability, and superior functionality,
all provided in an easily scalable package. Up
See Internal Battery Feature. to 2 TB total system memory, 128 x 16 GB
Fibre Channel/FICON ports and up to 1,536
IBM i: HDD/SSD drives, plus 240 flash cards.
The IBM licensed program that is the integrated IBM DS8888: Enterprise class system. Delivers
operating system for Power Systems servers. It mission-critical performance and lower latency
integrates such functions as relational for applications with up to 4.5 times better
database, security, web services, networking, performance through an all-flash configuration.
and storage management capabilities. The Up to 2 TB total system memory, 128 x 16 GB
predecessor to IBM i was i5/OS, which was Fibre Channel/FICON ports and up to 480 flash
preceded by Operating System/400 (OS/400). cards.

IBM (International Businesses Machine): IBM DS CLI:

The Command-Line Interface (CLI) that works
with DS8000 storage subsystems.

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IBM DS Storage Manager (DS8000 Storage workstation called the IBM TotalStorage ESS
Management GUI): Master Console, supplied with the first ESS
Software with a web-browser interface for delivery.
configuring DS8000 series. IBM Z:
IBM MQ: The IBM family of products, which emphasizes
near-zero downtime and includes System z10
IBM MQ is a family of network software
and System z10s.
products that IBM launched for the first time as
an IBM product in December 1993. It was ICKDSF (Device Support Facility):
originally called MQSeries, and was renamed The z/OS ICKDSF utility performs functions
WebSphere MQ in 2002 to join the suite of needed for the installation, use, and
WebSphere products. In April 2014, it was maintenance of IBM direct-access storage
renamed IBM MQ. The products that are devices (DASD). Also used to perform service
included in the MQ family are IBM MQ, IBM MQ functions, error detection, and media
Advanced, IBM MQ Appliance, and IBM MQ for maintenance. The ICKDSF utility is used
z/OS. primarily to initialize disk volumes. At a
IBM Multipath Subsystem Device Driver minimum, this process involves creating the
(SDD): disk label record and the volume table of
contents (VTOC). ICKDSF also can scan a
IBM software that provides multipath volume to ensure that it is usable, can reformat
configuration support for a host system that is all the tracks, can write home addresses, as
attached to storage devices. SDD provides well as other functions.
enhanced data availability, dynamic
input/output load balancing across multiple ICF:
paths, and automatic path failover protection. See Internal Coupling Facility.
IBM POWER8 Processor: ICON:
POWER8 is a family of superscalar symmetric A picture representing something that exists on
multiprocessors based on the Power the computer.
Systems based on POWER8 became available IEBCOMPR:
from IBM in June 2014. IEBCOMPR is a z/OS data set utility that is
IBM Resiliency Family: used to compare two sequential data sets, two
A set of hardware and software features and partitioned data sets, or two Partitioned Data
products, as well as integrated software and Sets Extended (PDSE) at the logical record
services that are available on the DS8000 level to verify a backup copy.
series and the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise IEBCOPY:
Storage Server, Models 750 and 800.
IEBCOPY is a z/OS data set utility that is used
IBM Spectrum Control: to copy or merge members between one or
An interface that allows administrators to more partitioned data sets, or Partitioned Data
configure, manage, and monitor the Sets Extended (PDSE), in full or in part.
performance of SAN storage devices from a
single console.
IEBDG is a z/OS data set utility that is used to
IBM Enterprise Storage Server Network
provide a pattern of test data to be used as a
programming debugging aid.
A private network providing web browser
access to the Enterprise Storage Server. IBM IEBGENER:
installs the ESSNet software on an IBM

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The IEBGENER utility is a z/OS copy program IFHSTATR is a system utility that formats and
that is part of the operating system. It is used to prints information from Type 21 SMF (system
copy a sequential data set, a member of a management facilities) records. These records
Partitioned Data Set (PDS), or PDSE. provide error statistics by volume (ESV) data.
IEBIMAGE: image:
IEBIMAGE is a z/OS data set utility that creates See storage image.
and maintains specific printer type modules and
stores them in a library.
See Initial Microcode Load.
Information Management System (IMS):
IEBPTPCH is used to print or punch all, or
Is a database and transaction management
selected portions of a sequential data set or
Information Management System
transaction manager (IMS TM):
IEBUPTE is used to create or modify sequential
Is a message-based transaction processor.
or partitioned data sets, or PDSE.
Information Technology (IT):
IEFBR14 is a dummy program, normally Is the use of computers to store, retrieve,
inserted in JCL when the only desired action is transmit, and manipulate data, or information,
allocation or deletion of data sets. often in the context of a business or other
EHINITT is a z/OS system utility used to place Integrated Coupling Facility (ICF):
standard volume label sets onto any number of These processors run only Licensed Internal
magnetic tapes mounted on one or more tape Code. They are not visible to normal operating
units. systems or applications. A coupling facility is, in
IEHLIST: effect, a large memory scratch pad used by
multiple systems to coordinate work. ICFs must
IEHLIST is a z/OS system utility used to list
be assigned to LPARs that then become
entries in the directory of one or more
coupling facilities.
partitioned data sets or PDSEs, or entries in an
indexed or non-indexed volume table of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
contents. Any number of listings can be Is a form of cloud computing that provides
requested in a single execution of the program. virtualized computing resources over the
IEHMOVE: Internet. IaaS is one of three main categories of
cloud computing services, alongside Software
IEHMOVE is a z/OS system utility used to move
as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service
or copy logical collections of operating system
Initial Microcode Load (IML):
The action of loading microcode for a computer
IEHPROGM is a z/OS system utility that is used
into that computer's storage.
to modify system control data and to maintain
data sets at an organizational level. Initial Program Load (IPL):
The action of loading software into a computer,
typically an operating system that controls the
See Integrated Facility for Linux. computer.
IFHSTATR: Initiator:

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A SCSI device that communicates with and Are procedures whose JCL statements are
controls one or more targets. Contrast with placed within the job executing them. The
target. beginning of an in-stream procedure must be
marked by a PROC statement, its ending by a
PEND statement. In-stream procedures must
An inode is a data structure on a filesystem on
be defined before they can be used, meaning
Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems
the procedure definition must precede its
that stores all the information about a file except
its name and its actual data. A data structure is
a way of storing data so that it can be used Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL):
efficiently. This is a normal processor with one or two
Input/Output (I/O): instructions disabled that are used only by
Pertaining to (a) input, output, or both or (b) a z/OS. Linux does not use these instructions and
device, process, or channel involved in data can be executed by an IFL. Linux can be
input, data output, or both. executed by a CP as well. The difference is that
an IFL is not counted when specifying the
I/O Adapter: model number of the system. This can make a
A generic term for an electronic circuit, substantial difference in software costs.
expansion card, or plug-in module that accepts
Intelligent Resource Director:
input and generates output in a particular
format. The ‘adapter’ part of the term means Intelligent Resource Director (IRD) is software
that a conversion of the data format and that automates the management of CPU
electronic timing takes place between the resources and certain I/O resources.
input/output streams and the internal computer
Intelligent Write Caching (IWC):
Improves performance through better write
Input/Output Configuration Data Set cache management and a better destaging of
(IOCDS): order of writes.
A configuration definition built by the I/O
Interactive mode:
Configuration Program (IOCP) and stored on
The interactive command mode provides a
disk files associated with the processor
history function that makes repeating or
checking prior command usage easy to do. Log
Input/Output Definition File (IODF): on to the DS CLI application at the directory
Created by HCD (Hardware Configuration where it is installed, and begin using the DS CLI
Definition) and contains information about the commands and parameters.
I/O configuration, such as: Operating system
Interactive System Productivity Facility
data, Switch data, Device data, including EDT
definition, Processor data, Partition data,
Is a software product for the z/OS operating
Channel path data, Control unit data, and
system that runs on IBM mainframes. ISPF
Channel subsystem data.
primarily provides an IBM 3270 terminal
I/O enclosure: interface with a set of panels. Each panel may
The I/O enclosures hold the adapters and include menus and dialogs to run tools on the
provide connectivity between the adapters and underlying Time Sharing Option (TSO). ISPF is
the processors. Both device adapters and host frequently used to manipulate z/OS data sets
adapters are installed in the I/O enclosure. from its Program Development Facility named
ISPF/PDF, where PDF refers to Program
In-stream procedure:
Development Facility.

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Interface cards: Invalidate:

Provide the connection between storage To remove a logical data unit from cache
devices and the internal processors and memory because it cannot support continued
memory. access to the logical data unit on the device.
This removal might be the result of a failure
within the storage server or a storage device
To automatically create two striped partitions
that is associated with the device.
across the drives in a RAID-5 array, both of
which use the Count-Key-Data (CKD) record I/O:
format. See Input/Output.
Internal Battery Feature (IBF): I/O Adapter (IOA):
The Internal Battery Feature (IBF) is an optional An input-output adapter on the PCI bus.
feature on many of the IBM Z family IOCDS:
processors. The IBF provides a local See Input/Output Configuration Data Set.
uninterrupted power source and further
enhances the robustness of the power design IOCP (I/O Configuration Program):
present in the mainframe and increases a A program that defines to a system all the
mainframe’s immunity to power line available I/O devices and channel paths.
disturbance. It provides battery backup power I/O interface:
to preserve processor data during a loss of
An interface that enables a host to perform read
power on all power feeds from the computer
and write operations with its associated
room. The IBF can hold power briefly during a
peripheral devices.
brownout, or for orderly shutdown if there is a
longer outage. The IBF will not be available on Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS):
the IBM z14 Model ZR1 which introduces Is the standard unit of measurement for the
customers to another consideration when maximum number of reads and writes to
planning a new build or upgrade to this non-contiguous storage locations.
I/O ports:
Internal Coupling Facility: It allows the software drivers to communicate
with hardware devices on a computer.
Provides a cost effective means for getting
started in DB2 data sharing. Additionally, if the I/O Priority Manager (IOPM):
ICFs are configured with internal links, there Constantly monitors and balances system
can be a performance benefit over external resources to help applications meet their
coupling facilities. performance targets automatically, without
Internet Protocol (IP): operator intervention. Allows increased priority
for Critical I/O. The IO Priority manager extends
In the Internet suite of protocols, a protocol
the IBM Z System WorkLoad Manager
without connections that routes data through a
functionality to include storage. With this
network or interconnecting networks and acts
feature, the system administrator can use
as an intermediary between the higher protocol
zWLM to manage all computing resources.
layers and the physical network. The upper
layer supports one or more logical protocols (for I/O priority queuing:
example, a SCSI-command protocol and IBM Z Allows the DS8000 series to use I/O priority
command protocol). Refer to ANSI information provided by the z/OS Workload
X3.230-199x. The IP acronym is the IP in Manager to manage the processing sequence
TCP/IP. See also Transmission Control of I/O operations.
Protocol/Internet Protocol.

