Ai Fundamentals Prelim Exam

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‭Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Improved patient care‬

‭b. Improved legal compliance‬

‭c. Improved efficiency in legal matters‬

‭d. Improved understanding of medical terminology‬

‭What is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of set theory?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. ZF set theory‬

‭b. PA+ set theory‬

‭c. PA set theory‬

‭d. ZFC set theory‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of philosophy?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have sparked debates about the limits of knowledge‬

‭b. They have led to the development of new philosophical systems‬

‭c. They have led to new discussions about the nature of reality‬

‭d. They have led to the abandonment of the use of reasoning‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the Shannon entropy and the probability distribution in‬
‭maximum entropy without explicit‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The Shannon entropy is maximized when the probability distribution is uniform‬

‭b. The Shannon entropy is the probability distribution‬

‭c. The Shannon entropy is proportional to the probability distribution‬

‭d. The Shannon entropy is the inverse of the probability distribution‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭falsehood of its opposite?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus ponens‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Modus tollens‬

‭d. Denying the antecedent‬

‭Question 8‬


‭Mark 1.00 out of 1.00‬

‭What is the main goal of supervised machine learning?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To identify patterns and relationships in data‬

‭b. To understand the underlying structure of the data‬

‭c. To make predictions or decisions based on data‬

‭d. To model the relationship between input and output variables‬

‭What is the process of adding new nodes to the search tree in A* search called?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. Node expansion‬

‭b. Pathfinding‬

‭c. Graph traversal‬

‭d. Route planning‬

‭How is the principle of maximum entropy related to the second law of thermodynamics?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is a more general form of the second law‬

‭b. It is independent of the second law‬

‭c. It is equivalent to the second law‬

‭d. It is used to prove the second law‬

‭Mark 1.00 out of 1.00‬

‭If there are two equally likely outcomes, what is the probability of both occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0%‬

‭b. 100%‬

‭c. 50%‬

‭d. 25%‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT an example of a problem that could be solved using a greedy‬
‭search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Finding the shortest path between two points on a map‬

‭b. Sorting a list of numbers in ascending order‬

‭c. Solving a puzzle such as the Tower of Hanoi‬

‭ . Solving the knapsack problem (choosing a set of items to maximize value while staying‬
‭within a weight limit)‬

‭What is subjective probability?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A probability based on an individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭b. A probability based on statistical analysis‬

‭c. A probability based on a coin flip‬

‭d. A probability based on objective, observable data‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of mathematics education?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. They have led to the development of new teaching methods‬

‭b. They have led to the abandonment of the study of mathematics‬

‭c. They have led to the development of new mathematics curricula‬

‭d. They have sparked debates about the importance of proof in mathematics‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.5 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.5,‬

‭what is the probability of both event A and‬

‭B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 1‬

‭b. 0‬

‭c. 0.25‬

‭d. 0.5‬

‭What is a cost matrix in the context of machine learning?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A matrix that represents the cost of deploying a model‬

‭b. A matrix that represents the cost of making predictions‬

‭c. A matrix that represents the cost of training a model‬

‭d. A matrix that represents the cost of implementing a model‬

‭Mark 1.00 out of 1.00‬

‭Question 17‬


‭Mark 1.00 out of 1.00‬

‭If there are 10 equally likely outcomes, what is the probability of any one of them occurring?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. 100%‬

‭b. 0%‬

‭c. 25%‬

‭d. 10%‬

‭ hat is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of intuitionistic‬
‭type theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. PA+ set theory‬

‭b. ZFC set theory‬

‭c. ZF set theory‬

‭d. PA set theory‬

I‭n what way is the principle of maximum entropy related to the principle of minimum‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . The principle of minimum information is a special case of the principle of maximum‬


‭ . The principle of maximum entropy is a special case of the principle of minimum‬


‭c. They are equivalent‬

‭d. They are independent of each other‬

‭Can subjective probabilities be used to make predictions about future events?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭ . Yes, subjective probabilities can be used to make predictions based on an individual's‬

‭beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭about the likelihood of certain events occurring‬

‭ . No, subjective probabilities are not based on objective, observable data and statistical‬
‭analysis and cannot be used to make‬


‭ . Yes, subjective probabilities can be used to make predictions based on the outcome of a‬
‭coin flip‬

‭ . No, subjective probabilities are not based on a coin flip and cannot be used to make‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭falsehood of another statement and the truth of a third statement?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. Disjunctive syllogism‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Modus ponens‬

‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭ hat is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of first-order‬
‭predicate calculus?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. PA+ set theory‬

‭b. ZFC set theory‬

‭c. PA set theory‬

‭d. ZF set theory‬

‭3/15/24, 7:43 PM Prelim Exam: Attempt review‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the Shannon entropy and the information in a distribution in‬
‭maximum entropy without explicit‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. The Shannon entropy is the inverse of the information in a distribution‬

‭b. The Shannon entropy is proportional to the information in a distribution‬

‭c. The Shannon entropy is maximized when the information in a distribution is uniform‬

‭d. The Shannon entropy is the information in a distribution‬

‭What is probability?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. A measure of the likelihood of an event occurring‬

‭b. A measure of the likelihood of an event occurring divided by the total number of events‬

‭ . A measure of the likelihood of an event NOT occurring divided by the total number of‬

‭d. A measure of the likelihood of an event NOT occurring‬

‭Mark 1.00 out of 1.00‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given multiple‬
‭other events that are not independent of‬

‭each other?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭b. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬
‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭In which of the following scenarios would a heuristic search algorithm be most useful?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. When the search space is small and the optimal solution is not important‬

‭b. When the search space is large and the optimal solution is not important‬

‭c. When the search space is large and the optimal solution is important‬

‭d. When the search space is small and the optimal solution is important‬

‭Can subjective probabilities be biased?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Yes, subjective probabilities are based on an individual's beliefs, opinions, and‬

‭experiences, which can be influenced by‬
‭personal biases‬

‭b. No, subjective probabilities are based on statistical analysis, which is unbiased‬

‭c. No, subjective probabilities are objective and unbiased‬

‭d. It depends on the individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭In uncertain knowledge, which of the following is NOT a valid inference rule?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Modus ponens‬

‭c. Modus tollens‬

‭d. Denying the antecedent‬

‭What is the main advantage of heuristic search over other search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is faster‬

‭b. It is more accurate‬


‭c. It can find solutions to problems with a small search space more efficiently‬

‭d. It can find solutions to problems with a large search space more efficiently‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a way in which godelization can be used in practice?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To verify the correctness of software programs‬

‭b. To prove the consistency of mathematical theories‬

‭c. To create unbreakable codes for secure communication‬

‭d. To generate random numbers‬

‭What is an example of a real-world application of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Automatic stock trading systems‬

‭b. Automatic image recognition systems‬

‭c. Automatic temperature control systems‬

‭d. Automatic traffic control systems‬

‭ hat is the time complexity of a breadth-first search algorithm when applied to a graph with‬
‭V vertices and E edges?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. O(V)‬

‭b. O(E)‬

‭c. O(V + E)‬

‭d. O(V * E)‬


‭How might subjective probabilities be used in risk assessment?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . By taking into account an individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences about the‬
‭likelihood and consequences of‬

‭potential risks‬

‭b. By calculating objective, observable data and statistical analysis‬

‭c. By relying solely on objective, observable data and statistical analysis‬

‭d. By using a coin flip to determine the likelihood of potential risks‬

‭How does minmax search handle tie situations?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. By selecting the move with the highest score‬

‭ . By selecting the move that leads to the lowest score for the player and the highest score‬
‭for the opponent‬

‭ . By selecting the move that leads to the highest score for the player and the lowest score‬
‭for the opponent‬

‭d. By selecting the move with the lowest score‬

‭What is a defuzzification process in the context of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. A process for converting fuzzy input and output values into precise values‬

‭b. A process for converting precise input and output values into fuzzy values‬

‭c. A process for converting fuzzy input values into precise values‬

‭d. A process for converting fuzzy output values into precise values‬

‭ hat is the main disadvantage of using iterative deepening over a depth-first search‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. It requires more memory to store the visited nodes‬

‭b. It requires less memory to store the visited nodes‬

‭c. It requires less computation time to search the tree‬

‭d. It requires more computation time to search the tree‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "belief function" is defined as:‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. The likelihood that an event will occur‬

‭b. The level of uncertainty about an event‬

‭c. The probability that an event will occur‬

‭d. The degree of belief that an event will occur‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.5 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.5,‬
‭what is the probability of event A occurring‬

‭given that event B has already occurred?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0.25‬

‭b. 0.5‬

‭c. 0‬
‭d. 1‬

‭What is a potential drawback of data mining?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It can be time-consuming and resource-intensive‬

‭b. All of the above‬


‭c. It can be inaccurate if the data is not properly cleaned and processed‬

‭d. It can be biased if the data is not representative of the population‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of event A occurring‬

‭given that event B has already occurred?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0.6‬
‭b. 0‬

‭c. 0.4‬

‭d. 1‬

‭Can heuristic search be used to solve problems with no clear goal or solution?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It depends on the specific search algorithm being used‬

‭b. It depends on the specific problem and the heuristic function being used‬

‭c. Yes, heuristic search can be used to solve any type of problem‬

‭d. No, heuristic search can only be used to solve problems with a clear goal and solution‬

‭What does "P(A|B)" represent in Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability of event B occurring given that event A has occurred‬

‭b. The probability of event A occurring regardless of whether event B has occurred or not‬

‭c. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has occurred‬

‭d. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has not occurred‬


‭Mark 1.00 out of 1.00‬

‭Can minmax search handle games with more than two players?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. No, minmax search can only be used for two-player games‬

‭b. Yes, by using the same algorithm as for two-player games‬

‭c. Yes, by using a modified version of the algorithm‬

‭d. It depends on the game‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "normalization rule" is used to:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Determine the level of uncertainty about an event‬

‭b. Ensure that the belief and plausibility functions are properly normalized‬

‭c. Combine the beliefs and plausibilities of multiple events‬

‭d. Calculate the probability of an event occurring‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "combination rule" is used to:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Determine the level of uncertainty about an event‬

‭b. Calculate the level of disagreement about the likelihood of an event‬

‭c. Combine the beliefs and plausibilities of multiple events‬

‭d. Calculate the probability of an event occurring‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a closed formula?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A formula that contains a free variable‬


