Guide To Functional Requirements
Guide To Functional Requirements
Guide To Functional Requirements
Requirements Guide
Templates and examples included
The FR Epics
Additional Tips
Everything else you may find useful while making your FRs.
Naturally, writing down all of the functional requirements is no easy endeavor. Some things
can easily get overlooked, especially if this is the first time you go about making your own
website. Luckily, our years of expertise in ecommerce development have got us all it takes to
make a versatile online store created to your unique vision.
We’ve made a list of pre-defined functional requirements available for grabbing. So keep
reading so you don’t miss the link in the middle of this guide!
FRs clearly define what the system is meant (or not meant) to do. Thus, it’s important they
are written down in a simple, cohesive manner that doesn’t allow for any double meaning.
Not to be confused with user stories, FRs always describe the system as a whole rather than
keeping only a user perspective in mind.
GENDERLESS Website configurations should satisfy content security policy and customers
should agree first on cookies before navigating pages;
GENDERLESS Global This category encompasses accessibility requirements so all website visitors
across the globe can use the website easily and conveniently regardless of the language,
currency, or device they are using. When engaging visitors, it’s important to keep the balance:
you need to encourage users to sign up and allow them to perform certain activities without
an account.
GENDERLESS User registration This is an important part of your overall website functionality:
as a primary user acquisition source, it directly results in an increase in your client base.
However, users must not be limited to a single sign-up option - allow them to create accounts
in many different ways.
GENDERLESS User profile When designing a user profile, give users full control over what they can
manage, specifically their personal data. Your clients should also have enough reasons to
create an account, namely, additional features allowing tracking order details (status, delivery
date, shipping costs, etc.).
GENDERLESS Customer support Provide your customers with the ability to get assistance
whenever it’s needed. As a must, your website users would typically expect to see a live chat
where they can get help through real-time communication. To optimize workload, provide
additional assistance in the form of FAQs.
wrong with Jira, Trello, or RedSuite. You can whether it’s due to the volatile nature of
easily go back and forth on your requirement the market, technological advancements,
Let’s say one of your stakeholders suggested that the system “needs to be fast .”What does
that mean in reality? Do they refer to the checkout process or a page speed load? To avoid
discrepancies, always get down to the specifics and add specific benchmarks to your FRs.
You can leave it to professionals if you still think that’s too much to take in: writing
functional requirements is a typical part of our discovery phase that we initiate
to gather information about your project and establish a specific vision, goals,
and scope.
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