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IOPS: Centralized control over processing through a

single global JES3 processor, which does job
See Input/Output Operations Per Second.
selection, scheduling, and device allocation on
IP: the other JES3 systems.
See Internet Protocol. JVM:
IPL: See Java Virtual Machine.
See Initial Program Load.
See Intelligent Resource Director. KB:
See kilobyte.
The ISHELL command invokes the ISPF panel Kernel:
interface to z/OS UNIX System Services. The kernel is the central module of an operating
ISHELL is a good starting point for users system. It is the part of the operating system
familiar with TSO and ISPF who want to use that loads first, and it remains in main memory.
z/OS UNIX. Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM):
IT: Is a virtualization infrastructure for the Linux
kernel that turns it into a hypervisor. It was
See Information Technology.
merged into the Linux kernel mainline in kernel
IWC: version 2.6.20, which was released on
See Intelligent Write Caching. February 5, 2007. KVM requires a processor
with hardware virtualization extensions.
J See kilobyte.
Java: Key field:
Is a general-purpose computer programming The second (optional) field of a count key data
language that is concurrent, class-based, record. The key length is specified in the count
object-oriented, and specifically designed to field. The key length determines the field
have as few implementation dependencies as length. The program writes the data in the key
possible. field and uses the key field to identify or locate a
Java Virtual Machine (JVM): given record. The subsystem does not use the
A software implementation of a processor that key field.
runs compiled Java code (applets and Keyword operand (In UNIX):
applications). Keyword operands are specific names or
Job Control Language (JCL): symbols that are recognized by the system.
JCL is the language used by a batch job to Therefore, keyword operands can be entered in
request resources and services from the any order following the positional operands. In
operating system. the upcoming command descriptions, keyword
operands are shown in uppercase characters.
Job Entry System (JES): You can specify values with some keyword
In the z/OS operating system, JES manages operands. Enclose the values in parentheses
the input and output job queues and data. following the operand.
Each JES2 processor controls its own job input,
Kilobyte (KB):
job scheduling, and job output processing.

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1) For processor storage, real, and virtual Is an open source API, daemon, and
storage, and channel volume, 210 or 1024 management tool for managing platform
bytes. virtualization. It can be used to manage KVM,
2) For disk storage capacity and Xen, VMware ESX, QEMU, and other
communications volume, 1000 bytes. virtualization technologies. These APIs are
widely used in the orchestration layer of
Korn shell:
hypervisors in the development of a
Interactive command interpreter and a
cloud-based solution.
command programming language.
L See License Internal Code.

Large Form Factor (LFF): LICCC:

3.5-inch hard disk drives (HDDs). The See Licensed Internal Code Configuration
measurement represent the approximate Control.
diameter of the platter within the drive
License key:
Is a data string that verifies authorized software
Large Volume Support (LVS): product access. This type of software security
Expands the CKD (Count Key Data) volumes to helps prevent software piracy and gives
65,520 cylinders using the existing 16-bit organizations the ability to protect their software
cylinder addressing. from unauthorized copying or sharing by
LAN: unlicensed users.
See Local Area Network. License Internal Code (LIC):
LBA: Software that enables the hardware on a
See Logical Block Address. server. It is controlled by the System Flexible
Service Processor (FSP). It initializes the
LCU: hardware so that a system boots up and
See Logical Control Unit. operates correctly and provides the interface for
LDAP: the operating system to interact with the
See Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
Licensed Internal Code Configuration
Least Recently Used (LRU):
Control (LICCC):
The LRU caching scheme is to remove the
least recently used frame when the cache is full Provides for server upgrades without hardware
and a new page is referenced which is not there changes by activation of additional (previously
in cache. installed) unused capacity.

LED: Licensed Machine Code (LMC):

See Light-Emitting Diode. Microcode that IBM does not sell as part of a
machine, but licenses to the customer. LMC is
Legacy view: implemented in a part of storage that is not
A hardware or software view that has been addressable by user programs. Some IBM
superseded. products use it to implement functions as an
LFF: alternate to hard-wired circuitry.
See Large Form Factor. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Libvirt: (LDAP):

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Defines a standard method to access and Use the LISTDS command to have the
update information in a directory. attributes of specific data sets displayed at your
terminal. The LISTDS command works
Light-Emitting Diode (LED):
differently for VSAM than for non-VSAM data
A semiconductor chip that displays visible or
sets. A VSAM data set causes the LISTDS
infrared light when activated.
command to display only the data set
Link address: organization, which is VSAM. Use the LISTCAT
On an ESCON interface, the portion of a source command to obtain more information about a
or destination address in a frame that ESCON VSAM data set.
uses to route a frame through an ESCON Local Area Network (LAN):
director. ESCON associates the link address
A computer network located on a user's
with a specific switch port that is on the ESCON
premises within a limited geographic area.
director. Equivalently, it associates the link
address with the channel subsystem or control Log Structured File System (LFS):
unit link-level functions that are attached to the LFS is a file system in which data and metadata
switch port. are written sequentially to a circular buffer,
called a log.
Link-level facility:
The ESCON hardware and logical functions of Logical Block Address (LBA):
a control unit or channel subsystem that allow The address assigned by DS8000 series to a
communication over an ESCON write interface sector of a disk.
and an ESCON read interface.
Logical Control Unit (LCU):
Linux: An LCU is equivalent to a Logical SubSystem
Is system software that manages computer (LSS). Like an LSS, an LCU can have a
hardware and software resources and provides maximum of 256 logical devices or volumes.
common services for computer programs.
Logical device:
LinuxONE: The facilities of a storage server (such as
Built on IBM Z technology and designed for DS8000 series) associated with the processing
Linux-only environments. The LinuxONE of I/O operations directed to a single
Emperor, which is built on the IBM z13 host-accessible emulated I/O device. The
mainframe and its z13 CPU, and its little associated storage is referred to as a logical
brother, Rockhopper, which uses the older z12 volume. The logical device is mapped to one or
processor. more host-addressable units, such as a device
on IBM Z I/O interface or a logical unit on a
LISTALC command (In UNIX):
SCSI I/O interface, such that the host initiating
Use the LISTALC command to obtain a list of
I/O operations to the I/O-addressable unit
the currently allocated data sets. LISTALC
interacts with the storage on the associated
without operands displays a list of all currently
logical device.
allocated data set names.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LISTCAT command (In UNIX):
Use the LISTCAT command to list entries from
Is a protocol, which makes directory information
a catalog. The entries listed can be selected by
name or entry type, and the fields to be listed
for each entry can additionally be selected. Logical Partition (LPAR):
For IBM Z, a set of functions that create the
LISTDS command (In UNIX):
programming environment in which more than
one Logical PARtition (LPAR) is established on

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a processor. An LPAR is conceptually like a Logical Unit Number (LUN):

virtual machine environment except that the In the SCSI protocol, a unique number that is
LPAR is a function of the processor. Also, the used on a SCSI bus to enable it to differentiate
LPAR does not depend on an operating system between separate devices, each of which is a
to create the virtual machine environment. logical unit. The logical unit number reported to
(DS8000 series only). the host by the storage system. The host uses
Logical path: the LUN to identify the volume for SCSI
1) The relationship between a channel image
and a control-unit image that designates the Logical volume:
physical path to be used for device-level The storage medium that is associated with a
communications between these images. The logical disk drive. A logical volume typically
logical path is established as part of the channel resides on one or more storage devices. The
and control-unit initialization procedures by the DS8000 administrator defines this unit of
exchange of link-level frames. storage. The logical volume, when residing on a
2) With the Remote Mirror and Copy feature, RAID-formatted array, is spread over the drives
the relationship between a source logical in the array.
subsystem (LSS) and a target LSS that is
Logical Volume Manager (LVM):
created over a physical path through the
interconnection fabric that is used for Remote A set of system commands, library routines,
Mirror and Copy functions. An LSS is a primary and other tools that allow the user to establish
control unit, which performs the functions of a and control logical volume storage. The LVM
channel image. maps data between the logical view of storage
space and the physical drive module.
Logical Subsystem (LSS):
Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC):
A topological construct that consists of a group
of up to 256 logical devices. A DS8000 storage 1) A method of error checking during data
system can have (if CDK only) up to 32 transfer that involves checking parity on a row
CKD-formatted logical subsystems (8192 CKD of binary digits that are members of a set that
logical devices) or (if FBA only) up to 32 forms a matrix. Longitudinal redundancy check
fixed-block logical subsystems (8192 is also called a longitudinal parity check.
fixed-block logical devices). If mixed CKD and 2) A mechanism that DS8000 series uses for
FBA, DS8000 series can have up to 16 locating errors. The LRC checks the data as it
CKD-formatted logical subsystems (4096 CKD progresses from the host, through theDS8000
logical devices) and up to 16 fixed-block logical controller, into the device adapter, and to the
subsystems (4096 fixed-block logical devices). array.
The logical subsystem facilitates configuration Longwave cable:
of DS8000 series and might have other Longwave laser has a wavelength of about
implications relative to the operation of certain 1300nm. Used for distances up to 10K between
functions. There is a one-to-one mapping Fibre Channel switches and bridges.
between a CKD logical subsystem and IBM Z
control-unit image. Loop:
For IBM Z hosts, a logical subsystem The physical connection between a pair of
represents a Logical Control Unit (LCU). Each device adapters in the DS8000 storage system.
control-unit image is associated with only one See also device adapter.
logical subsystem. See also control-unit image. LPAR:
Logical unit: See Logical PARtition.
In open systems, a logical disk drive. LSS:

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See Logical SubSystem. Standardization (ISO) for the exchange of

information. See also simple network
management protocol.
See Logical Unit Number.
Master storage system:
The physical unit that controls the creation of
See Logical Volume Manager.
consistency groups in a Global Mirror session.
LXC (Linux Containers): The master storage system sends commands
Is an operating-system-level virtualization to subordinate storage systems. A storage
method for running multiple isolated Linux system can be a master for only one Global
systems (containers) on a control host using a Mirror session. Contrast with subordinate
single Linux kernel. storage system.