‭b. A formula that contains only predicates‬

‭c. A formula that contains only closed terms‬

‭d. A formula that is always true‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the maximum entropy distribution and the underlying‬
‭distribution in maximum entropy without‬

‭explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The maximum entropy distribution is similar to the underlying distribution‬

‭b. The maximum entropy distribution is different from the underlying distribution‬

‭c. The maximum entropy distribution is independent of the underlying distribution‬

‭d. The maximum entropy distribution is the same as the underlying distribution‬

‭What is the primary purpose of LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To provide medical guidance to legal professionals‬

‭b. To provide a platform for the exchange of legal data‬

‭c. To provide legal guidance to medical professionals‬

‭d. To provide a platform for the exchange of medical data‬

‭What is a common application of data mining in business?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To improve customer service‬

‭b. To optimize production processes‬

‭c. To increase sales‬

‭d. All of the above‬


‭Dempster-Shafer theory is commonly used in which of the following fields?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Decision making‬

‭b. Probability and statistics‬

‭c. Artificial intelligence‬

‭d. Quantum mechanics‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a reason why godelization is important in the field of computer‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. It allows for the representation of all possible computations within a system‬

‭b. It allows for the verification of the correctness of software programs‬

‭c. It allows for the generation of random numbers‬

‭d. It allows for the creation of secure codes and algorithms‬

‭What is an advantage of depth-first search over breadth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Depth-first search is more flexible and can be easily modified to solve different types of‬

‭b. Depth-first search uses less memory‬

‭c. Depth-first search is more efficient‬

‭d. Depth-first search is faster‬

‭In what type of machine learning problems is a cost matrix typically used?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Dimensionality reduction problems‬

‭b. Regression problems‬


‭c. Classification problems‬

‭d. Clustering problems‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a common application of heuristic search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Planning and scheduling‬

‭b. Solving puzzles and games‬

‭c. Image recognition‬

‭d. Natural language processing‬

‭In what year did Kurt Godel first present his incompleteness theorems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 1975‬

‭b. 1952‬

‭c. 1931‬

‭d. 1879‬

‭In a binary cost matrix, what is the sum of all elements called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The median cost‬

‭b. The total cost‬

‭c. The average cost‬

‭d. The maximum cost‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the maximum entropy distribution and the available‬
‭information in maximum entropy without‬

‭explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The maximum entropy distribution is independent of the available information‬

‭b. The maximum entropy distribution incorporates none of the available information‬

‭c. The maximum entropy distribution incorporates all the available information‬

‭d. The maximum entropy distribution incorporates some of the available information‬

‭Can subjective probabilities be measured or quantified?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using objective, observable data and statistical analysis‬

‭b. Yes, by using a scale or rating system‬

‭c. No, subjective probabilities are subjective and cannot be measured or quantified‬

‭d. It depends on the individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭What is the primary goal of risk management using cost matrices?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To maximize the likelihood of risks occurring‬

‭b. To minimize the cost of risks‬

‭c. To minimize the probability of risks occurring‬

‭d. To minimize the impact of risks‬

‭Which of the following is NOT one of Gödel's incompleteness theorems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The consistency of arithmetic‬

‭b. The incompleteness of formal systems‬

‭c. The completeness of formal systems‬

‭d. The consistency of formal systems‬


‭What is the primary disadvantage of heuristic search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They may not find any solution at all‬

‭b. They use more memory‬

‭c. They are slower‬

‭d. They may not find the optimal solution‬

‭What is a cost matrix in the context of machine learning?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A matrix that represents the cost of training a model‬

‭b. A matrix that represents the cost of deploying a model‬

‭c. A matrix that represents the cost of making predictions‬

‭d. A matrix that represents the cost of implementing a model‬

‭What is the main disadvantage of IDA* search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It can be computationally expensive‬

‭b. It is prone to getting stuck in local minima‬

‭c. It requires a lot of memory to store the search tree‬

‭d. It is slow to find the optimal solution‬

‭How is the principle of maximum entropy related to the second law of thermodynamics?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is used to prove the second law‬

‭b. It is a more general form of the second law‬

‭c. It is independent of the second law‬


‭d. It is equivalent to the second law‬

‭In uncertain knowledge, which of the following is NOT a valid inference rule?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Denying the antecedent‬

‭b. Modus tollens‬

‭c. Modus ponens‬

‭d. Affirming the consequent‬

‭How do subjective probabilities differ from objective probabilities?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on statistical analysis, while objective probabilities are‬
‭based on an individual's beliefs,‬

‭opinions, and experiences‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on a coin flip, while objective probabilities are based on‬
‭an individual's beliefs, opinions,‬

‭and experiences‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on objective, observable data, while objective‬
‭probabilities are based on an individual's‬

‭beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on an individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences,‬

‭while objective probabilities are‬
‭based on objective, observable data‬

‭What is a defuzzification process in the context of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A process for converting precise input and output values into fuzzy values‬

‭b. A process for converting fuzzy input and output values into precise values‬

‭c. A process for converting fuzzy input values into precise values‬

‭d. A process for converting fuzzy output values into precise values‬

‭Which of the following statements about iterative deepening is NOT true?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It requires more computation time to search the tree than a breadth-first search algorithm‬

‭b. It requires more memory to store the visited nodes than a breadth-first search algorithm‬
‭c. It is a depth-first search algorithm‬

‭d. It is a breadth-first search algorithm‬

‭What is the formula for Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. P(A|B) = P(B) / P(A|B)‬

‭b. P(A|B) = P(A) / P(B)‬

‭c. P(A|B) = P(B|A) / P(A)‬

‭d. P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A)‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.3 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.7,‬
‭what is the probability of either event A or‬
‭B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 1‬

‭b. 0.3‬

‭c. 0‬

‭d. 0.7‬

‭ hat is the time complexity of depth-first search in terms of the number of nodes, n, and the‬
‭number of edges, m?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. O(n * m)‬

‭b. O(m)‬

‭c. O‬

‭d. O(n + m)‬

‭ lpha-beta pruning is used in minimax algorithms for two-player games, where one player is‬
‭trying to maximize the score and the‬

‭other player is trying to minimize the score. In this context, alpha represents:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The minimum score that the maximizing player is assured of‬

‭b. The minimum score that the minimizing player is trying to achieve‬

‭c. The maximum score that the maximizing player is trying to achieve‬

‭d. The maximum score that the minimizing player is assured of‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the likelihood of a risk occurring refer to?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The duration of the risk‬

‭b. The impact of the risk‬

‭c. The probability of the risk occurring‬

‭d. The frequency of the risk‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given multiple‬
‭other events that are independent of‬

‭each other?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭c. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭d. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a Herbrand theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A statement that is always false in a given Herbrand interpretation‬

‭b. A statement that is true in some Herbrand interpretations and false in others‬

‭c. A statement that is always true in a given Herbrand interpretation‬

‭d. A statement that is provable from the axioms of first-order predicate logic‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a key concept in Dempster-Shafer theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Plausibility‬

‭b. Uncertainty‬

‭c. Belief‬

‭d. Conflict‬
‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a Herbrand universe?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A set of predicates that satisfy a given formula‬

‭b. A set of objects that satisfy a given formula‬

‭c. A set of functions that satisfy a given formula‬


‭d. A set of logical symbols that satisfy a given formula‬

‭3/15/24, 7:43 PM Prelim Lab Exam: Attempt review‬

I‭n a binary cost matrix, what is the cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class‬
‭is negative called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The true positive cost‬

‭b. The false negative cost‬

‭c. The false positive cost‬

‭d. The true negative cost‬

‭ ow is the principle of maximum entropy related to the maximum likelihood principle in‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They are independent of each other‬

‭b. The maximum likelihood principle is a special case of the principle of maximum entropy‬

‭c. The principle of maximum entropy is a special case of the maximum likelihood principle‬

‭d. They are equivalent‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.3 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.7,‬
‭what is the probability of neither event A‬
‭nor B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 1‬

‭b. 0.3‬

‭c. 0.7‬

‭d. 0‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the rows represent?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The actual class‬

‭b. The predicted class‬

‭c. The cost of making a prediction‬

‭d. The probability of a prediction‬

‭What is the probability of an event occurring if it is twice as likely to happen as not happen?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 50%‬

‭b. 0%‬

‭c. 25%‬

‭d. 75%‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a factor that can impact the performance of heuristic search‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. The size of the search space‬

‭b. The type of problem being solved‬

‭c. The quality of the heuristic function‬

‭d. The number of processors in the computer‬

‭What is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of set theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. PA+ set theory‬


‭b. ZFC set theory‬

‭c. ZF set theory‬

‭d. PA set theory‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.5 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.5,‬
‭what is the probability of both event A and‬

‭B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0.5‬
‭b. 1‬

‭c. 0.25‬

‭d. 0‬

‭How often is the legal guidance in LEXMED updated?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Monthly‬

‭b. Daily‬

‭c. Annually‬

‭d. Weekly‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of mathematics?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the abandonment of the axiomatic method‬

‭b. They have sparked debates about the nature of truth and proof‬

‭c. They have led to the development of new proof techniques‬

‭d. They have led to the development of new mathematical systems‬


‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of artificial intelligence?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the development of new artificial intelligence algorithms‬

‭b. They have led to the abandonment of the use of artificial intelligence‬

‭c. They have sparked debates about the possibility of creating a truly intelligent machine‬

‭d. They have led to new discussions about the limitations of machine learning‬
‭Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Improved understanding of medical terminology‬

‭b. Improved patient care‬

‭c. Improved legal compliance‬

‭d. Improved efficiency in legal matters‬

‭Question 41‬


‭Mark 1.00 out of 1.00‬

‭Can minmax search handle games with more than two players?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using a modified version of the algorithm‬

‭b. It depends on the game‬

‭c. Yes, by using the same algorithm as for two-player games‬

‭d. No, minmax search can only be used for two-player games‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of greedy search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They are optimal (meaning they will always find the best solution)‬

‭ . They are systematic (meaning they consider all possible options before making a‬

‭c. They are complete (meaning they will always find a solution if one exists)‬

‭d. They are efficient (meaning they can search large spaces quickly)‬
I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of at least one of multiple other statements?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Disjunction‬

‭b. Modus tollens‬

‭c. Affirming the consequent‬

‭d. Modus ponens‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the maximum entropy distribution and the constraints in‬
‭maximum entropy without explicit‬


