GR 09 Pt1-Mathematics Sample QN Paper

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Time: 1:15 min No. of pages: 3
Maximum Marks: 30 Date: 12-06-2023
General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory.
 Section -A consists of 6 multiple choice questions which carry one mark each.
 Section -B consists of 2 questions which carry 2 marks each.
 Section-C consists of 2 questions which carry 3 marks each.
 Section-D consists of 2 questions which carry 3 marks.
 Section-E consists of one case study question which carries 4 marks.
 Internal choices are given for Sections C and D: Qns:9, 10, 11 and 12. Attempt
only one-(A) or (B)
Multiple choice questions(1mark)
1. If 2+ √ 12 = a+b √3 , then the value of b is
(a) 12 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2
2. Which of the following is a point in second quadrant?
(a) (4,2) (b) ¿,1) (c) (-3,-3) (d) (3 ,−1)
3. The Abscissa and ordinates are of the same sign in which quadrant or quadrants?
(a) I & II quadrants (b)only II quadrant
(c) only lll quadrant (d) l & III quadrants
4. The equation of x axis is
(a) x=0(b) y =0 (c )x=k (d )x = y
5. The semi-perimeter of a triangle of sides 10cm, 12cm and 18cm is
(a) 40cm (b)20cm (c) 60cm (d)15cm
6. DIRECTION: a statement of Reason (R) follows a statement of assertion (A). Choose the
correct option.
Statement A (Assertion): A linear equation 5x+3y=2 has unique solution
Statement R(Reason): a linear equation in two variables has infinitely many solutions.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true

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Answer the following questions (2marks)
7. Find the area of an equilateral triangle having perimeter 30cm.

8. Locate √3 on the number line.

Long answer questions (3marks)
9. (A) Rationalize the denominator and find the values of ‘a’ and ‘b’,
√ 5+2 =a+ b √5
1 1
8 3 x 16 4
(B) Simplify using laws of exponents and show that 2 =1
10. (A)
i. Plot the points P(4 , 1) and Q(−2 , 5) in a Cartesian plane (in graph paper).
ii. Find the coordinates of the points where the line PQ Intersects with the x-axis.
iii. Write the coordinate of a point in the 4th quadrant which lies on the line.


(i) What are the coordinates of position ‘F’ and “D”?

(ii) In which quadrant, the point ‘C’ lie?
(iii) Find the perpendicular distance of the point E from the y-axis.
Answer only (A) or (B). Each question carries 5 marks
11. (A)
i. If x ¿ 2+ √ 3 , find the value of x 2 2
ii. Simplify: √ 75 + √ 48 −√ 12
1 2
iii. Find 3 rational numbers between 5 and 3 .

(B) Simplify and find the value of
i. ¿) ¿)

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( )( ) ( )
3 3 x−3
3 9 3
ii. Find the value of x if 5 25
iii. √ 20 .√ 5 .√ 12

12. (A) Mr. Gopal had some plots which were not in use. He decided to develop the land and
grow some plants. He developed a triangular plot for growing vegetables and fruits.
The sides of a triangular plot are in the ratio 3:5:7 and if its perimeter is 300m, then.
i. Find the sides of the triangular plot.
ii. Find the area of the plot.
iii. Find the cost of developing the plot at a rate of Rs. 30 per m2 (Take√ 3 =1.7)
i. If the area of an equilateral triangle is 25 √ 3 cm2 , then find the side of the
equilateral triangle.
ii. The sides of a triangle are given as 61cm, 60cm, 11 cm. find the area of
the triangle and hence find the altitude to the shortest side.

13. Case study question (4 marks)

i. What are the coordinates of Library and Police station?

ii. What is the distance between the Police station and the school?
iii. Write the equation of the line passing through the library which is parallel to y

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