ISMS Programme Manual Handbook

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Programme Regulations Manual

02 February, 2018

The undergraduate programme in Information Science and Media Studies is aimed at
developing competent, creative, innovative, entrepreneurial and ethically-minded persons,
capable of creating value in the diverse fields of media and communication in today’s digital
age and beyond, drawing on computer-driven advances in information science and
technology. The overall intention is to nurture individuals who are technically skilled,
creative, innovative, professionally competent, enterprising, and zealous for the common
good, with the ability to make free and morally upright decisions, and who can thus impart
positive values in service to society.
The programme will provide intensive practical and theoretical courses, which are designed
to prepare the students to work in modern day industries as digital information and media
designers, producers, implementers, administrators as well as analysts. Career prospects for
graduates of this course include computer software programming; web and mobile
applications development; online broadcast design; audio-visual production including sound
and visual effects; animation and games for entertainment, advertisement and various
forms of instructional content; social network analysis, etc. The programme will emphasize
particularly the need for high ethical standards in the exercise of professional work, training,
teaching, and obligations. Hence, the curriculum will be suffused with courses that deal with
human values, analytical and critical thinking and the appropriate design and use of digital
media systems.


The programme aims to provide a synergy between the study of information as a science
and mediated communication as a practice. And towards this end, it draws on advances in
information technology and its applications in the field of media works and studies.
The programme is largely driven by the need to facilitate, through adequate theoretical and
practical training, the emergence of competent professionals in the area of design,
production, implementation and administration of digital media systems and information
Besides treating traditional communication principles and practices, the programme content
ranges from foundational concepts in information technology and design to specialized skills
required for industry-standard creative digital design and production. Mathematical,
statistical and engineering concepts, especially in their applied mode, are also relevant.
As a fundamental principle, the programme emphasizes interactions between the industry
players, lecturers and students, with the goal of ensuring relevance to the industry as well as
driving the innovation needs of the industry.
Together with the technical skills and competencies, the programme also places emphasis
on a holistic development of the positive character traits of the students. Such traits could

be critical success factors in the team work required for professional success in the creative


The following basic points are the guiding principles for the programme:
a. The undergraduate degree programme in Information Science and Media Studies
will be offered to secondary school leavers, thus preparing them to play an active
role in nation building.
b. The programme will impart an education that is relevant to the needs of the nation
and of international standard. The relevance of the programme's content will be
ensured by fostering a strong relationship with the industry.
c. The programme will give particular emphasis to teaching and research. The
academic staff will be encouraged to engage in research and attend conferences of
relevance across the world. This is expected to ensure a continuous improvement in
their teaching and maintain its relevance to the needs of the nation.
d. The programme will be concerned with the integral formation of the individual and
will lay special emphasis on the development of values and ideals. Professional
ethics will permeate all teaching activities in the programme.


The aims and objectives of the programme include but are not limited to the following:
a. To produce graduates that will be competent in the application of information
science to various fields of digital media practice, such as scientists, designers,
producers, implementers and researchers at the service of the broadcast, film, public
relations, advertising, new media and other related industries.
b. To equip the students with research skills (besides a practical approach to teaching
and learning) at the service of the advancement of innovations in the target
c. To educate and train the critical mass of experts that will make Nigeria play a leading
role in the global advancement of new media and information science and
technology for effective and efficient communication.
d. To educate and train students as communication professionals with expertise in
multimedia principles and practices.
e. To educate and train students as communication professionals with expertise in
media convergence principles and practices.
f. To offer an integral formation with emphasis on the development of values and
ideals that will help prepare the students to play leadership roles in such industries.



The regulations that govern the courses leading to the four-year degree of a Bachelor of
Science in Information Science and Media Studies are as stated below. These provisions may
be amended from time to time by the University Senate.

1. Degree

The School shall provide a programme of study that will lead to the degree of a Bachelor of
Science in Information Science and Media Studies.

2. Admission and Matriculation Requirements

Candidates for the undergraduate programme shall be accepted at the 100 level for a four-
year programme. As from the 2017/2018 academic session, direct entry applicants can be
admitted into 200 level for a three-year course.

Admission into the programme, at the 100 level, will ordinarily be based on the candidate’s
performance at the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and the ability to
meet other requirements that the University may indicate. In addition, the candidate should
possess a General Certificate of Education (G.C.E.) Ordinary Level pass at Credit level, or its
equivalent, in five relevant subjects, including English Language and Mathematics.

To gain admission into the 200 level, the candidate, in addition to passing the evaluative test
of the Pan-Atlantic University, will need to possess either Two ‘A’ level passes in Arts or
Social Science subjects or a tertiary level certificate such as NCE, OND or HND.

3. The Semester Course System

3.1 The undergraduate programme in Information Science and Media Studies will be run on
the semester course basis, and there will be two semesters in the academic year.
3.2 Instruction in the programme shall be by courses, and it will be mandatory for students
to take an approved combination of courses in any semester.

3.3 An evaluation of the courses will be carried out in terms of course units. For this
purpose, one course unit is defined as one lecture/seminar/tutorial hour or two hours of
practical class per week, for the duration of a semester. Ordinarily, students shall be
expected to register for a prescribed number of units in each academic year. This
number will be determined by Senate based on the recommendation of the School
3.4 There shall be four levels of courses in line with the years of study. The levels shall be
numbered respectively as 101-199, 201-299, 301-399 and 401-499. Each of these
numbers shall be prefixed by a two or three letter subject code.
3.5 Students will be required to complete their registration for the courses within the period
stipulated by the School. Amendment of this registration will be allowed through the
addition or deletion of courses but it must take place within six weeks of the
commencement of lectures.
3.6 Direct entry and transfer students that enter into the second year of the programme will
have to take some compulsory courses from the first year prior to their graduation from
the University. However, if the Faculty Board assesses that a student has done any of the
courses elsewhere, such a student will be exempted from taking the course. The courses
concerned are listed below.
 GST 103: Use of Library, Study Skills and Information Communication Technology (ICT)
 GST 104: Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence
 GST 106: History and Philosophy of Science
 ISM 101: Introduction to Information Science
 ISM 102: Introduction to Mathematical Methods
 ISM 105: Introduction to Basic Computer Tools & Computer Science
 ISM 106: Design Principles and Computer Aided Design in Media (2 units)
 ISM 108: Programming Languages & Packages for Digital Media

4. Examinations and Grading System

4.1 At the end of each semester, students will be examined on all the courses they have
registered for and been taught during that period. They shall subsequently be credited
with the number of course units assigned to the courses that they pass.

