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Research Title:



A Study Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department of Pulong Buhangin
National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

HUMSS 12-1

(Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

(Arrange it according to contribution
Research Design

For this study, the researcher choose the quasi-experimental method. Quasi-

experimental method refers to a research approach that resembles experimental design

but lacks random assignment of participants to experimental and control groups.

According to Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2018), quasi-experimental designs involve

the manipulation of an independent variable but lack the control or randomization

typically seen in true experimental studies. These designs are commonly used when

random assignment is not feasible or ethical, yet researchers still aim to establish cause-

effect relationships between variables. It allows the researcher to investigate a cause-and-

effect relationship. It addresses the ethical concern of randomly assigning students to

potentially be bullied. By comparing the changes in awareness between the two groups,

the researcher can assess the program's impact. The advantage of this design is that it

controls for extraneous factors that might influence awareness, such as media campaigns

or general anti-bullying trends.

Respondents of the Study

The study’s participants are grade 11 students in General Academic Strand (GAS)

from Pulong Buhangin National High School who are currently enrolled in the second

semester of the academic year of 2023 - 2024 . The study's participants had a total of 50

respondents with 25 representatives from GAS 11-1 and 25 representatives from GAS

11-2 . The selected participants for the study are senior high school that are readily

available and voluntary to participate. Their curriculum emphasizes communication and

social sciences, which can provide valuable insights into how students perceive and
respond to bullying. GAS students are a general population group within senior high

school, making their awareness levels likely reflect the broader student body.


GAS 11-1 20

GAS 11-2 20

GAS 11-3 20


Product Description

This symposium is a comprehensive event aimed at addressing the issue of

bullying and empowering individuals to take a stand against it. Through a series of

dynamic presentations, participants will delve into the various aspects of bullying,

including its root causes, different forms (such as verbal, physical, and cyberbullying),

and the lasting effects it can have on victims. The guidance counselor of the school will

provide insights into effective strategies for prevention, intervention, and support for

those affected by bullying. The seminar will also feature personal stories and

testimonials from survivors of bullying, inspiring participants to overcome adversity and

find their voice in advocating for change. By fostering collaboration and collective

action, the symposium aims to create a safer and more respectful environment for all

individuals, free from the harmful effects of bullying.

Sampling Procedure

The sampling method of this study is purposive sampling which is in the non

probability sampling procedure the researcher chose the participating students to achieve

the goal and help and assess their questions to the researcher in other words. Participants

of the main goal of purposive sampling helped the researcher to focus on the specific

characteristic of the population related to the student in its bullying. The GAS strand and

section was chosen so that the researchers know how in what way they are aware at

bullying programs.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Pulong Buhangin National High School's Senior

High School department, located at Km 38 Pulong Buhangin, Santa Maria, Bulacan. The

respondents will be given time to answer the provided questionnaire through printed

Forms. This location was chosen to measuring the level of student awareness of anti bull

program in mitigating the bullying. This research will be undertaken in the junior high

school covered court during the second semester of the school year 2023-2024.

Figure 1. The Location for the Study

Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment

This study is to assess the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs in reducing

school bullying at Pulong Buhangin National High School. By analyzing various factors

such as programs, student involvement, the research aims to understand what contributes

to the success of these investigation. also, it aims to to investigate whether there is a

significant correlation between the implementation of the anti-bullying program and the

frequency of bullying incidents. Through thorough data analysis and statistical treatment,

the study intends to quantify the extent to which the anti-bullying programs have reduced

bullying rates within the school, both in terms of direct incidents and their impact on the

broader school environment.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will discuss the instruments will be used in gathering the data for

their study. The researchers will draft some questions and then be validated by Mr. Fits

Gerald Cedillo. After that, the researchers will request permission from the principal of

Pulong Buhangin National Highschool in order to conduct their study

Fugure 2. Data Gathering Procedure
Ethical Risk and Consideration

o Privacy and confidentiality: Ensure anonymity in data collection and

protect participants' identities throughout the research process.

o Informed consent: Obtain informed consent from participants or their

guardians, clearly explaining the purpose, procedures, and potential risks

of the study.

o Vulnerability of participants: Be mindful of students who may have

experienced bullying or be uncomfortable discussing it. Provide resources

and support mechanisms for them.

o Non-maleficence: Avoid causing any harm to participants. The

intervention should focus on education and awareness, not dredging up

negative experiences.

o Deception: Be honest and transparent with participants about the research

goals and methods.

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