Autism Detecting Model Using Image

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Autism Detecting Model using Image

Conference Paper · June 2022


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3 authors, including:

Md Tahmid Zoayed Plabon Banik

East West University (Bangladesh) East West University (Bangladesh)


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Autism Detecting Model using Image

Md Tahmid Zoayed, 2Sayma Haque Arshe, and 3Plabon Banik *
1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Dhaka,
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Dhaka,

3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Dhaka,

[email protected], [email protected], 2019-1-60-
[email protected]
*Corresponding Author

Abstract. This paper brings a model which can be used in detecting autism-
affected patients using their images. The images of autism-affected patients
and non-autism patients are collected from the Kaggle website. The total
number of images is almost 2940. We have implemented CNN(Convolution
Neural Network) algorithm to build this model. We have used TensorFlow
and Keras library in this process and lots of image processing functions to
smooth the model. This model can be implemented in hospitals and clinics
as a GUI or software to detect autism disease without any kind of medical
Keywords: Autism detection, Autism Detection using an image, Autism
Detection using CNN, Autism detection using CNN, TensorFlow, and Keras,
Autism detection using deep learning, disease detection using CNN.

1 Introduction

Autism is a neuro-disorder in which a person's interactions and communication

with others are affected for the rest of their lives. Autism can be found at any age
and is referred to as a "behavioral disease" since symptoms commonly develop in
the first two years of life. ASD detection is challenging since there are various
mental conditions with few symptoms that are quite similar to those with ASD
symptoms, making this a difficult assignment.

Early identification of this neurological condition can help keep the subject's mental
and physical health in good shape. With the increased use of machine learning-
based models to forecast numerous human diseases, early diagnosis based on
multiple health and physiological parameters appears to be viable. Machine learning

is now being used to diagnose disorders such as depression, and ASD. The key goals
of using machine learning techniques are to enhance diagnostic accuracy and
minimize diagnosis time to enable faster access to health care services. Now, we
wish to detect this disease using an image of a person and check how much it can
contribute to the medical industry.

Recently, many efforts are done to identify ASD based on deep learning with fMRI
(Koyamada et al., 2015; Anirudh and Thiagarajan, 2017; Subbaraju et al., 2017).
In Koyamada et al. (2015), a deep neural network (DNN) model was implemented
to build a subject-transfer decoder. The authors used principal sensitivity analysis
(PSA) to construct a decoder for visualizing different features of all individuals in
the dataset.

To implement the model we will use CNN( Convolution Neural Network) which is
an algorithm of deep learning. Speech recognition, image classification, automotive
software engineering, and neuroscience are the areas where CNN has given very
great performances. This huge progress is mainly due to a combination of
algorithmic improvements, computation resource enhancements, and access to a big
amount of data. That’s why we have chosen CNN for this work. We’ll try to
maximize the accuracy by creating more hidden layers and using a strong dataset.

2 Related Work

Previously, a lot of persons have made such models to identify autism by pictures.
They all had taken different approaches.
As per Rad and Furnanello,” most of the investigations were chiefly centered around
the social and communicational issues of the youngsters with ASD, while the
stereotypical motor movement of the patients stood out enough to be noticed."
Because SMMs are such an important part of children with Autism's abnormal and
rehashed behaviors, it's critical to develop effective and precise techniques for
locating these changes. [14]. Another study uses AI to propose the sequence of the
repetitive examples of strolling, which is based on the motor and kinematic
characteristics of strolling. Linear analysis of Learning classification with its
positives and negatives was conducted to identify the problem. “existing ASD
screening tools and the consistency of such tools using the DSM-IV instead of the
DSM-5 manual”. Thomas et al. notice the indicative control of Autism by utilizing
the attractive tomography of the cerebrum [12]. Another Artificial Neural Network
was created using the data set from the ASD Tests program as a data source. They
used 10 questions to gather information, including the member's age and gender.

3 System Architecture and Design

The proposed framework is depicted in Figure. 1. The framework contains the
following major steps: (1) Training the images with 21 epochs (2) validating the
train set with the valid set (3) Using the test set to test the result

Fig. 1. The system architecture of the model


3.1 Dataset Description

The dataset used in this model is taken from the Kaggle website
( This dataset
consists of 3 folders named train, test, and valid. All of the folders are filled with
autism and non-autism patient’s image. In this dataset, the train folder has 1270
autism-affected images and 1270 non-autism images. In the valid folder, the autism
and non-autism both have 50 images in each sub-folder. Finally, there are 301 files
of images in the test folders. All the images are in jpg format.

Fig. 2. Sample input data set

The images of these humans are collected without any racism from each ethnicity
across the whole world. The total collection of all images is almost 2940. We are
going to work on this dataset and implement our model with this dataset using
different folders.

