BankNotes June 2023

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BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter

June 2023
June 2023

The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter


Bankruptcy? There is an Alternative. A New
• Bankruptcy? There Is an
Role For Privatized Banking - Part Two Alternative. A New Role
I published this article in December 2010—right at the time that for Privatized Banking -
Bankruptcies were at an all-time peek for Americans as well as
Part Two
However, even today in 2023, the filing process, except for a few • Continuing to Ponder
things, remains the same. But knowing the differences according to and Ruminate
the Bankruptcy code in America and also Canada, is important to
understand, especially if you are interested in getting into a lucrative
Therefore this article is worth reading once more.
If you are an IBC practitioner that truly understands how these
policies function, the current environment creates an ideal situation
for you to make the safest loans you can possibly make to small
businesses that need cash. Look into becoming what I did for years
- a Debtor in Possession, otherwise know as DIP Financing. [In this
article an IBC practitioner is a reference to a layperson practicing
IBC, not to be confused with an Authorized IBC Practitioner.]
L. Carlos Lara
Many businesses file for bankruptcy unnecessarily, often for
the wrong reasons. Business owners frequently seek bankruptcy
protection believing in an outcome that rarely ever materializes. But
it is the statistics that tell the real story; most businesses that file a
petition for bankruptcy rarely emerge out of the ordeal. Less than
10% of large companies survive, while smaller companies hardly
ever do. With that kind of track record, bankruptcy can be said to be a
2957 Old Rocky Ridge Road
one-way street with a dead-end.1.
Birmingham, Alabama 35243
As the recession deepens, more businesses are expected to file BankNotes archives:
for bankruptcy in 2011. When interest rates finally spike, we can
expect an avalanche of businesses to go bankrupt. This will include Founder - R. Nelson Nash
thousands of “mom and pop” establishments as well as billion
Editor - David Stearns
dollar concerns. Although many businesses will be shuttered, and
unsecured creditors will suffer untold losses, others will make

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023
millions. Winners in this financial drama are usually being paid back in full, the relationships fostered
bankruptcy attorneys, bankruptcy trustees, and DIP by these programs are much more co-operative
(Debtor in Possession) financing firms. The more and resemble joint ventures. An experienced
assets involved in these bankruptcy cases, the bigger specialist will be skilled in tying the willing parties
the gains for these special groups. This should come together into a formalized plan. He is aware that
as no big surprise in that bankruptcy is, and always trade creditors routinely face this type of problem
has been, big business. Unfortunately, it rarely with many of their accounts. Economic downturns
benefits the businesses using bankruptcy protection and undercapitalization issues arise regularly. As
to obtain the financial relief they seek. The good suppliers, their distribution channels are limited;
news, however, is that there is an alternative method they cannot afford to lose any of them. But at the
that businesses can use; bankruptcy can be avoided same time, they can’t continue to ship products to
altogether. Using this second route, a financially a business that is overextended in credit. For this
distressed business can survive and thrive once reason, they are eager to explore solutions that
again.2. can help them maintain those valuable distribution
In part one of this article we learned that the channels without further exposing their company
alternative to bankruptcy is known as an “Informal to a serious loss, even bankruptcy. The informal
Reorganization.” This strategy involves a business reorganization presented by the workout specialist
workout that is accomplished totally outside of often is exactly the right formula. Even though
the bankruptcy courtrooms. In other words, it these programs will invariably result in long- term
is a process that does not require the filing of a payouts to trade suppliers, the options are better
bankruptcy petition at all. Unlike bankruptcy than bankruptcy. Of course, the range of strategy
proceedings, in this method the business owner styles used in these programs varies from specialist
meets with all of its creditors “informally” and works to specialist and is often determined by the type of
out its business problems utilizing the services of an business and/ or its products. However, the timely
experienced workout specialist. It is the specialist payments for the “new credit” to be extended are
who communicates with all the creditors, develops what ultimately make the difference on whether or
the reorganization plan, and prepares the formalized not an informal reorganization will be successful.
agreements so that all parties can resume business as This is all to say that “new credit,” whether in the
usual. Of course, the key ingredient to this strategy form of a loan or merchandise extended on time, is
is new money. This new money can be either in the always treated as a protected and immediate payment
form of cash (a loan), or through increased cash flow priority.
by the conversion of short- term liabilities into long- The IBC Practitioner as a Financing Entity
term liabilities, or a combination of both. Just as
important, if not more so, is the re-opening of credit As most IBC practitioners know, the Infinite
lines for the business. Here again, the specialist is Banking Concept is truly infinite. There are
capable of brokering and providing these resources, unlimited ways to use IBC, but more often than not,
and can include loans that are structured in much the the IBC practitioner, when making loans, typically
same way as DIP loans in bankruptcy. (See Part One makes them to himself. He acts as a lender and
of this article) 3. borrower at the same time. The idea of lending to
third parties is seldom done, unless it is to ones own
These informal reorganization services are highly corporation. New privatized banking ideas for the
specialized and sometimes difficult to engage, but IBC practitioner are still rare. For this reason, one
they are much more effective in rehabilitating a of the main subjects of this article is to present the
business in crisis. They are also much less expensive idea that an IBC practitioner can lend to a business
and since all creditors are working ultimately toward that is reorganizing informally. Hopefully, this

