Modeling and Simulation of The Furn

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Damian Kolny1, Ewa Kaczmar-Kolny2, Ľuboslav Dulina3

DOI: 10.7862/tiam.2023.1.2





The article describes issues related to creating discrete simulation models for the implementation of the furniture manufacturing and
assembly process in a furniture company. The methodology of the manufacturing system analysis was presented, which is aimed to support
the appropriate approach to the construction of simulation models. The scope of the work includes the technological identification of the
furniture manufacturing and assembly process in real production conditions, on the basis of which the appropriate simulation model was
built. The course of the process was analyzed in the Arena software on the basis of a computer simulation based on reports. As a result of the
simulation of the manufacturing process with the use of information from report of usage, an area for improvement was located. The
re-analysis of the material flow made it possible to propose a change in the input parameters for the simulation model in the indicated area.
The results of the second simulation show significant changes in the effective use of workstations and increase in the efficiency of the
production line. In practice, it can be the basis for introducing simulated changes in the production system.
Keywords: manufacturing system, modeling, simulation, production, assembly, process improvement

W artykule opisano zagadnienia związane z tworzeniem dyskretnych modeli symulacyjnych dla realizacji procesu wytwarzania
i montażu mebli w przedsiębiorstwie branży meblarskiej. Przedstawiono metodykę analizy systemu wytwarzania, która ma za zadanie
wspierać właściwe podejście dla budowy modeli symulacyjnych. Zakresem praca obejmuje identyfikację technologiczną procesu
wytwarzania i montażu mebli w rzeczywistych warunkach produkcyjnych, w oparciu o którą zbudowano właściwy model symulacyjny na
przykładzie procesu wytwarzania w rzeczywistych warunkach produkcyjnych. Analizę przebiegu procesu na podstawie symulacji
komputerowej w oparciu o raporty przeprowadzono w oprogramowaniu Arena. W wyniku przeprowadzonej symulacji procesu wytwarzania
z wykorzystaniem informacji z raportu obciążeń stanowiskowych zlokalizowano obszar do doskonalenia. Powtórna analiza przepływu
materiałowego pozwoliła zaproponować zmianę parametrów wejściowych dla modelu symulacyjnego we wskazanym obszarze. Wyniki
drugiej symulacji wskazują istotne zmiany w zakresie efektywnego wykorzystania stanowisk pracy oraz zwiększenia wydajności linii
produkcyjnej. W praktyce może to stanowić podstawę do wprowadzenia symulowanych zmian w omawianym systemie produkcyjnym.
Słowa kluczowe: system produkcyjny, modelowanie, symulacja, produkcja, montaż, usprawnianie procesu

1. Introduction ensure flexibility, the ability to dynamically respond to

changes and operate effectively [14]. From the current
When searching for products, customers tend to point of view, technological progress can be divided
focus on finding both cheap and high-quality items. into forth main eras in history, which are characterized
However, the criteria that determine the value of low by revolutionary solutions in a given period of time –
price and high-quality are changing over time and from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 [15]. However, more
becoming increasingly stringent [15]. Therefore, in and more publications also describe the fifth
order to remain competitive, manufacturers need to revolution – Industry 5.0 [8, 20]. As part of the current

1 MSc. Eng. Damian Kolny, University of Bielsko-Biala, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Willowa 2, 43-309
Bielsko-Biała, Poland, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID:
2 MSc. Eng. Ewa Kaczmar-Kolny, University of Bielsko-Biala, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Willowa 2,
43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID:
3 prof. Ing. Ľuboslav Dulina, PhD., University Of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering,
Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID:

