2019 - April - UG CBCS 2011 Onwards - B.SC., (Mathematics) - Mathematics

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E–0269 Sub. Code



Third Semester



(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all questions.

1. Solve : p2  5 p  6  0 .

wºUP : p2  5 p  6  0 .

2. Solve : D 2  1y  0 .

wºUP : D 2  1y  0 .

3. Reduce to linear homogeneous equation

d y dy
1  2x 2 2  1  2x   y  81  2x 2 .
dx dx
J¸ £i \©a^º \©ß£õhõP ©õØÖP
d y dy
1  2x 2 2
 1  2x   y  81  2x  .

dx dx

d2 y dy
4. Find the C.F. of x 2 2
 3x  4 y  x2 .
dx dx
d2 y dy
x2 2
 3x  4 y  x 2 Gߣuß {쨦a \õºø£U PõsP.
dx dx

d2 y dy
5. Check whether x 2 2
 2x  2 y  0 is exact.
dx dx
d2 y dy
x2 2
 2x  2 y  0 xÀ¼¯©õÚuõÚ GÚ \›£õºUP.
dx dx

6. Write the necessary and sufficient condition for solving

equation Pdx  Qdy  Rdz  0 .
Pdx  Qdy  Rdz  0 GßÓ \©ß£õmiß wº¦ Põs£uØS
E›¯ ÷uøÁ¯õÚ ©ØÖ® ÷£õx©õÚ {£¢uøÚø¯ GÊx.

7. Eliminate a and b from z  axy  b .

z  axy  b °¼¸¢x a ©ØÖ® b I }USP.

8. Find the complete solution of q  p  y  x .

q  p  y  x –ß •Êz wºÄ PõsP.

9. Find : L e ax x n  .
PõsP : L e ax x n  .

 s3 
10. Find : L1   .
 s  3   4 

 s3 
PõsP : L1   .
 s  3   4 

Part B (5  5 = 25)
Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) Solve : y xy  2x 2 y2 dx  x xy  x 2 y2 dy  0 .

wºUP : y xy  2x 2 y2 dx  x xy  x 2 y2 dy  0 .


Solve : y  xp  x 1  p2  .

wºUP : y  xp  x 1  p2  .

2 E–0269

d2 y dy
12. (a) Solve : x 2 2
x  2y  x2 .
dx dx
d2 y dy
wºUP : x 2 2  x  2 y  x 2 .
dx dx
(b) Solve : D  3x  y  e 2t .
wºUP : D  3x  y  e 2t .

d2 y
13. (a) Solve : 2
 n2 y  sec nx .
d2 y
wºUP : 2  n2 y  sec nx .
(b) Verify the condition of integrability of
 y  z dx  z  x dy  x  y  dz .
 y  z dx  z  x dy  x  y  dz –ß öuõøP±k Põq®
{£¢uøÚø¯ \›£õºUP.

14. (a) Solve : z  px  qy  q p   p .

wºUP : z  px  qy  q p  p .
(b) Solve : p cot x  q cot y  cot z .
wºUP : p cot x  q cot y  cot z .

1  cos x 
15. (a) Find : L .
 x 
1  cos x 
©v¨¦ PõsP : L .
 x 
 1  2s 
(b) Evaluate : L1  .
 s  2  s  1  

 1  2s 
©v¨¦PõsP : L1  .
 s  2  s  1  

3 E–0269

Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. Solve : D 2  1y  x 2e 2 x  x cos x .

wºUP : D 2  1y  x 2e2 x  x cos x .

d2 y dy
Solve : x  1  3x  1  4 y  x 2  x  1 .
17. 2
dx dx

d2 y dy
wºUP : x  12 2
 3x  1  4 y  x 2  x  1 .
dx dx

18. Apply the method of variation of parameters to solve

y  3 y  2 y  x 2 .

y  3 y  2 y  x 2 I xøn¯»S ©õØÓÀ •øÓø¯¨

£¯ß£kzv wºUP.

19. Solve : pxy  pq  qy  yz  0 .

wºUP : pxy  pq  qy  yz  0 .

d2 y dy
20. Solve the equation 2
 2  5 y  4 e t using Laplace
dt dt
transform, given that y   0 when t  0 .
dy d2 y dy
t  0 GÝ® ÷£õx y = 0 = GÛÀ 2  2  5 y  4 e t
dt dt dt
GßÓ \©ß£õmøh »õ¨»õì E¸©õØÓzøu¨ £¯ß£kzv
wºÄ PõsP.


4 E–0269
Wk 11

E–0270 Sub. Code



Fourth Semester



(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Define a bounded sequence and give an example.

J¸ Á쮦øh¯ öuõhøμ Áøμ¯Özx J¸ Euõμn® u¸P.

n 1
2. Prove that lim 1.
n n

n 1
{ÖÄP : lim 1.
n n

 n! 
3. Prove  n  converges.
n 

 n! 
 n  J¸[S® GÚ {ÖÄP.
n 

4. Define a Cauchy sequence and give an example.

J¸ Põæ°ß öuõhøμ Áøμ¯Ö ©ØÖ® J¸ GkzxUPõmk
Wk 11

5. Show that n
n 1

 n ›²® GÚ {ÖÄP.
n 1

6. State Comparison test.

J¨¥mka ÷\õuøÚø¯ GÊxP.

7. State Raabe’s test.

μõ¥ì ÷\õuøÚø¯ GÊxP.
 1
8. Test the convergence of the series 1   .
 n
 1
1   öuõh›ß SÂuø» ÷\õvUP.
 n

9. Define : Absolutely convergent series.

Áøμ¯Ö : AÓ J¸[S öuõhº.

10. State : Leibnitz test.

¼¤Û°ß ÷\õuøÚø¯ GÊxP.

Part B (5  5 = 25)
Answer all the questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) If ( an ) and (bn ) are monotonic increasing sequences

show that ( an  bn ) is also a monotonic increasing
( an ) ©ØÖ® (bn ) Gß£Ú J¸ ÷£õUS HÖ® \õº¦PÒ
GÛÀ ( an  bn ) Gߣx® J¸ ÷£õUS HÖ® \õº¦ GÚ

2 E–0270
Wk 11
(b) If ( an )  a and (bn )  b then prove that
( anbn )  ab .
( an )  a ©ØÖ® (bn )  b GÛÀ ( anbn )  ab GÚ

12. (a) Explain the convergence of geometric sequence.

ö£¸USz öuõh›ß J¸[Suø» ÂÍUSP.
 1
(b) Show that the sequence 1   converges.
 n
 1
1   GßÓ öuõhº J¸[S® GÚU Põmk.
 n

13. (a) If an converges to ‘s’ then prove that lim an  0 .

What about the converse? Justify.
an BÚx ‘s’ ØS J¸[SQÓx GÛÀ lim an  0 GÚ
{ÖÄP. Auß ©Öuø» GÆÁõÓõÚx? {ø»|õmkP.
(b) Test the convergence of the series
1 2 2 33
1  2  3  4  ...
2 3 4
1 2 2 33
1    ... GßÓ öuõh›ß J¸[Suø»
2 2 33 4 4
14. (a) State and prove Kummer’s test.
S®©›ß ÷\õuøÚø¯ GÊv {ÖÄP.
{(n  1) r }n
(b) Show that the series  is convergent.
n n 1
{(n  1) r }n
 GßÓ öuõhº J¸[S® GÚU Põmk.
n n 1

3 E–0270
Wk 11
15. (a) State and prove Cauchy’s condensation test.
Põæ°ß _¸UPz ÷uØÓzøu TÔ {ÖÄP.


(b) Show that ( 1)n  n 2  1  n  is conditionally

 

( 1)n  n 2  1  n  BÚx J¸ {£¢uøÚ J¸[S

 
öuõhº GÚ {ÖÄP.

Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. State and prove Cauchy’s first limit theorem.

Põæ°ß •u»õÁx GÀø»z ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

17. State and prove Cauchy’s general principle of

J¸[Su¼À Põæ°ß ö£õx uzxÁzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

18. Discuss the convergence of  .
 –ß J¸[Suø» ÂÁõv.

19. State and prove D’Alembert’s ratio test.

iA»®£ºmêß ÂQu ÷\õuøÚø¯ TÔ {ÖÄP.

20. State and prove Cauchy's integral test.

Põæ°ß öuõøP ÷\õuøÚø¯ GÊv {ÖÄP


4 E–0270
Wk 3

E–0271 Sub. Code



Fifth Semester



(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all questions.

1. Define Equivalent metric space.

\©©õÚ ¯õ¨¦ öÁÎø¯ Áøμ¯Ö.

2. Define Metric space.

Áøμ¯Ö : ¯õ¨¦öÁÎ.

3. Define Complet.
Áøμ¯Ö : §ºzv¯õÚ Pn®.

4. State Contour intersection theorem.

Põs÷hõº öÁmk ÷uØÓzøu GÊxP.

5. Define uniform continuous.

Jzu öuõhºa] \õº¦ Áøμ¯Ö.

6. Define Continuity.
öuõhºa] \õº¦ Áøμ¯Ö.
Wk 3
7. Define Connected subset.
öuõkzu EmPn® Áøμ¯Ö.

8. Define Connected.
öuõkzu Pn® Áøμ¯Ö.

9. Define compact space.

AhUP©õÚ öÁÎø¯ Áøμ¯Ö.