‭Select one:‬
‭a. The maximum entropy distribution is independent of the constraints‬

‭b. The maximum entropy distribution satisfies none of the constraints‬

‭c. The maximum entropy distribution satisfies all the constraints‬

‭d. The maximum entropy distribution satisfies some of the constraints‬

‭What is the main difference between depth-first search and breadth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Depth-first search is more efficient than breadth-first search‬

‭b. Breadth-first search is more efficient than depth-first search‬

‭ . Depth-first search explores all the children of a node before exploring its siblings, while‬
‭breadth-first search explores all‬

‭the siblings of a node before exploring its children‬

‭ . Depth-first search is only used to search trees, while breadth-first search is only used to‬
‭search graphs‬

‭ hat is the space complexity of a breadth-first search algorithm when applied to a graph‬
‭with V vertices and E edges?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. O(V)‬

‭b. O(E)‬

‭c. O(V + E)‬

‭d. O(V * E)‬

‭In a binary cost matrix, what do the elements in the second row and first column represent?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is negative‬

‭b. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is negative‬

‭c. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is positive‬

‭d. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is positive‬

‭What is a heuristic function in the context of search algorithms?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. A function that estimates the cost of the longest path from the current node to the goal‬

‭ . A function that estimates the cost of the most expensive path from the current node to the‬

‭c. A function that estimates the cost of the cheapest path from the current node to the goal‬

‭d. A function that estimates the cost of the shortest path from the current node to the goal‬

‭What does "P(A|B)" represent in Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has not occurred‬

‭b. The probability of event B occurring given that event A has occurred‬

‭c. The probability of event A occurring regardless of whether event B has occurred or not‬

‭d. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has occurred‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the risk priority refer to?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The severity of the risk‬

‭b. The duration of the risk‬

‭c. The risk rating‬

‭d. The probability of the risk occurring‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "uncertainty function" is defined as:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability that an event will occur‬

‭b. The degree of belief that an event will occur‬

‭c. The likelihood that an event will occur‬

‭d. The level of uncertainty about an event‬


‭What is an example of a data mining task?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Organizing data into a database‬

‭b. Visualizing data on a chart‬

‭c. Determining the best location for a new store based on population data‬

‭d. Collecting data from multiple sources‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of mathematics?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the development of new proof techniques‬

‭b. They have led to the development of new mathematical systems‬

‭c. They have sparked debates about the nature of truth and proof‬

‭d. They have led to the abandonment of the axiomatic method‬

‭How does minmax search handle tie situations?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . By selecting the move that leads to the lowest score for the player and the highest score‬
‭for the opponent‬

‭b. By selecting the move with the highest score‬

‭c. By selecting the move with the lowest score‬

‭ . By selecting the move that leads to the highest score for the player and the lowest score‬
‭for the opponent‬

‭What is the primary purpose of LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To provide legal guidance to medical professionals‬

‭b. To provide a platform for the exchange of medical data‬

‭c. To provide medical guidance to legal professionals‬

‭d. To provide a platform for the exchange of legal data‬

‭Why are subjective probabilities important in decision-making?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Because they take into account an individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences, which‬
‭can affect their decision-making‬
‭b. Because they are based on statistical analysis‬

‭c. Because they are based on objective, observable data‬

‭d. Because they are based on a coin flip‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a predicate?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A function that returns a value based on its input‬

‭b. A logical symbol that represents a negation‬

‭c. A statement that is either true or false‬

‭d. A logical symbol that represents a relationship between objects‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way that the principle of maximum entropy can be used in‬
‭information theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To model communication channels‬

‭b. To compress data‬

‭c. To calculate the probability of different outcomes‬

‭d. To determine the accuracy of a prediction‬


‭How does the order of events in Bayes' theorem affect the calculation of probability?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . The order matters, as Bayes' theorem calculates the probability of events occurring‬
‭simultaneously, so the order in which they‬

‭are listed affects the final probability‬

‭ . The order matters, as the probability of one event occurring given another event is not the‬
‭same as the probability of the‬

‭other event occurring given the first event‬

‭ . The order does not matter, as Bayes' theorem calculates the probability of events‬
‭occurring sequentially, so the order in‬

‭which they are listed does not affect the final probability‬

‭ . The order does not matter, as Bayes' theorem calculates the probability of events‬
‭occurring independently of each other‬

‭What is a disadvantage of fuzzy logic compared to traditional logical reasoning?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is less accurate and reliable‬

‭b. It is more computationally expensive‬

‭c. It is less flexible and adaptable‬

‭d. It is more difficult to implement and understand‬

‭Can heuristic search be used to solve problems with no clear goal or solution?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It depends on the specific problem and the heuristic function being used‬

‭b. It depends on the specific search algorithm being used‬

‭c. No, heuristic search can only be used to solve problems with a clear goal and solution‬

‭d. Yes, heuristic search can be used to solve any type of problem‬

‭If there are 10 equally likely outcomes, what is the probability of any one of them occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 10%‬

‭b. 0%‬

‭c. 100%‬

‭d. 25%‬
I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭falsehood of its opposite?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus ponens‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬

‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭What is a cost matrix in the context of machine learning?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A matrix that represents the cost of deploying a model‬

‭b. A matrix that represents the cost of making predictions‬

‭c. A matrix that represents the cost of implementing a model‬

‭d. A matrix that represents the cost of training a model‬

‭ hat is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of intuitionistic‬
‭type theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. ZFC set theory‬

‭b. ZF set theory‬

‭c. PA set theory‬

‭d. PA+ set theory‬

‭What is the formula for Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A)‬

‭b. P(A|B) = P(B) / P(A|B)‬

‭c. P(A|B) = P(B|A) / P(A)‬

‭d. P(A|B) = P(A) / P(B)‬

‭ hat is a common method used in data mining to discover patterns and relationships in‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Data collection‬

‭b. Machine learning‬

‭c. Data visualization‬

‭d. Data storage and organization‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of its opposite?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus ponens‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬


‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the Shannon entropy and the information in a distribution in‬
‭maximum entropy without explicit‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. The Shannon entropy is the information in a distribution‬

‭b. The Shannon entropy is the inverse of the information in a distribution‬

‭c. The Shannon entropy is proportional to the information in a distribution‬

‭d. The Shannon entropy is maximized when the information in a distribution is uniform‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "normalization rule" is used to:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Ensure that the belief and plausibility functions are properly normalized‬

‭b. Calculate the probability of an event occurring‬

‭c. Determine the level of uncertainty about an event‬

‭d. Combine the beliefs and plausibilities of multiple events‬

I‭n what way is the principle of maximum entropy related to the principle of minimum‬

‭Select one:‬
‭ . The principle of minimum information is a special case of the principle of maximum‬

‭ . The principle of maximum entropy is a special case of the principle of minimum‬


‭c. They are independent of each other‬

‭d. They are equivalent‬


‭What is the main goal of data mining?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To store and organize data efficiently‬

‭b. To discover patterns and relationships in data‬

‭c. To collect as much data as possible‬

‭d. To visualize data in a meaningful way‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a closed formula?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. A formula that contains only predicates‬

‭b. A formula that contains only closed terms‬

‭c. A formula that contains a free variable‬

‭d. A formula that is always true‬

‭What is fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A form of artificial intelligence that uses approximate reasoning‬

‭b. A form of artificial intelligence that uses logical reasoning‬

‭c. A form of artificial intelligence that uses probabilistic reasoning‬

‭d. A form of artificial intelligence that uses heuristic reasoning‬

‭In uncertain knowledge, which of the following is NOT a valid inference rule?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Modus tollens‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬

‭d. Modus ponens‬


‭Which of the following is NOT a type of heuristic search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Hill climbing‬

‭b. Best-first search‬

‭c. A* search‬

‭d. Dijkstra's algorithm‬

I‭n supervised learning, which of the following is NOT a common problem that can occur‬
‭during the training process?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Class imbalance‬

‭b. Data leakage‬

‭c. Underfitting‬

‭d. Overfitting‬

‭What is Shannon entropy?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The amount of information in a distribution‬

‭b. The amount of randomness in a distribution‬

‭c. The amount of uncertainty in a distribution‬

‭d. The amount of symmetry in a distribution‬

‭What does "P(A|B)" represent in Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has occurred‬

‭b. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has not occurred‬

‭c. The probability of event A occurring regardless of whether event B has occurred or not‬

‭d. The probability of event B occurring given that event A has occurred‬

‭How does the heuristic function in A* search work?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It estimates the cost of the longest path from the current node to the goal node‬

‭b. It estimates the cost of the shortest path from the current node to the goal node‬

‭c. It estimates the cost of all possible paths from the current node to the goal node‬
‭d. It estimates the cost of the most efficient path from the current node to the goal node‬

‭What is A* search used for?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To find the most efficient path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭b. To find the longest path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭c. To find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭d. To find all possible paths between two nodes in a graph‬

‭What is the primary goal of risk management using cost matrices?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To minimize the cost of risks‬

‭b. To minimize the impact of risks‬

‭c. To minimize the probability of risks occurring‬


‭d. To maximize the likelihood of risks occurring‬

‭ hat is the time complexity of a breadth-first search algorithm when applied to a graph with‬
‭V vertices and E edges?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. O(V + E)‬

‭b. O(E)‬

‭c. O(V * E)‬

‭d. O(V)‬
‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given multiple‬
‭other events that are not independent of‬

‭each other?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬

‭independently of any other events‬

‭d. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a feature of LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Medical diagnosis assistance‬

‭b. Medical terminology lookup‬

‭c. Legal precedent search‬

‭d. Legal case search‬


‭What is an advantage of depth-first search over breadth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Depth-first search is more flexible and can be easily modified to solve different types of‬

‭b. Depth-first search is faster‬

‭c. Depth-first search is more efficient‬

‭d. Depth-first search uses less memory‬

‭Beta represents:‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. The maximum score that the minimizing player is assured of‬

‭b. The minimum score that the maximizing player is assured of‬

‭c. The minimum score that the minimizing player is trying to achieve‬

‭d. The maximum score that the maximizing player is trying to achieve‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of using LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Limited scope of legal guidance‬

‭b. Limited accessibility‬

‭c. Limited user support‬

‭d. Limited scope of medical guidance‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given multiple‬
‭other events that are both independent‬