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fourth industrial revolution, an overall increase in a given phenomenon and observing its behavior by
efficiency is expected, thanks to the effective analysis manipulating independent factors. Running a compu-
of data generated in intelligent environments and the ter simulation is intended to present possible pheno-
integration of digital production systems. Digital mena occurring in the modeled process, but it can be
transformation supported the development of modern carried out in order to obtain various effects. In the
information technologies, such as: cyber-physical case of computer simulation, three main categories
systems, Internet of Things, Internet of Services, Big should be distinguished - simulations for forecasting,
Data, smart factory [4, 7]. The concept of Industry 5.0 identification and rationalization purposes. In case of
is to complement the fourth revolution and puts more prognostic simulation, quantitative and/or qualitative
emphasis on sustainable development and people [8]. characteristics of the tested system’s functioning under
Industry 5.0 uses, among others, the synergy effect by given conditions are determined; in case of identi-
combining innovation and human creativity with the fication purposes, quantitative and/or qualitative rules
efficiency and reliability of machines [20]. for the functioning of a given system are prepared,
Implementation and integration of modern digital while for rationalization purposes, quantitative and/or
technologies constitute the way to transform qualitative characteristics of a system are determined
traditional production systems into future production that meet certain rationality criteria [9].
systems, which are often characterized by high Due to the significant increase in the computing
complexity [15]. power of devices in recent years, many different
Complex production systems are characterized by computer applications have been developed to create
a large number of different variants of settings or simulations. A large group of simulation programs are
layouts, which makes it difficult to choose the right the programs that enable for creating simulations of
solution using classical analytical methods. Computer discrete processes [19].
modeling and simulation can be a tool that effectively When it comes to production processes simulation,
supports the understanding of the process and proper the most popular tools include: Flexsim, Dosimis,
decision-making at various levels of management of Enterprise Dynamis, Visual Simulation, Arena,
the manufacturing and assembly processes [17, 18]. eM-Plant, Lean MAST, Plant Simulation, ShowFlow
Simulation methods allow for a relatively quick, 2, SIMUL8 [3, 13]. The choice of the proper software
efficient and easy way of searching for acceptable is important for the simulation effect – depending
solutions, without having many limitations and not on the needs and the purpose of the simulation.
only solving specific problems [19]. Due to the A significant aspect is also to be guided by
development of modeling and simulation, the trend of functionality in terms of how the model is built.
digital twins is also gaining momentum. Traditional Another important criterion when choosing the
simulation and modeling methods have limited software is the selection of tools for reporting and
capabilities to assess the performance of a given analyzing simulation results [21]. This criterion is
production system, while the technology of digital related to the fact that broad knowledge is required of
twins through the integration of Internet of Things a user modeling the simulation, despite a usually
systems is a breakthrough in this regard. The Internet intuitive interface, transparent functional blocks and
of Things is based on real data from the system graphical facilities in the form of 3D animations used
obtained in real time [16]. in simulation programs [19].
The aim of the article is the analysis and The literature on the subject [1, 6, 11, 12] indicates
improvement of the furniture production and assembly that computer simulation is increasingly often used in
process carried out in the Make-to-Order z system practice in the field of improving production systems
using computer simulation methods. and processes. A properly built simulation model
enables many experimental and analytical activities to
2. Modeling and simulation in industrial be carried out for a real production system, e.g. in
practice terms of material flow or production system effi-
ciency. These analyzes may concern, among others:
The variety of phenomena that occur in industry examining the impact of the introduced changes and
and the unpredictability of some incidents contribute the possible effects they may have on the system. As
to the growing interest in the topic of modeling and a result of these tests, a set of data is obtained on the
simulation. According to Gościński, modeling is "the basis of which the company's management can make
act of selecting an acceptable substitute called a model further decisions regarding to the management of the
for the original, i.e. it is an approximate reproduction production system.
of the most important properties of the original" [5].
Simulation consists in creating a model that reflects

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3. Technological identification of furniture selected production process were obtained. In the
assembly technological identification of the finished product,
technological cards, available machine documenta-
During the elaboration of the production system tion, as well as historical data of production processes
under study, it is necessary to collect basic information were used. Process time standards for individual
and input data. In the initial phase a model is activities were adopted on the basis of registers of
developed at the appropriate level of detail while operations from machines and devices.
simplifying the entire projection at the same time [2].
Further part of the article presents the process of 3.2. A model of furniture assembly production
building a model for a manufacturing and assembling system
system of finished products, which is custom-made The production process described further in the
furniture, e.g. lockers. For this purpose, the Arena article concerns the production of a standard locker in
simulation program will be used. The tests were accordance with customer order, which consists of
carried out in real production conditions as part of the warehouse and transport processes, robotic material
author's research. handling, semi-automatic cutting with a panel saw,
3.1. Identification of the manufacturing edge banding, milling, drilling, assembly and
and assembly process packaging. The process flow is presented in the block
diagram (Fig. 1).
The technological identification of the production Table 1 characterizes individual processes invol-
process of lockers made of chipboard was carried ved in the production of a furniture cabinet. The
out in production conditions of a selected furniture elaboration of this type of production process cha-
manufacturer. As a result of this identification, the racteristics is the basis for starting work on con-
characteristics of the phenomena occurring in the structing a simulation model.

