On Page SEO

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) URL Structure: Includin g search engine friendly URLs for each of

your pages is highly recomm ended, as these bring better crawling.
Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results;
however that is not the only factor. URLs that include targeted
keywords also perform better. The location of these keywords can
also be a major influence: For example, site.com/keyword would
perform better than site.corn/365/738/subfolder/keyword etc.
' .

5) Body Tags (Hl, H2, H3, H4, etc.): When writing your articles, you
should break up your content into _smaller sections & paragraphs to
make it easier for people to read. These sections can- be given
heading, which is where H ~, H2, H3, _H4, etc_. tags are used.
. . . . .

Generally Hl tags are r~served fo~ your main page title, with
subsequent headings (just like the ones I have us~d thro~ghout this
post) being issued H2, H3, etc:· Search engines_- use these to
determine what is important within your content.. This is why
keyword rich· h~adlines are more useful th"im.., generic ones. Make
sure. you write keyword rich headings i~ the order of priority ~n HI,
H2 and H3 title tags. They . are used by_ many crawlers to
differenti_ate import~ ~ cont~nt. .
' •

6) Keywor d Density: Including ~elevant keywords througho ut your

content is very important, :as it helps se~ch engines work out what
your content is about. However, try no_t to excessiv ely repeat and
overuse keyword s just for search engine robots. This can lead to
your site being banned from ~earch engines~_ To avoid this, try to
. keep.you r keyword density to roughly 2-5%. If you find this hard,
get out a thesaurus and broaden your,.. ~riting vocabulary. This
_ way, you are -still writing ·about the same thing, without risk of
being banned.
7) Image S~O: Using images within your content 'is- a great way to
make your site more visually appealing and break up boring chunks .
of text.. You can utilise these images to help improve your site SEO.
All your uploaded images have titles, so treat them just the same as
your page titles. Including relevant keywords. can help people fmd
your site when searching, on Google Images. You can also include
Alt Text and Descriptions for your images, making them even more
useful with SEO. 1

. . .

8) Internal Linking: People often·think that the only links that count
are those from other websites. While these links are important, these
are not the only important' links. Placing links to your other website
pages, is a great way -of improving your site and used properly,
internal links can be a useful w<?apon in your SEO arsenal: ·on Page SE O
es those techniques
As the term suggests, on pag e opt imi sat ion includ
e optimisation relate
that can be don e on the pag es of a website. On pag
tho se thin gs tha t are wit hin com pan y's con tro l - i.e. the content of
their website.
eng ine crawlers read
On pag e optimisation. techniques hel p the search
qual_ity and will result
the we....bsite content. A rea dab le site helps to sho w
in higher ran ked we b pages. It includes:
mo st imp ort ant SEO
1). Page Titles: Yo ur pag e titles are one of the
ts sho uld haye its
factors on you r site. Eac h of you r pag es and pos
rds for tha t page.
_ ow n unique title, wh ich includes the ma in key wo
· For example, you cou ld write a blo g pos t abo ut a new
lly imp ort ant that
cake recipe tha t you hav e tried. It is therefore vita
pos t title, perhaps
you include 'Ch oco late Ca ke Re cip e' within you r
Ca ke Rec ipe for
"Easy Chocolate Cak e Rec ipe " or "Ch oco late
es for Chocolate
kids", etc. This way, wh ene ver som eon e sea rch
bet ter chance of
Cake Recipes in a search engine, you r pos t has a
rds .
showing up because you hav e inc lud ed those key wo
to inc lud e Ivleta
2) Meta De~criptions: Ma ny peo ple for get
are an impo11ant
descriptions for their pages. The se descriptions
t, as these ar~
place to include relevant keywords for you r' coilten
used within the search results wh en you r pag e is list
ke Recipe·
For example, if we con.tinue to use the· 'Ch oco late Ca
e would include:
examp]e~ then a goo d Me ta description for· tha t pag
y chocolate cake
. tho~e ~ey wo r~ •and related ones. So, "Th is eas
ng, chocoh1~Y
recipe 18 posstb!,Y the most, deli~ious, mo uth -wa teri
to use, as it 15
cake_ eve r made. would be a .great Me ta description
c keywords.
relatively short, whilst containing a num ber of spe cifi
3 inc lud e a set of
) Meta Tai?: For each of you r pages, you can
rd all the relevant
~eywo s m the fon n of Me ta tags. Th ese sho uld be
ey~ o s of your content, which you wil l hav e researched
previously. · ..

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