Bipo Times Dec 2023

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December 2023 Vol. 76 www.biposervice.


Cambodia’s Labour Law and

Employment Regulations

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations are
designed to govern the relationship between employers Basic Country Facts
and employees in the country, ensuring fair labour
practices and protection for workers’ rights. Capital
Phnom Penh
It is instrumental in safeguarding the rights and working
conditions of employees, setting standards for working
hours, wages, and safety. Recent updates demonstrate
the government's commitment to adapting labour laws
to the changing landscape of employment, including the 16.76 million
The World Bank
emergence of the gig economy.

Cambodian Riel (KHR)

GDP per Capita

USD $1,786.6 (as of 2022)
The World Bank
General Employment Regulations
Minimum Wage

Minimum wage with effect from 1 January 2024 for employees in Textiles, Garments, Footwear, Travel Goods, and Bags

Types of Employee Minimum Wage in 2024

Probationary Employee USD 202 per month

Regular Employee USD 204 per month

• The workers/employees who are paid according to the product quantity (piece-rate) shall receive wages based on
the actual output. If the output exceeds the amount of wage stipulated in the minimum wage above, the employees
shall receive their wage according to the exceeding quantities.
• If it is lower than the wage stipulated above, the employer shall add any amount to reach USD 202 per month for
probationary workers/employees and USD 204 per month for regular workers/employees.

Working Hour and Schedule

Working Hours
• Normal working hours cannot exceed 8 hours/day or 48 hours/week.
• The employee who works 8 consecutive hours is entitled to a one-hour lunch break.
• The period from 10:00 pm – 5:00 am is regulated as “Night Work”. Night work is paid at the rate of 130% of the
normal wage rate. If an employee is required to work at night, the employer must provide accommodation or

Working Schedule
• The employer is required to grant employees the right to weekly time off for a minimum of 24 consecutive hours.
The normal day off is Sunday, however, the employee can be assigned in a rotated day off based on the enterprise’s
operation needs.
• In case the enterprise operates more than 1 shift per day, the working hours of each shift must not exceed the
maximum working hours/days.

Overtime Work

Types of Overtime Work Rate

Normal working days (not night work/weekly time-off) 150%

Weekly time-off 200%

Public holidays (22 days for 2024) 200%

Night-work (10:00pm – 5:00am) 200%

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

• Overtime work is for exceptional and urgent jobs.
• Overtime work, including normal regular work hours must not exceed 10 hours a day; meaning that overtime work
is limited to 2 hours a day.
• Employers cannot force employees to work overtime. Employees can choose whether they want to work overtime
or not.
• Employers are required to request overtime work to MoLVT in advance.

Public Holidays 2024

Total public holidays in 2024 is 22 days.

Date Holiday

1 January International New Year Day

7 January Victory Day over Genocide

8 March International Women’s Day

13 - 16 April Khmer New Year Days

1 May International Labour Day

14 May King Norodom Sihamoni’s Birthday

22 May Visak Bochea Day

26 May Royal Plowing Ceremony

18 June Queen Monineath’s Birthday

24 September Constitutional Day

1 - 3 October Pchum Ben Festival

15 October Respect the Spirit of the late King Father

29 October Coronation Day of King Sihamoni

9 November National Independence Day

14 - 16 November Water Festival

Statutory Leave

Leave Types Leave Quota Counting Type Terms & Conditions

• Increment 1 day for every 3 years.

Annual Leave 18 days Work days • Balance after 12 days can be carried
forward up to 3 years.

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

Leave Types Leave Quota Counting Type Terms & Conditions

• The event directly effects employee’s

immediate family such as marriage,
childbirth delivery, hospitalisation, death,
Special Leave 7 days Work days etc.
• It can be deducted from the current year
annual leave if the employee annual leave
balance remains.

• 100% of wages during the 1st month of

hospitalised leave.
• 60% of wages during the 2nd & 3rd months
of hospitalised leave.
Long-term Sick Leave
6 months Calendar days • Unpaid leave from the 4th to 6th months of
(Hospitalised Leave)
hospitalised leave.
• There is no law stating about short-
term (medical) sick leave. However, the
enterprise can set it in its internal policy.

• Employee is entitled to 50% of wages

during maternity leave if she has
completed 1 year service in the company.
Maternity Leave 3 months Calendar days • Female employee is entitled to two
paid nursing breaks, each of 30-minute
duration, for new mothers to breastfeed
their child(ren) until a child is twelve (12)
months old.

