Mechanics: Graph Paper Is Available in The Examination Room

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Graph paper is available in the Examination Room



17 January 2005 14:00 16:00

Answer TWO Questions from Section A and TWO Questions from Section B All questions carry equal marks

All candidates may only use the following approved calculators in examinations: CASIO FX83wa, CASIO FX82SX, CASIO FX83ms, and CASIO FX85w. The candidates are reminded that the major steps in all arithmetic calculations are to be set out clearly, irrespective of whatever computational aid is used.

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XCC1007-05 SECTION A: Answer TWO questions from this Section 1 The simple plane truss shown in Figure 1 has a horizontal force of 200 N applied at point C, with supports at A (pin) and B (roller). You can ignore the weight of the members of the truss. (a) Draw the free-body diagram for the truss in Figure 1, and calculate the reactions at the supports. (10 marks) Calculate the forces in all the members of the truss (checking your calculations where possible). (15 marks) C 200 N 2.0 m D Figure 1 2.0 m 2.0 m 2.0 m 2.0 m


2.0 m

A small foam ball of mass 10 grams is dropped from a tall tower (take acceleration due to gravity as g = 9.81 m s-2). The air resistance on the falling ball gives a drag, in Newtons, of drag = 3 10-3 U2 where U is the speed of the ball in m s-1. (a) Calculate the acceleration of the ball as a function of U, and hence calculate its maximum speed. (10 marks) Draw up a table of acceleration versus speed and use it to estimate the length of time required for the ball to reach 4 m s-1. (15 marks)


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XCC1007-05 3 Two balls are travelling on converging courses (see Figure 2). The first ball has mass 3 kg and speed 10 m s-1, and the second has mass 10 kg and speed 5 m s-1.

3 kg

10 kg

10 m s-1 45 60

5 m s-1

Figure 2

y ? 6 m s-1 x

Assume all the motion is on a horizontal plane and ignore friction. After the collision, the larger ball is travelling in the negative y-direction with speed 6 m s-1, as shown. (a) Calculate the velocity and momentum of the two balls before the collision, using the x-y coordinate system shown. (7 marks) Calculate the velocity and momentum of the larger ball after the collision, and hence calculate the velocity of the smaller ball after the collision. (10 marks) Calculate the speed of approach and speed of separation of the balls, and hence calculate the coefficient of restitution for this collision. (8 marks) - END OF SECTION A -



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XCC1007-05 SECTION B: Answer TWO questions from this Section

Figure 3 shows the dimensions of a cross-section which is symmetrical about the y axis. Assume a uniform density of . y 200 20

10 40


Units in mm

x 300 Figure 3 (a) Find the centre of mass. (7 marks) (b) The cross-section is made of three rectangles. Derive an equation to calculate the second moment of mass of an arbitrary rectangle about an axis parallel to its edges and (i) passing through its centre of mass; (ii) passing through an arbitrary point. (7 marks) For the cross-section in Figure 3, calculate the second moment of mass about the two new axes that pass through the centre of mass and are parallel to the original axes shown in Figure 3. (7 marks) Calculate the radius of gyration about the two new axes. (4 marks)



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XCC1007-05 5 Figure 4 shows rigid block A of 10m in height and 900 kg in mass pinned to the ground and standing vertically. It is supported by two springs of stiffness 10000 N/m at 3 m from the ground. The springs have the same initial length and stretched length. Object B has a mass of 50 kg and moves up along a sloping surface with an initial speed of 20m/s at ground level and in the direction of the slope. The sloping surface is inclined to the horizontal by 30o and is adjacent to but not touching rigid block A. The kinetic friction coefficient between object B and the sloping surface is 0.3. On completing its journey up along the sloping surface, object B collides with rigid block A and remains stuck (total plastic collision). Ignore the mass of the springs and the dimensions of the pin. A



20m/s 30o 3m

Figure 4 Assume small angle so that sin (a)


, 1 cos

1 2 2

Calculate the speed of object B at the end of its journey up along the sloping surface. (5 marks) Calculate the moment of inertia of the combined rigid block A and object B rotating about the pin. (5 marks) Calculate the angular speed of the combined rigid block A and object B immediately after the collision. (3 marks) Calculate the maximum angular rotation of the combined rigid block A and object B, and prove that this maximum angular rotation is independent of the initial or stretched spring length. (12 marks)




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XCC1007-05 6 A rigid platform of mass 10 kg is attached to the top of a spring which is vertically fixed to the ground at the bottom. The spring stiffness is 5000 N/m and its mass can be neglected. Initially two persons, each having a mass of 75 kg, sit on top of the platform. The spring, platform and people form an assembly. (a) If one person remains seated and the other person leaves the platform slowly but causes the assembly to oscillate, derive the single harmonic movement (SHM) equation that describes the movement of the assembly from the energy principle and from equilibrium. Assume movement is measured from the deformed position under the weight of one person and the platform. (7 marks) Write down the initial conditions and then use them to find the specific solution to the SHM equation in (a). Thence find the angular frequency, period, maximum movement, maximum speed and maximum acceleration of the assembly. (12 marks) If the assembly is attached to a viscous damper, explain what over-damping, critical damping and under-damping are. Sketch the displacement time history of an over-damped, critically damped and under-damped free vibration. (6 marks)





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