The assessment of students will be based on a combination of continuous assessment
(tests, assignments, etc.), class participation and examinations. To be eligible to sit for
any examinations, students will be expected to attend a minimum of 80% of the lectures
of any course registered for.
All courses registered for will be taken into consideration during the computation of
results. Students will not be credited for courses that they did not register for even if
they are inadvertently allowed to take the examinations and pass them.
Failure to take the examination in a course for which one has registered will attract a
score of 0.0, which will have the consequent effect of lowering the student’s Grade Point
4.2 Special examinations to enable a student graduate may in exceptional circumstances be
held by order of Senate
4.3 Grades will be awarded based on the scores of the students as follows:

Per cent score Grade point Letter Grade

70 – 100 5.0 A

60 – 69 4.0 B

50 – 59 3.0 C

45 – 49 2.0 D

0 – 44 0.0 F

For the purpose of description, a score below 2.0 Grade Point (from letter grade D)
constitutes a failure. The following qualifications shall be applied to the grades:

A Excellent

B Good

C Fair

D Pass

F Failed

To obtain the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of the student, the grade point
assigned to the mark obtained in each course is multiplied by the units of that course. The
total from all the courses is added up to give the total weighted grade point. This total is
then divided by the total number of units taken by the student to give the grade point

5. Retention and Progression

To remain in the School, students will be required to ensure that their CGPA does not fall
below 1.5. If a student's CGPA falls below 1.5, the student will be placed on probation. If the
student fails to improve and, after one year of probation, his/her CGPA remains below 1.5,
that student will be asked to withdraw. A student on probation will not be permitted to
register for more than 18 units.

6. Period of Study and Requirements for the Award of a Degree

The normal period of study for an honours degree shall be eight semesters for 100 level
entrants and six semesters for direct level entrants. The minimum number of course units
for the award of a degree shall be 155 and 128 for 100 level entrants and direct level
entrants respectively.

The determination of the class of degree shall be based on the weighted grade points of all
the courses taken, including the courses that are repeated. The award of the degree with
honours shall be dependent on the student having obtained a Cumulative Grade Point
Average of at least 2.0 in addition to fulfilling other minimum requirements for an honours

The following classes of degree are approved for the CGPA indicated:

Class of Degree Cumulative GPA

First Class 4.5 - 5.0

Second Class (Upper Division) 3.5 – 4.49

Second Class (Lower Division 2.4 – 3.49

Third Class 1.5 – 2.39

The maximum number of semesters for the award of an honours degree shall be ten
semesters. A student who spends more time than this to complete the degree programme
will ordinarily not be eligible for an honours classification.


Course Code Course Title Unit Category

First Semester
ISM 101 Introduction to Information Science 3 Compulsory

ISM 103 (COM 101) Introduction to Communication 2 Compulsory

ISM 105 Introduction to Basic Computer Tools & Computer 3 Compulsory
ISM 107 (COM 107) History of Media, Communication & Development 2 Compulsory
ISM 109 Principles of Economics 2 Compulsory
GST 101 Communication in English I 2 Compulsory
GST 103 Use of Library, Study Skills and Information 2 Compulsory
Communication Technology (ICT)
GST 104 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 3 Compulsory

GST 108 Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning 3 Compulsory


Second Semester
ISM 102 Introduction to Mathematical Methods 3 Compulsory
ISM 104 Creativity and Innovation 2 Compulsory
ISM 106 Design Principles and Computer Aided Design in Media 2 Compulsory

ISM 108 Programming Languages & Packages for Digital Media 3 Compulsory
ISM 110 Creative Media Writing 3 Compulsory
ISM 112 (COM 104) Communication and African Civilization 2 Compulsory

ISM 114 (BUS 102) Principles of Management 2 Compulsory

GST 102 Introduction to Christian Theology 3 Compulsory
GST 105 Communication in English II 2 Compulsory
GST 106 History and Philosophy of Science 2 Compulsory
GST 107 World Civilizations 2 Compulsory



Course Code Course Title Unit Category

First Semester
ISM 201 Introduction to Audio, Video & Graphics 2 Compulsory
Editing Packages'
ISM 202 Media Production Process 3 Compulsory
ISM 205 Freehand Sketches 2 Compulsory

ISM 207 Digital Colour Technology 2 Compulsory

ISM 209 Web-based Technologies & Multimedia 3 Compulsory
ISM 211 Introduction to Database Systems 3 Compulsory

ISM 213 (COM 201) Culture and Critical Analysis 2 Compulsory

GST 201 Communication in English III 2 Compulsory

GST 202 Philosophical Anthropology 2 Compulsory
ENT 201 Entrepreneurship I 2 Compulsory


Second Semester
ISM 203 Applied Computer Graphics 3 Compulsory

ISM 204 Introduction to Image Processing & 3 Compulsory

ISM 206 Introduction to Multimedia Scripting 3 Compulsory
ISM 208 Multimedia Database Systems 2 Compulsory

ISM 210 Mobile-based Technologies and Multimedia 3 Required

ISM 212 Statistics and Probabilities 2 Compulsory
GST 203 Communication in English IV 2 Compulsory

Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution and 3 Compulsory

GST 204 General Ethics
ENT 202 Entrepreneurship II 2 Compulsory


Course Code Course Title Unit Category

First Semester

ISM 301 Media Ethics 2 Compulsory

ISM 303 Audio & Video Special Effects I 2 Required

ISM 305 Interactive & Motion Graphics 3 Compulsory

ISM 307 (COM 307) Research Methodologies 2 Compulsory

ISM 309 (COM 321) e-Publishing 2 Compulsory

ISM 311 Enterprise Resource Planning 3 Compulsory
ISM 313 Introduction to Social Media Network 2 Compulsory
GST 302 Life Skills and Personal Effectiveness 2 Compulsory
GST 303 Nigerian Peoples and Culture 2 Compulsory


Second Semester

ISM 302 Fundamentals of Television and Display 2 Compulsory

ISM 304 Digital Audio & Video System Technology 2 Compulsory

ISM 306 Computer Animation Production 3 Compulsory

ISM 308 Game Design and Development I 2 Required

ISM 310 Marketing Communication 2 Compulsory

ISM 312 e-Commerce and Business Communication 2 Compulsory

ISM 314 Fundamentals of Film & Cinematography 3 Compulsory

ISM 316 (COM 403) Introduction to Media Management 2 Compulsory

ISM 318 (BUS 402) Business Strategy 2 Compulsory

ISM 320 SIWES (3 months) 6 Compulsory



Course Code Course Title Unit Category

First Semester
ISM 401 3D Modelling & Technology 3 Compulsory
ISM 403 Internet Broadcasting 2 Compulsory