Figure 1. Process flow of furniture manufacturing and assembly

Table 1. Furniture manipulation, production and assembly processes

No. Process name Resource Description

A separate area of the production hall is intended for block storage of
1 Storing material Block warehouse
chipboard sheets
2 Transport Forklift Transport of chipboard sets for loading the TLF buffer
3 Material handling TLF – automatic warehouse Frameportal center for handling and lifting chipboards
Numerically controlled panel saw with automatic loading from an automatic
4 Cutting Panel saw
5 Storage Storage area Picking the cut chipboard sheet elements on pallets according to the order
6 Recycling Container Picking the unused cut chipboard sheet elements into special containers
One-sided banding of straight edges, with automatic feeding and turning
7 Edge banding Edge bander
of elements
8 Milling CNC machining center Milling holes and shapes in chipboards
9 Drilling CNC machining center Drilling technological holes in chipboards
10 Assembly Assembly line Assembly of finished furniture elements
11 Packing Packing line Packing of finished furniture (lockers)

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3.3. Assumptions for the simulation model cutting the chipboards to a given size. The Mag_plyty
The assumptions for a simulation model concern block (Fig. 2) is responsible for generating items
a furniture industry enterprise. The simulation model (units) together with the Pole_mag_plyty module that
was created in Arena program and elaborated using the defines the preparation time for the processes of
available functional blocks, including a fully auto- further manipulation. This model is part of the trans-
mated warehouse for storing and leading out chip- port processes within the input warehouse. Blocks
boards, as well as a simulation model of chipboards (Pole_mag_plyty, Transport_Mat_1, Woz_wid_1,
cutting process (according to the production order, the Pole_TLF, TLF_Start) are responsible for transport
so-called cutting), edge banding, milling shapes and activities supplying the automatic warehouse with
holes for hinges, drilling holes for mounting pins, chipboards. The simulation model is shown in Figure
complete assembly, as well as packing and securing 2. All numerical data needed to define the simulation
the finished product. The assumptions of the model model was obtained from the appropriate enterprise
include the process of comprehensive storage before management systems [13].

Figure 2. A general simulation model of the warehouse space of the analyzed manufacturing system

In the simulation model, the Mag_plyty block is storage field (Pole_TLF), and a frameportal center
responsible for supplying the manufacturing process (Zalad_TLF i Rozlad_TLF) (Fig. 2).
with material – chipboard (plyta_wior). The duration
of running the simulation was set at 8 hours (1 shift)
(Fig. 3). Figures 4 and 5 show in detail the parameters
of the selected functional blocks in the Arena
environment at the analyzed stage.

Figure 4. Parameters of the block supplying

the model with the input material – chipboard

Figure 3. Main parameters of the simulation run

In order to better illustrate the operation of cutting

chipboards in accordance with the production order,
there will be input buffers within the machining
station, including a block storage warehouse for Figure 5. Parameters of the block transporting
chipboards (Mag_plyty), an automatic warehouse the input material to the automatic warehouse (TLF)

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The use of buffers allows for a better use of The workpieces in the presented system form a set
manipulation and machining stations consisting of of items P={P1}. For each such element from set P,
2 automatic panel saws (defined in model as an item flow table T was created (Table 1). The
Ciecie_300 and Ciecie_400), 2 edge banding ma- dimensions of this table (14x14) result from the
chines (Okleinowanie_1 and Okleinowanie_2), CNC number of elements of the Z set.
machining centers for milling and drilling (in the The values in the table at the intersection of the
model Frezowanie and Wiercenie blokcs), and final relevant resources inform about the maximum
preparation lines of the finished product by its number of items in the target resource.
assembling and packing (Montaż and Pakowanie In the described example, in the first row
blocks). Mag_płyty of table T, the value "15" was entered at
In the proposed simulation model, all resources of the intersection with the column woz_wid_1. It means
the manufacturing system form the resource set Z. For that the transport batch of item P1 from the Mag_płyty
the considered system of the chipboard cutting warehouse with a forklift truck woz_wid_1 consists of
process in accordance with the production order, there 15 pieces of chipboards. Similar relations [19] were
are the following elements of the set Z={Mag_plyty, established for the remaining resources of the
Woz_wid_1, Zalad_TLF, Rozlad_TLF, Ciecie_300, production system (Table 2). Depending on the
Ciecie_400, Mag_Braki, Okleinowanie_1, Okleino- available and prepared space, the maximum buffer
wanie_2, Frezowanie, Wiercenie, Montaż, Pakowa- capacity was determined expressed in the number of
nie, Mag_WG}. boards, including boards after cutting.

Table 2. Chipboards and their elements flow table (capacity) for item P1

Okleinowanie_1, [pcs.]

Okleinowanie_2, [pcs.]
Rozlad_TLF, [pcs.]

Frezowanie, [pcs.]
Woz_wid_1, [pcs.]

Zalad_TLF, [pcs.]

Ciecie_300, [pcs.]