‭and not independent of each other?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭c. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭In a binary cost matrix, what do the elements in the second row and first column represent?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is positive‬

‭b. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is negative‬
‭c. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is positive‬

‭d. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is negative‬

‭In what type of machine learning problems is a cost matrix typically used?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Dimensionality reduction problems‬

‭b. Clustering problems‬

‭c. Classification problems‬

‭d. Regression problems‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a key concept in Dempster-Shafer theory?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. Conflict‬

‭b. Belief‬

‭c. Plausibility‬

‭d. Uncertainty‬

‭What is the primary disadvantage of heuristic search algorithms?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. They may not find the optimal solution‬

‭b. They may not find any solution at all‬

‭c. They are slower‬

‭d. They use more memory‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a consequence of Gödel's incompleteness theorems for the‬
‭formal system of Peano arithmetic?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. There are always unprovable statements within the system‬

‭b. The system cannot prove its own completeness‬

‭c. The system cannot prove its own consistency‬

‭d. The consistency of the system cannot be proven within the system‬

‭What is an example of a problem that can be solved using depth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭b. Finding the largest number in a list‬

‭c. Sorting a list of numbers‬

‭d. Determining if a graph is bipartite‬

‭If there are two equally likely outcomes, what is the probability of both occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 25%‬

‭b. 0%‬

‭c. 50%‬

‭d. 100%‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭falsehood of another statement and the truth of a third statement?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Modus tollens‬

‭c. Modus ponens‬

‭d. Disjunctive syllogism‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a quantifier?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A logical symbol that represents a negation‬

‭b. A logical symbol that represents a relationship between objects‬

‭c. A symbol that specifies the scope of a variable‬

‭d. A function that returns a value based on its input‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring based on‬
‭multiple other events?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭d. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭In a binary cost matrix, what is the sum of all elements called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The total cost‬

‭b. The average cost‬

‭c. The maximum cost‬

‭d. The median cost‬

‭What is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of set theory?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. ZFC set theory‬

‭b. PA set theory‬

‭c. ZF set theory‬

‭d. PA+ set theory‬

‭What is the formula for Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. P(A|B) = P(B|A) / P(A)‬

‭b. P(A|B) = P(A) / P(B)‬

‭c. P(A|B) = P(B) / P(A|B)‬

‭d. P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A)‬

‭If there are 10 equally likely outcomes, what is the probability of any one of them occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0%‬

‭b. 10%‬

‭c. 25%‬

‭d. 100%‬

I‭n a binary cost matrix, what is the cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class‬
‭is negative called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The true negative cost‬

‭b. The false positive cost‬

‭c. The true positive cost‬

‭d. The false negative cost‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a feature of LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Legal precedent search‬

‭b. Legal case search‬

‭c. Medical terminology lookup‬

‭d. Medical diagnosis assistance‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a closed formula?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A formula that contains only predicates‬

‭b. A formula that contains a free variable‬

‭c. A formula that is always true‬

‭d. A formula that contains only closed terms‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of greedy search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They are complete (meaning they will always find a solution if one exists)‬

‭ . They are systematic (meaning they consider all possible options before making a‬


‭c. They are efficient (meaning they can search large spaces quickly)‬

‭d. They are optimal (meaning they will always find the best solution)‬

‭ hat is the time complexity of depth-first search in terms of the number of nodes, n, and the‬
‭number of edges, m?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. O(n + m)‬

‭b. O(m)‬
‭c. O(n * m)‬

‭d. O‬

‭In supervised learning, which of the following is NOT a common evaluation metric?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Mean squared error‬

‭b. Accuracy‬

‭c. Recall‬

‭d. Precision‬

‭What is the probability of an event occurring if it is certain to happen?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. 100%‬

‭b. 0%‬

‭c. 50%‬

‭d. It cannot be determined‬

‭What is the primary disadvantage of heuristic search algorithms?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. They may not find the optimal solution‬

‭b. They use more memory‬

‭c. They may not find any solution at all‬

‭d. They are slower‬

‭What is the probability of an event occurring if it is equally likely to happen or not happen?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. 50%‬

‭b. 25%‬

‭c. 75%‬

‭d. 0%‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of multiple events occurring‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭b. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "uncertainty function" is defined as:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The likelihood that an event will occur‬

‭b. The probability that an event will occur‬


‭c. The degree of belief that an event will occur‬

‭d. The level of uncertainty about an event‬

‭Which of the following best describes the process of greedy search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Starting at the end and working towards the beginning, always choosing the optimal next‬

‭ . Starting at the beginning and working towards the end, always choosing the optimal next‬
‭ . Starting at the beginning and working towards the end, always choosing the next step that‬
‭leads to the highest cost‬

‭ . Starting at the end and working towards the beginning, always choosing the next step that‬
‭leads to the highest cost‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a type of supervised learning algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Clustering‬

‭b. Decision trees‬

‭c. Neural networks‬

‭d. K-nearest neighbors‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the falsehood of a statement based on‬

‭the falsehood of another statement?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Modus tollens‬

‭c. Modus ponens‬


‭d. Denying the antecedent‬

‭Which of the following is NOT one of Gödel's incompleteness theorems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The incompleteness of formal systems‬

‭b. The consistency of arithmetic‬

‭c. The completeness of formal systems‬

‭d. The consistency of formal systems‬

I‭f there are three events, each with a probability of 50%, what is the probability that none of‬
‭them will occur?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 75%‬

‭b. 25%‬

‭c. 0%‬

‭d. 50%‬

‭ ow is the maximum entropy distribution found in maximum entropy without explicit‬


‭Select one:‬
‭a. By fitting the data to a specific distribution‬

‭b. By maximizing the Shannon entropy of the distribution‬

‭c. By minimizing the error between the model and the data‬

‭d. By maximizing the likelihood function‬

‭How does minmax search handle tie situations?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭ . By selecting the move that leads to the highest score for the player and the lowest score‬
‭for the opponent‬

‭ . By selecting the move that leads to the lowest score for the player and the highest score‬
‭for the opponent‬

‭c. By selecting the move with the highest score‬

‭d. By selecting the move with the lowest score‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of event B occurring‬
‭given that event A has already occurred?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0.6‬

‭b. 0.4‬

‭c. 1‬

‭d. 0‬

‭What does LEXMED stand for?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Linux Extension for Medical Devices‬

‭b. Legal and Medical Expert System‬

‭c. Legal and Ethical Medical Decision-Making‬

‭d. Local Exchange for Medical Data‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the maximum entropy distribution and the available‬
‭information in maximum entropy without‬

‭explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The maximum entropy distribution is independent of the available information‬

‭b. The maximum entropy distribution incorporates none of the available information‬

‭c. The maximum entropy distribution incorporates all the available information‬

‭d. The maximum entropy distribution incorporates some of the available information‬

‭What is the purpose of fuzzy logic in control systems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To provide heuristic control over system variables‬

‭b. To provide probabilistic control over system variables‬

‭c. To provide precise, binary control over system variables‬

‭d. To provide imprecise, approximate control over system variables‬

‭What is the main advantage of using iterative deepening over a depth-first search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It allows the search to cover more nodes in more time‬

‭b. It allows the search to cover fewer nodes in more time‬

‭c. It allows the search to cover fewer nodes in less time‬

‭d. It allows the search to cover more nodes in less time‬
I‭f there are two events, each with a probability of 50%, what is the probability that both will‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0%‬

‭b. 75%‬

‭c. 50%‬

‭d. 25%‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given multiple‬
‭other events that are independent of‬

‭each other?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭b. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭c. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬
‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a predicate?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A function that returns a value based on its input‬

‭b. A logical symbol that represents a relationship between objects‬

‭c. A logical symbol that represents a negation‬

‭d. A statement that is either true or false‬

I‭n a binary cost matrix, what is the cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class‬
‭is positive called?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. The false positive cost‬

‭b. The false negative cost‬

‭c. The true negative cost‬

‭d. The true positive cost‬


‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of mathematics?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the development of new proof techniques‬

‭b. They have led to the abandonment of the axiomatic method‬

‭c. They have sparked debates about the nature of truth and proof‬

‭d. They have led to the development of new mathematical systems‬

‭What is A* search used for?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To find the longest path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭b. To find the most efficient path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭c. To find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭d. To find all possible paths between two nodes in a graph‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring based on‬
‭multiple other events?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭c. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬
‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭How is LEXMED typically accessed by medical professionals?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Through a command-line interface‬


‭b. Through a mobile app‬

‭c. Through a web browser‬

‭d. Through a desktop application‬

‭What does "P(A|B)" represent in Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has not occurred‬

‭b. The probability of event B occurring given that event A has occurred‬

‭c. The probability of event A occurring regardless of whether event B has occurred or not‬
‭d. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has occurred‬

‭What is the disadvantage of using maximum entropy without explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It can only handle a small number of variables‬

‭b. It cannot handle missing data‬

‭c. It makes a lot of assumptions about the data‬

‭d. It cannot handle outliers‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭falsehood of another statement and the truth of a third statement?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Disjunctive syllogism‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Modus tollens‬

‭d. Modus ponens‬


‭What is Bayes' theorem used for?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To calculate the probability of an event occurring based on previous events‬

‭ . To calculate the probability of an event occurring based on the probability of all other‬

‭ . To calculate the probability of an event occurring based on the probability of its opposite‬

‭d. To calculate the probability of an event occurring based on the likelihood of other events‬
‭What is a cost matrix in the context of machine learning?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A matrix that represents the cost of making predictions‬

‭b. A matrix that represents the cost of implementing a model‬

‭c. A matrix that represents the cost of training a model‬

‭d. A matrix that represents the cost of deploying a model‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a common method of mitigating risks?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Transferring the risk to another party‬

‭b. Accepting the risk‬

‭c. Reducing the likelihood of the risk occurring‬

‭d. Increasing the impact of the risk‬

‭What is the main concept of Dempster-Shafer theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Probability‬

‭b. Statistics‬

‭c. Belief‬

‭d. Decision making‬

‭What is fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A form of artificial intelligence that uses probabilistic reasoning‬

‭b. A form of artificial intelligence that uses heuristic reasoning‬

‭c. A form of artificial intelligence that uses logical reasoning‬

‭d. A form of artificial intelligence that uses approximate reasoning‬

‭In which of the following scenarios would a heuristic search algorithm be least useful?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. When the search space is large and the optimal solution is not important‬

