The Effects of Plyometric Jump Training On Physical Fitness Attributes in Basketball Players

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Journal of Sport and Health Science 11 (2022) 656 670

The effects of plyometric jump training on physical fitness attributes in
basketball players: A meta-analysis
Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo a,b,*, Antonio Garcıa-Hermoso c,d, Jason Moran e,
Helmi Chaabene f,g, Yassine Negra h, Aaron T. Scanlan i
Department of Physical Activity Sciences, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno 5290000, Chile
Centro de Investigacion en Fisiologıa del Ejercicio, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Mayor, Santiago 7500000, Chile
Navarrabiomed, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra (CHN), Universidad P ublica de Navarra (UPNA), IdiSNA, Pamplona 31008, Spain
Laboratorio de Ciencias de la Actividad Fısica, el Deporte y la Salud, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, USACH, Santiago 9170020, Chile
School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom
Division of Training and Movement Sciences, University of Potsdam, Potsdam 14469, Germany
High Institute of Sports and Physical Education, Kef, University of Jendouba, La Manouba 8189, Tunisia
Research Unit (UR 17JS01, Sport Performance, Health & Society), Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Ksar Sa^ıd,
University of “La Manouba”, Rockhampton 2037, Tunisia
Human Exercise and Training Laboratory, School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton,
Queensland, QLD 4702, Australia
Received 1 September 2020; revised 14 October 2020; accepted 16 November 2020
Available online 24 December 2020

2095-2546/Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

Background: There is a growing body of experimental evidence examining the effects of plyometric jump training (PJT) on physical fit-
ness attributes in basketball players; however, this evidence has not yet been comprehensively and systematically aggregated. Therefore,
our objective was to meta-analyze the effects of PJT on physical fitness attributes in basketball players, in comparison to a control
Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in the databases PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus, up to July 2020. Peer-reviewed
controlled trials with baseline and follow-up measurements investigating the effects of PJT on physical fitness attributes (muscle power,
i.e., jumping performance, linear sprint speed, change-of-direction speed, balance, and muscle strength) in basketball players, with no
restrictions on their playing level, sex, or age. Hedge’s g effect sizes (ES) were calculated for physical fitness variables. Using a
random-effects model, potential sources of heterogeneity were selected, including subgroup analyses (age, sex, body mass, and height)
and single training factor analysis (program duration, training frequency, and total number of training sessions). Computation of meta-
regression was also performed.
Results: Thirty-two studies were included, involving 818 total basketball players. Significant (p < 0.05) small-to-large effects of PJT
were evident on vertical jump power (ES = 0.45), countermovement jump height with (ES = 1.24) and without arm swing (ES = 0.88),
squat jump height (ES = 0.80), drop jump height (ES = 0.53), horizontal jump distance (ES = 0.65), linear sprint time across distances
10 m (ES = 1.67) and >10 m (ES = 0.92), change-of-direction performance time across distances 40 m (ES = 1.15) and >40 m
(ES = 1.02), dynamic (ES = 1.16) and static balance (ES = 1.48), and maximal strength (ES = 0.57). The meta-regression revealed that
training duration, training frequency, and total number of sessions completed did not predict the effects of PJT on physical fitness attributes.
Subgroup analysis indicated greater improvements in older compared to younger players in horizontal jump distance (>17.15 years,
ES = 2.11; 17.15 years, ES = 0.10; p < 0.001), linear sprint time >10 m (>16.3 years, ES = 1.83; 16.3 years, ES = 0.36; p = 0.010), and
change-of-direction performance time 40 m (>16.3 years, ES = 1.65; 16.3 years, ES = 0.75; p = 0.005). Greater increases
in horizontal jump distance were apparent with >2 compared with 2 weekly PJT sessions (ES = 2.12 and ES = 0.39, respectively;
p < 0.001).

Peer review under responsibility of Shanghai University of Sport.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Ramirez-Campillo).
Cite this article: Ramirez-Campillo R, Garcıa-Hermoso A, Moran J, Chaabene H, Negra Y, Scanlan AT. The effects of plyometric jump training on physical fitness
attributes in basketball players: A meta-analysis. J Sport Health Sci 2022;11:656 70.
Plyometric jump training in basketball 657

Conclusion: Data from 32 studies (28 of which demonstrate moderate-to-high methodological quality) indicate PJT improves muscle power, lin-
ear sprint speed, change-of-direction speed, balance, and muscle strength in basketball players independent of sex, age, or PJT program variables.
However, the beneficial effects of PJT as measured by horizontal jump distance, linear sprint time >10 m, and change-of-direction performance
time 40 m, appear to be more evident among older basketball players.
Keywords: Exercise therapy; Human physical conditioning; Resistance training; Stretch reflex; Team sports

