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Tennessee Real Estate ONLY Power of Attorney Form

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PURSUANT TO § 34-6-109

I, ___________________ [Full Name], of ______________________________

[Street Address] in the City of _____________________, State of _______________

(the “Principal”) hereby appoint ___________________ [Full Name], of

______________________________ [Street Address] in the City of

_____________________, State of _______________ (the “Agent”) to act on my

behalf for the purpose set forth in Article I below (Initial and Check the Applicable

Article I. Assignment of Authority

_____ ☐ - Sale of Real Estate: My agent is authorized to act in my behalf for the
purpose of selling the lands and premises located at
___________________________________ and with a legal description of
___________________________________. My agent is authorized to perform any
and all acts related to such sale, including, but not limited to, executing, modifying and
delivering any and all documents necessary to complete the transaction as well as
accepting the closing proceeds for deposit into my account which has been previously
disclosed to my agent.

_____ ☐ - Purchase of Real Estate: My agent is authorized to act in my behalf for the
purpose of purchasing the lands and premises located at
___________________________________ and with a legal description of
___________________________________. My agent is authorized to perform any
and all acts related to such purchase, including, but not limited to the financing and
mortgaging of the property. My agent is authorized to execute, modify and deliver any
documents necessary to complete the financing and purchase of the property as well
as to withdraw and disburse funds necessary for the closing from my account which I
have previously disclosed to my agent.

_____ ☐ - Management of Real Estate: My agent is authorized to act on my behalf

for the purpose of managing the premises located at
___________________________________ and with a legal description of
___________________________________. My agent is authorized to perform all acts
related to maintaining the property such as but not limited to: making repairs (with
reimbursement), approving sub-contractors for work, negotiating rents, signing
lease/sublease agreements, evicting tenants and any other representation as needed
for day-to-day management.
_____ ☐ - Refinancing: My agent is authorized to act in my behalf for the purpose of
refinancing my debts, including, but not limited to any debts secured by a mortgage
on the lands and premises located at ___________________________________
and with a legal description of ___________________________________. My agent
is authorized to perform any and all acts related to such refinancing, including but not
limited to, modifying, executing and delivering any and all documents necessary to
complete the refinancing as well as to withdraw and disburse funds necessary to
complete the refinancing from my account which I have previously disclosed to my

Article II. Durable Power of Attorney

This power of attorney shall not be affected by the Principal’s subsequent disability or
incapacity unless otherwise stated in Article III(b).

Article III. Term

(Initial and Check the Applicable Term):

a. _____ ☐ - This power of attorney is effective as of the date hereof and shall

terminate upon revocation or automatically on the ___ day of

__________________, 20___.

b. _____ ☐ - (Non-Durable Option) This power of attorney is effective as of the

date hereof and shall terminate upon my incapacity, or death, or revocation.

c. _____ ☐ - This power of attorney is effective as of the date hereof and shall
terminate upon my death or revocation.

Article IV. Ratification

I, the Principal, grant to my Agent full power and authority to perform all acts on my
behalf as I could do if personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my
Agent may do pursuant to this power.

Article V. Governing Law

This Note shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State
of Tennessee.
Article VI. Revocation
I, the Principal, hereby revoke any existing powers of attorney that may have
previously been granted by me relative to the above described property.

In witness whereof, I have executed this instrument this ___ day of ________________,


Principal’s Signature ________________________ Print Name __________________

Agent’s Signature ________________________ Print Name __________________

Affirmation by Witness 1
I, ________________________, witnessed the execution of this Power of Attorney by
the Principal, and I affirm that the Principal appeared to me to be of sound mind, was not
under duress, and the Principal affirmed to me that he/she was aware of the nature of
this Power of Attorney and signed it freely and voluntarily.

Witness 1 Signature ________________________

Print Name ________________________

Affirmation by Witness 2
I, ________________________, witnessed the execution of this Power of Attorney by
the Principal, and I affirm that the Principal appeared to me to be of sound mind, was not
under duress, and the Principal affirmed to me that he/she was aware of the nature of
this Power of Attorney and signed it freely and voluntarily.

Witness 2 Signature ________________________

Print Name ________________________


STATE OF __________________

__________________ County, ss.

On this ____ day of __________________, 20____, before me appeared

____________________, as the Principal who proved to me through government issued

photo identification to be the above-named person, in my presence executed foregoing
instrument and acknowledged that (s)he executed the same as his/her free act and deed.

Notary Public

Print Name: _____________________ My commission expires: __________________

Acceptance by Agent

The undersigned Agent acknowledges and executes this Power of Attorney, and
by such execution does hereby affirm that I: (A) accept the appointment as agent; (B)
understand the duties under the Power of Attorney and under the law.

Agent’s Signature ________________________ Print Name __________________

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