LXD: Maximum consistency group drain time:

Is a daemon, which provides a REST API to The value in seconds that indicates the
drive LXC containers. Its main goal is to provide maximum time that writes from the local site are
a user experience that’s similar to that of virtual delayed to the remote site while the current
machines but using Linux containers rather consistency group is being formed at the
than hardware virtualization. remote site. When this time is exceeded, the
current attempt to form a consistency group is
M ended and another attempt is started. If this
time is exceeded five times, this maximum time
Machine Reported Product Data (MRPD): is ignored on the next attempt to form a
Product data gathered by a machine and sent consistency group. The default value is the
to a destination such as an IBM support server larger of four minutes or two times the
or RETAIN. These records might include such consistency group interval time if this value is
information as feature code information and set to zero.
product logical configuration information.
Maximum coordination time:
Machine code:
The value in milliseconds that indicates the
A set of instructions executed directly by a
maximum time that is allowed for host I/O to be
computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU).
delayed during the coordination of the primary
MacVTap: volumes of an Global Mirror session. The
MacVTap is a new device driver meant to default is 50 milliseconds if this value is set to
simplify virtualized bridged networking. zero.
Mainframe: MB:
A computer, usually in a computer center, with See megabyte.
extensive capabilities and resources to which
other computers may be connected so that they MC:
can share facilities. (T) See Hardware Management Console.
Management console: MCM:
See Hardware Management Console. See Multi-Chip Module:
Management Information Base (MIB): MCU:
1) A collection of objects that can be accessed See Multicylinder Unit.
by means of a network management protocol.
2) The MIB record conforms to the Open Medium:
Systems Interconnection (OSI) standard For a storage system, the disk surface on which
defined by the International Organization for data is stored.

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Megabyte (MB): on the secondary logical volume. See also

1) For processor storage, real and virtual Remote Mirror and Copy and Global Copy.
storage, and channel volume, 220 or 1 048 576 MIB:
See Management Information Base.
2) For disk storage capacity and
communications volume, 1 000 000 bytes. Microcode:
A technique that imposes an interpreter
between the hardware and the architectural
Also called storage, is a technology consisting
level of a computer. As such, the microcode is a
of computer components and recording media
layer of hardware-level instructions that
used to retain digital data. It is a core function
implement higher-level machine code
and fundamental component of computers.
instructions or internal state machine
MFT: sequencing in many digital processing
elements. Microcode is used in
See Multiprogramming with a fixed number of
general-purpose Central Processing Units
(CPUs), as well as in more specialized
Miscellaneous Equipment Specification processors. and in other hardware. Microcode
(MES): typically resides in special high-speed memory
Any server hardware change (addition, and translates machine instructions, state
improvement, removal, or any combination of machine data, or other input into sequences of
these). The server's serial number does not detailed circuit-level operations. It separates the
change. Specific types include the following: machine instructions from the underlying
Customer-Installable Feature (CIF) MES or electronics so that instructions can be designed
Install-By-IBM (IBI) MES. and altered more freely. It also facilitates the
building of complex multi-step instructions,
Metro Global Mirror:
while reducing the complexity of computer
A three-site, high availability, disaster recovery
solution. Metro Global Mirror uses synchronous
replication to mirror data between a local site Microsoft Hyper-V:
and an intermediate site, and asynchronous Code named Viridian and formerly known as
replication to mirror data from an intermediate Windows Server Virtualization, is a native
site to a remote site. A cascaded solution where hypervisor; it can create virtual machines on
Metro Mirror synchronously copies data to the x86-64 systems running Windows.
target site. This Metro Mirror target is the Migration:
source volume for Global Mirror that The replacement of a system or subsystem with
asynchronously copies data to a third site. This a different type of system or subsystem, such
solution has the potential to provide a disaster as replacing a SCSI host adapter with a Fibre
recovery with no data loss at Global Mirror Channel host adapter. In the context of data
distances when the intermediate site does not migration regarding DS8000 series, the transfer
participate in the disaster that occurs at the of data from one storage system to another,
production site. such as from a 3390 to DS8000 series.
Metro Mirror: MIH:
A function of a storage server that maintains a See Missing-Interrupt Handler.
consistent copy of a logical volume on the same
storage server or on another storage server. All Million Service Units (MSUs):
modifications that any attached host initiates on Is a measurement of the amount of processing
the primary logical volume are also processed work a computer can perform in one hour. It

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reflects how IBM rates the machine in terms of A DS8000 hardware function that is
charging capacity. independent of software support. This function
enables multiple system images to concurrently
Mirrored pair:
access the same logical volume on DS8000
Two units that contain the same data. The
series as long as the system images are
system refers to them as one entity.
accessing different extents. See also extent
Mirroring: and parallel access volumes.
In host systems, the process of writing the Multiple relationship FlashCopy:
same data to two disk units within the same
An option of DS8000 series that creates backup
auxiliary storage pool at the same time.
copies from one source to multiple targets by
MLAG: simultaneously establishing multiple FlashCopy
See Multi-link Aggregation. relationships.

MRPD: Multiplex:
See Machine Reported Product Data. The action of transmitting simultaneously.

MSUs: Multiprocessor:
See Million Service Units. A computer that includes two or more
processors that have common access to a main
storage. For DS8000 series, the
Is a freely available open source Relational multiprocessors operate in parallel.
Database Management System (RDBMS) that
uses Structured Query Language (SQL). Multiprogramming with a fixed number of
tasks (MFT):
Multi-Chip Module (MCM:
Each job gets just the amount of memory it
Is an electronic assembly (such as a package needs. That is, the partitioning of memory
with a number of conductor terminals or "pins") changes as jobs enter and leave. MVT is a
where multiple integrated circuits, more efficient user of resources.
semiconductor dies and/or other discrete
components are integrated, usually onto a Multiprogramming variable number of tasks
unifying substrate, so that in use it is treated as (MVT):
if it were a single component. Is a feature of large computers that allows more
Multicylinder Unit (MCU): efficient operation by having multiple programs
(tasks) present and operating in the mainframe
This term refers to a fixed unit of disk space that
computer simultaneously.
is larger than a cylinder. Currently, on an EAV, a
multicylinder unit is 21 cylinders and the Multiple Virtual Systems (MVS):
number of the first cylinder in each multicylinder
Was the most commonly used operating
unit is a multiple of 21.
system on the System/370 and System/390
Multipath Subsystem Device Driver: IBM mainframe computers.
See IBM DS8000 Multipath Subsystem Device
Multi-link Aggregation (MLAG): N
Enables arrangement of aggregated groups on
Name server:
two separate switchboards of the
MLAG-domain. A server that stores names of the participating
DS8000 clusters.
Multiple allegiance:

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See Network Attached Storage. is one of the oldest Internet protocols in current
See Network Block Device. Node:
The unit that is connected in a Fibre Channel
network. DS8000 series is a node in a Fibre
A type of intermediate storage between online
Channel network.
storage (which provides constant, rapid access
to data) and off-line storage (which provides Non-removable medium:
infrequent data access for backup purposes or A recording medium that cannot be added to or
long-term storage). removed from a storage device.
Network Attached Storage (NAS): NonVolatile Storage (NVS):
Is a file-level computer data storage server Memory that stores active write data to avoid
connected to a computer network providing data loss in the event of a power loss.
data access to a heterogeneous group of
clients. NAS is specialized for serving files
See NonVolatile Storage.
either by its hardware, software, or
configuration. N+1 redundancy:
Network Block Device (NBD): Is a form of resilience that ensures system
availability in the event of component failure.
Is a device node whose content is provided by
Components (N) have at least one independent
a remote machine. Typically, network block
backup component (+1).
devices are used to access a storage device
that does not physically reside in the local O
machine but on a remote one.
Network File System (NFS): Octal:
Octal, from Latin octo or “eight”) is a term that
Is a client/server application that lets a describes a base-8 number system. An octal
computer user view and optionally store and number system consists of eight single-digit
update files on a remote computer as though numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
they were on the user's own computer.
Network Interface Card (NIC):
The first implementation was known as MVS
A network interface controller (NIC, also known OpenEdition (or OE, or OMVS), then it became
as a network interface card, network adapter, OS/390 UNIX System Services, and finally
LAN adapter or physical network interface, and z/OS UNIX System Services, as we know it
by similar terms) is a computer hardware today.
component that connects a computer to a
computer network. OMVS command:

Network manager: Is used to invoke the z/OS UNIX shell. Users

A program or group of programs that is used to whose primary interactive computing
monitor, manage, and diagnose the problems of environment is a UNIX system should find the
a network. z/OS UNIX shell environment familiar. The
OMVS command is used to invoke the z/OS
Network Time Protocol (NTP): UNIX shell. The shell is a command processor
Is a networking protocol for clock that invokes shell commands or utilities that
synchronization between computer systems request services from the system, writes shell
over packet-switched, variable-latency data scripts using the shell programming language
networks. In operation since before 1985, NTP and runs shell scripts and C-language