1. Introduction PJT on vertical jump performance in basketball players.12

Although the analysis showed significant improvement for ver-
Basketball strength and conditioning programs typically
tical jump performance,12 several relevant physical fitness
contain a strong emphasis on developing power and speed
attributes required of basketball players—such as linear and
attributes.1 This focus is predicated on specific game activities
change-of-direction speed, balance, and muscle strength31—
such as jumps, linear sprints, accelerations, decelerations, and
were neglected, as were factors that inform PJT prescription
changes-of-direction, which are performed repeatedly by play-
such as training duration, frequency, and volume.12 Moreover,
ers in defensive and offensive situations.2 4 Adequate bal-
the existing meta-analysis included a small number of studies
ance5 7 and strength8 10 also seem to be crucial for basketball
(5 studies, n = 94 participants),12 meaning its outcomes are
players to be able to perform various multi-directional, high-
rather preliminary. Indeed, since the publication of the afore-
intensity actions during games. Therefore, designing effective
mentioned analysis,12 a recent scoping review revealed a total
training programs to improve basketball players’ power, speed,
of 48 PJT studies have been conducted among basketball
balance and strength attributes is fundamental to optimize their
players.32 Owing to the lack of comprehensive analysis
performance during games.11
regarding the effects of PJT on player fitness in basketball, and
Several training approaches are used by basketball players
to the high practical relevance of PJT in basketball settings,
to improve power, speed, balance, and strength attributes.1
this meta-analysis aimed to examine the effects of PJT on
However, plyometric jump training (PJT) seems to be particu-
various physical fitness attributes in basketball players (muscle
larly common1 and equally12 or even more effective13 than
power, i.e., jumping performance, linear and change-of-direction
other training methods (e.g., traditional resistance training).
speed, balance and muscle strength), in comparison to a control
The common incorporation of PJT among training practices in
basketball1 may be due to its high translatability to game sce-
narios. For instance, there is a strong reliance on vertical
2. Methods
expressions of power when players are defending, shooting,
and rebounding.2 4 According to the principle of training 2.1. Procedures
specificity, then, basketball players should regularly engage in
A meta-analysis was conducted following the guidelines of
PJT programs.1,14,15
the Cochrane Collaboration.33 Findings were reported in accor-
PJT capitalizes on the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)
dance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
wherein musculotendinous units are eccentrically stretched
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA).34 This study was registered with
during the loading or impact phase before being concentrically
the International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and
shortened in the push-off or take-off phase.16,17 Indeed, jump
Meta-Analysis Protocols (No. 202040088).
exercises that utilize the SSC seem to be more effective at
improving physical fitness attributes (e.g., sprinting, jumping,
2.2. Literature search
change of direction) than those that do not involve the SSC.18
Previous reviews have addressed both the potential mecha- To conduct the literature search, we considered recommen-
nisms (e.g., stretch reflex, elastic energy) involved in the SSC dations from the 2 largest scoping reviews that have previously
and its potential for human performance enhancement examined PJT.32,35 Computerized literature searches were con-
extensively.16,19,20 They have found that PJT results in a wide ducted in the electronic databases PubMed (comprising MED-
range of distinct physiological and biomechanical adaptations LINE), Web of Science Core Collection, and Scopus. The
(e.g. increased motor unit recruitment and rate of force devel- search strategy was conducted using the Boolean operators
opment).21 24 Several meta-analyses have been published AND as well as OR with the following keywords: “ballistic”,
demonstrating the effectiveness of PJT at improving distinct “training”, “complex”, “explosive”, “force”, “velocity”,
power-related attributes in athletes from different disciplines, “plyometric”, “stretch”, “jump”, “shortening”, “basketball”,
including soccer,25 handball,26 and volleyball.27 Likewise, “team sport”, and “cycle”. For example, the following search
there is a growing body of experimental evidence examining was adopted using PubMed: (“randomized controlled trial”
the effects of PJT on physical fitness attributes in basketball (Publication Type) OR “controlled clinical trial”(Publication
players, specifically;28 30 however, this evidence has not yet Type) OR “randomized”(Title/Abstract) OR “trial”(Title) OR
been comprehensively aggregated. “clinical trials as topic”(MeSH Major Topic)) AND
To the best of our knowledge, only one meta-analysis is (“basketball”(Title/Abstract) OR “basketball players”(Title/
available in the literature, and it solely examines the effects of Abstract) OR “basketball teams”(Title/Abstract)) AND
658 R. Ramirez-Campillo et al.

(“training”(Title/Abstract) OR “plyometric”(Title/Abstract)). studies, if they involved a training period prior to a detraining

After an initial search in April 2017, accounts were created for period then the study was considered for inclusion. Not consid-
the lead author (RRC) in each of the respective databases, ered for inclusion were studies that drew participants from sports
through which they received automatically generated email other than basketball, unless the data for basketball players were
updates regarding the search terms used. The search was reported independently. Finally, in view of the potential difficul-
refined in May 2019, and updates were received daily (if avail- ties of translating articles written in different languages—and the
able); studies were eligible for inclusion up to July 1, 2020. fact that 99.6% of the PJT literature is published in English35—
The lead author (RRC) conducted the initial search and only articles written in English were considered for this meta-
removed duplicates. Thereafter, the search results were ana- analysis.
lyzed according to the eligibility criteria (Table 1).
In selecting studies for inclusion, a review of all relevant 2.4. Data extraction
titles was conducted before examination of the abstracts and
Physical fitness attributes measured during jumping (e.g.,
full-text versions. Following the formal systematic searches,
countermovement jump), linear sprinting (e.g., 10 m, 20 m),
additional hand searches were conducted using the authors’
change-of-direction (e.g., Illinois test), balance (e.g., dynamic,
personal libraries and known published reviews, systematic
static), and strength (e.g., maximal, dynamic, isometric) tests
reviews, and meta-analyses. Two authors (RRC and AGH)
were extracted as dependent variables from included studies. We
independently screened the titles, abstracts, and full-text ver-
sought to analyze the effects of PJT on different jumping actions
sions of retrieved studies. During the search and review pro-
(i.e., countermovement jump, countermovement jump with arm
cess, potential discrepancies between the same 2 authors
swing (Abalakov jump), drop jump, squat jump, horizontal
regarding inclusion and exclusion criteria (e.g., type of control
jump), on distances during linear sprints (10 m and >10 m),
group, intervention adequacy) were resolved through consen-
and on change-of-direction tests (40 m and >40 m), as these
sus with a third author (YN).
effects may reflect different physiological and biomechanical
indicators relevant to basketball performance.36,37 Moreover, we
2.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
sought to analyze the effects of PJT on hamstring/quadriceps
A PICOS (participants, intervention, comparators, out- strength ratios at different velocities (60 ˚/s and 120 ˚/s 300 ˚/s),
comes, and study design) approach was used to rate studies for since they present distinct lower limb strength imbalances and
eligibility.34 The respective inclusion/exclusion criteria injury risks.8,38 In addition, tests examining the chosen fitness
adopted in our meta-analysis are reported in Table 1. variables (jump, linear and change-of-direction sprint, balance,
Additionally, only full-text, peer-reviewed, original studies and strength) usually present very high test-retest reliability (with
were considered for the present meta-analysis. Excluded were an intraclass correlation coefficient of >0.9),39 41 which is essen-
books, book chapters, and congress abstracts, as well as cross- tial to ensure strong consistency between analyzed studies within
sectional review papers, and training-related studies that did not a meta-analysis.34
focus on the effects of PJT exercises (e.g., studies examining the The means and standard deviations (SDs) of dependent var-
effects of upper-body plyometric exercises). Also excluded were iables were extracted at pre- and post-PJT time points from
retrospective studies, prospective studies, studies in which the use included studies using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp., Red-
of jump exercises was not clearly described, studies for which mond, WA, USA). In cases where the required data were not
only the abstract was available, case reports, special communica- clearly or completely reported, the authors of the study were
tions, letters to the editor, invited commentaries, errata, overtrain- contacted for clarification.28,42 45 If no response was obtained
ing studies, and detraining studies. In the case of detraining from the authors (after 2 attempts), or if the authors could not

Table 1
Selection criteria used in the meta-analysis.