ISM 405 (COM 401) Media Law & Policy 3 Compulsory

ISM 407 Project I 3 Compulsory

Second Semester
ISM 402 Production Management (TV) 3 Compulsory

ISM 404 Professional Ethics 2 Compulsory

ISM 406 Digital Rendering 3 Compulsory

ISM 408 Project II 3 Compulsory


4 Electives (8 units) from below 8

ISM 409 Digital Speech Processing 2 Elective

ISM 410 Game Design and Development II 2 Elective

ISM 411 Audio & Video Special Effects II 2 Elective

ISM 412 Human Computer Interaction 2 Elective

ISM 413 (COM 416) Entertainment Media 2 Elective

ISM 414 Computer Security 2 Elective

ISM 415 Special Topics in Digital Media 2 Elective

ISM 416 Natural Language Processing 2 Elective

ISM 417 Instructional and Educational Media 2 Elective

Grand Total 170

Total Compulsory 155



ISM 101 Introduction to Information Science
This course is centred on information science in the digital age. Topics to be covered
include: The definition of data, information, and information technology. Types of Data.
Information vs. Knowledge. Information Theory. Information technology systems: Brief
history of electronic communications and digital computer systems; mobile systems;
satellite, optic fibre connectivity. Information Systems. Information Organization.
Information Representation. Information Processing. Information Management. Information

ISM 103 (COM 101) Introduction to Communication

An exploration of the beginnings of human communication and media from earliest times to
modern day. Students will investigate the development of art and writing, oral traditions,
and how print media have supported the growth of electronic media. Students are also
introduced to an overview of the growth of communication media such as songs,
newsletters, newspapers, books, journals, magazines, radio, television, telephone and how
the new communication technologies have created the global village. It is also an
introduction to the theories of mass communication and mass communication models and
their use in information exchange, education, and development. Relationships between
human communication, society and mass media are explored.

ISM 105 (Introduction to Basic Computer Tools and Computer Science)

Introduction to computer systems, operating systems and application software. Hands-on

lessons in popular operating systems including Linux. Hands-on lessons in word processing,
presentation, spreadsheet, database and Internet services. Fundamental computer science
concepts and skills including problem solving, design, programming using Python language
for illustrations. Illustrations with information systems.
Without prior knowledge of computer programming as prerequisite, this course should
expose the students to computer science basics. The course uses Python language to teach
fundamental programming concepts. Mastery of the course should enable students get
involved in intermediate level programming of various application software driven
information systems.

ISM 107 History of Media, Communication & Development (COM 107 History of the
Nigerian Mass Media)
This course addresses the growth and development of the media industry and Journalistic
style in Nigeria. Starting from the traditional modes of communication in oral tradition, it

traces the advent and nature of the colonial press and radio, and ultimately the post-
colonial press, radio, television and digital media. The growth of local advertising, public
and private media, video film productions, and their contribution to the Nigerian economy,
society and culture are some of the issues the course explores. Key historical events and
personalities in the industry are examined. Their contribution to political economy, religious
and cultural life of the people.

ISM 109 (ECO 111) Principles of Economics

An introduction to the various issues involved in the study of Economics. The course studies
the nature of economic science, the methodology of economics and major areas of
specialisation in economics. It stresses the historical development of ideas, major findings in
the various areas of specialisation, elementary principles of micro and macroeconomics,
current issues of interest and probable future development.

GST 101 Communication in English I

Effective communication and writing in English. Language skills. This course is an overview
of grammatical structure. Attention will be paid to the parts of speech (nouns, pronouns,
verbs, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and interjections) as well as markers
of noun (articles, quantifiers predetermines, demonstratives) and modality in verb use. The
course will also study phrases and clauses, sentence structure, the sentence in use,
punctuation, capitalization and spelling. It will provide an introduction to paragraph
structure, critical thinking in writing, speech planning and organization.

GST 103 Use of Library, Study Skills and Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Brief history of libraries, library and Education. University libraries and other types of
libraries. Study Skills (reference services) reading and comprehension; listening and
comprehension; note-taking and note-making; word processing; the use of dictionaries,
encyclopaedia and other reference materials; the library and learning; organization of the
library system; finding information in a library; database resources; bibliography and
referencing techniques in the social sciences and humanities. Information Communication
Technology: the use of the Internet and other digital resources: e-learning, e-materials, etc.
Copyright and its implications.

GST 104 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence

A brief survey of the main branches of Philosophy. Rudiments and dynamics of critical
thinking as a major component of knowledge production. Such forms of knowledge as good
and bad arguments, the capacity to think clearly and rationally, to engage in reflective and
independent thinking and to reason logically, coherently and purposefully towards a
particular end. Topics include: logic and logical reasoning: the nature of reasoning:
deduction and induction; the structure of argumentation; forms of fallacies; types of
discourse; techniques for evaluating arguments; symbolic logic. Human existence contrasted
with animal and material existence.

GST 108 Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning

Thinking Critically: Living in the Media Age; Propositions and Truth Values; Sets and Venn
Diagrams; Analyzing Arguments; Critical Thinking in Everyday Life. Approaches to Problem
Solving: Working with Units; Problem-Solving with Units; Problem-Solving Guidelines and
Hints. Numbers in the Real World: Putting Numbers in Perspective; Dealing with
Uncertainty; Index Numbers; How Numbers Can Deceive. Managing Money: Taking Control
of Your Finances; The Power of Compounding; Savings Plans and Investment; Loan
Payments, Credit Cards and Mortgages; Income Taxes; Understanding the Federal Budget.
Statistical Reasoning: Fundamentals of Statistics; Statistical Tables and Graphs; Graphics in
the Media; Correlation. Putting Statistics to Work: Characterising Data; Measures of
Variation; The Normal Distribution; Statistical Inference. Probability: Living with the Odds:
Fundamentals of Probability; Combining Probabilities; The Law of Large Numbers; Assessing
Risk; Counting and Probability. Exponential Astonishment: Growth: Linear versus
Exponential; Doubling Time and Half-Life; Real Population Growth; Logarithmic Scales.
Modeling of Our World: Functions: The Building Blocks of Mathematical Models; Linear
Modeling; Exponential Modeling. Further Application of Maths.