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023

suggestion will expand lending possibilities to all How It Works

IBC practitioners, and introduce a surprisingly
1. The supplier (or, for example, the IBC Lender),
safe loan that they can extend while achieving
the business owner and the workout specialist,
spectacular returns. As IBC practitioners know, the
acting as a special third party agent, execute a series
key to the IBC practice is to pay back the policy
of legal documents and forms that establish the
loan with regular installment payments, and to do so
program. One of those documents creates a legal
with extra interest payments. This is at the heart of
trust for the benefit of the supplier (the IBC Lender).
the IBC concept. It is what Nelson Nash continually
The workout specialist, as special agent, acts as
emphasizes and what Bob and I wrote about in our
trustee for this trust.
book, How Privatized Banking Really Works. In this
article, the IBC practitioner will be thrilled to learn 2. The supplier ships new merchandise to the
that lending to a business that is structured as an business owner under the program. (The IBC
informal reorganization will accomplish exactly that Lender provides $25,000 for the purchase of certain
and much more. merchandise crucial for sales). This certain supplier
product is specially identified as “Trust Inventory”
In order to begin to grasp the feasibility of these
when shipped and received into the business (The
loans, it is important to remember that businesses
identity of the Trust Inventory is invisible to the
in the United States are predominately small
business’ customers). On a daily or weekly basis,
businesses. Therefore, it stands to reason that these
all proceeds from the sales of the Trust Inventory
programs are for the most part put together for
(including the business owner’s profit) are placed
small business owners. The loans we reference can
into a special bank account owned by the trust. On
be as small as $25,000, $50,000 or $150,000. Most
a weekly basis, the trustee distributes from this trust
certainly most loans will rarely exceed $1 million.
account, in order of priority: (a) the amount owed to
This is predominately small business lending and
the supplier (IBC Lender) for the sold products and
the market for these loans is growing exponentially.
(b) the business owner’s profit, less (i) certain fees
In an environment in which traditional banks have
and expenses associated with the implementation
sharply curtailed their lending to businesses, the IBC
and management of the Program and (ii) a specified
practitioner now has an even greater opportunity
reserve for the handling of shortages.
to profit by exercising his “privatized banking”
skills in this unique area. Furthermore, it is highly 3. As Trust Inventory is sold and paid for, more
possible that the IBC practitioner will now be able to inventories can be purchased and shipped at the
foresee potential cases in the making as he interacts supplier’s (IBC Lender) discretion, and the process
with clients. Not only will he be able to steer these repeats itself until: (a) the business owner has paid
business owners toward getting the assistance they off all of its debts and re-established his credit or (b)
need, but can also position himself as a lender as the supplier (the IBC Lender) unilaterally chooses to
the case unfolds. Obviously, understanding the terminate the Program.
mechanics is first and foremost. The following
example is representative of one of several strategies
Why the Program Works
that can be used, and demonstrates the potential for The program works for two important reasons.
these types of loans, always keeping in mind that First, the legal documents signed in connection
there are thousands of different types of business and with the Program ensure that the supplier (the IBC
products in our economy. One can only imagine the Lender) retains legal title to the Trust Inventory
possibilities. at all times. Only when a sale is made does title
pass to the consumer, and at that time, legal title
to the sale proceeds passes directly to the supplier 3
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023
(the IBC Lender). These proceeds are held “in audits, and provides periodic reports to the supplier
trust” for the benefit of the supplier (the IBC (the IBC Lender). If there is ever a shortage,
Lender), reconciled in the “trust account”, then discrepancy or other problem, he is there to address
ultimately paid to the supplier (the IBC Lender). it. At the same time, he may also assist the business
At no point in the process does the business owner owner with sales efforts and provide professional
get title to the Trust Inventory or its proceeds. So, financial guidance, marketing and consulting advice.
in a bankruptcy scenario, if the situation should
inadvertently happen, the Trust Inventory at the Flexibility and Benefits
business owner’s place(s) of business, including any This type of strategy is extremely flexible. It can
proceeds of the Trust Inventory sales, are excluded be used in virtually any type of product business.
from the bankruptcy estate. The Trust Inventory, With certain adjustments, it can even work with
or its proceeds are, therefore, recoverable by the service businesses. It can be used as a temporary
supplier (the IBC Lender), or they continue to sell in method for reestablishing credit, or as a permanent
bankruptcy uninterrupted and paid according to the way of supplying businesses. Alternatively, reserve
trust agreements. While most agreements become amounts can be used to pay past due invoices while
null and void in bankruptcy, trust agreements do not. regular inventory orders continue to ship under the
The “identifiability” of the Trust Inventory as program. Any number of variations or alternatives
distinct from the business owner’s other inventory for structuring is possible.
is of critical importance to the program. Typically, And, what about profits to the IBC Lender?
the business owner’s primary lender has a blanket Well, here again, we need to use our imagination
lien on all of the assets of the business, including and our common business sense. Keep in mind
its inventory. Under normal circumstances, a that businesses have numerous products in their
supplier who ships product to a business who then inventories all depending on the nature of their
files bankruptcy, has, in essence, provided the business. In the above example we could be speaking
bank with additional collateral to secure its loan. of automobile tires, boots, dresses, books, jewelry,
But, with this strategy properly implemented, the in fact, the amount of products in an economy such
supplier (the IBC Lender) keeps its money and as ours can stagger the imagination. We can even
merchandise products out of the bankrupt estate of imagine cans of peas, as Nelson Nash writes about
the business. Furthermore, the business owner’s in his book, Becoming Your Own Banker. The most
bank will quickly recognize that this new capital in important thing to recognize is that each product has
the form of additional inventory, even if it does not its own profit margins and each product has a certain
become a part of the bank’s collateral, will assist inventory turnover rate. For example, some products
in keeping its borrower out of bankruptcy and on work off of a 20-25% profit margin while others are
the road to financial recovery. This is what makes as high as 50 to 75%, or more. Additionally, one
bank negotiators very receptive to an informal product may turnover in sales twice a year while
reorganization. Additionally, trade suppliers are others may turnover 10 to 20 times per year. If we
pleased to be able to resume shipments to the imagine the same $25,000 loan turning over this
business almost immediately under this formula. many times in one year, alongside a high profit
margin, we start to get the picture of the enormous
The second reason this strategy works is because,
returns possible. And don’t forget, the payments to
in addition to the duties as trustee, the workout
the IBC Lender, are weekly installments!
specialist acts as a “watchdog” for the supplier (the
IBC Lender) as well as all other trade suppliers But doesn’t the bulk of the profit have to go to
working inside this program. He reconciles the business owner? I.e., if he is going to stay in
shipments, inventories and sales, performs inventory business, doesn’t he have to be siphoning off income