3.2 Data Preprocessing

The images of the dataset folders are of different sizes and got some noise in them.
To prevent the noises and make the dataset smoother we have implemented some
preprocessing techniques on the images. We have preprocessed the train and valid
folder using the ImageDataGenerator function. In the function, we have rescaled the
image by (1/255) as the pixel values are[0,255]. We have also used 20% shear and
20% zoom-in to get clear visibility of the images. The shear will visualize the

images from every human angle and detect the image better. We made the
horizontal true as we need all images trained in horizontal mode. At last, we have
set all the images in (200x200) shape for the smooth work of the algorithm.

3.3 Convolutional Neural Network Module

Convolutional Neural Networks are one of the most widely used deep neural
networks. It was most typically used to examine visual imagery. The human brain
inspired a feed-forward neural network. Simpler patterns (lines, curves, etc.) are
detected initially, then many more complex patterns (faces, objects, etc.) are
detected. Typically, a CNN module includes three layers:

• Convolutional layer
• Pooling layer
• Fully connected layer

Fig. 3. CNN methods

3.3.1 Convolutional layer:

CNN implements a technique known as Convolution. A convolutional layer is made

up of several filters that perform convolutional operations. Each layer creates many
activation functions that are passed on to the next layer when we input an image
into a ConvNet.

Fig. 4. CNN kernels

Algorithm: processing of CONV layers.

Input: An image
1. Begin
2. for j = 1:J {% Loop on output feature maps
3. for i = 1:I {% Loop on Input feature maps
4. for m = 1:M {% Loop on rows of output feature maps
5. for n = 1:N {% Loop on columns of output feature maps
6. for p = 1:P {% Loop on rows of filer kernel
7. for q = 1:Q {% Loop on columns of filter kernel
8. 𝑂𝐹 𝑗 𝑚, 𝑛 = 𝑂𝐹 𝑗 𝑚, 𝑛 + 𝐹 𝑖,𝑗 𝑝, 𝑞 × 𝐼𝐹 𝑖(𝑚 + 𝑝 − 1, 𝑛 + 𝑞 − 1); }}}}}} %
9. End

I and J denote the number of input and output feature maps, M and N the number
of rows and columns in output feature maps, and P and Q the number of rows and
columns in filter kernels, respectively. These values can be used to define additional
values, such as the number of filters, which can be derived from J.

3.3.2 Pooling:

After a convolutional layer, pooling is commonly used. A pooling operation that

determines the maximum value for patches of a feature map and uses it to build a
down sampled feature map is known as Max Pooling. In CNN, two types of
pooling are commonly utilized. The first is local pooling, which involves down
sampling feature maps by pooling data from small local locations. The second is
global pooling, which extracts a scalar value of a feature vector for picture
representation from each of the feature maps. The fully connected layers use this
representation to classify the data.

Algorithm: procedure of pooling layers.

1. Start
2. Input:
3. Input features 𝑥1 … 𝑥𝑁 , 𝑘𝑡𝑜𝑝 , Total Layer L
4. Output:
5. Update 𝑘1
6. Extract Features 𝑦𝑖 ←f(x;b)
7. Convolve network 𝑦𝑗 =∑𝑖=0( 𝑘𝑖𝑗 *𝑥𝑖 )
8. Compute activation layer 𝑦𝑖 (l+1) = f ((𝑘𝑖𝑗 ) 𝑦𝑖 ) +𝑏𝑖
9. Calculate 𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑝
10. Calculate 𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑝 = 𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑝 *Gaussian R
11. Choose to pool 𝑘1 = max (𝑘𝑡𝑜𝑝 , 𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑝
12. End

3.3.3 Fully connected layer:

As in a typical FCNN, this layer has a full connection with all preceding and
succeeding layers. The FC layer helps in the mapping of representations between
input and output. We must flatten the final pooling k1 and create an output size in
this layer. Finally, we have our result. A matrix multiplication followed by a bias
effect can be used to compute it.

3.4 Xception :

Francois Chollet proposes the Xception Model. Xception is an expansion of the

Inception Architecture that uses depthwise Separable Convolutions to replace the

regular Inception modules. For the picture identification and classification job, the
Xception model was trained using the ImageNet dataset [2, 3]. Xception is a deep
CNN with a lot of features. new levels of inception The inception layers are made
from of Layers of depthwise convolution are followed by a layer of pointwise
convolution. There are two types of transfer learning: extraction and fine-tuning of
features The characteristic in this study is The pretraining model was employed in
the extraction process. taught to extract the feature from a standard dataset the new
dataset, and to remove the model's top layers -e custom top layers were added to the
model. The number of classes determines the categorization. Fine-tuning has been
used to customize generic characteristics for a specific class.

