MARKETING - PLAN1 Complete Business Plan

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Region 1

Alaminos City Division

Alaminos City National Highschool
Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)
Alaminos City, Pangasinan

Crave in saTREATSfied café

A business plan
Presented to
Ma’am Vida M. Teodoro
In Partial Fulfilment
Of the requirements for the subject
Principles in Marketing
Prepared by:
Melissa Asistin
Christer Balagot
Jamil Cabugatan
Leslie Caluza
Danica Gomez
Hanna Gutierrez
Angelica Suarez

Crave in saTREATSfied Café is a Café business that will soon operates in Alaminos
City, Pangasinan, specifically located in front of Western Hospital near Alaminos city national
high school. As stated in the business tagline “A café a day keeps the somnolence away”. Its
purpose is to encourage people, especially our target customers are mostly students, that’s why
we came up with an idea of creating a mini library inside the café where students can spend their
time in reading books and making their homeworks. The aim of the business is to fulfill & satisfy
your cravings. We promote our own local product which is longganisa. We use longganisa as an
alternative patty for the burger and we use longganinsa and mix it with the sauce of the pasta.

We conducted this survey to our target customers of Alaminos City, in order to know if
the business would be gladly accepted in the market. We analyzed the results and found out that
the feedbacks are positive. The information gathered from our target customers also paved way
for us to make better decisions and tactics to sell the products better.

The investment needed for the business is one million two hundred thirty seven thousand
four hundred twenty pesos (P 1,237,420.00). We used different kinds of financial projections. In
this part the equipment and other things needed in the operation of the business are being
assessed. It also shows that the business will be profitable as the years go by. The return of
investment will be achieved in three years of continuous operation.

1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………………………………………………..….…….

2.0 CURRENT MARKETING SITUATION……………………………….………..………..
2.1 Target Market…………………………………………………………………………
2.2 Competitors……………………………………………………………………………

3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………

3.1SWOT Analysis………………………………...……………………......……........


3.3 Weaknesses………………………………………………………………..……......


3.5 Threats……………………………………………………………………….….......

4.0 MARKETING OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………………

4.1 Vision………………………………………………………………………………….

4.2 Mission………………………………………………………………………………

4.3 Marketing Objectives………………………………………………………………

4.4 Key to success……………………………………………………………………..

5.0 MARKETING STRATEGY……………………………………………………………….

5.1 4Ps (Product, Place, Price & Promotion)……………………………………….. ….

5.2 STP (Segmenting-Targeting-Positioning)………………………………………….

6.0 ACTION PROGRAM……………………………………………………………………..


Having the opportunity to create a business like this, we came up with an idea of doing it.
This days we observe that most people love to spend their family bonding in fast food chains like
Mcdonalds and Jollibee, while most students wants to spare their time at café’s like hidden
garage and cravings saTEAsfied.

Our target market for Crave in saTREATSfied Café are open for all ages. Target market
includes children, teenagers and adults. We didn’t limit the age because our café can be enjoyed
by everyone.It doesn’t mean that we only serve coffees just because we name it “café”. Aside
from our main dishes we also serve other treats, drinks and desserts.

We know that there will be a lot of competitors here in the city like Celias café, Gaudencios
café, and Hidden Garage. They became more popular because of the social media platform
through facebook and other social media sites. We think of advantage for our competitors so we
make new delicacies that our originally made with our local product in Alaminos which is the
Alaminos longganisa. We will also create our own page to promote our café to be able to catch
up by our future customers.So we will ensure and will make our best for our café to be known
not only locally but worldwide. That’s how passionate we are.

Swot Analysis


 Friendly staff
 Local company partnership
 Good/ private space for customers to enjoy their foods and drinks
 Loyal customers retention
 Affordable prices
 Locally owned
 Involvement in community


 Limited lunch menu items

 Business hours
 Ambiance/décor
 Competitors


 Be more active in social media, such as offering few customers to try new menu items
before they are put on the menu.
 Promote at the CITY if possible to bring more customers.
 Improvement of the website.


 High competition from other popular café’s.

 Newer café shops entering the market.
 Product marketability
 Inflation rate



Crave in saTREATSfied café objectives for the first year of operations are:

 Becomes selected as the “Best New Café in the area”.

