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Handout BTech 2022-23 CE 6th Sem DSS

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B. Tech- VI-Semester
(2020 admitted batch)

Course Title : DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES Dated: 28-11-2022

Course Code : 20CE602
Academic Year : 2022-2023
Course Structure : 3-1-0-3 (L-T-P-C)
Course coordinator: Mr. Pandimani
Instructor(s) : Mr. Pandimani / Dr. S. Athibaranan
Course Description: Design and analysis including the Welded connections, Beams
design, Plastic Analysis, Design of Tension members and compression members, Plate
Girder design and Gantry girder design including the Design of Built up compression
members, Column Foundations and Roof Trusses and their applications.
Scope and Objective:
This course provides the importance and fundamental concepts of steel structure. Design
and analysis including the Welded connections, Beams design, design of Tension members
and compression members, Plate Girder design and Gantry girder design including the
Design of Built-up compression members, Column Foundations and Roof Trusses and
their applications.
Learner is expected to:
1 . Understand the fundamental principles and procedures of structural steel design;
2. Understand the versatility of Steel structures based on requirement
3. Apply the principles of steel design to real world problems;
4. Design basic steel members subjected to compression, tension and bending as per
IS 800 code Provisions
At the end of the course the learners will be able to:-
1. Classify properties of steel sections and design of Welded & Bolted connections as per
IS code specifications
2. Design of steel members subjected to Tension as per IS code specifications
3. Design of Steel Members subjected Compression as per IS code specifications
4. Design of Steel Beams subjected to various loads as per IS code specifications
5. Design of column bases subjected to various loads as per IS code specifications
6. Design of Gantry Girders and Plate Girders subjected to various Loads as per IS code
Unit I
Design of Welded Connections
Introduction to Structural Steel: Properties of Structural Steel, I. S. Rolled Sections, I. S.
Specifications. Welded Connections: Advantages and disadvantages of welding- Strength of
welds-Butt and fillet welds: Permissible stresses – IS Code requirements, Lap and Butt
Connections, Design of fillet weld subjected to moment acting in the plane and at right
angles to the plane of the joints, beam to beam and beam to Column connections only.
Light gauge steel sections, IS code provisions, Bolted connections
13+4 Hours
Unit II
Design of Tension Members and Compression Members
Introduction to different modes of failures – gross section yielding, Net Section rupture
and block shear failure. Determines the design strength due to yielding of gross section,
rupture of critical section and block shear. Design procedure of tension members.(simple
problems). Compression Members: Effective length of columns. Slenderness ratio –
permissible stresses. Design procedure of compression members - Design of built-up
sections (Laced and Battened Columns)

Tension Member splices connection, Tension Member Subjected to UDL Along the Longitudinal
11 + 4 Hours
Unit III
Beams and Column Bases
Allowable stresses, design requirements as per IS Code-Design of simple and compound
beams, check for deflection, shear, buckling, check for bearing, laterally supported beams
only. Column bases: Slab base, Gusset base.

Grillage foundation, IS code provisions for laterally unsupported beam

10 + 4 Hours
Unit IV
Plate Girder and Gantry Girder
Introduction: Elements of plate girder, design steps of a plate girder, necessity of
stiffeners in plate girder, various types of stiffeners, web and flange splices (only
introduction), design of plate girder without stiffeners. Gantry Girders: Introduction,
various loads, specifications, design of gantry girder without stiffeners

Stiffner design concepts, Temperature Effect on Plate Girder, Temperature Effect on Plate
11 + 3 Hours
Total: 45+15Hours
Note: IS 800-2007, General Construction In Steel — Code of Practice is permitted to use in classroom and
examinations. All the designs should be taught in the limit state design method as per IS 800-2007.
Welding connections to be used and following drawings are to be practiced by the students.