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023
from these sales too? the business.
The answer, of course, is an absolute yes. In order As new shipments resume, the business moves
to grasp the profitability of the IBC loan, we need toward profitability. Creditor A sells it product
to remember that this new money will be used to to the business at $50 per item at wholesale. The
purchase only one product line, or perhaps a few. product is known to sell out quickly because it is
This is in contrast to hundreds, maybe thousands of a recognizable brand. Alternatively, the product is
other products within the owner’s business. Each crucial to the owner’s business. Without this brand
product line has its own cost, its own turnover in stock customers would go elsewhere to buy it.
rate, and its own mark-up. Make no mistake; the Additionally, it is a profitable product because the
business owner profits fully from the sales of all of owner sells it to the consumer at $100. As we can
these other products so long as the trade creditors/ see, there is a $50 spread between the cost of the
suppliers become a party to this new strategy and its item and its selling price.
agreements. While a 100% acceptance to such a plan
With this additional information to our example we
is rare, 75% is common. Generally, it is the major
are now ready to examine the profitability of the
trade suppliers who accept the plan unanimously.
IBC loan again. We must recognize that in the real
What we must emphasize again is that it is this
world of credit, not all trade creditors/suppliers will
strategy, its protections and priority payments, which
ship new product regardless of how much safety
ultimately re-open the credit lines. This new credit
and promptness of payment is offered. Right away
becomes the largest infusion of new money and the
we detect the need for an IBC loan. The money
key to the business’s long-term profitability.
from the loan will be used to purchase the unwilling
For example, Creditor A (one of 300 other trade supplier’s product. When the cash is converted to
suppliers of the business) is owed $100,000 and the the product it is specially coded as Trust Inventory
invoices are past due. This receivable is unsecured and the IBC Lender takes the place of the supplier
and the inventory it represents is now a part of the on the shelf or sales floor. As sales on this product
bank’s collateral. In effect, Creditor A is stuck in a materialize, the IBC Lender is paid accordingly, but
precarious situation. This is the main reason he has he is paid at a premium price simply because of the
cut off shipments to the business. All other trade nature of the transaction. It is not unusual for the
suppliers of the business took similar action since business owner to give up all of his profit in special
each is also owed past due invoices. So in essence, cases such as these, especially if the product is
it was the cutting off credit that precipitated the crucial to the business.
business owner’s financial problems. A bankruptcy
Another real-world variance is that new shipments
filing would cause Creditor A to lose $100,000. This
from suppliers will come with new credit line limits
also translates into millions in losses if the entirety
and sometimes these limits are insufficient. For
of the trade creditor debt is considered. However,
example, Creditor A is willing to extend a $25,000
with this new strategy, the new shipments do not
line of credit on it product, but the business owner
become a part of the bank’s collateral. The weekly
needs $50,000. Here again, is another need for a
disbursements made by the trustee, assure priority
loan. The IBC loan of $25,000 satisfies the need.
and superiority of payments against the actual
Since the business owner must have this product,
products sold. If this plan moves forward, Creditor
and has no other means of obtaining it, except via the
A can now convert the $100,000 receivable into a
IBC loan, then he is more than willing to part with
note and the business owner can pay it out over time.
the lion’s share of the profits. This is what makes
When all other trade suppliers convert their short-
these loans so profitable.
term debt into long-term debt in the same manner as
Creditor A, cash flow is exponentially enhanced for Workout Specialist have ready sources for specialty 5
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023
loans of this type when such needs as described in Pondering and Ruminating about
these examples arise. The IBC practitioner, if he
wants to make loans in this unique area, simply Income Taxes and Social Security
needs to be added to the specialist’s resource list. Originally Published in May 2018 By R. Nelson
Conclusion Nash