Business (Type E) Visa

• Those who have accepted an employment offer or received an invitation for business purposes from a registered
company in Cambodia.
• The candidate can apply for a Business (Type E) visa at the Royal Government of Cambodia Embassy in his/her
home country or request at the Arrival Terminal at Phnom Penh International Airport with the Immigration Officer.

• The first Business (Type E) Visa:

{ Single-entry visa
{ 3-month validity
{ Only 30-day allowable stay

• After arrival to Cambodia, the Business (Type E) visa needs to be requested for renewal at the Cambodian
Immigration Department.
• The renewal period can be for 6 months or 12 months.

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

Foreign Employee Quota and Employment Card

Foreign Employee Quota

• Companies in Cambodia who are intending to hire a foreign employee must apply for a foreign employee quota
through the Foreign Workforce Centralized Management System (FWCMS) of MLVT.
• The MLVT imposes a maximum of 10% quota of total Cambodian employees on the use of foreign employees.
• The application of foreign employee quota for 2024 is valid till the end of November 2023. Failure to meet the
deadline will be subject to a potential fine from USD 650 to USD 900.
• After receiving the quota, the company can then apply for foreign employment card through the Foreign Workforce
Centralized Management System (FWCMS) of MLVT.

Foreign Employment Card (Work Permit Card)

• The Labour Law requires that a foreign employee must possess a foreign employment card issued by the MLVT.
• The validity of foreign employment card is 1 calendar year (expiry on 31 December).
• The renewal is open from January to March.

Regulations of Employment Contract

Type of Employment Contract

Fixed Duration Contract (FDC)

• In written.
• Precise commencement and termination dates.
• Duration cannot exceed four years (unless gap in employment – one-month break period).
• Initial FDC: Maximum of two years.
• Subsequent renewal: One or many times, but the total duration of renewals cannot exceed two years.
• The total maximum period is four years; after that automatically becomes UDC.

Undetermined Duration Contract (UDC)

• In written or verbal.
• No ending date from start date.

Probation Period (It is applied for both FDC & UDC)

• 3 months (regular employees)
• 2 months (specialised employees)
• 1 month (non-specialised employees

Statutory Benefits by Type of Employment Contract

Fixed Duration Contract (FDC): Severance Pay (5%)

• It’s paid proportionally to both wages and duration of the contract and the amount of this severance pay is
stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement.
• If there is no collective bargaining agreement, this severance pay shall be at least 5% of the wages that the worker/
employee has been paid during the duration of the contract.
• The severance pay amount is non-taxable.

Formula: Severance pay 5% = Total wages (during contract period) × 5%

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

Statutory Benefits by Type of Employment Contract

Undetermined Duration Contract (UDC): Seniority Indemnity (15 Days/Year)

• The seniority indemnity (from 2019) is equal to 15 days of wages per year and paid 2 times per year. (Prakas No. 443
{ 7.5 days in June, and
{ 7.5 days in December.
• For the first year of employment, an employee who has worked consecutively from 1 to 6 months shall be entitled
seniority indemnity of 7.5 days.
• Tax exemption on Seniority Indemnity from 2020 (Circular 002 MEF):
{ First payment of seniority indemnity: the amount less than/equal to KHR 2,000,000 is non-taxable, and the
amount over KHR 2,000,000 is summed to monthly taxable salary basis.
{ Second payment of seniority indemnity: the same as first payment.

Formula: First/Second Seniority Indemnity = average wages/day × 7.5 (days)

Notice Period by Type of Employment Contract

Fixed Duration Contract (FDC):

The notice period of the renewal or non-renewal of FDC is stated as below:​

Duration Remarks

0 day If the FDC is less than 6 months

10 days If the FDC is 6 month to 1 year

15 days If the FDC is over 1 year

Undetermined Duration Contract (UDC):

The notice period of UDC termination is stated as below:​

Duration Remarks

7 days If continuous service is less than six months

15 days If continuous service is from 6 months to 2 years

1 month If continuous service is longer than 2 years to 5 years

2 months If continuous service is longer than 5 years to 10 years

3 months If continuous service is longer than 10 years

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

Termination of Employment Contracts

Termination of FDC

Agreement Gross Premature Premature

Expiration Date between Both Misconduct or Termination by Termination by
Parties Force Majeure Employer Employee

Last Salary
(basic salary +     
other pay)

for Remaining
(unused) Annual     

Damage    1 2
Severance Pay     

1 Employee is entitled to damages in an amount at least equal to the remuneration he would have received until the
expiration date of the FDC.
2 Employer is entitled to damages in an amount that corresponds to the damage sustained.

