Integrity Constraints (Ref: Dbms by Silbershatz and Galvin)
Integrity Constraints (Ref: Dbms by Silbershatz and Galvin)
Integrity Constraints (Ref: Dbms by Silbershatz and Galvin)
We know that unauthorized users can access the database. They can damage data in the database.
Also they can make the database inconsistent. Also a normal DBMS user can make the database in an
inconsistent state because of accident. So some restrictions should be made in the database so that the
users do not make changes to data accidentally. These restrictions are also called constraints.
Integrity constraints are intended for the normal user. These integrityt constraints ensure that
changes made to the database by authorized users do not result in a loss of data consistency. So the
integrity constraints guard against accidental damage to the database. They are a number of weays to
specify integrity constraints.
They are
Key constraints ( primary keys, foreign keys and candidate key specification)
Using ‘not null’
Using ‘check’ clause
Using assertions
Using triggers
Using functional dependencies
Domain constraints
We know that an attribute has a set of possible values associated with it.
For example in the student table
We know that the set of possible values for the attribute stdid is in the range of integers.
For attribute name the set of possible values are a group of characters.
For attribute marks the set of possible values are integers.
So these integer, character, date etc.. are called standard domain types.
Declaring an attribute to be of a particular domain acts as a constraint on the values that it can take. It is
possible for several attributes to have the same domain. For example in our student table, the domain of
stdid is same as domain of marks. That is integer. But we never say that find the name of students who
have the same stdid as a mark. It is not meaningful.
We can define new domains by using the create domain clause.
That is
create domain Dollars int ;
create domain pounds int;
Define the domains Dollars and pounds to be of integers. An attempt to assign a value of type dollars to a
variable of type Pounds would result in a syntax error although both are of the same type. But they are of
different domains.
The check clause in SQL permits domains to be restricted in powerful ways. For example if we are
creating a domain Studmarks and the condition is that the Studmarks value should not be more than 100.
we can specify thgis by
Complex check conditions can be useful when we want to ensure integrity of data.
Rerential integrity
Here we are using foreign keys. Sometimes we wish to ensure that a value that appears in one table
for a given set of attributes also appears for a certain set of attributes in another table.this condition is
called referential integrity. We can illustrate by an example.
Suppose we have a college and we have stored the details of all students in the college in the student table
and we have a library in the college that contains books. Suppose the details of all books are atored in the
books table.
Suppose there is a facility for students to access and reserve books. Suppose the college uses 2 tables to
store this reserve and accessed
suppose the students are allowed to access and reserve books. We are given that the details of all students
are in the students table and details of all books are in the books table.
Suppose the condition in the college is that only students of the college are allowed to access and reserve
books. In other words we can specify this condition as only students who are having entry in the student
table are allowed to access the books. In other words the stdid values in reserve and accessed table must
also be present in the student table.
Suppose another condition is that the students are allowed to access and reserve only those books that are
present in the college library. Or in other words we can say that the students are allowed to access and
reserve books that are present in the books table. Or in other words the bid values in the books reserve and
accessed tables must also be present in the books table .
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The above conditions or restrictions we can specify by using a foreign key clause.
That is
The tables accessed and reserved are created by
this means that for any tuples inserted in to the reserved table the value of stdid and bid must be present
in the student and books tables respectively.
Also for any tuples inserted in to the accessed table the value of stdid and bid must be present in the
student and books tables respectively.
We can also create the tables reserved and accessed by specifying a coantraint name for these foreign
keys. That is another way of creating the tables is
Stdid Name marks
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Stdid Bid Rdate
Stdid Bid Adate
Then other types of constraints are primary key constraints , unique, not null, check constraints.
For example suppose consider the table student.
In this we can see that there are 2 candidate keys. They are stdid and (branch, sem, relation). One we
assign as the primary key , one we assign as unique.
Suppose we have the constraint that the name and marks of a student should not be nil or thwere should
be a value in the marks field and also suppose that we want to ensure that the value of marks should not
be more than 100. we can ensure this by using check clause.