Businesses, especially small ones, should avoid The month of April has come to a close — the
bankruptcy at all costs. As we have made clear, the month that Americans have a deadline to file their
informal reorganization presents the best alternative income tax report — or get an extension to file at
for business survival. Not only should the IBC a later date. What a vast subject we have to ponder
practitioner become familiar with the strategy, but and ruminate about! How in the world did all this
offer it as an alternative solution to bankruptcy if the nonsense come to be?
problem ever arises from within his own client base. It all came from faulty fundamental assumptions.
As IBC practitioners become more familiar with the The Bible is the story of man’s relation to his maker.
mechanics of an informal reorganization, loans to It is obvious that we did not create ourselves. At
these businesses can be seriously considered. There the beginning of His ministry Jesus is teaching at
is not only safety in these loans, but they can be “The Sermon on The Mount.” (Matthew 5-7) and is
enormously profitable. In an economic environment essentially teaching us how God made us. It could be
where there are few safe places to invest one’s considered as our “owner’s manual.” When you buy
money, these programs can many times be an ideal an automobile, the manufacturer provides a Owner’s
investment. The IBC practitioner can actually wear Manual
two hats. As a financial advisor, the IBC practitioner “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate
can guide the business owner to a solution that truly and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and
works if bankruptcy seems inevitable. As a lender, many enter through it. But small is the gate and
he profits from his banking expertise while assisting narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find
the business owner in the rehabilitation of his it.” (Matthew 7:13-14).
business. “Two like minded people coming together
When you come to a fork in the road and take the
contractually to solve a common problem” 4. This is
wrong one then the only way to get to your desired
Privatized Banking.
destination is to go back to your point of error and
Bibliography get on the right one. Human beings have a built-in
1. The Los Angeles Times, article by Nathan Olivarez, http:// nature to take the wrong road. It’s because — down December 22, 2009 The Washington deep in his soul — mankind wants to be god! God is
Bureau, article by Kent Hoover, , a jealous God. He won’t put up with that behavior.
November 9, 2010
Mankind can’t get that fact straight in his brain.
2. Federal Courts, http:,
November 10, 2010, 5:47 AM Our blessings in life do not originate from
government action. Our blessings come from God
The New York Times, http
business/19dip.htm, February 8, 2009
and through peaceful interactions with one another.
‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to
3. Bankruptcy? There is an Alternative: A New Role for
one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them,
Privatized Banking- Part One, by L. C. Lara. The Lara-Murphy
Report, November 2010 you did it to Me.’ (Matthew 25:40)
4. Becoming Your Own Banker, by R. Nelson Nash Government is force! Government is coercion! All
it can legally do is restrain or inhibit wrongdoing by
evil actions of people.