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programs interactively (in the foreground), in DS8000 series through SCSI or FCP protocols.
the background, or in batch. See also small computer system interface and
Fibre Channel Protocol.
OnLine Transaction Processing (OLTP): Open System Adapter (OSA):
A class of information systems that facilitate Is the only LAN (Local Area Network)
and manage transaction-oriented applications, attachment to the IBM Systems.
typically for data entry and retrieval transaction
Open vSwitch (OVS):
processing. OLTP has also been used to refer
Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer
to processing in which the system responds
virtual switch licensed under the open source
immediately to user requests.
Apache 2.0 license. It is designed to enable
OpenFlow: massive network automation through
Is a protocol that allows a server to tell network programmatic extension, while still supporting
switches where to send packets. In a standard management interfaces and
conventional network, each switch has
proprietary software that tells it what to do. With Operating System (OS):
OpenFlow, the packet-moving decisions are Is system software that manages computer
centralized, so that the network can be hardware and software resources and provides
programmed independently of the individual common services for computer programs.
switches and data center gear.
Open Systems / 390: (OS/390):
Is an IBM operating system for the System/390
Is a set of software tools for building and IBM mainframe computers.
managing cloud computing platforms for public
and private clouds. Backed by some of the
biggest companies in software development
and hosting, as well as thousands of individual
community members, many think that PaaS:
OpenStack is the future of cloud computing.
See Platform As A Service.
Open source software:
Open source refers to a program or software in
See Pluggable Authentication Module.
which the source code (the form of the program
when a programmer writes a program in a Panel:
particular programming language) is available The formatted display of information that
to the general public for use and/or modification appears on a display screen.
from its original design free of charge. Open
Parallel Access Volume (PAV):
source code is typically created as a
collaborative effort in which programmers A licensed function of DS8000 series that
improve upon the code and share the changes enables z/OS systems to issue concurrent I/O
within the community. requests against a count key data logical
volume by associating multiple devices of a
Open system: single control-unit image with a single logical
A system whose characteristics comply with device. Up to eight device addresses can be
standards made available throughout the assigned to a PAV. The PAV function enables
industry and that therefore can be connected to two or more concurrent write operations to the
other systems complying with the same same logical volume, as long as the write
standards. Applied to DS8000 series, such operations are not to the same extents.
systems are those hosts that connect to

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Parallel Sysplex License Charge (PSLC): See Partitioned Data Set Extended.
Charges for Parallel Sysplex licenses. PDU:
Parity: See Protocol Data Unit.
A data checking scheme used in a computer PDU:
system to ensure the integrity of the data. The
See Power Distribution Unit.
RAID implementation uses parity to re-create
data if a disk drive fails. Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI):
An architecture for a system bus and
Partitioned Data Set (PDS):
associated protocols that supports attachments
Is a data set containing multiple members, each
of adapter cards to a system backplane.
of which holds a separate sub-data set, similar
to a directory in other types of file systems. Peripheral Component Interconnect
Express (PCIe or PCIe):
Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE):
Is a serial expansion bus standard for
Is a data set type that is managed by DFSMS.
connecting a computer to one or more
Externally, a PDSE is very similar to a PDS.
peripheral devices. PCIe provides lower latency
Internally, the PDSE has a different directory
and higher data transfer rates than parallel
structure, member format, and record format. A
busses such as PCI and PCI-X. Every device
PDSE is indistinguishable from a PDS through
that's connected to a motherboard with a PCIe
most interfaces used to access a PDS directory
link has its own dedicated point-to-point
or member. All ISPF functions support the
connection. This means that devices are not
competing for bandwidth because they are not
Path group: sharing the same bus.
In IBM Z architecture, a set of channel paths Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC):
that are defined to a control unit as being
Is a protocol to replicate a storage volume to
associated with a single Logical PARtition
another control unit in a remote site.
(LPAR). The channel paths are in a group state
Synchronous PPRC causes each write to the
and are online to the host. See also logical
primary volume to be performed to the
secondary as well, and the I/O is only
PAV: considered complete when update to both
See Parallel Access Volumes. primary and secondary have completed.
Asynchronous PPRC will flag tracks on the
primary to be duplicated to the secondary when
See Physical Channel Path Identifier. time permits.
PCI: Performance Groups:
See Peripheral Component Interconnect. Are used to assign a numerical value to a
PCIe: performance policy.
See Peripheral Component Interconnect Peripheral:
Express. Is defined as any auxiliary device such as a
PDF: tape drive, disk drive, mouse, or keyboard that
See Program Development Facility. connects to and works with the computer in
some way.
Persistent FlashCopy:
See Partitioned Data Set.
A state where a FlashCopy relationship
PDSE: remains indefinitely until the user deletes it. The

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relationship between the source and target Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM):
volumes is maintained after a background copy A mechanism to integrate multiple low-level
completes. authentication schemes into a high-level API. It
PFI: allows programs that rely on authentication to
be written independently of the underlying
See Predictive Failure Analysis.
authentication scheme.
Physical Channel Path Identifier (PCHID):
Point-to-point connection:
Specifies a physical channel identifier related to A Fibre Channel topology that enables the
their physical location.
direct interconnection of ports. See also
Physical path: arbitrated loop and switched fabric.
A single path through the I/O interconnection Port:
fabric that attaches two units. For Copy A physical connection on a host adapter to the
Services, this is the path from a host adapter on cable that connects the DS8000 storage
one DS8000 storage system (through cabling system to hosts, switches, or another DS8000
and switches) to a host adapter on another storage system. DS8000 series uses SCSI and
DS8000 storage system. ESCON host adapters that have two ports per
Pinned data: adapter, and Fibre Channel host adapters that
Data that is held in cache until either an error have one port. See also ESCON, Fibre
condition is corrected and it can be moved to Channel, host adapter, and small computer
disk storage or until the data is discarded by a system interface.
host command. Pinned data conditions can Portable Operating System Interface
only occur on an ESS Model 800 during (POSIX):
fast-write or dual-copy functions. POSIX is a set of standard operating system
PKI: interfaces based on the UNIX operating
See Public Key Infrastructure. system.

Platform As A Service (PaaS): Positional operands (In UNIX):

Platform as a service (PaaS) or application Positional operands follow the command name
platform as a service (aPaaS) is a category of in a certain order. In the command descriptions
cloud computing services that provides a within this topic, the positional operands are
platform allowing customers to develop, run, shown in lowercase characters. When you
and manage applications without the enter a positional operand that is a list of
complexity of building and maintaining the several names or values, you must enclose the
infrastructure typically associated with list within parentheses.
developing and launching an app. PaaS can be PostgreSQL:
delivered in two ways: As a public cloud service Often simply Postgres, is an object-relational
from a provider, where the consumer controls database management system (ORDBMS) with
software deployment with minimal configuration an emphasis on extensibility and standards
options, and the provider provides the compliance. As a database server, its primary
networks, servers, storage, operating system, functions are to store data securely and return
middleware, database, and other services to that data in response to requests from other
host the consumer's application; or as a private software applications. It can handle workloads
service (software or appliance) inside the ranging from small single-machine applications
firewall, or as software deployed on a public to large Internet-facing applications (or for data
infrastructure as a service. warehousing) with many concurrent users; on
macOS Server, PostgreSQL is the default

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database; and it is also available for Microsoft The program which provides the sequential
Windows and Linux. scheduling of jobs and basic operating systems
Power Distribution Unit (PDU):
A type of electrical component that distributes Primary control unit:
and manages electricity supply to computers, The DS8000 storage system to which a
servers, and networking devices within a data Remote Mirror and Copy primary device is
center environment. It provides a central unit to physically attached.
control and distribute electricity across the data
Primary Power Supply (PPS):
center components. Power distribution units are
also known as Main Distribution Units (MDUs). A wide range power supply that converts AC
input voltage into DC voltage.
Power Supply Unit (PSU):
PRINTDS command (In UNIX):
Converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated
DC power for the internal components of a Use the PRINTDS command to format and print
computer. data sets on any printer defined to the Job Entry
Subsystem (JES).
See Primary Power Supply.
The key component of a computing device that
Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA): contains the circuitry necessary to interpret and
Can anticipate certain forms of failures by execute electrical signals fed into the device. Its
keeping internal statistics of read and write basic job is to receive input and provide the
errors. If the error rates exceed predetermined appropriate output. Also referred to as CPU or
threshold values, the drive is nominated for core.
replacement. Because the drive has not yet
Processor complex:
failed, data can be copied directly to a spare
drive. This copy ability avoids the use of RAID The set of hardware that defines a mainframe,
recovery to reconstruct all of the data onto the which includes the central processing units,
spare drive. memory, channels, controllers, and power
supplies included in the box. Also known as
Preventive Service Planning (PSP): ‘Central Electronics Complex (CEC)’.
Is formation, which contains the latest
Processor node:
information that is applicable to machine’s
hardware and software. PSP information should A partition of a storage server that is capable of
be reviewed before all system installs, performing all defined functions of the storage
hardware, and software updates. PSP server. Multiple processor complexes provide
information is provided by the IBM software redundancy.
support center to use when installing a licensed Processor Resource System Manager
program, cumulative PTF packages, or (PR/SM):
hardware. It can also be used to order
Is a type-1 Hypervisor (a virtual machine
preventive service planning information and
monitor) that allows multiple logical partitions to
review the recommended High Impact
share physical resources such as CPUs, I/O
PERvasive (HIPER) fixes periodically or to
channels and direct access storage devices
order the HIPER PTF group. The HIPER PTF
(DASD). It is integrated with all IBM Z
group is updated every other week.
Primary control program (PCP):
Processor Unit (PU):
All of the processors in the CPC begin as
equivalent processor units (PUs) or engines