10. Define bounded set.

GÀø»USm£mh Pnzøu Áøμ¯Ö.

Part B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) Prove that any non empty subset of a countable set
is countable.
G¢uöÁõ¸ §ä⯪À»õu GsohuUP EmPn•®
GsohuUPx GÚ {ÖÄP.
(b) Show that any metric space every closed ball is a
closed set.
G¢uöÁõ¸ ¯õ¨¦ öÁΰ¾® JÆöÁõ¸ ‰i¯
£¢uõÚx ‰i¯ Pn©õP C¸US® Gߣøu {ÖÄP.

12. (a) Let X be a metric space. If { x n } and { yn } are

sequences in X such that x n  x and yn  y .
Show that d ( x n , yn )  d ( x , y ) .
X Gߣx Kº ¯õ¨¦ öÁÎ GßP. CvÀ { x n } ©ØÖ®
{ yn } Gß£Ú X &À EÒÍ öuõhºa]¯õÚ Pn® GÛÀ
x n  x ©ØÖ® yn  y GÛÀ d ( x n , yn )  d ( x , y ) GÚ

2 E–0271
Wk 3
(b) Show that any discrete metric space is complete.
G¢uöÁõ¸ uÛzuÛ ¯õ¨¦ öÁβ® §ºzv¯õÚx GÚ

13. (a) Prove that ( X , R ) is a closed subset of the metric

space B .
B GßÓ ¯õ¨¦ öÁΰÀ ( X , R ) Gߣx Kº ‰i¯
EmPn® GÚ PõmkP.

(b) Let X and Y be metric spaces and f a mapping of
X into Y . If f is a constant mapping show that f
is continuous.
X ©ØÖ® Y Gß£Ú ¯õ¨¦ öÁÎPÒ GßP f GßÓ \õº¦
X &À C¸¢x Y US ö\ÀQÓx GÛÀ f Kº ©õÔ¼ \õº¦
GÛÀ f Gߣx öuõhºa]¯õÚx GÚ {ÖÄP.

14. (a) Prove that any continuous image of a connected

space is connected.
G¢uöÁõ¸ öuõhºa]¯õÚ ÃÇ¼ß öuõkzu öÁβ®
öuõkzu Pn® GÚ {ÖÄP.

(b) Prove that the spaces R n and C n are connected.
R n ©ØÖ® C n Gß£Ú öÁÎPÒ öuõSzuPn® GÚ

15. (a) Prove that every sequentially compact metric space

is compact.
GÀ»õ AhUP©õÚ PnzvÀ EÒÍ GÀ»õ Á›ø\²®
¯õ¨¦öÁΰÀ AhUP©õÚx GÚ PõmkP.


3 E–0271
Wk 3
(b) Every sequentially compact metric space is totally
AhUP©õÚ ¯õ¨¦ öÁΰÀ EÒÍ GÀ»õ Á›ø\²®
GÀø»USm£mhx GÚ PõmkP.

Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. Prove that the set of all rational number is countable.

GÀ»õ ÂQu•Ö Gsq® GßÛhuUPx GÚ {ÖÄP.

17. State and prove Contour’s intersection theorem.

Põs÷hõº öÁmk ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

18. State and prove inequalities of holder Minkowski

÷PõÀhº ªßPÆìQ°ß \©ªßø© ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

19. State and prove Heine Boreal theorem.

øíõÜ ÷£õμÀ ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

20. Show that any compact subset A of a metric space M is

G¢uöÁõ¸ AhUP©õÚ EmPn[PÒ A Gߣx M &À
GÀø»USm£mhx GÚ {¹¤.


4 E–0271
wk 10

E–0272 Sub. Code



Fifth Semester
(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Section A (10  2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
1. Define a probability density function.
{PÌuPÄ Ahºzva \õºø£ Áøμ¯Ö.
2. What is a moment generating function?
£μÁ¼ß ö£¸USz öuõøPa \õº¦ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
3. Write the mean of a binomial distribution.
D¸Ö¨¦¨ £μÁ¼ß \μõ\›ø¯ GÊxP.
4. What is the mode of the Poisson distribution?
£õ´éß £μÁ¼ß •Pk ¯õx?
5. State null hypothesis.
Cßø© Gk ÷PõøÍ Áøμ¯Ö.
6. Define sample error.
©õv›PÎß ¤øÇø¯ Áøμ¯Ö.
7. Write the formula for F-test.
F-÷\õuøÚ°ß `zvμzøu GÊxP.
8. Write any two applications of t-test.
t- ÷\õuøÚ°ß H÷uÝ® C¸ £s¦PøÍ GÊxP.
9. Define  2 -distribution.
 2 £μÁø» Áøμ¯Ö.
10. Define Latin square.
»zwß \xμzøu Áøμ¯Ö.
Wk 10
Section B (5  5 = 25)
Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).
11. (a) Let X have a p.d.f
 x  1, 2 , 3
px    6 
then find E X 3  2X 2 . 
0 othewise

 x  1, 2 , 3
px    6 Gߣx X ß p.d.f. GÛÀ
0 othewise
 
E X 3  2X 2 PõsP.
(b) If X and Y are two independent random variables
and Z  X  Y , then prove that M Z t   M X t MY t  .
X ©ØÖ® Y Gߣx C¸ \õμõ \©Áõ´¨¦ ©õÔPÒ
©ØÖ® Z  X  Y GÛÀ M Z t   M X t MY t  GÚ
12. (a) Derive the mean and variance of a Poisson
£õ´éß £μÁ¼ß \μõ\› ©ØÖ® £μÁØ£iø¯ u¸Â.
(b) Derive M.g.f of a normal distribution.
C¯À{ø» £μÁ¼ß m.g.f.øÁ Á¸Â.
13. (a) A normal population has a mean of 6.48 and S.D. of
1.5. In a sample of 400 members mean is 6.75. Is the
difference significant?
J¸ C¯À{ø» £μÁ¼ß \μõ\› 6.48 ©ØÖ® SD.1.5. 400
EÖ¨¤ÚºPÒ öPõsh J¸ ©õv›°ß \μõ\› 6.75 GÛÀ
CÆ÷ÁÖ£õk •UQ¯zxÁ® Áõ´¢uuõ?
(b) Write the procedure for testing of hypothesis for
large samples.
ö£¸[TÖPÎß Gk÷PõÒ ÷\õuøÚ •øÓø¯ GÊxP.
2 E–0272
Wk 10
14. (a) Explain F-test with an example.
F-÷\õuøÚø¯ GkzxUPõmkhß ÂÁ›.
(b) Derive limiting form of t-distribution.
t- £μÁ¼ß öuõhº{ø» Aø©¨ø£ u¸Â.

15. (a) Explain the importance of  2 -test.

 2 ÷\õuøÚ°ß •UQ¯zxÁzøu ÂÁ›.

(b) Explain two way classification.
C¸ÁÈ £S¨£õ´øÁ ÂÍUSP.

Section C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. A random variable X has the probability function

px   x ; x  1, 2, 3,... find

(a) m.g.f.
(b) mean and
(c) variance.
X GßÓ \©Áõ´¨¦ ©õÔ°ß {PÌuPÄ \õº¦ px   ;
x  1, 2, 3,... GÛÀ
(A) m.g.f
(B) \μõ\› ©ØÖ®
(C) £μÁØ£i PõsP.
17. Derive the first four moments of a binomial distribution.
D¸Ö¨¦¨ £μÁ¼ß •uÀ |õßS v¸¨¦zvÓßPøÍ u¸Â.

3 E–0272
Wk 10
18. Explain different types of sampling.
©õv›PÎß £À÷ÁÖ ÁøPPøÍ ÂÁ›.
19. Two random samples gave the following results
Sample Size Sample mean Sum of squares of
deviations from mean
I 10 15 90
II 12 14 108

Test whether the samples could have come from the same
normal population.
C¸ \©Áõ´¨¦ ©õvPÐUS RÌPõq® •iÄPÒ
©õv› AÍÄ ©õv›°ß \μõ\› \μõ\›°¼¸¢x
ÁºUPzvß TkuÀ
I 10 15 90
II 12 14 108
C®©õv›PÒ J÷μ ©õv›¯õÚ C¯À{ø» •Êø©
öuõSv°¼¸¢x ö£Ó¨£mhuõ GÚ ÷\õvUP.
20. Perform one-way classification.
J¸ ÁÈ £S¨£õ´Ä ö\´P.
1 2 3 4
A 20 23 28 29
B 25 32 30 21
C 23 28 35 18
D 15 21 19 25


4 E–0272

E–0273 Sub. Code



Sixth Semester



(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all questions.

5 5
1  i  1  i 
1. Prove :      2i .
1  i  1  i 
5 5
1  i  1  i 
{ÖÄP :      2i .
1  i  1  i 

2. Define inverse points.

÷|º©õÖ ¦ÒÎPøÍ Áøμ¯Ö.

3. What is the difference between analytic function and

differentiable function?

£S•øÓa \õº¤ØS®, ÁøP°hzuUP \õº¤ØS® EÒÍ

÷ÁÖ£õk ¯õx?

