Synchronous Carcinoma Cervix With Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Incidental Finding

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Synchronous Carcinoma Cervix with

Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Incidental Finding
Dr. Mayank Soni1, Dr. Shrutikant Bhatia1, Dr. Dhiraj Gupta1
Junior Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, All India Institue of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh – 249002,

Abstract:- RCC often coexists with malignancies in the prostate,

bladder, lung, breast, rectum, malignant melanoma, and non-
 Background Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), its association with other pelvic
In India, renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most tumours, such as carcinoma cervix, is rare. (4)
frequent kidney cancer with an increasing tendency,
whereas cervical cancer is the second most common In this case, RCC was found incidentally during staging
disease among women. Synchronicity of RCC with other and evaluation of the primary cervical carcinoma and both
malignancies is not uncommon, but with the cervical were managed with different modality of treatment. So
cancer is rare. diagnostic imaging should be included in standard of care for
pelvic malignancies and surveyed the other regions as well.
 Case description
A 64-year-old, postmenopausal female, presented II. CASE DESCRIPTION
with complaint of bleeding per vagina and was diagnosed
with carcinoma cervix and later on metastatic work-up 64 year old, postmenopausal female presented to us
also diagnosed with right RCC. After multidisciplinary with complaint of bleeding per vagina since three months. On
discussion, patient planned for management for cervix clinical examination, there was 4 x 4 cm ulceroproliferative
then followed by renal lesion. Patient received radical growth present on the cervical os, obliterating the all the
external beam radiotherapy followed by brachytherapy fornices, limited to upper one-third of vagina and bilateral
for carcinoma cervix and underwent nephrectomy for parametrium was free of disease. Punch biopsy was
right RCC. consistent with the squamous cell carcinoma.

 Conclusion Contrast enhanced MRI of pelvis was suggestive of

Synchronous cases of cervical cancer and renal cell heterogeneously enhancing lobulated mass lesion (5 x 3.5 x
carcinoma are very rare. Advancement in diagnostic 3.2cm) in the region of cervix extending to the body of uterus
protocol makes these kind of cases common and superiorly and inferiorly involving the fornices. For metstatic
multidisciplinary team decisions are required for their work up, PET-CT scan was done which showed FDG avid
management. heterogeneously enhancing soft tissue density lesion noted in
the uterine cervix, extending into upper 1/3rd of vaginal canal
Keywords:- Carcinoma Cervix, Multidisciplinary, Renal Cell and also FDG avid left external iliac lymph node. Another
Carcinoma (RCC), Synchronous. positive finding of an ill defined lesion in the right kidney
with no significantly increased FDG uptake seen at the
I. INTRODUCTION inferomedial aspect, measuring 3.1 x 3.7 cm in size, with
extension into the renal pelvis.
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in
terms of both incidence and mortality in women worldwide, To evaluate that right renal lesion, contrast enhanced
with an estimated 660,000 new cases and 350,000 deaths CT was done, that shows lobulated well circumscribed
worldwide in 2022(1) and second only to breast in India with partially exophytic ball-type lesion, infiltrating into adjacent
estimated cumulative risk of 11.6 for 2022. (2) According to perinephric fat and also invades the corticomedullary
GLOBOCAN, mortality is going to increase by 25.4% by junction at mid pole, suggests malignant neoplastic lesion,
2030, which makes it as a major healthcare problem. Its most likely RCC. (Figure 1,2).
synchronicity with other primary malignancies is rare, with
less than 5% cases only.(3)

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for 2% of global

cancer diagnoses and deaths. Most of RCC are diagnosed
incidentally on imaging and survival is highly dependent on
imaging, with a 5-year relative survival of 93% for stage 1 to
only 12% for stage IV(metastatic disease). Patients diagnosed
with RCC face a high risk of developing antecedent,
synchronous, and metachronous primary malignancies. While

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1 Axial Section of Contrast Enhanced CT Scan Showing Heterogeneously Enhancing Well Circumscribed Lesion in Right
kidney (Red Arrow).

Fig 2 Coronal Section of Contrast Enhanced CT Scan Shows Right Renal Lesion and Cervical Lesion (Encircled).

IJISRT24JUN536 179

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

After multidisciplinary team discussion, consensus was IV. CONCLUSION

made to manage the cervical cancer first due to its natural
history followed by nepherectomy for right renal lesion. For Cervical cancer among females is common and its
cervical carcinoma, she was treated with external beam synchronicity with other malignancies also going increase
radiotherapy with the curative intent, a total dose of 50 Gy in with advance and comprehensive screening protocols in
25 fractions @ 2 Gy per fraction along with weekly patients. Management of multiple primary malignancies may
concurrent cisplatin 40mg/m2 was given. She further also pose certain challenges, so it requires a multidisciplinary
received three sessions of intracavitatory brachytherapy, 7 approach for consensus and adaptation of the treatment
Gy of each. She completed the treatment and tolerated well. strategy.
After 4 weeks she was planned for nephrectomy for her renal
cell carcinoma. Conflict of Interest: None

III. DISCUSSION Financial Support: None

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