Termination of UDC

Legal Dismissal for Gross Dismissal with Dismissal without

Compensation Misconduct Valid Reason Reason

Last Salary (basic

salary + other pay)    

Compensation for
Remaining (unused)    
Annual Leave

Prior Notice    
Seniority Indemnity    
Damage    

• If the employer gives proper notice period by law to the employee, there is no payment in lieu of notice period.
• Damage is equal to the total amount of seniority indemnity that employee has received from the commencement
date of UDC till the termination date.

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

Payroll Administration and Tax on Salary
Payroll Administration

Payroll Currency
• The official payroll currency is Khmer Riel (KHR). However, there is no provision prohibited payment in other
currencies. The most popular payroll currency is US Dollar (USD).
• Tax on salary calculation must use the official exchange rate issued by National Bank of Cambodia on the 15th of the
month. If the 15th falls on a public holiday or a weekend, the company may choose the exchange rate on the day
prior to the 15th.

Payroll Timeline
According to the notification No. 442/18, MoLVT, from January 2019 onwards, all enterprises who are covered by the
provisions of the Labour Law shall prepare the payroll to employees two (2) time per month.
• The first payroll equals to 50% of basic salary per month which shall be paid in the 2nd week.
• The second payroll equals to the remaining salary, and other benefits that employees shall receive each month
which shall be paid in the 4th week.

Tax on Salary

Tax Excess of Each

Threshold of Monthly Taxable Salary Tax Rate
Threshold (TE)

From KHR 0 to KHR 1,500,000 0% KHR 0

From KHR 1,500,001 to KHR 2,000,000 5% KHR 75,000

From KHR 2,000,001 to KHR 8,500,000 10% KHR 175,000

From KHR 8,500,001 to KHR 12,500,000 15% KHR 600,000

More than KHR 12,500,000 20% KHR 1,225,000

• Rebate for spouse and children = KHR 150,000 × Number of spouse and children
• Basis of taxable salary (BTOS) = Taxable salary (TS) − Rebate for spouse and children − Pension contribution
• Tax on salary (ToS) = (BTOS × Tax Rate) − TE

• Payment subject to Tax on Salary includes Basic Salary, Incentives/Commissions, Bonus, OT, Compensation, and
• Besides the above payment, it is considered as Fringe Benefits which is subject to the tax rate of 20%.
• The above tax rates are applicable for Residence Employee.
• Non-residence employee is applicable to the rate of 20% (fixed).

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

Statutory Contributions
National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

Contribution Rate by Contribution Rate by

NSSF Contributions
Employer Employee

Occupational Risk Scheme 0.8% of employee’s gross

(min. KHR 200,000; max. KHR 1,200,000) wage (max. KHR 9,600)

Health Care Scheme 2.6% of employee’s gross

(min. KHR 200,000; max. KHR 1,200,000) wage (max. KHR 31,200)

Pension Scheme 2% of employee’s gross 2% of employee’s gross

(min. KHR 400,000; max. KHR 1,200,000) wage (max. KHR 24,000) wage (max. KHR 24,000)

• NSSF regulates the increment of pension contribution rate based on below periods:
9 4% for Oct 2022 – Sept 2027
9 8% for Oct 2027 – Sept 2032
9 10.75% for Oct 2032 – Sept 2042
9 Keep adding up 2.75% for every 10 years
• The NSSF contribution calculation must use the official exchange issued by NSSF institution.

Article contributed by
Bros Hou Monn Tola
HR Service Delivery Manager, Cambodia HR Service Delivery Specialist, Cambodia
E: [email protected] E: [email protected]

Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

Around the World with BIPO
At BIPO, we are committed to facilitating international business growth. Here’s a quick look at how we foster discussions
with the business community, sharing our expertise at local events across the region!

Singapore Indonesia
8 Nov
31 Oct - 2 Nov Seizing Indonesia’s Potential:
Singapore Week of Strategies for Growth &
Innovation & Technology Compliance

22 Nov
Unlocking Opportunities: Vietnam
How to Identify the Perfect
Employer of Record 10 Nov
Vietnam HR Summit 2023:
From Surviving to Thriving
30 Nov
with Ken Saki Turkey
14 Nov
Ask Our Expert Series: Payroll
Compliance & Local HR Practices
in Turkey with Erkin Senbay
3 Nov
AI 趨勢下的跨國人資管理
with Florence Mok UK
22-23 Nov
The London Business Show

About BIPO Find out more

Established in 2010 and headquartered in Singapore,
BIPO is a global payroll and people solutions provider.
Our comprehensive total HR solutions include our
Human Capital Management (HCM) suite, Global Payroll
Outsourcing (GPO) and Employer of Record (EOR) service
across 150+ global markets.

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Cambodia’s Labour Law and Employment Regulations

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