We can create the table by
We can give a name to all these constraints as
Create table student (
Stdid int,
Branch char(2),
Sem int,
Rn int,
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Name char(10) not null,
Marks int not null,
Constraint pk Primary key (stdid),
Constraint cdk Unique( branch, sem, Rn),
Constraint chk Check (marks<=100)
if the student table is created in this way we cannot insert two tuples that are having the same stdid values,
since stdid is declared as the primary key.
Also we cannot insert two tuples that are having the same (branch, sem, relation) values since these three
attributes together forms another key and it is declared using unique key word.
We cannot insert a tuple that is having the marks value greater than 100 since check clause is used to
restrict the marks values to be less than 100.
We have declared marks and name fields to be non null. So for each tuple that is inserted in to the table
there should be some value in the marks and name fields.
Other integrity constraints are triggers, assertions, functional dependencies. These are explained in some
other sections.
Before we discuss normalization of databases, we can see the drawbacks in the common design of
Some of the undesirable properties of bad design are
Repetition of information
Inability to represent certain information
Problems in updating values
Lossy join decomposition
We can see an example. Suppose the information related with a college is stored as
Suppose we want to add the details of a new student in to the college table.
That is student- 800, hjk, 50 to AE department.
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In our design we need a tuple with values on all attributes of college schema. Thus we must repeat
the dhod and dphone and we must add the tuple
In general, the Dhod and Dphone for a department must appear once for each student admitted to
that department.
The repetition of information is very much undesirable. Repeating information wastes space. Also
it complicates the database. Suppose the phone number of department CS changes from 23456 to 56789.
Under this design many tuples of college relation needs to be changed. So updates are very costly in this
design. When we perform update on this table, we must ensure that every tuple corresponding to CS
departnment is updated. Otherwise our table will show 2 different phone number values.
By observing this, we can say that this design of our table or database is bad.
We know that a department has a unique value of phone number, so given a department name we can
uniquely identify the phone number value.
We know that a department has many students, so given a department name we cannot uniquely
determine the stdid. In other words we can say that the functional dependency dname dphone holds on
college schema. But we cannot say that there is a functional dependency dname stdid exists.
The fact that the department has a particular value for phone no., and the fact that dept has a
student are independent, these facts can be best represented in separate tables. We will see that we can use
functional dependencies to specify formally when a database design is good.
Another problem with the college relation is that we cannot represent directly the information
related with a department ( dname, dhod, dphone) if there are no students in that department. This is
because tuples in college relation requires values for stdid, stdname, stdmarks.
One solution for this is to use null values. But these null values are difficult to handle. If we do not
want to deal with null values, we can create department information only when the first student is
admitted to that department. And if all students from that department go out, then we have to delete all
information on that department. But this situation is undesirable.
Then some other problems that can occur isupdate anomalies or problems in updates and lossy join
For example if we consider the student table
Student ( stdid, branch, name, marks, hod, deptphoneno)
Stdid Branch Name Marks Hod Deptphoneno
In this table we can see that there is repetition of information. Also we can see that there is a particular
person as hod for each branch. If all the students’ details are stored in this table we can see that if there are
100 students in each branch the hod ‘s name will be repeated 100 times. Also the department phone no
will also be repeated 100 times. Suppose the hod of a particular branch changes. Then we have to update
the hod field of each branch. If there are 100 tuples corresponding to each branch then all those tuples
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have to be updated corresponding to the hod field. This is the case with deptphoneno also. If we want to
change the phone no of a particular department, it also has to be changed for all these tuples. This is called
update anomalies.
Lossy join decomposition is another pitfall in the relational database design. This has been explained with
fourth normal form.
This is a very important concept in the relational database design. A functional dependency is a
constraint between 2 sets of attributes from the database. First we can see an example.
We are considering the student table and our assumptions are on a real world view of the student.