‭b. When the search space is small and the optimal solution is not important‬

‭c. When the search space is small and the optimal solution is important‬

‭d. When the search space is large and the optimal solution is important‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a reason why godelization is important in the field of computer‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. It allows for the verification of the correctness of software programs‬

‭b. It allows for the creation of secure codes and algorithms‬

‭c. It allows for the generation of random numbers‬

‭d. It allows for the representation of all possible computations within a system‬

I‭n what way is the principle of maximum entropy related to the principle of minimum‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . The principle of maximum entropy is a special case of the principle of minimum‬


‭ . The principle of minimum information is a special case of the principle of maximum‬


‭c. They are equivalent‬

‭d. They are independent of each other‬

‭What type of information is used in maximum entropy without explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Only the mean and standard deviation of the data‬

‭b. Only the median and mode of the data‬

‭c. Any information that is available about the data‬

‭d. Only the shape of the data‬

‭What is a fuzzy rule in the context of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A rule that defines an imprecise relationship between input and output variables‬

‭b. A rule that defines a probabilistic relationship between input and output variables‬

‭c. A rule that defines a precise relationship between input and output variables‬

‭d. A rule that defines a heuristic relationship between input and output variables‬
‭ hat is the space complexity of a breadth-first search algorithm when applied to a graph‬
‭with V vertices and E edges?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. O(V)‬

‭b. O(V * E)‬


‭c. O(V + E)‬

‭d. O(E)‬

‭In a binary cost matrix, how many rows and columns are there?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 2 rows and 2 columns‬

‭b. 2 rows and 1 column‬

‭c. 1 row and 1 column‬

‭d. 1 row and 2 columns‬

‭What is maximum entropy without explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A statistical model that makes the least amount of assumptions about the data‬

‭b. A statistical model that assumes the data is random‬

‭c. A statistical model that makes the most amount of assumptions about the data‬

‭d. A statistical model that assumes the data follows a specific distribution‬

‭Which of the following statements about the principle of maximum entropy is NOT true?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It assumes that the system is in a state of maximum disorder‬

‭b. It can be used to predict the probability of different outcomes in a system‬

‭c. It is based on the idea that the probability of a state is proportional to its energy‬

‭d. It is used to predict the behavior of a system in equilibrium‬

‭Which of the following statements about the principle of maximum entropy is NOT true?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is based on the idea that the probability of a state is inversely proportional to its energy‬

‭b. It can be used to predict the probability of different outcomes in a system‬

‭c. It is used to predict the behavior of a system in equilibrium‬

‭d. It assumes that the system is in a state of maximum order‬

‭Dempster-Shafer theory is commonly used in which of the following fields?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Quantum mechanics‬

‭b. Artificial intelligence‬

‭c. Decision making‬

‭d. Probability and statistics‬

‭If the probability of event A occurring is 0.5 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.5,‬

‭what is the probability of neither event A‬

‭nor B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0‬

‭b. 0.5‬

‭c. 1‬

‭d. 0.25‬
‭What is the purpose of fuzzy logic in control systems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To provide precise, binary control over system variables‬

‭b. To provide imprecise, approximate control over system variables‬

‭c. To provide probabilistic control over system variables‬

‭d. To provide heuristic control over system variables‬


‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of cognitive science?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have sparked debates about the possibility of creating a truly intelligent machine‬

‭b. They have led to new discussions about the limitations of human reasoning‬

‭c. They have led to the development of new theories about the nature of thought‬

‭d. They have led to the abandonment of the study of cognition‬

‭What is the process of adding new nodes to the search tree in A* search called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Pathfinding‬

‭b. Node expansion‬

‭c. Graph traversal‬

‭d. Route planning‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a step in the process of using a cost matrix to assess and‬
‭manage risks?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Identifying potential risks‬

‭b. Implementing risk mitigation measures‬

‭c. Evaluating the likelihood and impact of each risk‬

‭d. Determining the cost of each risk‬

‭How often is the legal guidance in LEXMED updated?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Monthly‬

‭b. Annually‬

‭c. Daily‬

‭d. Weekly‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of greedy search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They are efficient (meaning they can search large spaces quickly)‬

‭b. They are optimal (meaning they will always find the best solution)‬
‭ . They are systematic (meaning they consider all possible options before making a‬

‭d. They are complete (meaning they will always find a solution if one exists)‬

‭What is the goal of maximum entropy without explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To maximize the likelihood of the data‬

‭b. To find the most probable distribution of the data given the available information‬

‭c. To fit the data as closely as possible‬

‭d. To make the most accurate predictions about the data‬

‭ hat is the main disadvantage of using iterative deepening over a breadth-first search‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. It requires more memory to store the visited nodes‬

‭b. It requires less memory to store the visited nodes‬

‭c. It requires more computation time to search the tree‬

‭d. It requires less computation time to search the tree‬


‭ hich of the following is NOT a criterion for a statement to be considered provable within a‬
‭godelized system of logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is a theorem of the system‬

‭b. It is a negation of a theorem of the system‬

‭c. It is a contradiction of a theorem of the system‬

‭d. It is a combination of theorems of the system‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of artificial intelligence?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the abandonment of the use of artificial intelligence‬

‭b. They have led to new discussions about the limitations of machine learning‬

‭c. They have sparked debates about the possibility of creating a truly intelligent machine‬

‭d. They have led to the development of new artificial intelligence algorithms‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a Herbrand universe?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A set of predicates that satisfy a given formula‬

‭b. A set of logical symbols that satisfy a given formula‬

‭c. A set of objects that satisfy a given formula‬

‭d. A set of functions that satisfy a given formula‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the falsehood of a statement based on‬

‭the falsehood of another statement?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Denying the antecedent‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Modus ponens‬

‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭Which of the following best describes the process of greedy search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Starting at the beginning and working towards the end, always choosing the next step that‬
‭leads to the highest cost‬
‭ . Starting at the beginning and working towards the end, always choosing the optimal next‬

‭ . Starting at the end and working towards the beginning, always choosing the optimal next‬

‭ . Starting at the end and working towards the beginning, always choosing the next step that‬
‭leads to the highest cost‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of at least one of multiple other statements?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus ponens‬

‭b. Disjunction‬

‭c. Modus tollens‬

‭d. Affirming the consequent‬

‭In a cost matrix, which of the following represents the highest priority risk?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Low likelihood, high impact‬

‭b. High likelihood, low impact‬


‭c. Low likelihood, low impact‬

‭d. High likelihood, high impact‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is an open formula?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A formula that contains only predicates‬

‭b. A formula that contains a free variable‬

‭c. A formula that contains only closed terms‬

‭d. A formula that is always true‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of another statement and the truth of a third statement?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus tollens‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Modus ponens‬

‭d. Hypothetical syllogism‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a factor that can impact the performance of heuristic search‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. The quality of the heuristic function‬

‭b. The type of problem being solved‬

‭c. The number of processors in the computer‬

‭d. The size of the search space‬


‭In a binary cost matrix, how many rows and columns are there?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 2 rows and 1 column‬

‭b. 2 rows and 2 columns‬

‭c. 1 row and 1 column‬

‭d. 1 row and 2 columns‬

I‭n a binary cost matrix, what is the cost of predicting the negative class when the actual‬
‭class is negative called?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. The true negative cost‬

‭b. The true positive cost‬

‭c. The false negative cost‬

‭d. The false positive cost‬

‭In a cost matrix, which of the following represents the lowest priority risk?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. High likelihood, high impact‬

‭b. Low likelihood, high impact‬

‭c. Low likelihood, low impact‬

‭d. High likelihood, low impact‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of philosophy of mind?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the abandonment of the study of the philosophy of mind‬

‭b. They have led to the development of new theories about the nature of mind‬

‭c. They have sparked debates about the possibility of artificial intelligence‬

‭d. They have led to new discussions about the nature of consciousness‬

‭What is a fuzzy rule in the context of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A rule that defines a heuristic relationship between input and output variables‬

‭b. A rule that defines a precise relationship between input and output variables‬

‭c. A rule that defines a probabilistic relationship between input and output variables‬
‭d. A rule that defines an imprecise relationship between input and output variables‬

‭What is the probability of an event occurring if it is certain to happen?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 50%‬

‭b. 0%‬

‭c. 100%‬

‭d. It cannot be determined‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. It can handle uncertainty and imprecision‬

‭b. It can provide a more human-like approach to decision making‬

‭c. It is based on precise, binary values‬

‭d. It can handle complex, non-linear relationships‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a godelized system of logic?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is able to prove all false statements within the system‬

‭b. It is able to prove its own consistency‬

‭c. It is able to prove all true statements within the system‬

‭d. It is able to represent all possible statements within the system‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a criterion for a formal system to be subject to Gödel's‬
‭incompleteness theorems?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. The system must be consistent‬

‭b. The system must be capable of expressing basic arithmetic‬

‭c. The system must be complete‬

‭d. The system must be finite‬

‭What is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of set theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. PA set theory‬

‭b. ZF set theory‬

‭c. PA+ set theory‬

‭d. ZFC set theory‬

‭What is the purpose of using a cost matrix in the binary case?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To penalize incorrect predictions differently based on the predicted class‬


‭b. To penalize correct predictions differently based on the actual class‬

‭c. To penalize incorrect predictions differently based on the actual class‬

‭d. To penalize correct predictions differently based on the predicted class‬

‭ hat is the primary advantage of using a breadth-first search algorithm over a depth-first‬
‭search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is more accurate and reliable‬

‭b. It explores the entire search space more thoroughly‬

‭c. It is faster and requires less processing power‬

‭d. It is easier to implement and understand‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a Herbrand model?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A set of logical symbols that satisfy a given formula‬

‭b. A set of functions that satisfy a given formula‬

‭c. A set of objects that satisfy a given formula‬

‭d. A set of predicates that satisfy a given formula‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬
‭truth of multiple other statements?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Modus ponens‬

‭c. Conjunction‬

‭d. Modus tollens‬


‭Which of the following is NOT one of Gödel's incompleteness theorems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The completeness of formal systems‬

‭b. The consistency of formal systems‬

‭c. The consistency of arithmetic‬

‭d. The incompleteness of formal systems‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way that the principle of maximum entropy can be used in‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To model market equilibrium‬

