14 V K Sofa
14 V K Sofa
14 V K Sofa
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All content following this page was uploaded by Venkatesh Amin on 07 June 2022.
© With Authors.
Fig. 1: Combinations create- New products that can be exported
Source: Author
Research in the above-mentioned areas will help the organization create a new production line. Indeed,
the gaps observed in the current production line can be filled by adding a metal or rod bending machine
that is essential to the operation. Indeed, the garden furniture can also be sold: to hospitals. Currently,
few African companies are exporting sofas. Therefore, on the same line exporting can also be initiated.
Indeed, VK can venture into four areas: Garden Furniture, Metal Furniture, and Foldable Sofa furniture
as well as export, these new products to neighbouring nations at an affordable price [26]. While sofas
are- made as per the orders, the scope for the research is can, be automated. If sofa making is automated
and if it can be copied and replicated in different locations by people who can follow a system. The gap
is to know; how each step is automated and modernized; adding to the agenda would be to find out
other furniture that VK could make like garden furniture, metal furniture, foldable furniture, or the Do-
it-yourself kind of furniture.
Being the General Manager and a research scholar at VK Sofa Makers, it was essential to do a
qualitative study of the organization in-depth and document the same for future reference and
expansion. This in-depth study would also help and lead to the study of other organizations in the same
field, which could; also indicate the research gaps through a perception study of furniture and multi-
store outlets. Hence the three key objectives of this study are (i) to record; processes of furniture-
making, (ii) to understand customization as a key to higher margins; (iii) good after-sales service, an
element that propels repeat business (iv) can this model be- repeated by other industries (v) analyzing
the organization using SWOT analysis as well as ABCD analysis, this would give a view that is the top
to bottom approach.
Meeting people in various departments and observing the process from the initial step of taking
customized orders to the production line and documenting the same was followed. Interview method as
well, as asking questions as to why? steps were being followed, which was one more approach towards
making this case study. Technicians, accountants, loaders, fitters, drivers, vendors, suppliers, and
customers, we're also asked as and when they visited the factory. Other stakeholders, such as Bankers,
External maintenance teams, and B2B customers, were questioned. Record the process, record the
customization, record the after-sales service as well as create a document.
VK as a group- Review: The organization has been- studied from close quarters through its employees,
vendors, dealers, raw material suppliers, corporate clients, online and offline customers, land and
building owners, government departments, and Chartered accountants, as well, as local area people.
Step-4 Fabric
7.1 Step-1: Wooden/ Metal structure: The structure of a sofa is fundamental; made of wood or steel.
The strength of the material depends on the type of design the customer wants to see in his house
Carpentry work: Wood cutting and shaping wood for the final product as per design made keeping;
the actual pattern in mind. Indeed, carpentry is skilled work it; requires both passion and precision doing
as per the shape and size.
7.2 Step-2: The basic structure should be attached, with belts and springs for making foam stand on it.
This structure will define the shape of the sofa. The sofas' are based: on shape and number; if it is
Designed for a corner, 3 +1+1 category, a customized category. The wood structure defines the final
finish of the sofa. Indeed the sofa-making second step is critical for making a structure strong. The
higher-end work of making the sofa is critical-for making the functionality for a better look and finish.
7.3 Step-3: Tailoring work: Tailoring work is essential for making the actual upholstery stand firm as
per the desired look of the sofa. The tailors at VK sofa maker would stitch using sewing machines and
hand sewing for a better finish towards making the strength and hold of a structure of sofa for a better
7.4 Step- 4: the final step is to fix the tailored material i.e, a piece of fabric on the sofa structure for
fixing the actual top end of the upholstery.
The actual step would be towards making things in shape as per the customer and company
7.11 Finished goods: All finished goods are stored in a designated place away from dust, moisture,
rainwater, and any; kind of damage from termites or insects. The finished good is well packed; before
it is, dispatched. The product is; labelled with a destination address, along with; the order details like
contact number and time of delivery of the product, etc.
7.12 Dispatch Details: The dispatch process is a double-checking process to ensure that the right
product goes to the right customer every time and any time.
7.14 Transportation: The finished product; is dispatched to the customer's location as per the booking
address. Company vehicles as well as in the customer's vehicles. While transportation of finished
products is, done, a bill and E- waybills are generated for inter-state if the value is above 50,000/-.
7.17 Sales return Details: A sales return happens just in case the product does not match the
specifications as mentioned in the order; hence the following steps for sales return are created and are
being followed; as follows:
7.19 Water facility: A drinking water facility is; provided; for all the employees. There are separate
toilets for men and women in the location.
7.20 Source of water: The organization has created a bore well for drinking and toilet/ washroom
purposes for all the employees. Toilet pit: the waste from the toilet connected to the septic tank located
in the corner part of the factory.
7.21 Electricity details: the factory has an electricity connection from MESCOM, and the connections;
are in kilowatts. The electricity consumed monthly is to the tune of Rs.30,000/- per month.
7.22 Negligible Pollution generated: Zero effluent pollution is generated from the factory as no
chemicals are used. Zero Noise pollution: There is no noise pollution to anyone around the factory as
the entire operations are within the premises of the factory. Hence there is no disturbance to anyone in
and around the factory. Zero Wastewater pollution: Since there is zero usage of water for making sofa
hence there is no water pollution. Zero-emission of carbon dioxide: No machines are producing any
carbon dioxide in the factory as there is no chemical treatment done in the factory.
Production Production
supervisor supervisor
Wood workers
Tailors Helpers