Final Exam Digital Economy

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Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)

Haneen Allataifeh
c) Limited application in finance
d) Physical storage of information
1. What is a key characteristic of the digital economy?
Answer: b) Decentralized and immutable ledger
a) Reliance on physical assets
b) Minimal use of technology
c) Conducting business primarily offline 7. AI primarily aims to:
d) Utilization of digital technologies
a) Mimic human behavior
Answer: d) Utilization of digital technologies
b) Impede decision-making processes
c) Decrease efficiency in operations
d) Limit technological advancements
2. Digital government primarily involves:
Answer: a) Mimic human behavior
a) Paper-based transactions
b) Utilizing digital technologies to enhance services
c) Minimal interaction with citizens 8. What does IoT stand for?
d) Limited online presence
a) Internet of Tools
Answer: b) Utilizing digital technologies to enhance
b) Internet of Things
c) Internet of Thinking
d) Internet of Theories
Answer: b) Internet of Things
3. What is the primary goal of digital transformation?
a) Avoiding technological advancements
b) Embracing digital technologies to improve 9. Cloud technologies involve:
a) Storing data on local servers
c) Restricting access to online services
b) On-demand delivery of computing services over the
d) Decreasing efficiency in operations
Answer: b) Embracing digital technologies to
c) Exclusive use by large corporations
improve processes
d) No accessibility from remote locations
4. Fintech refers to: Answer: b) On-demand delivery of computing
services over the internet
a) Traditional banking practices
b) Minimal use of technology in finance
c) Technological innovation in the financial sector
10. What is a potential benefit of utilizing cloud
d) Exclusive use of physical currency
Answer: c) Technological innovation in the financial
sector a) Increased upfront hardware investment
b) Decreased scalability
c) Reduced maintenance costs
5. Cryptocurrency is characterized by: d) Limited storage capacity
Answer: c) Reduced maintenance costs
a) Centralized control
b) Physical form
c) Decentralization
11. Which of the following statements about the digital
d) Government regulation
economy is true?
Answer: c) Decentralization
a) It relies solely on physical assets.
b) It excludes global markets.
6. What is the primary function of blockchain c) It embraces digital technologies.
technology? d) It minimizes the use of the internet.
Answer: c) It embraces digital technologies.
a) Centralized control of data
b) Decentralized and immutable ledger
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
12. Digital government initiatives primarily focus on:
a) Limiting citizen engagement. 18. What is a fundamental aspect of the Internet of
b) Utilizing paper-based transactions. Things (IoT)?
c) Enhancing services through digital means.
a) Limited connectivity.
d) Avoiding technological advancements.
b) Exclusivity to large corporations.
Answer: c) Enhancing services through digital
c) Interconnected devices.
d) Standalone operation.
Answer: c) Interconnected devices.
13. What is a core principle of digital transformation?
a) Resistance to change. 19. Cloud technologies offer benefits such as:
b) Embracing traditional methods.
a) Increased maintenance costs.
c) Adopting digital technologies.
b) Limited scalability.
d) Ignoring customer needs.
c) On-demand resource allocation.
Answer: c) Adopting digital technologies.
d) Decreased accessibility.
Answer: c) On-demand resource allocation.
14. Fintech companies often specialize in:
a) Manual banking processes. 20. Which statement accurately describes the
b) Traditional investment strategies. relationship between digital economy and cloud
c) Innovations in financial technology. technologies?
d) Avoiding digital transactions.
a) The digital economy is independent of cloud
Answer: c) Innovations in financial technology.
b) Cloud technologies hinder the growth of the digital
15. Cryptocurrencies are characterized by:
c) Cloud technologies support the infrastructure of the
a) Centralized control. digital economy.
b) Physical representation. d) The digital economy exclusively relies on physical
c) Decentralization. servers.
d) Government backing. Answer: c) Cloud technologies support the
Answer: c) Decentralization. infrastructure of the digital economy.

16. What makes blockchain technology unique? 21. What role does digitalization play in the modern
a) Centralized control.
b) Mutable ledger. a) It hampers growth and innovation.
c) Decentralized and immutable ledger. b) It facilitates the integration of traditional methods.
d) Limited application. c) It enhances efficiency and productivity.
Answer: c) Decentralized and immutable ledger. d) It reduces the need for technological advancements.
Answer: c) It enhances efficiency and productivity.