Fig. 5. Xception Architecture

3.5 VGG16 :

VGG16 is one of the most excellent vision models used convolution neural net
(CNN) architecture. VGG16 focused on 3x3 filter convolution layers having stride
1 and always, and maxpool layer of 2x2 filter stride 2. Throughout the architecture,
it maintains this convolution and max pool layer layout. After that, there are two
completely connected layers and a softmax for output. The VGG16 stands for
"weighted 16 layers."

3.6 VGG19 :

The VGG19 net was built primarily to win the ILSVRC, but it has been utilized in
a variety of other ways as well. It is used simply as a suitable classification
architecture for many additional datasets, and because the authors made the models
public, they may be used as is or with modifications for other comparable jobs as
well. Transfer learning may also be applied to facial recognition applications.
Weights are easily available in other frameworks like as Keras and may be tinkered
with and utilized as desired. The VGG19 is mainly upgrade version of VGG16
which have 19 layers while VGG16 has 16 layers.

Fig. 6. VGG16 & VGG19 Architecture


4 Implementation and Experimental Result

4.1 Experimental Setup

The proposed system has been implemented on a machine having Windows 10,
Core i3 2.4 GHz with 16GB RAM. The work is done in Jupyter Notebook using
Keras and TensorFlow packages. Python 3.6.7(version) is used for developing it.

4.2 Implementation

Images of the datasets are transformed and scaled by our preprocessing techniques.
Now it’s time to implement CNN on them and get a result. We have used 2
convolutions and 2 max pool layers in the model. Then, after flattening, we have
used 3 dense layers where 2 are hidden and one is output. In the output, we have
used the ‘sigmoid activation function. Rather than that, we have used the ‘ReLU’
activation function in all other layers. In the compilation, we have used
‘binary_entropy’ as ‘loss entropy’ and set the Learning rate at 0.00001. As we have
binary class classification in the dataset the loss function of ‘binary_entropy’ is.
Loss= abs(Y_pred – Y_actual).

Fig. 7. Summary of the used model

After setting all the parameters, we moved to our fitting the model segment. We
have used 21 epochs in this. The valid folder is used as validation in the model. We
have also restored the best weights to gain the maximum result possible and
assigned the patience as 3. After that, we have used every model with 5 epochs to
get an idea of which algorithm works best.

4.3 Performance Evaluation

We can see the best accuracy possible from 21 epochs is 77% in this model. We
have run 21 epochs and got this result. But with 5 epochs with other algorithms like
Xception, VGG19, VGG16, and our proposed model we get 66%, 73%,71% and
73% respectively. This gives a visual representation of which model works best.

Fig. 8. Epochs running in Proposed model

Fig. 9. Epochs running in Xception model

Fig. 10. Epochs running in VGG16 model


Fig. 11. Epochs running in VGG19 model

We have implemented a plot to visualize the accuracy more effectively. This plot
will help you to understand better the model and its accuracy.

Fig. 13. Training vs Validation (Loss & Accuracy) of Proposed Model


Fig. 14. Training vs Validation (Loss & Accuracy) of Xception Model


Fig. 15. Training vs Validation (Loss & Accuracy) of VGG16 Model


Fig. 16. Training vs Validation (Loss & Accuracy) of VGG19 Model

Now, we’ll use this model to check our test images from the test folder. If the value
we get is ‘0’ the person is affected with Autism else the person is non-autistic. This
is how we can check the accuracy of our model better.

Fig. 17. Non-Autism child

Fig. 18. Autism child

4.4 Comparison with other existing frameworks

The performance of each model is different from the others. Based on their
performances some works very well as a model. From the above discussion, we

have figured out that VGG19 and our proposed model works the best in this dataset,
while others does an average job. If we increase the size of epochs from 5 to 21, it
will give more accuracy. The list of their performance accuracy is shown in the table
with 5 epochs.

Method Text extraction


Xception 66%

VGG16 71%

VGG19 73%

Proposed CNN 73%

5 Conclusion

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that comes

with high medical costs. Autism cannot be detected with medical tests. As a result,
a behavioral prediction is required. Machine learning can assist overcome this
problem. In this paper, we use CNN the most effective machine learning algorithm
to detect autism patients. Through this algorithm, we got the optimal result of
prediction. For the ASD dataset, CNN-based models had the highest prediction
accuracy. This experiment involved the use of 2940 children's images image
collection is classified into autistic and non-autistic children using.CNN. This ASD
diagnosis has the potential to dramatically reduce our society's nervous system
problems and can diagnose a new child immediately.


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