Category Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Population Apparently healthy basketball players, with no restrictions on their Basketball players with health problems (e.g., injuries, recent
playing level, sex, or age surgery)
Intervention A plyometric jump training program, defined as lower body unilat- Exercise interventions not involving plyometric jump training or
eral or bilateral bounds, jumps, and hops that commonly utilize a exercise interventions involving plyometric jump training pro-
pre-stretch or countermovement stressing the stretch-shortening grams representing less than 50% of the total training load when
cycle delivered in conjunction with other training interventions (e.g.,
high-load resistance training)
Comparator Active control group Absence of active control group
Outcome At least 1 measure of physical fitness (e.g., muscle power (i.e., Lack of baseline and/or follow-up data
jumping), linear and change of direction speed, balance, or muscle
strength) before and after the training intervention.
Study design Controlled trials Non-controlled trials
Plyometric jump training in basketball 659

provide the requested data, the study outcome was excluded 2.7. Moderator analyses
from the analysis. However, even when no numerical data
Using a random-effects model and independent computed
were provided by the authors upon contact, in cases where
single factor analysis, potential sources of heterogeneity likely
data were displayed in a figure, the meta-analysis used vali-
to influence the effects of training were selected a priori.
dated (r = 0.99, p < 0.001)46 software (WebPlotDigitizer; to derive the relevant numeri-
2.7.1. Subgroup analyses
cal data. Two authors (RRC and YN) performed data extrac-
As the adaptive responses to PJT programs may be affected
tion independently, and any discrepancies between them (e.g.,
by participant age61 63 and sex,64 these factors were consid-
mean value for a given outcome, total number of participants
ered as potential moderator variables. A posteriori, subgroup
in a group) were resolved through consensus with a third
analyses according to participant’s body mass and height were
author (AGH).

2.5. Methodological quality of the included studies 2.7.2. Single training factor analysis
The Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale was Single training factor analyses were computed for the pro-
used to assess the methodological quality of the included stud- gram duration (number of weeks and total number of training
ies, which were rated from 0 (lowest quality) to 10 (highest sessions)64 and training frequency (number of sessions per
quality). As outlined previously, the methodological quality week)65 based on the reported influence of these variables on
was interpreted using the following convention:47 3 points physical fitness adaptations to PJT.
was considered as poor quality, 4 5 points was considered as When appropriate, subgroup analyses and single training fac-
moderate quality, and 6 10 points was considered as high tor analyses were divided using the median split technique.66 68
quality. If trials had already been assessed and listed on the The median was calculated if at least 3 studies provided data for
PEDro database, these scores were adopted. The methodologi- a given moderator. Of note, when 2 experimental groups with the
cal quality for each included study was assessed independently same information for a given moderator were included in a study,
by 2 authors (YN and RRC), and any discrepancies between only one of the groups was considered in order to avoid an undue
them were resolved via consensus with a third author (ATS). influence on the median calculation. In addition, to minimize het-
erogeneity, instead of using a global median value for a given
moderator (e.g., median age derived from all included studies),
2.6. Summary measures, synthesis of results, and publication median values were calculated using only those studies that pro-
bias vided data for the outcome being analyzed.
Although meta-analyses can be done with as few as 2 stud-
ies,48 considering the fact that reduced sample sizes are com- 2.7.3. Meta-regression
mon in the sports science literature49 (including PJT A multivariate random-effects meta-regression was conducted
studies32,35,50), meta-analysis was only conducted in the pres- to verify whether any of the training variables (frequency, dura-
ent case when 3 studies were available.51 53 Effect sizes tion, and total number of sessions) predicted the effects of PJT on
(ESs; Hedge’s g) for each physical fitness attribute in the PJT physical fitness variables. Computation of meta-regression was
and control groups were calculated using pre-training and performed with at least 10 studies per covariate.69
post-training mean and SD for each dependent variable. Data
were standardized using post-intervention SD values. The ran-
dom-effects model was used to account for differences 3. Results
between studies that might impact the PJT effect.54,55 The ES
3.1. Study selection
values are presented with 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs).
Calculated ES were interpreted using the following scale: The search process identified 7533 studies (2370 from
trivial: <0.2; small: 0.2 0.6; moderate: >0.6 1.2; large: PubMed; 2387 from Scopus; and 2776 from WoS). Fig. 1 pro-
>1.2 2.0; very large: >2.0 4.0; extremely large: >4.0.56 In vides a graphical schematization of the study selection process.
studies including more than 1 intervention group, the sample Duplicated studies were removed (n = 4863). After study titles
size in the active control group was proportionately divided to and abstracts were screened, a further 2172 studies were
facilitate comparisons across multiple groups.57 Heterogeneity removed. Accordingly, full-text versions of 498 studies were
was assessed using the I2 statistic, with values of <25%, screened, with 32 studies28 30,42 45,70 94 considered eligible for
25% 75%, and >75% representing low, moderate, and high meta-analysis. The included studies involved 442 participants in
levels of heterogeneity, respectively.58 The risk of bias was 37 experimental groups and 376 participants in 32 control groups.
explored using the extended Egger’s test.59 In cases of bias, The characteristics of the participants and the PJT interventions
the trim and fill method was applied.60 All analyses were car- used in the included studies are displayed in Table 2 and Supple-
ried out using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software mentary Table 1, respectively. Supplementary Table 2 presents
(Version 2.0; Biostat, Englewood, NJ, USA). Statistical signif- the mean § SD for the physical fitness variables in experimental
icance was set at p  0.05. and control groups as reported in the included studies.
660 R. Ramirez-Campillo et al.

Fig. 1. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flow diagram.

3.2. Methodological appraisal of the included studies 60 ˚/s and 120 ˚/s 300 ˚/s (ES = 0.04 to 0.10; Supplementary
Figs. 14 and 15). The risk of bias was explored using the
Using the PEDro checklist, 4 studies were classified as low
extended Egger’s test, and 13 out of 15 meta-analyses showed no
quality (3 points), 22 studies were classified as moderate qual-
risk of bias. For the remaining 2 meta-analyses (i.e., squat jump
ity (4 5 points), while 6 studies were considered to be high
height, horizontal jump distance), the trim and fill method was
quality (6 8 points) (Supplementary Table 3). A sensitivity
applied to adjust observed values (Table 3).
analysis revealed that the main meta-analysis results remained
consistent after removal of studies classified as low quality.
Therefore, no studies were excluded based on methodological 3.4. Moderator analyses
Moderator analyses were considered, given that 3 studies
per moderator were available. In total, 37 subgroup and single
3.3. Meta-analysis results
training factor analyses were conducted for: countermovement
The overall effects of PJT on physical fitness attributes are dis- jump height with arm swing (duration, frequency, total ses-
played in Table 3. Forest plots are shown in Supplementary Fig- sions, age, body mass, and height) and without (duration, fre-
ures. There were significant (p  0.001) small-to-large effects of quency, total sessions, age, sex, body mass, and height), squat
PJT on vertical jump power, countermovement jump height with jump height (duration, frequency, age, body mass, and height),
and without arm swing, squat jump height, drop jump height, and drop jump height (duration, total sessions, age, body mass, and
horizontal jump distance (ES = 0.45 1.24; Supplementary Figs. height), horizontal jump distance (duration, frequency, total
1 6). For linear sprints across distances categorized as 10 m sessions, age, body mass, and height), linear sprint time
and >10 m, significant (p  0.001) moderate-to-large effects of >10 m (total sessions, age, body mass, and height), and
PJT were observed (ES = 0.92 1.67; Supplementary Figs. 7 and change-of-direction performance time 40 m (duration, fre-
8). Similarly, significant (p  0.001) moderate effects of PJT quency, total sessions, age, body mass, and height). The analy-
were noted during change-of-direction speed tests across distan- ses are summarized below, with full descriptions presented in
ces categorized as 40 m and >40 m (ES = 1.02 1.15; Supple- Supplementary Appendix 1.
mentary Figs. 9 and 10). Regarding dynamic and static balance,
significant (p = 0.002) and near-significant (p = 0.087) moderate- 3.4.1. Subgroup analyses
to-large effects of PJT were found (ES = 1.16 1.48; Supplemen- Significantly greater improvements were apparent follow-
tary Figs. 11 and 12). In terms of muscle strength, significant ing PJT in older basketball players, as compared to their youn-
(p = 0.025) moderate effects of PJT on maximal strength were ger counterparts, for horizontal jump distance (>17.15 years
noted (ES = 0.57; Supplementary Fig. 13). However, non-signifi- of age, ES = 2.11; 17.15 years of age, ES = 0.10; p < 0.001),
cant (p = 0.661 0.885) trivial effects of PJT were observed for linear sprint time >10 m (>16.3 years of age, ES = 1.83;
hamstring/quadriceps strength ratios categorized at speeds of 16.3 years of age, ES = 0.36; p = 0.010), and change-of-
Plyometric jump training in basketball 661