17. AI applications in business often aim to:

22. How does digital government improve citizen
a) Increase manual labor. services?
b) Limit data analysis.
c) Enhance decision-making processes. a) By increasing bureaucracy.
d) Decrease efficiency. b) By limiting access to information.
Answer: c) Enhance decision-making processes. c) By providing convenient online services.
d) By reducing transparency.
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
Answer: c) By providing convenient online services.
28. In the context of IoT, what does "smart" refer to?
23. Which of the following is a primary driver of a) Limited connectivity.
digital transformation? b) Standalone operation.
c) Interconnectedness and data-driven decision-
a) Resistance to change.
b) Embracing legacy systems.
d) Exclusivity to large corporations.
c) Meeting evolving customer demands.
Answer: c) Interconnectedness and data-driven
d) Avoiding digital technologies.
Answer: c) Meeting evolving customer demands.

29.Cloud computing offers advantages such as:

24. Fintech innovations often aim to:
a) Increased upfront hardware investment.
a) Maintain traditional banking practices.
b) Limited scalability.
b) Improve financial services through technology.
c) Pay-as-you-go pricing models.
c) Limit accessibility to financial services.
d) Reduced accessibility.
d) Increase manual transactions.
Answer: c) Pay-as-you-go pricing models.
Answer: b) Improve financial services through
30. How does AI contribute to data analysis in the
digital era?
25. What distinguishes cryptocurrencies from
traditional currencies? a) By increasing human error.
b) By decreasing data processing capabilities.
a) They are backed by physical assets.
c) By enabling rapid analysis of large datasets.
b) They are regulated by central authorities.
d) By limiting data interpretation.
c) They utilize blockchain technology and
Answer: c) By enabling rapid analysis of large
d) They are only accessible to governments.
Answer: c) They utilize blockchain technology and
31. Which of the following best describes the digital
economy's impact on traditional business models?
26. What is a key benefit of blockchain technology in a) It has no effect on traditional business models.
supply chain management? b) It disrupts traditional business models by
introducing new ways of conducting business.
a) Decreased transparency.
c) It reinforces traditional business models without any
b) Increased vulnerability to fraud.
c) Improved traceability and transparency.
d) It limits the scope of traditional business models by
d) Limited access to transaction history.
restricting them to physical locations.
Answer: c) Improved traceability and
Answer: b) It disrupts traditional business models
by introducing new ways of conducting business.

27. AI-driven chatbots are commonly used for:

32. Digital government initiatives often aim to:
a) Decreasing customer engagement.
a) Increase bureaucratic hurdles for citizens.
b) Increasing response times.
b) Reduce government transparency.
c) Automating customer service interactions.
c) Improve government services and accessibility
d) Minimizing efficiency.
through digital means.
Answer: c) Automating customer service
d) Limit citizen participation in governance.
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
Answer: c) Improve government services and Answer: c) Enhancing disease diagnosis and
accessibility through digital means. treatment.

33. What is a primary objective of digital 38. What is a primary advantage of IoT devices in
transformation for businesses? smart homes?
a) Maintaining status quo without any changes. a) Limited connectivity with other devices.
b) Adopting traditional methods for operations. b) Manual operation of home appliances.
c) Enhancing agility and competitiveness through c) Interconnectivity and automation of tasks.
digital technologies. d) Exclusivity to large corporations.
d) Avoiding digital innovations to minimize risks. Answer: c) Interconnectivity and automation of
Answer: c) Enhancing agility and competitiveness tasks.
through digital technologies.
34. Fintech companies often leverage technology to:
39. Cloud technologies offer scalability, which means:
a) Limit financial inclusion.
a) Limited capacity for resource allocation.
b) Increase manual processes in banking.
b) Fixed and inflexible infrastructure.
c) Streamline financial transactions and services.
c) Ability to adjust resources based on demand.
d) Discourage innovation in financial sectors.
d) Increased hardware investment upfront.
Answer: c) Streamline financial transactions and
Answer: c) Ability to adjust resources based on