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that have not been characterized for use. Each A unit of data specified in the protocol of a given
processor is characterized by IBM during layer and consisting of protocol control
installation or at a later time. information for the layer and, possibly, user
data for the layer.
The potential characterizations are:
• Central Processor (CP)
• System Assistance Processor (SAP) See Processor Resource System Manager.
• Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL)
Pseudo host:
• z Application Assist Processor (zAAP)
A host connection that is not explicitly defined
• The System z9 Integrated Information
to the DS8000 storage system and that has
Processor (zIIP)
access to at least one volume that is configured
• Integrated Coupling Facility (ICF)
on the DS8000 storage system. The FiconNet
• Spare: An uncharacterized PU functions as
pseudo host icon represents the FICON
a spare. If the system controllers detect a
protocol. The EsconNet pseudo host icon
failing CP or SAP, it can be replaced with a
represents the ESCON protocol. The pseudo
spare PU. In most cases this can be done
host icon labeled Anonymous represents hosts
without any system interruption, even for
connected through the FCP protocol.
the application running on the failing
Anonymous host is a commonly used synonym
for pseudo host. DS8000 series adds a pseudo
PROFILE command (In UNIX): host icon only when it is set to access-any
The PROFILE command establishes, changes, mode. See also access-any mode.
or lists your user profile. The information in your
profile tells the system how you want to use
See Preventive Service Planning.
your terminal.
See Power Supply Unit.
On a computer, a generic term for software that
controls the operation of the computer. PTF:
Typically, the program is a logical assemblage See Program Temporary Fix.
of software modules that perform multiple
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):
related tasks.
Supports the distribution and identification of
Program Development Facility (PDF): public encryption keys, enabling users and
Provides a panel-driven menu interface and a computers to both securely exchange data over
number of services through which users can networks such as the Internet and verify the
work with source code and data stored on a identity of the other party.
PV Links:
Program Temporary Fix (PTF): Short for Physical Volume Links, an alternate
A temporary solution to, or bypass of, a pathing solution from Hewlett-Packard that
problem diagnosed by IBM as the result of a provides for multiple paths to a volume, as well
defect in a current unaltered release of a as static load balancing.
licensed program.
To add a logical data unit to cache memory. qcow2 (QEMU Copy On Write):
Protocol Data Unit (PDU): Is a file format for disk image files used by
QEMU, a hosted virtual machine monitor. It
uses a disk storage optimization strategy that

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delays allocation of storage until it is actually the frame or equipment is expressed as

needed. Files in qcow format can contain a multiples of rack units.
variety of disk images, which are generally
associated with specific guest operating
See redundant array of independent disks.
RAID is also commonly expanded to redundant
QEMU: array of inexpensive disks. See also array.
QEMU (short for Quick Emulator) is a free and
open-source hosted hypervisor that performs
hardware virtualization (not to be confused with A type of RAID that optimizes cost-effective
hardware-assisted virtualization). QEMU is a performance while emphasizing use of
hosted virtual machine monitor: it emulates available capacity through data striping. RAID 5
CPUs through dynamic binary translation and provides fault tolerance for up to two failed disk
provides a set of device models, enabling it to drives by distributing parity across all the drives
run a variety of unmodified guest operating in the array plus one parity disk drive. DS8000
systems. It also can be used together with KVM series automatically reserves spare disk drives
in order to run virtual machines at near-native when it assigns arrays to a Device Adapter pair
speed (requiring hardware virtualization (DA pair). See also device adapter, RAID 10,
extensions on x86 machines). QEMU can also and redundant array of independent disks.
do CPU emulation for user-level processes,
allowing applications compiled for one RAID 6:
architecture to run on another. Any form of RAID that can continue to process
Quality of Service (QoS): read and write requests to all virtual disks of an
An assessment of how well a delivered service array in the presence of two concurrent failures.
conforms to the client's expectations. Service See also device adapter, RAID 5, RAID 10, and
business operators often assess the service redundant array of independent disks.
quality provided to their customers in order to RAID 10:
improve their service, to quickly identify
A type of RAID that optimizes high performance
problems, and to better assess client
satisfaction. while maintaining fault tolerance for up to two
failed disk drives by striping volume data across
R several disk drives and mirroring the first set of
disk drives on an identical set. DS8000 series
RACF: automatically reserves spare disk drives when it
See Resource Access Control Facility. assigns arrays to a device adapter pair (DA
Rack Power Control (RPC) cards: pair). See also device adapter, RAID 5, and
redundant array of independent disks.
Manages the DS8000 power subsystem and
provide control, monitoring, and reporting Random access:
functions. RPC cards are responsible for A mode of accessing data on a medium in a
receiving DC-UPS status and controlling manner that requires the storage device to
DC-UPS functions. access nonconsecutive storage locations on
Rack Unit: the medium.
Abbreviated as U or RU, is a unit of measure Random Access Memory (RAM):
defined as 1.75 inches (44.45mm). It is most A type of computer memory that can be
frequently used as a measurement of the accessed randomly; that is, any byte of memory
overall height of 19-inch and 23-inch rack can be accessed without touching the
frames, as well as the height of equipment that preceding bytes. RAM is the most common
mounts in these frames, whereby the height of

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type of memory found in computers and other Is a design feature found in certain computers'
devices, such as printers. main random access memory. RAIM utilizes
additional memory modules and striping
algorithms to protect against the failure of any
One or more arrays that are combined to create
particular module and keep the memory system
a logically contiguous storage space.
operating continuously.
Relative Record Data Set (RRDS):
See Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability.
Has fixed-length slots, predefined to VSAM, in
Reboot: which records can be stored. An RRDS record
Booting is starting a computer's operating is always fixed length, equal to the slot size. A
system, so rebooting is to start it for a second or record that is in an RRDS is identified by the
third time. Rebooting is usually necessary after Relative Record Number (RRN) of the slot that
a computer crashes, meaning it stops working holds it. When a new record is added to an
because of a malfunction. Rebooting allows the RRDS, VSAM uses the number that you supply
computer to restart and get back to working with the file control request.
normally. After a crash, the computer is useless
Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability
until it is rebooted.
Recovery Point Objective (RPO): Is a computer hardware engineering term
The maximum targeted period in which data involving reliability engineering, high availability,
might be lost from an IT service due to a major and serviceability design. Computers designed
incident. with higher levels of RAS have many features
Recovery Time Objective (RTO): that protect data integrity and help them stay
The targeted duration of time and a service available for long periods of time without failure,
level within which a business process must be this data integrity and uptime is a particular
restored after a disaster (or disruption) in order selling point for mainframes and fault-tolerant
to avoid unacceptable consequences systems.
associated with a break in business continuity. Remote I/O loop (RIO loop):
RECEIVE command (In UNIX): I/O subsystems are connected to the processor
The RECEIVE command is used by the subsystem through Remote I/O cable loops.
addressee of a file transmission to retrieve The cable loops are connected to ports that are
transmitted files and to restore them to their available from the rear of the processor
original format. subsystem. The RIO cables are connected in
loops so that the system has two paths to each
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC):
I/O subsystem.There are two typical RIO loops:
Is one whose instruction set architecture (ISA) 1) one port of a hub connected to the input port
allows it to have fewer cycles per instruction of an I/O drawer, and the output port of this I/O
(CPI) than a complex instruction set computer. drawer connected to the companion port of the
Redundant Array of Independent Disks same hub; 2) one port of a hub connected to
(RAID): the input port of an I/O drawer, the output port
A methodology of grouping disk drives for of this I/O drawer connected to the input port of
managing disk storage to insulate data from a another I/O drawer, and the output port of the
failing disk drive. other I/O drawer connected to the companion
port of the same hub.
Redundant Array of Independent Memory
(RAIM): Remote Mirror and Copy:

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A feature of a storage server that constantly Define a collection of resources and associate
updates a secondary copy of a logical volume a set of policies relative to how the resources
to match changes made to a primary logical are configured and managed.
volume. The primary and secondary volumes
can be on the same storage server or on
Is an application programming interface (API)
separate storage servers. See also Global
that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST,
Mirror, Metro Mirror, and Global Copy.
and DELETE data.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC):
Restructured Extended Executor (REXX):
In distributed computing, a remote procedure
REXX is an interpreted programming language
call (RPC) is when a computer program causes
developed at IBM. It is a structured, high-level
a procedure (subroutine) to execute in a
programming language designed for ease of
different address space (commonly on another
learning and reading. Proprietary and open
computer on a shared network), which is coded
source REXX interpreters exist for a wide range
as if it were a normal (local) procedure call,
of computing platforms; compilers exist for IBM
without the programmer explicitly coding the
mainframe computers.
details for the remote interaction.
Revolutions Per Minute (RPM):
Reporting task commands:
Used for creating reports. Used to help determine the access time on
computer hard drives. RPM is a measurement
Resource Access Control Facility (RACF): of how many revolutions a computer's hard
A security system that provides access control drive makes in a single minute. The higher the
and auditing functionality for the z/OS and z/VM RPM, the faster the data will be accessed.
operating systems.
RIO loop:
Resource Management Facility (RMF): See Remote I/O loop.
IBM's strategic product for z/OS performance
measurement and management. It is the base
product to collect performance data for z/OS See Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
and sysplex environments to monitor systems' R0:
performance behavior and provides the ability
See track-descriptor record.
to optimally tune and configure the system
according to business needs. Rotate extents:
REST API: Distributes the extents of each volume
A REST API defines a set of functions which successfully across all ranks in a pool to
developers can perform requests and receive achieve a well balanced capacity based
responses using HTTP protocol such as GET distribution of the workload. See Storage Pool
and POST. Because REST API’s use HTTP, Striping.
they can be used by practically any Rotate volume:
programming language and easy to test (it’s a Reduces the configuration effort compared to
requirement of a REST API that the client and single rank extent pools by easily distributing a
server are independent of each other allowing set of volumes to different ranks in a specific
either to be coded in any language and extent pool for workloads where the use of host
improved upon supporting longevity and based stripping methods is still present.
Resource Group:
See Rack Power Control cards or Remote
Procedure Call.

