Lesson: Synthesis
Lesson: Synthesis
Lesson: Synthesis
lesson 4
Protein synthesis
Genes are segments of DNA in the chromosome that code hereditary character
Translation RNA :
dir c et s the assembly of protein
forming proteins based on DNA carried out by DNA is called protein synthesis
Proteins protect the body & carry oxygen in red blood cells
R NA has ribose instead of deoxyribose
URACIL instead OF THY mine
! DNA isis usually single stranded rather than double stranded
Types of RNA
messenger RNA carries the genetic message from DNA in the nucleus
- :
to the ribosome in cytosol
ri bosom bat RNA part of the structure of ribosome ( where synthesis occurs) Bd
transfer RNA transefrs amino acids ribosome ¥¥f
: →
I RNA polymerase catalyzes the RNA info with a DNA template & binds
adenine +
URACIL ( replaced thymine)
guanine cytosine
stop codons : UAA VA O UGA
, ,
The making of protein
there are 20 different amino acids found in proteins
The sequence of these amino acids determine the shape of the polypeptide in the protein
I -
One end of tRNA will have an amino-acid & the other an anti codon
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