We can see that the keys or candidate keys of the table are stdid and (branch, sem, rn). We know
that a key means for each tuple the value of the key attribute or column should be distinct. For example
stdid, for each row or tuple in the student table, stdid value should be different. Then the key (branch,
sem, rn). In this case also the 3 values for these three attributes taken together are distinct for each tuple or
row. That is these groups of 3 values are distinct for each tuple or row.
branch sem rn
cs 3 1
cs 3 2
cs 3 3
cs 5 1
cs 5 2
ec 3 1
ec 3 2
ec 3 3
ec 5 1
ec 5 2
we can see that the key values are distinct for each row.
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If we say
Stdid marks
This is called a functional dependency. That is stdid functionally determines marks.
Suppose in the above table the values for the attributes are
Stdid marks
100 80
101 85
102 70
103 70
104 85
108 70
109 80
Any way ‘stdid’ values are different for each row since it is a candidate key. In this we can see that
for each ‘stdid’ value, there is a unique ‘marks’ value. It means if the ‘stdid’ is 102, its corresponding
‘marks’ value is always 70 in this student table. This means that the value of the ‘marks’ attribute of a
tuple in student depend on or are determined by the values of the ‘stdid’ component or we can say that the
values of the ‘stdid’ component of a tuple uniquely (functionally) determines the values of the ‘marks’
attribute. We can say that there is a functional dependency from ‘stdid’ to ‘marks’ or that ‘marks’ is
functionally dependent on ‘stdid’. The attribute ‘stdid’ is called the left hand side of the FD and ‘marks’
is called the right hand side.
We can see that this is correct. We have written the above sets because stdid is a key attribute.
Cs 3 1 50
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Cs 3 2 60
Cs 3 3 70
Cs 3 4 50
Ec 3 1 50
Ec 3 2 20
Ec 3 3 30
Or together
Branch, sem, rn stdid, sname, marks, hod, grade
Since these 2 attributes are keys for student, we have written these 2 functional dependencies.
For example
100 cs abc
101 cs abc
103 cs abc
104 cs abc
101 ec bcd
103 ec bcd
105 cs abc
104 ec bcd
if we think, we can find that for each branch there is only one hod or for each value of
branch there is a unique hod.
We can write as
Branch hod
Then if we take marks and grade, suppose the mark is 80. suppose the grade is A for mark
80 and above. We can see that whenever mark 80 comes grade will be A.
So for each value of mark there is a unique grade.
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100 50 D
101 80 A
102 85 A
103 50 D
104 60 C
105 75 B
106 60 C
so we can write
marks grade
so we can say that the following functional dependencies hold in the student relation.
Branch hod
Marks grade
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This means that the values of Y component of a tuple in r depend on or are determined by the
values of the X component. . Or in other words, the values of X component of a tuple uniquely or
functionally determine the values of the Y component.
We are saying that there is a functional dependency from X to Y or that Y is functionally
dependent on X. the abbreviation for functional dependency is FD. The set of attributes X is called left
hand side of FD, and Y is called right hand side of FD.
A functional dependency is a property of the relation schema R, not of a particular relation state r
of R. So an FD cannot be automatically determined from a given relation but it must be explicitly defined
by someone who knows the meaning or semantics of the columns of relation R.
For example
The FD s are A B
These two are non trivial functional dependencies.
We can also write
A, B B
A, B, C A, C
These are trivial functional dependencies because RHS is a subset of LHS.
1. Reflexive rule
If Y X, then X Y,(if Y is subset of X then X determines Y)
3. Transitive rule
X Y, Y Z , we can infer X Z
4. Decomposition rule
X YZ , we can infer X Y, X Z
5. union rule
X Y, X Z we can infer X YZ
6. pseudotransitive rule
X Y, WY Z we can infer WX Z
Step 2 :Add the attribute s which are present on the RHS in the functional dependency
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Step 2:With the help of attributes present on RHS ,check the other attribute that can be derived
from the other given functional dependancies. Repeat this process until all the possible
attributes which can be derived are added I the closure
Ex 2:
R(A,B,C) FD are AB, B C, ABC
Super Key
If the closure result of an attribute set contains all the attributes of the relation ,then that
attribute set is called as a superkey of that relation
Thus we can say
The closure of a super key is the entire relation schema
For example from the above example A is a super key,but if we need to find closure of BC
then it is not a super key as A will not get (should get all the attribute then it’s a superkey)
Candidate Key
If there is no subset of an attribute set whose closure contains all the attribute of the relation ,then
that attribute set is called as a candidate key of that relation .