35. What is a distinguishing feature of

40. How does AI contribute to personalized marketing
cryptocurrencies compared to traditional currencies?
a) Centralized control by governments.
a) By implementing generic advertising campaigns.
b) Dependence on physical form.
b) By limiting access to customer data.
c) Decentralization and blockchain technology.
c) By analyzing customer behavior and preferences to
d) Strict regulation by financial institutions.
tailor marketing efforts.
Answer: c) Decentralization and blockchain
d) By ignoring customer interactions.
Answer: c) By analyzing customer behavior and
preferences to tailor marketing efforts.
36. How does blockchain technology enhance security
in digital transactions?
41. What role does digitalization play in enhancing
a) By centralizing control of transaction records. global trade?
b) By allowing easy modification of transaction
a) It hinders cross-border transactions.
b) It limits access to international markets.
c) By decentralizing and encrypting transaction data.
c) It facilitates faster and more efficient global
d) By relying on traditional banking systems.
Answer: c) By decentralizing and encrypting
d) It relies solely on traditional trade practices.
transaction data.
Answer: c) It facilitates faster and more efficient
global transactions.
37. AI applications in healthcare often focus on:
a) Reducing patient care efficiency. 42. Digital government initiatives often prioritize:
b) Minimizing diagnostic accuracy.
a) Reducing accessibility to government services.
c) Enhancing disease diagnosis and treatment.
b) Enhancing bureaucratic procedures.
d) Ignoring patient data analysis.
c) Increasing transparency and citizen engagement.
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
d) Minimizing online interaction with citizens. a) Decreasing response time and customer satisfaction.
Answer: c) Increasing transparency and citizen b) Limiting access to customer support channels.
engagement. c) Improving automated responses and problem-
d) Ignoring customer feedback and inquiries.
43. What is a fundamental aspect of successful digital Answer: c) Improving automated responses and
transformation? problem-solving.

a) Maintaining outdated systems and processes.

b) Ignoring customer needs and preferences.
48. What is a key feature of IoT-enabled smart cities?
c) Embracing innovation and adopting digital
technologies. a) Limited connectivity between urban systems.
d) Avoiding any changes to existing operations. b) Dependence on manual operations for
Answer: c) Embracing innovation and adopting infrastructure.
digital technologies. c) Integration of data and automation to improve urban
d) Exclusivity to rural areas.
44. Fintech innovations often aim to: Answer: c) Integration of data and automation to
improve urban living.
a) Increase manual paperwork in financial transactions.
b) Impose limitations on access to financial services.
c) Disrupt traditional banking models with technology-
49. Cloud technologies offer flexibility in:
driven solutions.
d) Discourage digital payment methods. a) Requiring fixed infrastructure.
Answer: c) Disrupt traditional banking models with b) Limiting accessibility to resources.
technology-driven solutions. c) Scaling resources up or down based on demand.
d) Increasing hardware maintenance costs.
Answer: c) Scaling resources up or down based on
45. What distinguishes cryptocurrency transactions demand.
from traditional banking transactions?
a) Lack of security features.
50. How does AI contribute to data analysis in business
b) Reliance on physical currency.
c) Decentralization and peer-to-peer nature.
d) Centralized control by financial institutions. a) By reducing the accuracy of data interpretation.
Answer: c) Decentralization and peer-to-peer b) By minimizing the use of data-driven insights.
nature. c) By enabling predictive analytics and pattern
d) By limiting access to relevant data sources.
46. How does blockchain technology ensure data Answer: c) By enabling predictive analytics and
integrity? pattern recognition.