4. Give an example of a harmonic function.

Cø\a \õº¤ØS GkzxUPõmkz u¸P.

z 1
5. Find the invariant points of w  .
z 1
z 1
w ß {ø»¨ ¦ÒÎPøÍU PõsP.
z 1

6. Define : Cross ratio.

SÖUS ÂQuzøu Áøμ¯Ö.

7. State Liouville’s theorem.

¼÷¯õ¼°ß ÷uØÓzøu GÊxP.

8. State Fundamental theorem of algebra.

C¯ØPouzvß Ai¨£øhz ÷uØÓzøu GÊxP.

9. Write down the types of singularities.

]Ó¨¦¨ ¦ÒÎPÎß ÁøPPøÍ GÊxP.

10. Find the residue of cot z at z  0 .

z  0 À cot z ß Ga\zøuU PõsP.

Part B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) Find the conjugate of :

5  2i 3  4i 1
  .
5  2i 4  3i i
5  2i 3  4i 1
  ß Cøn°¯ GsønU PõsP.
5  2i 4  3i i

(b) Find the equation of the circle passing through the
points 1, i, 1  i .
1, i, 1  i BQ¯ ¦ÒÎPÒ ÁȯõP ö\À¾® Ámhzvß
\©ß£õk PõsP.
2 E–0273

z2  4
12. (a) Prove : lim 4.
z 2 z 2
z2  4
{ÖÄP : lim 4.
z 2 z 2

(b) Prove that the real and imaginary parts of analytic
function are harmonic.
J¸ £S•øÓ \õº¤ß ö©´ ©ØÖ® PØ£øÚ¨ £SvPÒ
J¸ Cø\a\õº¦ GÚ {ÖÄP.

13. (a) Prove that any bilinear transformation can be

expressed as a product of translation, rotation,
magnification or contraction and inversion.
G¢u J¸ C¸£i E¸©õØÓzøu²®, Ch¨ö£¯ºa],
_ÇØ], }m] AÀ»x _¸UP® ©ØÖ® Gvº©øÓ
E¸©õØÓ[PÎß ö£¸UPØ £»ÚõP GÊu •i²® GÚ

(b) Show that a bilinear transformation preserves cross
J¸ C¸£i E¸©õØÓ©õÚx SÖUS ÂQuzøu ©õÓõ©À
PõUS® GÚU PõmkP.

14. (a) State and prove Cauchy’s integral formula.

Põæ¯ß öuõøP `zvμzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.


(b) State and prove Morera’s theorem.

ö©õμõ÷μ°ß ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

3 E–0273

z 1
15. (a) Calculate the residue of 2
at its poles.
z  2z
z 1
GßÓ \õº¤ß x¸Á¨ ¦ÒÎPÎÀ Auß
z  2z
Ga\zøuU PõsP.
(b) State and prove Rouche’s theorem.
öμõÍa]ß ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. Prove two points z1 and z2 are reflection points for the
line  z  z    0   z1  z2    0 .
z1 ©ØÖ® z2 Gß£Ú  z  z    0 GßÓ ÷Põmiß
GvöμõΨ¦ ¦ÒÎPÒ   z1  z2    0 .
17. State and prove Cauchy Riemann equations in Cartesian
Põºj]¯ß ÁiÁ Põæ & Ÿ©õß \©ß£õkPøÍU TÔ {ÖÄP.
18. Discuss the transformation w  e z .
w  e z GÝ® E¸©õØÓzøu ÂÁõv.
19. State and prove Taylor’s theorem.
öh´»›ß ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.
20. Evaluate :  13  5 sin  .

©v¨¦ PõsP :  13  5 sin  .

4 E–0273
Wk 4

E–0274 Sub. Code



Sixth Semester



(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all questions.

1. Define O.R.
Áøμ¯Ö O.R.

2. What do you understand by Replacement problem?

ö£õ¸Ò ©õØÖU PnUS Gߣx £ØÔ } AÔÁx ¯õx?

3. Write Wilson’s formula to find EOQ.

EOQ Põs£uØPõÚ `zvμzøu GÊxP.

4. Define setup cost.

B쮣a ö\»Ä Gߣøu Áøμ¯Ö.

5. Define queue.
Põzv¸US® Á›ø\ Gߣøu Áøμ¯Ö.

6. Write any two queue disciplines.

H÷uÝ® Cμsk ÷\øÁ ö\´²® JÊ[QÚ[PøÍ GÊxP.
Wk 4
7. Define Network.
Áø»¯ø©¨¦ Gߣøu Áøμ¯Ö.

8. Write the formula for finding the variance in PERT.

PERT À »UP ÁºUP \μõ\› Põn EuÄ® `zvμzøu GÊxP.

9. Define two person zero sum game.

Áøμ¯Ö : C¸Áº Âøͯõk® TkuÀ §äâ¯U PnUS.

10. What do you mean by value of the game?

Âøͯõmiß ©v¨¦ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

Part B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) Write any five advantages of O.R.

O.Rß H÷uÝ® I¢x ]Ó¨¤¯À¦PøÍ GÊx.
(b) The cost of machine is Rs. 10,000. Annual operating
cost is Rs.400 for the first year and then increased
by Rs.800 every year. The machine has no resale
value when should be the machine be replaced?
J¸ C¯¢vμzvß Âø» ¹. 10,000 Auß •uÀ Á¸h
C¯UP ö\»Ä ¹. 400 ©ØÖ® Akzx Á¸® Á¸h[PÎÀ
Aaö\»Ä JÆöÁõ¸ Á¸h•® ¹. 800 AvP›UQÓx.
CƯ¢vμzvØS ©Ö ÂØ£øÚ Âø» CÀø» GÛÀ,
G¨÷£õx A¢u C¯¢vμ® ©õØÓ¨£h ÷Ásk®?

12. (a) A certain item costs Rs.235 ton. The monthly

requirement is 5 tons and each time the stock is
replenished. There is a setup cost of Rs.1,000. The
cost of carrying inventory has been estimated 10%
of the value of the stock per year. What is the
optimal order quantity?

2 E–0274
Wk 4
J¸ SÔ¨¤mh ö£õ¸Îß Âø» J¸ hßÝUS ¹. 235
©õuõ¢vμ ÷uøÁ 5 hßPÒ ©ØÖ® øP°¸¨ø£¨ §ºzv
ö\´ÁuØPõÚ Pmhø©¨¦ ö\»Ä ¹. 1,000 BS®.
C¸¨ø£ øP¯õÐÁuØPõÚ ö\»Ä BsiØS
øP°¸¨¤À 10 \uÃu® GÚU PnUQmhõÀ ö£õ¸Îß
AÝT» ÷uøÁ°ß AÍÄ GßÚ?


(b) A manufacturer has to supply 20,000 units per day.

He can produce 30,000 units per day. The cost of
holding a unit is Rs. 3 per year and setup cost per
run is Rs. 50. How frequently and of what size
production runs be made?

J¸ u¯õ›¨£õͺ |õÒ JßÖUS 20,000 A»SPÒ

u¯õ›zx öPõkUP ÷Ásk®. |õöÍõßÖUS AÁμõÀ
30,000 A»SPÒ u¯õ›UP C¯¾® J¸ A»Qß
Á¸hõ¢vμ øÁzv¸¨¦a ö\»Ä ¹. 3 ©ØÖ® J¸ •øÓ
Aø©¨¦ ö\»Ä ¹. 50 GÛÀ GÆÁÍÄ Põ»zvØS J¸
•øÓ GzuøÚ A»SPÒ AÁº u¯õ›UP ÷Ásk®?

13. (a) A T.V repairman finds that the time spent on his
jobs has an exponential distribution with mean
30 minutes. If he repairs sets in the order in which
they came in and if the arrival of sets is
approximately Poisson with an average rate of 10
per 8 – hour day, what is repairman’s expected idle
time each day? How many jobs are ahead of the
average set just brought in?

3 E–0274
Wk 4
J¸ öuõø»UPõm] £Êx v¸zx£Áº £iUSÔ £μÁÀ
•øÓ°À öuõø»UPõm] JßÖUS 30 {ªh[PÒ
ö\»ÂkQÓõº. Á¸QßÓ Á›ø\¨£i÷¯ £Êx
£õºUQÓõº. £õ´\õß £μÁÀ •øÓ¨£i 8 ©o ÷|μ |õÒ
JßÖUS 10 öuõø»UPõm]PÒ Á¢x ÷\ºQßÓÚ. AÁº
JÆöÁõ¸ |õξ® K´ÁõP EÒÍ ÷|μzøu²®,
\μõ\›¯õP |õÒ JßÖUS Á¸QßÓ ÷Áø»ø¯²®

(b) In a railway marshaling yard, goods train arrive at
a rate of 30 trains per day. Assuming that the inter-
arrival time follows an exponential distribution and
the service time distribution is also exponential
with an average 36 minutes. Calculate (i) the mean
queue size (line length) and (ii) the probability that
the queue size exceeds 10.
J¸ ¦øPÁsi {ø»¯zvØS £iUSÔ £μÁÀ •øÓ°À
J¸ |õøÍUS 30 ¦øPÁsiPÒ Á¸QßÓÚ ©ØÖ® J¸
¦øPÁsiUS ÷\øÁ ö\´¯ BS® ÷|μ® \μõ\›¯õP 36
(i) Põzv¸US® Á›ø\°ß \μõ\› AÍÄ (Á›ø\°ß
(ii) Põzv¸US® Á›ø\°ß }Í® 10US ÷©À
C¸¨£uØPõÚ {PÌuPÄ .