For example
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No subset of attribute A contains all the attribute of the relation
Thus, attribute A is also a candidate key for that relation
(If AC is a super key and A itself also a super key not a candidate key)A itself act as a super
key (minimal super key)
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The normal forms or normalization process was first proposed by Codd. It takes a relation schema
or a set of tables through a series of tests and it checks whether the database satisfies a certain normal
form. Codd proposed 3 normal forms.
Then a modification to the third normal form was proposed. That is called
Prime attribute
An attribute of relation schema R is called a prime attribute if it is a member of some candidate key
of R. an attribute is called non-prime if it is not a prime attribute- that is it is not a member of some any
candidate key.
For example
‘Branch’ is a prime attribute because it is a member of the candidate key ( branch, sem, rn).
Like wise ‘sem’ is a prime attribute.
‘Stdid’ is a prime attribute because it is itself a candidate key.
‘Marks’ is not a prime attribute.
Also ‘sname’ is not a prime attribute.
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In this relation we can see there are 3 tuples. But there is a composite attribute ‘saddress’ having
three fields, ‘ house no, city and state ‘.
Then we can see a multivalued attribute ‘phoneno’. We can see that student 102 has 2 phones. 103
has 3 phones.
According to 1NF, all these multivalued and composite attributes are not allowed.
We have to find a way to to normalize this schema to first normal form.
First we are solving the problem caused by multi valued attributes, here phoneno.
We are removing the attribute ‘phoneno’ and place it in a separate table or relation along with the primary
key of student that is ‘stdid’.
Then we get
Student1 ( stdid, sname, saddress)
Std_phone ( stdid, phoneno)
Here the
primary key of student1 is ‘stdid’ and
Primary key of std_phone is (stdid, phoneno )
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Stdid Phoneno
100 567890
102 564476
102 234789
105 123245
105 367840
105 300898
Then next we have to deal with composite attributes . we can expand the ‘saddress’ to 3 attributes
as ‘add_house’, ‘add_city’, ‘add_state’. The nthe relations will be
Stdid Phoneno
100 567890
102 564476
102 234789
105 123245
105 367840
105 300898
We can see that student1A and std_phone are in first normal form (1NF).
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A relation schema or a table, R is in second normal form, if every non prime attribute A in R is fully
functionally dependent on the primary key of R. it should be in 1NF
For example
Student (stdid, branch, sem, rn, name, marks, hod)
We know that the following FD’s are correct for this table.
In FD2, if we remove the attribute sem from the LHS or X part, we can see the
Branch, rn does not functionally determine stdid, name, marks, hod. This is the case if we remove branch
and rn. So this FD2 is called a full functional dependency.
In FD3, if we remove the attribute sem and rn we cn see that the FD still holds.
That is branch hod is also a functuional dependency. So this FD3 is a partial functional dependency.
For example
Student1 (stdid,branch, sem, rn, name, hod, marks, grade )
We can see that the student1 relation is not in second normal form, because of FD3. that is
Branch hod
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It violates 2NF because the non prime attribute hod is partially dependent on the candidate key (branch,
sem, rn ).
This is a partial functional dependency because
Branch, sem, rn hod. (if we remove the attribute sem, rn then also the FD holds).
Other non prime attributes are name, marks,grade. They are fully functionally dependent on the keys.
Stdid name
Branch, sem, rn name
Stdid marks
Branch, sem, rn marks
Stdid grade
Branch, sem, rn grade
Grade marks does not violate 2NF, because grade is not a prime attribute.
Branch Hod
3NF is based on the concept of transitive dependency. Transitive dependencies are not allowed in
Transitive dependency means, if in a relation or a table if XY and YZ hold, then X Z is also
a functional dependency that holds on R. Here X, Y, Z are attributes of the table and also Y should not be
a candidate key or a subset of any key (prime attribute) of the table should be in 2NF
we can see this by an example.