ISM 102 Introduction to Mathematical Methods
Linear Algebra: Vectors, Linear transformations, matrices. Ordinary Differential Equations:
Linear and non-linear equations, Degree and order, First order equations, Separable
variables. Equations reducible to separable form, Exact equations, Linear equations with
constant coefficients, Integrating factors, Initial-value problems, Higher-order equations,
Solutions by Laplace transforms, Applications of differential equations. Laplace and Fourier
Transforms: Laplace transforms of elementary functions, Inverse Laplace transforms,
Periodic Functions, Fourier transform, Fourier coefficients, Parsevals Theorem.

ISM 104 Creativity and Innovation

This course introduces the students to the concept of creativity and the development of
creative mindset. It also deals with innovation concept and innovation as a discipline in the
context of organizations especially in media related businesses. The course should help the
students appreciate the connection between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

ISM 106 Design Principles and Computer Aided Design in Media

Design concept and general principles. The use of state of the art software packages in
media design. Visual design: print, web pages, video games, animation, motion graphics.
Visual design approaches: Wireframe, Mock-up. Prototype. User-centred design: UX design,
UI design - material design, bootstrap design, foundation design. Audio design.

ISM 108 Programming Languages & Packages for Digital Media

Programming languages typical to different media categories e.g. C++/C# for Games, Java
for Android, Objective-C/Swift for iOS, JavaScript for frontend, JavaScript for cross-platform,
Python for cross-platform, C# for mobile cross-platform, PHP for Web, Java for enterprise
systems, C# for enterprise systems. Node.js for multi-io systems. Integrated Development
Environments: Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio. App Designers. Visual programming
languages examples: E.g. Blender, Pure data (Pd), Unreal Engine Blueprints. Special focus on
JavaScript in the course as a cross-platform programming language.

ISM 110 Creative Media Writing

Students undergo this practical creative writing course as a means of fostering creativity.
The course deals with the fundamentals of scripting across all media. The students will be
exposed to the challenges of writing particularly for audio and audio-visual media and
developing scriptwriting competency. The course emphasizes the basic principles and
techniques of narration, with a focus on creating and/or following scripting templates,
character development, effective dialogue, and storyboarding. The differences in scripting
for the different media will also be explored.

ISM 112 (COM 104) Communication and African Civilization

African oral traditional communication structure, form and content; also a survey of past
and present modern mass media systems as influenced by the African Political Culture. The
course will examine the role of communication and communication media in the
development of African Civilization. Different types of communication media their use and

ISM 114 (BUS 102) Principles of Management

Management principles and practices are taught in this course including of finance,
personnel management, strategy, operations management etc. It considers the analysis and
interpretation of governance issues, business planning, marketing and the ethical principles
driving management in the world of business.

GST 102 Introduction to Christian Theology

The Existence of God; Revelation; Supernatural Faith; God’s Nature and Action; The Holy
Trinity; Creation; Elevation to the Supernatural Order and original Sin; Jesus Christ, True God
and True Man; The Incarnation ; The Passion and Death on the Cross; Resurrection,
Ascension and Second Coming; The Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church; The Communion
of Saints and the Forgiveness of Sin; History of the Church; The Church and the State; The
Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting; Introduction to the Liturgy and the
Sacraments; Baptism and Confirmation; The Eucharist; Penance; Anointing of the Sick; Holy

Orders; Marriage; Freedom, Law and Conscience; Morality of Human Acts; Grace and the
Virtues; The Person and Society; Personal Sin; The Ten Commandments; Prayer.
GST 105 Communication in English II
Communication in English II builds on the foundation laid by the first part of the course. It
aims to strengthen the foundation and further understanding of the grammatical elements
through increased writing and reading exercises. The course reviews the use of the parts of
speech in writing as well as sentence construction, but it focuses in particular on difficult
verbs, the gerund, voice, mood, agreement, high frequency spelling, punctuation, and the
rules governing the use of capital letters. It will also provide guidelines on critical reading,
summary writing, and speech writing while reviewing argument and paragraph structures.

GST 106 History and Philosophy of Science

An introduction to the history and major branches of philosophy and the natural sciences
from the pre-Socratic to the present time. Man – his origin and nature. Man and his cosmic
environment: renewable and non-renewable resources. Man and his energy resources. The
value and limits of science. Scientific methodology. Science and Technology in society and at
the service of man. Science and human values. Elements of environmental studies.

GST 107 World Civilizations

The course surveys the birth and spread of world civilizations from the Middle East. A
historical and cultural survey of the civilizations in India and China. The Greek and Roman
civilizations. The Byzantine Empire and the parallel rise of the Islamic religion and culture.
Western Europe during the Early, High and Late Middle Ages - The founding of the
Universities; The Renaissance; The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment; Liberalism;
The industrial Revolution, Nationalism; Totalitarianism. The Modern World.


ISM 201 Introduction to Audio, Video & Graphics Editing Packages
This is laboratory course work on the use of audio, video and graphics editing packages.
Image editing tools: Photoshop, Gimp [Free alternative]. Game audio: e.g. Wwise, fmod.
Video audio: e.g. Logic Studio, Adobe Audition. Video Composition: e.g. Final Cut Pro, Avid
Media Composer, Adobe Premiere. Special Effects Studios: e.g. Adobe After Effects, Node
Studio, Fusion Studio, Smoke Studio. Free alternatives: Ubuntu studio. Data visualization
tools for non-developers: e.g. Raw (layered on D3js), Datawrapper, tableau public, infogram.
Data visualization tools for developers. e.g. D3js, VTK, ParaView (layered on VTK).

ISM 203 Applied Computer Graphics

Introduction to computer graphics. Brief history of computer graphics. An Introduction to
Computer Graphics Applications: An overview of selected applications – graphic design,
infographics, video games, CAD, etc. Working with Vector Graphics: Vector graphics vs.

raster graphics. Vector drawing in the computer. Creating shape primitives, path and
bezigon. Applying transform. Editing shapes. Knife. Assign color and gradient. Working with
Text: Text styles. Flow text inside path Attach text to path. Kerning and tracking. Developing
a layout with drawing and text. Working with Basic Raster Graphics: Scanning process. Basic
image cleanup, color-correction and cropping. Developing Advanced Layout & Illustrations:
Developing page layout. Importing artwork and text. Using layers. Clipping Path. Tracing
bitmap etc.
Computer graphics APIs: Introduction to OpenGL - Simple OpenGL commands for plotting
points, drawing lines, polygons, triangle strips, quad strips etc. Drawing sphere, torus etc.
with colour attributes- Shading commands. OpenGL programming illustration in Python.