14. (a) Draw network diagram for the following project.

¤ßÁ¸® vmhzvØPõÚ Áø»¯ø©¨ø£ ÁøμP.
Activity : A B C D E F G H I
Predecessor : – – – A A B,D C B F,G


4 E–0274
Wk 4
(b) Find the critical path.
_¸UP¨ £õøuø¯ PõsP.

15. (a) Explain the following : minimax, maximin.

ªÛ÷©Uì, ÷©Uìªß BQ¯ÁØøÓ ÂÍUSP.


(b) Solve the following game and determine the value of

the game.


5 1
3 4

R÷Ç EÒÍ Âøͯõmiß wºÄ PõsP. ©ØÖ®

Âøͯõmiß ©v¨ø£U PõsP.


5 1
3 4

5 E–0274
Wk 4
Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. The cost of a machine is Rs. 12,200 and its scrap value is
Rs. 200. The maintenance cost found from experience are
as follows.
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maintenance Cost (Rs.) 200 500 800 1,200 1,800 2,500 3,200 4,000

When should the machine be replaced?

J¸ C¯¢vμzvß Âø» ¹. 12,200. Cuß GÔ©v¨¦ ¹. 200
|øh•øÓ¨£i Cuß £μõ©›¨¦ ö\»Ä ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ
Bsk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

£μõ©›¨¦a ö\»Ä (¹.) 200 500 800 1,200 1,800 2,500 3,200 4,000
G¨ö£õÊx C¯¢vμzøu ©õØÓ»õ®?

17. The price breaks of a product are given below :

Quantity Unit Cost
0  Q1 < 100 Rs. 20,000
100  Q2 < 200 Rs. 18.00
200  Q3 Rs. 16.00

The monthly demand for the product is 400 units, the

cost of storage is 20% of the unit cost and ordering cost is
Rs.25.00 per order. Find the optimal order quantity.
J¸ ö£õ¸Îß Âø» Â£μ® ¤ßÖ©õÖ :
AÍÄ A»Qß Âø»
0  Q1 < 100 ¹. 20,000
100  Q2 < 200 ¹. 18.00
200  Q3 ¹. 16.00

6 E–0274
Wk 4
©õuõ¢vμ ÷uøÁ 400 A»SPÒ. \μUS S¨¦a ö\»Ä Kº
A»S Âø»°ß 20% \uÃu® ©ØÖ® ö£õ¸Ò ÁμÁøǨ¦
ö\»Ä J¸ uhøÁUS ¹. 25.00 GÛÀ ÷uøÁ¯õÚ
ö£õ¸ÒPÎß Ezu© GsoUøPø¯U PõsP.

18. A super — market has two girls running up sales at the

counters. If the service time for each customer is
exponential with mean 4 minutes and if people arrive in a
Poisson fashion at the rate of 10 per hour,
(a) What is the probability of having to wait for service?
(b) What is the expected percentage of idle time for
each girl?
J¸ A[Põi°À Cμsk ö£sPÒ ÷\øÁ ö\´x öPõsk
EÒÍÚº. £iUSÔ £μÁÀ •øÓ°À, J¸Á¸US ÷\øÁ ö\´¯
4 {ªh[PÒ BQÓx ©ØÖ® £õ´\õß £μÁÀ •øÓ°À, J¸
©o ÷|μzvÀ 10 ÷£º Á¸QßÓÚº GÛÀ.
(A) ÁõiUøP¯õͺ Á›ø\°À Põzv¸¨£uØPõÚ {PÌuPÄ
(B) JÆöÁõ¸ ö£sq® K´ÁõP C¸UPU Ti¯ ÷|μzvß
\uÃu® GßÚ?

19. A project has the following characteristics.

Activity (1,2) (2,3) (2,4) (3,5) (3,6) (4,5) (5,6)
t0 1 3 2 6 4 3 3

tm 5 6 5 7 7 6 6

tp 9 9 8 8 10 9 9

(a) Find the critical path and variance.

(b) Find the probability of completing the project in 21

7 E–0274
Wk 4
J¸ vmh Aø©¨¦ ¤ßÁ¸® £s¦PøÍ öPõskÒÍx.
ö\¯À (1,2) (2,3) (2,4) (3,5) (3,6) (4,5) (5,6)
t0 1 3 2 6 4 3 3

tm 5 6 5 7 7 6 6

tp 9 9 8 8 10 9 9

(A) _¸UP¨£õøuø¯²®, »UP ÁºUP \μõ\›ø¯²®

(B) 21 |õmPÎÀ vmhzøu ö\¯À£kzu {PÌuPÄ PõsP.

20. Solve the following 2  3 game graphically :

Player B
6 5 2
Player A 1 3 11

R÷Ç EÒÍ 2  3 Âøͯõmøh Áøμ£h •øÓ°À wº.

BmhUPõμº B
6 5 2
BmhUPõμº A 1 3 11


8 E–0274
Wk 6

E–0313 Sub. Code





(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

b a
1. Prove : 

f ( x ) dx   f ( x ) dx .

b a
{ÖÄP :  f ( x ) dx    f ( x ) dx .
a b

2. Write the reduction formula for tann x .

tann x ß SøÓzuÀ Áõ´¨£õmøh GÊxP.

3. Define rank of a matrix.

J¸ Ao°ß uμzøu Áøμ¯Ö.

4. State Cayley Hamilton theorem.

öP´¼ ÷íªÀhß ÷uØÓzøu GÊxP.

Wk 6
5. Solve : ( D  3D  2) y  0 .

wºUP : ( D 2  3D  2) y  0 .

6. Find the particular integral of ( D 2  3D  2) y  2 .

( D 2  3D  2) y  2 ß ]Ó¨¦z öuõøPø¯U PõsP.

7. Prove : cosh 2 x  sinh2 x  cosh 2x .

{ÖÄP : cosh 2 x  sinh2 x  cosh 2x .

8. Prove : sinh 1 x  log e ( x  x 2  1 ) .

{ÖÄP : sinh 1 x  log e ( x  x 2  1 ) .

9. Write the expansion of (1  x )2 .

(1  x )2 ß Â›øÁ GÊxP.

e  e 1 1 1
10. Prove :  1    ...
2 3! 5!

e  e 1 1 1
{ÖÄP :  1    ...
2 3! 5!

Part B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

 sin
11. (a) Obtain the reduction formula for x cosn x dx .

 sin
x cosn x dx ß SøÓzuÀ Áõ´¨£õmøhU PõsP.


2 E–0313
Wk 6
a 2y
(b) Evaluate :   xy dy dx .
0 ya

a 2y
©v¨¤kP :   xy dy dx .
0 ya

12. (a) Find the eigen values of the matrix

 cos   sin  
 .
  sin  cos  

 cos   sin  
  GßÓ Ao°ß IPß ©v¨¦PøÍU
  sin  cos  



(b) Solve the equations :

x  2 y  5z  0; 3x  4 y  6z  0; x  y  z  0 .

\©ß£õkPøÍz wºUP :

x  2 y  5z  0; 3x  4 y  6z  0; x  y  z  0

13. (a) Solve : ( D 2  4 ) y  e 2 x  e 4 x .

wºUP : ( D 2  4 ) y  e 2 x  e 4 x .


3 E–0313
Wk 6
2 x
(b) Solve : ( D  2 D  4 ) y  e sin x .

wºUP : ( D 2  2 D  4 ) y  e x sin x .

14. (a) Prove :

25 cos6   cos 6  6 cos 4  15 cos 2  10 .

{ÖÄP :

25 cos6   cos 6  6 cos 4  15 cos 2  10 .


(b) If sin (  i )  tan   i sec  prove that

cos 2 cosh 2  3 .

sin (  i )  tan   i sec  GÛÀ cos 2 cosh 2  3


15. (a) Find the coefficient of x n in the expansion of

1  3x
(1  3x )2

1  3x
ß Â›ÂÀ x n ß SnP® PõsP.
(1  3x )


1 1 1
(b) Prove : S     ...  log 4  1 .
1.2 2.3 3.4

1 1 1
{ÖÄP : S     ...  log 4  1 .
1.2 2.3 3.4

4 E–0313
Wk 6
Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

x tan x
16. Evaluate  sec x  tan x dx .

x tan x
©v¨¤kP  sec x  tan x dx .

17. Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem for the matrix

 7 2  2
 
 6 1 2  .
 6 2  1 

 7 2  2
 
  6  1 2  GßÓ Ao öP´¼ ÷íªÀhß ÷uØÓzøu
 6 2  1 

{øÓÄ ö\´²©õÚ GÚ \›£õºUP.

d2 y dy
18. Solve : x 2 2
 3x  5 y  sin (log x ) .
dx dx

d2 y dy
wºUP : x 2 2
 3x  5 y  sin (log x ) .
dx dx

19. (a) Find the real and imaginary parts of tanh (1  i ) .

(b) Evaluate : log  3  i.

(A) tanh (1  i ) ß ö©´ ©ØÖ® PØ£øÚ¨ £SvPøÍU

(B) ©v¨¤kP : log 3  i .  