‭b. To predict consumer behavior‬

‭c. To calculate the cost of production‬

‭d. To model risk and uncertainty‬

‭What is the main concept of Dempster-Shafer theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Decision making‬

‭b. Statistics‬
‭c. Belief‬

‭d. Probability‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.5 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.5,‬
‭what is the probability of both event A and‬

‭B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0.5‬

‭b. 0‬

‭c. 1‬

‭d. 0.25‬

‭What is the primary goal of godelization?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To encode information in a way that is resistant to tampering or corruption‬

‭b. To create a system of logic that is consistent but incomplete‬

‭c. To create a system of logic that is consistent and complete‬

‭d. To prove the existence of God‬

‭What is the goal of maximum entropy without explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To fit the data as closely as possible‬

‭b. To find the most probable distribution of the data given the available information‬

‭c. To make the most accurate predictions about the data‬

‭d. To maximize the likelihood of the data‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a factor that can impact the performance of heuristic search‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The number of processors in the computer‬

‭b. The quality of the heuristic function‬

‭c. The size of the search space‬

‭d. The type of problem being solved‬


‭How does the heuristic function in A* search work?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It estimates the cost of the shortest path from the current node to the goal node‬

‭b. It estimates the cost of all possible paths from the current node to the goal node‬

‭c. It estimates the cost of the longest path from the current node to the goal node‬

‭d. It estimates the cost of the most efficient path from the current node to the goal node‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a quantifier?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A logical symbol that represents a negation‬

‭b. A symbol that specifies the scope of a variable‬

‭c. A function that returns a value based on its input‬

‭d. A logical symbol that represents a relationship between objects‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the impact of a risk refer to?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability of the risk occurring‬

‭b. The severity of the risk‬

‭c. The frequency of the risk‬

‭d. The duration of the risk‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a factor that is typically considered when evaluating the‬
‭impact of a risk?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Reputational impact‬

‭b. Financial impact‬


‭c. Legal impact‬

‭d. Frequency of occurrence‬

I‭n a binary cost matrix, what is the cost of predicting the negative class when the actual‬
‭class is negative called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The false positive cost‬

‭b. The true negative cost‬

‭c. The true positive cost‬

‭d. The false negative cost‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of artificial intelligence?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have sparked debates about the possibility of creating a truly intelligent machine‬

‭b. They have led to the abandonment of the use of artificial intelligence‬

‭c. They have led to the development of new artificial intelligence algorithms‬

‭d. They have led to new discussions about the limitations of machine learning‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of supervised learning?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. The learning algorithm is able to learn from unstructured data‬

‭b. The learning algorithm is given examples of correct input-output pairs‬

‭c. The learning algorithm is able to learn from small amounts of data‬

‭d. The input and output variables are known in advance‬


‭What is an advantage of depth-first search over breadth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Depth-first search is more efficient‬

‭b. Depth-first search is faster‬

‭c. Depth-first search uses less memory‬

‭ . Depth-first search is more flexible and can be easily modified to solve different types of‬

‭What is subjective probability?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A probability based on an individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭b. A probability based on statistical analysis‬

‭c. A probability based on objective, observable data‬

‭d. A probability based on a coin flip‬

‭What is the probability of an event occurring if it is impossible to happen?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 100%‬

‭b. It cannot be determined‬

‭c. 50%‬
‭d. 0%‬

‭ hat is the advantage of using maximum entropy without explicit constraints over other‬
‭statistical models?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It can handle outliers‬


‭b. All of the above‬

‭c. It can handle a large number of variables‬

‭d. It can handle missing data‬

‭In which type of games is minmax search commonly used?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Games with random elements‬

‭b. Single-player games‬

‭c. Multiplayer games‬

‭d. Games with perfect information, such as chess and tic-tac-toe‬

‭What is the main goal of data mining?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To visualize data in a meaningful way‬

‭b. To discover patterns and relationships in data‬

‭c. To collect as much data as possible‬

‭d. To store and organize data efficiently‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a criterion for a statement to be considered unprovable within‬
‭a godelized system of logic?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. It is not a theorem of the system‬

‭b. It is not a combination of theorems of the system‬

‭c. It is not a negation of a theorem of the system‬

‭d. It is not a contradiction of a theorem of the system‬


‭ hat is the main advantage of using iterative deepening over a breadth-first search‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It allows the search to cover fewer nodes in less time‬

‭b. It allows the search to cover more nodes in less time‬

‭c. It allows the search to cover fewer nodes in more time‬

‭d. It allows the search to cover more nodes in more time‬

‭How is the Shannon entropy calculated in maximum entropy without explicit constraints?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. By summing the logarithms of the probabilities of all the events in the distribution‬

‭b. By taking the mean of the probabilities of all the events in the distribution‬

‭c. By summing the probabilities of all the events in the distribution‬

‭d. By taking the median of the probabilities of all the events in the distribution‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of its opposite?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus ponens‬

‭b. Modus tollens‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬

‭d. Affirming the consequent‬

‭What are some factors that can influence an individual's subjective probability?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Personal beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬


‭b. Objective, observable data and statistical analysis‬

‭c. The outcome of a coin flip‬

‭d. All of the above‬

‭ hich of the following data structures is typically used to implement a breadth-first search‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Stack‬

‭b. Queue‬
‭c. Hash table‬

‭d. Heap‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a consequence of Gödel's incompleteness theorems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. There are always true but unprovable statements within a given formal system‬

‭b. There are always provable statements within a given formal system‬

‭c. There are always unprovable statements within a given formal system‬

‭d. There are always false but unprovable statements within a given formal system‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of cognitive science?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have sparked debates about the possibility of creating a truly intelligent machine‬

‭b. They have led to new discussions about the limitations of human reasoning‬

‭c. They have led to the abandonment of the study of cognition‬

‭d. They have led to the development of new theories about the nature of thought‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of philosophy?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the development of new philosophical systems‬

‭b. They have led to the abandonment of the use of reasoning‬

‭c. They have led to new discussions about the nature of reality‬

‭d. They have sparked debates about the limits of knowledge‬

‭What is an example of a data mining task?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Determining the best location for a new store based on population data‬

‭b. Collecting data from multiple sources‬

‭c. Visualizing data on a chart‬

‭d. Organizing data into a database‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a substitution instance of a formula?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A formula obtained by negating the original formula‬

‭ . A formula obtained by replacing some or all of the quantifiers in the original formula with‬
‭logical symbols‬

‭ . A formula obtained by replacing some or all of the variables in the original formula with‬
‭ . A formula obtained by replacing some or all of the predicates in the original formula with‬

‭What is an example of a problem that can be solved using depth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Determining if a graph is bipartite‬

‭b. Sorting a list of numbers‬

‭c. Finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph‬

‭d. Finding the largest number in a list‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of neither event A‬

‭nor B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. 1‬

‭b. 0.4‬

‭c. 0.6‬

‭d. 0‬

I‭n a binary cost matrix, what is the cost of predicting the negative class when the actual‬
‭class is positive called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The false negative cost‬

‭b. The true positive cost‬

‭c. The false positive cost‬

‭d. The true negative cost‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "combination rule" is used to:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Calculate the level of disagreement about the likelihood of an event‬

‭b. Determine the level of uncertainty about an event‬


‭c. Combine the beliefs and plausibilities of multiple events‬

‭d. Calculate the probability of an event occurring‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of computer science?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have sparked debates about the limitations of computation‬

‭b. They have led to the abandonment of the use of computers‬

‭c. They have led to the development of new algorithms‬

‭d. They have led to the development of new programming languages‬

I‭n what way is the principle of maximum entropy related to the principle of maximum‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The principle of maximum entropy is a special case of the principle of maximum ignorance‬

‭b. They are independent of each other‬

‭c. The principle of maximum ignorance is a special case of the principle of maximum entropy‬

‭d. They are equivalent‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "plausibility function" is defined as:‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. The likelihood that an event will occur‬

‭b. The probability that an event will occur‬

‭c. The degree of belief that an event will occur‬

‭d. The level of uncertainty about an event‬


‭ hich of the following is NOT a criterion for a formal system to be subject to Gödel's‬
‭incompleteness theorems?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The system must be complete‬

‭b. The system must be consistent‬

‭c. The system must be capable of expressing basic arithmetic‬

‭d. The system must be finite‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a factor that is typically considered when evaluating the‬
‭likelihood of a risk?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. Duration of the risk‬

‭b. Probability of occurrence‬

‭c. Severity of the risk‬

‭d. Likelihood of detection‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "conflict function" is defined as:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The degree of belief that an event will occur‬

‭b. The likelihood that an event will occur‬

‭c. The level of disagreement about the likelihood of an event‬

‭d. The probability that an event will occur‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a way in which godelization can be used in practice?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To create unbreakable codes for secure communication‬

‭b. To generate random numbers‬

‭c. To prove the consistency of mathematical theories‬


‭d. To verify the correctness of software programs‬

‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a Herbrand base?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A set of objects that satisfy a given formula‬

‭b. A set of logical symbols that satisfy a given formula‬

‭c. A set of predicates that satisfy a given formula‬

‭d. A set of functions that satisfy a given formula‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a step in the process of using a cost matrix to assess and‬
‭manage risks?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Determining the cost of each risk‬

‭b. Implementing risk mitigation measures‬

‭c. Identifying potential risks‬

‭d. Evaluating the likelihood and impact of each risk‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of either event A or‬

‭B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. 0.1‬

‭b. 0.4‬

‭c. 1‬

‭d. 0.6‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fuzzy logic?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is based on precise, binary values‬

‭b. It can handle complex, non-linear relationships‬

‭c. It can handle uncertainty and imprecision‬

‭d. It can provide a more human-like approach to decision making‬

‭What is the principle of maximum entropy used for in statistical mechanics?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. To determine the probability distribution of a system's energy states‬

‭b. To predict the movement of particles in a system‬

‭c. To estimate the temperature of a system‬

‭d. To calculate the pressure of a gas‬

‭What is a disadvantage of fuzzy logic compared to traditional logical reasoning?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is less flexible and adaptable‬

‭b. It is less accurate and reliable‬

‭c. It is more difficult to implement and understand‬

‭d. It is more computationally expensive‬

‭What is the main principle behind greedy search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Minimizing the cost of the path‬