ISM 205 Freehand Sketches

Introduction to drawing techniques. Practical exercises in free hand sketching of objects and

ISM 207 Digital Colour Technology

Introduction to colour theory. Human psychovision system. Primary colours. Compute
representation of colour. Digital colour technologies. Applications of digital colours.

ISM 209 Web-based Technologies & Multimedia

Introduction to web-based technologies, their principles of operation and application in
media. Web technology stack. Programming paradigms: Backend, Business Logic, Frontend
(HTML/CSS/JavaScript). Website multimedia. Responsive websites across desktop, mobile
and tablets. JavaScript Frameworks: classical (e.g. jQuery); emerging (e.g. React, Angular JS).
Website application frameworks / content management systems (e.g. Liferay, Odoo,
Wordpress). Emerging development paradigms (e.g. Progressive Web). Connecting mobile
apps to backend services: regular; highly scalable backends (e.g. multi-io with javaplay
framework, node.js, python tornado; third-party tools e.g. Google firebase).

ISM 211 Introduction to Database Systems

Introduction: Database Systems vs. File Systems, terminology. Three levels of data
abstraction, Database Languages, System Architecture of a Database System, Classification
of DBMS. Data Modeling: Conceptual Model, Internal Model, External Model and Physical
Model, Entity-Relationship (ER) Model, Entities and Entity types, Relationship and
Relationship type, Constraints, Weak Entity Types, ER Diagrams. Semantic object model.
Process of Database. SQL vs NoSQL Databases.
Design: Requirement Analysis, Conceptual Database Design, Database Schema Design.
Database and Database Application Design: Database design using entity-relationship and
semantic object models, database application design. Terminology in Relational Data Model,
Keys, Integrity Constraints, Primitive Operations on Relations, Relational Algebra (RA),
Relational Algebra Operations, Relational Completeness, Additional Operations on

Relations. Database Implementation: Foundations of relational implementation. Structured
Query Language (SQL): DML Features in SQL, DDL in SQL, Updates in SQL, Views in SQL,
Embedded SQL, Query-by-Example (QBE). Transaction, Concurrency, Recovery and Security
Issues. Normalization: Armstrong’s Inference Rules and Minimum Covers, Normal Forms:
First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form.
Trends in Database: Current Trends in Database Systems: Distributed Database
Management Systems, Client-Server database systems, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
standard, Knowledge-Based Systems, Object-Based Systems, data warehousing and data
mining concepts, Web databases, NoSQL Databases.

ISM 213 (COM 201) Culture and Critical Analysis

This course examines cultural theory and analyses cultural products and the cultural
production process. It explores the principles and canons of cultural analysis and criticism;
orality, literacy and electracy; reading culture versus SISOMO culture; Africa and the political
economy of cultural production and consumption in the global village; the celebrity
phenomenon. Students will investigate popular culture and use various concepts and
approaches to investigate the phenomenon of the popular genres of television, and
elements of popular culture in the media, applying the theories examined and discussed

GST 201 Communication in English III

This course takes up a more advanced treatment of effective writing and reading in English
Language. It provides a step-by-step guide to the entire writing process: the ideas gathering
phase, planning, audience analysis, writing the drafts, and editing. The course will revisit the
writing of paragraphs to consider anew paragraph structure and the editing of paragraphs.
Essay writing is a key focus of the course, and the different types of essays will be studied:
narrative, descriptive, expository, argumentative, and process explanation. Other forms of
writing to be studied are journals, diaries, precis, and quick information style writing.
Attention will be paid to ensuring clear understanding, eliminating wordiness, redaction
style, connecting words, varieties of content, organization, sentence structure, diction,
unity, cohesion, and use of language. Reading forms an important component of this course,
and topics to be studied include: themes, phrase reading, participation, skimming and
scanning, and the analysis of speeches. Other topics to be covered are phonemic awareness,
phonics fluency, and vocabulary comprehension.

GST 202 Philosophical Anthropology

An introduction to the philosophical basis of considerations about the human person. The
course seeks to establish what the human person is. With the aim of bringing the students
to a due appreciation of the human reality, a study will be made of the human potencies
and faculties, such as the understanding, the imagination, and the will. Particular attention
will be paid to human rationality and freedom, qualities which, among others, set the
human person apart from other material beings. Fundamental questions about the relations
between human nature, religion and culture, as well as the basis of the dignity of the human

person will also be dealt with. A study will also be made of various conceptions of the
person which are based on ideology.
ENT 201 Entrepreneurship I
The course lays the groundwork for understanding how to be innovative and
entrepreneurial. It is centred on the topics of creativity, learning and purposeful effort. It
encompasses a general overview of the principles, theories and practices of innovation and
entrepreneurship, the innovation process, and characteristics of entrepreneurs. It will
provide students with the knowledge and understanding of how to manage innovation. The
course will also explore planning as it relates to owning and operating a business, marketing
concepts, licensing, financing, accounting, record keeping systems, and the legal aspects of
owning and operating a business.


ISM 202 Media Production Process
Introduction to Production activities. Learning the video camera. Camera effects. Getting to
know the lighting (instruments and characteristics). Using the time-code. Working with
audio (introduction). Capturing and Importing media: Learning the right technique of batch
capturing using DV camera. Using fire wire IEEE 1394/ i-link port. This also includes the right
size and compression. Art of Editing: Introduction to Post-Production activities. Editing
facilities and capabilities. The offline and online editing. Anticipating editing. Post-
Production for multiple camera shoots. Producing and Directing Short Film and Video: Script
writing and storyboard. Putting ideas into words. Developing analytical skills in order to
objectively evaluate video production. Video Production: Exploring and executing a video
production such as music video or TV commercial. Exporting and Compression: Learning the
right bit rate for exporting. Different media will have different bit rate and compression.
High quality DV compression is suitable for broadcasting while low compression of video is
suitable for web casting or CD ROM.

