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Name: ________________________

Hour: ____ Date: ___________

Chemistry: Balancing Chemical Equations
Directions: First, balance each of the chemical equations below. Then, classify each reaction as synthesis,
decomposition, single-replacement, or double-replacement. To earn full credit, write the words out
when classifying.

Balance the equation… …and classify it.

1. ____ Sb + ____ Cl2  ____SbCl3 ________________________

2. ____ Mg + ____O2  ____MgO ________________________

3. ____ CaCl2  ____ Ca + ____ Cl2 ________________________

4. ____ NaClO3  ____ NaCl + ____ O2 ________________________

5. ____ Fe + ____ HCl  ____ FeCl2 + ____ H2 ________________________

6. ____ CuO + ____ H2  ____ Cu + ____ H2O ________________________

7. ____ Al + ____ H2SO4  ____ Al2(SO4)3 + ____ H2 ________________________

8. ____ MgBr2 + ____ Cl2  ____ MgCl2 + ____ Br2 ________________________

9. ____ SnO2 + ____ C  ____ Sn + ____ CO ________________________

10. ____ Pb(NO3)2 + ____ H2S  ____ PbS + ____ HNO3 ________________________

11. ____ HgO  ____ Hg + ____ O2 ________________________

12. ____ KClO3  ____ KCl + ____ O2 ________________________

13. ____ N2 + ____ H2  ____ NH3 ________________________

14. ____ NaBr + ____ Cl2  ____ NaCl + ____ Br2 ________________________

15. ____ Zn + ____ AgNO3  ____ Zn(NO3)2 + ____ Ag ________________________

16. ____ Sn + ____ Cl2  ____ SnCl4 ________________________

17. ____ Ba(OH)2  ____ BaO + ____ H2O ________________________

Balance the equation… …and classify it.

18. ____ Mg(OH)2 + ____ HCl  ____ MgCl2 + ____ H2O ________________________

19. ____ Na2CO3 + ____ HCl  ____ NaCl + ____ H2CO3 ________________________

20. ____ NH4NO2  ____ N2 + ____ H2O ________________________

21. ____ N2 + ____ O2  ____ N2O5 ________________________

22. ____ MgCO3  ____ MgO + ____ CO2 ________________________

23. ____ KBr + ____ Cl2  ____ KCl + ____ Br2 ________________________

24. ____ Zn + ____ CuSO4  ____ Cu + ____ ZnSO4 ________________________

25. ____ P + ____ O2  ____ P4O6 ________________________

26. ____ SrBr2 + ____ (NH4)2CO3  ____ SrCO3 + ____ NH4Br ________________________

27. ____ AgNO3 + ____ (NH4)2CrO4  ____ Ag2CrO4 + ____ NH4NO3 ________________________

28. ____ K + ____ H2O  ____ KOH + ____ H2 ________________________

29. ____ Al + ____ Pb(NO3)2  ____ Al(NO3)3 + ____ Pb ________________________

30. ____ Fe + ____ O2  ____ Fe3O4 ________________________

31. ____ Li + ____ O2  ____ Li2O ________________________

32. ____ ZnCl2 + ____ KOH  ____ Zn(OH)2 + ____ KCl ________________________

33. ____ Fe3O4 + ____ H2  ____ Fe + ____ H2O ________________________

34. ____ Pb(NO3)2  ____ Pb + ____ NO2 + ____ O2 ________________________

35. ____ H2O  ____ H2 + ____ O2 ________________________

36. ____ Mg + ____ N2  ____ Mg3N2 ________________________

W 301
Balancing Equations Worksheet
1) ___ H3PO4 + ___ KOH Æ ___ K3PO4 + ___ H2O
2) ___ K + ___ B2O3 Æ ___ K2O + ___ B
3) ___ HCl + ___ NaOH Æ ___ NaCl + ___ H2O
4) ___ Na + ___ NaNO3 Æ ___ Na2O + ___ N2
5) ___ C + ___ S8 Æ ___ CS2
6) ___ Na + ___ O2 Æ ___ Na2O
7) ___ N2 + ___ O2 Æ ___ N2O5
8) ___ H3PO4 + ___ Mg(OH)2 Æ ___ Mg3(PO4)2 + ___ H2O
9) ___ NaOH + ___ H2CO3 Æ ___ Na2CO3 + ___ H2O
10) ___ KOH + ___ HBr Æ ___ KBr + ___ H2O
11) ___ Na + ___ O2 Æ ___ Na2O
12) ___ Al (OH)3 + ___ H2CO3 Æ ___ Al2(CO3)3 + ___ H2O
13) ___ Al + ___ S8 Æ ___ Al2S3
14) ___ Cs + ___ N2 Æ ___ Cs3N
15) ___ Mg + ___ Cl2 Æ ___ MgCl2
16) ___ Rb + ___ RbNO3 Æ ___ Rb2O + ___ N2
17) ___ C6H6 + ___ O2 Æ ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
18) ___ N2 + ___ H2 Æ ___ NH3
19) ___ C10H22 + ___ O2 Æ ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
20) ___ Al(OH)3 + ___ HBr Æ ___ AlBr3 + ___ H2O
21) ___ CH3CH2CH2CH3 + ___ O2 Æ ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
22) ___ C3H8 + ___ O2 Æ ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
23) ___ Li + ___ AlCl3 Æ ___ LiCl + ___ Al
24) ___ C2H6 + ___ O2 Æ ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
25) ___ NH4OH + ___ H3PO4 Æ ___ (NH4)3PO4 + ___ H2O
26) ___ Rb + ___ P Æ ___ Rb3P
27) ___ CH4 + ___ O2 Æ ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
28) ___ Al(OH)3 + ___ H2SO4 Æ ___ Al2(SO4)3 + ___ H2O
29) ___ Na + ___ Cl2 Æ ___ NaCl
30) ___ Rb + ___ S8 Æ ___ Rb2S
31) ___ H3PO4 + ___ Ca(OH)2 Æ ___ Ca3(PO4)2 + ___ H2O
32) ___ NH3 + ___ HCl Æ ___ NH4Cl
33) ___ Li + ___ H2O Æ ___ LiOH + ___ H2
34) ___ Ca3(PO4)2 + ___ SiO2 + ___ C Æ ___ CaSiO3 + ___ CO + ___ P
35) ___ NH3 + ___ O2 Æ ___ N2 + ___ H2O
36) ___ FeS2 + ___ O2 Æ ___ Fe2O3 + ___ SO2
37) ___ C + ___ SO2 Æ ___ CS2 + ___ CO