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RPM: The main thing to remember here is that the

See Revolutions Per Minute. script that DS CLI executes can only contain
DS CLI commands.
See Relative Record Data Set. SCSI:
See Small Computer System Interface.
Is algorithm used by modern computers to SCSI device:
encrypt and decrypt messages. It is an A disk drive connected to a host through an I/O
asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. interface using the SCSI protocol. A SCSI
Asymmetric means that there are two different device is either an initiator or a target. See also
keys. This is also called public key initiator and small computer system interface.
cryptography, because one of them can be SCSI-FCP:
given to everyone. The other key must be kept
Synonym for Fibre Channel Protocol, a protocol
private. It is based on the fact that finding the
used to transport data between an
factors of an integer is hard (the factoring
open-systems host and a Fibre Channel
problem). RSA stands for Ron Rivest, Adi
adapter on a DS8000. See also Fibre Channel
Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, who first
Protocol and small computer system interface.
publicly described it in 1978.
S See IBM Subsystem Multipathing Device
See System Access Facility. SE:

SAID: See Support Element.

See System Adapter Identification Number. Secondary control unit:
SAM: The DS8000 to which a Remote Mirror and
See Sequential Access Method. Copy secondary device is physically attached.

SAN: Secure Data Overwrite (SDO):

See Storage Area Network. A method of securely overwriting sensitive data
in a way that makes the data unreadable.
Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (SHA-3):
See System Assistance Processor.
A cryptographic hash algorithm (alternatively,
hash "function") is designed to provide a
See Sequential Adaptive Replacement Cache. random mapping from a string of binary data to
SAS: a fixed-size “message digest” and achieve
certain security properties. Hash algorithms can
See Statistical Analysis System.
be used for digital signatures, message
SE: authentication codes, key derivation functions,
See Support Element. pseudo random functions, and many other
security applications
The physical surface of a display device upon
which information is shown to users. An area of a disk that contains the smallest
addressable unit of information. When a disk is
Script command mode: formatted, the operating system divides it into
sectors and tracks. A sector is the theoretically

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minimal region of the disk upon which data can a single view of time to Processor
be read or written at one time. Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM).
SEND command (In UNIX): Service clearance:
Use the SEND command to send messages to The area that is required to open the service
other users. To receive the messages, the covers and to pull out components for servicing.
recipient's profile setting must include
Service Information Message (SIM):
A message sent by a storage server to service
Sequential access: personnel through an IBM Z operating system.
A mode of accessing data on a medium in a
Service personnel:
manner that requires the storage device to
A generalization referring to individuals or
access consecutive storage locations on the
companies authorized to service the DS8880.
The terms service provider, service
Sequential Adaptive Replacement Cache representative, and IBM service representative
(SARC): refer to types of service personnel. See also
Is a caching algorithm that allows you to run System Services Representative.
different workloads, such as sequential and
Service provider interface (SPI):
random workloads, without negatively affecting
each other. The set of public interfaces and abstract
classes that a service defines. The SPI defines
Sequential Data Set: the classes and methods available to your
In a sequential data set, records are data items application.
that are stored consecutively.
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS): SCSI Enclosure Services.
Full-duplex. Uses the native SCSI command
set, which has more functionality. A SAS drive
uses SCSI error checking and reporting. This A collection of volumes within a logical
allows your storage system to collect richer subsystem that are managed together during
information from the drive if errors are occurring the creation of consistent copies of data. All
(such as a failing or marginal disk). SAS drives volumes in a session must transfer their data
are dual ported, which is vital in dual controller successfully to the remote site before the
enclosures. increment can be called complete.

Serial connection: SFF:

A method of device interconnection for See Small Form Factor.
determining interrupt priority by connecting the SFI:
interrupt sources serially. See Storage Facility Image.
Server: SHA-3:
A host that provides certain services to other See Secure Hash Algorithm 3.
hosts that are referred to as clients.
A functional unit that provides services to one Shared storage:
or more clients over a network. Storage that is configured so that multiple hosts
can concurrently access the storage. The
Server Time Protocol (STP):
storage has a uniform appearance to all hosts.
Is a server-wide facility that is implemented in The host programs that access the storage
the Licensed Internal Code (LIC) and presents must have a common model for the information
on a storage device. The programs must be

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designed to handle the effects of concurrent An operating system from IBM. OS/VS2 R1
access. was known as SVS (Single Virtual Storage) as it
had a single 16 MB virtual address space.
Shortwave cable:
Takes advantage of virtual memory.
Shortwave laser uses a wavelength of
approximately 850 nm. Typically used for Small Computer System Interface (SCSI):
medium and longer distance connections (up to A standard hardware interface that enables a
500m). variety of peripheral devices to communicate
with one another.
See Service Information Message. Smart relay host:
A mail relay or mail gateway that has the
Simple Network Management Protocol
capability to correct email addressing problems.
In the Internet suite of protocols, a network Small Form Factor (SFF):
management protocol that is used to monitor 2.5-inch hard disk drives (HDDs). The
routers and attached networks. SNMP is an measurement represent the approximate
application layer protocol. Information on diameter of the platter within the drive
devices managed is defined and stored in the enclosures.
application's Management Information Base
(MIB). See also management information base.
See System Management Facility.
Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT):
Is a technique for improving the overall SMP:
efficiency of superscalar CPUs with hardware See Symmetrical MultiProcessor.
multithreading. SMT permits multiple SMT:
independent threads of execution to better
See Simultaneous Multithreading.
utilize the resources provided by modern
processor architectures. SNMP:
See Simple Network Management Protocol.
Single-Byte Command Code Sets
Connection (SBCON): SNMP agent:
The ANSI standard for the ESCON I/O A server process that resides on a network
interface. node and is responsible for communicating with
managers regarding that node. The node is
Single Point Of Failure (SPOF):
represented as a managed object, which has
A potential risk posed by a flaw in the design,
various fields or variables that are defined in the
implementation, or configuration of a circuit or
appropriate MIB.
system in which one fault or malfunction causes
an entire system to stop operating. SNMP manager:
Single-shot mode: A managing system that runs a managing
application or suite of applications. These
Use the DS CLI single-shot command mode if
applications depend on Management
your want to issue an occasional command but
Information Base (MIB) objects for information
do not want to keep a history of the commands
that resides on the managed system. Managers
that you have issued. When typing the
generate requests for this MIB information, and
command, you can use the host name or the IP
an SNMP agent on the managed system
address of the DS HMC. Wait for the command
responds to these requests. A request can
to process and display the end results.
either be the retrieval or modification of MIB
Single Virtual Storage (SVS): information.

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Software: See SubSystem IDentifier.

Is the part of a computer system that consists of SSPC:
encoded information or computer instructions.
See System Storage Productivity Center.
Solid State Drive (SSD): SSR:
Are high-IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per See System Services Representative.
Second) class enterprise storage devices
targeted at business critical production Staging:
applications that can benefit from high level of To move data from an offline or low-priority
fast-access storage. device back to an online or higher priority
device, usually on demand of the system or on
Source device:
request of the user.
One of the devices in a dual-copy or
remote-copy volume pair. All channel Standard volume:
commands to the logical volume are directed to A volume that emulates one of several IBM Z
the source device. The data on the source volume types, including 3390-2, 3390-3,
device is duplicated on the target device. See 3390-9, 3390-2 (3380-track mode), or 3390-3
also target device. (3380-track mode), by presenting the same
number of cylinders and capacity to the host as
Space efficient volumes:
provided by the native IBM Z volume type of the
A space efficient volume does not occupy same name.
physical capacity when it is created. Space gets
allocated when data is actually written to the Statistical Analysis System (SAS):
volume. The amount of space that gets Is a software suite developed by SAS Institute
physically allocated is a function of the amount for advanced analytics, multivariate analyses,
of data changes that are performed on a business intelligence, data management, and
volume. The sum of all defined space efficient predictive analytics.
volumes can be larger than the physical
capacity available. Storage:
Also called memory, is a technology consisting
Spare: of computer components and recording media
A disk drive on the DS8000 that can replace a used to retain digital data. It is a core function
failed disk drive. A spare can be predesignated and fundamental component of computers.
to allow automatic dynamic sparing. Any data
preexisting on a disk drive that is invoked as a Storage Area Network (SAN):
spare is destroyed by the dynamic sparing copy A network that connects a company's
process. heterogeneous storage resources.

SPI: Storage capacity:

See Service provider interface. The amount of data that a storage medium can
hold; usually expressed in kilobytes,
SPOF: megabytes, or gigabytes.
See Single Point Of Failure.
Storage complex:
SRM: A configuration of one or more storage systems
See Storage Resource Management. that is managed by a management console.
SSD: Storage device:
See Solid State Drive. A physical unit that provides a mechanism to
SSID: store data on a given medium such that it can
be subsequently retrieved.