Table 2
Characteristics of participants examined in the included studies.

Study Randomized n Sex Agea (year) Body massa (kg) Heighta (m) SPT Fitnessb
Adig€ uzel and G€ unay (2016)71 NR 30 M 15.0/18.0 NR NR NR NR
Amato et al. (2018)72 Yes 23 M 11.0/12.0 47.1/50.3 1.53/1.57 NR NR
Andrejic (2012)73 Yes 21 M 12.5/12.6 58.0/62.0 1.71/1.73 No Normal
Arazi and Asadi (2011)45,c Yes 18 M 18.0/20.4 60.2/75.6 1.75/1.82 No Moderate-high
Arazi et al (2012)43,c Yes 18 M 18.0/20.4 60.2/75.6 1.75/1.82 No Moderate-high
Arede et al. (2019)74 No 16 M 14.2/14.8 56.2/62.6 1.65/1.75 Yes Moderate
Asadi et al. (2017)75 Yes 16 M 18.5 § 0.8 78.4 § 7.6 1.86 § 0.06 Yes Moderate
Asadi (2013)76 Yes 20 M 20.1/20.2 78.5/79.5 1.80/1.82 NR Moderate-normal
Asadi (2013)77 Yes 20 M 20.1/20.2 78.5/79.5 1.80/1.82 NR Moderate-normal
Attene et al. (2015)78 Yes 36 F 14.8/15.2 51.8/57.5 1.63/1.65 NR Moderate
Benis et al. (2016)29 Yes 28 F 20.0 § 2.0 62.0/63.0 1.70/1.72 NR Moderate-high
Bouteraa et al. (2020)79 Yes 26 F 16.4/16.5 55.6/56.6 1.68/1.68 NR Normal
Brown et al. (1986)80 Yes 26 M 15.0 § 0.7 67.9 § 8.1 1.81 § 0.08 NR Normal-moderate
Canavan and Vescovi (2004)42 Yes 20 F 20.1 § 1.6 65.9 § 8.9 NR NR Normal
Cherni et al. (2019)81 No 25 F 20.9/21.0 65.1/67.3 1.72/1.73 NR Moderate
Fachina et al. (2017)83 Yes 39 M 15.2/16.4 72.6/72.8 1.76/1.80 No Moderate
Florıa et al. (2019)84 Yes 34 F 23.1/23.2 60.4/64.9 1.68/1.69 Yes NR
Fontenay et al. (2013)82 No 14 F 15.5 § 0.7 NR NR No Normal
Gottlieb et al. (2014)85 Yes 19 M 16.3 § 0.5 78.2 § 5.9 1.85 § 0.04 No Normal-moderate
Hernandez et al. (2018)86,c Yes 19 M 9.7/11.0 36.3/39.4 1.42/1.44 No Normal-moderate
Khlifa et al. (2010)30,c Yes 27 M 23.1/24.1 81.7/83.1 1.91/1.93 NR High
Latorre Roman et al. (2018)87 Yes 58 M/F 8.7 § 1.0 30.5/35.1 1.33/1.40 No Moderate
Matavulj et al. (2001)28,c Yes 33 M 15.0/16.0 NR NR NR Moderate-high
McLeod et al. (2009)88 No 50 F 15.6/16.0 58.9/62.3 1.70/1.71 NR Normal-moderate
Meszler and Vaczi (2019)89 Yes 18 F 15.7/15.8 63.5/66.1 1.76/1.77 Yes Moderate
Poomsalood and Pakulanon (2015)90 Yes 10 M 19.2/19.6 65.2/66.3 1.73/1.74 No NR
Santos and Janeira (2008)91 Yes 24 M 14.5/15.0 61.1/62.6 1.72/1.73 No NR
Santos and Janeira (2009)92 Yes 15 M 14.0/15.0 69.3/75.6 1.74/1.77 Yes NR
Santos and Janeira (2011)93 Yes 25 M 14.2/14.7 61.1/72.7 1.73/1.75 No NR
Vescovi et al. (2008)94 Yes 20 F 19.9/20.3 64.8/66.9 1.68/1.71 No Normal
Wilkerson et al. (2004)44 No 19 F 19.0 § 1.4 69.1/74.9 1.70/1.73 NR Moderate
Zribi et al. (2014)70 Yes 51 M 12.1/12.2 41.1/41.2 1.54/1.55 No Normal-moderate
Mean values for experimental/control groups (mean § SD are reported for those studies where authors reported combined data for experimental and control
Fitness was classified here as it was in the recent review by Ramirez-Campillo et al.:32 (1) NR; (2) high encompasses professional/elite athletes with regular
enrollment in national and/or international competitions, or highly trained participants with 10 training hours/week or 6 training sessions/week and a regularly
scheduled official or friendly competition; (3) moderate encompasses non-elite/professional athletes with a regular attendance in regional and/or national competitions,
between 5.0 9.9 training hours/week or 3 5 training sessions/week and a regularly scheduled official or friendly competition; and (4) normal encompasses recreational
athletes with <5 training hours/week with sporadic or no participation in competition.
Denotes studies that included more than 1 experimental group.
Abbreviations: F = female; M = male; NR = not reported; SPT = systematic experience with plyometric jump training.

direction performance time 40 m (>16.3 years of age, linear sprint time >10 m and change-of-direction perfor-
ES = 1.65; 16.3 years of age, ES = 0.75; p = 0.005). mance time <40 m due to collinearity. Therefore, meta-
regression analyses were computed for countermovement
3.4.2. Single training factor analysis jump height with and without arm swing, as well as squat
Significantly greater improvements (p < 0.001) in horizon- jump height, and it included 3 training variables (frequency,
tal jump distance were evident when players performed duration, and total number of sessions) (Table 4). Irrespective
>2 sessions/week (ES = 2.12), as opposed to when they per- of training type, none of the training variables were found to
formed 2 sessions/week (ES = 0.39). predict the effects of PJT on countermovement and squat jump
performance (p > 0.05), except for the total number of training
3.4.3. Results of meta-regression sessions with respect to squat jump height (p = 0.040),
Computation of meta-regression was performed with at although R2 = 0.
least 10 studies per covariate. Initially, countermovement
jump height with and without arm swing, squat jump height,
3.5. Adverse effects
linear sprint time >10 m, and change-of-direction perfor-
mance time <40 m were all considered for meta-regression Among the included studies, none reported soreness, pain,
analyses. However, the regression was not computed for fatigue, injury, damage, or adverse effects related to the PJT
662 R. Ramirez-Campillo et al.

