English Dose - 18 JUNE 2024

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English Dose
William Shakespeare
Quiz 64 answers
Word of the day
Grammar tip
P.Y.Q Desk
5 the Hindu words & their uses
5 synonyms & their uses
5 antonyms & their uses
Quiz of the day – Set 65
1. Find the error: I had better (a) / kept these (b) / stuff handy. (c) / No error(d)

2. Find the synonym for Tirade -a) Savour b) Diatribe c) Debar d) Restive

3. He works by ______. a) ins and out b) by and by c) by hook or by crook d) fits and starts

4. Find the antonym for Veracity a) Saga b) Rant c) Artifice d) Terseness

5. Fear of cancer – a) Agliophobia b) Agoraphobia c) Cancerphobia d) Pyrophobia

6. Find the error: The whole block of (a) / flats including (b) / the cattle were burnt down. (c)/ No error (d)

7. Find the synonym for Urbane - a) Polished b) Trivial c) Submerge d) Dexterous

8. Find the antonym for - Swindle a) Redeem b) Thrift c) Drift d) Amass

9. Find the error: She is taller (a) / than any (b) / boy of the class. (c) / No error (d)

10. Find the synonym for Salacity- a) Bliss b) Depression c) Indecency d) Recession
Word of the day: HOLLER

Cry out
Call out

He hollered for help when he saw the smoke.

Understand the different uses!


The manner or A barrier or an

style of walking entrance

He had a confident and steady The tall iron gate opened slowly
gait as he walked down the as the guests arrived at the
hallway. grand estate.
The company found
After the heavy itself embroiled in a
rain, the once lush Soggy Embroiled major scandal after
garden was left (waterlogged) allegations of financial
( entwined)
with soggy soil and misconduct surfaced.
waterlogged plants.

The investigation
revealed a disturbing He worried that his
level of venality friendly gesture might
among the officials, Venality VOCABULARY (misread)
be misconstrued as an
who had accepted (immorality) unwanted advance.
bribes in exchange for
political favours.

Derogatory Her derogatory remarks

(offensive) about his work created
tension in the team and
undermined his
1. The synonym for the underlined word: The gentleman had aristocratic manner. Set
Plebian (WBCS 2000) XLVIII

2. The synonym for the underlined word: He was rather reluctant to help me.
Unwilling (WBCS 2000)

3. The meaning of the underlined part: I cannot make out what he wishes to say.
understand (WBCS 2000)

4. The meaning of the idiom “null and void” – invalid (WBCS 2000)

5. I finished My letter last evening. (WBCS 2000)

1. Find the error: I will celebrating (a)/ New Year at my (b)/ old residence as usual. (c)/ Set
no error (d) (SSC MTS 2023)

2. The antonym of “Forthcoming” (Large /Extensive /Adventurous /Past) (SSC MTS 2023)

3. “Beat around the bush” means - To be persistent in pursuing a goal / To be impatient and short-
tempered / To be direct and formal / To avoid addressing a topic correctly (SSC MTS 2023)

4. Her stories paid _____ to her mother, whom she regarded as the goddess of bravery. ( frustration/
sainthood/ absoluteness/ homage) (SSC MTS 2023)

5. The most appropriate synonym of the “Amicable” - Friendly /Proud /Generous / Harsh
(SSC MTS 2023)

Try the P.Y.Qs yourself and check the answers tomorrow..!
Let’s try! Match the words with their nearest meanings (synonyms)

Enshrine Antipathetic

Insipid Mercantile

Prudent Unpalatable

Commercial Apotheosize

Hostile Judicious

….and check your answers later! ☺

Let’s try! Match the words with their opposite meanings (antonyms)

Conformist Noxious

Unremunerative Onus

Seasoned Delinquent

Innocuous Lucrative

Exemption Nascent

….and check your answers later! ☺

Enshrine Apotheosize Insipid Unpalatable
The news of the impending layoffs was unpalatable
In many cultures, heroes and leaders
to the employees, who feared for their livelihoods.
are apotheosized after their deaths,
becoming symbols of virtue and

he made a judicious
decision to invest in
Judicious low-risk stocks,
ensuring steady The town's economy
returns over time. was primarily
mercantile, relying on
trade and commerce
Hostile with neighboring cities.

They were always antipathetic
towards each other, constantly
arguing over the smallest of matters.
Conformist Delinquent Unremunerative Lucrative
The tech industry offered lucrative opportunities
The delinquent teenager was for skilled professionals seeking high-paying
caught vandalizing public jobs.
property and faced Seasoned
consequences from the law.


His interest in
The factory emitted
Noxious noxious fumes that
photography was
nascent but promising,
polluted the nearby river as he explored
and harmed aquatic life. different techniques.



The onus of ensuring the

project's success fell squarely
on the team leader's shoulders.
1. The athlete’s perseverance and mental toughness ________(facilitate) her to overcome adversity and achieve
her goals. ( restricted/ enabled/ limited/ hindered)
2. Find the error : Harish says (a) / that his sister (b) / loves to play the harmonium (c)/ no error (d)

3. Hardik Pandya hit four ________ fours and scored 72 runs in the match. (continuous/ consecutive /ongoing
/constant )
4. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. ( Separate /Accommodate /Definitely /Embarass)

5. “Blessing in disguise” means – a good thing that seems bad at first/ advantage/ a futile effort/ a brazen activity

6. “Lacklustre” means – ambiguous/ ludicrous/ lucid/ uninspiring

7. The idiom “Selling like hot cakes” means (Quick sell out/ Selling cakes/Being ignored/Eating hot cake)

8. Find the error: All these things happen (a) / because she do not (b) / pay heed to my words (c) / no error (d)

9. Find the ANTONYM for Delusion – reality/ fantasy/illusion/charisma

10. Find the SYNONYM for HOLLERED – shouted/praised/ collared/rewarded

Keen to check the answers to the quiz Set 65?

For tomorrow’s release!

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