Everett Community College Tutoring Center


Chapter  6  Homework:  
Vocabulary.    The  following  terms  are  defined  and  explained  in  the  text.    Make  sure  
that  you  are  familiar  with  the  meanings  of  the  terms  as  used  in  chemistry.    
Understand  that  you  may  have  been  given  incomplete  or  mistaken  meanings  for  
these  terms  in  earlier  courses.    The  meanings  given  in  the  text  are  correct  and  
Decomposition  reaction   Combination  reaction   Single  replacement  
Double  replacement   Precipitation  reaction   Supernatant  liquid  
(metathesis)  reaction  
Precipitate   Combustion  reaction   Balanced  chemical  
Reactant(s)   Product(s)   Coefficients  
Optional  symbols      
A.    Balance  the  following  chemical  equations.  
1. Fe  +  O2  →  Fe2O3  
2. C2H4  +  O2  →  CO2  +  H2O  
3. P2O5  +  H2O  →  H3PO4  
4. Al4C3  +  H2O  →  Al(OH)3  +  CH4  
5. NH4NO3  →  N2  +  O2  +  H2O  
6. Na2O  +  H2O  →  NaOH  
7. Na2SiO3  +  HF  →  H2SiO3  +  NaF    
8. C3H5N3O9  →  CO2  +  N2  +  O2  +  H2O  
9. NaHCO3  +  H3C6H5O7  →  CO2  +  H2O  +  Na3C6H5O7  
10.  KClO3  →  KCl  +  O2  
Honors Chemistry Name: ___________________
Writing and Balancing Equations Worksheet
STO.1 Balance a chemical equation.
STO.2 Identify the parts of a chemical equation.
RXN.1 Describe a chemical reaction using words and symbolic equations.

For each of the following problems, write complete chemical equations to describe the chemical
process taking place. Balance the equations.
1) When lithium hydroxide pellets are added to a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), lithium
sulfate and water are formed.

2) Magnesium reacts with sodium fluoride to produce magnesium fluoride and elemental

3) If a copper coil is placed into a solution of silver nitrate, silver crystals form and copper (I)
nitrate is generated.

4) When crystalline C6H12O6 is burned in oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor are formed.

5) Calcium carbonate combines with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to produce calcium chloride,
water and carbon dioxide gas.

Balance the equations below:

1) ____ N2 + ____ H2  ____ NH3

2) ____ KClO3  ____ KCl + ____ O2

3) ____ NaCl + ____ F2  ____ NaF + ____ Cl2

4) ____ H2 + ____ O2  ____ H2O

5) ____ Pb(OH)2 + ____ HCl  ____ H2O + ____ PbCl2

6) ____ AlBr3 + ____ K2SO4  ____ KBr + ____ Al2(SO4)3

7) ____ CH4 + ____ O2  ____ CO2 + ____ H2O

8) ____ C3H8 + ____ O2  ____ CO2 + ____ H2O

9) ____ C8H18 + ____ O2  ____ CO2 + ____ H2O

10) ____ FeCl3 + ____ NaOH  ____ Fe(OH)3 + ____NaCl

11) ____ P + ____O2  ____P2O5

Honors Chemistry Name: ___________________
Writing and Balancing Equations Worksheet
12) ____ Na + ____ H2O  ____ NaOH + ____H2

13) ____ Ag2O  ____ Ag + ____O2

14) ____ S8 + ____O2  ____ SO3

15) ____ CO2 + ____ H2O  ____ C6H12O6 + ____O2

16) ____ K + ____ MgBr2  ____ KBr + ____ Mg

17) ____ HCl + ____ CaCO3  ____ CaCl2 + ____H2O + ____ CO2

18) ____ HNO3 + ____ NaHCO3  ____ NaNO3 + ____ H2O + ____ CO2

19) ____ H2O + ____ O2  ____ H2O2

20) ____ NaBr + ____ CaF2  ____ NaF + ____ CaBr2

21) ____ H2SO4 + ____ NaNO2  ____ HNO2 + ____ Na2SO4

Word Equations
Write the word equations below as chemical equations and balance:
1) Zinc and lead (II) nitrate react to form zinc nitrate and lead.

2) Aluminum bromide and chlorine gas react to form aluminum chloride and bromine gas.

3) Sodium phosphate and calcium chloride react to form calcium phosphate and sodium

4) Potassium metal and chlorine gas combine to form potassium chloride.

5) Aluminum and hydrochloric acid react to form aluminum chloride and hydrogen gas.

6) Calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid react to form calcium phosphate and water.

7) Copper and sulfuric acid react to form copper (II) sulfate and water and sulfur dioxide.

8) Hydrogen gas and nitrogen monoxide react to form water and nitrogen gas.

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