Assignment 2
Assignment 2
By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules
as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in
The IIE Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in
the Intellectual Integrity Policy (IIE023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the
student portal.
1. No material may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a
direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may
consist of direct quotes.
2. Any assignment with a similarity index of more than 25% will be scrutinised for
plagiarism. Please ensure you attach an originality report to your assignment if required.
3. Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in.
4. Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified.
5. All work must be adequately and correctly referenced.
6. Begin each section on a new page.
7. Follow all instructions on the assignment cover sheet.
8. This is an individual assignment.
9. Pay careful attention to word count. Do NOT exceed the word count stipulated on each task,
failure to adhere to word count limit/s will result in work being unmarked, as content
provided after the respective threshold will not be considered. Word count excludes
Referencing Rubric
Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources Markers are required to provide feedback to students by indicating
is a fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high- (circling/underlining) the information that best describes the
quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to student’s work.
develop the referencing skills of our students in our commitment to
achieve high academic standards. Part of achieving these high Minor technical referencing errors: 5% deduction from the
standards is referencing in a way that is consistent, technically overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more
correct and congruent. This is not plagiarism, which is handled errors listed in the minor errors column in the table below.
Major technical referencing errors: 10% deduction from the
Poor quality formatting in your referencing will result in a penalty of overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more
a maximum of ten percent being deducted from the percentage errors listed in the major errors column in the table below.
awarded, according to the following guidelines. Please note,
however, that evidence of plagiarism in the form of copied or If both minor and major errors are indicated, then 10% only (and
uncited work (not referenced), absent reference lists, or not 5% or 15%) is deducted from the overall percentage. The
exceptionally poor referencing, may result in action being taken in examples provided below are not exhaustive but are provided to
accordance with The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023). illustrate the error
Required: Minor errors in technical correctness of Major errors in technical correctness of referencing
Technically correct referencing referencing style style
style Deduct 5% from percentage awarded Deduct 10% from percentage awarded
Consistency Minor inconsistencies. Major inconsistencies.
• The referencing style is generally • Poor and inconsistent referencing style used in-
• The same referencing format consistent, but there are one or two text and/or in the bibliography/ reference list.
has been used for all in-text changes in the format of in-text • Multiple formats for the same type of referencing
references and in the referencing and/or in the bibliography. have been used.
bibliography/reference list. • For example, page numbers for direct • For example, the format for direct quotes (in-text)
quotes (in-text) have been provided for and/or book chapters (bibliography/ reference
one source, but not in another instance. list) is different across multiple instances.
Two book chapters (bibliography) have
been referenced in the bibliography in
two different formats.
Technical correctness Generally, technically correct with some Technically incorrect.
minor errors. • The referencing format is incorrect.
Referencing format is technically • The correct referencing format has been • Concepts and ideas are typically referenced, but a
correct throughout the consistently used, but there are one or reference is missing from small sections of the
submission. two errors. work.
• Concepts and ideas are typically • Position of the references: references are only
Position of the reference: a referenced, but a reference is missing given at the beginning or end of large sections of
reference is directly associated from one small section of the work. work.
with every concept or idea. • Position of the references: references • For example, incorrect author information is
are only given at the beginning or end of provided, no year of publication is provided,
For example, quotation marks, every paragraph. quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct
page numbers, years, etc. are • For example, the student has incorrectly quotes missing, page numbers are provided for
applied correctly, sources in presented direct quotes (in-text) and/or paraphrased material, the incorrect punctuation is
the bibliography/reference list book chapters (bibliography/reference used (in-text); the bibliography/reference list is
are correctly presented. list). not in alphabetical order, the incorrect format for
a book chapter/journal article is used, information
is missing e.g. no place of publication had been
provided (bibliography); repeated sources on the
reference list.
Congruence between in-text Generally, congruence between the in- A lack of congruence between the in-text
referencing and bibliography/ text referencing and the bibliography/ referencing and the bibliography.
reference list reference list with one or two errors. • No relationship/several incongruencies between
• There is largely a match between the the in-text referencing and the
• All sources are accurately sources presented in-text and the bibliography/reference list.
reflected and are all accurately bibliography. • For example, sources are included in-text, but not
included in the bibliography/ • For example, a source appears in the in the bibliography and vice versa, a link, rather
reference list. text, but not in the bibliography/ than the actual reference is provided in the
reference list or vice versa. bibliography.
In summary: the recording of In summary, at least 80% of the sources In summary, at least 60% of the sources are
references is accurate and are correctly reflected and included in a incorrectly reflected and/or not included in
complete. reference list. reference list.
Overall Feedback about the consistency, technical correctness and congruence between in-text referencing and bibliography:
Carefully read the short Eskom scenario below and answer the relevant questions.