5 E–0313
Wk 6
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 2 3 3 4
20. Show that :    ....  27e .
1! 2! 3!
12  22 22  32 32  4 2
   ....  27e GÚ {ÖÄP.
1! 2! 3!


6 E–0313
wk 14

E–0314 Sub. Code





(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Define Kurtosis.
umøh AÍøÁ Áøμ¯Ö.

2. Write the formula for Pearson’s coefficient of Skewness.

L¤¯º\ß öPÊøÁ Põs£uØPõÚ Áõ´£õmiøÚ GÊx.

3. Define positive correlation.

Áøμ¯Ö ÷|º© JmkÓÄ.

4. Write the regression equation of X on Y and Y on X .

Y «x X ©ØÖ® X «x Y ØPõÚ öuõhº÷£õUS ÷PõkPøÍ

5. Define association of data.

Áøμ¯Ö uμÄPÎß öuõhº¦.

6. Define consistency of data.

Áøμ¯Ö J¸[Pø©Ä ©v¨¦PÒ.
Wk 14
7. Write the formula for Paasche’s index.
£õìáÀì SÔ±mkUPõÚ Áõ´¨£õmøh GÊx.

8. Define Time Series.

Áøμ¯Ö ÷|μ Á›ø\.

9. State the addition Theory of probability.

TmhÀ {PÌuPÂØPõÚ ÷uØÓzøu Áøμ¯Ö.

10. State Boole’s inequality.

§¼ß \©Ûßø©ø¯ GÊxP.

Part B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) The first four moments from the value 10 are
1,4 10 and 46 respectively. Compute the first four
central moments.
J¸ £μÁ¼ß •uÀ |õßS »UP¨ ö£¸USz
öuõøP°ß ©õÔ°ß 10&I¨ ö£õÖzx 1,4,10 ©ØÖ® 46
GÛÀ AuÝøh¯ •uÀ |õßS ø©¯ »UPÍÄPøÍU
(b) Describe the method of fitting of the curve Y  aX b .

Y  aX b GßÓ ÁøÍÁøμø¯ ö£õ¸zx® •øÓø¯


12. (a) From the following data, find the rank correlation
X : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Y : 1 4 2 5 3 9 7 10 6 8
÷©÷» EÒÍ ÂÁμ[PÐUS uμ JmkÓÄU öPÊ PõsP.


2 E–0314
Wk 14
(b) 4Y  5 X  0 ; 5Y  X  63  0 are two regression
lines then find the :
(i) Mean values of X and Y
(ii) Value of correlation coefficient.
4Y  5 X  0; 5Y  X  63  0 Gß£Ú C¸
öuõhº÷£õUSU ÷PõkPÒ GÛÀ,
(i) X , Y &ß \μõ\› ©ØÖ®
(ii) JmkÓÄU öPÊÂß ©v¨¦U PõsP.

13. (a) Find the missing frequencies from the following

data :
(i) A = 400 ; (AB) = 250 ; (B) = 500 ; N = 1200
(ii)  B   500 ; (B) = 600 ;    800 ;   = 1000.
RÌUPsh ÂÁμ[PÐUS Âk£mh Aø»öÁsPøÍ
(i) A = 400 ; (AB) = 250 ; (B) = 500 ; N = 1200
(ii)  B   500 ; (B) = 600 ;    800 ;   = 1000.

(b) Given  A      B      C      1 / 2 N and also
(ABC)      . P.T. 2(ABC) = (AB)+(AC)+
(BC) - 1/2 N.
A      B      C      1 / 2 N ÷©¾®
(ABC)      . GÛÀ 2(ABC) = (AB)+(AC)+
(BC) - 1/2 N GÚ {ÖÄP.

14. (a) Explain the uses of Index Number.

SÔ±mk Gsoß £¯ßPøÍ £ØÔ ÂÁ›.

(b) Write the importance of Time series.
÷|μ Á›ø\°ß •UQ¯zxÁ[PøÍ £ØÔ GÊxP.

3 E–0314
Wk 14
15. (a) A problem in statistics is given to three students
1 3 1
A, B and C whose chanees of solving it are , ,
2 4 4
respectively. What is the probability that the
problem will be solved if all of them try
¦Òΰ¯¼À EÒÍ PnUS ‰ßÖ ©õnÁºPÐUS
öPõkUP¨£kQßÓx. AÁºPÒ wºÄ Põs£uØPõÚ
1 3 1
Áõ´¨¦PÒ , , GÛÀ AUPnUøPz wº¨£uØPõÚ
2 4 4
{PÌuPÄ ¯õx?

(b) A bag contains 6 white, 4 red and 10 black balls.
Two balls are drawn at random. Find the
probability that they will both the black.
J¸ ø£°À 6 öÁÒøÍ £¢xPЮ, 4 ]P¨¦ £¢xPЮ
©ØÖ® 10 PÖ¨¦¨ £¢xPЮ EÒÍÚ. CvÀ Cμsk
£¢xPÒ μõsh©õP GkUP¨£kQÓx. AøÁ Cμsk®
PÖ¨¦¨ £¢xPÍõP C¸¨£uØS›¯ {PÌuPÄ PõsP.

Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of Skewness for the

following data :
X: 0-6 6-12 12-18
Y: 5 12 18
X : 18-24 24-30 30-36
Y: 38 20 7
÷©÷» EÒÍ ©v¨¦PÐUS PõºÀ ¤¯ºéÛß umøh AÍÄ

4 E–0314
Wk 14
17. Obtain the regression equation of Y on X and X on Y
from the following data and estimate Y when X  45
and also estimate X when Y  48 .
X : 10 10 18 25 28

Y : 11 22 22 19 35

X : 33 34 39 42 43

Y : 27 33 40 42 47

¤ßÁ¸® ÂÁμ[PÐUS JmkÓÄU (öuõhº¦U) ÷PõkPÒ

Cμsøh²® Psk¤i. ÷©¾® X  45 GÛÀ Y °ß ©v¨¦
GßÚ? ©ØÖ® Y  48 GÛÀ X &°ß ©v¨¦ GßÚ?

18. Given N  23713 , ( A )  1618 , (B) = 2015, (C) = 770

(AB) = 587, (BC) = 428, (AC) = 335 and (ABC) =156. Find
the remaining ultimate class frequencies.
N  23713 , ( A )  1618 , (B) = 2015, (C) = 770 (AB) = 587,
(BC) = 428, (AC) = 335 ©ØÖ® (ABC) =156 GÛÀ «u•ÒÍ
•iÂÀ»õu Aø»Á›ø\ø¯ Psk¤i.

19. Calculate Laspeyre’s index number, Paasche’s price index

number and Marshall-Edgeworth index for the following
data :
Commodity 1980 1981
Price Quantity Price Quantity
in Rs. (in Kg’s) in Rs. (in Kg’s)
A 20 15 30 10
B 30 18 40 15
C 10 20 45 10
D 15 25 25 5

5 E–0314
Wk 14
RÌUPsh £μ[PÐUS »õ줯º SÔ±mk Gs, £õìáÀì
Âø» SÔ±mk Gs ©ØÖ® ©õºåÀ & GmäöÁºz
ö£õ¸mPÒ 1980 1981
A 20 15 30 10
B 30 18 40 15
C 10 20 45 10
D 15 25 25 5

20. State and prove Baye’s theorem.

÷£°ß ÷uØÓzøu GÊv ÂÍUSP.


6 E–0314

E–0328 Sub. Code





(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Write the formula for Karl Pearson’s coefficient of


PõºÀ ¤¯ºéÛß ÷PõmhU öPÊUPõÚ `zvμzøu GÊxP.

2. Define moments.

v¸¨¦z vÓøÚ Áøμ¯Ö.

3. Define rank correlation.

uμ JmkÓøÁ Áøμ¯Ö.

4. Define regression.

Áøμ¯Ö ¤ßÚøhÄ.

5. Give an example for divided difference.

ÁSzuÀ ÷ÁÖ£õmiØS Euõμn® öPõk.


6. Write Lagrange’s formula.

»UμõäáÀ `zvμzøu GÊxP.

7. Define Laplace transform.
»õ¨»õ]ß E¸©õØÓzøu Áøμ¯Ö.

8.  
Find L sin 3 2t .

PõsP L sin 3 2t . 
9. Write the Fourier constants.
L§›¯º ©õÔ¼PøÍ GÊxP.
10. Find the cosine series of f x   2x  4 in 0,   .

f x   2x  4 –ØS 0,   À öPõø\ß öuõhº PõsP.

Part B (5  5 = 25)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) Calculate the first four central moments from the
following data :
÷©ØPsh ©v¨¤¼¸¢x •uÀ |õßS ø©¯
v¸¨¦zvÓßPøÍU PõsP.
X: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Y: 5 15 17 25 19 14 5

(b) For the following data calculate the Karl Pearson’s
coefficient of skewness :
÷©ØPsh ©v¨¦PÐUS PõºÀ ¤¯ºéÛß ÷PõmhU
öPÊ PõsP.
x: 10 11 12 13 14 15
y: 2 4 10 8 5 1

2 E–0328

12. (a) Find the rank correlation coefficient :

uμ JmkÓÄU öPÊøÁU PõsP.
x: 48 60 72 62 56 40 39 52 30
y: 62 78 65 70 38 54 60 32 31

(b) Given the equations of the two regression lines
4 x  5 y  33  0 and 20x  9 y  107 . Decide which
is the equation of the regression of y on x.
4 x  5 y  33  0
©ØÖ® 20x  9 y  107 GßÓ
JmkÓÄU öPÊ ÷Põmka\©ß£õkPÒ GÛÀ x–À, y–ß
JmkÓÄU öPÊ Eøh¯ \©ß£õk GÚ GÚ wº©õÛ.