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Storage Facility Image (SFI): management software to monitor or manage

A storage facility image consists of two LPARs, the storage devices.
one on each processor complex in a storage Storage unit:
facility. A storage facility image is capable of DS8880 base frame plus installed expansion
performing all functions of a storage server frames.
from the host's perspective. More than one SFI
can be configured on a storage facility. A STP:
storage facility image might also be referred to See Server Time Protocol.
as a storage image.
Storage image: A data mapping technique for disk arrays in
A partitioning of a storage system that provides which fixed-length sequences of virtual-disk
emulation of a storage server with one or more data addresses are mapped to sequences of
storage devices that provides storage capability member disk addresses in a regular rotating
to a host computer. You can configure more pattern.
than one storage image on a storage system. SUBMIT command (In UNIX):
(DS8000 series only) Use the SUBMIT command to submit one or
Storage pool striping: more batch jobs for background processing.
Improves overall performance and reduces the Subordinate storage system:
effort of performance management by evenly The physical unit that receives commands from
distributing data and workloads across a larger the master storage system and is specified
set of ranks, which reduces skew and hot spots. when a Global Mirror session is started. The
See Rotate Extents. subordinate storage system forms consistency
Storage Resource Management (SRM): groups and performs other Global Mirror
processing. A subordinate storage system can
Is a proactive approach to optimizing the
be controlled by only one master storage
efficiency and speed with which available drive
system. Contrast with master storage system.
space is utilized in a Storage Area Network
(SAN). SubSystem IDentifier (SSID):
Storage server: A number that uniquely identifies a logical
subsystem within a computer installation.
A physical unit that manages attached storage
devices and provides an interface between SuperPAV (Parallel Access Volume):
them and a host computer by providing the SuperPAV extends upon the previous
function of one or more logical subsystems. HyperPAV capabilities by enabling alias devices
The storage server can provide functions that to be used across multiple Logical SubSystems
the storage device does not provide. The (LSS). An alias device can be used for any
storage server has one or more clusters. A base device on the same DS8000 server and in
storage server may also be called a file server. the same path group on the server. SuperPAV
Storage system: will enable performance to be sustained with
fewer overall alias devices and offer greater
A storage system can include facilities for host
parallelism for individual larger volumes,
attachment, user role authentication, a
improving scalability and performance.
Command-Line Interface (CLI), a graphical
user interface (GUI), and storage devices that Super Zap (SZAP):
most often include Redundant Array of SPZAP can list, map, and modify load modules
Independent Disks (RAID) controllers. It might (executable programs) or patch or fix the
also include agents for enabling third-party Volume Table Of Contents (VTOC).

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Support Element (SE): represents a shared secret between the two.

Symmetric encryption is typically more efficient
A Support Element is a dedicated workstation
than asymmetric encryption, and is often used
used for monitoring and operating a system. It
for bulk data encryption.
is attached to the central processor complex
(CPC) of a system. The Support Element is Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP):
located inside the same frame that the central Is the processing of programs by multiple
processor complex (CPC) is located. An processors that share a common operating
alternate support element is also provided to system and memory. In symmetric (or ‘tightly
switch from your primary support element to the coupled’) multiprocessing, the processors
alternate Support Element if hardware share memory, and the I/O bus or data path. A
problems occur. single copy of the operating system is in charge
Switched fabric: of all the processors.
A Fibre Channel topology in which ports are Synchronous write:
interconnected through a switch. Fabric A write operation whose completion is indicated
switches can also be interconnected to support after the data has been stored on a storage
numerous ports on a single network. See also device.
arbitrated loop and point-to-point connection.
System Adapter Identification Number
System Access Facility (SAF): (SAID):
Is an interface defined by z/OS that enables The unique identification number that is
programs to use system authorization services automatically assigned to each DS8000 host
to control access to resources, such as data adapter for use by Copy Services.
sets and z/OS commands.
System Data Mover (SDM):
System Assistance Processor (SAP): A DFSMS component that interacts with data
Every modern mainframe has at least one SAP; storage subsystems and with various advanced
larger systems may have several. The SAPs copy services functions to efficiently move large
execute internal code to provide the I/O amounts of data. As updates occur to primary
subsystem. An SAP, for example, translates volumes, the SDM manages the process of
device numbers and real addresses of channel copying those updates to secondary volumes.
path identifiers (CHPIDs), control unit The SDM ensures that updates to secondary
addresses, and device numbers. It manages volumes are made in the same order in which
multiple paths to control units and performs they were made to the primary volumes,
error recovery for temporary errors. Operating maintaining sequence consistency.
systems and applications cannot detect SAPs, System Management Facilities (SMF):
and SAPs do not use any normal memory. A component of IBM's z/OS for mainframe
SAPs execute commands. computers, providing a standardized method for
System Management Facility (SMF): writing out records of activity to a file or data
Is a component of IBM's z/OS for mainframe
computers, providing a standardized method for System Modification Program:
writing out records of activity to a file. A program used to install software and software
changes on z/OS systems.
Symmetric encryption:
Means that the encryption and decryption System p:
operations utilize the same key. For two The IBM family of products, which emphasizes
communicating parties using symmetric performance and includes System p5, eServer
encryption for secure communication, the key

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p5, eServer pSeries, eServer OpenPower, and are typically I/O devices. A SCSI target is
RS/6000. analogous to an IBM Z control unit. See also
small computer system interface.
System Services Representative (SSR):
Responsible for performing basic technical Target device:
services for IBM customers including some or One of the devices in a dual-copy or
all of the following: element exchange, minor remote-copy volume pair that contains a
repair, depot or bench maintenance, equipment duplicate of the data that is on the source
refurbish, installation, relocation, device. Unlike the source device, the target
discontinuance, upgrade and modification, and device might only accept a limited subset of
so on. Services are typically performed in a data. See also source device.
high volume environment with access to
exchangeable units and parts requiring
See terabyte.
minimum, if any, problem determination activity.
Services may be directed by a service call TCO:
management process or be performed as part See Total Cost of Ownership.
of a team.
System Storage Productivity Center (SSPC): See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
IBM System Storage Productivity Center is an Protocol.
integrated offering that provides a consolidated
focal point for managing IBM storage products Telemetry:
as well as managing mixed-vendor storage OpenStack Telemetry provides user-level
environments. SSPC provides enhancements usage data for OpenStack-based clouds. The
to daily storage administration by making data can be used for customer billing, system
available a broad set of configuration functions. monitoring, or alerts. Telemetry can collect data
System Storage Productivity Center’s
from notifications sent by existing OpenStack
user-friendly interface provides utilities to
components such as Compute usage events, or
configure storage devices, and enhancements
that offer a wide range of management by polling OpenStack infrastructure resources
capabilities. such as libvirt. Telemetry includes a storage
daemon that communicates with authenticated
System x: agents through a trusted messaging system to
The IBM family of products, which emphasizes collect and aggregate data. Additionally, the
industry-standard server scalability and service uses a plug-in system that you can use
self-managing server technologies. It includes to add new monitors. You can deploy the API
System x3nnn, eServer xSeries, and AMD Server, central agent, data store service, and
processor-based eServer servers. collector agent on different hosts.
Systems Network Architecture (SNA): Terabyte (TB):
SNA is IBM's proprietary networking 1) Nominally, 1 000 000 000 000 bytes, which is
architecture. It is a complete protocol stack for accurate when speaking of bandwidth and disk
interconnecting computers and their resources. storage capacity.
2) For DS8000 cache memory, processor
T storage, real and virtual storage, a terabyte
Target: refers to 240 or 1 099 511 627 776 bytes.
A SCSI device that acts as a subordinate to an Total Cost of Ownership (TCO):
initiator and consists of a set of one or more
logical units, each with an assigned Logical Unit
Number (LUN). The logical units on the target

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Is a financial estimate intended to help buyers The name of the suite of products comprising
and owners determine the direct and indirect the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center.
costs of a product or system.
Tracks: See Transaction Processing Facility.
Are concentric circles around the disk. The
operating system and disk drive keep track of
A unit of storage on a CKD device that can be
where information is stored on the disk by
formatted to contain a number of data records.
noting the range of track and sector numbers.
See also home address, track-descriptor
Transport Control Word (TCW): record, and data record.
A TCW combines the functions of the Prefix
Track address:
CCW and the Read or Write CCW into a single
entity that further reduces channel overhead. This term refers to a 32-bit number that
Used by z High Performance FICON (zHPF) identifies each track within a volume. It is in the
channel programs. format hexadecimal CCCCcccH, where CCCC
is the low order 16 bits of the cylinder number,
Time Sharing Option (TSO):
ccc is the high order 12 bits of the cylinder
An operating system option that provides number, and H is the four-bit track number. For
interactive time sharing from remote terminals. compatibility with older programs, the ccc
Thin provisioning: portion is hexadecimal 000 for tracks in the
A mechanism that provides the ability to define base addressing space.
logical volume sizes that are larger than the Track managed space:
physical capacity installed on the system. The This term refers to the space on a volume that
volume allocates capacity on an as-needed is managed in tracks and cylinders.
basis as a result of host-write actions. Track-managed space ends at cylinder address
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager (TKLM): 65519. Each data set occupies an integral
JAVA software program that manages keys multiple of tracks. Track-managed space also
enterprise wide and provides encryption enable exists on all non-EAVs.
tape drives with keys for encryption and Track Space Efficient (TSE) volumes:
decryption. Are used as target volumes of a FlashCopy
Tivoli Productivity Center for Replication Space Efficient operation and require the
(TPC-R): definition of a repository from which tracks are
Provides support for Metro Mirror and Global gradually allocated.
Mirror configurations as well as three-site Transaction Processing Facility (TPF):
recovery management, supporting IBM System A high-availability, high-performance IBM
Storage DS8000 Metro Global Mirror and Metro operating system, designed to support
Global Mirror with HyperSwap. It is designed to real-time, transaction-driven applications. The
support fast failover and failback, fast specialized architecture of TPF is intended to
reestablishment of three-site mirroring, data optimize system efficiency, reliability, and
currency at the remote site with minimal lag responsiveness for data communication and
behind the local site, and quick database processing. TPF provides real-time
re-synchronization of mirrored sites using inquiry and updates to a large, centralized
incremental changes only. database, where message length is relatively
TKLM: short in both directions, and response time is
See Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager. typically less than three seconds. Formerly
known as the Airline Control
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center (TPC):