a) By allowing easy modification of transaction

51. What impact does digitalization have on the
b) By centralizing control of transaction history.
traditional retail industry?
c) By using cryptographic hashing and
decentralization. a) It encourages reliance on brick-and-mortar stores.
d) By relying solely on traditional database systems. b) It limits access to global markets.
Answer: c) By using cryptographic hashing and c) It facilitates the rise of e-commerce platforms.
decentralization. d) It discourages customer engagement.
Answer: c) It facilitates the rise of e-commerce
47. AI applications in customer service often focus on:
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
52. Digital government initiatives aim to achieve: Answer: c) By decentralizing and encrypting
transaction data.
a) Increased bureaucratic processes.
b) Reduced transparency in governance.
c) Enhanced citizen participation and access to
57. AI-driven virtual assistants are commonly used for:
d) Limited online interaction with citizens. a) Slowing down customer support processes.
Answer: c) Enhanced citizen participation and b) Limiting access to information.
access to services. c) Improving customer service interactions and
d) Ignoring customer inquiries.
53. What is a critical aspect of successful digital Answer: c) Improving customer service interactions
transformation for organizations? and efficiency.
a) Embracing legacy systems without any changes.
b) Ignoring technological advancements.
58. What is a primary benefit of implementing IoT
c) Focusing solely on internal operations.
devices in manufacturing?
d) Implementing innovative digital technologies and
strategies. a) Reduced automation and efficiency.
Answer: d) Implementing innovative digital b) Limited data collection capabilities.
technologies and strategies. c) Enhanced monitoring and predictive maintenance.
d) Exclusivity to small-scale production.
Answer: c) Enhanced monitoring and predictive
54. Fintech companies often aim to: maintenance.
a) Preserve traditional banking methods.
b) Reduce financial inclusion.
59. Cloud technologies offer advantages such as:
c) Disrupt traditional financial systems with innovative
technology. a) Fixed infrastructure costs.
d) Encourage manual processes in finance. b) Limited scalability.
Answer: c) Disrupt traditional financial systems c) On-demand resource allocation.
with innovative technology. d) Reduced data accessibility.
Answer: c) On-demand resource allocation.

55. What sets cryptocurrencies apart from fiat

currencies? 60. How does AI contribute to business analytics?
a) Dependence on physical form. a) By reducing data analysis capabilities.
b) Centralized control by governments. b) By relying solely on human intuition.
c) Decentralization and blockchain technology. c) By enabling data-driven insights and predictive
d) Regulation by financial institutions. modeling.
Answer: c) Decentralization and blockchain d) By minimizing the importance of data in decision-
technology. making.
Answer: c) By enabling data-driven insights and
predictive modeling.
56. How does blockchain technology enhance security
in digital transactions?
61. In the digital economy, what role does data play in
a) By centralizing control of transaction records.
b) By allowing easy modification of transaction
history. a) Minimal importance, as decisions are based on
c) By decentralizing and encrypting transaction data. intuition.
d) By relying on traditional banking systems. b) Data-driven insights are crucial for informed
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
c) Data is irrelevant in the digital economy. a) By centralizing control of transaction records.
d) Decisions are primarily based on historical b) By allowing easy modification of transaction
practices. history.
Answer: b) Data-driven insights are crucial for c) By decentralizing and encrypting transaction data.
informed decision-making. d) By relying on traditional banking systems.
Answer: c) By decentralizing and encrypting
transaction data.
62. What is a key objective of digital government
67. AI-driven chatbots are commonly used for:
a) Increasing bureaucratic hurdles for citizens.
b) Reducing transparency in government operations. a) Slowing down customer support processes.
c) Enhancing citizen engagement and participation. b) Limiting access to information.
d) Limiting access to government services. c) Improving customer service interactions and
Answer: c) Enhancing citizen engagement and efficiency.
participation. d) Ignoring customer inquiries.
Answer: c) Improving customer service interactions
and efficiency.
63. What is a primary focus of digital transformation in
the healthcare sector?
a) Maintaining outdated medical practices. 68. What is a primary benefit of implementing IoT
b) Ignoring patient care efficiency. devices in agriculture?
c) Improving patient outcomes through technology
a) Increased manual labor requirements.
b) Limited data collection capabilities.
d) Reducing accessibility to medical services.
c) Enhanced crop monitoring and precision agriculture.
Answer: c) Improving patient outcomes through
d) Exclusivity to urban farming.
technology adoption.
Answer: c) Enhanced crop monitoring and
precision agriculture.
64. Fintech companies often aim to:
a) Reinforce traditional banking practices. 69. Cloud technologies offer advantages such as:
b) Reduce financial inclusion.
a) Fixed infrastructure costs.
c) Provide innovative financial solutions using
b) Limited scalability.
c) On-demand resource allocation.
d) Minimize accessibility to financial services.
d) Reduced data accessibility.
Answer: c) Provide innovative financial solutions
Answer: c) On-demand resource allocation.
using technology.