 To provide quality products and excellent service to customers.
 Turn in profits from the first month of operations
 To increase average sale
 To promote vigorous competition among other competitors


The vision of Crave in saTREATSfied Café is “to be the top seller of the safest,tastiest
and quality café’s in Alaminos City within the next 5 years.


Crave in saTREATSfied Café will make its best effort to create a unique place where
customers can socialize with each other in a comfortable and relaxing environment while
enjoying the best foods in town. We will be in the business of helping our customers to relieve
their daily stresses by providing piece of mind through great ambiance, convenient location,
friendly customer service, and products of consistently high quality.

Crave in saTREATSfied Café will invest its profits to increase the employee satisfaction
while providing stable return to its shareholders.

*Keys to Success

The keys to success will be:

 Store design that will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and
efficient operations.
 Employee training to ensure the best food preparation techniques
 Marketing strategies aimed to build a solid base of loyal customers, as well as
maximizing the sales of high margin products, such as special burger and pasta.

Marketing strategy

4Ps (marketing mix)


- Crave in saTREATSfied Café has variety of products. The business is open Monday-Friday
from 7:00 to 3:00 PM and Saturday from 8:30 to 4:30 PM. During these hours Crave in
saTREATSfied Café will offer breakfast and lunch delicacies on our menu that can be paired
with a customized cup of coffee or tea.

We also offer our main products which are burger and pasta in which the patty and sauce are
made with the ingredient Alaminos longganisa.


- Penetration pricing is a marketing strategy used by budinesses to attract customers to a new

product or service. Penetration pricing includes presenting a low price for a new product or
service during its initial offering. The lower price helps to lure customers away from
competitors. We plan to use this strategy to let the consumers familiarize themselves about Crave
in saTREATSfied Café. The aim of penetrating pricing is usually to increase market share of a


- Crave in saTREATSfied Café is located atSan Jose drive Alaminos City, Pangasinan.

- Promotion of Crave in saTREATSfied Café through print ads, radio ads and the use of social

-The social media platform that we recommend they continue using is Facebook. Facebook is
an excellent place to reach our current customer base as well as reaching new ones. Facebook
does need to be updated and checked regularly. This would be a great way to run promotional
efforts, contests, and discuss events happening at Crave in saTREATSfied Café. Facebook has
changed over the years and is now a great tool for small businesses to increase their presence.


In the food industry, product quality is very critical. For the reason, Crave in saTREATSfied
Café will use multiple methods to ensure product quality. Our business will also focus on the
cleanliness and sanitation. All the staffs are required to wash their hands frequently and clean the
kitchen regularly.

We will also make innovations in our product as well as in our business. One way to improve our
products is creating new dishes but we’ll still use Alaminos longganisa as our main ingredient.
We’ll also have eat-all-you can event at the end of each month, where in they can eat all they
want to eat a t a very affordable price perfect for family gatherings and different events. That is
to make our customers feel that we are grateful of them. We will be responsible for creating new
dishes which we think mostly people will like.


Located at San Jose Drive, Alaminos City Pangasinan infront of Western Hospital near Alaminos
City National High School. The rent on the location of establishment will be paid monthly.


The major contributing factor to the overall success of the company is the price. Before Crave in
saTREATSfied Café open, it will first have a multiple investments including the location where
the building of the business will be located. Equipment, other supplies, furniture like tables and
chairs are purchased beforehand to make sure everything will be set perfectly.
Likewise the café will have continuous stocks of supplies including the ingredients for cooking
different kinds of desserts and dishes. The employee salary will be given at the exact date where
it should be given.

The business owner will calculate and will look on the expenses of the business including the
raw materials and employee’s salary.

Crave in saTREATSfied Café
Project Cost
March 2019
Capital Expenditures
Construction 300,000.00
Equipment 90,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures 139,000.00 529,000.00
Operating Expenditures
Inventory Expense 490,000.00
Operating Expense 90,000.00
Rent Expense 60,000.00
Permit and License 20,000.00
Advertising Expense 39,000.00 708,420.00
TOTAL 1,237,420.00

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