13. (a) If U75  246, U 80  202, U 85  118 and U 90  40,

find U79 .
PõsP U75  246, U 80  202, U 85  118 ©ØÖ®
U 90  40, GÛÀ U79 .

(b) Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula to find the
value corresponding to x  10 from the following
table :
»Uμõg] Cøha ö\¸PÒ `zvμzøu¨ £¯ß£kzv
x  10 ØS {Pμõß ©v¨¦ PõsP.
X: 5 6 9 11
Y: 12 13 14 16

14. (a) Using Laplace transform solve y  2 y  3 y  sin t

given that y   0, when t  0 .
»õ¨»õì E¸©õØÓzøu £¯ß£kzv wº
y  2 y  3 y  sin tCvÀ t0 GÝ® ÷£õx
y  0.

3 E–0328

 1 
(b) Find L1  .

 s  1 s  2s  2

 1 
PõsP L1  .

 s  1 s  2s  2 

 x if   x  0
15. (a) If f x    expand f x  as a
x if 0 x 
Fourier series in the interval   ,   .

 x if   x  0
f x    – GÛÀ   ,  
x if 0 x 
CøhöÁΰÀ f x  L§›¯º öuõhº PõsP.


(b) Find the function cos 2x as a Fourier sine series in

0,   .
cos 2x GßÓ \õº¦US ø\ß öuõhº 0,   GßÓ
CøhöÁΰÀ PõsP.

Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any THREE questions.

16. For a distribution, the mean is 10, variance is 16,  1 is +1

and  2 is 4. Obtain the first four moments about origin.

J¸ £μÁ¼ß \μõ\› 10, £μÁØ£i 16,  1 = +1 ©ØÖ®  2 = 4

GÛÀ Bvø¯ ö£õ¸zx •uÀ |õßS v¸¨¦z vÓß PõsP.

4 E–0328

17. From the regression lies x  19.13  0.87 y and

y  11.64  50x , find the value of
(a) x

(b) y

(c)  xy .

x  19.13  0.87 y ©ØÖ® y  11.64  50x , GßÓ C¸

öuõhº¦US ÷PõkPμ¸¢x (A) x (B) y (C)  xy –ß

©v¨ø£ PõsP.

18. Calculate : (a) Laspeyre’s (b) Paasche’s (c) Fisher’s index

numbers for the following data given below :
Base Year 1990 Current Year 1992
Price Quantity Price Quantity

A 2 10 3 12

B 5 16 6.5 11

C 3.5 18 4 16

D 7 21 9 25

E 3 11 3.5 20

÷©÷» EÒÍ ©v¨¤¼¸¢x (A) »õ줯º (B) £õì]

(C) L¤åº SÔ±mk GsPøÍU PõsP.

d2 y dy
19. Solve 2
4  5 y  4e3t given y 0   2, y 0   7 .
dt dt

d2 y dy
y 0   2, y 0   7 GÛÀ 2
4  5 y  4e3t I wºUP.
dt dt

5 E–0328

20. Find the half range cosine series for the function
f x   x 2 in 0 x   and hence find the sum of the series
1 1 1
1 2  2  2 
2 3 4

0 x   –À f x   x 2 \õº¦US AøμÃa_ öPõø\ß

1 1 1
öuõhøμU PõsP. ÷©¾® 1 2
 2
  GßÓ
2 3 42
öuõh›ß TkuÀ PõsP.


6 E–0328

E–0354 Sub. Code



First Semester
(CBCS – 2011 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Section A (10  2 = 20)
Answer all the questions.

1. If y  then find yn .
y GÛÀ yn &IU PõsP.

2. State Leibnitz formula.

¼¤Ûmì&ß `zvμzøuU TÖP.

3. Find the length of the subtangent for the curve y  a x .

y  a x GßÓ ÁøÍÁøμ°ß EÒ öuõk÷Põmiß }Í® PõsP.

4. Define : Asymptotes.
Áøμ¯Ö : P¢uÈz öuõk÷Põk.

5. What is the envelope of y  mx  ?
y  mx  &ß uÊÂ ¯õx?

6. Write the formula for radius of curvature in polar

÷£õ»õº B¯zöuõø»PÎÀ ÁøÍÄ Bμ® Põq® `zvμzøu
7. If x  cos   i sin  then find x 3  .
x  cos   i sin  GÛÀ x 3  PõsP.

8. Write the expansion of tan  in powers of  .

 &Âß AkUQÀ tan  &ß Â›øÁ GÊx.

9. Prove : cosh 2 x  sinh 2 x  1 .

{ÖÄP : cosh 2 x  sinh 2 x  1 .

1 1  x 
10. Prove : tanh 1 x  log .
2 1  x 
1 1  x 
{ÖÄP : tanh 1 x  log .
2 1  x 

Section B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all the questions choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) Find the nth derivative of y  .
( x  1) (2x  1)
y &ß n&B® ÁøPUöPÊ Põs
( x  1) (2x  1)

(b) Find the nth derivative of y  cos x cos 2x cos 3x .
y  cos x cos 2x cos 3x &ß n&B® ÁøPUöPÊ PõsP.

12. (a) Find the length of the normal at any point P of the
rectangular hyperbola x 2  y 2  a 2 .
ö\ÆÁP Av£μÁøͯ® x 2  y 2  a 2 &ØS H÷uÝ® J¸
¦ÒÎ P&À ö\[÷Põmiß }ÍzøuU PõsP.


2 E–0354
(b) Find the angle of intersection of two curves
a b
r and r  .
1  cos  1  cos 
a b
C¸ ÁøÍÁøμPÒ r  ©ØÖ® r 
1  cos  1  cos 
öÁmk® ÷PõnzøuU PõsP.

13. (a) Find the radius of curvature of the curve xy 3  a 4 at

( a, a ) .
xy 3  a 4
ÁøÍÁøμ «x ( a, a ) Gݪhzx
ÁøÍÁøμ°ß Bμ® PõsP.

(b) Find the coordinates of the centre of curvature of
the curve xy  2 at (2, 1).
xy  2 GÝ® ÁøÍÁøμ «x (2, 1) Gݪhzx ÁøÍÄ
ø©¯zvß Aa_U TÖPøÍU PõsP.

sin 7
14. (a) Prove :  7  56 sin 2   112 sin 4   64 sin 6  .
sin 
sin 7
{ÖÄP :  7  56 sin 2   112 sin 4   64 sin 6 
sin 

4 2
(b) Expand sin  cos  in a series of cosines of
multiples of  .
sin 4  cos2  &ß
›øÁ öPõø\ÛÀ  &Âß
©h[SPÍõP GÊxP.

15. (a) If sin(  i )  tan   i sec  , prove that

cos 2 cosh 2  3 .
sin(  i )  tan   i sec  GÛÀ cos 2 cosh 2  3


3 E–0354
u sin 2x
(b) If u  iv  tan( x  iy) then prove that  .
v sinh 2 y
u sin 2x
u  iv  tan( x  iy) GÛÀ  GÚ {ÖÄP.
v sinh 2 y

Section C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. If y  e a sin x
, prove that
(1  x 2 ) yn  2  (2n  1)xyn 1  (n 2  a 2 ) yn  0 .
y  e a sin x
(1  x 2 ) yn  2  (2n  1)xyn 1  (n 2  a 2 ) yn  0 GÚ {ÖÄP.

17. Find the length of the subtangent and subnormal at

   / 4 for the ellipse x  a cos  , y  b sin  .
}ÒÁmh® x  a cos  , y  b sin  &ØS    / 4 &À EÒ
öuõk÷Põk ©ØÖ® EÒ ö\[÷Põmiß }Í[PøÍU PõsP.

18. Show that the evolute of the cycloid x  a(  sin  ) ,

y  a(1  cos  ) is another cycloid.
E¸ÒÁøÍ x  a(  sin  ) , y  a(1  cos  ) &ß ö\[÷Põmkz
uÊÂ J¸ E¸ÒÁøÍ GÚU PõmkP.

19. Prove :
27 cos8   cos 8  8 cos 6  28 cos 4  56 cos 2  35 .
{ÖÄP :
27 cos8   cos 8  8 cos 6  28 cos 4  56 cos 2  35 .

  
20. Prove : cosh u  sec   u  log tan   .
4 2
  
{ÖÄP : cosh u  sec   u  log tan  .
4 2

4 E–0354
Wk ser

E–0355 Sub. Code



Second Semester



(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Section A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Define : odd function.

Áøμ¯Ö : JØøÓa \õº¦

b c b
2. Prove :  f x dx  f x dx  f x dx .
 
a a c

b c b
{ÖÄP :  f x dx   f x dx   f x dx .
a a c

3. 
Write the reduction formula for I n  sin n x dx .

I n  sin n x dx –ß SøÓzuÀ Áõ´¨£õk PõsP.