Ciecie_400, [pcs.]

Mag_Braki, [pcs.]

Pakowanie, [pcs.]
Mag_plyty, [pcs.]

Mag_WG, [pcs.]
Wiercenie, [pcs.]

Montaż, [pcs.]
P1 To


Mag_plyty, [pcs.] 15 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Woz_wid_1, [pcs.] - 15 - - - - - - - - - - -
Zalad_TLF, [pcs.] - - 1500 - - - - - - - - - -
Rozlad_TLF, [pcs.] - - - 4 5 - - - - - - - -
Ciecie_300, [pcs.] - - - - - 4 36 - - - - - -
Ciecie_400, [pcs.] - - - - - 5 - 45 - - - - -
Mag_Braki, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Okleinowanie_1, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - 8 28 - - -
Okleinowanie_2, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - 12 33 - - -
Frezowanie, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - - 4 16 - -
Wiercenie, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - - - 65 - -
Montaż, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Pakowanie, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Mag_WG, [pcs.] - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Creating this type of table T (Tab. 2) of the flow customer order, on the basis of which the simulation
of objects in set P for the defined and appropriately was run according to the settings.
grouped elements of the Z set is necessary before Time parameters [8] for selected production
building a model of the production system. Due to processes of the simulation model discussed in the
the complexity, specificity and variety of objects article are presented in Table 3. The experiment
constituting the manufacturing systems, the number assumed using triangular and normal distributions as
of functional blocks used in the model may vary. the most useful ones for describing the occurring
Based on the material flow table (Tab. 2), Figure phenomena. The calculations were carried out in the
6 shows a full model of the manufacturing process of Statistica 9.0 environment [13].
locker type furniture (P1) produced to an individual

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Table 3. Contents of the block of basic time parameters of simulation processes

Figure 6. A Simulation model of the locker manufacturing and assembly system in an analyzed company
in the Arena software

The classical methods of describing the duration of the following types of distributions can be found [10]:
technological operations involved mainly using sta- exponential, Weibull, normal, Gumbel, Ferecht,
tistical methods. Due to the very extensive mathema- Reyleight, Gamma, log-normal, triangular, uniform.
tical apparatus, probabilistic models are rarely used. The presented distributions are largely applicable
However, in the subject literature dedicated to to production processes simulation. However, this
industrial practice and the description of phenomena requires extensive knowledge of the production
occurring in production, probabilistic models based on process itself, as well as the methodology of deve-

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loping simulation models. Most of these distributions in the process is approximately the equivalent of 4
require applying advanced numerical techniques and chipboards, which will then be recycled. One of the
experimentation on large samples, which signifi- possibilities of analyzing the production process flow
cantly increases the cost of using these methods in based on the functionality of the software is the
industrial practice. Therefore, during the techno- assessment of the use of workstations and the
logical identification of a given process, it should be accumulation of materials at the workstations. For
assumed at the outset that the applied probabilistic single-shift production, the simulation will have some
model is able to provide information on the chara- limitations related to a wider production picture. In
cteristics of occurring changes during the production order to more fully illustrate the simulation models, it
process [10]. was decided to complete the reports with the second
Normal distribution is used to reflect time pro- and third shifts. From the simulation model for 3 shifts,
cesses with a certain symmetry. Triangular distribu- data was obtained in which the furniture production
tion is most often used to describe phenomena that are volume is 113 pieces, with 17 waste chipboards. The
only positive values, such as process execution time. It results of reports from 3 work shifts are presented in
is characterized by a simple estimation of the input Figure 7.
parameters of the model and is limited to three time
estimates: two extreme ones (the shortest and the
longest) and the most probable one [10]. Uniform
distribution is adopted wherever the randomness of
events in a certain interval of time values is assumed.
It can be used to describe processes that are not
stabilized in terms of production [22]. As a result of
conducting research in real production conditions,
probabilistic models were generated in the Statistica
9.0 software, which made it possible to adjust the
distribution describing the assumed phenomenon. The
maximum likelihood method was used, for this
purpose the Anderson-Darling test [23] was used. As
a result of the analysis, it was assumed that in most
cases the fluctuation of individual operations’ duration
can be described by a triangular or close to normal
distribution, less often by a uniform distribution. If
a given process is described using a probabilistic
model based on a triangular distribution, the techno-
logical process itself tends to have technological
breaks, during which chipboards are loaded (internal
buffer) and unloaded (powering the saw) at the same
time, and the process itself is not interrupted by an
emergency stop.
After executing simulations based on the above
model, Arena generated a number of reports.