Table 3
Synthesis of results across included studies regarding the effects of plyometric jump training on fitness attributes in basketball players.

Fitness attribute na ES (95%CI) p I2 (%) Egger’s test (p) RW (%)

Jumping variables
Vertical jump power 4, 4, 4, 102 0.45 (0.07 to 0.84) 0.021 0 0.323 20.8 34.1
Countermovement jump with arm swing height 11, 12, 11, 256 1.24 (0.72 to 1.75) <0.001 71.2 0.120 4.8 10.4
Countermovement jump height 18, 21, 18, 500 0.88 (0.55 to 1.22) <0.001 67.0 0.071 2.6 6.4
Squat jump height 11, 12, 11, 331 0.80 (0.47 to 1.14) <0.001 51.8 0.008b 3.5 12.3
Drop jump height 8,9, 8, 204 0.53 (0.25 to 0.80) <0.001 0.0 0.567 4.8 29.1
Horizontal jump distance 8, 10, 8, 230 0.65 ( 0.02 to 1.31)c 0.001 80.9 0.008 7.4 12.5
Sprint variables
10-m linear sprint time 3, 3, 3, 93 1.67 (0.32 to 3.03) 0.016 85.1 0.307 24.8 38.7
>10-m linear sprint time 11, 13, 11, 281 0.92 (0.40 to 1.44) <0.001 74.3 0.061 5.5 10.2
40-m change-of-direction performance time 13, 15, 13, 307 1.15 (0.75 to 1.55) <0.001 59.7 0.189 4.0 9.9
>40-m change-of-direction performance time 5, 6, 5, 93 1.02 (0.29 to 1.76) 0.006 64.9 0.272 13.9 19.4
Balance variables
Dynamic balance 5, 5, 5, 149 1.16 (0.43 to 1.89) 0.002 76.1 0.586 17.6 22.5
Static balance 4, 4, 4, 119 1.48 ( 0.19 to 3.15) 0.002 93.3 0.252 25.0 25.4
Strength variables
Maximal strength 5, 7, 5, 104 0.57 (0.07 to 1.07) 0.025 38.0 0.117 10.1 17.5
Hamstring/quadriceps strength ratio at 60 ˚/s 4, 4, 4, 92 0.10 ( 0.56 to 0.36) 0.661 23.6 0.060 20.4 30.7
Hamstring/quadriceps strength ratio at 120 ˚/s 4, 4, 4, 92 0.04 ( 0.56 to 0.48) 0.885 39.8 0.785 21.8 29.4
Note: Bolded p values mean significant (p < 0.05) improvement in the experimental group after plyometric jump training as compared with the control group.
Data denote the number of studies that provided data for the analysis, the number of experimental groups, the number of control groups, and the total number of
basketball players included in the analysis, respectively.
Adjusted values remained the same (as the observed values) after the trim and fill method.
Adjusted values are displayed using the trim and fill method.
Abbreviations: 95%CI = 95% confidence interval; ES = effect sizes (Hedge’s g); RW = relative weight of each study in the analysis.

intervention. However, 1 study89 hypothesized that the lack of Participants’ previous experience with PJT was not reported
positive adaptations observed after the PJT program may be in 14 of the studies (Table 2). Moreover, while most of the
partially explained by a high load of regular basketball train- included studies (24 of 32) applied progressive PJT overload
ing, games, and PJT, which was likely to induce fatigue due to in the form of either volume, intensity, and/or type drill (Sup-
incomplete recovery between sessions. The authors did not plementary Table 1), none of the studies reported a clear rela-
provide evidence to support this supposition. tionship between a minimum set of movement quality
requirements during plyometric jump drills and progressive
Table 4 overload, or even plyometric jump drill prescription.
Results of the multivariate random-effect meta-regression for training varia-
bles to predict plyometric jump training effects on vertical jump performancea
in basketball players. 4. Discussion
Covariate Coefficient 95%CI Z p
This meta-analysis aimed to examine the effects of PJT on
Countermovement jump height (n = 21) physical fitness attributes in basketball players, in comparison
Intercept 0.448 3.557 to 4.455 0.22 0.826 with a control condition. Our findings showed small-to-large
Training duration 0.008 0.407 to 0.389 0.04 0.966
Frequency 0.097 1.801 to 1.999 0.10 0.920
effects of PJT on muscle power, linear and change-of-direction
Total sessions 0.015 0.192 to 0.224 0.15 0.881 sprint speed, balance, and muscle strength, regardless of sex
Countermovement jump with arm swing height (n = 12) and age. However, subgroup analyses showed that, as com-
Intercept 0.397 8.252 to 7.457 0.10 0.921 pared with younger (16.3 years) basketball players, older
Training duration 0.005 0.663 to 0.674 0.02 0.987 players (>16.3 years) experienced greater improvements in
Frequency 0.961 2.989 to 4.913 0.48 0.633
Total sessions 0.028 0.404 to 0.348 0.15 0.883
horizontal jump distance, linear sprint time across distances
Squat jump height (n = 12) >10 m, and change-of-direction performance time across dis-
Intercept 4.223 0.039 to 8.487 1.94 0.052 tances 40 m following PJT. Except for the significant posi-
Training duration 0.393 0.815 to 0.029 1.82 0.068 tive effect of total PJT sessions on squat jump height, meta-
Frequency 2.439 4.910 to 0.030 1.94 0.052 regression analyses revealed that none of the training variables
Total sessions 0.287 0.011 to 0.562 2.04 0.040
(duration, frequency, and total number of sessions) predicted
Notes: n means number of study groups. Bolded p values mean significant the effects of PJT on physical fitness attributes in basketball
(p < 0.05) prediction effect of plyometric jump training on jumping performance.
Computation of meta-regression was performed with at least 10 studies per
players. Single training factors analysis for those variables
covariate, available only for countermovement and squat jump performance (PJT program duration, session frequency, and total number of
from the investigated fitness variables. sessions) revealed that none of them moderate the effects of
Abbreviation: 95%CI = 95% confidence interval. PJT on measures of physical fitness in basketball players.
Plyometric jump training in basketball 663