4. Write Bernoulli’s formula.

ö£ºö|ͼ°ß `zvμzøu GÊxP.

Wk ser
1 2

  xy
5. Evaluate : I  dy dx .
0 0

1 2
©v¨¤kP : I    xy2 dy dx .
0 0

1 2 2

 dx  dy x
6. Evaluate : yz dz .
0 0 1

1 2 2
©v¨¤kP :  dx  dy  x 2 yz dz .
0 0 1

7. Define beta function.

¥mhõ \õºø£ Áøμ¯Ö.

4 x
8. Evaluate : e dx .

©v¨¤kP :  x 4 e  x dx .

9. Define : Half range cosine series.

Áøμ¯Ö : Aøμ Ãa_ öPõø\ß öuõhº.

10. Write the formula for an in Fourier series.

L§›¯º öuõh›À an –ß `zvμzøu GÊxP.

2 E–0355
Wk ser
Section B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) 
Evaluate : I  x cos4 x dx .

©v¨¤kP : I   x cos4 x dx .


 a
2 f x dx if f 2a  x   f x 

(b) Prove : f x dx   0
 .

if f 2a  x    f x 

 a
2 f x dx if f 2a  x   f x 

{ÖÄP : f x dx   0
 .

if f 2a  x    f x 

12. (a) Establish a reduction formula for I n  tan n x dx .

I n  tan n x dx –ß SøÓzuÀ Áõ´£õmøhU PõsP.


 cos
(b) Derive the reduction formula for x dx .

 cos
x dx –ß SøÓzuÀ Áõ´£õmøhU PõsP.

3 E–0355
Wk ser
2 2
a a x
dx dy
13. (a) Evaluate :  
0 0 a2  x 2

a a2 x 2
dx dy
©v¨¤kP :   0 0 a2  x 2


log a x x  y

  e
x  yz
(b) Evaluate : I  dz dy dx .
0 0 0

log a x x  y

  e
x  yz
©v¨¤kP : I  dz dy dx .
0 0 0

14. (a) Prove : n  1  nn  .

{ÖÄP : n  1  nn  .


x8 1  x6  dx  0 .
(b) Prove :  1  x 

x8 1  x6  dx  0 .
{ÖÄP :  1  x 

15. (a) Find a sine series for f x   k in 0  x   .

f x   k –ØS 0  x   –À J¸ ø\ß öuõhøμU PõsP.


4 E–0355
Wk ser
(b) Expand the function y  cos 2x in a series of sines
in the interval 0,  .

\õºÄ y  cos 2x –I CøhöÁÎ 0,  –À J¸ ø\ß

öuõhμõP ÂÁ›UP.

Section C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. Prove :  log tan x dx  0 .

{ÖÄP :  log tan x dx  0 .

17. Find a reduction formula for I m, n   sin m x cosn x dx .

I m, n   sin m x cosn x dx –ß SøÓzuÀ Áõ´£õmøhU PõsP.

18. Evaluate I   xyz dx dy dz

where D is the positive

x 2 y2 z 2
octant of the ellipsoid   1.
a 2 b2 c 2

I  xyz dx dy dz –I
©v¨¤kP. CvÀ D Gߣx }Ò

x 2 y2 z 2
÷PõÍ®    1 –ß GmiÀ J¸ PõÀ £Sv.
a 2 b2 c 2

5 E–0355
Wk ser
m n 
19. Prove :  m, n   .
m  n 

m n 
{ÖÄP :  m, n   .
m  n 

20. Find the Fourier series of f x   x 2 in    x   .

f x   x 2 –ØS    x   –À L§›¯º öuõhº PõsP.


6 E–0355

E–0356 Sub. Code



Second Semester




(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all questions.

1. Find the value of ‘k’ so that the lines

x 1 y2 z 3 x 1 y5 z6
  and   may be
3 2k 2 3k 1 5
perpendicular to each other.

x 1 y2 z 3 x 1 y5 z6

  ©ØÖ®   BQ¯
3 2k 2 3k 1 5
÷PõkPÒ JßÖUöPõßÖ ö\[SzuõP Aø©²©õÖ ‘k’ ß
©v¨ø£U PõsP.

2. Find the angle between the planes 2x  y  z  6 and

x  y  2z  7 .

2x  y  z  6 ©ØÖ® x  y  2z  7 GßÓ uÍ[PÐUS

Cøh°»õÚ ÷PõnzøuU PõsP.
2x  1 4 y  3 2z  3
3. Find a point on the line   .
3 1 0
2x  1 4 y  3 2z  3
  GßÓ ÷Põmiß «x J¸
3 1 0
¦ÒÎø¯U PõsP.

4. Write the formula to find S.D.

S.D Põn EuÄ® `zvμzøu GÊx.

5. Find the equation of the sphere with centre  1, 2,  3

and radius 3 units.
 1, 2,  3 I
ø©¯©õPÄ® 3I Bμ©õPÄ® öPõsh
÷PõÍzvß \©ß£õk PõsP.

6. Define : cone.
Áøμ¯Ö : T®¦.

7. Prove :   r  3 .

{ÖÄP :   r  3 .
  
8. Find the curl of xyzi  yj  zk .
  
xyzi  yj  zk ß _ÇØ] PõsP.
     
9. Evaluate  F .dr
when F  xzi  yzj  z 2 k and C is the

straight path from 0, 0, 0  to 1, 1, 1 .

     

F .dr ß ©v¨ø£U PõsP. C[S F  xzi  yzj  z 2 k C

Gߣx 0, 0, 0  ©ØÖ® 1, 1, 1 ø¯ CønUS® ÷|º£õøu.

10. State Stoke’s theorem.

ì÷hõUQß ÷uØÓzøuU TÖP.

2 E–0356
Part B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) Find the equation of the plane which passes

through the point 3,  2, 4  and is perpendicular to
the line joining the points 2, 3, 5 and 1,  2, 3 .
3,  2, 4  GßÓ ¦ÒÎ ÁÈ ö\ÀÁx® 2, 3, 5 ©ØÖ®
1,  2, 3 BQ¯ ¦ÒÎPøÍ CønUS® ÷PõmiØS
ö\[SzuõÚx©õÚ uÍzvß \©ß£õmøhU PõsP.

(b) Find the symmetrical form of the equation of the
line given by 3x  2 y  z  4  0  4 x  y  2z  3 .
3x  2 y  z  4  0  4 x  y  2z  3

öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ ÷|º÷Põmiß \©ß£õmøh \©a^º
ÁiÂÀ PõsP.

x 5 y7 z3
12. (a) Prove that the lines   and
4 4 5
x 8 y4 z 5
  are coplanar.
7 1 3
x 5 y7 z3 x 8 y4 z 5
  ©ØÖ®  
4 4 5 7 1 3
BQ¯ ÷|º÷PõkPÒ J÷μ uÍzvÀ Aø©²® GÚ {¹¤.

(b) Find the perpendicular distance from the point
x 1 y z
5, 4,  1 to the line   .
2 9 5
x 1 y z
5, 4,  1 GßÓ ¦Òΰ¼¸¢x   GßÓ
2 9 5
÷Põmiß ö\[Szx yμ® PõsP.

3 E–0356
13. (a) Show that the sphere
x 2  y 2  z 2  2x  4 y  2z  3  0 touches the
plane 2x  2 y  z  12  0 and find the point of
2x  2 y  z  12  0 GÝ® uÍ®
2 2 2
x  y  z  2x  4 y  2z  3  0 GßÓ ÷PõÍzøuz
öuõk® GÚ {¹¤ ©ØÖ® öuõk® ¦ÒÎø¯U PõsP.
(b) Find the equation of the cone formed by rotating the
line 2x  3 y  6 , z  0 about y-axis.
y Aaø\¨ ö£õ¸zx 2x  3 y  6 , z  0 GßÓ
÷Põmøh _ÇØÖ® ÷£õx E¸ÁõS® T®¤ß
\©ß£õmøhU PõsP.
   
14. (a) If F  x 2 yi  xzj  2 yzk then prove that

    F  0. 
    
F  x 2 yi  xzj  2 yzk GÛÀ     F  0 GÚ 
   
(b) Prove that F  yzi  zxj  xyk is irrotational.
   
F  yzi  zxj  xyk _Ç»ØÓx GÚ {ÖÄP.
    
15. (a) Find 
div F dv for F  4 xi  2 y 2 j  z 2 k taken
over the region bounded by x 2  y 2  4 , z  0 and
z  3.
x 2  y2  4 , z 0 ©ØÖ® z  3 BQ¯ÁØÓõÀ

Aøh£k® £μ¨¤À  div F dv ß ©v¨ø£U PõsP.
  V 
CvÀ F  4 xi  2 y j  z 2 k .


4 E–0356

 x
3 2 2
(b) Evaluate dydz  x ydzdx  x zdxdy over the

surface bounded by z  0, z  c, x 2  y 2  a 2 .

z  0, z  c, x 2  y 2  a 2 CÁØÓõÀ Aøh£mh

 x
3 2 2
£μ¨¤À dydz  x ydzdx  x zdxdy ß ©v¨ø£U

Part C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. Find the bisector of the acute angle between the planes
2x  y  2z  3  0 and 3x  2 y  6z  8  0 .