1. Detailing of Welded Connection in Plane and Perpendicular to plane.
2. Detailing of built up columns, laced and battened columns.
3. Detailing of Plate girder including curtailment, splicing and stiffeners.
4. Detailing of Gantry girder including curtailment, splicing and stiffeners.
5. Detailing of Slab Base, Gusseted Base
The following codes and steel tables are permitted in the examinations.
IS Codes: 1) IS-800 – 2007
2) IS– 875Part-III
3) Steel Tables
Textbook (s)
1. N. Subramanian, Steel Structures (Design & Practice), Oxford University Press, 2011
2. S.K. Duggal, Limit State Design of Steel Structures, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2019
3. S.S. Bhavikatti, Design of Steel Structures by Limit State Method as per IS: 800-2007, 4th Ed.,
IK International Publishing House, Bangalore, 2014
Reference (s)
1. V.L.Shah and Veena Gore, Limit State Design of steel structures as per IS: 800-2007,
Structures Publications, Pune, 2010
2. Sai Ram, Design of steel Structures, 2nd Ed., Pearson Publications, 2013
3. M.R Shiyekar, Limit State Design in Structural Steel,3rd Ed., PHI learning private limited, New
Delhi, 2011
Course Plan:
L. Nr. Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Reference
UNIT – I - Design of Welded Connections
1, 2 Introduction A: Properties of Structural Steel, I. S. Rolled T-1,C-5,6
3, 4 Introduction I. S. Specifications, Welded connections: T-1,C-5,6
6, 7 Advantages and B: Advantages and disadvantages of welding- T-1,C-5,6
disadvantages of connections
8, 9 Types of Welds Strength of welds-Butt and fillet welds: T-1,C-5,6
Permissible stresses
Design of welds IS Code requirements, Design of welds fillet weld T-1,C-5,6
11, 12
subjected to moment acting in the plane
13,14 Design of welds Design of welds fillet weld subjected to moment T-1,C-5,6
at right angles to the plane of the joints,
16 Design of welds Beam to beam and beam to Column connections T-1,C-5,6
Unit II-Design of Tension and Compression Members
18 Introduction to tension A: Introduction to different modes of failures – T-1,C-7
members. gross section yielding,
18 Gross section yielding, Net Net Section rupture and block shear T-1,C-7
Section rupture and block failure.(simple problems)
shear failure
18 Design of Tension members Determines the design strength due to yielding of T-1,C-7
gross section,
18 Design of Tension members Rupture of critical section and block shear. T-1,C-7
20, 21 Design of Tension members Design procedure of tension members. (Simple T-1,C-7
22, 23 Design of Tension members Design procedure of tension members. (Simple T-1,C-7
24 Introduction to Columns B: Effective length of columns. Slenderness ratio T-1,C-9
– permissible stresses.
25, 26 Design of Column members Design procedure of compression members T-1,C-9
problems on simple sections only (no built-up
27 Design of Column members sections). T-1,C-9
28 Introduction to Built up C: Necessity & design of built up columns. T-1,C-9
28, 29 Design of Laced Columns Design of laced columns (with channels back to T-1,C-9
30, 31 Design of Battened Columns Design of battens columns (with channels back to T-1,C-9
Unit III - Beams and Foundations
33 Introduction to Beams A: BEAMS: Allowable stresses, design T-1,C-10
requirements as per IS Code.
33, 34 Design of Beams Design of simple and compound beams, check for T-1,C-10
deflection, shear, buckling, check for bearing,
35 Design of Beams laterally supported beams only. T-1,C-10
37 Design of Beams Design of simple and compound beams, check for T-1,C-10
38, 39 Design of Beams bearing, laterally supported beams only. T-1,C-10

40 Introduction to Column Bases B: Column bases: Slab base, Gusset base (simple T-1,C-9
Axial load only)
41 Design of Slab Base Design of Slab base (simple Axial load only) T-1,C-9
42, 43
44, 45 Design of Gusset Base Design of Gusset base (simple Axial load only) T-1,C-9
Unit IV - Plate Girder and Gantry Girder
47 Introduction to Plate Girder A: PLATE GIRDER: T-1,C-11
Introduction, elements of plate girder, various
48 Introduction to Plate Girder types of stiffeners (only introduction) T-1,C-11
49 Introduction to Plate Girder Design steps of a plate girder without stiffeners T-1,C-11
51, 52 Design of plate girder Design of a plate girder without stiffeners T-1,C-11
53, 54 Design of plate girder (Continuation) Design of a plate girder without T-1,C-11
stiffeners, web and flange splices (only
56 Introduction to Gantry Girder B: GANTRY GIRDERS: Introduction, various T-1,C-12
loads & specifications, Design steps of gantry
57 Design of Gantry girder girder (without stiffeners) T-1,C-12
58, 59 Design of Gantry girder Design of gantry girder (without stiffeners) T-1,C-12
Evaluation scheme:

Duration % of
Component Marks Weightage Date & Time Venue
30 23-01-2022 to 25-01- Will be informed
Sessional Test – 1 90 30
(80% of highest 2022
marks + 20% of 23-03-2022 to 29-03- Will be informed
90 30
Sessional Test – 2 lowest marks) 2022
23-03-2022 to 29-03- Will be informed
120 30 10
Open Book Exam 2022
18-05-2022 to 31-05- Will be informed
180 60 60
Semester End exam 2022

Chamber Consultation Hour: Every day from 4.00 P.M-5.00 P.M

Venue: Block-III1st floor.

Notices: Civil Department Notice Board

Mr. Pandimani / Dr. S. Athibaranan
Signature of the Instructor (s)

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