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Program/Transaction Processing Facility Each data set profile defined using RACF
(ACP/TPF). requires a universal access authority (UACC).
The UACC is the default access authority that
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):
RACF gives to users and groups that are not
A communications protocol used in the Internet
defined in the profile's access list. If one of
and in any network that follows the Internet
these users or groups requests access to a
Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards for
data set that is protected by the profile, RACF
internetwork protocol. TCP provides a reliable
grants or denies the request based on the
host-to-host protocol between hosts in
packet-switched communications networks and
in interconnected systems of such networks. It Unit address:
uses the Internet Protocol (IP) as the underlying For IBM Z, the address associated with a
protocol. device on a given control unit. On ESCON
interfaces, the unit address is the same as the
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit
Protocol (TCP/IP):
address specifies a control unit and device pair
1) A combination of data-transmission protocols
on the interface.
that provide end-to-end connections between
applications over interconnected networks of Unit Control Block (UCB):
different types. z/OS control block used to define channel
2) A suite of transport and application protocols attached devices.
that run over the Internet Protocol. See also UNIX System Services (USS):
Internet Protocol and Transmission Control
UNIX System Services (USS) is a required,
included component of z/OS. USS is a certified
TRANSMIT command (In UNIX): UNIX operating system implementation
Use the TRANSMIT command to send optimized for mainframe architecture.
messages, data sets, or both, to another user. Upper-layer protocol:
The TRANSMIT command converts this data
The layer of the Internet Protocol (IP) that
into a special format so that it can be
supports one or more logical protocols (for
transmitted to other users in the network.
example, a SCSI-command protocol and an
Transparency: ESA/390 command protocol). Refer to ANSI
See software transparency. X3.230-199x.
Trusted Key Entry (TKE):
A feature that is a means for ensuring secure V
creation and management of key material and
for managing the crypto adapters on the host. virsh:
TSE: Is a command line interface tool for managing
See Track Space Efficient. guests and the hypervisor.

TSO: Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA):

See Time Sharing Option. Data from one endpoint to another endpoint on
the same lower device gets sent down the
U lower device to external switch. If that switch
supports the hairpin mode, the frames get sent
UFS: back to the lower device and from there to the
UNIX Filing System. destination endpoint.
Universal Access Authority (UAA): Virtualization:

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The act of creating a virtual (rather than actual) Virtual Private Network (VPN):
version of something, including virtual computer is a network that is constructed using public
hardware platforms, operating systems, storage wires, usually the Internet, to connect to a
devices, and computer network resources. private network, such as a company's internal
Virtual machine facility: network.
A virtual data processing machine that appears Vital Product Data (VPD):
to the user to be for the exclusive use of that Information that uniquely defines the system,
user, but whose functions are accomplished by hardware, software, and microcode elements of
sharing the resources of a shared data a processing system.
processing system. An alternate name for the
Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM):
VM/370 IBM operating system.
VSAM is a file storage access method used in
Virtual Local Access Network (VLAN): z/OS operating systems. It is a high
Is any broadcast domain that is partitioned and performance access method used to organize
isolated in a computer network at the data link data in form of files in Mainframes.
layer. VLANs work by applying tags to network
Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
packets and handling these tags in networking
systems - creating the appearance and
functionality of network traffic that is physically VTAM is the IBM subsystem that implements
on a single network but acts as if it is split Systems Network Architecture (SNA) for
between separate networks. In this way, VLANs mainframe environments. VTAM provides an
can keep network applications separate despite application programming interface (API) for
being connected to the same physical network, communication applications, and controls
and without requiring multiple sets of cabling communication equipment such as adapters
and networking devices to be deployed. and controllers.

Virtual Machine (VM): VM:

Is an emulation of a computer system. Virtual The root name of several IBM operating
machines are based on computer architectures systems, such as VM/XA, VM/ESA, VM/CMS,
and provide functionality of a physical and z/VM. See also virtual machine facility.
VMware provides different software and
Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM): applications for virtualization. It has become
one of the key providers of virtualization
A Virtual Machine Monitor is a software
software in the industry. VMware's products can
program that enables the creation,
be categorized in two levels: desktop
management, and governance of virtual
applications and server applications.
machines (VMs) and manages the operation of
a virtualized environment on top of a physical VMware ESXi:
host machine. Formerly ESX, is an enterprise-class, type-1
hypervisor developed by VMware for deploying
Virtual Memory:
and serving virtual computers. As a type-1
Virtual memory, or virtual storage, is a feature hypervisor, ESXi is not a software application
of an operating system that allows a computer that one installs in an operating system;
to compensate for shortages of physical instead, it includes and integrates vital
memory by temporarily transferring pages of operating system components, such as a
data from Random Access Memory (RAM) to kernel.
disk storage. Volume:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2019 X-69

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For IBM Z, the information recorded on a single WebSM (Web-based System Manager):
unit of recording medium. Indirectly, it can refer Is a client/server application that gives the user
to the unit of recording medium itself. On a non a powerful interface to manage UNIX systems.
removable-medium storage device, the term Web-based System Manager uses its graphical
can also indirectly refer to the storage device interface to enable the user to access and
associated with the volume. When multiple manage multiple remote machines.
volumes are stored on a single storage medium Weight distribution area:
transparently to the program, the volumes can The area that is required to distribute the weight
be referred to as logical volumes. of the storage system.
Volume group: Workload Manager (WLM):
A collection of either physical or logical Is a base component of the z/OS mainframe
volumes. operating system. It controls the access to
Volume Table Of Contents (VTOC): system resources for the work executing on
A table on a Direct Access Storage Device z/OS based on administrator-defined goals.
(DASD) volume that describes the location, Worldwide Node Name (WWNN):
size, and other characteristics of each data set
A unique 64-bit identifier for a host that contains
on the volume.
a Fibre Channel port. See also worldwide port
VPD: name.
See Vital Product Data.
Worldwide port name (WWPN):
VSE/ESA: A unique 64-bit identifier associated with a
An IBM operating system, the letters of which Fibre Channel adapter port. It is assigned in an
represent virtual storage extended/enterprise implementation- and protocol-independent
systems architecture. manner. See also worldwide node name.
See Virtual Storage Access Method. See Worldwide Node Name.
See Virtual Telecommunications Access See Worldwide Port Name.
Warm demotion:
See Cross-System Coupling Facility.
An operation of IBM Easy Tier automatic mode.
The movement of an extent of moderately Xen:
active data to a lower tier when its tier has Xen Project is a hypervisor using a micro kernel
exceeded its optimal bandwidth capacity. design, providing services that allow multiple
computer operating systems to execute on the
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM):
same computer hardware concurrently.
Is a method of combining multiple signals on
laser beams at various Infrared (IR) XES:
wavelengths for transmission along fiber optic
See Cross-System Extended Services.
media. Each laser is modulated by an
independent set of signals. Extensible Markup Language (XML):
Wavelength-sensitive filters, the IR analog of
visible-light color filters, are used at the
receiving end.

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Is a markup language that defines a set of rules zKVM (KVM for IBM Z):
for encoding documents in a format that is both A virtualization infrastructure for the Linux
human-readable and machine-readable. kernel that turns it into a hypervisor. It simplifies
configuration and operation of server
Y virtualization, leverages common Linux
administration skills to administer virtualization,
Z supports flexibility and agility leveraging the
z Application Assist Processor (zAAP): open source community, and provides an Open
Source virtualization choice.
This is a processor with a number of functions
disabled (interrupt handling, some instructions) Zoning:
such that no full operating system can be In Fibre Channel environments, the grouping of
executed on the processor. However, z/OS can multiple ports to form a virtual, private, storage
detect the presence of zAAP processors and network. Ports that are members of a zone can
will use them to execute Javacode. The same communicate with each other, but are isolated
Java code can be executed on a standard CP. from ports in other zones.
Again, zAAP engines are not counted when zSeries File System (ZFS):
specifying the model number of the system.
zFS is a z/OS UNIX file system that can be
Like IFLs, they exist only to control software
used like the Hierarchical File System (HFS).
costs.Note: zAAPs are not supported on IBM
zFS file systems contain files and directories,
z13, z13s, and the z14 mainframes.
including Access Control Lists (ACLs), that can
zDAC: be accessed with the z/OS HFS application
programming interfaces (APIs).
See z/OS Discovery and Auto Configuration.
Integrated Information Processor (zIIP):
An operating system for the IBM Z family of
Is a specialized engine for processing eligible products.
database workloads. The zIIP is designed to
help lower software costs for select workloads z/OS Discovery and Auto Configuration
on the mainframe, such as business (zDAC):
intelligence (BI), enterprise resource planning Designed to automatically run several I/O
(ERP) and customer relationship management configuration definition tasks for new and
(CRM). The zIIP reinforces the mainframe's changed disk and tape controllers that are
role as the data hub of the enterprise by helping connected to a switch or director, when
to make direct access to DB2® more cost attached to a FICON channel.
effective and reducing the need for multiple
z/OS Global Mirror:
copies of the data.
Remote mirror and copy feature for IBM Z
zHPF: environments. A function of a storage server
See High Performance FICON for IBM Z. that assists a control program to maintain a
consistent copy of a logical volume on another
storage system. All modifications of the primary
See High Performance FICON for IBM Z. logical volume by any attached host are
presented in order to a single host. The host
IBM Z Hypervisor Performance Manager
then makes these modifications on the
secondary logical volume. This function was
Monitors virtual machines running on KVM to
formerly called Extended Remote Copy or
achieve goal-oriented policy based
performance goals.

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z/OS Management Facility (Z/OSMF):

Is a product for z/OS that simplifies, optimizes,
and modernizes the z/OS system programmer
Is an emulation of a computer system. Virtual
machines are based on computer architectures
and provide functionality of a physical
A guest virtual machine (guest VM) is the
software component of a virtual machine (VM),
an independent instance of an operating
system (called a guest operating system) and
its associated software and information. A VM
guest can be a Linux, z/OS, z/VSE, or another
z/VM operating system.
A general-purpose computer programming
language that is concurrent, class-based,
object-oriented, and specifically designed to
have as few implementation dependencies as

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2019 X-72

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2019.

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