4.1. Muscle power session is scheduled). A reduced volume of jumps per session
is likely to allow for improved recovery between jumps (e.g.,
Compared to a control, there were significant small-to-large
15 s),101 which in turn permits players to achieve greater train-
benefits following PJT with respect to countermovement jump
ing intensity, hence, better training results.98,99,102 In addition,
height with (ES = 1.24) and without arm swing (ES = 0.88),
a session of 60 jumps would take approximately 15 min, and
squat jump height (ES = 0.80), drop jump height (ES = 0.53),
so could easily be imbedded in the regular training sessions of
and horizontal jump distance (ES = 0.65). Improvements in
basketball players. It was surprising, however, that programs
jumping performance with PJT may be attributed to various
with greater training frequencies were no more effective than
adaptive mechanisms, such as enhanced motor unit recruit-
programs with lower training frequencies at increasing vertical
ment, greater inter-muscular coordination, heightened neural
jumping performance. The reasons for these contrasting find-
drive to agonist muscles, and enhanced utilization of the
ings are unclear, but could suggest that increases in vertical
SSC.16,21 Significantly larger improvements (p  0.005) were
jump performance are achievable with less training stimuli
apparent for horizontal jump distance in older basketball play-
than are increases in horizontal jump performance. This find-
ers (>17.15 years, ES = 2.11), as compared to their younger
ing could indicate a differential time-course of adaptation
counterparts (17.15 years, ES = 0.10), a finding that is in line
between vertical and horizontal jump performance, or it could
with a previous PJT meta-analysis of older youth basketball
represent a bias toward prescription of vertically orientated
players.63 Indeed, when participants between the mean ages of
exercises in modern strength and conditioning programs for
10 12.99 years, 13 15.99 years, and 16 18 years, respec-
basketball players.13,103 From a practical standpoint, PJT
tively, were exposed to PJT, the greatest magnitude of
seems to be particularly effective for enhancing horizontal
improvement in countermovement jump height was noted
expression of power when applied with a greater weekly fre-
among the older group (ES = 1.02).63 The greater improvement
quency in young players of advanced age (post-pubertal),
in older youth players may be attributable to their wider array
which is in line with long-term athletic development approach-
of (neural and morphological) mechanisms for adaptation as
es,104 106 particularly those advocating for PJT.107
compared to younger athletes, whose mechanisms are neuro-
logical only because they have yet to experience the increased
4.2. Linear sprinting
anabolic hormonal concentrations concomitant with
puberty.19,63,67 However, another explanation for the larger Sprinting bouts are regularly performed during decisive
gains in horizontal jump distance among basketball players defensive and offensive game situations in basketball.2 4 Our
>17.15 years of age may be related to the fact that, in our findings showed significant improvements in shorter (10 m)
meta-analysis, a mean age of 14.2 years was observed among and longer (>10 m) sprint times in basketball players after PJT,
the younger players and, notably, most of the studies involved in comparison to a control. These results are in line with those
males. That is, most of the study groups with players reported in a previous meta-analysis examining athletes from
17.15 years of age examined players in their “adolescent different team sports.108 Increases in sprint performance after
awkwardness” phase.63,95,96 This phase is characterized by a PJT may be due to increased neuromuscular activation of the
diminished return in terms of the beneficial effects of PJT on trained muscles.109 More specifically, increases in the number
jumping performance.63 With this in mind, future studies may and/or firing frequencies of activated motor units, as well as
be able to elucidate the ways in which maturity and training changes in the recruitment pattern of the motor units (primarily
age interact with PJT and physical fitness changes in basket- in fast-twitch muscle fibers), might account for the observed
ball players. improvements in linear sprint performance following PJT.109 In
In addition to age, greater improvements in horizontal jump turn, these adaptations will likely increase maximal muscle
distance were evident when >2 sessions/week were performed force and power capabilities, permitting players to explode
in PJT programs, as opposed to 2 sessions/week (ES = 2.12 more rapidly at the start of sprints and to execute longer stride
and ES = 0.39, respectively; p < 0.001). In this regard, the lengths as sprints progress.110,111 Moreover, neuro-mechanical
analyses supported the use of greater training frequency for adaptations induced by lower body PJT, such as enhanced neu-
the enhancement of horizontal expression of power. A greater ral drive to agonist muscles and optimization of muscle-tendon
training frequency allows for a greater volume of jumps to be stiffness,21 may improve SSC efficacy. As a result of improve-
performed across days. When combined with adequate recov- ments in SSC efficacy in lower body musculature, greater force
ery between sessions to reduce fatigue, high training intensities production likely occurs in the concentric movement phase after
can be implemented along with the more frequent training ses- a rapid eccentric muscle action,17,19,21 which is a key require-
sions, which is a key element to achieving optimal benefits ment for enhanced sprint performance.111 Of note, 27 of the
with PJT.97 99 For example, if a given volume of total jumps 32 studies included in our meta-analysis employed a mixture of
(e.g., 1680) is prescribed during a given time period (e.g., 7 horizontal and vertical jumps in the PJT program. While hori-
weeks), such a volume would probably induce greater absolute zontal force-related capabilities are of particular relevance in
physical fitness improvements compared to a lower volume the acceleration phase of linear sprints (i.e., 10 m), vertical
(e.g., 420 jumps).100 With reference to the previous study,100 4 force application to the ground becomes more prominent as
sessions per week requires only 60 jumps/session (whereas sprints progress and speed increases (i.e., >10 m).110,112,113 In
240 jumps should be completed per session if only one weekly this sense, the combination of horizontal and vertical jumps
664 R. Ramirez-Campillo et al.