2x  y  2z  3  0
©ØÖ® 3x  2 y  6z  8  0 GßÓ
uÍ[PÐUS Cøh¨£mh SÖ[÷Põn C¸\©ö£mi°ß
\©ß£õk PõsP.

17. Find the shortest distance and the equation of the line of
shortest distance between the straight lines
x 8 y9 z  10 x  15 y  29 z 5
  and   .
3  16 7 3 8 5
x 8 y9 z  10 x  15 y  29 z 5
  ©ØÖ®  
3  16 7 3 8 5
GßÓ ÷|º÷PõkPÐUS Cøh¨£mh «a]Ö yμzøu²® Auß
\©ß£õmøh²® PõsP.

18. Find the equation of the sphere through the points

3, 4, 2 , 2, 0, 5 , 2, 4, 5 and having its centre on the
plane x  2 y  z  6 .

3, 4, 2 , 2, 0, 5 , 2, 4, 5 GßÓ ¦ÒÎPÒ ÁȯõPa ö\ÀÁx®

x  2 y  z  6 GßÓ uÍzvß «x ø©¯zøuU öPõshx©õÚ
÷PõÍzvß \©ß£õmøhU PõsP.

5 E–0356
19. Prove :
grad f  g   f  curl g  g  curl f   f   g   g   f .
{ÖÄP :
grad f  g   f  curl g  g  curl f   f   g   g   f .

20. Verify Green’s theorem in the plane for

xy  y dx  x dy where C is the closed curve of the
2 2

region bounded by y  x and y  x 2 .

y  x ©ØÖ® y  x 2 CÁØÔØS Em£mh C GßÓ ‰i¯

 xy  y dx  x
2 2
ÁøÍÁøμ°À dy US R›Ûß ÷uØÓzøu


6 E–0356
Wk 4

E–0357 Sub. Code



Fifth Semester



(CBCS – 2011 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Section A (10  2 = 20)

Answer all questions.

1. State triangle law of forces.

Âø\PÐUPõÚ •U÷Põn Âvø¯ GÊxP.

2. State Hooke’s law.

íüUì Âvø¯ GÊxP

3. Define cone of friction.

Áøμ¯Ö Eμõ´Ä T®¦.

4. Define sag in a string.

\[Q¼¯zvß öuõ´Ä Áøμ¯Ö.

5. Define projectile and its trajectory.

Áøμ¯Ö GÔö£õ¸Ò ©ØÖ® Auß £õøu.

6. Define time of flight of the projectile.

GÔö£õ¸Îß £ÓUS® Põ»® – Áøμ¯Ö.
Wk 4
7. Define oblique impact.
Áøμ¯Ö \õ´Ä ÷©õuÀ.

8. State the Newton’s Experimental law.

{³mhÛß B´ÁP Âvø¯ GÊxP.

9. What is meant by central forces?

ø©¯ Âø\¨ £õøu GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

10. Write the pedal equation of a circle.

Ámhzvß £õu \©ß£õmøh GÊxP.

Section B (5  5 = 25)

Answer all questions choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) The greatest and least magnitudes of the resultant

of two forces of constant magnitudes are R and S
respectively. Prove that, when the forces act at an
angle 2 , the resultant is of magnitude
R 2 cos 2   S 2 sin 2  .

C¸ Âø\PÎß «¨ö£¸ ÂøÍÄ Âø\°ß AÍÄ

R. «a]Ö Âø\°ß AÍÄ S GÛÀ Âø\PÒ 2
÷PõnzvÀ ö\¯À£h ÂøÍÄ Âø\°ß AÍÄ
R 2 cos 2   S 2 sin 2  GÚ {ÖÄP.


(b) Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of

two forces acting at a point.
J¸ ¦ÒΰÀ ö\¯À£k® C¸ Âø\PÎß ÂøÍÄ
Âø\°ß AÍÄ ©ØÖ® vø\ PõsP.

2 E–0357
Wk 4
12. (a) A uniform ladder AB rests in equilibrium with the
end A on a rough floor with the coefficient of friction
 and with the other end B against a smooth wall.
Show that if  is the inclination of the ladder to the
vertical then prove that tan   2  .

Eμõ´Ä \©{ø»°À C¸US® J¸ ^μõÚ Ho AB&ß

J¸ •øÓ A BÚx Eμõ´ÄUöPÊ  Eøh¯
ö\õμö\õ쨣õÚ uÍzv¾® ©ØöÓõ¸ •øÚ B ö\[Szx
_ÁØÔ¾® EÒÍx. Ho¯õÚx ö\[Szx _ÁØÔ¾®
EÒÍx. Ho¯õÚx ö\[Szx Aa_hß HØ£kzx®
÷Põn®  GÛÀ tan   2  GÚ {¹¤.


(b) A uniform rod rests in limiting equilibrium within a

rough hollow sphere. If the rod subtends on angle
2 at the centre of the sphere and if  be the angle
of friction, show that the inclination of the rod to the
 sin 2 
horizontal is tan 1  .
 cos 2  cos 2 

^μõÚ ÷Põö»õßÖ J¸ ö\õμö\õ쨣õÚ ÷PõÍzvÝÒ

GÀø» \©{ø»°À EÒÍx. ÷PõÍzvß ø©¯zvÀ
EshõUS® ÷Põn® 2 ©ØÖ® Eμõ´Ä ÷Põn® 
GÛÀ, ÷PõÀ QøhU÷Põmkhß EshõUS® ÷Põn®
 sin 2 
tan 1   GÚU PõsP.
 cos 2  cos 2  

3 E–0357
Wk 4
13. (a) If h1 and h2 be the greatest paths in the two paths
of a projectile with a given velocity for a given range
R, prove that R  4 h1h2 .

R GßÓ öPõkUP¨£mh Ãa]À, öPõkUP¨£mh

Âø\°À, h1 ©ØÖ® h2 Gß£Ú GÔö£õ¸Îß C¸
£õøuPÎÀ ªP¨ö£›¯ £õøuPÒ GÛÀ R  4 h1h2
GÚ {¹¤.


(b) Find the range of a projectile on the horizontal

Qøh©mh uÍzvÀ J¸ GÔö£õ¸Îß Ãa_ PõsP.

14. (a) If the displacement of a moving point at any time be

given by an equations of the form
x  a cos nt  b sin nt then show that the motion is a
simple harmonic motion.
J¸ ÷|ºU÷PõmiÀ C¯[S® J¸ xPÎß Ch¨ö£¯ºa]
x  a cos nt  b sin nt . C[S a,b, n Gß£Ú ©õÔ¼PÒ
GÛÀ xPÎß C¯UP® \õ©õÛ¯ ^›ø\ C¯UP® GÚ


(b) A ball impinges directly on a second ball of twice its

mass which is moving in the same direction as the
first but with 1/7 of its velocity. If e  3 / 4 , show
that the first ball will come to rest after the impact.
m {øÓ²øh¯ J¸ £¢x 2 m {øÓ²øh¯x®
ußÝøh¯ vø\°À |Pº¢x öPõsk® uÚx ÷ÁPzvÀ
1/7 £[S ÷ÁPzvÀ ö\À¾® J¸ £¢vß «x
÷©õxQßÓx. e  3 / 4 GÛÀ ÷©õu¾US¨¤ß •uÀ
£¢x {ßÖ ÂkQÓx GÚU PõmkP.

4 E–0357
Wk 4
15. (a) Find the differential equation of a central orbit in
p-r co-ordinates.
ø©¯Âø\ £õøu°ß ÁøPUöPÊ \©ß£õmøh p-r
B¯[PÎÀ u¸Â.


(b) A particle moves in an ellipse under a force directed

towards a focus. Find the law of force.
J¸ }ÒÁmhzvß S¯zøu ÷|õUQ J¸ ö£õ¸Îß
Âø\¯õÚx |PºQÓx GÛÀ Âø\ Âvø¯U PõsP.

Section C (3  10 = 30)

Answer any three questions.

16. State and prove Lami’s theorem.

÷»ª°ß ÷uØÓzøu GÊv {ÖÄP.

17. Find the conditions of equilibrium of a number of

coplanar forces acting at a point on a rigid body.
J¸ PmiÖUP¨ ö£õ¸Îß «x J¸ ¦ÒΰÀ ö\¯À£k® J¸
uÍÂø\PÒ \©{ø»°À C¸UP ÷uøÁ¯õÚ {£¢uøÚPøÍU

18. Show that the path of a projectile is a parabola.

J¸ GÔö£õ¸Îß £õøu £μÁøͯ® GÚU PõmkP.

19. Find the loss of kinetic energy due to direct impact of two
smooth spheres.
C¸ ÁÇÁǨ£õÚ ÷PõÍ[PÎß ÷|μi ÷©õu¼À HØ£k®
C¯UP BØÓ¼ß CǨø£U PõsP.

5 E–0357
Wk 4
20. Find the law of forces towards the pole under which the
curve r n  a n cos n can be described.
J¸ xPÍõÚx •øÚøÁ ÷|õUQ J¸ ø©¯ Âø\°ÚõÀ
C¯UP¨£mk r n  a n cos n GßÓ £õøuø¯ Aø©UQÓx
GÛÀ Âø\ Âvø¯U PõsP.


6 E–0357

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