70. How does AI contribute to business analytics?

65. What distinguishes cryptocurrencies from
traditional currencies? a) By reducing data analysis capabilities.
b) By relying solely on human intuition.
a) Dependence on physical form.
c) By enabling data-driven insights and predictive
b) Centralized control by governments.
c) Decentralization and blockchain technology.
d) By minimizing the importance of data in decision-
d) Regulation by financial institutions.
Answer: c) Decentralization and blockchain
Answer: c) By enabling data-driven insights and
predictive modeling.

66. How does blockchain technology enhance security

in digital transactions?
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
71. In the context of the digital economy, what does c) Decentralization and blockchain technology.
the term "platform economy" refer to? d) Regulation by financial institutions.
Answer: c) Decentralization and blockchain
a) A system that relies solely on physical assets.
b) A business model centered around digital platforms
that facilitate interactions between producers and
76. How does blockchain technology enhance security
c) An economy devoid of technological advancements.
in digital transactions?
d) A network of traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
Answer: b) A business model centered around a) By centralizing control of transaction records.
digital platforms that facilitate interactions between b) By allowing easy modification of transaction
producers and consumers. history.
c) By decentralizing and encrypting transaction data.
d) By relying on traditional banking systems.
72. What is a primary objective of digital government Answer: c) By decentralizing and encrypting
transformation? transaction data.
a) Increasing bureaucratic inefficiencies.
b) Limiting citizen engagement.
77. AI-driven chatbots are commonly used for:
c) Enhancing government services through digital
channels. a) Slowing down customer support processes.
d) Reducing transparency in governance. b) Limiting access to information.
Answer: c) Enhancing government services through c) Improving customer service interactions and
digital channels. efficiency.
d) Ignoring customer inquiries.
Answer: c) Improving customer service interactions
73. What is a key driver of digital transformation in and efficiency.
78. What is a primary benefit of implementing IoT
a) Maintaining traditional teaching methods. devices in logistics and supply chain management?
b) Ignoring technological advancements.
a) Increased manual labor requirements.
c) Improving access to educational resources through
b) Limited data collection capabilities.
digital means.
c) Enhanced tracking and real-time monitoring of
d) Limiting student engagement.
Answer: c) Improving access to educational
d) Exclusivity to specific industries.
resources through digital means.
Answer: c) Enhanced tracking and real-time
monitoring of shipments.
74. Fintech innovations often focus on:
a) Reinforcing traditional banking practices. 79. Cloud technologies offer advantages such as:
b) Increasing financial exclusion.
a) Fixed infrastructure costs.
c) Providing innovative financial solutions using
b) Limited scalability.
c) On-demand resource allocation.
d) Minimizing accessibility to financial services.
d) Reduced data accessibility.
Answer: c) Providing innovative financial solutions
Answer: c) On-demand resource allocation.
using technology.

80. How does AI contribute to business analytics?

75. What distinguishes cryptocurrencies from
traditional currencies? a) By reducing data analysis capabilities.
b) By relying solely on human intuition.
a) Dependence on physical form.
b) Centralized control by governments.
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
c) By enabling data-driven insights and predictive 85. What is a defining feature of cryptocurrencies?
a) Centralized control by governments.
d) By minimizing the importance of data in decision-
b) Physical form and reliance on paper money.
c) Decentralization and blockchain technology.
Answer: c) By enabling data-driven insights and
d) Regulation by financial institutions.
predictive modeling.
Answer: c) Decentralization and blockchain
81. In the digital economy, what is the significance of
data analytics?
86. How does blockchain technology enhance security
a) It has no role in decision-making processes. in digital transactions?
b) It provides insights for informed decision-making.
a) By centralizing control of transaction records.
c) It only applies to traditional business practices.
b) By allowing easy modification of transaction
d) It increases reliance on intuition over data.
Answer: b) It provides insights for informed
c) By decentralizing and encrypting transaction data.
d) By relying on traditional banking systems.
Answer: c) By decentralizing and encrypting
transaction data.
82. What is a primary goal of digital government
a) Decreasing accessibility to government services. 87. AI-driven chatbots are commonly used for:
b) Reducing transparency in governance.
a) Slowing down customer support processes.
c) Enhancing citizen engagement and service delivery.
b) Limiting access to information.
d) Limiting digital access for citizens.
c) Improving customer service interactions and
Answer: c) Enhancing citizen engagement and
service delivery.
d) Ignoring customer inquiries.
Answer: c) Improving customer service interactions
and efficiency.
83. What drives digital transformation in the healthcare
a) Maintaining traditional healthcare practices. 88. What is a primary benefit of implementing IoT
b) Ignoring technological advancements. devices in smart cities?
c) Improving patient care outcomes through
a) Increased manual operations in urban environments.
technology integration.
b) Limited connectivity between city systems.
d) Reducing access to healthcare services.
c) Integration of data and automation to enhance urban
Answer: c) Improving patient care outcomes
through technology integration.
d) Exclusivity to rural areas.
Answer: c) Integration of data and automation to
enhance urban living.
84. Fintech innovations often focus on:
a) Reinforcing traditional banking practices.
b) Increasing financial exclusion. 89. Cloud technologies offer advantages such as:
c) Providing innovative financial solutions using
a) Fixed infrastructure costs.
b) Limited scalability.
d) Minimizing accessibility to financial services.
c) On-demand resource allocation.
Answer: c) Providing innovative financial solutions
d) Reduced data accessibility.
using technology.
Answer: c) On-demand resource allocation.

Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
90. How does AI contribute to business analytics? Answer: c) Provide innovative financial solutions
using technology.
a) By reducing data analysis capabilities.
b) By relying solely on human intuition.
c) By enabling data-driven insights and predictive
95. What distinguishes cryptocurrencies from fiat
d) By minimizing the importance of data in decision-
making. a) Dependence on physical form.
Answer: c) By enabling data-driven insights and b) Centralized control by governments.
predictive modeling. c) Decentralization and blockchain technology.
d) Regulation by financial institutions.
Answer: c) Decentralization and blockchain
91. What role does digitalization play in supply chain technology.
a) It decreases transparency and efficiency.
96. How does blockchain technology enhance security
b) It limits access to real-time data.
in digital transactions?
c) It improves visibility and enhances coordination.
d) It increases reliance on manual processes. a) By centralizing control of transaction records.
Answer: c) It improves visibility and enhances b) By allowing easy modification of transaction
coordination. history.
c) By decentralizing and encrypting transaction data.
d) By relying on traditional banking systems.
92. What is a primary objective of digital government Answer: c) By decentralizing and encrypting
initiatives in terms of citizen engagement? transaction data.
a) Increasing bureaucratic processes.
b) Reducing transparency in governance.
97. AI-driven chatbots are commonly used for:
c) Enhancing accessibility to government services.
d) Limiting citizen participation in decision-making. a) Slowing down customer support processes.
Answer: c) Enhancing accessibility to government b) Limiting access to information.
services. c) Improving customer service interactions and
d) Ignoring customer inquiries.
93. How does digital transformation impact the retail Answer: c) Improving customer service interactions
sector? and efficiency.
a) It encourages reliance solely on physical stores.
b) It limits access to global markets.
98. What is a primary benefit of implementing IoT
c) It facilitates the growth of e-commerce and
devices in smart homes?
omnichannel strategies.
d) It decreases customer engagement. a) Increased manual operation of home appliances.
Answer: c) It facilitates the growth of e-commerce b) Limited connectivity with other devices.
and omnichannel strategies. c) Interconnectedness and automation of tasks.
d) Exclusivity to large corporations.
Answer: c) Interconnectedness and automation of
94. Fintech innovations often aim to: tasks.
a) Reinforce traditional banking practices.
b) Increase financial exclusion.
99. Cloud technologies offer advantages such as:
c) Provide innovative financial solutions using
technology. a) Fixed infrastructure costs.
d) Minimize accessibility to financial services. b) Limited scalability.
c) On-demand resource allocation.
Final Exam: Digital Economy (English)
Haneen Allataifeh
d) Reduced data accessibility.
Answer: c) On-demand resource allocation.

100. How does AI contribute to business analytics?

a) By reducing data analysis capabilities.
b) By relying solely on human intuition.
c) By enabling data-driven insights and predictive
d) By minimizing the importance of data in decision-
Answer: c) By enabling data-driven insights and
predictive modeling.


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