You are also expected to read up on “Eskom’s current state of affairs” using the online links
provided to get a broader view of the magnitude of the situation.
About Eskom
“Eskom is a South African electricity public utility, established in 1923 as the Electricity Supply
Commission (ESCOM) and also known by its Afrikaans name Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningskommissie
(EVKOM), by the government of the Union of South Africa in terms of the Electricity Act (1922).
Eskom represents South Africa in the Southern African Power Pool. The utility is the largest producer
of electricity in Africa, is among the top seven utilities in the world in terms of generation capacity
and among the top nine in terms of sales. It is the largest of South Africa's state-owned enterprises.
Eskom operates a number of notable power stations, including Medupi Power Station in Lephalale,
Kusile Power Station in Witbank, Kendal Power Station, and Koeberg nuclear power station in the
Western Cape Province, the only nuclear power plant in Africa. The company has also appointed
Andre de Ruyter as the new CEO, this comes after months of deliberations.”
Source: (
“It is late in the day, but there is, at last, an energetic focus from government and other players on
finding a solution to Eskom’s problems. There is finally a general consensus that the power utility —
once regarded as the country’s greatest state asset — will drag the economy down with it should it
continue its epic slide to bankruptcy.
Can the government finally fix the Eskom problem? To make this judgment, it is necessary to
appreciate five home truths. From this, an equal number of unavoidable key decisions have to be
taken, without which Eskom (and likely South Africa’s short-term economy) is doomed.
1. Eskom is the key to the economy - the first home truth is that Eskom is costing the economy a
vast amount of money.
2. The risks are growing - what the events of the first quarter suggest is that the risk of the
system falling over is higher than ever as the reserve margin — the electricity generating units
held in reserve to manage a crisis on the grid — decreases.
3. Eskom is a cap on growth - but all these plans will come to naught if there is insufficient
energy available to companies to expand production or to establish new businesses. This risk
of an invisible “power cap” on the economy may be the single biggest factor holding back
4. Poor technical capacity - Eskom is in the deep hole it is in now because it did not have the
internal capacity to manage the two massive build programmes for the Medupi and Kusile
power stations. New builds, especially those on this scale, require financing skills, engineers
with expertise in build management, contracting and the nitty-gritty of power station
construction. Eskom lost these skills during the 1990s and 2000s.
5. Splitting up Eskom is not going to solve the problem - South Africa has finally decided it will
follow global best practice by splitting Eskom into generation, transmission and distribution.”
“Parliament, Wednesday, 20 November 2019 – The Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises has
welcomed the appointment of the new Eskom CEO, Mr Andre de Ruyter.
Committee Chairperson Mr Khaya Magaxa said the appointment will bring stability to the power
utility, and address some of its governance and financial challenges.
Mr Magaxa said the committee will continue to provide effective oversight at Eskom, as the new
CEO has a challenging mandate ahead. “His role is a difficult one, as he needs to undertake the
unbundling and restructuring of the entity and address load shedding.”
Whilst there has been a lot of criticism in the media on this new appointment, what is important is
to support Eskom, as it plays an important role in South Africa’s economy.”
Using practical examples related to Eskom, explain the difference between a leader and a
No prescribed source of reference is given, as you will need to demonstrate that you have thought
through your answers, ensuring that the sources you use are ‘the truth’, supported by academic
Q.2.1 Explain the importance of the management environment analysis and its impact (10)
on decision-making in a company like Eskom.
Q.2.2 “There is finally a general consensus that the power utility — once regarded as the (15)
country’s greatest state asset — will drag the economy down with it should it
continue its epic slide to bankruptcy.”
Discuss three factors making up the economic environment that the CEO of Eskom
will have to take into account when looking at ways to improve the performance in
his organisation.
Discuss with examples, three methods that can be used by Eskom management to overcome
change resistance.
NB: Your answer should be a minimum of 500 to a maximum of 650 words. Markers are to stop
marking after the threshold of 650 words has been reached. Please indicate the word count at
the end your answer.
NB: Your answer should be a minimum of 500 to a maximum of 650 words. Markers are to stop
marking after the threshold of 650 words has been reached. Please indicate the word count at
the end your answer.
• Your answer should be a minimum of 1 200 to a maximum of 1 500 words (two to three
pages). Markers are to stop marking after the threshold of 1 500 words has been reached.
Please indicate the word count at the end your answer.
• An essay requires a clear introduction and conclusion, use of paragraphs, headings, sub-
headings and academic tone.
• Use correct in-text referencing and include sources in the main bibliography at the end of
the assignment.
• Use relevant theory from your textbook and additional credible sources.