Moderation of Feb-May 2024

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7TH / MAY/2024
1) Opening prayer
2) Communication from the chair (Dean SoE)
3) Consideration of available examinations for moderation
4) Reactions from members
5) Closing prayer

1) Dr. Beinomugisha Peninah
2) Mr. Nkugwa Asuman
3) Mr. Kiberu Amuru

Minute 01/10/2023 opening prayer: The prayer was led by Kiberu Amuru.

Minute 02/10/2023: communication from the chair (Dean School of Education)

The chairperson welcomed members present, and he commended members for their participation in
teaching students and appreciated them for the work done. He informed members that the timetable
and workload should be followed. She called upon members present to obtain the approved
curriculum and adhere to it strictly. The chairperson also called upon members to give out course
outlines to students for each unit taught. She informed members that a monitoring tool was provided
showing the number of course units a lecturer is handling and that each lecturer should endeavour to
get one. She reminded members that course work marks should be submitted a month before exams
are done. She ended her communication by informing members that all examination papers shall be
subject to internal moderation and after they will be forwarded to the external examiners for
Minute 03/10/2023: Consideration of available examination papers for
Examinations form an essential part of quality teaching and learning. This is because it
is through a quality examination process that lecturers can know the effectiveness of
their lecturing strategies as well as the extent to which students have understood
content taught.

Moderation of the available examination papers begun with establishment of how

much examination has been received by the examination department. It was realized
that the examinations available were very few and couldn’t allow the moderation
exercise to take shape.

The Coordinator School of education presented the examination paper to members for
moderation. 20 papers were moderated by the members present. These papers were set by
different lecturers from different campuses and all were considered during the process of

Minute 04/10/2023; Reactions and Way Forward

The coordinator argued the members to give students coursework in time and mark it in time and
submit it to examination department and also enforce students especially the lazy ones to do the
course work in order to curb the problem of getting retakes by students.
The coordinator also stressed that we shall have the departmental meeting at the beginning and the
end of every semester by all departmental members.
Members present also agreed whatever was discussed in the meeting. The coordinator thanked
members for the good deliberations and wished them well.
Minute 05/10/2023 closing prayer:

The closing prayer was recited by Mr. Nkugwa Asuman, who prayed for safe journey
of members back home.

Chairperson Secretary

Dr. Beinomugisha Peninah Mr. Nkugwa Asuman

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