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023
So why do people look to government for sustenance over sixty years ago — There Ain’t No Such Thing
and dependence? There is a tremendous element of As A Free Lunch!
dependence in the act of worship. You will worship
Yet, we are bombarded every day by advertising
that on which you are dependent. Christians say
using the word “free.” And based on observed
they worship God — but suggest that we terminate a
behavior I think there are people who actually
government program — like Social Security — and
believe this nonsense. Maybe it is an attempt to
they cannot conceive of life without it. Their actions
justify their irrational purchase of something.
and words do not correlate.
Comic strips are one of our best sources of real
So, in our pondering and ruminating how does all
education. Blondie by Chic Young is a good
this fundamental stuff apply to our subject at hand —
example. It’s late February and Tudbury’s
Income Taxes and Social Security?
Department Store is having their clearance sale.
In our country’s history there have been a few Blondie comes home from shopping and with great
instances of an income tax, but it became a enthusiasm announces that “I just bought a dress that
permanent fixture in 1913. Three horrible things was marked $100 and it was now on sale for only
occurred during that year — Income Tax — direct $50. It was such a good deal that I bought another
election of Senators – and the Federal Reserve Act. one for the same price! Dagwood, I just saved
There is no way to really understand the rationale you $100!!!” That can be classified as “Blondie
behind the idea of income tax in just a few lines. For Bumstead economics.”
the best treatise on it I encourage you to read The Extend this type of reasoning to its’ ultimate
Income Tax: Root of All Evil by Frank Chodorov. conclusion and you will see that Americans buy
This is essential knowledge for anyone who wants to things they don’t need — with money they don’t
maintain sanity. have — to impress folks they don’t know — who
And now, we come to the Federal Reserve Act. could care less.
Before we go any further, have you noticed that Another unassailable fact — Customers pay for all
politicians and government bureaucrats change the the costs incurred by a seller (plus his hoped-for
meaning of words to help preserve their “hidden margin of profit) for the goods and/or services of the
agenda?” The Federal Reserve Bank is not Federal. provider. Without customers no goods or services
There is no reserve, and it is not a bank It is a happen. One of my dear friends down through the
cartel of member private banks that have secured a years is Roland Nelson. He was an independent retail
monopoly privilege that no one else can engage in. druggist. I remember well an extended session with
There are a number of books that address this con- his employees where he was teaching them that “I’m
game, but I think the best on is The Secrets of The not your boss. Our customers are your boss. Every
Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins. This, too, is bit of your income is coming from them. Don’t ever
essential knowledge. forget it. Think about it every day!”
Lastly, there is the direct election of Senators. Before This creates the groundwork for recognizing another
this act Senators were elected by State Legislators. huge lie — Corporate Income Taxes. Corporations
States had much more power under that system. do not pay income taxes! The collect taxes in the
That’s all gone now. form of their sales price. A manufacturer of a good
Before we go any further we need to agree on a few requires labor, raw material, rent, administrative
absolutes. Otherwise you need to stop reading this personnel, sales, advertising, financial services,
article. You are wasting your valuable time. and perhaps a host of other expenses including
accounting services which estimates the corporate
TANSTAAFL. That’s an acronym that I ran across income taxes that the government will extort from 7