‭b. Minimizing the number of steps in the path‬

‭c. Maximizing the number of steps in the path‬

‭d. Maximizing the cost of the path‬


‭In a cost matrix, what does the likelihood of a risk occurring refer to?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The frequency of the risk‬

‭b. The duration of the risk‬

‭c. The impact of the risk‬

‭d. The probability of the risk occurring‬

‭What is the primary goal of risk management using cost matrices?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To maximize the likelihood of risks occurring‬

‭b. To minimize the cost of risks‬

‭c. To minimize the probability of risks occurring‬

‭d. To minimize the impact of risks‬

‭How might an individual's subjective probabilities change over time?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . They will remain constant, as subjective probabilities are based on objective, observable‬
‭data and statistical analysis‬
‭b. They may change based on new beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭c. They will remain constant, as subjective probabilities are based on a coin flip‬

‭d. They may change based on the outcome of a coin flip‬

‭What is a potential drawback of data mining?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. All of the above‬

‭b. It can be time-consuming and resource-intensive‬

‭c. It can be biased if the data is not representative of the population‬

‭d. It can be inaccurate if the data is not properly cleaned and processed‬

I‭f there are two events, each with a probability of 50%, what is the probability that at least‬
‭one of them will occur?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 25%‬
‭b. 0%‬

‭c. 75%‬

‭d. 50%‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a typical application of breadth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Traversing a tree or graph data structure‬

‭b. Pathfinding in a maze or grid‬

‭c. Searching a database for a specific record‬

‭d. Sorting a list of numbers‬

‭What is the main difference between IDA* search and depth-first search (DFS)?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. IDA* search is faster than DFS‬

‭b. IDA* search is more memory-efficient than DFS‬

‭c. IDA* search is more accurate than DFS‬

‭d. IDA* search uses a heuristic function to guide the search, while DFS does not‬

‭What does "P(B|A)" represent in Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has occurred‬

‭b. The probability of event A occurring regardless of whether event B has occurred or not‬

‭c. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has not occurred‬

‭d. The probability of event B occurring given that event A has occurred‬

‭What is a fuzzy set in the context of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A set of values that are defined with imprecise boundaries‬

‭b. A set of values that are defined with probabilistic boundaries‬

‭c. A set of values that are defined with precise boundaries‬

‭d. A set of values that are defined with heuristic boundaries‬

‭What is the main difference between depth-first search and breadth-first search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Depth-first search explores all the children of a node before exploring its siblings, while‬
‭breadth-first search explores all‬

‭the siblings of a node before exploring its children‬

‭b. Breadth-first search is more efficient than depth-first search‬

‭c. Depth-first search is more efficient than breadth-first search‬

‭ . Depth-first search is only used to search trees, while breadth-first search is only used to‬
‭search graphs‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given multiple‬

‭other events that are not independent of‬

‭each other?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭b. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬
‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "normalization rule" is used to:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Ensure that the belief and plausibility functions are properly normalized‬

‭b. Determine the level of uncertainty about an event‬

‭c. Calculate the probability of an event occurring‬

‭d. Combine the beliefs and plausibilities of multiple events‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a type of heuristic search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A* search‬

‭b. Hill climbing‬

‭c. Best-first search‬

‭d. Dijkstra's algorithm‬

‭ hat is the time complexity of a breadth-first search algorithm when applied to a graph with‬
‭V vertices and E edges?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. O(E)‬

‭b. O(V * E)‬

‭c. O(V)‬

‭d. O(V + E)‬

‭What is a common application of data mining in business?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To increase sales‬

‭b. To optimize production processes‬

‭c. All of the above‬

‭d. To improve customer service‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.5 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.5,‬
‭what is the probability of both event A and‬

‭B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 1‬

‭b. 0.25‬

‭c. 0.5‬

‭d. 0‬

‭ hat is a common method used in data mining to discover patterns and relationships in‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. Data visualization‬

‭b. Machine learning‬

‭c. Data collection‬

‭d. Data storage and organization‬


‭ hich of the following is NOT a way that the principle of maximum entropy can be used in‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To calculate the cost of production‬

‭b. To predict consumer behavior‬

‭c. To model risk and uncertainty‬

‭d. To model market equilibrium‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the cost of a risk refer to?‬
‭Select one:‬

‭a. The duration of the risk‬

‭b. The severity of the risk‬

‭c. The probability of the risk occurring‬

‭d. The estimated cost of mitigating the risk‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the risk priority refer to?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The risk rating‬

‭b. The duration of the risk‬

‭c. The severity of the risk‬

‭d. The probability of the risk occurring‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "belief function" is defined as:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability that an event will occur‬

‭b. The degree of belief that an event will occur‬

‭c. The likelihood that an event will occur‬


‭d. The level of uncertainty about an event‬

‭What is maximum entropy without explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A statistical model that assumes the data is random‬

‭b. A statistical model that makes the least amount of assumptions about the data‬

‭c. A statistical model that assumes the data follows a specific distribution‬

‭d. A statistical model that makes the most amount of assumptions about the data‬
‭How do subjective probabilities differ from objective probabilities?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on a coin flip, while objective probabilities are based on‬
‭an individual's beliefs, opinions,‬

‭and experiences‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on statistical analysis, while objective probabilities are‬
‭based on an individual's beliefs,‬

‭opinions, and experiences‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on an individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences,‬
‭while objective probabilities are‬

‭based on objective, observable data‬

‭ . Subjective probabilities are based on objective, observable data, while objective‬
‭probabilities are based on an individual's‬

‭beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭What is the main advantage of heuristic search over other search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It is faster‬

‭b. It can find solutions to problems with a large search space more efficiently‬

‭c. It can find solutions to problems with a small search space more efficiently‬

‭d. It is more accurate‬

‭ hat is the name of the godelized system of logic that is based on the axioms of intuitionistic‬
‭type theory?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. PA set theory‬

‭b. ZFC set theory‬

‭c. PA+ set theory‬

‭d. ZF set theory‬

‭How does minmax search work?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. By evaluating all possible moves and selecting the one with the highest score‬

‭ . By evaluating all possible moves and selecting the one that leads to the lowest score for‬

‭the player and the highest score for‬

‭the opponent‬

‭c. By evaluating all possible moves and selecting the one with the lowest score‬

‭ . By evaluating all possible moves and selecting the one that leads to the highest score for‬
‭the player and the lowest score‬
‭for the opponent‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of at least one of multiple other statements?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Disjunction‬

‭c. Modus tollens‬

‭d. Modus ponens‬

‭Alpha-beta pruning is based on the idea that:‬

‭Select one:‬
‭ . When the alpha value is greater than the beta value, the search can be stopped because‬
‭the maximizing player will not‬

‭choose a move that leads to a worse score‬

‭b. None of the above‬

‭ . When the alpha and beta values are equal, the search can be stopped because both‬
‭players will choose the same move‬

‭ . When the beta value is greater than the alpha value, the search can be stopped because‬

‭the minimizing player will not‬

‭choose a move that leads to a worse score‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of another statement and the truth of a third statement?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Modus ponens‬

‭c. Hypothetical syllogism‬


‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭In uncertain knowledge, which of the following is NOT a valid inference rule?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus ponens‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬

‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭What makes A* search different from other search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It uses a heuristic function to guide the search‬

‭b. It only considers paths that are at least as good as the current path‬

‭c. It only considers paths that are better than the current path‬

‭d. It considers all possible paths, regardless of their cost‬

‭ hat is the space complexity of depth-first search in terms of the maximum depth of the‬
‭search tree, d?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. O‬

‭b. O(m)‬

‭c. O(d)‬

‭d. O(1)‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a requirement for using LEXMED?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. A valid medical license‬

‭b. A valid LEXMED subscription‬

‭c. A stable internet connection‬

‭d. A valid legal license‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the columns represent?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The cost of making a prediction‬

‭b. The predicted class‬

‭c. The probability of a prediction‬

‭d. The actual class‬

‭What is the purpose of using a cost matrix in the binary case?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To penalize correct predictions differently based on the actual class‬

‭b. To penalize correct predictions differently based on the predicted class‬

‭c. To penalize incorrect predictions differently based on the predicted class‬

‭d. To penalize incorrect predictions differently based on the actual class‬

‭How might subjective probabilities be used in risk assessment?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. By relying solely on objective, observable data and statistical analysis‬

‭ . By taking into account an individual's beliefs, opinions, and experiences about the‬
‭likelihood and consequences of‬

‭potential risks‬

‭c. By calculating objective, observable data and statistical analysis‬

‭d. By using a coin flip to determine the likelihood of potential risks‬

‭In a cost matrix, what does the rows represent?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The cost of making a prediction‬

‭b. The predicted class‬

‭c. The probability of a prediction‬

‭d. The actual class‬

I‭n supervised learning, which of the following is NOT a common problem that can occur‬
‭during the training process?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Overfitting‬

‭b. Data leakage‬

‭c. Underfitting‬

‭d. Class imbalance‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a factor that should be considered when deciding whether or‬
‭not to use LEXMED?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. The specific needs of the medical practice‬

‭b. The legal and ethical implications of using LEXMED‬

‭c. The preferences of the medical professionals‬

‭d. The cost of the LEXMED subscription‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬

‭what is the probability of either event A or B‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. 1‬

‭b. 0.6‬

‭c. 0.4‬

‭d. 0.1‬
I‭n a binary cost matrix, what do the elements in the second row and second column‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is negative‬

‭b. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is positive‬

‭c. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is positive‬

‭d. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is negative‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭falsehood of all other statements in a given set?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Exclusive disjunction‬

‭b. Modus ponens‬

‭c. Affirming the consequent‬

‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭What is the process of using A* search to find the shortest path between two nodes called?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Pathfinding‬

‭b. Node expansion‬

‭c. Route planning‬

‭d. Graph traversal‬

‭IDA* search is a type of search algorithm used for what purpose?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Solving problems involving game trees‬

‭b. Sorting data in ascending or descending order‬

‭c. Finding patterns in large datasets‬

‭d. Storing and retrieving data from a database‬

‭Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of greedy search algorithms?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They are complete (meaning they will always find a solution if one exists)‬

‭b. They are efficient (meaning they can search large spaces quickly)‬

‭c. They are optimal (meaning they will always find the best solution)‬

‭ . They are systematic (meaning they consider all possible options before making a‬
‭Alpha-beta pruning is a technique used in:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Graph traversal algorithms‬

