Guia 1 Ingles Nicolas Cardona Calle
Guia 1 Ingles Nicolas Cardona Calle
Guia 1 Ingles Nicolas Cardona Calle
NOMBRE Julian Alexander Saganome Rodriguez 2877457
APRENDIZ: Nicolas Cardona Calle
del programa o Interactuar en lengua inglesa de forma oral y escrita dentro de contextos
módulo de sociales y laborales según los criterios establecidos por el marco común
formación europeo de referencia para las lenguas.
Resultado de 03 Participar en intercambios conversacionales básicos en forma oral y escrita en inglés en
aprendizaje diferentes situaciones sociales tanto en la cotidianidad como en experiencias pasadas.
04 Llevar a cabo acciones de mejora relacionadas con el intercambio de información básica
en inglés, sobre sí mismo, otras personas, su contexto inmediato así como de experiencias
Nombre del
What do you do every day? Nº1
Objetivo de
Practicar por medio de diferentes actividades el uso del presente simple en su forma
aprendizaje del
afirmativa, adverbios de frecuencia e imperativos.
En este taller se realizan actividad de afianzamiento sobre el presente simple enfocado
Descripción del en su forma afirmativa, adverbios de frecuencia y vocabulario técnico. De
taller: igual forma ayuda a que el aprendiz adquiera habilidades auditivas y de escritura, para poder
comprender información sobre situaciones cotidianas y laborales
• Marcadores, TV para presentaciones, tablero acrílico.
(Recursos y • Sillas y mesas para trabajo colaborativo
medios): • Elementos de Protección Personal
• Cuaderno, lápiz y/o esfero, dispositivo móvil, Tablet o computador.
Tiempo de
2 horas
Bibliografía y Murphy, R. (1990). Essential grammar in use. Cambridge. Bonamy, D.
webgrafía: (2008). Technical English 1. Pearson Longman.
Activity 1. Write the verb in the correct form for third person.
Activity 2. A: Listen to the audio in the following link and choose the words from the chart to
complete the text below.
watch have brush arrive is go clean
go have go get go take have go
(5) CLEAN my teeth. After that, I (6) GET dressed and (7) BRUSH my
hair. At half past seven I (8) GO to work. I (9) the
bus to Cabramatta. It (10) a long way from home. I (11) at
work at ten to eight. At twelve o'clock I (12) _ lunch and at four o'clock I (13) GO
home. At seven o'clock I (14) HAVE
dinner with my family and then we (15) TV. At a quarter past eleven I (16) to
B: With the same order of the verbs above, complete the text taking into account the changes of
Every day Susan (1) GET at half past six. First she (2) GOES
to the kitchen and (3) H A V E
a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. Meanwhile, her husband, John (4)
to the bathroom and (5) CLEANS his teeth. After that, he (6)
GETS dressed and (7) BRUSHES his
hair. At half past seven Susan and John (8) to work. They (9)
the bus to Cabramatta. It (10) I S a long way from home.
Susan (11) ARRIVES at work at ten to eight. At twelve
o'clock she (12) HER lunch and at four
o'clock she (13) GOES home. At seven o'clock
they (14) HAVE dinner with their family and
then John (15) WATCHES TV. At a quarter
past eleven they (16) GOES to bed.
They have night shift this week they don't have ninght shitf this Do they have night shift this
week week?
Jane does her duties Jane doesn’t do her duties Does jane do her duties
frequently freuently
yes, i inspect the lathe before No, i don,t inspect the lathe before Do you inspect the lathe before
turning it on turning it on turning it on?
Their father is not an is their father an electrician
Their father is an electrician. electrician
We maintain the engines Do we maintain the engines on
We don’t maintain the engines at
on weekdays weekends
Louise does not work on Louise works on sundays Does Louise work on
sundays Sundays?
Paul and John supervise our Paul and john do not supervise Do paul and john supervise our
work every hour. our work every hour work every hour
It cuts a different kind of Does it cut that kind of
material It doesn’t cut that kind of material. material
Activity 4: Give instructions and suggestions for the proper use of a drill using
imperatives based on the images below. Look at the figure 1.
Figure 1.
How to use a drill
Note. Instructions for using a drill. Adapted by bilingualism. (2022).
1)u s e t h e s a f e t y p r o t e c t i o n s
2) u s e t h e c o r r e c t d r i l l b i t
3) a d j u s t t h e d r i l l b i t t o t h e d r i l l
4) c o n n e c t t h e d r i l l
5) e n s u r e t h e c o n n e c t i o n s
6) p r e s s t h e d r i l l f o r w a r d
7) b e c a r e f u l w i t h o v e r h e a t i n g
8) r e m o v e t h e d r i l l f r o m t h e d r i l l
Resultado de la actividad
Almacene en su portafolio de evidencias los siguientes documentos una vez se realice la puesta en comú
• Taller con las actividades desarrolladas.