included in PJT may be an adequate strategy for basketball efficiency, thereby positively affecting change-of-direction
players aiming to improve sprinting performance. speed.126
Concerning subgroup analyses, significantly larger improve- According to our subgroup analysis, a greater improvement
ments in linear sprint time >10 m were observed after PJT in change-of-direction performance time across distances
among basketball players aged 16.3 years, as compared with 40 m was evident among basketball players aged
those aged <16.3 years (ES = 1.83 vs. ES = 0.36). The greater >16.3 years, as compared with those aged 16.3 years
benefits with PJT on linear sprint speed among players aged (ES = 1.65 vs. ES = 0.75, respectively; p = 0.005). In another
16.3 years concurs with findings in a previous meta-analysis,114 meta-analysis,61 greater improvements in change-of-direction
where greater improvements in sprinting performance were speed were also noted among participants aged 13.9 § 1.0 years
reported among athletes from different sport backgrounds aged (ES = 0.95) and 17.4 § 0.6 years (ES = 0.99), as compared with
14.1 § 0.7 years (ES = 1.15) and 16.8 § 0.7 years (ES = 1.39), as participants aged 11.3 § 0.8 years (ES = 0.68), following PJT.
compared to athletes aged 11.2 § 0.3 years (ES = 0.18), follow- The findings mimic our results for linear sprint performance.
ing sprint training programs involving high-intensity SSC muscle As linear and change-of-direction speed are significantly corre-
actions similar to PJT. Complex changes in physical performance lated in basketball players,127,128 this trend for change-of-direc-
take place during an athlete’s growth and maturation, which can tion speed may be explained by the same underlying
affect their sprinting capabilities.115,116 Namely, the natural mechanisms that account for greater linear sprint improvements
development of the SSC integral to sprint performance occurs among older players, as discussed elsewhere in this article.
during growth and maturation due to greater muscular size,
increased limb length, changes to musculotendinous tissue (e.g., 4.4. Dynamic and static balance
increased stiffness), enhanced neural and motor development,
Regarding dynamic and static balance, significant
and better movement quality and coordination.19,115 As the tim-
(p = 0.002) and near-significant (p = 0.087) moderate-to-large
ing and tempo of the aforementioned factors19,115 are highly vari-
benefits were apparent with PJT (ES: 1.16 1.48). Improve-
able between individuals, basketball coaches working with youth
ments in balance have been observed in previous PJT studies,
populations should consider not only the characteristics of the
particularly after interventions that incorporated a combination
applied PJT program, but also the dynamic physiological changes
of unilateral, bilateral, horizontal, and vertical jumping
that transpire throughout adolescence.
exercises.112,129,130 Of note, all studies included in our meta-
analysis incorporated a combination of different jumping
drills. This training approach may partially explain the rather
4.3. Change-of-direction speed large improvements (ES: 1.16 1.48) noted in balance perfor-
mance after PJT, in comparison to a control condition. All of
Accelerations and decelerations involving changes of direc-
the studies included in our meta-analysis that assess balance
tion are common, and are performed repeatedly during any
performance administered training programs between 6 8
basketball game.2 4 Our results showed that PJT improves
weeks in duration. This program length seems to be an ade-
change-of-direction performance time in basketball players,
quate period of time to induce significant improvements
as compared to a control. These findings are in accordance
in balance performance,131 especially with respect to PJT
with those of previous meta-analyses.61,117 Improvements in
interventions.129,132 Because balance improvements may not
change-of-direction speed following PJT were expected, con-
only enhance various aspects of physical performance, but
sidering the extensive empirical evidence supporting the effec-
also reduce lower body injury risk,131 our results reinforce the
tiveness of PJT on this fitness attribute.81,86,118 As eccentric
value of PJT as an effective strategy to promote positive adap-
strength is an important determinant of deceleration ability
tive responses and counteract negative maladaptive
during change-of-direction actions,119 the higher inertia accu-
responses.133,134 Such a protective effect against injury may be
mulated in the braking phase during PJT may have contributed
particularly prominent after training programs involving a
to increases in eccentric workload and, therefore, larger
combination of different PJT drills (e.g., unilateral, bilat-
strength improvements.120 Indeed, improvements in change-
eral),135 which was the case in the studies included in our
of-direction speed may be due to the fact that athletes undergo
meta-analysis. The improvement in balance performance may
extensive eccentric loading during PJT98,99,121 to increase the
be related to improved co-contraction of lower body
eccentric strength of the quadriceps muscles,122 which may
muscles136 and/or to changes in proprioception and neuromus-
translate to a more effective braking ability when changing
cular control.137 However, the physiological and biomechani-
direction.122 124 Likewise, improvements in change-of-direc-
cal mechanisms underlying balance improvements in
tion performance with PJT could be due to the interaction of
basketball players after PJT remain unclear, and future
several neuromuscular adaptations including improved neural
research is needed to gather further insight into the adaptation
drive to agonist muscles, neuromuscular patterns that enable
mechanisms involved.
rapid switching between deceleration and acceleration motions
(i.e., higher efficiency of the SSC), and muscle activation strat-
4.5. Muscle strength
egies that promote improved inter- and intra-muscular coordi-
nation.21,125 Moreover, PJT can decrease ground reaction In terms of muscle strength, significant moderate improve-
times by increasing muscular force output and movement ments in maximal strength were noted with PJT (ES = 0.57).
Plyometric jump training in basketball 665