‭b. Search algorithms‬

‭c. Hash table algorithms‬

‭d. Sorting algorithms‬


‭IDA* search is an example of what type of search algorithm?‬

‭a. Depth-first search‬

‭b. Iterative deepening search‬

‭c. Breadth-first search‬

‭d. Best-first search‬

‭ an Bayes' theorem be used to calculate the probability of multiple events occurring‬

‭a. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭independently of any other events‬

‭c. Yes, by using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

‭ . No, Bayes' theorem can only be used to calculate the probability of one event occurring‬
‭given another event‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of its opposite?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus tollens‬

‭b. Affirming the consequent‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬

‭d. Modus ponens‬

‭ hat is the advantage of using maximum entropy without explicit constraints over other‬
‭statistical models?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It can handle missing data‬


‭b. It can handle outliers‬

‭c. It can handle a large number of variables‬

‭d. All of the above‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of philosophy of language?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have led to the development of new theories about the nature of language‬

‭b. They have sparked debates about the relationship between language and thought‬
‭c. They have led to new discussions about the nature of meaning‬

‭d. They have led to the abandonment of the study of the philosophy of language‬

‭IDA* search is used in what type of problems?‬

‭a. Problems with a large number of possible solutions‬

‭b. Problems with a small number of solutions‬

‭c. Problems with a known solution‬

‭d. Problems with a fixed number of steps‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of either event A or‬

‭B occurring?‬
‭a. 1‬

‭b. 0.6‬

‭c. 0.4‬

‭d. 0.1‬

‭What is an example of a real-world application of fuzzy logic?‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. Automatic temperature control systems‬

‭b. Automatic traffic control systems‬

‭c. Automatic image recognition systems‬

‭d. Automatic stock trading systems‬

‭In a binary cost matrix, what do the elements in the first row and first column represent?‬

‭a. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is negative‬

‭b. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is positive‬
‭c. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is positive‬

‭d. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is negative‬

I‭n a binary cost matrix, what do the elements in the second row and second column‬

‭a. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is negative‬

‭b. The cost of predicting the positive class when the actual class is positive‬

‭c. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is negative‬

‭d. The cost of predicting the negative class when the actual class is positive‬

‭In which of the following scenarios would a heuristic search algorithm be least useful?‬

‭Select one:‬
‭a. When the search space is small and the optimal solution is important‬

‭b. When the search space is large and the optimal solution is important‬

‭c. When the search space is large and the optimal solution is not important‬

‭d. When the search space is small and the optimal solution is not important‬

‭ hat is the main advantage of heuristic search algorithms over traditional search algorithms,‬
‭such as breadth-first or depth-first‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. They use less memory‬

‭b. They can find solutions more quickly in some cases‬

‭c. They are faster‬

‭d. They can find solutions more accurately in some cases‬

‭What is an example of a heuristic search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. A* search‬

‭b. Depth-first search‬

‭c. Breadth-first search‬

‭d. Dijkstra's algorithm‬

‭What is the primary benefit of using a cost matrix to assess and manage risks?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It allows for the identification of previously unrecognized risks‬

‭b. It provides a comprehensive analysis of risks‬

‭c. It allows for the quantification of risks‬

‭d. It allows for quick and easy comparison of risks‬

‭What are some factors that can influence an individual's subjective probability?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The outcome of a coin flip‬

‭b. Personal beliefs, opinions, and experiences‬

‭c. All of the above‬


‭d. Objective, observable data and statistical analysis‬

‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "conflict resolution rule" is used to:‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Ensure that the belief and plausibility functions are properly normalized‬

‭b. Combine the beliefs and plausibilities of multiple events‬

‭c. Calculate the probability of an event occurring‬

‭d. Resolve conflicts between the beliefs and plausibilities of multiple events‬
‭In first-order predicate logic, what is a Herbrand interpretation?‬

‭a. A set of logical symbols that satisfy a given formula‬

‭b. A set of objects that satisfy a given formula‬

‭c. A set of functions that satisfy a given formula‬

‭d. A set of predicates that satisfy a given formula‬

‭Can subjective probabilities be used to make decisions in a group setting?‬

‭ . Yes, subjective probabilities can be used to make group decisions by relying on a majority‬

‭ . Yes, subjective probabilities can be used to inform group decisions by taking into account‬
‭the beliefs, opinions, and‬

‭experiences of all group members‬

‭ . No, subjective probabilities are based on a coin flip and cannot be used to make group‬

‭ . No, subjective probabilities are based on individual beliefs, opinions, and experiences and‬
‭cannot be used to make group‬


‭In Dempster-Shafer theory, the "plausibility function" is defined as:‬

‭a. The likelihood that an event will occur‬

‭b. The degree of belief that an event will occur‬

‭c. The probability that an event will occur‬

‭d. The level of uncertainty about an event‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬
‭truth of another statement?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Affirming the consequent‬

‭b. Modus ponens‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬

‭d. Modus tollens‬

‭ ow do you calculate the probability of multiple events occurring independently of each‬


‭other using Bayes' theorem?‬

‭a. By using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) / P(B) + P(C) / P(D) + ...‬

‭b. By using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A) * ...‬

‭c. By using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) / P(B) * P(C) / P(D) * ...‬
‭d. By using the formula P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) + P(C|A) + ...‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of event B‬

‭occurring given that event A has already occurred?‬

‭a. 0.6‬

‭b. 0‬

‭c. 0.4‬

‭d. 1‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of either event A or‬

‭B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0.4‬

‭b. 0.1‬
‭c. 0.6‬

‭d. 1‬

I‭n what type of search problem is it guaranteed that a heuristic search algorithm will find the‬
‭optimal solution?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Constraint satisfaction problems‬

‭b. Decision tree problems‬

‭c. None of the above‬

‭d. Traveling salesman problems‬

‭What is the purpose of minmax search?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. To find the minimum value in a set of numbers‬

‭b. To find the optimal move in a two-player game by minimizing the maximum possible loss‬

‭c. To find the maximum value in a set of numbers‬

‭d. To find the optimal move in a two-player game by maximizing the minimum possible gain‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.5 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.5,‬
‭what is the probability of neither event A‬

‭nor B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0‬

‭b. 0.5‬

‭c. 1‬

‭d. 0.25‬
‭What is the main disadvantage of using a greedy search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They are not guaranteed to find the optimal solution‬

‭b. They are not guaranteed to find a solution‬

‭c. They can be slow when searching large spaces‬

‭d. They may not consider all possible options before making a decision‬

I‭n what type of search problem is it guaranteed that a heuristic search algorithm will find the‬

‭optimal solution in a reasonable amount‬

‭of time?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. None of the above‬

‭b. Decision tree problems‬

‭c. Constraint satisfaction problems‬

‭d. Traveling salesman problems‬

‭ hich of the following is NOT a way in which Gödel's incompleteness theorems have‬
‭influenced the field of philosophy of‬


‭Select one:‬

‭a. They have sparked debates about the relationship between mathematics and reality‬

‭b. They have led to new discussions about the nature of mathematical truth‬

‭c. They have led to the development of new philosophical theories about mathematics‬

‭d. They have led to the abandonment of the study of the philosophy of mathematics‬

‭ ow is the maximum entropy distribution found in maximum entropy without explicit‬


‭Select one:‬
‭a. By using a gradient descent algorithm‬

‭b. By using a support vector machine algorithm‬

‭c. By using a least squares algorithm‬

‭d. By using an iterative optimization algorithm‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of event B‬

‭occurring given that event A has already occurred?‬

‭a. 0.6‬

‭b. 0‬

‭c. 0.4‬

‭d. 1‬
‭How often is the medical terminology in LEXMED updated?‬

‭a. Weekly‬

‭b. Monthly‬

‭c. Annually‬

‭d. Daily‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬
‭what is the probability of neither event A‬

‭nor B occurring?‬

‭a. 0.4‬

‭b. 0‬

‭c. 1‬

‭d. 0.6‬
‭ hat is the main advantage of using iterative deepening over a breadth-first search‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. It allows the search to cover more nodes in more time‬

‭b. It allows the search to cover fewer nodes in more time‬

‭c. It allows the search to cover fewer nodes in less time‬

‭d. It allows the search to cover more nodes in less time‬

‭In what year was the godelization process first described by Kurt Godel?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 1931‬

‭b. 1952‬
‭c. 1975‬

‭d. 1879‬

‭What is the main disadvantage of using a greedy search algorithm?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They can be slow when searching large spaces‬


‭b. They are not guaranteed to find the optimal solution‬

‭c. They may not consider all possible options before making a decision‬

‭d. They are not guaranteed to find a solution‬

‭Which of the following statements about Gödel's incompleteness theorems is NOT true?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. They prove that all formal systems are complete‬

‭b. They demonstrate the inherent limitations of any formal system‬

‭c. They show that some statements within a formal system are undecidable‬
‭d. They prove that all formal systems are consistent‬

I‭n uncertain knowledge, which of the following is a valid inference rule that allows you to‬
‭infer the truth of a statement based on the‬

‭truth of its opposite?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. Modus tollens‬

‭b. Modus ponens‬

‭c. Denying the antecedent‬

‭d. Affirming the consequent‬

‭What is the "fuzzy envelope" in the context of fuzzy logic?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The area of uncertainty surrounding a fuzzy set‬

‭b. The area of probabilistic values surrounding a fuzzy set‬

‭c. The area of precision surrounding a fuzzy set‬

‭d. The area of heuristic values surrounding a fuzzy set‬


‭What does "P(A)" represent in Bayes' theorem?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The probability of event A occurring regardless of whether event B has occurred or not‬

‭b. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has occurred‬

‭c. The probability of event B occurring given that event A has occurred‬

‭d. The probability of event A occurring given that event B has not occurred‬

‭ hat is the relationship between the maximum entropy distribution and the underlying‬
‭distribution in maximum entropy without‬
‭explicit constraints?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. The maximum entropy distribution is the same as the underlying distribution‬

‭b. The maximum entropy distribution is independent of the underlying distribution‬

‭c. The maximum entropy distribution is similar to the underlying distribution‬

‭d. The maximum entropy distribution is different from the underlying distribution‬

I‭f the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4,‬

‭what is the probability of neither event A‬

‭nor B occurring?‬

‭Select one:‬

‭a. 0‬
‭b. 0.4‬

‭c. 1‬

‭d. 0.6‬

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