ISM 204 Introduction to Image Processing & Application

Introduction: Applications of digital image processing, Overview of image processing and
computer vision systems, Different types of image representation and storage, Multimedia
applications. Image Perception: Light, luminance, brightness and contrast, the visibility
function, Monochrome vision models, Color coordinate systems, Color vision models. Image
Transforms: Two-dimensional spatial transforms, Intensity transforms, Morphological
transforms, Image transform masks, Morphing and Warping. Image Enhancement: Point
operations, Histogram modeling, Spatial operations, Transform operations, Multi spectral
image enhancement. Edge detection: Gradient operators, Laplace operators, Boundary
representation, Boundary extraction. Region and Shape representation: Run-length codes,
Quad-trees, Geometrical features, moment-based features, Fourier descriptors, Hough
transforms. Image segmentation: Amplitude thresholding and window slicing, Component

labeling, Thresholding and clustering, Boundary based approaches, Template matching,
Texture segmentation. Image data compression: Pixel coding, Transform coding, Wavelet
coding, JPEG and MPEG systems. Applications of digital image processing in media.
ISM 206 Introduction to Multimedia Scripting
Introduction to scripting in multimedia. Script writing, storyboarding. Use of software
packages for multimedia scripting. Script writing software: E.g. FinalDraft, Celtx, Highland,
Adobe Story. Storyboarding software with preset characters. Storyboarding software
requiring drawing skills. Interpreted programming (scripting) languages for multimedia
production: HTML5 related technologies including JavaScript, CSS, CSS pre-processors (e.g.
Sass, LESS and Stylus), Canvas. Python scripting. C# scripting.

ISM 208 Multimedia Database System

Introduction to Multimedia Databases: Types of multimedia information, multimedia
database applications, characteristic of Multimedia objects, components of a multimedia
database management system. Multimedia Storage and Retrieval: Multimedia object
storage, file retrieval structures, disk scheduling, server admission. Multimedia Information
Modeling: Metadata for multimedia, multimedia data access, object-oriented models,
temporal models, models and multimedia authoring. Query Multimedia Databases: Query
processing and query languages. MMDBMS Architecture: Distributed MMDBMS
architecture, client-server components, implementation Considerations.

ISM 210 Mobile-based Technologies & Multimedia

Introduction to mobile technologies, their operating principles and media applications.
Mobile device: phone, tablet, wearables. Native application development: Platform specific
(e.g. Android with Java, iOS with Swift); Platform independent (e.g. Android, iOS
programming with C# Xamarin, ReactNative); Hybrid (e.g. Android, iOS with Apache
Cordova, ionic); Do It Yourself (DIY) tools online. Connecting mobile apps to backend
services: regular; highly scalable backends (e.g. multi-io with javaplay framework, node.js,
python tornado; third-party tools e.g. Google firebase).

ISM 212 Statistics and Probabilities

Review of probability as a measure of uncertainty, sample points and events, combination
of events. Binomial, Exponential, Normal, Gamma, Chi-Squared distributions; probability
function, mean, variance, and moment generating function. Joint probability distribution
and joint probability density function, marginal distribution, expected value, covariance and
correlation; Statistical independence; Transformation of variable; Moment and moment
generating function; Linear combination of random variable; Multinomial and Normal
Bivariate distributions. Sampling distribution of, and S2; Central Limit Theorem;
Approximation for discrete distributions; Sampling distribution for t and F. Point Estimation:
Bias and unbiased estimator; principle of minimum variance unbiased estimation; Method
of moment; Maximum Likelihood estimation. Interval Estimation: Population mean and

difference between two population mean using z-distribution and t-distribution. Regression

GST 203 Communication in English IV

This course deals with the importance of business English and the different forms of its
manifestation. The course will study different types of business writing (business letters,
emails, reports, the executive summary, proposals, résumés, agenda, minutes, appraisal
reports manuals and instructions, business proposals). It will also consider strategies for
effective business communication, how to use persuasive language, and how to attain
clarity as well as politeness in such writing. Other topics to be covered are: the interview,
dialogue note taking, faxing and memos, engaging in conversation, listening, meeting and
greeting, language of negotiations, telephone skills, making short presentations, cultural
influence in our speech, introduction to protocol, asking questions, telephone etiquette,
professional business letters and business vocabulary.
GST 204 Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution and General Ethics
Basic concepts in peace studies and conflict resolution. Peace as a vehicle of unity and
development. Conflict issues. Types of conflict. Root causes of conflicts and violence in
Africa. Peace building. Developing a culture of peace. Peace mediation and peace-keeping.
Role of international organizations in conflict resolution. (ECOWAS, AU, UN etc.)
Human fulfilment and its main dimensions. Analysis of human actions. Ethical principles.
Moral Absolutes. Virtue ethics, natural law. Consideration of some specific ethical issues:
euthanasia, abortion, environmental ethics. Pacifism versus the just war tradition.

ENT 202 Entrepreneurship II

The work in this course is fully practical. Each group, made up of between six and ten
students will be given as seed capital the naira equivalent of $250. Each group will register
their business, open a bank account, mobilise additional funds and run the business
throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, the business will be officially
liquidated, the seed capital returned to EDC and the profit donated to a charity of their
choice or used to improve the community around the University. At the very least, each
group MUST break even and return the seed capital. A report will be submitted by each
group focusing on how they have been able to use entrepreneurial principles learnt in ENT
201 and, more importantly, what they have learnt during their entrepreneurial journey.


ISM 301 Media Ethics (COM 301)
The media ethics course enables students to explore theoretical, cultural and practical
ethical issues of importance to media practitioners. It provides a theoretical framework
within which to spot and analyze ethical issues in the mass media. Issues such as veracity,
objectivity, respect for persons and their good name, intellectual freedom, slander,

misinformation, access to information, information policy, data privacy, computing ethics,
and concerns with electronic transfer of information, will be considered. Current media
ethics issues will be examined with emphasis on the need to evolve ethical standards.

ISM 303 Audio & Video Special Effects I

Introduction to audio and video special effects. Layer-based compositing software: e.g.
Adobe AfterEffect. Node-based compositing software: e.g. Fusion Studio, Nuke Studio.
Audio special effects software: e.g. Wwise, fmod.

ISM 305 Interactive & Motion Graphics

This course is to cover two-way interaction and adding motion to graphics with appropriate
rendering. Graphics for interactive games, adverts, etc. HTML5-based designs and motion
graphics packages: E.g. Google Web Designer, Adobe Animate Creative Cloud, Flash [Legacy]
tools. Interactive data visualization. Programmatic data visualization tools: e.g. VTK (python
programming), D3js (JavaScript programming).

ISM 307 (COM 307) Research Methodologies

The course introduces students to research design in the social sciences. They are exposed
to different research methods, and learn how to formulate, clarify and match research
topics with the appropriate method. Topics include the relation between theory and
research, techniques of literature review, survey research, questionnaire design,
interviewing techniques, observation, content analysis, the case study and experimental
design. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the skills to analyse,
interpret, write and present quantitative and qualitative data.