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023
him. He has to do all these things in order to earn the The following financial professionals joined or
hoped-for margin of profit. renewed their membership to our Authorized
There is only one way that he can recover all these Infinite Banking Concepts Practitioners team this
costs (which includes the expected income taxes month:
he will incur) and that is in the price of his finished
New Members
EVERYTHING. TANSTAAFL • Doug MacKenzie, Hudson, New Hampshire
I know this a burden on your mind to ponder such
truths and spending a lot of time on it will wear Membership Renewals
you out. I don’t want this to happen to you. This
is going to take a long time. We are going to have • Vivien Adao, Burbank, California
to recognize the lies we live with and take these
• Alan Blecker, The Villages, Florida
confrontations with truth in small doses.
• Jake Chesney, Atlanta, Georgia
So, let’s quit until next month and we will continue • Dwayne Durksen, Warman, Saskatchewan
to ponder and ruminate about taxes, income taxes
• Mary Jo Irmen, Bismarck, North Dakota
and Social Security.
• Ken Johnson, Lexington, South Carolina
• Edward Kimmel, Tallahassee, Florida
• Mark Mappa, Northbrook, Illinois
• Vernon McCarty, Calgary, Alberta
• Ty Morgan, Tampa, Florida
• Bryan Nelson, Laguna Niguel, California
• Isis Palicio, Coral Gables, Florida
Before you look for a practitioner, we suggest • Mike Ross, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
listening to the following two episodes of The Lara • Kayur Shah, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Murphy Report. • Tom Suvansri, Stamford, Connecticut
• Nancy Versoza, Union City, California
How-To Guide for Starting IBC, Part 1 How to • Gina Wells, Fenton, Michigan
begin your study of Infinite Banking, including __________________________________________
finding an Authorized Practitioner.
You can view the entire practitioner listing on our
website using the Practitioner Finder.
How-To Guide for Starting IBC, Part 2 How
to prepare for your first meeting with an Infinite IBC Practitioner’s have completed the IBC Practitioner’s
Banking Authorized Practitioner. Program and have passed the program exam to ensure
that they possess a solid foundation in the theory and
implementation of IBC, as well as an understanding
of Austrian economics and its unique insights into our
monetary and banking institutions.
The IBC Practitioner has a broad base of knowledge to
ensure a minimal level of competency in all of the areas
a financial professional needs, in order to adequately
discuss IBC with his or her clients.

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2023

This online video series for the general public provides a

comprehensive introduction to the Infinite Banking Concept.

The first four modules are free, you can view them here:
The remaining eight modules are subscription-based, costing $49.95 for all eight.

Or contact an Authorized IBC Practitioner and ask for a coupon code

that will enable you to watch all twelve modules FREE.

Module 1: Introduction to the Nelson Nash Institute

Module 2: What the Infinite Banking Concept Is
Module 3, Part 1: How IBC Works
Module 3, Part 2: Policy Loans & The Nature of Collateral
Module 3, Part 3: How to Read a Policy Illustration
Module 4: Why Nelson Calls It The Infinite Banking Concept
Module 5: The Life Insurance Industry
Module 6: Why Not Buy Term and Invest the Difference?
Module 7: Using IBC to Pass Wealth to Future Generations
Module 8: The MEC Rule and Policy Design
Module 9: Does IBC Work for Older People?
Module 10, Part 1: IBC for the Business Owner
Module 10, Part 2: IBC for the Business Owner
Module 11, Part 1: Using Your IBC Policy: Premiums, Dividends, and Policy Loans
Module 11, Part 2: Using Your IBC Policy: Premiums, Dividends, and Policy Loans
Module 12: IBC as a Way of Life

Contact an Authorized IBC Practitioner and ask for a coupon code

that will enable you to watch all twelve modules FREE.


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