4. Evaluation of the results obtained

in the simulation
On the basis of the built model of the production
Figure 7. Usage on workstations for the 3-shift model –
system and the input parameters included in it, it is percentage (top) and accumulation of material
possible to analyze the flow by referring it to the actual on selected workstations (bottom)
results achieved by the company.
Analyzing the data from Figure 7, it can be
4.1. Analysis of the simulation report concluded that the workstations are not evenly loaded.
The production volume based on the simulation The TLF station (automatic warehouse) and edge
(480 min, 1 work shift) is 9 finished pieces of furniture banding machines are loaded almost at 100%, and e.g.
(lockers). Due to the specificity of cutting boards from both saws at respectively 24% and 23% of the
ready-made pieces of chipboard, the waste generated available working time. In some real conditions, such

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a situation actually takes place in this enterprise. This Having a simulation model in a comprehensive and
situation results from the specificity of realizing quick way (based on experts knowledge, process
orders, the nature of the handling robot's operation and improvements, statistical calculations or the trial and
the high efficiency with which the saws can work. As error method) it can be checked whether and how the
shown in Table 1, the saws in one cycle can change of selected parameters will affect final results.
simultaneously cut 4 and 5 chipboards respectively As part of the discussed simulation model, the
(this is evidenced by the flow analysis), which was possibility of changing the amount of the picked
also included in the simulation. The picking of material (chipboard) before the cutting stations was
chipboards before the cutting process results in proposed. The modification concerns the reduction of
undesirable waiting times at the cutting stations. the number of boards (respectively from 4 to 3 pieces
for the Ciecie_300 station and from 5 to 4 pieces for
4.2. Corrected simulation model based
the Ciecie_400 station) to one batch subject to the
on previous assumptions
cutting process at both analyzed cutting stations. The
In the analyzed case of the production of the P1 area of changes made to the model is marked in Fi-
item, there are a number of possibilities for introducing gure 8.
changes to the production (simulation) process in order After implementing the changes, another simula-
to stabilize workstation loads (reducing the impact of tion of the analyzed process was carried out for the
bottlenecks), thereby increasing production efficiency. time of 1440 minutes (3 work shifts).

Figure 8. The area of proposed changes in the simulation model (fragment)

4.3. Analysis of the corrected model report duction of waiting time for material. The illustrative
Based on the corrected model, the analysis of results have been collected and presented in Table 4.
selected Arena software reports was repeated (Fig. 8).
Table 4. Comparison of selected results of 2 simulations
The production volume based on the simulation (1440 carried out
min) is 133 finished furniture pieces and the amount of
waste is approximately equivalent to 15 chipboards for
Similarly, the occupancy of and material accu-
mulation at certain stations were analyzed. The
simulation reports show that the reduction in the
number of assembled chipboards before the cutting
process increases the use of both saws, which was the It is worth noting that as part of the production
desired effect of the corrected model. In addition, the operation before the modification of the simulation
simulation model shows that the proposed change has model, the assembly usage was at the level of 65%.
a positive effect on increasing productivity by 16 The changes introduced to the simulation model
additional finished products, mainly due to the re- resulted in an increase in production volume due to

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more efficient delivery of components to the assembly TLF stand in both simulations. Consideration of this
station. This increase amounted to 9 pp. Figure 10 phenomenon is the subject of further research by the
presents a summary of the results of furniture author conducted as part of his doctoral dissertation
production, respectively for the simulation of 1, 2 and and the analyzed production system.
3 shifts.
5. Summary
Analyzing the manufacturing system with the use
of computer simulation methods provides a lot of
valuable information on its functioning and enables us
to achieve measurable material benefits. However, this
requires the user to properly identify the processes
taking place in the given production environment and
to have proper knowledge of the correct approach to
building simulation models and conducting experi-
ments on them.
On the example of a furniture company, basic
parameters shaping the process of chipboard cutting,
edge banding, drilling and milling holes, as well as
final assembly and packaging of the finished furniture
were defined, which enabled for the construction of a
proper simulation model. As a result of simulating the
manufacturing process with the use of information
from the bench load report, an area for improvement
was located. The re-analysis of the material flow made
it possible to propose a change in the input parameters
for the simulation model in the indicated area. Based
on the prepared simulation model, the process of
furniture production and assembly were re-simulated,
additionally taking into account the proposal to change
the size of the buffers.
The results of the second simulation show
significant changes in the effective use of workstations
and increase in the efficiency of the production line.
This gives the possibility to conclude that based on this
Figure 9. Usage on workstations for corrected model – percentage type of simulation models, many different variants of
(top) and accumulation of material on selected workstations
the material flow can be created and compared in order
to improve the manufacturing process.

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