ISM 309 (COM 321) e-Publishing

This is a practical course with a conceptual component which studies the publishing process
(from manuscript to pre-press to marketing), paying particular attention to the way digital
technology has revolutionized publishing. Its features include: e-book editing and copy
editing in the digital platform, online publishing of books, magazines, newspapers and other
content. The course studies also editing symbols and proofing symbols; publishing in the
creative economy; academic publishing and trade publishing, and the use of computer
graphics design tools such as CorelDraw and the Adobe Suite among others.

ISM 311 Enterprise Resource Planning

Use of software for the management and automation of various aspects of business processes. Such
processes include demand and supply chains, back office operations, management
information systems, etc.

ISM 313 Introduction to Social Media Network
Discuss different Social Media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.;
their operations, applications, management and impact on society. Social media data mining
and analytics. Programmed data mining and analytics.

GST 302 Life Skills and Personal Effectiveness

This course provides practical strategies for improving self-management skills in order to
develop one's effectiveness. It will dwell on how to manage difficult situations, maintain a
sense of purpose and direction under pressure and develop the confidence to manage a
wide range of situations and people. Through this course, the students will learn to make
the most of all the personal resources at their disposal. They will be taught to harness their
personal talents, energy and time, relative to what is most important, and then to channel
the outcomes to achieve what is desirable. It focuses on such practical matters as personal
development; interpersonal communication; etiquette and good manners; health and
hygiene; money management; work and career.

GST 303 Nigerian Peoples and Culture

Study of Nigerian history, culture and arts in pre-colonial times. Cultural areas and their
characteristics. Evolution of Nigeria as a political unit. Culture is a way of life and persons
are defined by the cultures within which they live. An understanding of persons thus
requires a knowledge of their culture. The course studies the ways of life of people in
Nigeria. It examines the customs, traditions, beliefs, and values of various groups. While
particular emphasis shall be placed on the various cultures found within Nigeria, a survey of
the history and culture of people of the great empires of ancient and pre-colonial Africa will
be made together with a study of Africa today and the African image in the contemporary


ISM 302 Fundamentals of Television and Display Technologies

Introduction to television and other digital system display technologies and their
ISM 304 Digital Audio & Video System Technology
Digital Video and Audio. Digitizing video and audio. Image production, storage and
manipulation. Digital Nonlinear Editing: The promise of Digital Nonlinear Editing. The
increasing complexity of the editing process. The coming together of film and video editing.
The Editing Process. Film and Videotape Post-Production Procedures: Formats and
Standards. Film editing procedures. The development of videotape. Integrating and
orchestrating equipment via time code. Audio editing in the online room. Digitizing and

storing material. Editing on a Digital Nonlinear System: Digital Video and audio compression:

ISM 306 Computer Animation Production

Introduction to 2D and 3D Elements. An introduction to modeling and 2D/3D animation.
Understanding coordinate system, vertex, faces and object. Concept of wireframe, surface
and solid modeling. Construction planes and differences between object space and world
space. Principles of animation in practice. Exposure to the principles of making characters
alive. Students are introduced to principles of animation. Polygonal and Nurbs Modeling
Introduction of Polygonal Modeling techniques which includes: the Box, using Edit Mesh,
Smoothing Techniques, Subdivision Surfaces. Introduction of Nurbs Modeling techniques
which includes: Utilizing NURBS toolbox, surface points and CVs. Importing and attaching
NURBS surfaces, rebuilding surfaces, curve and surface approximation. Introduction to
Graphic Animation Introduction to the graphic animation process which includes: Camera &
Animating Camera, Set & Background (Image Plane), Light Linking. Animation Techniques
Introduction to the animation process. Demonstration and supervision on animation
techniques, animation controllers, graphs and editor. This includes: Walk Cycle and Facial
Expression using Blend Shape. Dynamics animation Introduction to dynamics animation.
Demonstration and supervision on Rigid Bodies, Soft Bodies, Constraint, Particles. Tips and
tricks on rendering. Camera and Rendering Characteristics of cameras. Placing camera in a
scene and modifying camera parameters. Understanding camera navigation buttons.
Concept of rendering in 3D modeling. Render options and file output.

ISM 308 Game Design and Development I

Game Concept. Game Genres. Game Graphics. Game Audio. Designing Games. Game
programming: e.g. C# and python programming for games. Game visual and audio special
effects. Game engines: Blender, Unity, Unreal.

ISM 310 Marketing Communications

The art and science of marketing communication which will be reviewed as a basis for
determining the need and type of communication solution which can effectively deal with
marketing problems in different ways, employing communication tools like advertising and
public relations to market or promote a product, persons, organization or idea. Digital
Marketing: Search Engine, Social Media, Email, Website. Mobile marketing. Digital Ads
Design Principles.

ISM 312 e-Commerce and Business Communication

The course examines the key concepts and practices in business and commerce in relation
to the field of media and communication. The course emphasizes business communication,
in terms of content and form, including business correspondence, presentation and
reporting processes, business and market research procedures and all kinds of business
transactions using the digital platforms.

ISM 314 Fundamentals of Film & Cinematography
Exploration of film as extension of photography. Systematic consideration of the basic
aesthetic principles, photographic approach, affinities and art. Analysis of the properties of
the film medium with regard to the realistic tendency and formative tendency, or realism
(as exemplified by the Lumiers brothers) and expressionism (as exemplified by Melie), and
the clashes/compromises between both. The issue of film/cinema as an art.

ISM 316 (COM 403) Introduction to Media Management

The media management course introduces students to the principles of managing a media
organization, promotional events and media campaigns. The students will also be taught
management skills involving large corporations as well SMEs, or community radio and
television stations which are owned and run by journalists or the community. Topics
covered include types of media organizations, media business processes, ownership
structures, role of the manager, financial and employee management, staff relations, the
marketing goals for a media organization, market analysis and programme planning,
promotion, traffic, cost of air- time and sales of media product, distribution and pricing.

ISM 318 (BUS 402) Business Strategy

This course deals with business strategy as part of the framework of longitudinal approaches
to management science. Topics treated in this course include strategic thinking versus short
term approaches, establishing strategic goals, the use of SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, as
well as issues such competitive advantage. Some specific strategy forms such as Blue Ocean
strategy are explained.
ISM 320 SIWES (3 months)
During the SIWES, each student will undergo a practical on the job training in Media
industry approved for its relevance to the student’s major for 3 months in order to expose
them to the practical applications of digital media. A program of training will be drawn by
the Department and the Industry for each student, and a prescribed log book with daily
recording of the student activities is to be kept by each student and appropriately signed. At
the end of the program, a written report is to be submitted to the Department and each
student to present a seminar on his/her industrial experience.