Fd3 StdidGrade
A relation R is said to be in 3NF, if R is in 2NF and also no non prime attribute of R is transitively
dependent on the key of R.
The above relation schema student3 is in 2NF, since there are no partial dependencies on a key exists. But
it is not in 3NF because of the transitive dependency stdid grade via e ‘marks’.
We can normalize student3 by decomposing it in to two 3NF relation schemas,
Student3A and student3B as follows.
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Stdid Branch Sem Rn Name Marks Grade
Marks Grade
Example 2:
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We can see that the above schema is not in 3NF because the transitive dependency, but it is in 2NF.
Ename Ssn Bdate Address Dnumber
A relation schema R is in 2NF, if every non prime attribute A in R is not partially dependent on
any key of R. we can see an example.
Propertyid Countyname Lot Area Price Taxrate
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We can see that the LOTS schema violates the general definition of 3NF because ‘tax rate’ is
partially dependent on the candidate key (county name, lot) due to FD3.
To normalize LOTS in to 2NF, we decompose it in to 2 relations, Lots1 and Lots2. we construct
Lots1 by removing the attribute tax rate that violates 2NF and placing it with county name (the LHS of
FD3 that causes partial dependency) in to another relation Lots2. both Lots1 and Lots2 are in 2NF. We
can see that FD4 does not violate 2NF.
If any of these conditions hold we can say that the relation schema is in 3NF.
Propertyid Countyname Lot Area Price Taxrate
According to this LOTS is not in 3NF, because FD3 and FD4 violates the conditions.
But in FD3
County name taxrate
County name itself is not a super key and also tax rate is not a prime attribute.
Also in FD4
Area price
Area is not a super key and also price is not a prime attribute.
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Area Price
We can see that all the above relations LOTS2, LOTS1A, LOTS1B are in 3NF.
A relation schema R is in 3N if every non prime attribute of R meets the following conditions .
It is fully functionally dependent on every key of R.
It is non transitively dependent on every key of R.
It was first proposed as a simpler form of 3NF, but it was founf to be stricter than 3NF. This is
because every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF. However a relation in 3NF may not be in BCNF.
A relation schema R is in BCNF if whenever a non trivial functional dependency X A
holds in R, then X is a superkey of R. the only difference between BCNF and 3NF is that the
condition (b) of 3NF (which allows A to be prime) is absent from BCNF.
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Here we can see that the relation Lots1A is not in BCNF, but it is in 3NF.
FD5 violates BCNF because area is not a superkey.Fd1 and Fd2 satisfies BCNF because the LHS are
super keys.
So we remove the attribute (county name) and place it in another relation.
Area Countyname
Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF. Every relation in 3NF may not necessarily be in BCNF.
For example
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Here the relation R is in 3NF. But we can see that it is not in BCNF because C is not a super key of R.
This is not in 2NF because in fd2, fd3, there is partial functional dependency. So we remove attributes D,
E, F. but we can see
So we have to remove I, J
So we have to remove G, H.
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The above relations R1, R2, R3 are in 2NF because there are no partial functional dependencies
and also it is in 1NF.
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Fd5 ( D I, J) is not in 3NF because D is not a super key and also D is not a prime attribute.
Fd4 is not in 3NF beause F is not a super key and also F is not a prime attribute.
We decompose it into 2 relations. R3A, and R3B.
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Numerical Questions:
Solution: The minimal cover for the given functional dependencies is:
A -> B
B -> D
C -> D
Determine if the relation R is in Second Normal Form (2NF) and Third Normal Form (3NF).
Solution: The relation R is in 2NF but not in 3NF because C is transitively dependent on the candidate key AB. To
bring R into 3NF, it needs to be decomposed into two relations: R1(AB, C) and R2(C, D).
Decompose the relation R into Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) while preserving dependencies. Show
the resulting decomposed relations.
Solution: The relation R is already in BCNF since all the functional dependencies are either superkeys or candidate
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