This finding supports data from a previous meta-analysis physical fitness attributes over others. For example, when
examining the benefits of PJT on maximal strength in partici- sprinting across shorter distances (e.g., 10 m), horizontal
pants with different sport and non-sport backgrounds.65 force application to the ground is of paramount importance,
Improvements in strength with PJT may be related to neural thus a greater load of horizontal PJT may lead to larger
adaptations, including improved motor-unit firing frequency, improvements during the early acceleration phase of a sprint
synchronization, excitability, and efferent motor drive.21 The (horizontal ground reaction force; push-off phase).110,112,113 In
adaptive mechanisms can optimize the relative force generated contrast, PJT with a greater emphasis in the vertical direction
per each motor unit recruited.19 However, improvements in may induce larger improvements when nearing top speed (ver-
muscle strength after PJT may also be related to muscle hyper- tical ground reaction force).110,112,113 In this meta-analysis,
trophy.138 Aside from maximal strength, we analyzed meas- most of the included studies involved mixed PJT programs
ures of hamstring/quadriceps strength ratio to indicate lower that combined horizontal and vertical drills, as well as unilat-
body strength imbalances. Our analyses considered different eral and bilateral drills, which may explain why improvements
velocities (i.e., 60 ˚/s and 120 ˚/s 300 ˚/s), which may repre- were noted across different physical fitness attributes.13,144,145
sent different functional imbalances and levels of injury In comparison with other training methods, PJT exhibits
risk.8,38 However, for hamstring/quadriceps strength ratios at inherent advantages that deserve further discussion. Indeed,
60 ˚/s and 120 ˚/s 300 ˚/s, non-significant trivial effects of although there are several training approaches used among
PJT were observed in comparison to a control condition basketball players to improve physical fitness attributes,1 PJT
(ES: 0.10 to 0.04). These findings cannot be attributed to seems to be particularly common and equally12 or even more
the results of any particular study, given that the removal of effective13 than other training methods (e.g., traditional resis-
any one of them44,71,81,89 from the meta-analysis (sensitivity tance training). Among its potential advantages, PJT programs
analysis) did not significantly affect the results (p > 0.05). tend to be inexpensive to implement compared to other resis-
Although our results do not show a beneficial effect from PJT tance training methods. They require little or no equipment,
on hamstring/quadriceps strength ratios, meta-analyses suggest usually involving drills that use the body’s weight as resis-
that PJT can be complemented with other training exercises to tance.146 Plyometric jump drills, for example, can be con-
improve their impact on hamstrings/quadriceps strength ratios. ducted in a relatively small physical space, which may be an
More specifically, neuromuscular training,134,139,140 Nordic important advantage during certain scenarios (e.g., encounter-
hamstring exercises,141 and/or balance training131,142 may ing pandemic restrictions) where athletes are forced to train at
complement PJT to optimize the hamstring/quadriceps home.147 Among younger athletes especially, plyometric jump
strength ratio in basketball players. Interestingly, although PJT drills may even be considered more fun than other training
elicited only trivial changes in hamstring/quadriceps strength methods (e.g., flexibility, endurance).148 Last but not least,
ratios, players did exhibit a robust balance between these mus- PJT may reduce the risk of injury.140 That said, PJT is most
cle groups, when compared to normal values reported in previ- effective when it is one component in an integrated approach
ous studies.8,38 To confirm the effects of PJT on basketball to training that targets basketball players’ multiple physical fit-
players with imbalanced hamstring/quadriceps strength ratios, ness attributes and aligns with their goals of long-term physi-
further studies simultaneously evaluating the influence of cal development strategies.7,104,107
multi-modal training approaches are needed. The most appealing advantage derived from PJT seems to
be the potential connection between improvements in players’
physical fitness attributes and improvements in their competi-
4.6. Different responses across physical fitness attributes and
tive performance. According to our findings, many of the
potential advantages derived from PJT
defensive and offensive game activities performed by play-
There is evidence that aspects of maximal strength, sprint- ers—including jumps, linear sprints, accelerations, decelera-
ing and jumping ability, and change-of-direction speed are tions, and changes-of-direction2 4—have been shown to
associated with one another.9,143 In other words, it may be rea- improve with PJT. Likewise, to better perform various high-
sonably hypothesized that these different physical fitness intensity actions during games, players must possess adequate
attributes share a relatively similar set of underlying adaptation balance5 7 and strength levels,8 10 which are also shown to
mechanisms (e.g., physiological, biomechanical) with respect improve with PJT. Based on this evidence, it may be plausible
to PJT programs. Our meta-analyses revealed that physical fit- to hypothesize that PJT will help basketball players gain some
ness improvements after PJT (ES: 0.45 1.67 for vertical jump competitive advantages.2,13,149 However, this hypothesis
power and linear sprinting across distances 10 m). Such vari- would need to be explored in future studies.
ety of responses among studies could reflect a number of fac-
tors including differences in participant characteristics (e.g.,
4.7. Adverse effects
training status) and methodological differences between ana-
lyzed studies (e.g., measurement protocol and instrumenta- Among the studies included in our meta-analysis, no inter-
tion), as well as the distinct characteristics of the PJT vention-related injuries were reported, and the relative safety of
interventions analyzed across the studies (e.g., total number of PJT programs has been previously demonstrated.21,32,35 When
sessions, training frequency). Depending on the training adequately programmed and supervised, PJT interventions may
approach, one may expect greater improvements in certain actually reduce the risk of injury.133,134 Although PJT seems to
666 R. Ramirez-Campillo et al.

be safe for basketball players, caution is recommended when are used, which introduces heterogeneity across studies; the
applying this type of training to any poorly conditioned gold standard assessment technique (i.e., skeletal age)162 164 is
player with low strength levels and an inability to decelerate rare. Considering that physiological maturation may affect
their body mass during landing tasks. Higher volumes of PJT adaptations to PJT in both male and female youths,19,63,66 future
have been associated with increased injury risk, particularly in studies should attempt to overcome this methodological issue
females.150,151 For this reason, the periodic application of taper that arises when examining younger players. Finally, since
strategies may also be of value, given that a reduction in the fewer than 3 studies examined measures of aerobic fitness
PJT volume of a program appears to correlate with a reduction (e.g., 20 m shuttle-run test, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test), a
in overload-induced inflammation from large eccentric meta-analysis could not be conducted for the variable. However,
loads.152,153 Tapering strategies may help an athlete avoid injury literature from other sports demonstrates the potential benefits
and facilitate adaptative processes in their musculoskeletal sys- of PJT on endurance.165 167 To expand the evidence base on the
tem, thereby optimizing physical fitness in the process.154 connection between aerobic fitness and basketball,36,168 future
While none of the included studies reported adverse effects, PJT studies should include endurance performance measures as
14 of them also declined to report on participants’ previous part of basketball players’ physical fitness examinations.
experience with PJT. Moreover, none of the studies reported on
participants’ movement quality during plyometric jump drills 5. Conclusion
and progressive overload. Although the potential relationship
between movement competency and PJT progression has PJT improves various physical fitness attributes (muscle
been reported,104,107,155 along with some factors potentially power, linear and change-of-direction sprint speed, balance,
associated with the safety of PJT drills,121,156,157 conclusive and muscle strength) in basketball players, independent of sex,
evidence is still lacking. There is also a lack of clear cut-off val- age, or PJT program variables. However, it seems that older
ues for the prescription and progression of PJT158 and for the players are more responsive than younger players are to the
use of adequate markers of PJT intensity.98,102,159 To improve beneficial effects of PJT on certain physical fitness variables,
physical fitness attributes in basketball players, and to reduce including horizontal jump distance, linear sprint time across
any adverse effects that could result from PJT programs, the distances >10 m, and change-of-direction performance time
aforementioned issues should be investigated further. across distances of 40 m.

Authors’ contributions
4.8. Limitations
All authors made significant contributions in the preparation
Some potential limitations of this meta-analysis should of the first draft of the manuscript, by participating in the process
be acknowledged. First, additional analyses regarding PJT fre- of interpreting data, and by providing meaningful revision and
quency, duration, and total sessions were not always possible feedback. RCC participated in the processing of collecting and
because in some cases there were fewer than 3 studies available analyzing data; AGH participated in the processing of collecting
for at least one of the moderators. This limitation was also data. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript,
apparent with respect to PJT intensity, which was not clearly and agree with the order of presentation of the authors.
reported in 12 of the studies. Second, even though the included
studies did not specify any adverse events associated with the Competing interests
PJT interventions, it remains unclear whether there was an
attempt by the researchers to comprehensively record all possi- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
ble negative responses. Therefore, to expand our knowledge on
the safety of this form of training, future studies are encouraged Supplementary materials
to be fully transparent regarding any injuries, pain, or other Supplementary materials associated with this article can be
adverse effects that occur as a result of PJT. Thirdly, although found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.jshs.2020.12.005.
28 of the 32 included studies were classified as moderate to
high quality, 22 of the studies failed to score more than 5 points
on the PEDro scale, and only 6 were ultimately deemed high
quality. Previous systematic reviews that focus on PJT and use 1. Simenz CJ, Dugan CA, Ebben WP. Strength and conditioning practices
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(This research gap is a common one in resistance training stud- 4. Scanlan AT, Dascombe BJ, Kidcaff AP, Peucker JL, Dalbo VJ. Gender-
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Plyometric jump training in basketball 667

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