ISM 401 3D Modelling & Technology

Introduction. Three-dimensional Modeling and Representation: Representation and
modeling of objects; polygonal representation vs. solid modeling methods. Viewing and
Camera Control: Frames of reference, viewing systems, and 3D transformations.
Illumination Models: Basics of illumination models including ambient, diffuse, and specular
lights. Image Processing: Basics of representing, storing, displaying, and manipulating 2D

images. Texture Mapping: How to map an image onto the surface of a 3D object, including
texture subdivision, texture replication, and texture blending. 3D Modelling software: e.g.
Maya, Cinema4D, Blender.

ISM 403 Internet Broadcasting

While reviewing the key phases of radio, television and mass media broadcasting, the
course will focus on the modalities and peculiarities of internet broadcasting. Attention will
be given to the developing technologies as well as the relevant legal aspects.

ISM 405 (COM 401) Media Law & Policy

This course will lead students to an understanding and knowledge of the media laws of
Nigeria. They will also understand international media law as it pertains to journalists,
freedom of information and human rights. Topics covered include an introduction to the
general principles of law, various branches of law, the constitution and administrative law,
the journalist and the courts, government restraints, in-camera directions, public disclosure,
laws affecting the media and reporting, infringements on individual rights, privacy,
obscenity, freedom of the press, treason, sedition, incitement, defamation, privilege,
contempt of court, intellectual property, copyright and other aspects of press and broadcast
media law. Attention is paid also to evolution of polices for the good and effective running
of society.

ISM 407 Project I

Original individual student project related to a prescribed Digital Media problem involving
literature review, identification, definition and formulation of the problem, theoretical
investigations, modeling simulation, analysis and design.


ISM 402 Production Management (TV)
At the completion of the course, students will understand the fundamentals of news and
how to write different types of news stories for television and plan different types of
content. They will also acquire the basic editorial skills needed to produce packaged stories.
The course contents include: the basics of writing and interviewing for television news and
current affairs programs; how to format television news programs and develop story ideas;
learning the roles of director, producer; and the elements of pre-production planning.

ISM 404 Professional Ethics

This course is a study of applied ethics. Students are exposed to key practical questions in
professional work, with special reference to Information Science and Media. The course
deals with the following issues: striving for excellence in professional work, adherence to
code of conduct, responsibility to members of the profession, to industry, to the community
and general society.

ISM 406 Digital Rendering
Rendering techniques. Ray Tracing: Introduces the ray tracing rendering algorithm including
the calculation of shadows, reflections, and refraction. Binary Space-Partitioning (BSP)
Trees: An overview of binary tree structures for organizing geometric data to increase the
efficiency of searching, manipulation, and rendering of large virtual environments.
Rendering technologies. Rendering software. Render farm.

ISM 408 Project II

Second phase of investigations involving the implementation of the designed model,
debugging, calibration, testing, data collection and analysis, and presentation of a
comprehensive written report of the investigations.


ISM 409 Digital Speech Processing

Digital Speech Programming: Overview of Speech Technology, Speech-enabled Applications,

Text-to-Speech (TTS) System, Speech Recognition (SR) System, Microsoft Speech API
(MSAPI), Java Speech API (JSAPI)

ISM 410 Game Design and Development II

Advances in Game design and development using industry standard game engines: Unity
(with C#), Unreal (with C++). Gamification: game principles in non-game contexts e.g.
education, marketing, work.
ISM 411 Audio & Video Special Effects II
Advances in Audio & Video Special Effects. Industry standard software usage practicals.

ISM 412 Human Computer Interaction

Introduction to human psychology and Interplay with computer science. Overview of

Computer-Human Interface. Formal Methods of Interface Design. Man-to-Machine and
Machine-to-Man communication techniques. Ergonomic design.

ISM 413 (COM 416) Entertainment Media

The course is analysis of the nature, types, and context of production of entertainment
content. The course will explore economic and socio-cultural dimensions of entertainment
and its effects on mass audience. It will focus on reality show, game shows, talk shows, soap
opera, music, and audiovisual content via media structure.

ISM 414 Computer Security

Fundamental of Computer Security. Risk Analysis in computer security. Hardware and
Software Security Control, Viruses. Encryption and Cryptography Techniques. Security

Models. Telecommunication Security: Fundamentals, Issue, Objective and Threats, Security
Services, Distributed System Security, The Trusted Network Interpretation, TNI Security
Services, AIS Interconnection Issues, Firewalls (Gateway, Application, Cost and
Effectiveness). Database Security: Security Requirements to Databases, Designing the
Security, Methods of Protection, Security of Multilevel Database. Legal Issue and Current
Legislation: Computer Crime, Software Violation, Crimes, Privacy Considerations, Corporate
Policy, Managerial Issues, Government – based Security Standards. Secure software coding

ISM 415 Special Topics in Digital Media

A course on current trends in digital media. E.g. Big data analytics, data visualization,
machine learning, etc.

ISM 416 Natural Language Processing

Overview of Natural Language Processing: Definition, History of Natural Language
Processing, Different Levels of Language Analysis [Phonology, Morphology, Syntax,
Semantics, and Pragmatics], Applications [Text-based, and Dialogue-based, Natural
Language Front Ends to Databases or Knowledge-based Systems, Text Generation, Machine
Learning, Grammar Checker, and Speech Recognition and Synthesis], Organization of
Natural Language Understanding. Linguistic Background. Transforming the Grammar
Structures into Prolog. Syntactic Analysis: Parsing Technique [Top-down, Bottom-up, and
Left-corner, Recursive Transition Network (RTN), and Augmented Transition Network (RTN)
Parsers, Chart Parsers, Features and Unification. toward Efficient Parsing]. Semantics
Analysis: Philosophical Issues in Semantics, Semantics and Logical Form for English, Others
Semantic Interpretation [Case Grammar, Semantic Grammar, and Conceptual Dependency,
Discourse and Anaphora Problems.

ISM 417 Instructional and Educational Media

Design and production of educational and other instructional media content. eLearning
content standards: e.g. SCORM, AICC, xAPI (Experience API). Platform Implementation.
Gamification. eLearning content creation tools: e.g. Lectora, Articulate, Captivate, Camtasia.
Webinar implementation: e.g. Bigbluebutton.


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